8 Powerful Crystals for Self-Love
Are you looking for a way to amplify your self-love journey? Below, discover 8 powerful crystals for self-love. These high-vibe crystals will help you to release what no longer serves you so you can focus on the love, joy, and peace you deserve.

Your Self-Love Journey
Self-love is a lifelong journey that involves looking deep within, releasing what no longer serves you, and making space for new beliefs that support your total well-being.
It also involves a lot of self-compassion.
Because, as much as I sometimes wish it was, the journey to unconditional self-love isn’t linear. Sometimes, you might feel like you’re on top of the world, only for something to happen that causes you to crash land back to earth, leaving you to desperately try to pick up the pieces.
And that’s okay. It’s okay that the journey can be a little messy at times, because that’s what being a human is all about. We often thrive in that space of messiness, but in our striving to be perfect, we don’t give ourselves time to see that the messy parts of life can sometimes be a gift.
No matter where you are in your self-love journey, I hope you’re able to embrace this moment right now, exactly as you are, without changing a thing. I’ve been on this self-love journey for many years, and I promise, you are so worth the time and energy you invest in yourself.
Because with time, unconditional self-love becomes something you no longer have to try to acquire.
Rather, it becomes who you are.
Below, I’ve listed 8 powerful crystals for self-love. Whether you wear them as jewelry, meditate with them, keep them somewhere you can see throughout the day, or use them in another capacity, these crystals will help you to look within and find the place inside yourself where you hold the key to the unconditional self-love you deserve.
For more details on how to use crystals to protect your energy, manifest your dreams, and help you heal from within, check out my post, How to Use Crystals: Grids, Pendulums & More.
Crystals for Self-Love

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is associated with your heart chakra, which is your body’s energy center for love, peace, compassion, and kindness. When your heart chakra is balanced, you are completely open to giving and receiving love, and you feel a deep sense of connection with others. You also become more accepting and forgiving, and you feel a deep empathy and understanding for friends, loved ones, and even strangers.
But what makes the heart chakra special is that all of these really wonderful qualities it possesses don’t just apply to your relationships with other people; they apply to your relationship with yourself as well.
A balanced heart chakra means that you become more accepting, more forgiving, more understanding, more connected, and more loving towards yourself.
All of your body’s energy centers play an important role in cultivating self-love, but the heart chakra plays arguably the most important role of all.
And Rose Quartz is undoubtedly one of the most powerful crystals in helping you to heal, balance, and restore harmony to your heart chakra. Rose Quartz is a crystal that gently guides you to a place of pure love and light. It’s known as the stone of unconditional love, and it works for every relationship in your life: romantic relationships, friendships, familial connections, and maybe most importantly, your relationship with yourself.
What makes Rose Quartz so special is that it doesn’t just work at the surface to cover up your old wounds and current pain like a band-aid. Rather, it goes deep beneath the surface to heal those wounds completely.
Once your heart has been fully healed, you’re able to truly nurture the relationship you have with yourself. You become more compassionate and forgiving with yourself, and you realize that you are worthy of love exactly as you are, without having to change a thing.
From personal experience, I can tell you that I spent many years with an imbalanced heart chakra. I believed that I had to be absolutely perfect to be loved, and I tore myself apart constantly. But when I began working with my heart chakra, I finally realized that none of these limiting beliefs were true. Rose Quartz was one of the powerful crystals I used during this time, and I was (and still am) often pulled to its gentle, loving energy.
Are you having trouble allowing yourself to accept love, both from yourself and others? When I first started my self-love journey, the universe softly placed into my heart this practice that I still use to this day: whenever my inner bully spoke to me from within, instead of trying to suppress it, I acknowledged its presence. And then I would place my hands out in front of me with my palms facing the sky, and I’d softly say, “I accept love. I receive love.” I’d then let myself feel the love of the universe entirely. For me, this practice meant that even though I wasn’t perfect, and even though the inner bully was speaking, I was worthy of love, and I allowed myself to be loved in that moment.

Like Rose Quartz, Rhodonite is a beautiful heart chakra healing stone that promotes unconditional self-love. It helps you to heal old wounds as well as gain confidence and cultivate deep compassion within your mind, body, and spirit.
What makes Rhodonite really special, though, is its characteristics that have caused it to be known as the rescue stone. Rhodonite is a powerful aid if you’ve experienced trauma, emotional abuse, and other deep emotional pain that’s caused you to construct barriers around your heart. This stone will gently help you to dismantle these barriers so you’re no longer tied to the negative emotions of the past.
If you’ve experienced deep emotional heartache, trauma, or pain that has caused your self-love and self-worth to be diminished, Rhodonite is the stone that will help you to mend your heartbreak, heal your pain, and move on from the past with a newfound confidence.
(And it’s also a really powerful stone if you need to forgive yourself or someone else so you can finally release the shadows of the past that have been weighing down on you.)

To finish up the R triology, Rhodochrosite is a lesser known stone that shouldn’t be overlooked when it comes to cultivating feelings of unconditional self-love, compassion, and positivity. This is another heart chakra stone, and I especially like this one specifically for promoting self-love and working on your own inner world. Its powerful energy is specifically geared toward going within, opening your heart, and embracing wholehearted self-love.
Rhodochrosite works with your heart chakra to lift your spirits and boost your self-worth. If you feel like you’ve been living in a fog, this stone clears away the haze and stimulates a bright, sunny outlook. This is another powerful stone that can heal past trauma and pain by gently bringing repressed emotions to the surface so you can let them go.
One profound aspect of this stone’s properties is its ability to guide you toward self-forgiveness. If you’ve been clinging onto mistakes you’ve made in the past, this crystal will help you to clear out any negative thoughts and feelings you have toward yourself, opening up a gateway to unconditional self-love.
Just like you’d clean a new house before moving into it, you want to make sure to cleanse any new crystals you get to remove the old energy of previous owners. Here are a few methods for cleansing crystals:
- Sage: Light your sage and immerse the crystal in the smoke for thirty to sixty seconds. Be sure to use a firesafe bowl or abalone shell to catch burning embers and ash. It’s best to do this outside or near an open window.
- Water: Rinse your stone under the running water of a creek or stream. If this isn’t possible, you can also use a faucet. Just be sure to check first that this is safe for your stone.
- Use Selenite or Clear Quartz: Both of these crystals have the ability to cleanse and purify other crystals. Lay your crystal on top of (or next to, as long as they’re touching) a piece of Selenite or Clear Quartz for at least twenty-four hours.
- Nature: Place your crystals outside on the soil, on the branches of a tree, on a potted plant, or anywhere else outdoors where you feel a sense of peace and balance. If possible, try to keep your crystals outside for at least a full day, avoiding dew and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Pink Opal
Pink Opal is often known as the “Stone of Resolution,” which may give you a glimpse into what makes this stone so special for promoting self-love. Often, what holds us back from accepting love from ourselves is the pain of past hurts and old wounds we still haven’t resolved. You may also experience deep fear that keeps you stuck in one place for too long. This resolution stone helps you to resolve the pain and fear you hold deep within. In turn, this opens up the stagnant energy you may be holding in your heart chakra and promotes the flow of energy deep within this energy center.
An added bonus to using Pink Opal is its ability to promote calm within. If you’re feeling stressed, tense, or anxious, this stone will gently restore peace and tranquility within your mind, body, and spirit.

What do you think about when you think of the ocean? Maybe its beautiful, bluish green hue. Maybe its calming allure. Maybe the strength and resilience it represents. Or the way it seems to reach deep inside of you whenever you look out on it, cleansing and restoring your soul.
Aquamarine is a great alternative to the stones I’ve listed above (you can always choose to pair two of these crystals together to strengthen their benefits) if you feel a deep connection to the sea or water. All of the qualities of the ocean I listed are also represented in this powerful healing stone.
Like the waves of the ocean, Aquamarine will wash away the negative feelings that pervade your being and instill a sense of tranquility and calm within. This is especially true if you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or fearful. This stone gently guides you to go with the flow and cultivates deep inner peace.
By working with the throat chakra, Aquamarine will help you to find your courage and speak your truth. It’s a powerful stone for promoting self-worth as well as bringing forth your inner strength and resilience. (In fact, it’s known as a stone of calm and courage.) All of these attributes combine to ease you into a place of unconditional, wholehearted self-love.

Just like you can associate Aquamarine with the ocean, you might think of Moonstone like the night sky: glittering with radiant light, expansive, and filled with endless depths just waiting to be explored.
And just like the sky, you also possess endless depths within. Moonstone is the stone that will guide you to discover these expansive, hidden depths inside of you.
This stone is all about your divine, feminine energy. Working with your sacral chakra, it unlocks your inner goddess and brings forth your confidence, creativity, and sensuality. Furthermore, it also works with your third eye chakra to enhance your intuition and help you to get in touch with your inner knowing. As a result, you’re less likely to get frazzled by external circumstances because you possess deep clarity and understanding within.
This is the perfect stone for embracing your beautiful, divine, passionate self, connecting to your intuition, and exploring the deepest parts within you.
Want to learn more about crystals? Check out these posts!

Clear Quartz
In some ways, using Clear Quartz almost feels like you’re cheating. Why? Because it actually works with all of your chakras to promote balance, harmony, and peace within. Clear Quartz is known as a master healer due to its ability to heal any and all spiritual and emotional imbalances among your energy centers. This is the stone you’re going to want with you for the long run. It works to get rid of negative energy and promotes a sense of positivity and joy within.
This is a crystal of light and high vibrations, and it’s also a crystal that will guide you when you’re feeling lost and unsure what you want out of life. One of my favorite aspects about Clear Quartz is its powerful ability to support you during your entire journey, from the moment you set your goals to taking each next step. When you can’t see the path ahead of you, Clear Quartz will not only reveal it to you, but it’ll navigate you through all of the fallen trees, forks in the road, and unplanned stops along the way.

Blue Lace Agate
When I first started learning about crystals, Blue Lace Agate was one of the very first stones to immediately jump out at me, and it has been one of my absolute favorites ever since. This stone is foremost known as a calming stone. If your life is often filled with stressful situations, this is the stone you want to calm your inner anxiety and release tension. For me, this is my go-to stone whenever I need to inhale peace and release what no longer serves me.
Stress, anxiety, worry, and fear can often be a distraction in your journey of self-discovery and self-love because they pull you away from the present moment. Instead of focusing on the present moment, these negative emotions leave you replaying the past or worrying about the future. That’s why I love using Blue Lace Agate as part of my self-love toolkit: because it gently guides me back to the present moment and instills me with a sense of calm and tranquility.
An added bonus to using this stone is that it’s associated with the throat chakra and is used to help you clarify your thoughts and express yourself clearly.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from your true self, hold Blue Lace Agate in your hands as you focus on your breathing, and allow it to guide you back to yourself.
Want to discover more about the powerful healing nature of crystals? Be sure to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m adding high-quality pins to my Crystals board all the time! Plus, I even have a board on chakras and self-love! I’d love to connect with you, so don’t forget to say hi!
Are you curious to learn more about chakras? Check out my chakra series below!

Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.