Scripting Manifestation Examples: A How-To Guide
In this article, get powerful scripting manifestation examples to help you script your dreams and manifest your desires into your reality. Plus, get suggested sentences and sentence starters to help you feel as if you truly already have all of your deepest dreams in the present moment. Save these sentences and sentence starters as a PDF file to your phone, tablet, or laptop, or print and keep them in your scripting journal for extra inspiration.
Pin this for later! Scripting Manifestation Examples: A How-To Guide What Is Scripting?
When you were younger, did you ever keep a diary to capture everything that had happened that day on paper? You might’ve started your journal or diary entry with what you ate for breakfast and narrated the events that happened throughout the day. Maybe you described your emotions as you encountered different experiences: the feeling of joy when you got to play with your best friend or anger when another kid did something to make you mad.
In many ways, scripting is similar to how you might have written a diary entry when you were younger, except you’re using visualization to script a day in your perfect, dream life.
So what exactly is scripting? Scripting is the practice of writing about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest.
For instance, if you want to manifest your dream job, you can script a typical day in the life of your dream job as though you already have it right now. If you want to manifest better health, you can write about how it feels to be perfectly healthy, fit, and strong. And if you want to manifest love, you can script a day in the life with your perfect partner, as though this person is already in your life in this moment.
The key to unlock the magic of scripting is not just to write the words but to truly feel the positive emotions of already having everything you desire. Allow yourself to feel loved, joyful, peaceful, free, happy, healthy, and loved now. When you invite these feelings into your inner world, you become a magnet for even more positive feelings and experiences to manifest in your outer world.
Want to manifest love? Feel loved now.
Want to manifest wealth? Feel abundant now.
Want to manifest the life of your dreams? Feel as though you’re already living it right now.
- Want to learn more about scripting? Click here to discover more scripting tips, plus get your free Law of Attraction scripting template!
Start Scripting Your Dream Life With The 30-Day Manifestation Journal
Do you want to fully immerse yourself in the positive vibrations of all your dreams and desires? Check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop! Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. Comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal or print and hand write! Click here to learn more!
Scripting Manifestation Examples
To help you get started with scripting, I’ve written some scripting manifestation examples below. In the first example, I’ve written in past tense, as if I’m writing a diary entry at the end of the day, replaying everything that’s happened that day. In the second example, I write the same script in present tense, as if I’m experiencing these moments right now.
Either past or present tense is fine for scripting; use the tense that feels best to you. The only rule is that you don’t want to use future tense when you script. It’s never, “I will have the perfect dream job.” Rather, you’re writing as though you already have the perfect dream job right now.
Additionally, I’ve included some suggested sentences and sentence starters you can include in your scripts to help you truly feel as if you already have your dreams and desires in this present moment. Use these sentences and sentence starters to embrace the feelings of gratitude and appreciation for all that you’ve manifested in your life.
Scripting Manifestation Examples: Past Tense
Dear Universe,
Today was truly an extraordinary day. When I woke up, I was greeted with warm rays of sunshine brushing against my cheeks. It felt like a gentle, loving message from the Universe welcoming me to this new day. After a restful night of sleep, I felt energized and ready to greet the day. Careful not to wake up my love sleeping next to me, I awoke and headed to the kitchen, where a fresh pot of coffee waited for me. I spent the first hour of my morning journaling and meditating. Then, I went for a beautiful walk in the foothills behind my home. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more calm and at peace. I knew in every cell of my body that everything was working out perfectly for me, just as it always does.
I spent my day doing what I love. I connected with beautiful souls and offered meaningful help to others. I’m still in awe that this life is really mine. An old client of mine sent me an email thanking me for making such a positive difference in her life. She is now living the life she loves and helping others do the same. I can’t think of anything in the world more incredible than this feeling. I can see now how living the life of my dreams is the most selfless thing I can do for this world. When I spread my light, another person feels empowered to spread theirs, and then another spreads theirs, and this continues. I am so grateful I get to be part of this beautiful experience.
And another miracle: I received an unexpected check for more money than I’ve ever made in a single day! I still can’t believe it. The money came to me in the energy of love, bringing harm to no one. I feel so happy and grateful to know that every time I spend money in the energy of love, I receive even more in return. I used to believe that money was limited, but now I know that money is abundant, and there is more than enough to go around for all of us.
I spent the evening with my love. We cooked dinner together (taco night!) and watched TV together snuggled up on the couch. As my love held me, I’ve never felt safer or more treasured, cherished, and adored. Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with unconditional love. I am so grateful for the miracles that brought us together, and I will never take a second of this life for granted.
Today was a miracle. Just like yesterday was; just like tomorrow will be. I feel so grateful to live this life of mine. I am receiving more and more every day, and it just keeps getting better.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
— Me
Scripting Manifestation Examples: Present Tense
Dear Universe,
What a beautiful day! As I wake up this morning, I’m greeted with warm rays of sunshine brushing against my cheeks. It feels like a gentle, loving message from the Universe welcoming me to this new day. After a restful night of sleep, I feel energized and ready to greet this beautiful day. Careful not to wake up my love sleeping next to me, I gently arise from the bed and head to the kitchen, where a fresh pot of coffee awaits. I spend the first hour of my morning journaling and meditating, which is my absolute favorite way to start the morning. I feel serene and peaceful as I go for a beautiful walk in the foothills behind my home. A sense of calm radiates throughout my entire being. I know in every cell of my body that everything is always working out perfectly for me, just as it always has and just as it always will.
I feel so grateful that I get to spend this day doing what I love. I connect with beautiful souls and offer meaningful help to others. I’m still in awe that this life is really mine. In the middle of my work day, an email pops up from an old client of mine. In this email, she thanks me for making such a positive difference in her life. She is now living the life she loves and helping others do the same. I can’t think of anything in the world more incredible than this feeling. I can see now how living the life of my dreams is the most selfless thing I can do for this world. When I spread my light, another person feels empowered to spread theirs, and then another spreads theirs, and this continues. I am so grateful I get to be part of this beautiful experience.
Just when I think today can’t get any more perfect, an unexpected check for more money than I’ve ever made in a single day comes to me in miraculous, divine timing. I still can’t believe it. The money comes to me in the energy of love, bringing harm to no one. I feel so happy and grateful to know that every time I spend money in the energy of love, I receive even more in return. I used to believe that money was limited, but now I know that money is abundant, and there is more than enough to go around for all of us.
To top off this perfect day, I spend the evening with my love. We cook dinner together (taco night!) and watch TV together snuggled up on the couch. As my love holds me, I feel safe, protected, treasured, cherished, and adored. Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with unconditional love. I am so grateful for the miracles that brought us together, and I will never take a second of this life for granted.
Today is a miracle. Just like yesterday was; just like tomorrow will be. I feel so grateful to live this life of mine. I am receiving more and more every day, and it just keeps getting better.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
— Me
Suggested Sentences & Sentence Starters
Click to save these suggested sentences and sentence starters as a PDF! Save to any device or print and keep in your scripting journal to refer back to whenever you need extra inspiration. - I am receiving more and more every day.
- I am ready and able to receive even more abundance.
- My life is pure magic.
- What an incredible feeling it is to know that everything I give, I gain back tenfold.
- I am so grateful that I get to live the life I love every single day.
- My life just keeps getting better.
- Infinite and unconditional love flows to and through me in all moments.
- I have surpassed all my goals and have exceeded my expectations.
- I am so grateful for the abundance of joy, love, peace, freedom, and prosperity that surrounds my life.
- Miracles and magic are unfolding around me all the time.
- I am so grateful for how everything worked out for my highest good.
- I feel peaceful knowing that I have limitless access to financial prosperity.
- I receive wealth doing what I love while adding value to other people’s lives.
- I am so happy and grateful for . . .
- I am so grateful now that . . .
- Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with . . .
- I am beyond thankful for . . .
- My heart is filled with gratitude for the . . .
- I truly appreciate the . . .
Have you ever manifested something using scripting? What are your favorite scripting tips? Share your experiences in the comment box below!
And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation tips, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
More Manifestation Resources
- Pillow Method For Manifestation: A Complete Guide
- Morning Routine Checklist For Manifestation (Free Printable PDF)
- 11 Powerful Crystals for Manifestation
- How To Manifest Someone (In 6 Simple Steps)
- Manifestation Challenge: Free 30-Day Manifestation Calendar
- Candle Colors For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)
Pin this for later! Scripting Manifestation Examples: A How-To Guide Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.