What Is The Law Of Attraction? (A Complete Guide)
In this article, learn what the Law of Attraction is and how it affects your daily life. Plus, learn how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest your future, and discover how the Law of Attraction is linked to the 12 Laws of the Universe.

What Is The Law Of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction is one of the 12 spiritual laws of the universe. While each of these universal laws is inextricably linked with one another, the Law of Attraction is arguably the most well-known in both popular culture and in the spiritual community.
So what exactly makes the Law of Attraction so special?
To answer this, we first need to understand what the Law of Attraction is and how it affects our daily lives.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like; the vibrations, beliefs, and emotions we put out into the world are what we receive in our lived experiences.
In the most basic sense, this is how it works:
If you approach your daily life emitting feelings of joy, love, and positivity, you receive experiences in your life that mirror these emotions.
But if you maintain a negative attitude in which you always consider yourself the victim and claim that nothing ever works out for you, you’ll continue to receive experiences that reflect this belief.
(There’s a little more to this, though, and we’ll cover that below.)
By understanding how the Law of Attraction works, we can use this law to consciously vibrate at the frequency of what we want to attract. We usually refer to this practice as manifestation.
In this article, we’ll cover how you can use the Law of Attraction to manifest your future, plus we’ll dive deeper into how the other spiritual laws all support the Law of Attraction. (Simply put, you can’t have the Law of Attraction on its own. These laws are all intertwined, and together, they create a special kind of magic. More on that below!)
In This Article:
- How Does The Law Of Attraction Work?
- How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest Your Future
- The 12 Laws Of The Universe
How Does The Law Of Attraction Work?
The Law of Attraction is a profound reminder that your greatest power is always in the present moment.
How often do you check in with your thoughts? Do you ever step back and ask, “What energy am I emitting right now?”
For many of us, it’s easy to replay events of the past or worry about the future. In fact, this may be our status quo. What can I worry about? What unseen challenges ahead can I prepare myself for? How can I protect myself from an uncertain future?
We gravitate towards these types of thoughts because they feel like control.
But the truth is, replaying the same past-based and future-based thoughts isn’t control at all.
Again, your greatest power is in the present moment. Your control over your future is in this present moment. It’s in how you show up for yourself. It’s in the energy you put out into the world.
It’s in your dominant vibration.
To go back to the beginning, like attracts like. If you’re constantly replaying your fears on a loop, you become a vibrational match for the very experiences you fear. (You might refer to this as a self-fulfilling prophecy.)
But when you lean into peace, trust, gratitude, and other powerful, uplifting emotions, you become a vibrational match for more of these types of experiences to manifest in your reality.
That is, in essence, how the Law of Attraction works.
One important note I want to make, though, is this:
This does not mean you have to be happy 100% of the time. And this absolutely does not mean you have to suppress negative thoughts and feelings within. When you suppress energy, it doesn’t go away; rather, it remains inside of you until you’re ready to acknowledge and fully feel it, even if it’s uncomfortable at first.
It’s important to understand this:
There’s a difference between someone who is constantly angry, bitter, and negative about life versus someone who has a pretty positive attitude but just has a bad day every once in a while. Having bad days and low moments just means you’re human.
The key is practicing compassion.
If you can continually practice compassion when you’re experiencing heavy and low moments, that love and compassion you feel for yourself will instantly lift your vibration to a better place.
How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest Your Future
Now, I’m going to share with you what I call the manifestation blueprint.
What often prevents people from becoming confident long-term manifestors is that they treat manifestation like a game. They usually have a fake-it-til-you-make-it mentality. “If I can just remain 100% happy and positive all the time, everything I want will come to me.”
When I first started my journey, that was what I believed. And I’ll tell you, it was exhausting and not mentally sustainable.
The truth is, manifestation is less of a game and more of an art. There’s an ebb and flow between you and the universe that can actually be really easy and feel really good once you learn how to lean into it.
So here’s the manifestation blueprint:
- First, you set an intention based on the authentic, deeply felt dreams that have been placed in your heart.
- You communicate this intention to the Universe. Your positive vibrations are one way of communicating this intention, as by vibrating at the frequency of your desires, you express that you’re ready to receive more of this good-feeling thing. (This is where the Law of Attraction comes in.)
- The Universe works behind the scenes to set everything in motion. It communicates back to you in the form of signs, synchronicities, and most importantly, your own intuition. Being in the vibration of what you desire allows you to receive these signs and inner nudges with clarity. (In contrast, being in a state of stress, worry, and anger will cause you to miss these signs and feelings.)
- Then, you take inspired action based on the communication the Universe has given you. (More on this below.)
- This communication between you and the Universe continues. The Universe sends you signs (usually through your intuition), and you follow your intuition by taking aligned action. Essentially, once the Universe communicates what to do, you do that thing.
- And as you follow this path, you’ll begin to see your dream manifest into your reality. Keep following the nudges. Keep taking inspired action. And stay in the vibration of your dreams and desires so you can receive divine guidance when it comes.
If you want to learn more, I definitely encourage you to check out my article on how to manifest something into your reality here.
The 12 Laws Of The Universe
So now, let’s return to what we discussed in the intro. The Law of Attraction is just one of the 12 Laws of the Universe. If you’re interested in learning more, I go into a deeper explanation of what these 12 laws are in this article.
Here’s a quick list of these 12 spiritual laws:
- Law of Divine Oneness
- Law of Vibration
- Law of Correspondence
- Law of Attraction
- Law of Inspired Action
- Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
- Law of Cause and Effect
- Law of Compensation
- Law of Relativity
- Law of Polarity
- Law of Rhythm
- Law of Gender
I definitely recommend learning more about each of these laws, as the Law of Attraction is only one piece of a larger puzzle.
The Law of Vibration and the Law of Inspired Action are especially important when understanding how the Law of Attraction works, so I’m going to focus on those two right now.
The Law of Vibration
The Law of Vibration states that everything and every being is in a constant state of vibration, always emitting frequencies and energies that often aren’t seen on the surface.
When you hear about the Law of Attraction, you’ll often hear the word vibration being used. “Raise your vibration” and “high vibrations” are common phrases in this space.
But what exactly does this mean?
Everything is always in constant motion. If you walk outside, you’ll see that everything in nature holds a different energy, or vibrational frequency. The energy of the sun is different than the energy of the trees, which is different than the energy of your car.
You, too, hold a vibrational frequency. This frequency can and often does change.
Once you understand that you possess your own vibrational frequency, you realize you have the power to tune your frequency to a higher vibration.
The vibrational frequency you emit has a profound effect on your daily experience. When you operate at a higher frequency, you invite a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment into your world.
So the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration are inextricably intertwined: the vibration you emit into the world is what you’re attracting.
I also like to think of it like this:
What are you moving towards right now? Are you moving towards stress? Worry? Anger? Are you moving towards peace? Trust? Freedom? Every feeling and emotion holds its own vibration.
What you’re moving towards is moving towards you, too.
Or, rather, the vibration you’re moving towards is also moving towards you.
The Law of Inspired Action
This is a big one. In fact, this is the primary reason why people claim the Law of Attraction doesn’t work: because they’re skipping this foundational universal law.
Simply put, you can’t have the Law of Attraction without the Law of Inspired Action.
So what exactly is this law?
The Law of Inspired Action states that you must take real, actionable, inspired steps in order to achieve your goals and invite your manifestations into your life.
Here’s how I like to explain it:
What you want also wants you. Do you long to experience true love? True love wants you, too. Are you seeking financial prosperity? Financial prosperity wants you, too.
It was never about becoming more worthy of these things. You are already infinitely worthy of what you desire. It’s simply about becoming an energetic match for these positive experiences to enter your life.
Once you start vibrating at the frequency of love and abundance, you become an energetic match for more love and abundance to enter your life.
But does that mean you’re automatically going to receive these things in your life right now?
Not necessarily.
If you’re an energetic match for experiencing financial abundance, you may not see financial prosperity in your life right this second. But that doesn’t mean your manifestation isn’t working.
Remember what I wrote in the manifestation steps above? This is part of the third bulletpoint:
“Being in the vibration of what you desire allows you to receive these signs and inner nudges with clarity.”
So if you’re an energetic match for abundance, you’re in the vibration to receive intuitive nudges to guide you on the path toward your abundance. These intuitive nudges may tell you to go talk to a person, sign up for a course, submit an application, start a blog, write a book – the possibilities are endless.
Once you receive this intuitive nudge, that’s when you take inspired action.
Inspired action is based on surrendering to the guidance of the universe and listening to the call of your inner knowing.
So again, this is often the missing link when people say the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. They believe that if something doesn’t materialize in their outer world, it’s not working.
But often, it is working. They may be receiving intuitive guidance to take an inspired step forward.
But without fully understanding the full scope of the universal laws, this intuitive guidance may be ignored.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like; the vibrations, beliefs, and emotions you put out into the world are what you receive in your lived experiences. By understanding how this law works, you can intentionally tune your vibration to match your desires, thus attracting more of what you want into your lived experience. But remember: you can’t have the Law of Attraction without the other 11 universal laws. Each law is linked, and together, they create a roadmap to a life of true peace and fulfillment.
Have any questions about the Law of Attraction or want to share your experiences with this powerful universal law? Share your questions and experiences in the comment box below!
And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of uplifting words, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
More Manifestation Resources
- How To Manifest On Paper In 5 Easy Steps
- Morning Routine Checklist For Manifestation (Free Printable PDF)
- How to Manifest Someone (in 6 Simple Steps)
- Manifestation Challenge: Free 30-Day Manifestation Calendar
- Candle Colors For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)

Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.