65 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
Below, discover 65 positive affirmations for anxiety, plus tips and tricks on how and when to use affirmations. And be sure to check out the links at the bottom of this page for more inspiring and uplifting affirmations.
65 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Positive Affirmations
My first encounter with positive affirmations (that I remember) came in 2014. I’d found a list of 100 positive body affirmations somewhere online and copied and pasted the list into an email I sent to myself. I remember opening the email a few times after that and silently reading through the lines, but in the years that followed, I forgot about the list as it got pushed lower and lower in my inbox.
I’m pretty good about deleting emails and keeping my inbox neat and tidy, but somehow, that affirmations email survived all these years. However, it was only recently that I finally opened it up again and read through it for the first time in years.
And when I did, something struck me about the affirmations I was reading.
Over the past year, I’ve really cultivated a life where affirmations are part of my everyday self-care routine. I include affirmations in my journaling. I silently recite them to myself as I’m getting ready for the day or when I’m out driving. Sometimes, when my heart needs some soul-affirming words, I’ll meditate to guided affirmation meditations. And I also share my affirmations every morning in my Instagram stories, hoping that they might help at least one person the way they help me.
When I opened that email, I realized that the affirmations in that list weren’t really all that different from the ones I’ve been using over the past year.
I’ve had these positive words right at my fingertips all this time, but I never really knew how to use them.
How to Use Affirmations
This experience reminded me of an important lesson: affirmations are really powerful, but sometimes we need some gentle guidance before we know how to truly use them.
You see, I had these affirmations right in front of me for years, but whenever I looked at them, they were just words. I knew I liked and wanted to believe the words on the screen, but I didn’t know how to get the words to resonate.
So before I list these positive affirmations for anxiety, I want to take a minute to lay out a few key points for using affirmations so you can truly get the most possible good out of these words.
Tips & Tricks to Using Affirmations
- Stay in the Present Tense: Let’s use the affirmation, “I am worthy,” as an example. It isn’t, “I will be worthy when I land my dream job,” or “Once I lose twenty pounds, I’ll finally be worthy of unconditional love.” (I don’t even like writing those words.) The affirmation is, “I am worthy.” Right now. Just as I am. Own your worthiness in this present moment.
- Feel the Positive Emotions: Words are powerful, but often, the reason words are so powerful is because they trigger emotions in us. If I blandly and unemotionally recited affirmations without really feeling the power of the words, it wouldn’t get me very far. So when I say, “I am worthy,” I don’t start with the words that come out of my mouth; I start in my heart center. I let my worthiness permeate inside me. You see, these words aren’t just for your brain; these words are for your body and your spirit as well.
- Don’t Force It When It Doesn’t Feel Right: Maybe you see positive affirmations on your Instagram or Pinterest feeds, and you think, “Well, since everyone else can recite these affirmations with ease, I should be able to, too.” But I gently and lovingly plead, don’t do that. Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s. Don’t think that this should be easy. Like I said above, words are powerful, and that means saying them isn’t always easy. If you recite a positive affirmation, but in the back of your mind, you’re really saying, “Yeah right,” this is going to do more harm than good. This doesn’t mean you’re stuck where you’re at, though. I empower you to use modifications to any affirmation that doesn’t feel right. Here are some examples:
- Instead of “I am worthy,” you could say, “I am open to seeing my inherent worthiness.”
- Or, “I am willing to see all the ways in which I am worthy.”
- Also: “I am learning how to own my worthiness, even when it isn’t easy.”
- And this one: “I am becoming someone capable of seeing my own inherent worthiness.“
When to Use Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
I wanted to come up with a list of positive affirmations for anxiety because I’ve noticed that in my personal experience, these seem to be the moments I struggle with self-talk the most.
It’s become easy for me to own my worthiness and to assert that I am confident, strong, resilient, and all of those really good things when life is going well. And I’m super grateful for this, because it wasn’t always easy.
But in those harder moments when my heart feels hot and my chest feels tight and everything seems to be closing in on me?
In those moments, it’s not so easy.
Anxiety comes in all different shapes and forms. For me, my anxiety peaks when I feel like I have to do too much to do and not enough time. It also emerges when I’m entering into new and/or unfamiliar social situations.
The affirmations below are broken into five sections: Positive Affirmations for Anxiety – All Situations; Affirmations for Social Anxiety; Affirmations for Time Anxiety; Affirmations for Gym Anxiety; and Affirmations for Choosing Faith Over Fear.
I encourage you to use these affirmations during any time they might serve you. You could use them as preventative care to help you before you enter into a situation that may cause increased anxiety. You can also use them during any anxious situation.
65 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
Positive Affirmations for Anxiety – All Situations
- I choose peace over worry.
- I choose authenticity over perfection.
- I inhale love. I exhale suffering.
- My heart is grateful. My mind is at peace.
- I am safe and supported, rooted in this present moment.
- All experiences shape me to be a stronger and braver version of myself.
- I have the courage to step forward, even when I’m afraid.
- I am equipped with all the tools I need to walk through this experience with dignity and grace.
- I rise above my insecurities.
- I am not my thoughts.
- I am not my fears.
- It is safe for me to be my authentic self.
- I show compassion for myself in all situations.
- It’s okay for me to feel anxious. I respond to my anxiety with love and compassion.
- I allow myself to live in the moment and release any worries about the past or future.
- I am strong, capable, and resilient.
- I am far stronger than I realize.
Affirmations for Social Anxiety
- I am always embraced and welcomed when I enter a room.
- I am free to be my true and authentic self at all times.
- I seek connection, not validation, from others. I am always worthy, and I validate myself.
- I am welcome here.
- I am loved for my authenticity, not for the illusion of perfection.
- When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I give myself permission to step away and take a deep breath.
- My presence is delightful to others.
- I bring light to those around me.
- I am worthy of beautiful friendships and lasting relationships.
- Whatever happens, this experience is an opportunity for joy, growth, or both.
- I’m not alone in how I’m feeling.
- It’s right for me to feel this way.
- Social situations aren’t always easy, and I give myself love and grace in this moment.
- I am so grateful for my courageous heart for stepping outside my comfort zone.
Affirmations for Time Anxiety
- There is no rush.
- I have time to complete everything I need to do today.
- When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I allow myself to pause, step back, and breathe.
- No matter what gets done today or what gets left undone, I am equally worthy, no matter what.
- And no matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough.
- If I’m late, it really is okay. This is just one small moment in my life. It’s not forever.
- I will not rush through moments that matter to me.
- My worth is not defined by what I check off on my to-do list.
- Life is beautiful. I have time. All is well.
- There is beauty to be found in slowing down.
- I have time. I have time. I have time.
Do you want more positive affirmations? Check out 100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations to Change Your Life from the incredible and inspiring Liz in Lotus. Liz provides 100 inspiring affirmations broken down into four sections: Money, Love, Self-Love, and Health. Don’t miss Liz’s post to feel uplifted and inspired today!
Affirmations for Gym Anxiety
- My presence is welcomed here.
- All of the people in this gym are kind, generous, and understanding.
- If I need help, there are kind people who will be happy to help me.
- I don’t have to go all out today. I just have to take the first step.
- I do not have to be perfect. I just have to show up.
- This is a really hard thing, and it’s okay to be afraid. I have the courage to push past my fear.
- I know that when I leave, I will be really glad that I came.
- I am proud of myself for having the courage to show up today.
- When I step outside my comfort zone, my confidence grows.
- When I step outside my comfort zone, my presence is welcomed by all.
- I am strong, confident, and capable of achieving more than I ever imagined.
- I have the courage to make positive choices for my mind, body and soul. I am prioritizing my total wellbeing. Because I love myself, I can do this.
Affirmations for Choosing Faith Over Fear
- I trust and listen to my intuition, even when I’m afraid.
- I choose courage over fear and peace over perfection.
- I release doubt and welcome faith.
- I trust and believe that everything is always working out for my highest good.
- I cultivate deep courage and compassion within my mind, body, and spirit.
- Everything is unfolding in perfect timing. I release worry and choose to trust.
- I bravely let go and allow the universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.
- I trust that the universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
- My energy is not reserved for worrying. I use my energy to trust, believe, and have faith.
- I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
- All is really well.
Do you use affirmations to help you in anxious moments? And have you found any other self-care practices to help you when anxiety starts to creep in? Share your affirmations and practices in the comments below!
Discover More Positive Affirmations
- 100 Positive Affirmations for Women
- 40 Gentle Affirmations for Healing
- 35 Positive Affirmations to End Your Day
- 100 Wholehearted Promises to Make to Yourself Today
65 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
40 Positive Affirmations for Healing
While uplifting, inspiring, and joyful affirmations are essential for a complete self-love routine, sometimes, we need something a little softer. In this post, I share 40 positive affirmations for healing to bring you comfort and relief, no matter where you are in your healing journey.
40 Gentle Affirmations for Healing Updated December 3rd, 2021
About Positive Affirmations for Healing
What do you think of when you hear the term positive affirmations?
For me, this has always carried a connotation of joy, confidence, and optimism. I’ve often used affirmations to assert my worthiness, raise my confidence, and instill a strong and unwavering sense of self-belief.
But the truth is, affirmations aren’t always full of perk, pep, and cheer.
Sometimes, affirmations are soft and unassuming. Sometimes, they feel like a deep, cleansing breath. A cool drink of water. A quiet, unassuming hand on your shoulder offering support and asking for nothing in return.
Sometimes, affirmations feel like forgiveness.
Sometimes, they feel like that last thread of hope that you cling onto with a strength and ferocity you didn’t even know you had.
And sometimes, they feel like comfort. Like a warm blanket gently settling over your body, mind, and soul.
Chances are, if you’re reading this right now, you’ve experienced deep pain at some point if your life. Maybe that pain is still part of your current experience. Maybe you’ve healed, but every once in a while, it arises again in the most unexpected moments, leaving you to pick up the pieces all over again. It’s likely that the pain you’ve experienced has changed you in some way. You may even still be trying to come to terms with those changes: releasing the person you once were and rediscovering the person you are now.
Above all else, have compassion for your pain.
There is no timeline dictating when you should be fully healed. You don’t have to just “get over it.” You don’t need to force yourself to feel better.
And if you were doing better, and one day the pain arises again, making you feel like you’re right back in that dark place you were in months or years or even decades ago, that’s okay. Pain is not linear. You are allowed to heal from the same pain over and over again, even if it’s years later.
This isn’t backtracking.
This is part of your journey forward.
Below are 40 positive affirmations for healing. Know that these affirmations do not need to be recited with perk and pep. These affirmations can be soft. Quiet. Unassuming. Once you read them, they belong to you. Not me. Not anyone else. So make them yours, and find somewhere you feel safe, secure, and comfortable to recite the ones that resonate most with you.
Let them be a warm blanket, covering your body and healing your soul
Positive Affirmations for Healing
- I honor my past experiences, but I do not allow them to take away from my current joy.
- I am safe and supported, rooted in this present moment.
- I allow myself to move slowly through this healing journey and take my time.
- I lean into my emotions, no matter how uncomfortable they feel.
- Emotional releases are good for me.
- I will be gentle with myself today.
- Every day, I become a little braver.
- Every day, I love myself a little more.
- I am healing more and more every day.
- I allow myself to take time for me.
- When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I allow myself space to pause and breathe.
- I am safe to open my heart to new people, opportunities, and experiences.
- My past experiences have shaped me to be a stronger and braver version of myself.
- I forgive those who have harmed me in the past and peacefully detach from them.
- The world needs more of me, not less.
- I show compassion for myself always.
- I have the power to change my story.
- I am far stronger than I realize.
- I love myself fully, even the parts I once judged and neglected, because all of me is worthy of love.
- It’s okay if all I do today is just breathe.
- I know that healing is not linear, and I accept my good days and my bad days, knowing I will be okay.
- I make space for all my feelings, but I have the power to rise above anything that doesn’t serve my highest good.
- I am allowed to heal from the same pain over and over again.
- I know that when I heal myself, I help to heal the world.
- Even when the world around me is cloaked in darkness, I can always find the light.
- I love and honor both my darkness and my light.
- My feelings are real. My feelings are valid. My feelings matter.
- I am allowed to put myself first and prioritize my needs.
- I am allowed to say no to anything that doesn’t support my highest good.
- I release the compulsion to bury my emotions with busyness.
- I am a real, breathing human being. Not a statistic.
- I forgive myself.
- I am allowed forgiveness.
- I am sometimes scared, but I move forward anyway.
- I am worthy of a beautiful, joyful, wholehearted life.
- I trust that everything is working out for my highest good.
- I release the need to control my life and surrender to this present moment.
- When I’m caught in life’s rainstorms, I do not shrink or wither; I bloom.
- Healing is personal and sacred. My healing journey is my own.
- I allow myself to take one small step at a time.
For more beautiful inspiration, check out these uplifting blog posts from the incredible Liz from Liz in Lotus!
- Happiness Can’t Be Found Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- 100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations to Change Your Life
More Posts You Might Like
- 35 Positive Affirmations to End Your Day
- 100 Wholehearted Promises to Make to Yourself Today
- 4 Undeniable Reasons Why You Are Not Broken
- 35 Epic Morning Affirmations to Create a Beautiful Day
For more affirmations, be sure to check out my free ebook, 400 Powerful Affirmations Designed to Uplift, Inspire, and Empower Your Highest Self.
40 Gentle Affirmations for Healing Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Most Profound Deepak Chopra Quotes
Below, I share 30 of my all-time favorite Deepak Chopra quotes. No matter where you are in life and how you’re feeling, each beautiful quote is meant to uplift, inspire, encourage, and bring comfort to your mind, body, and spirit.
30 Profound Deepak Chopra Quotes Deepak Chopra is an author, public speaker, alternative medicine advocate, and leader in the New Age movement. His words have inspired millions to go after their dreams, live their truths, and cultivate deep relationships between their own minds, bodies, and spirits.
Personally, I find Deepak Chopra’s quotes comforting, inspiring, and often, they’re the exact words I need to hear. I have a handful of writers I can turn to when I’m unable to find the words within myself to lift myself out of a funk, or when I need to gather the courage to step forward onto an unfamiliar path, and he’s at the top of that list.
So when I thought about whose words I wanted to share with you here, I didn’t give it a second thought.
Below are 30 of my all-time favorite Deepak Chopra quotes, meant to comfort, uplift, inspire, and hopefully resonate within you. Feel free to save, share, and turn to these words when you need an extra dose of comfort, inspiration, and love.
Deepak Chopra Quotes
1. “You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” 2. “Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not.” 3. “You alone are the judge of your worth and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks.”
Deepak Chopra4. “The past is gone, the future is not here, now I am free of both. Right now, I choose joy.” 5. “If you restore balance in your own self, you will be contributing immensely to the healing of the world.” 6. “In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. It will be a permanent Self, rooted in awareness and creativity. Once you have captured this, you have captured the world.”
Deepak Chopra7. “Look at the world as a reflection of your inner state.” 8. “In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” 9. “When you expand your awareness, seemingly random events will be seen to fit into a larger purpose.”
Deepak Chopra10. “But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you.” 11. “Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment.” 12. “The whole world opens when we accept this moment, this very moment.”
Deepak Chopra13. “The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.” 14. “Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real.” 15. “Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there.”
Deepak Chopra16. “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.” 17. “The use of love is to heal. When it flows without effort from the depth of the self, love creates health.” 18. “Stop. Take three deep breaths and smile everywhere in your body, observing what’s happening in your body. Proceed now with kindness and understanding.”
Deepak Chopra19. “The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself.” 20. “If you try to get rid of fear and anger without knowing their meaning, they will grow stronger and return.” 21. “I teach people that no matter what the situation is, no matter how chaotic, no matter how much drama is around you, you can heal by your presence if you just stay within your centre.”
Deepak Chopra22. “Our future is created from choices we make every minute.” 23. “Holding on to anything is like holding on to your breath. You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go and it will be yours forever.” 24. “To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.”
Deepak Chopra25. “You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.” 26. “There are no accidents… there is only some purpose that we haven’t yet understood.” 27. “I was very afraid at the beginning, until Master told me that pain isn’t the truth; it’s what you have to get through in order to find the truth.”
Deepak Chopra28. “I am here to serve. I am here to inspire. I am here to love. I am here to live my truth.” 29. “Simply with a change of mind you can change your life.” 30. “You’re a spiritual being having a human experience. You’re not a human being having a spiritual experience.”
Deepak Chopra
Do you have a favorite Deepak Chopra quote that wasn’t on the list? Share it in the comments below! And if you have a favorite writer who inspires you, let me know so I can feature them in a future post!
Discover More Inspiring Quotes
- 10 Inspiring Abraham Hicks Quotes (For Instagram)
- What is Mindfulness? Plus 15 Powerful Mindfulness Quotes
To Learn More About Deepak Chopra
30 Profound Deepak Chopra Quotes Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
35 Positive Night Affirmations to End Your Day
Looking for some positive night affirmations to recite as you end your day? Morning affirmations get all the spotlight, but night affirmations are just as important for your self-care routine! Below, I give you 35 of my favorite night affirmations to help you end your day on a positive note. Plus download your free printable affirmations below!
Pin this for later! 35 Positive Affirmations to End Your Day Updated September 2nd, 2021
Why Use Night Affirmations?
I am 100% guilty of focusing on positive affirmations in the morning and even the afternoon while completely abandoning them at night.
It’s an easy trap to fall into.
For me, I have a morning routine that includes journaling for 30 minutes right when I wake up. And almost always, these journal entries include some high-vibe, uplifting affirmations to help me start the day feeling positive and inspired. My workouts are also done early in the day, which is another time I repeat positive affirmations to myself. And I’m pretty decent at remembering to silently recite affirmations when I’m out and about, or when I get a few seconds to pause during work.
But when it comes to the evening, I’m not the best at reaffirming my worthiness. Or simply reminding myself that everything I did today was enough. And the things I didn’t do? Those things are okay, too.
Because my worthiness is not defined by my achievements.
Recently, I set the intention to be more mindful with repeating nighttime affirmations. When I say this, know that this isn’t for the sake of just mechanically repeating positive words like a robot. The purpose of these affirmations is to be more mindful with my thoughts and the way I speak to myself, while owning my story and telling my own truths (especially when my pesky brain starts to return to bully mode).
Looking for more affirmations? Check out these posts!
- 43 Creativity Affirmations to Inspire Your Limitless Imagination
- 42 Body Positive Affirmations for Total Self-Acceptance
- 50 Positive Affirmations for Entrepreneurs
- 75 Self-Love Affirmations to Celebrate Your Worthiness
- 50 Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
- 50 Positive Affirmations to Remain Calm and Confident During Your Workday
What Are Positive Affirmations?
“I Am” Affirmations Positive affirmations are statements (usually made in the present-tense) designed to uplift and encourage while boosting self-belief and supporting your overall wellbeing.
The classic first two words of an uplifting affirmation are, “I am . . .”
However, an affirmation can start with any phrase that fits the context of what you want to affirm.
Here are a couple other common ways you might start an affirmation:
- I can . . .
- I accept . . .
- My (life, heart, body, worthiness) . . .
- I release . . .
- I have . . .
- All is . . .
- Everything is . . .
- I feel . . .
For further insight into affirmations, how to use them, and why they work, check out my post How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).
Positive Affirmations to End Your Day
Below are 35 positive night affirmations to help you ease into the comfort and quiet of nighttime as you settle down for the day. These night affirmations range in their desired effect; some are gentle and calm while others are uplifting and empowering. Feel free to save and share any that resonate with you!
Night Affirmations
- Everything I did today is leading me to a better tomorrow.
- My body is relaxed, and my heart is at peace.
- I offered my very best self today.
- Today wasn’t perfect, but it was beautiful.
- I release any worry or stress I felt today. I know that everything will be okay.
- When I choose to look for them, I can see how so many beautiful things happened for me today.
- I did my best today, and I’m proud of myself.
- I am grateful for every single experience I had today.
- Regardless of what I did or didn’t do today, I know that my worthiness is not defined by my achievements.
- I can see how all experiences I had today brought me either joy or growth.
- I have faith that everything works out for my highest good.
- I’m proud of myself for listening to my inner knowing, even when I felt afraid.
- I feel calm. I feel peaceful. All is really well.
- I surrender to this present moment and release any worries I felt today.
- I’m grateful for all that I learned today.
- I inhale peace. I exhale worry.
- There are so many reasons to be grateful for this day. I choose to focus on my appreciation.
- I feel calm, relaxed, and at peace.
- Instead of wishing I could change the past, I focus on this present moment.
- I release worry and choose to trust.
- A lot happened today, but I choose to live fully in this moment right now.
- I know that good things are always happening for me.
- I have the power to control my thoughts.
- No matter what was left undone today, I know that I am always enough.
- I am enough. I have always been enough. And I will always be enough.
- I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
- Even when things didn’t happen how I wanted, I know I’m on the right path.
- I feel relaxed. I feel whole. This is exactly where I’m meant to be.
- I am grateful for the hardships I experienced today because they allowed me to grow.
- I love myself fully now, just as I am, as I continue to grow.
- Everything is unfolding for me in perfect timing. I release worry and choose to trust.
- I know that tomorrow’s going to be another really beautiful day.
- Everything that happened today is bringing me closer to my dreams.
- My life is really beautiful. I wouldn’t change it for anything.
- I am grateful for every step of this journey and every second of my imperfect, messy, beautiful life.
Bonus – Meditations to End Your Day
As a bonus, here are some of my favorite meditations on the Insight Timer app for ending the day feeling calm, content, and peaceful.
- Liza Colpa’s Manifestation for a Good Night’s Rest and A Meditation for Manifesting a Reset After a Long Day
- Carrie Suwal’s Wash Away Heaviness and Find Peace
- Bethany Auriel-Hagan’s Breathing Into Sleep
What positive affirmations do you use to end your day? And have you found any tips or tricks to help remind you to keep affirming those uplifting words even as the day comes to a close? Feel free to drop a note in the comments below!
And for a daily dose of positive affirmations, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
Pin this for later! 35 Positive Affirmations to End Your Day Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
5 Powerful Life Lessons Learned from Running
Below, I share five life lessons I learned from running, some that took me many years to learn. These life lessons transcend running, so even if you’re not a runner, you can apply these universal life lessons to all areas of your life.
Pin this for later! 5 Powerful Life Lessons from Running Lessons I’ve Learned from Running
I never planned on writing a blog post about running. While it’s a big part of my life, I don’t generally fall under the category of “Health and Fitness” bloggers, and I don’t want anyone who isn’t a runner to feel like my words aren’t for them, too.
So why am I posting this blog post now?
The idea hit me while I was, maybe unsurprisingly, on a run.
I was taking in the stunning scenery surrounding me and feeling extra grateful for the gorgeous weather that morning, and I thought about how much I enjoy just running. Running is my sanctuary. It’s my “me” time. It’s that sacred hour (sometimes less, sometimes more) when I don’t worry about to-do lists or any other nagging worries that might be nipping at the edges of my mind. Everything kind of just fades away.
I don’t actually have to do anything when I’m running, except just be.
As I thought about all of these things, it hit me that when I’m running, even though I might have a specific mileage goal in mind, it’s never really about the destination.
It’s always the journey that I savor and appreciate.
And that’s when it clicked. Over this past year, I’ve set an intention to just enjoy the journey in life. To be present. To embrace this moment right now and not get so hung up on where I’m going. And when I think about that intention in terms of running, it makes perfect sense. In fact, it even becomes easy.
Of course the journey is the most important part.
That’s what this is all about.
But this wasn’t the first time I’d made a connection between running and bigger, more universal life lessons. There have been many times when I’ve been out on a run, and I’d take a lesson that I was currently in the middle of learning and connect it to running, and then suddenly, it would make sense. Running has allowed me to see things from a different perspective.
When I use running as a metaphor for life, I suddenly can see everything more clearly.
Life Lesson #1: Nobody else’s accomplishments and achievements can take away from your own (and vice versa)
It doesn’t matter if another person runs faster than me. It doesn’t matter if another person runs farther than I run. It doesn’t matter if someone climbs an elevation that’s higher than what I climb. And it doesn’t matter if a person has more medals than me, or if they got theirs first.
Never, under any circumstances, does another person’s ability to run take away from my own.
I cross paths with other runners all the time. Sometimes, we’re going in different directions. Other times, another runner might come up and pass me from behind, or vice versa. Often, in any of these scenarios, we might smile and wave, and then we continue along our way, each focused on the individual path before us.
You want to know what I’ve never, not once, thought on any of the hundreds (thousands?) of runs I’ve completed?
- “Great, there’s another runner on the path. I guess I can’t run now.”
- “Oh no. That girl is running, too. I better go faster because there’s only room for one of us.”
- “If I’m the slowest, they’ll all beat me and then I’ll never be able to run again.”
- “What if all these other runners shun me from the path?”
This all sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Yet, how many times in our lives do we have these kinds of thoughts about other things that matter to us?
Have you ever felt a slight twinge of envy when you saw someone succeeding at something that you want?
Have you ever thought that if someone else gets that job, that relationship, that pay raise, or anything else you desire, there will now be less to go around for you?
Have you ever had a dream but decided not to even try because you figured there were already too many people doing that thing and that there wouldn’t be room for you?
None of that’s true. None of it.
If there’s a dream in your heart that you’re feeling called to, it’s there for a reason. And maybe others have similar dreams, but their paths will all be different from yours, and as long as you follow your inner knowing and trust your heart’s calling, there will always be room for you.
Your dream might change along the way. It might take different shapes. Maybe something in the distance will catch your eye and inspire you to shift your direction.
Whatever happens, it’s your journey and your dream, and no one else can ever take what’s meant for you.
Life Lesson #2: Small and consistent improvements over time are more important and valuable than trying to go from 0 to 100 at once
I love creating training plans.
It’s the first thing I do when I commit to running in a long-distance event. I count how many weeks I have until the event and decide how many weeks I need for training. Then I carefully build a training schedule in which I plan out every single run from now until the event, slowly increasing the total distance and overall weekly mileage.
When I signed up for my first half marathon, my longest-ever run previously had been about 8 miles (12.9 km). I created a plan in which I ran four times a week with Sundays being my long-run days. My first long-run day was 6 miles. Then, 6.5. The next week, it was 7, then 7.5, 8 . . . slowly increasing just a half of a mile every week until I reached 12. The day of the event was the first time I’d run a full 13.1 miles (21.08 km).
I followed a similar strategy when I trained for my first full marathon, steadily increasing the distance of my long runs as well as my overall weekly mileage until I finally ran the full 26.2 miles (42.16 km) the day of the race.
So why am I going into the minute and kind of boring details about my training plans?
To show that when I train for an event, I don’t get frustrated that I can’t run the full distance Week 1. I have no expectations of this. When I create a training plan for myself, my goal is to make small improvements over time. Maybe I can’t run 26.2 miles today, but in fourteen weeks, I can, and it’s all because of consistent effort and trusting the process.
When I step back and look at other aspects of my life, though, I can see many times when I’ve tried rushing the process to get to the finish line faster. This can be especially tempting when it comes to writing. I’ve tried rushing my writing process before to get something done and published, and it never produces a good result.
But when I actually take time to explore my writing and don’t rush the process, then I actually like what I end up publishing.
I know how hard it is to wait for something you really want. I know how tempting it is to skip right past the period of learning and growing and building your skills so you can get to the finish line. And I know that “small and consistent improvements over time” isn’t exactly a phrase that’s going to ignite a fire in anyone’s heart.
But if I had tried to run 26.2 miles that first week of training, I would’ve given up. The time would’ve passed anyway, and I wouldn’t have reached my dream.
Now, I’m not saying reaching your dream has to take a long time. It really doesn’t. Fourteen weeks of training to run a full marathon really wasn’t that much time at all. If you trust the process, the time it takes to reach your dream will fly by faster than you can ever imagine.
Life Lesson #3: Just because I’m not the best at something doesn’t have to stop me from doing it anyway
I am not a particularly fast runner. In fact, I’m pretty slow. My average mile is about 9 1/2 minutes. I finished my marathon in 4 hours 32 minutes. That’s an average of 10 minutes 23 seconds per mile.
Not exactly breaking any speed records over here.
And while 26.2 miles isn’t anything to sneeze at, there are people running longer distances that I will likely never reach.
And that’s okay. I didn’t start running because I expected to be the best runner. Thank goodness, too, because I would’ve quit a long time ago if I had.
Most people who start running (or take up a different type of exercise) don’t expect to be the best. When I run, I’m not obsessively comparing my time to that person down the road. I don’t fret about who’s going faster or farther. None of that matters. Ever.
Instead, I focus on my individual achievements. My goals. My improvements. My personal records. My experiences. Just because there are a ton of runners who can run faster and farther than me doesn’t mean I’m not worthy of running. It would be silly to use that as a reason not to run.
But how many times have I stopped myself from doing something because I knew there were people out there who were better than me?
The short answer: too many.
Have you ever not applied for a job that really called to you because you figured there were people more qualified than you? Have you ever not joined that class you really wanted to try because you worried everyone else would be better than you? Did you not start your blog or offer to teach that online class because you figured there were already thousands of blogs and online classes better than yours?
For most of us, we’ll probably never be the best at everything. And actually, in many scenarios, the people who are the best aren’t always the most successful. You know who is successful?
The people who start. The people who try. The people who set an intention and take inspired action. Those are the people who succeed.
So don’t worry about being the best.
Instead, just start. Just try. Focus on your individual journey. That’s where the magic happens.
Life Lesson #4: It’s about the journey, not the destination
My “why” for running is pretty simple: because I enjoy it and know that I’m doing something good for my body. When I go outside and hit the pavement, I get to breathe in fresh air while surrounding myself with beautiful nature. My average run lately has been about 6 miles, which means I get a whole hour to myself. Sometimes, I listen to a podcast. Other times, I listen to music. Every once in a while, I listen to nothing but my own breathing.
On any given run, I’m not thinking about how great it’ll feel when I’m finished. I’m just enjoying the present moment, one step at a time.
The journey is always more important than the destination.
I also learned this lesson on a different scale after training for my first half marathon.
I had trained for that half marathon for 12 weeks. Every week, for four days a week, I committed hours of my time to running. Because most of my training was right in the middle of summer, I woke up early most days to get my run in. I had a goal and committed to that goal, and I never missed a single training run.
After I finished that half marathon, I remember feeling really proud of the fact that I had just accomplished this amazing feat. I’d just run 13.1 miles for the first time, and it felt really good. But I also remember having a funny realization that I hadn’t anticipated:
As much as I was proud of accomplishing my goal, I was even more proud of the training that had gotten me there.
I was proud of my commitment. I was proud that I continually showed up, day after day, even when I didn’t feel like it. I was proud of my perseverance. I was proud of all the good runs and the bad runs that led me to that moment.
Of all these life lessons, this might be the biggest of them all.
You have big goals and dreams for yourself. And one day, you’re going to reach those goals. You’re going to make your dream come true. And you’re going to feel really, really proud of yourself.
But you know what you’ll be even more proud of? This moment, right now. For showing up, even when you didn’t feel like it. For sticking with it, even when it was hard. For not being deterred when you had a bad day. For continuing to push through.
What you’re doing right now matters. So love this moment. Embrace it. You are on a beautiful journey, and it deserves to be celebrated.
Life Lesson #5: If it’s something you really want, and you know it could be really good for you, then one bad experience should never stop you from going back out there and trying again
I’ve had a lot of bad runs.
How do I define a bad run? It’s one in which I don’t feel good during or after.
I don’t have many of these anymore, but that’s only because I’ve learned from my mistakes. Historically, most of my bad runs have stemmed from a couple different contributors:
- It was too hot outside
- I hadn’t eaten enough and had little energy
- I wasn’t listening to my body and honoring its need for rest
Here’s the thing: I can have bad runs, and that’s okay. Expected, really. But I have never and will never let one bad run stop me from tying up my shoelaces and going back out there the next time.
- Because I am not my mistakes
- Because the good days far outweigh the bad
- Because I treat bad runs as learning experiences, not as failures
- Because I know there’s a much higher likelihood that I’ll regret not going back out there and trying again than vice versa
- And finally, because I love to run, and a bad day doesn’t detract from that
So what I’m saying is, please—if you have a passion and feel called to do something, then bad experiences are not meant to make you just give up and quit.
They’re meant to help you learn and grow. They may even lead to unexpected breakthroughs and realizations that can help you progress even further.
None of us get everything right the first time. I make plenty of mistakes in my life. But instead of letting those moments discourage me, I allow myself the grace of being beautifully imperfect, and I search for the lesson. If I fall twice on a run, I’m not going to hang up my running shoes and refuse to run again. I’m going to look both within and around me until I find the source of my falling, and then I’m going to learn and adjust so I don’t fall a third time.
We were made for resilience. And when we learn to embrace and trust our resilience, then the “bad days” and “negative experiences” become a lot less scary, because we know that we have the ability to overcome anything.
Pin this for later! 5 Powerful Life Lessons from Running Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.