• solar plexus chakra journal prompts
    Chakras,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra

    Discover 30 powerful solar plexus chakra journal prompts to help you open and heal your body’s energy center for confidence, positivity, and drive. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to sign up for your free printable solar plexus chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra
    Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra

    Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra

    Self-confidence. Self-esteem. Self-respect. Self-image. Self-worth.

    The solar plexus chakra is the energy center for all of the empowering self words. Want to build more confidence? Ready to boost your self-esteem? Looking to create a positive self-image and cultivate everlasting self-worth?

    Then it’s time to focus on the solar plexus chakra, your body’s energy center for confidence, joy, positivity, empowerment, and drive. Located a couple inches above the navel, just below your chest (you might call this the pit of your stomach), your solar plexus chakra is also your energy center of alignment with your purpose and core values.

    Now, the truth is, most of us don’t feel good 100% of the time. Even those of us who have generally high self-esteem experience moments of doubt and insecurity.

    And that’s okay.

    It’s normal not to feel positive every single moment of every day. The key is to recognize when you’re feeling low and to know that even though you may be having negative thoughts, it doesn’t make them true.

    On top of that, it’s important to have the tools you need to help build your confidence back up when it’s low.

    Positive affirmations are an important part of your self-care toolkit, and so is journaling. I’ve been journaling every morning for the past several years, and it’s made a huge impact on my confidence and self-belief. Journaling allows me to get in touch with my inner self and explore all my hidden depths.

    And, I’ve discovered, the more I’ve gotten to know the real me, the more I like myself.

    Below are 30 powerful solar plexus journal prompts to help you explore your own inner world. Specifically, these questions are geared toward discovering your confidence, finding your purpose, and celebrating all the things that make you awesome.

    Explore these journal prompts with an open mind and open heart, and write your answers with courage, honesty, and lots of self-love.

    And to go even deeper into balancing your solar plexus chakra, I’ve also put together 35 solar plexus chakra affirmations for confidence and motivation. You’ll also get these affirmations, along with the journal prompts below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.

    The Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle click to learn more

    How to Use These Journal Prompts

    The journal prompts below are designed to help you open, activate, and heal your solar plexus chakra. Each prompt explores one of the central attributes of this energy center, including confidence, self-respect, self-worth, purpose, drive, positivity, joy, and more.

    There aren’t many rules about how to approach these prompts, as each person is different, and we all have different preferences and needs.

    If you want, you can read through the prompts and choose the ones that resonate most with you. If you do this, I would encourage you to still give some of the other prompts a try, as something might come to the surface for you that you weren’t expecting.

    You can also choose to start at the top and work your way to the bottom one prompt at a time.

    Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you have some quiet time to yourself to do this work. Whether it’s 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or longer, the most important thing is that you truly have time and space to explore your inner world without distractions.

    And my only other rule? (Well, more like a loving suggestion.)

    Be kind to yourself as you answer these questions.

    Be compassionate. Release self-criticism and self-judgment. The goal here isn’t to be perfect; the goal is to heal and fully explore your inner world. To do that, you must be wholeheartedly honest and kind to yourself throughout the process.

    So as you walk forward in this journey, make self-love your first priority, and let it lead you on your path.

    Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.

    Solar Plexus Chakra Journal Prompts

    • When do I feel most confident?
    • When do I feel least confident? How can I support myself and create more confidence in these situations?
    • What does it mean to me to be a confident person?
    • What is the source of my confidence? Does it come from external sources or from within?
    • Write out a list of positive inner qualities you love about yourself, and describe why you love each of those things.
    • Write out a list of positive outer qualities you love about yourself, and describe why you love each of those things.
    • Do I believe I can achieve my goals and dreams? If not, what’s holding me back?
    • Write a list of ten to fifteen positive affirmations about your ability to achieve your dreams. Repeat each affirmation twice.
    • What does it mean to be a positive person?
    • Why is it worth it for me to choose positivity?
    • How can approaching situations with a positive mindset change my life for the better?
    • What does it mean to me to have self-respect? How do I show myself self-respect in my daily life?
    • Describe yourself as if you were introducing yourself to a total stranger. List all the positive attributes that make you awesome.
    • How would the people closest to me describe me? In their eyes, what makes me special?
    • What brings me joy in my daily life?
    • How can I cultivate even more joy in my life?
    • In what ways am I a driven and motivated person?
    • What does it mean to be empowered? In what ways am I an empowered person? In what ways do I empower others?
    • On days when my self-esteem feels low, what self-care practices can I do to show myself love and lift myself up?
    • At this stage of my life, do I feel aligned with my purpose? Do my actions reflect my purpose, or do I feel a lack of purpose?
    • List ten (or more) things that make you feel happy, fill your heart with joy, and/or make you feel important and needed. Can any of these things be tied to your purpose?
    • What are my my core values? Do my daily actions align with my core values?
    • What tools can I keep in my personal self-care toolkit to support myself when I lack confidence in myself?
    • How do I act when I’m on a team? Am I a collaborative team player? Do I shrink back or try to dominate the team? Why is it important to me to always be a team player with others?
    • How do I handle criticism? How can I support myself to handle criticism with grace and compassion?
    • Describe one of the best compliments you’ve ever received and why it still makes you happy to this day. Why are you unconditionally worthy and deserving of this awesome compliment?
    • Finish this sentence: “I am worthy because . . .” Write at least ten reasons why you are infinitely worthy.
    • Write a letter to your younger self. Fill it with compliments and love. Tell your younger self why they are always worthy. Boost your younger self’s self-esteem, give them confidence, and remind them to always act with self-respect.
    • Why is having an open and balanced solar plexus chakra important to me?
    • What does an ordinary day as my most confident, joyful, positive self look like? How do I carry myself through the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.

    Have you used any of these journal prompts? Share your experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Enter your name and email address below, and your free printables will be emailed directly to your inbox! (Note that it may take an hour or two for the email to come through.) Plus, receive a newsletter from me with resources, affirmations, and new blog post updates every month. (Don’t worry, I hate spam, too! I only send one email a month, never share your personal info, and you can unsubscribe anytime.)

    solar plexus chakra journal prompts
    Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra
  • solar plexus chakra affirmations
    Affirmations,  Chakras,  Spirituality

    35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence and Motivation

    In this post, discover 35 powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations to balance and heal your spiritual energy center for confidence, positivity, and self-esteem. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to sign up for your free printable solar plexus chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

    35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence and Motivation
    Pin this for later! 35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence, Motivation, and Positivity

    What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

    Located above your navel, in the center of your torso (you might also refer to it as the pit of your stomach), the solar plexus chakra is your body’s energy center for confidence, positivity, motivation, and drive. I also like to think of it as the chakra that’s associated with all the self words: self-esteem, self-respect, self-image, and self-worth.

    When your solar plexus chakra is balanced and aligned, your overall self-image is high. You feel confident in the steps you’re taking, and you wholeheartedly believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

    A balanced solar plexus chakra is also associated with being a good team player. You’re collaborative, confident in your decision making, and have a high sense of integrity.

    Blockages and imbalances to the solar plexus chakra are associated with low self-esteem, lack of ambition, and a sense of worthlessness. If the solar plexus chakra is overactive, you may also experience arrogance, hunger for power, and a superiority complex.

    Positive affirmations are a powerful way to restore balance to any of your body’s energy centers. Below, you’ll find 35 powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations to activate, balance, and heal your energy center for confidence, positivity, and self-esteem.

    And to go even deeper into balancing your solar plexus chakra, I’ve also put together 30 journal prompts to open and heal your solar plexus chakra. You’ll also get these journal prompts, along with the affirmations below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.

    Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.

    The Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle click to learn more

    Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

    • I am strong, powerful, and confident.
    • I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
    • I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
    • I wholeheartedly believe in myself.
    • I can accomplish incredible things.
    • I confidently welcome new experiences.
    • I am competent, capable, and strong.
    • I radiate confidence and positivity.
    • I am aligned with my purpose.
    • I am my highest and most authentic self.
    • I am enough, just as I am.
    • I have the confidence and power to take big leaps.
    • I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.
    • I will not settle for less than I deserve.
    • I am pure, positive energy.
    • I hold the key to my own happiness.
    • Limitless joy is my birthright.
    • I am worthy, strong, powerful, courageous, and always enough.
    • I am taking bold steps and walking forward with confidence and self-belief.
    • I am radiant, beautiful, and thriving.
    • I know my value and will not lessen or shrink myself for anything or anyone.
    • I have the strength and courage to handle anything that comes my way.
    • I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
    • My soul is radiant, my body is strong, and my mind is brilliant.
    • I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
    • I have the courage and confidence to accept my dreams as reality.
    • Where focus goes, energy flows, so I focus on confidence, success, and prosperity.
    • I love and accept myself for exactly the person I am right now.
    • I am the only one who can determine my self-worth.
    • I am aligned with my guiding principles, values, and purpose.
    • I am worthy of respect from myself and others.
    • I stand in the joy I create from within.
    • I love the person I am, both inside and out.
    • I am perfect, whole, and complete.
    • I am enough. I have always been enough. I will always be enough.
    Solar plexus affirmation that says, "I am strong, powerful, and confident."
    Solar plexus affirmation that says, "I wholeheartedly believe in myself."
    Solar plexus affirmation that says, "I am competent, capable, and strong."
    Solar plexus affirmation that says, "I am enough, just as I am."
    Solar plexus affirmation that says, "I will not settle for less than I deserve."
    Solar plexus affirmation that says, "I am radiant, beautiful, and thriving."
    Solar plexus affirmation that says, "My soul is radiant, my body is strong, and my mind is brilliant."
    Solar plexus affirmation that says, "I love and accept myself for exactly the person I am right now."

    What practices have served you in opening, balancing, and healing your solar plexus chakra? Leave your questions and tips in the comment box below! 

    And for more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Enter your name and email address below, and your free printables will be emailed directly to your inbox! (Note that it may take an hour or two for the email to come through.) Plus, receive a newsletter from me with resources, affirmations, and new blog post updates every month. (Don’t worry, I hate spam, too! I only send one email a month, never share your personal info, and you can unsubscribe anytime.)

    List of solar plexus affirmations
    Pin this for later! 35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence, Motivation, and Positivity