35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth
Discover 35 powerful throat chakra affirmations to open and heal your body’s energy center for communication, authenticity, and integrity. And be sure to check out the links to my chakra series below, where I go in-depth on how to open, activate, balance, and heal your body’s seven main energy centers. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable throat chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

What is the Throat Chakra?
Located in the center of your neck, the throat chakra is your body’s energy center for communication, authenticity, honesty, and integrity.
When your throat chakra is open and balanced, you’re able to communicate clearly and effectively. You feel empowered to speak openly and freely, and you deeply understand that your voice and your words are important and powerful. Additionally, you know the importance of give and take in communication, and you’re able to respectfully listen when others are speaking.
In addition to being the energy center for communication, your throat chakra is the energy center for truth, integrity, and authenticity. This means you do more than just speak; you speak your authentic truth while remaining true to yourself and your guiding principles. Your daily actions also support this, and as you move through your day, you remain aligned with your values and principles.
In contrast, when your throat chakra is underactive, you may be excessively shy, withdrawn, and/or experience difficulty expressing yourself. With an overactive throat chakra, you may be loud, gossipy, and someone who interrupts others and talks out of turn.
Your words, ideas, and wholehearted presence matter, and you deserve to know this wholly and unconditionally. That’s why opening and healing your throat chakra is an essential step in your self-love journey.
Below are 35 powerful throat chakra affirmations to help you open, balance, and heal this important energy center.
To learn more about how to open and heal your throat chakra, as well as the rest of your body’s main spiritual energy centers, check out the links below. And for more tips on how to use affirmations to get the most out of them, be sure to check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).
Discover More About Chakras
Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.
Throat Chakra Affirmations
- I am able to calmly and effectively speak my truth.
- I live an honest, authentic, wholehearted life.
- My voice matters.
- My words are powerful.
- I express myself clearly and openly.
- I speak with calm, clarity, and confidence.
- I speak with courage, compassion, and love.
- I am a clear and effective communicator.
- I find creative ways to communicate my self-expression.
- When I speak, others listen.
- I add value to every conversation I participate in.
- My insight is welcome, needed, and valuable.
- I am empowered to speak my truth.
- I embrace silence and know deep inner peace.
- I am a good listener and give others my undivided attention when they speak.
- I value the words of others.
- I carry myself with integrity.
- I remain true to myself in all that I say and do.
- I choose authenticity over perfection.
- I have the courage to be my true and authentic self.
- It is safe for me to show my true self to the world.
- I courageously remove my mask and allow my true self to be seen.
- I release the need to be perfect and embrace my beautifully imperfect self.
- I choose to be honest and vulnerable, even when I’m afraid.
- It is safe for me to speak my truth.
- I speak from a place of love, courage, and truth.
- When I courageously speak my truth, I give others the confidence to speak theirs as well.
- I am calm, patient, and peaceful.
- I radiate calm, peace, and serenity.
- I embrace my ability to remain calm in all situations.
- I choose to be patient with myself and others.
- Honesty, integrity, and authenticity are my guiding principles.
- I stay true to myself always.
- When I share my words, I share my light.
- My voice, words, ideas, and presence all matter. The world needs the magic inside of me.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free throat chakra printables below!
Bonus! Throat Chakra Affirmation Cards to Save & Share

For chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
Are you ready for your freebies? Enter your name and email address below for your free printables! (Note that it may take an hour or two for the email to come through.) Plus, receive a weekly newsletter with resources, affirmations, and new blog post updates straight to your inbox. (Don’t worry, I hate spam, too! I only send one email a week, never share your personal info, and you can unsubscribe anytime.)

Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.

Thank you so much ZANNA!
I just loved this article and my favorite one was this: I embrace silence and know deep inner peace
Thanks again 🙂