journal prompts for manifestation

10 Journal Prompts for Manifestation

Below are ten powerful journal prompts for manifestation, designed to aid you in creating your dream life. These prompts are filled with visualization, affirmations, gratitude practices, and lots of self love. Keep an open mind and an open heart as you start each journaling entry, and remember that you are worthy and deserving of living the joyful and abundant life of your dreams.

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Journal Prompts for Manifestation
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Getting Started With Journaling

Journaling is one of the most powerful and underrated tools we have in our toolkit to create the lives of our dreams. Admittedly, I’ve even overlooked it in previous blog posts, even though I write in my journal every single morning. Historically, I’ve gravitated toward thirty minutes of free writing, but recently, I’ve discovered that using journal prompts has helped me to reframe my perspective in ways that I hadn’t on my own. These prompts have also led me to inspired ideas and new areas of self-discovery.

When you decide to step into your power and manifest your dream life, journaling isn’t a requirement by any means. However, it’s an incredible tool that will add value to your journey as well as solidify your intentions. I use techniques such as visualization and affirmations in meditation and my daily life, but there’s something concrete and tangible about describing these visualizations and writing out my affirmations on a piece of lined notebook paper.

When Should You Journal?

I like to journal first thing in the morning as I sip my first cup of coffee of the day, as I find it allows me to start my day on the right foot and gets me in the frame of mind I want to be in. However, you can journal anytime it feels right for you. Sometimes, we have to fit it in when we can, and there can also be something rewarding about closing your night with a journal entry and feeling those positive vibes before you drift off to sleep.

(Side Note: My journaling practice started with learning about Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages” technique from her acclaimed book, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. I can’t overstate how much this book changed my life. While this method doesn’t use prompts, it was super helpful in helping me to establish journaling as a habit.)

Do You Need Any Special Tools?

Definitely not!

I like to keep it simple, so I use these simple yet elegant Mead notebooks for much of my freehand, non-guided journaling.

Now, if you want to take it a step further, there are some really awesome manifesting journals you can purchase that will provide you with daily quotes, guidance, and prompts as you walk forward on your manifesting journey. I absolutely love Steven Canyon’s Law of Attraction 100-Day Guided Manifestation Journal for this purpose. For one, the workbook is absolutely beautiful. You can write in it, but it’s so pretty, you almost don’t want to! Secondly (and more importantly), it’s filled with thought-provoking, high-vibe questions along with uplifting affirmations. This one’s an absolute must for creating success in your manifesting journey.

Download 30 Perfect Days: A 30-Day Manifestation Journal Today!

Are you looking for a manifestation journal you can start using today? Check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop! This 30-day manifestation journal is designed to help you align with the emotions of having your dreams and desires in the present moment. Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. Comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal or print and hand write! Click here to learn more!

scripting journal

Manifestation Journal Prompts

Below are 10 powerful journal prompts for manifestation, designed to help you create the beautiful, joyful, and abundant life of your dreams. These journal prompts for manifestation can be completed in any order you want, and you can even choose the ones you like best to do multiple times. (I do the visualizations weekly!)

Journal Prompt: Visualization of Your Dream Life

Write the details of a full day in your dream life. Use the present tense. (“I am . . . “; “I wear . . .”; “As I walk through my home, I notice . . .”) Where do you wake up? Who are you with? What does your morning routine look like? Describe the details of your home. Where is it located? What do you do during your day? What do you wear? Where do you go during the day? If you work, what kind of job do you have? What are the predominant emotions you feel throughout the day? Use all your senses; describe what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. How do you feel when you go to sleep? What are your last thoughts before falling into a peaceful slumber?

Be as detailed as possible, and remember to keep an open mind to any and all possibilities. This is your dream life. You’re the creator. Let your inner knowing guide you through your vision.

Why It Works: The first step of manifesting is to set an intention. In order to create the life of your dreams, you first have to get clear about what you want. In manifestation, you don’t need to know how you’re going to achieve your dream. Rather, you just need to know what it is that you want. This practice will help you to gain a clearer vision of exactly what your dream life looks like. It will also help you to feel all of the positive vibrations of having your dreams in the present moment, allowing you to become a magnet for your desires.

Journal Prompt: Gratitude

Write down everything you’re grateful for today. There is nothing too small or too offbeat to write about. If you wish, you can use the prompt, “I am grateful for ___ because _____” to discuss each item in detail. If you get stuck, consider writing about different people in your life. You can also discuss various objects in your home or moments of your life that you’re grateful for. Nothing’s off limits here. You can even discuss adversity and hardships that brought you growth.

Why It Works: Gratitude is the foundation for all abundance. When I began consciously cultivating a daily gratitude practice and shifted my default perspective from one of lack to one of appreciation for all that I have, my life completely transformed. All of the things I’d written on my vision board that once seemed so far away were suddenly in my grasp. The quickest and easiest (and most joyful) way to get everything you want is to just love and appreciate all that you already have. As Rumi wrote, “Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.” For more on gratitude, check out 53 gratitude journal prompts to cultivate joy and love here.

Journal Prompt: Body Appreciation

Write down a list of everything you’re grateful for about your body. Consider each body part: each muscle, limb, organ, and system that keeps you going throughout your life. If you’d like, you can choose a few body parts to write several sentences on (such as the mouth that shows your radiant smile and allows you to taste yummy food). Here are some examples:

“I am grateful for my eyes because they allow me to _________.”

“I am grateful for my heart because it is __________.”

“Today, I really appreciate my legs because they __________.”

Why It Works: Same as #2, but this time, we’re focusing solely on your body. Why? Because your body is your home. It’s what you live in every single day. It’s an incredible gift to have these bodies. To have working lungs and a beating heart. Yet, so many of us tear our bodies apart. Whether or not your intended manifestation relates to your body, cultivating a deep love and appreciation for your body (and treating it like an ally, not an enemy) will only serve to open up space for your manifestations to happen faster. It’s time to stop fighting against yourself and start celebrating every single worthy and loved part of you. Here are 42 body-positive affirmations to help you get started!

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Journal Prompt: Speak to Your Younger Self

Imagine that the five-year-old you is standing in front of you, and in your mind’s eye, envision looking into the eyes of your younger self. Now write positive affirmations to this younger version of you as if you’re speaking directly to them. Tell them how worthy, deserving, and loved they are. Deliver them positive and supportive messages. Speak with wholehearted love, kindness, and compassion. This entire journal entry is dedicated to affirming your worthiness.

Why It Works: In order to manifest your desires, you have to truly believe in yourself. And most importantly, you must believe that you are worthy and deserving of your dreams. I chose to have you speak to your younger self because it allows you to let down your guard. Sometimes, we have a hard time telling ourselves that we deserve joy, but when you look into the eyes of your childhood self, it becomes easier. If you’d rather look into your own eyes as an adult, or choose a different age, please do whatever feels best for you! For extra inspiration, check out my post, 65 Positive Affirmations for Manifestation.

Journal Prompt: Passion and Purpose

What drives you? What lights up your heart? Where are you happiest? What activities make you feel most joyful and alive? Write about the things that you feel passionate about. These can be dreams, causes, groups of people, or important messages you want the whole world to know. Write with passion and conviction. What’s important to you? Only you know what makes your soul feel alive. There’s no right or wrong answer. As you write about your passions and dreams, consider ways you might be able to combine these different passions into a career or pastime that will make your heart soar.

Why It Works: You have a unique set of skills and passions that make you you. Do you love to write? Are you passionate about fitness? Does it light up your soul to help others? When you write about your passions, you open yourself up to inspired ideas. For instance, writing is one of my passions. I spent years writing fiction stories, and while I enjoyed it, there was always something missing. Finally, I asked myself, what else am I passionate about? The things that make my soul light up are supporting other women and helping people to reach their dreams (and to gently and compassionately guide them so they know they’re worthy of their dreams). When I combined writing with these passions, finally, magic happened.

Journal Prompt: New Perspectives

Write in detail about your day yesterday (or a recent day that you can remember vividly). Who did you see and speak to? What did you eat? Did you drive anywhere? What movies, TV shows, or sports events did you watch? What moments brought you joy? Discuss any obstacles or hardships you encountered throughout the day. How can you reframe these negative experiences positively? What did you learn from these moments? How did you grow? Even if yesterday felt like a crummy day, write about it as if it was actually a really great day. This isn’t asking you to suppress the bad. Rather, consider choosing a different perspective when possible. For instance, maybe standing in line at the grocery store for what felt like an eternity or hitting all those red lights were really opportunities to pause and breathe. What happened during this day that you’re grateful for?

Why It Works: This ties back to #1 and #2: gratitude. Our lives are the sums of stories that we tell ourselves. And in manifestation, you attract what you put out in the world. So if you believe that you’ve had bad day after bad day after bad day, you know what you’ll attract? More bad days. But if you shift your perspective and choose to view these days as positive opportunities and experiences that you feel grateful for, you know what’ll happen then? You’ll receive more positive opportunities and wonderful experiences to feel grateful for. You don’t have to suppress the bad stuff. Rather, consider all the ways these “bad” things helped you to grow.

Journal Prompt: Your Highest and Most Authentic Self

Envision your highest and most authentic self. This is the real you—the greatest and most loving version of you. What is your highest and most authentic self like? How do you make other people feel? How do you move about your day? Are you energetic or calm? How do you speak? How do you walk? What’s your aura like when you walk into a room? What kinds of activities do you do? Do you move fast or slow? What types of clothes do you wear that make you feel good? If you’d like, you may envision a typical day in your life, and imagine how your highest self would react to the various ups and downs of your day.

Why It Works: This ties back in with visualization. It helps you get clear on what you want and who you want to be. I also have found that having a picture of my highest self has served me in my daily life as I’ve dealt with various interactions, made important decisions, and chosen how to spend my day. Whenever I’m unsure about something, I can ask, “What would my highest and most authentic self do in this situation?” Your highest self is the person living your dream life, so by making the same decisions that this version of you would make, you’re choosing the path that leads directly to your dreams (and becoming the person you dream of being).

Journal Prompt: Celebrate You

What are your favorite things about yourself? What are your talents? In what ways are you an awesome friend? What makes you a good employee and/or manager? What makes you a good partner? List some of your superpowers. This is the day to celebrate you. Compliment yourself. Write about the compliments other people give you. And accept those compliments! If you get stuck, write down some positive affirmations. Affirm your worthiness! If you need some help coming up with affirmations, you can download my free ebook, 400 Powerful Affirmations Designed to Uplift, Inspire, and Empower Your Highest Self.

Why It Works: When you believe in yourself, the rest of the world will have no choice but to believe in you, too. You deserve to be loved, and you deserve to be celebrated. You. Are. Enough. Accepting compliments is hard for many of us, so it’s important to start practicing now! Why? Because when someone compliments you and you deny their words, you’re showing the universe that you don’t really believe in yourself—that you don’t really want this positivity in your life. But when you stand tall and own your worthiness, you’re showing the universe that you are deserving of every kind word and more. That opens you up to receiving more kindness, more generosity, and more positivity and goodness. Start celebrating yourself today; it will take you further than you can ever imagine. (And also, you’re worth it!)

manifestation workbook guide learn more

Journal Prompt: Envision Your Success

What would I do today if I knew I wouldn’t fail? List out all of the things you would do today if you knew undoubtedly that you would succeed. As you write, visualize your success. Imagine how this will feel and write out these feelings. Don’t limit yourself, and don’t hold back. Remember that you cannot fail!

Why It Works: More visualization, but this time, it’s a little closer, as these are all the things that you would do today if you knew you couldn’t fail. As I said earlier, you don’t need to figure out the how when it comes to manifesting. The universe will always guide you to the next step when the time is right, and you’ll always know that it’s right by the way it feels. Notice how you feel as you write. Do any of these fearless steps feel really good? One of my all-time favorite quotes is by Jack Canfield: “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” Our fears sometimes prevent us from taking the next step, but if you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?

Journal Prompt: Letting Go

In what areas of my life are there things I can let go of in order to make room for new opportunities and exciting possibilities? What things am I justifying keeping, and why? When you let go of a job, person, belief, or another aspect of your life that may be holding you back, it’s easy to see what you’ll lose but hard to see what you might gain. Focus on the possibilities and experiences you might gain by letting go of the things that are holding you back.

Why It Works: In order to allow new people, experiences, opportunities, and resources into our lives, we need to make space for them. Sometimes, there are people, experiences, or things that once served our growth, but now they no longer contribute to our total wellbeing. Identifying these things is the first step. Letting go is the next, often more difficult step. I’ve let go of friendships, jobs, and even entire cities during my journey, and while it was never easy, it opened up space for new incredible people and experiences to enter my life. It isn’t always easy, but when you know in your heart that it’s the right choice, it’s always worth it.

And there you have it: 10 powerful journal prompts for manifestation. How’d that go? If you have your own great journal prompts for manifestation, comment down below! I’d love to hear what kinds of prompts and techniques have worked for you.

And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram! And don’t forget to check out the Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables and The Ultimate Manifestation Workbook, available now in my online shop!

Looking for more journal prompts for manifestation? Turn any of these visualization prompts into your next journal entry!

journal prompts for manifestation

Journal Prompts for Manifestation
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