How To Receive Messages From The Universe
Below, learn how to receive messages from the Universe (and how to know if a message is even from the Universe). Plus, discover 10 common signs from the Universe you might receive in your daily life.

What Is A Message From The Universe?
A message from the Universe is a sign, synchronicity, or deep inner knowing that comes from a higher power. You might call this higher power the Universe, God, Source Energy, or another name that resonates with you. Messages can often be signs of alignment, giving you reassurance to know that you’re on the right path. They may also be gentle nudges in a certain direction. And sometimes, they’re simply loving reminders that you’re not alone. When you’re experiencing struggle and hardship, a message from the Universe can be a source of comfort, letting you know that everything’s going to be okay.
Below, learn how to know if a message is from the Universe, what to do after you receive a message, and how to ask for a message when you’re feeling alone, discouraged, or just need a little extra reassurance. Plus, learn about 10 common signs from the Universe that you may experience in your daily life.
In This Article:
- How To Know A Message Is From The Universe
- Common Signs & Messages From The Universe
- What To Do After You Receive A Message
- How To Ask For Messages From The Universe
How To Know A Message Is From The Universe
It’s likely that you’re experiencing messages from the Universe every single day. It may not feel like it because you may not yet associate it as coming from a higher power. A profound reason for this is that often, your daily messages come in the form of your own inner knowing. And trusting your inner knowing can be hard, especially at first.
If you’re ever unsure if a message is truly from the Universe, you can ask yourself, “Does it feel like love?”
Because here’s the truth: every single message you receive from the Universe should feel like love.
You are your own biggest critic. You’re harder on yourself than anyone else could ever be. You may expect perfection from yourself, and because of your own heavy expectations, you think the Universe expects perfection from you, too. But it doesn’t.
The Universe has never had a single negative thought or feeling about you; the Universe knows only love.
So carry that with you as you learn how to decode messages from the Universe.
The Universe is not out to get you. You will never receive a message telling you that you’re not worthy or that you’re not good enough. If you hear an inner voice criticizing or judging you, it’s not the Universe; it’s your own insecurities and self-doubt. You might receive messages to have more patience or to stop holding on so tightly to experiences or things, but even these messages will feel like love. They’ll feel like they’re in your best interest. Sometimes, a message may reveal a difficult truth you’ve been suppressing within, but this is never done to hurt you. These messages are meant to help you move forward on your path and to help you grow.
Again, it all comes back to love. The foundation for all the messages you receive is love.
You might have a hard time trusting your intuition, but ask yourself: can you trust love?
Can you trust that if something feels like love, that means it’s right?
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Common Signs & Messages From The Universe
Sometimes, the messages you receive will come in the form of your own intuition, and other times, it may be an object, symbol, or something you see or hear. Read below for 10 common messages you might receive in your daily life.
Numbers and Number Patterns
11:11. 333. 888.
Numbers and repeating number patterns are often the most common type of message you may experience, especially when you’re first starting out. (Besides your own intuition, which should never be discounted.) The reason for this is because we’re surrounded by numbers constantly: time, temperature, dates, step count, mileage, even the number of likes on an Instagram post. When you’re learning to receive messages from the Universe, it’s also a good way to train your mind to pick up on signs.
So what exactly do these numbers mean? Well, that depends. If the number or number pattern has a unique meaning to you, then trust your inner knowing to decode their meaning. If you’re not sure, that’s okay! Numbers hold spiritual meaning, so it may help to look up the meaning of the number pattern you keep seeing. If you want to learn more about angel numbers and the spiritual meaning of different number patterns, here’s a helpful guide from TheLawOfAttraction.com.
You’re at the store and a particular object speaks to you. Maybe a book falls off the shelf in front of you. Or you find something in a drawer at home that you haven’t seen in years. Objects can come in all different forms, such as a toy, letter, article of clothing, picture, piece of jewelry, or anything that holds meaning to you.
Dreams are a powerful guide to your subconscious mind. Have you ever had a recurring dream? Or maybe a particularly vivid and intense dream? Maybe you don’t have recurring dreams, but you dream about the same people or experiences often. What are these dreams telling you?
Feathers, trees, flowers, shapes, and mountains are just a few of symbols that might show up for you. For instance, if white roses have a special meaning for you, maybe seeing or receiving a white rose is a sign to remind you that you are always loved.
A synchronicity is one of those perfect timing moments that feels like there’s no way it could just be a coincidence. Someone you haven’t talked to in years suddenly appears in your mind, and the next day, they call you out of nowhere. Or you decide to follow your heart and move to a new city, and instantly, someone from your past shows up to offer you a job in that city, even though they had no idea you were looking. When a synchronicity shows up in your life, listen. These are gentle nudges from the Universe letting you know you’re on the right path and guiding you toward your next step.
Songs & Song Lyrics
Songs can represent messages both in their lyrical meaning and in your personal relationship with the song. The lyrics of a song could speak to you, or it could simply be the song title that catches your eye. A particular song may also have a special place in your heart. Did a song come on the radio that makes you think of your first love? This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s time to call up your first love and give it another go. What it could be is a gentle reminder of a time in your life when your heart was open and unguarded. Maybe it’s time to open your heart again and let love in.
Does a certain animal show up for you in different places and times? It doesn’t have to be the actual physical presence of the animal; it could be a picture or a wood carving of the animal. The animal might also come to you in meditation. Your intuition may know exactly what the appearance of this animal means. If not, I encourage you to look up the spiritual meaning of this animal and see what resonates. This guide from SpiritAnimal.info offers some really great insight to help you get started.
Money & Coins
Finding money on the ground can be a message from the Universe that abundance is on its way. Instead of dismissing the next penny you see on the sidewalk as meaningless, say a quiet thank you to the Universe for this sign.
Social Media Posts
Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Instagram when you read a post that feels like it was written just for you? Do you know those posts that resonate so deeply, you’re called to bookmark and re-read them over and over again? If the words cause all the cells in your body to light up, trust that power. Trust that those words are meant for you.
Your Own Intuition
I can’t emphasize this enough: don’t discount the power of your own intuition. Your intuition is that deep inner knowing pulling you in a certain direction, even if it doesn’t make logical sense. Trusting your intuition can be scary at first, but once you start leaning in, you’ll realize that the steps you’re taking aren’t random. The Universe is always working behind the scenes to take care of you, even when you don’t see it. And that deep inner knowing you feel is a message from the Universe telling you it’s time to take inspired action. Everything is set up for you perfectly; all you have to do is act. Will the path ahead look exactly as you had hoped? Maybe not. But if you trust it, you may just open yourself up to something even more beautiful and profound than you can even imagine.
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What To Do After You Receive A Message
Your next steps will depend on what message you received.
If you received a gentle nudge to follow a certain path, walk forward in faith. It’s okay if you’re scared. When I received my nudge to quit my well-paying, full-time job to be a writer, I had zero prospects and no idea how I was going to make money. None. I was terrified, and I didn’t make the leap right away. It took me months to convince myself that I wasn’t making a huge mistake. But that pull inside was too strong to ignore. And now? I can tell you with gratitude and awe that it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It wasn’t always easy, and it required A LOT of faith, but I couldn’t be more grateful for the courageous girl who made that first scary step into the life of her dreams.
Sometimes, your message won’t be to take action, though. Sometimes, it may be a message to have patience. Or it might be just a little reminder that you’re not alone. In these moments, simply expressing gratitude is enough. You might even imagine a blanket of inner peace washing over you. Let this message be a loving reminder that all is well and you’re going to be okay.
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How To Ask For Messages From The Universe
If you’ve been looking for a message from the Universe and not receiving anything, that’s okay. This is actually completely normal. As frustrating as it sounds, the old adage is true: that thing you’ve been looking for usually comes when you stop looking. In the spiritual world, that means to surrender, let go, and trust.
You can also ask the Universe for a sign in any moment when you’re feeling anxious, worried, or just need a loving reminder that you’re not alone. This may feel a little weird at first, but it gets more comfortable with time. You may think, “If I’m supposed to have faith, does asking for a sign show a lack of faith?” When you have these kinds of doubts and uncertainties (and these types of questions will often arise in your spiritual journey), I want you to come back to this truth:
The Universe is never judging you. The Universe is never criticizing you. The Universe is only ever loving you.
The Universe will never say, “This person asked me for a sign, so they must not trust me.” Never. Every single one of those feelings and doubts comes from within. This is why it’s so easy to self-sabotage when you’re on this spiritual path: because you experience negative thoughts about yourself and assume that’s what the Universe must think of you, too.
So I want you to come back to this time and time again: The Universe is only ever loving me. The Universe is only ever loving me. The Universe is only ever loving me.
You can absolutely ask the Universe for a sign, and in this article, I explain how.
Here are two major points to remember when asking the Universe for a sign:
- Sometimes, the sign will come pretty quickly. Other times, it may not. Have patience. If the Universe doesn’t respond right away, don’t assume you won’t get your message. I’m going to come back to that sometimes frustrating statement: it’ll come when you’re not looking.
- And if you don’t receive the answer you were hoping for? From my experience, every single time I didn’t get what I wanted, it’s because something even better was coming. Every. Single. Time.
What kind of messages from the Universe do you receive in your daily life? Share your experiences in the comment box below!
And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation inspiration, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
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Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.