Manifestation Journal Examples: Scripting, 369 & More
In this article, learn about several practices for manifesting in a journal, including scripting, the 369 method, and more. Plus, get manifestation journal examples for each method to show you exactly what you need to do to begin manifesting your dreams.

How To Start A Manifestation Journal
One of the most common questions I receive is what the best method is for manifesting in a journal. Should you only stick to scripting? Does the 369 Method really work? What about the 55×5 Manifestation Method?
Here’s my answer:
There is no “best” method for manifesting in a journal. Like most things, what’s truly best is whatever feels right to you. I personally love scripting, and I try to do a scripting exercise at least once a week. But if you try scripting and end up hating it? That’s completely okay! Keep trying different methods to see what feels best for you.
Below, I detail multiple manifestation methods and provide you with manifestation journal examples for each practice. You’ll get an explanation of what each method is, and then you’ll find an example for deeper clarity. If you haven’t tried any of these methods before, I definitely recommend trying all of them out at least once to see what you like best. If you like them all, you can incorporate each of them into your journaling practice. But if one or two resonate more than the others? Like I said, that’s totally okay.
I also recommend checking out this article on using manifesting oil, as I find it helpful to add a drop of oil to my journal pages for some extra manifesting magic. You might also be interesting in learning more about the pillow method, which is a practice in which you place your journal pages under your pillow for a period of about 7 to 10 days. (All of these practices have worked for me, and they continue to be a part of daily manifesting routine!)
And finally, if you want to expand your manifestation practice, I definitely encourage you to check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop. Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. The journal comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal (using your laptop, phone, or tablet) or print and hand write. Click here to learn more!
Jump ahead to any of the manifestation journal examples below:
- Scripting Examples
- 55×5 Manifestation Method Examples
- 369 Method Examples
- General Manifestation Journal Examples
Manifestation Journal Examples
Scripting Examples
Scripting is the practice of writing about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest right now. For instance, if you want to manifest your dream job or perfect partner, you’d write about a day in your life as if you already have your dream job or perfect partner at this current moment. If you want to manifest one million dollars, you’d describe the joy and excitement of already having a million dollars in your bank account. In your script, you’ll describe your life using all of your senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. You’ll also write about your internal feelings, such as the joy and gratitude you feel for having what you desire in your current reality.
The key to unlocking the magic of scripting is to truly feel the positive emotions of already having everything you desire. For instance, if your goal is to manifest a million dollars, allow yourself to feel financially prosperous now. Feel abundant. Feel free. Feel joyful. Feel sincere gratitude. Allow yourself to feel it all. Carry these positive emotions with you throughout the day.
Below is a scripting example for your manifestation journal. This example is written from the perspective of someone imagining that they have their dream life now. They’re writing about a day in their dream life as if they’re looking back on their day, writing about all the magic they experienced.
To see how to write this example in present tense, click here. And to learn more about scripting, click here to discover more scripting tips, plus get a free Law of Attraction scripting template!
Dear Universe,
Today was truly an extraordinary day. When I woke up, I was greeted with warm rays of sunshine brushing against my cheeks. It felt like a gentle, loving message from the Universe welcoming me to this bright new day. After a restful night of sleep, I felt energized and ready to greet the day ahead. Careful not to wake up my love sleeping next to me, I awoke and headed to the kitchen, where a fresh pot of coffee waited for me. I spent the first hour of my morning journaling and meditating. Then, I went for a beautiful walk in the foothills behind my home. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more calm and at peace. I knew in every cell of my body that everything was working out perfectly for me, just as it always does.
I spent my day doing what I love. I connected with beautiful souls and offered meaningful help to others. I’m still in awe that this life is really mine. An old client of mine sent me an email thanking me for making such a positive difference in her life. She is now living the life she loves and helping others do the same. I can’t think of anything in the world more incredible than this feeling. I can see now how living the life of my dreams is the most selfless thing I can do for this world. When I spread my light, another person feels empowered to spread theirs, and then another spreads theirs, and this continues. I am so grateful I get to be part of this beautiful experience.
And another miracle: I received an unexpected check for more money than I’ve ever made in a single day! I still can’t believe it. The money came to me in the energy of love, bringing harm to no one. I feel so happy and grateful to know that every time I spend money in the energy of love, I receive even more in return. I used to believe that money was limited, but now I know that money is abundant, and there is more than enough to go around for all of us.
I spent the evening with my love. We cooked dinner together (taco night!) and watched TV together snuggled up on the couch. As my love held me, I’ve never felt safer or more treasured, cherished, and adored. Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with unconditional love. I am so grateful for the miracles that brought us together, and I will never take a second of this life for granted.
Today was a miracle. Just like yesterday was; just like tomorrow will be. I feel so grateful to live this life of mine. I am receiving more and more every day, and life just keeps getting better.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
— Me
55×5 Manifestation Method Examples
To practice the 55×5 Manifestation Method, choose an affirmation, then write down your chosen affirmation 55 times in a row for 5 days straight. The affirmation you use should align with the feelings of already having your desires. (So think about what you want to manifest, then write an affirmation declaring your gratitude and excitement for already having this thing.)
For example, if you want to manifest $1,000 this week, you might write, “I am so happy and grateful for the extra $1,000 I received this week!”
Here are a few more examples:
- I am so grateful that I’m going on a date with the partner of my dreams this Friday!
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I can’t believe I’m going on my dream vacation to Hawaii!
- I feel joyful and thankful that I’m driving my dream car!
- My heart is filled with gratitude for the 5 new clients I signed this week.
To illustrate how this works, let’s use the affirmation, “I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.” On Day 1, grab a journal or notebook and write this affirmation 55 times in a row. Don’t take any breaks while you’re writing; you want to complete this in one sitting. As you write, let the positive feelings of the words wash over you. On Day 2, you’re going to take your journal or notebook out again, and you’ll write this same affirmation 55 times that day. Days 3, 4, and 5, same thing.
Below, I’ve included an example of how this might look in your manifestation journal for Day 1. This is simply one affirmation written 55 times. Days 2, 3, 4, and 5 will look identical to this example.
To learn more about the 55×5 Manifestation Method, click here. And if you want to get started on this practice today, I’ve created a simple 55×5 Manifestation Worksheet you can either print out or type into directly on your phone, tablet, or computer.
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369 Method Examples
To practice the 369 Method, choose an affirmation just like what you’d use for the 55×5 Manifestation Method (above). Write down your affirmation 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. Do this for 21 days in a row. As you write it down, maintain high vibrations and make sure to be consistent. I also find it helpful to say my affirmation aloud throughout the day.
To show you a manifestation journal example for the 369 Method, I’m going to use the exact same affirmation we used above. This is how your affirmation will look Day 1, and then you’ll repeat this exact same process on the following days.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
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- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
General Manifestation Journal Examples
Your manifestation journal doesn’t have to be dedicated to one specific manifestation practice, such as scripting or the 369 Method. For instance, gratitude and positive affirmations are the foundation of a successful manifestation routine and can be included in your daily journaling practice.
Here are some examples of different types of components you can include in your manifestation journal:
- Positive Affirmations: One to three positive affirmations to lift your vibration
- Daily Gratitude: One to three things you feel grateful for today
- Signs & Synchronicities: Signs and synchronicities you’ve experienced recently
- Daily Intention: One powerful intention for the day
- Today, I Will Manifest: One small thing you’ll manifest today, such as a joyful conversation, a small amount of money, or a moment of peace.
Each day, you can choose to incorporate any of these elements into your manifestation journal. To help you get started, you can click here to get your free manifestation journal template. Below, you’ll find a manifestation journal example using these components. (But feel free to change it up a bit to best fit your needs! You can also use these in conjunction with a scripting entry or one of the other journaling methods above.)
Positive Affirmation
- I have the power to create the life I desire.
- I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.
- I am aligned with the energy of pure abundance.
Daily Gratitude
- My home for keeping me safe and warm
- An abundance of food and water for nourishment
- A working laptop to complete all of my tasks
Signs & Synchronicities
- The penny I found on the ground yesterday felt like a loving note from the Universe letting me know abundance is on its way
- I’ve seen 444 all over lately! This reminds me that I’m always supported by the Universe.
Daily Intention
- Today, I will embody the energy of pure abundance in all that I do.
Today, I Will Manifest . . .
- Today, I will manifest a moment of unexpected joy and laughter!
What’s your favorite journaling method for manifestation? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below! And if you have a request for a specific manifestation journal example not found in this article, let me know and I’ll add it in to a future post!
And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram! And don’t forget to check out the 30-Day Manifestation Journal (with text editable fields, so you can type directly into the document or print and handwrite – whatever you prefer!), available now in the online shop!
More Articles You May Like
- How To Practice Gratitude (For Law Of Attraction)
- How To Manifest On Paper In 5 Easy Steps
- Morning Routine Checklist For Manifestation (Free Printable PDF)
- Manifestation Challenge: Free 30-Day Manifestation Calendar
- Candle Colors For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)

Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.