8 Powerful Manifestation Games To Attract Your Desires
In this article, discover 8 powerful manifestation games to attract your desires and help you manifest the life of your deepest, most heartfelt dreams.
Pin this for later! 8 Powerful Manifestation Games To Attract Your Desires What Is Manifestation?
Manifestation—which goes hand-in-hand with the Law of Attraction—is the practice of consciously tuning your energy to the frequency of your desires, thus attracting more experiences into your life that match this energetic frequency.
So how exactly does this work?
Take a moment to notice how you’re feeling right now. What’s the dominant feeling in your body? Maybe you’re feeling a little bored. Maybe you’re content and at peace. Or maybe life feels a little shaky right now, and you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress and worry as a result.
Now, imagine that you have a bubble around you. This is your energetic field. That dominant feeling you possess is also the current dominant energetic frequency of this field.
So if you’re currently feeing content and peaceful, your energetic bubble is vibrating at the frequency of contentment and peace.
If you’re stressed and worried, then these are the feelings taking up your energetic field.
You may have heard the phrase, “What you put out, you get back.” This is also the foundational law (The Great Law, or Law of Cause and Effect) for the 12 Laws of Karma: The energy you put out into the world is what comes back to you, whether you’re conscious of it or not.
This law applies to your energetic field. Let’s say you have a decent job and a nice place to live, but no matter how much you have, it’s never enough. If “never enough” (i.e. lack and scarcity) is your dominant vibration, you’ll constantly attract experiences that center around never having enough.
But if you embody the energy of gratitude and abundance, you attract experiences that bring you even more reasons to feel grateful and abundant.
So in manifestation, you’re consciously tuning your energetic frequency to match the vibration of what you want to attract.
If you want to attract romantic love, you can emit the energy of love and connection, before that perfect partner has entered your life. If you want to attract financial prosperity, you can embody the energy of already being wealthy and abundant, even before you see any changes to your bank account.
By matching your vibration to these good-feeling things, you become a magnet for the very thing you want to show up in your life.
I have lots of articles on manifestation throughout this site, so if you want to learn more, I definitely encourage you to check them all out here. You can also find more resources to support your manifestations in my online shop.
Below, you’ll find 8 powerful manifestation games to attract your desires. And for even more information, you can click the corresponding links in each section to read full articles on how to practice each manifesting method.
In This Article:
- Abundance Checks
- Pillow Method For Manifestation
- 55×5 Manifestation Method
- 369 Method
- Manifesting With Candles
- Manifesting With Essential Oils
- Scripting
- New Moon Rituals
Manifestation Games
Abundance Checks
Abundance checks (or cheques) are blank checks that you can use to aid you in manifesting financial prosperity. You can find free digital abundance checks online, create your own, or use checks from your own checkbook for this practice.
On your check, you’ll write the amount of money you want to manifest and put your own name on the payee line. You’ll also date it for either today’s date or a date in the future. On the memo line, you can write down what this money is for (i.e. “Dream home”) or why you’re receiving this money (“For being your beautiful, authentic self”).
Finally, where is this money coming from? Sign the check from the Universe. If you’re using a free digital abundance check, the signature line may already come pre-filled.
Once your check is filled out, know that your manifestation is done. The money is coming. You can release your worries and align with the positive feelings of having this money right now.
Here are some ways you can use your abundance check to amplify your manifestations:
- Store it in your wallet, and each time you see your check in there, feel all the positive emotions of having that amount of money right now.
- Hang it up on a bulletin board and take some time to look at it each day. Visualize the experience of receiving this amount of money, and tune your energy to the frequency of pure abundance.
- Place it in a drawer, a lockbox, or somewhere safe. Surrender your desires to the universe, and walk forward in faith and trust.
Want to learn more? Check out my full guide to abundance checks, including free printable abundance checks you can start using today.
Pillow Method For Manifestation
The directions to follow for the pillow method are fairly simple and straightforward:
Write an affirmation on a piece of paper and place that paper under your pillow for a set amount of days. Let that affirmation be the last thing you think about as you fall asleep, allowing it to sink into your subconscious brain.
Let go, surrender control, and allow the Universe to deliver your manifestation into your physical experience.
The affirmation you use for this practice is going to be what I call a future pacing affirmation.
These are affirmations in which you state that what you want to manifest is already yours.
For instance, if you want to manifest financial prosperity, you might write something like, “Financial abundance continually flows my way through multiple streams of income.” You could also write, “I am financially free with a limitless abundance of wealth and prosperity.”
Here are the exact directions to follow. To learn more about this manifestation game and get some tips for how to make it work, be sure to check out my full article here.
- Decide what you want to manifest.
- Create a powerful future pacing affirmation rooted in your desire. Write this affirmation on a piece of paper.
- Place the piece of paper under your pillow.
- Before you fall asleep at night, visualize having your desire in the present moment, feeling all the positive emotions of having what you want to manifest.
- Continue for 7 to 10 days, or until it feels right to remove it.
- Let go. Surrender control to the Universe. Trust. Receive.
55×5 Manifestation Method
The 55×5 (also written as 5×55 or 555) Manifestation Method is another manifestation game that’s fairly straightforward: it simply requires you to choose an affirmation, then write down that affirmation 55 times in a row for 5 days straight.
The affirmation you choose is going to be another future pacing affirmation, like the one I described above. Specifically, you’re going to focus on something that you want to manifest soon and phrase this affirmation as if it’s already come true.
Here are a few examples:
- I am so happy and grateful for the extra $1,000 I received this week!
- I’m so grateful the sellers accepted my offer on my dream house!
- I can’t believe I’m going on my dream vacation to Hawaii!
So using the first example above, on the first day, you’ll write this sentence 55 times in a row (in one sitting): “I am so happy and grateful for the extra $1,000 I received this week!”
On day two, you’ll again write that same sentence 55 times in a row in one sitting.
Days 3, 4, and 5: same thing.
The key here is to allow yourself to feel all the positive emotions as if your desired manifestation has already come true. So if you’re affirming that you received $1,000 this week, vibrate at the frequency of financial prosperity and abundance. See if you can carry this high vibration with you throughout your day.
To learn more about this powerful manifesting practice, plus get examples of 55×5 manifestation affirmations you can use as well as extra tips and tricks, check out my full guide to the 55×5 Manifestation Method.
And if you’re looking for help getting started, check out the 55×5 Manifestation Method Worksheet, which gives you the opportunity to print and handwrite your affirmations or type directly into the PDF editable document. This easy-to-use worksheet gets powerful results and is the perfect addition to your manifestation practice.
369 Method
The 369 Method is a simple yet effective manifestation game that utilizes the power of journaling, affirmations, and your own powerful vibration.
To practice this manifestation method, choose an affirmation based on what you want to manifest, then write down this affirmation three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. The affirmation you use will be another future pacing affirmation.
Here are a few examples of the types of affirmations you might use:
- I feel joyful and thankful now that I’m driving my dream car!
- My heart is filled with gratitude for the 10 new clients I signed this month.
- I truly appreciate the extra $5,000 I received in my bank account.
Repeat this exercise for at least 21 days in order to maximize your results.
Again, the key here is to allow yourself to feel the positive feelings of having your desired manifestation in your life right now. So if your affirmation states that you received an extra $5,000 in your bank account this week, then allow yourself to feel the abundant energy of having this money right now. Carry this feeling with you not just when you’re writing your affirmation but throughout your entire day.
By continuously vibrating at the frequency of your desire for 21 days, this vibration is more likely to become your vibrational set point. You’ll no longer have to strive to feel financially abundant because it’ll be part of your foundational energy.
To learn more about the 369 method and why this manifestation game is so powerful, check out my in-depth guide.
Manifesting With Candles
Candles can be a powerful addition to your manifestation practice, as fire represents power and your inner light. Candles can also create a feeling of calm and inner serenity, allowing you to release negative energy and open yourself up to receiving.
When you first start incorporating candles into your manifestation practice, it’s best to use a brand new candle specifically chosen for this purpose. You can continue to use this candle for manifesting, but try to keep it as a dedicated manifestation candle.
Below, you’ll find the steps to follow to incorporate candles into your manifestation ritual. To learn what color of candle you should use depending on what you want to manifest, check out my article on candle colors for manifestation.
- Find a quiet, safe spot where you won’t be interrupted. If you have a sacred space or meditation table, this is ideal.
- Start with a brief meditation to create a feeling of calm within. You can either light your candle before you start meditating or right after.
- Start visualizing what exactly you want to manifest. See it in your mind’s eye. As you visualize, feel all the positive emotions of having this thing in the present moment.
- Now, you’re going to set your intention. What do you want to manifest? You might start by saying, “Dear Universe . . .” Be clear about what you want. Remember to express sincere gratitude for all that you have and all that’s on its way to you right now.
- Then, let it go. You might visualize your intention as a paper lantern or balloon flying higher and higher up into the sky until it disappears. This represents letting go of your desire and trusting the Universe to take care of you.
Manifesting With Essential Oils
When used correctly, essential oils can be another powerful addition to your manifesting practice. And the best thing is, you don’t actually have to do a lot of work when you’re using them; the essential oils will do most of the work for you.
Your main job is to be intentional.
So whether you’re using them in a diffuser, wearing them topically (when safe), or rubbing a little bit of oil on a dollar bill, make sure you set a clear intention when you’re working with them.
I have a full guide to manifesting with essential oils, including different types of oils to use for manifesting money, love, or success.
Here are some of the ways you can incorporate essential oils into fun and easy manifestation games:
- Dab a drop of oil onto money, photos, letters, or other items associated with your manifestations. If you want to manifest success with your business, you might dab some oil onto a business card. For financial prosperity, you can drop a bit of oil onto a dollar bill and keep it in your wallet. Find a creative way to use your chosen oil with an item you associate with your desired manifestation.
- If it’s safe to do so, you can wear the manifestation oil on your body daily, or wear it during especially important moments. You can also dab a bit on your jewelry, if you prefer.
- You can also use essential oils and candles together to amplify your manifesting practice. Before you start the candle ritual I described above, you can rub a bit of manifesting oil at the top of the candle, pulling upward, as you visualize your desires.
Scripting is a practice that utilizes both journaling and visualization to envision the life you desire. In this practice, you write about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest.
For instance, let’s say you want to manifest your dream job.
When you sit down to script, you’d write about your day as if you have your dream job right now, in the present moment. You might write as though you’re looking back on your day, describing all the details of a day on the job. Or you can write as though you’re experiencing it right now in this moment. (i.e. “I walk through the doors of my office and see . . .”)
The key here is to write as if you’re already living your dreams and desires right now in this present moment. You’ve made it. You have everything you can dream of and more. There is no more waiting—it’s all here for you, and all you have to do is reach out and grab it.
To learn more about the benefits of scripting, plus get tips and prompts to help you get started today, be sure to check out my guide to scripting. In this guide, you’ll also get a free Law of Attraction scripting template to help you write your first scripts. And if you need more inspiration, you can check out these scripting manifestation examples.
Start Scripting Your Dream Life With The 30-Day Manifestation Journal
Do you want to fully immerse yourself in the positive vibrations of all your dreams and desires? Check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop. Each day, you’ll discover a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. Comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal or print and hand write! Click here to learn more!
New Moon Rituals
The new moon offers a beautiful opportunity for a cosmic reset. This is a perfect time to check in with yourself, connect to your authentic desires, and set intentions for your life goals and vision.
This is also a time for cleansing any old, stagnant energy that’s been building up within and releasing all that no longer serves you to make space for new beginnings.
You can incorporate any of the manifestation games above into your new moon ritual to amplify your intentions. Additionally, here are a few of my favorite new moon rituals for manifestation:
- Plant Seeds of Intention: Pick 3 things you want to manifest over this next moon cycle. Imagine that each intention is a seed that you’re going to plant into your life garden. Take the first seed and envision yourself gently planting it in the earth in front of you. See your intention manifesting in your reality, and feel the positive emotions associated with this dream coming true. Do the same for the second and third seeds. You can visualize this practice in meditation, or if you’d like, you can actually plant three physical seeds in your outdoor garden or indoor potted plants.
- Write a New Moon List: Take some time to connect with your inner self and write lists of everything you want to manifest in the next month, everything you’re releasing, what you’re grateful for, the primary feelings you want to embody (joy, gratitude, etc.), and any other positive changes you want to make over the next month.
- Take a Detox Bath: A detox bath allows you to detox your total self: mind, body, and soul. This bath is meant for spiritual and energetic cleansing. During this time, put away your phone or any other distractions. Focus solely on your own inner tranquility. Sink into relaxation and self-care. By embracing your inner peace, you release stagnant energy within and make space for new energy to come forth. Use essential oils, crystals, epsom salt, candles, and anything else that supports your mind, body, and soul.
Get more ideas for new moon rituals here.
For more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
More Manifestation Resources
- How To Manifest On Paper In 5 Easy Steps
- Morning Routine Checklist For Manifestation (Free Printable PDF)
- How to Manifest Someone (in 6 Simple Steps)
- Manifestation Challenge: Free 30-Day Manifestation Calendar
- Candle Colors For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)
Pin this for later! 8 Powerful Manifestation Games To Attract Your Desires Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.