How To Design A Morning Routine For Manifestation
In this article, discover six powerful practices for creating your ideal manifestation morning routine. Plus, get suggestions for how to incorporate these practices into your morning whether you have just five minutes or an entire hour to dedicate to your personalized plan for embracing the new day with positive energy. (And don’t forget to download your free morning routine template below!)

Creating Your Ideal Morning Routine
When it comes to manifestation, a well-rounded morning routine is one the most underrated tools in your manifestation toolkit.
By creating a morning routine that supports you mind, body, and soul, you set a positive foundation for the entire day ahead.
In this article, you’ll discover six powerful practices you can incorporate into your manifestation morning routine to help you feel empowered and uplifted as you prepare for your day.
Don’t have a lot of time in the morning? That’s okay! I also offer suggestions for how to fit these practices into your schedule whether you have five, ten, twenty, or sixty minutes.
And for more guidance on creating your ideal morning routine, you can learn about how to use a morning routine checklist to help you stay on track of your goals here.
Plus, don’t forget to download your free printable morning routine template below!
In This Article
Manifestation Morning Routine Components
Positive Affirmations
A positive affirmation is a present-tense affirming statement that’s designed to boost your self-belief and support your overall well-being: mind, body, and soul.
Here are a few examples:
- I am worthy.
- I am enough.
- I am competent, capable, and strong.
- I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
- I am true to myself, always.
- I accept all of myself.
- Who I am, exactly as I am, is truly beautiful.
Affirmations are great because there are so many ways you can incorporate them into your morning routine, and they’re especially versatile if you’re pressed for time.
You can write some of your favorite uplifting affirmations on post-it notes and stick them to your mirror to read as you get ready for your day.
You can also write them in a bullet journal or on a notepad.
And if you don’t want to write them down, you can silently repeat them to yourself as you’re eating breakfast.
And finally, you can even set them up as notifications on your phone to pop up just when you need them in the morning.
Positive affirmations are the cornerstone of a well-rounded manifestation morning routine, as they’re a quick and easy way to lift your vibrations and align you with your desired emotions without taking any time at all.
- You May Also Like: How To Use Affirmation Cards (With Recommendations)
My favorite way to describe visualization is intentional daydreaming. You might also consider it daydreaming on purpose.
In manifestation, visualization allows you to simulate the experience of already having your desires in the present moment. This is a profound practice to help you get clear about what you want and begin vibrating at the frequency of your desires today.
So why should you include visualization in your morning routine?
Among other benefits, visualization increases your motivation, helps you to become more mentally resilient, opens your creative mind to previously unseen possibilities, and helps you to vibrate at the frequency of your desires, thus activating the Law of Attraction. (You can read more about the benefits of visualization in this article.)
If you’re new to visualization practices, one of the best ways to start is by using a guided meditation. You can find some of my favorite guided meditations for manifesting here. I personally use the InsightTimer app for all of my guided meditations. (That’s not an affiliate link. I just truly love this app and recommend it wholeheartedly.)
You can also spend a few minutes looking at your vision board and immersing yourself in the positive feelings of having your desires today.
For instance, if a brand new Tesla is on your list, imagine yourself driving that Tesla. Feel the smooth steering wheel beneath your fingers. Imagine how good it’ll feel when you’re driving that car on the freeway. See if you can spend at least 30 to 60 seconds focusing on each item on your board.
- Related: How To Visualize (For Manifestation)
Gratitude is another practice that can take as much or as little time as you want.
Many people set the intention to focus on gratitude as soon as they wake up in the morning:
“Thank you for another new day and for the air in my lungs. Thank you for my beating heart. For my safe home. For a restful night’s sleep. Thank you for all the love that’s within and all around me.”
This is an incredibly powerful practice. How many times have you woken up and immediately started clicking through mental to-do lists, feeling stressed and anxious about all that needs to get done?
Gratitude is a way to shift that narrative.
It’s about being in the present moment rather than living in the past or worrying about the future.
And even more, it’s about focusing on all that you have rather than seeing big gaping holes of lack everywhere you look.
Here are a few ways you can incorporate gratitude into your morning routine:
- Create gratitude lists. Every morning, list 1 to 3 things you feel grateful for that day. If you want, you can get a special notebook for this purpose; you can also used lined paper, notecards, sticky notes, or whatever you have lying around.
- Have a dedicated Gratitude Box. Each morning, write one thing you’re grateful for on a slip of paper. Insert the slip into a small box or mason jar. Then, at the end of a year, remove the 365 pieces of paper and read through them, feeling that wave of appreciation wash over you all over again.
- Keep a gratitude journal. You can write down several things you’re grateful for each morning, or you can focus on one thing and write all the aspects of that thing that you especially appreciate.
- Simply acknowledge your gratitude. You don’t necessarily have to write it down. As you’re showering, eating breakfast, or commuting to work, you can think about all the things in your life that you feel thankful for.
You can learn about the benefits of gratitude and why it’s an especially powerful practice when it comes to the Law of Attraction in this article.
Daily Intention Setting
One of the most profound practices you can do each day to support your manifestations is to set daily intentions.
Unlike a goal, which is the thing you ultimately want to manifest into your reality, an intention is how you want to be as you work towards your goals.
For instance, if you want to manifest financial prosperity, you might set the intention to be the embodiment of abundance in your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Set a daily intention that feels good to you. And if you find that you’ve strayed from your intention (i.e. you’re not being the embodiment of abundance like you had intended), that’s okay!
As soon as you have that realization, you can simply choose to return back to your intention and realign with the thoughts, feelings, and overall frequency of your desired manifestation.
Here are some examples of intentions you can set:
- Today, I will be present in every moment.
- I will hold strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.
- I will be my most authentic self in all moments.
- As I move through this day, I will choose love over fear.
- I will accomplish everything I focus on.
- I will take deep breaths and inhale confidence when I feel anxious or nervous.
- Today, I will succeed in everything I do.
- I will accept all opportunities that come my way.
- I will ask myself in all moments, “How can I serve?”
- In all moments, I will find things to be grateful for.
- I will be the highest version of myself.
- I will spread kindness in my words and actions.
If you’re ready to skip this section because you don’t think you have time for journaling, don’t leave just yet. You might be surprised by all the journaling tactics you can do in just a few minutes.
I cover different types of manifestation journaling extensively on this site, so I’ll briefly summarize a few journaling practices and link to each corresponding article below.
- Scripting: Scripting is the practice of writing about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest right now. For instance, if you want to manifest a specific job, you can write as if you’re living a day in that dream job. The key to unlocking the magic of scripting is to truly feel the positive emotions of already having everything you desire. Then, carry these positive feelings with you throughout your day. To learn more about scripting and download a free Law of Attraction scripting template, click here. Estimated Time: 10 to 20 minutes.
- 55×5 Manifestation Method: To practice the 55×5 Manifestation Method, choose an affirmation, then write down your chosen affirmation 55 times in a row for 5 days straight. For example, if you want to manifest a trip to Hawaii, your affirmation might be, “I am so grateful that I’m going on my dream vacation to Hawaii!” On Day 1, grab a journal or notebook and write this affirmation 55 times in a row. Days 2, 3, 4, and 5 – same thing. And again, allow yourself to feel the positive emotions attached to this affirmation as if it’s already come true. To learn more about the 55×5 Manifestation Method, click here. Estimated Time: 10 to 20 minutes depending on the length of the affirmation.
- 369 Method: To practice the 369 Method, choose an affirmation just like what you’d use for the 55×5 Manifestation Method. Write down your affirmation 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. Do this for 21 days in a row. As you write it down, maintain high vibrations and make sure to be consistent. You can learn more about the 369 Method here. Estimated Time: 3 to 5 minutes.
One big plus meditation has going for it? You can actually incorporate almost all of the practices above in a ten-minute meditation.
You’ll find guided meditations dedicated to gratitude, positive affirmations, visualization, or setting daily intentions.
And you’ll even find manifestation meditations that include all of these components in one track.
If you’re first starting out with meditation, I highly recommend using an app to help you get started. Many of these apps have beginner meditations to introduce you to the different concepts, often focused especially on breath work.
Here are a few of the best ones that you can try out today:
Finally, before you get started, know that this is not a competition. Nobody gets extra credit for meditating longer or being more still than everyone else. Ten minutes (or even five) is all you need to start a morning meditation practice.
And please, please know that meditation is not about being perfect.
My mind wanders all the time when I’m meditating. And that’s okay!
Meditation teaches us to notice those moments, acknowledge them, and gently allow ourselves to come back to the present moment, over and over again.
Suggested Morning Routines (Based On Time)
We all have our non-negotiables when it comes to our morning routine.
Some of these are for personal hygiene and cleanliness reasons, like showering, brushing teeth, and moisturizing routines. Drying and straightening/curling hair, putting on makeup, and picking out the perfect outfit might be components of your morning routine. And you might also like to sit down and eat a real breakfast before you head out the door.
Only you know what your non-negotiables are, so factor in the time it takes to complete these tasks as you decide how much time you can realistically dedicate to your morning routine.
And know that it’s okay to start small.
If you’re able to wake up ten minutes earlier to add a ten-minute manifesting practice to your day, that’s incredible. Truly. By taking that seemingly small step, you show the universe that you’re committed, focused, and persistent.
Just the very act of committing to yourself is going to open up so many amazing opportunities and experiences for you. Over time, you may want to add another five minutes or find new ways to maximize your time. You’re in the driver’s seat here, and you get to decide what’s right for you.
Five Minutes
- Complete the Morning Routine template below!
- Or, instead of the template, you can spend your five minutes practicing visualization. Then, as you’re getting ready for the day, you can mentally go through your gratitude list, recite some uplifting positive affirmations, and set an empowering intention for the day.
Ten Minutes
- Complete the above Morning Routine template. Then, with any remaining time, do a short visualization practice. You can use your vision board or complete a five-minutes guided meditation. For extra positivity, keep repeating positive affirmations as you get ready for the day.
Twenty to Thirty Minutes
- Do a ten to fifteen minute meditation. Then, complete the Morning Routine template. If you have any time remaining, add some extra affirmations or do a one-to-two minute visualization. Keep reciting affirmations and internally focusing on the things you’re grateful for as you shower, eat breakfast, and commute to work.
Forty Minutes
- Do a ten-minute meditation. Then, complete twenty minutes of journaling. With the remaining time, complete the Morning Routine template. Keep affirming your worthiness and focusing on all the wonderful things you feel grateful for as you finish getting ready for the morning.
Fifty to Sixty Minutes
- Complete thirty minutes of journaling, then a 10 to 20 minute meditation (or vice versa). Use any remaining time to complete the Morning Routine template. Or, if you prefer, you can use a separate notebook to write down your intentions for the day. Keep focusing on gratitude and positive affirmations as you get yourself ready in the morning!
Are you ready to create your perfect manifestation morning routine? Share your ideal routine in the comment box below! And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
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Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.