• how to use crystals
    Crystals,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    How to Use Crystals: Grids, Pendulums & More

    Looking to gain a deeper understanding of crystals and gemstones? In this post, learn how to use crystals for energy protection, inner healing, manifestation, and more.

    How to Use Crystals: Grids, Pendulums & More
    Pin this for later! How to Use Crystals: Crystal Grids, Pendulums & More

    Crystals and Gemstones

    You don’t need to have any special superpowers to work with crystals and gemstones.

    You just need an open heart, an open mind, and trust in your own innate intuition.

    If you’re looking to incorporate crystals in your daily life, I’ve included everything you need to get started below: how to cleanse, program, and use your crystals, plus how to use crystal grids and pendulums.

    I’ve also included a section on using crystals for manifestation as well as the best crystals for beginners. Finally, throughout this post, you’ll find links to crystals and accessories you can purchase today.

    It may seem like an overwhelming amount of information at first, but I’ve simplified it into the most basic steps. Once you get started, you’ll find that using crystals and gemstones in your daily life is very easy—and also very worthwhile.

    In This Article

    How to Cleanse Crystals

    When you first purchase or receive a crystal, it’s likely touched many hands before you. It may have had a previous owner, or it may have traveled long distances in a shipping container.

    However your crystal comes to you, you can bet that it still holds the energy of the people and places it’s been in contact with.

    That’s why cleansing your crystals after you receive them is so important. By cleansing your crystal, you’re starting with a blank energy slate, and you can then intentionally program it with your own positive energy.

    Additionally, you should cleanse your crystal regularly, especially if it’s part of a piece of jewelry you wear often or if it’s one that you carry with you throughout the day. Your crystals continue to hold and store energy, and if they’re holding onto too much energy, they start to lose their effectiveness.

    Cleansing your crystals releases this energy and allows them to be fully effective for you.

    Luckily, cleansing crystals is easy. Use any of the methods below for cleansing your crystals to release trapped and stored energy within.

    Water: For this method, I like to use clean, natural water like a creek, river, or stream, but it’s totally okay to use a faucet as well. Hold your stone beneath the surface or underneath the running water to cleanse. Just make sure to first do a quick Google search or consult a book on crystals to make sure water is safe for your stone. You don’t want to use this method for soft stones like Selenite.

    Use Selenite or Clear Quartz: Selenite and Clear Quartz are unique in that they’re able to cleanse and purify other crystals. Lay your crystal on a piece of Selenite or Clear Quartz for at least 24 hours. If you can’t place your crystal on top, you can also place them side-by-side with their edges touching.

    Nature: Nature is a powerful healer, not just for humans but for crystals as well. Lay your crystals out in nature and let them experience the healing presence of the earth for a day. You can place crystals on the soil, on a tree branch, on a potted plant, among the blades of grass, in your garden, or anywhere else outside where you feel a sense of peace and harmony.

    Sun: Many crystals love the bright energy and light of the sun. Just make sure first that this is safe for your stone. Some stones, like Amethyst, shouldn’t be placed directly in the sun for too long.

    Moon: You can place your crystals outside overnight anytime, but this is especially powerful during the Full Moon when the moonlight is brightest.

    How to Program Crystals

    Programming crystals is all about setting intentions. This allows you to align with why you chose this crystal and what guidance, answers, or healing it can provide for you.

    It helps to come up with a sentence or two that aligns with the intention you want to set.

    For instance, if you want to embrace more creativity in your life, your intention might be, “I am filled with inspired ideas and unlimited creativity. Limitless creativity is always at my fingertips.”

    For protection from external negative energy, your intention may be, “I am protected from negative energy. All of the energy that flows within and around me supports my highest good and total well-being.

    To begin programming your crystal, find a quiet spot where you’ll be free from outside distractions. You may want to light candles or cleanse your space before you begin. Do what feels most comfortable for you.

    Hold your crystal within your palm and close your eyes. Visualize your intentions coming to life. For instance, to manifest more creativity, visualize yourself living your most creative life. Feel the positive feelings associated with embracing your inner creativity. Continue your visualization until you feel that the crystal has been programmed with your intention. (This will simply be an inner knowing.)

    Some people like to begin by raising their crystal to their lips and gently blowing on the crystal. As you breathe, internally state your intention, repeating this for several minutes. If this practice feels comfortable for you, you can add it to your programming ritual.

    Authentic Self: Self-Love Workbooks for Your Highest Self. Click to learn more.

    How to Use Crystals

    There are several ways you can use crystals, some of which are more passive and others that require more active involvement. Even during the more passive practices, though, it’s still important to keep your intention in mind. Return to this intention throughout the day, and acknowledge the work your crystal is doing for you.

    Wear Crystals as Jewelry: Rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings aren’t only beautiful, but they offer an easy way to keep your crystals nearby throughout the day. By wearing your gemstones as jewelry, your chosen stones can protect your energy, calm your mind, and soothe your spirit.

    Meditate With Crystals: If you already have a meditation practice, or are looking to start one, crystals can be a profound addition to your practice. As you meditate, you can hold your crystal(s) in your palms or near your heart center. You can also place the stones over their corresponding energy center (chakra) while laying down. To learn more about chakras, check out my introduction to your body’s energy centers. I also have a guide on specific chakra healing crystals and stones.

    Keep in Your Office/Workspace: Keep your gemstones visible in your office or workspace, or if you have a job that requires you to walk around, see if you can keep it in your pocket or somewhere accessible to you. Blue Lace Agate is the perfect crystal to keep with you while you work as it calms your mind, soothes your spirit, and helps you to maintain tranquility. Black Tourmaline is another one of my favorites because it protects you from external negative energy.

    Create a Sacred Space: Crystals, candles, essential oils, pillows, books, plants . . . any and all of these components can be used to create a sacred space for yourself. Whatever you want to include, make your sacred space your own. Allow it to be a safe place filled with positive, healing energy. You can fill your sacred space with as many crystals as you want. Allow this to be a place where you can meditate, journal, or simply sit and hold your crystals, restoring harmony and peace within. For creating your own sacred space, check out my in-depth guide on how to create the perfect meditation table for you.

    Create a Crystal Grid: More on this below!

    How to Use Crystal Grids

    A crystal grid is a special geometric layout of stones formed with a specific intention in mind, such as to heal one or more of your chakras. The central stone in the grid corresponds with your intention, and the surrounding stones amplify your intentions and support the flow of positive energy.

    To begin creating your grid, you first want to set your intention. Why are you creating this grid today? Know that there are no wrong answers. Maybe you want to manifest abundance. Maybe you want to align with your higher self. Or maybe you want to cultivate the courage and strength to make a big step in your personal life.

    Whatever your intention is, take a moment to align with it and allow it to guide you as you create your grid.

    After you’ve set your intention, you can begin creating your grid. To do this, you’ll want to pick your grid shape (triangle, circle, square) and which crystals and gemstones you want to incorporate into your crystal grid.

    Choose crystals that coincide with your intention. For instance, if your intention is to open your heart and cultivate more self-love, you might incorporate crystals such as Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Pink Opal, and Clear Quartz.

    Place the stone that most powerfully resonates with your intention in the center; this is called the Anchor Stone. Place the other stones around the Anchor Stone in the specific layout you’ve chosen. If this is your first time creating a crystal grid, it may help to use a grid template. You can find some on Amazon (I’ve linked to a few below) or online. I really like this article from Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy on how to create a crystal grid, and it also includes links to a free template pack.

    You don’t have to only include crystals in your grid, though. Do you have a special item that represents unconditional love to you? Use this powerful loving energy in your grid.

    Finally, you can activate the grid by stating your intention aloud. You can also use a clear quartz point to activate your crystal grid. The article I linked to above gives a detailed explanation on how to use a clear quartz point to activate your grid.

    Now that your crystal grid is ready, you’ll want to make a point of sitting with your grid daily to connect with its energy. I like to do this through meditation, but if you don’t meditate, you can simply sit in front of it. Think back to your intention. If your intention is to cultivate more self-love and self-compassion, feel the energy of unconditional love flowing to and through you.

    How to Use Crystal Pendulums

    A pendulum is a string, cord, or chain with a small object at the end. This object is usually a triangular shaped crystal, but some pendulums will have objects made of wood, stone, metal, or glass on the end.

    Pendulums are most often used to gain clarity and insight into a question or issue you may be having. The practice of crystal dowsing or pendulum dowsing means to use your pendulum to receive guidance on a situation you may be dealing with.

    There’s no rules about what kind of situation this might be, or whether it’s objectively big or small. You might turn to your pendulum for help on finding your lost car keys or for guidance on what to eat for dinner tonight. You can also turn to it for guidance on whether you should leave your job or move across the country or fully commit to that new person you’ve started seeing.

    There’s a lot more to be said about the power of the pendulum, and if you’re curious to learn more, I encourage you to read my blog post on all things pendulum-related here.

    For this post, we’re going to skip right to the how-to’s: how to use a crystal pendulum to receive guidance on any situation you may be encountering in your current experience.

    Before you use your pendulum, you’ll want to cleanse and charge it as outlined in the steps for cleansing and programming crystals above. Consider the time you spend working with your pendulum to be sacred, removing distractions so that you can focus solely on the connection between you and the pendulum.

    Here are the essential steps for using a pendulum. Again, I go into a bit more detail in the blog post I linked to above.

    1. Sit in a comfortable position holding your pendulum between your thumb and forefinger (using your dominant hand). Hold the pendulum out in front of you until it becomes motionless.
    2. If this is the first time you’re using your pendulum, you’ll want to learn how it communicates. To do this, you can simply say, “Please show me a yes response.” Patiently watch and wait for the pendulum to start moving; it might move side-to-side, back-and-forth, clockwise, or counterclockwise. Make note of the direction it moves. This is your “yes” response. Do the same thing for a “no” response. If you’d like, you can also ask for a “maybe” or “neutral” response. You can also ask questions you already know the answer to, such as your name, birthday, and where you live. Just make sure to formulate your questions in a “yes/no” format.
    3. Once you’re comfortable with your pendulum and understand how it communicates, you can begin asking it deeper questions. (Or keep it lighthearted, if you’d like.) Just remember to phrase your questions to have yes/no answers, and be as specific as possible to get clear answers
    4. You can also use your pendulum for help finding lost items or people. If you lost your keys, hold the pendulum over a map of your house and let it lead you to the right location. On a larger scale, you can hold the pendulum over a map of a city, state, or even the world.
    5. Again, for deeper insight into pendulums, I definitely encourage you to check out my post, How to Use a Pendulum (A Complete Guide).

    How to Use Crystals for Manifestation

    Manifestation is the practice of visualizing your dreams and vibrating at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true. This belief is rooted in the idea that what we give out, we get back.

    So if you vibrate at the frequency of love, you attract more love to you. If you vibrate at the frequency of abundance, you attract more abundance to you. And if you vibrate at the frequency of joy, you attract more joyful experiences into your life.

    So how exactly do crystals help with manifestation? Crystals help you to become the energy of what it is that you want to manifest. They restore harmony and balance within you and empower you to live as your highest and most authentic self.

    If you want to manifest love, your chosen crystal isn’t simply helping you to attract love; it’s gently guiding you to release any blockages and barriers you may have to receiving love and helping you to heal any inner pain you’re still holding onto.

    Your crystal will guide you to cultivate a deep sense of love within so that you truly become the embodiment of love. And by becoming the embodiment of love, you become a magnet for more love to flow into your life.

    To use crystals for manifestation, you’ll want to follow the steps outlined above for cleansing and programming crystals. My favorite way to program a crystal for manifestation is to hold it in my hands during meditation and visualize my dreams and desires coming true while feeling all of the positive, high-vibe emotions related to my dreams.

    Below, I’ve listed some of the powerful crystals that help with manifesting different emotions and experiences into your life. You can use any of the methods I outlined in the How to Use Crystals section to help you get started with using crystals to manifest what you desire. I will note that when it comes to using crystals for manifestation, I recommend being intentional with placement whenever possible.

    If you’re keeping a crystal nearby, think of the ways you can amplify the crystal’s powers. For instance, if you want to manifest financial abundance, you might keep a small Citrine crystal in your wallet or purse. Want to manifest creative ideas? Keep a Carnelian gemstone in your creative studio or with all of your art supplies.

    Crystals for Manifestation

    • Manifest Abundance: Citrine, Pyrite, Clear Quartz, Tiger’s Eye
    • Manifest Love: Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Pink Topaz, Emerald
    • Manifest Friendship: Pink Opal, Citrine
    • Manifest Health: Garnet, Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Selenite
    • Manifest Creativity: Carnelian, Citrine, Amethyst

    To boost your manifestation powers, pair the crystals above with Aventurine, Goldstone, or Jade, which are all powerful amplifier crystals.

    Transform your life with the Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables. Click to learn more.

    Best Crystals for Beginners

    If you’re just starting your crystal collection, I’ve listed some of the best crystals to start with below. However, don’t be afraid to walk into a crystal shop or scroll through an online crystal store and simply find the ones that speak to you. When I bought my first crystal, I knew absolutely nothing about crystals and simply admired them for their beauty. I picked out a beautiful Amethyst crystal that called to me, and it’s still one of my absolute favorites to this day.

    • Clear Quartz: Clarity, Manifestation, Healing, Spiritual Growth
    • Selenite: Purity, Peace, Light, Clarity, Consciousness
    • Amethyst: Peace, Spirituality, Intuition, Calmness, Wisdom
    • Rose Quartz: Love, Compassion, Peace, Friendship
    • Citrine: Joy, Abundance, Prosperity, Energy
    • Black Tourmaline: Energy Protection, Grounding

    Also remember that Clear Quartz and Selenite have the special ability of cleansing other crystals, so I definitely recommend having at least one of these crystals in your collection.

    For more inspiration, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. Plus, for a daily dose of self-love and uplifting affirmations, connect with me on Instagram.

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    How to Use Crystals: Grids, Pendulums & More
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  • blog banner with title: 9 best crystals and stones for anxiety
    Crystals,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    9 Best Crystals And Stones For Anxiety

    In this article, discover nine of the best crystals and stones for anxiety, plus get tips on how to cleanse, program, and use your crystals so they best serve your mind, body, and soul.

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    Living With Anxiety

    Does it feel like anxiety is a constant, unrelenting part of your life? Are you so used to co-existing with its inevitable presence that it seems inconceivable to even imagine what life without anxiety would feel like?

    I know how it feels to live each day with deep-seated, enduring anxiety. Anxiety feels different for everyone. For me, it feels like an all-consuming heat has gripped my chest, squeezing my heart and making everything inside feel tight and constricted.

    This overwhelming feeling makes it impossible to think about anything else.

    Still, as bad as my anxiety often gets, I know others experience symptoms that are much more debilitating. For some, anxiety makes it feel difficult to even get out of bed in the morning. For others, anxiety affects their immune system and leaves them feeling sick and depleted.

    Whether your anxiety comes in short bursts, long waves, or somewhere in-between, there are resources and tools that can help you manage the stress and overwhelm of living with anxiety.

    For many, crystals and gemstones can be powerful tools for healing as they go beyond simply treating the physical ailments you experience; rather, they dig deep, moving past the symptoms and finding the true source of your anxiety.

    By gently discovering the root cause of your inner battle, crystals help to spiritually heal your entire body, mind, and spirit.

    Crystals won’t just make you feel not anxious. When your brain feels heavy, overwhelmed, and/or stressed, crystals can lift this heavy fog from your mind so you can see the path ahead with calm and clarity.

    And once you can see things clearly, you gain more courage and confidence to walk forward in your journey. Fear of the unknown suddenly becomes less scary, because you have complete faith and trust that everything happens for your highest good. In the unknown, you see potential and possibilities.

    In different ways, all of the crystals and stones for anxiety below will provide you with this clarity as they lift the hold that anxiety may have on you. Some of the crystals help you to cultivate peace. Some relieve tension. Others protect you from the negative energy of external forces. And still, others have the power to transform negative emotions into positive ones.

    But what they all have in common is that they will all work to serve your ultimate well-being and support your highest good.

    Below are nine of the best crystals and stones for anxiety, as well as a guide on how to cleanse, program, and use your crystals to help you achieve a peaceful, calm, and harmonious lifestyle.

    And to help you better understand the role anxiety plays in your life, don’t miss these 30 gentle and calming journal prompts designed to help you gently probe your anxiety with love, compassion, and kindness.

    In This Article

    Please note that this content is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions regarding anxiety and your personal health, please consult your doctor.

    How To Cleanse Your Crystals

    When you first purchase a new crystal, it’s important to cleanse the crystal before you use it, even if you only intend to have it sit in one spot. Crystals hold energy inside them, and when you first receive them, it’s almost a sure thing that they’ll be holding some kind of energy within from past owners and experiences.

    Even if you’re the first official owner of this crystal, it still traveled from source to seller to you. It inherently holds energy just from its travels and all the hands it has passed through.

    On top of cleansing your crystals when you first get them, it’s a good habit to cleanse them regularly. Even if you’ve cleansed a new crystal once, it will continue to receive and store energy with time. Eventually, if there’s too much energy stored inside it, it will no longer work effectively. Try to cleanse your crystals at least once a month using any of the methods below.

    Water: If possible, try to use clean, natural water like a creek, river, or stream. Hold your stone beneath the surface and rinse it within the running water. If there’s no natural water nearby, it’s okay to use a faucet. Either way, just be sure to first do a quick Google search or consult a book on crystals to make sure water is safe for your stone. You don’t want to use this method for soft stones like Selenite.

    Use Selenite or Clear Quartz: Selenite and Clear Quartz are both beautiful crystals that typically have a whitish, clear surface. These crystals are unique in that they are able to cleanse and purify other crystals. Lay your crystal on a piece of Selenite or Clear Quartz for at least 24 hours. If you can’t place your crystal on top, you can also place them side-by-side with their edges touching.

    Nature: I like to compare crystals to people when it comes to holding energy. When we store old or negative energy within, one of the most powerful ways to balance our own energy is to spend time in nature. Crystals are the same. Lay your crystals out in nature and let them experience the healing presence of the earth for a day. You can place crystals on the soil, on a tree branch, on a potted plant, among the blades of grass, in your garden, or anywhere else outside where you feel a sense of peace and harmony.

    Sun: Many crystals love the bright energy and light of the sun. Just make sure first that this is safe for your stone. Some stones, like Amethyst, shouldn’t be placed directly in the sun for too long.

    Moon: You can place your crystals outside overnight anytime, but this is especially powerful during the Full Moon when the moonlight is brightest.

    How To Program Crystals & Gemstones

    Programming your crystals is the act of setting an intention so that you and your crystal are in alignment. When using crystals to help heal anxiety and restore balance within, your intention will likely have something to do with walking forward on your path with a sense of calm, alignment, harmony, and ease.

    Here are a few examples of intentions that you might set:

    • My energy is perfectly aligned and balanced. I feel calm, confident, and at ease.
    • I am protected from negative energy. All of the energy that flows within and around me supports my highest good and total well-being.
    • I cultivate power, courage, and strength within to confidently face all situations.

    Your intention might also be more specific if your anxiety arises during certain situations, such as at work or during social events.

    Programming your crystals comes after cleansing your crystals. When your crystal has been properly cleansed, find a quiet spot where you can be undisturbed for at least 10 to 15 minutes. If you have a sacred space or a meditation table, this is the perfect time to use this space. Feel free to light some candles or cleanse your space before you begin.

    Hold your crystal within your hands and state your intention out loud. Lift your crystal to your mouth and gently breathe on it. As you breathe, internally state your intention. Ideally, you will be in a high-vibrational state while doing this. Repeat this for several minutes, or until you feel ready to move to the next step.

    You can lower your hands now if you wish, keeping your crystal within your palms. Close your eyes (if they aren’t already closed) and visualize your intention coming to life. Visualize the life you imagine for yourself with this intention coming true. See your highest, most authentic self living your most confident life – a life where anxiety doesn’t have a hold over you.

    And as you visualize, allow yourself to truly feel all of the positive emotions associated with your vision.

    Continue your visualization until you feel that the crystal has been programmed with your intention. (This feeling will be a deep inner knowing. It won’t be anything big or flashy. Think of it like a small, gentle nudge within.)

    How To Use Crystals & Stones For Anxiety

    Keep in Your Office/Workspace: Keep your gemstones visible in your office or workspace, or if you have a job that requires you to walk around, see if you can keep it in your pocket or somewhere accessible to you. Blue Lace Agate is the perfect crystal to keep with you while you work as it calms your mind, soothes your spirit, and helps you to maintain tranquility.

    Meditate with Crystals: Find a quiet, safe spot and hold your crystal(s) as you meditate. You can also place the stones over their corresponding energy center while laying down. I list the chakras (energy centers) for each stone below. To learn more about chakras, check out my introduction to your body’s energy centers here.

    Wear Crystals as Jewelry: Rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings are a beautiful way to keep your crystals with you at all times. By wearing your gemstones as jewelry, your chosen stones can protect your energy, calm your mind, and soothe your spirit throughout the day. Learn more about protection jewelry here.

    Recite Affirmations: In a safe space, recite positive affirmations while holding your crystals. If you’re at work, a social gathering, or another public place, see if you can find space to silently repeat affirmations to yourself as you hold your crystals. (Or if you’re wearing them as jewelry, focus your attention on the power of their presence). Here are 65 positive affirmations for anxiety to help you get started.

    Create a Sacred Space: Crystals, candles, essential oils, pillows, books, plants . . . any and all of these components can be used to create a sacred space for yourself. Whatever you want to include, make your sacred space your own. Allow it to be a safe place filled with positive, healing energy. You can fill your sacred space with any and all the crystals listed below, along with other beautiful gemstones you feel called to. Allow this to be a place where you can meditate, journal, or simply sit and hold your crystals, restoring harmony and peace within.

    For more details on how to use crystals to protect your energy, manifest your dreams, and help you heal from within, get the full guide for using crystals here.

    9 Best Crystals And Stones For Anxiety


    Amethyst is a beautiful crystal to promote peace and calm within. If you often come home from work feeling scattered and overwhelmed, allow Amethyst to calm your mind and soothe your spirit. And if tranquility and stillness is what you seek, Amethyst is the perfect stone to bring into your life.

    Amethyst is a stone of balance, so if external forces disrupt your inner peace and leave you feeling like you’re going in a million different directions, Amethyst will gently guide you back to a place of harmony within. It also decreases stress and tension and even helps you get a more restful night’s sleep.

    By promoting a sense of calm within, Amethyst will clear out the negativity in your mind so you can find clarity on your journey. With clarity, your creativity and courage are able to shine, and you can walk forward on your path with a sense of purpose and inner knowing.

    Chakras: Third Eye, Crown


    If anxiety is a constant companion in your life, let Apophyllite take its place as it soothes and heals your mind, body, and spirit. As one of the most powerful stones for healing anxiety, Apophyllite is known for being a stone of light, and it infuses its light into your spirit, relieving your tension and unease. You might think of Apophyllite as a beautiful, calming presence that doesn’t just relieve your stress and worry; it transfers its high-vibrational energy to you and truly lifts your spirits.

    By soothing your worries and calming your mind, Apophyllite will help you to come up with actionable solutions during times of stress. It makes heavy situations feel lighter as it gently guides and supports you to release negative energy and cultivate true joy and happiness within.

    Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, Crown

    Blue Lace Agate

    You know those times when your mind seems to be running at a million miles per hour, and you just can’t seem to slow it down? Blue Lace Agate is just the stone you need to calm your mind, soothe your spirit, and relieve your stress. It’s especially helpful if you have a big presentation or interview coming up as it will help you to relax and stay calm, no matter the situation.

    Known to be a powerful stress relieving stone, Blue Lace Agate is the perfect crystal to keep in your office or cubicle as it helps you remain calm and at ease throughout your work day. Take deep, cleansing breaths and envision that the soothing blue of its surface is a peaceful summer sky or a stunning winter lake, restoring harmony and balance within.

    Chakras: Throat, Heart


    Hematite is the ultimate grounding stone. When you find your mind is spinning in circles or when the world is crashing over you, Hematite will clear the chaos and pull you back to earth.

    Associated with the root chakra, your body’s first energy center, Hematite restores your strong and steady foundation and promotes feelings of ease and security. And as it does this, it also allows you to release stress, worry, and anxiety.

    Additionally, Hematite is a protective stone, so you can wear it as jewelry or keep it with you throughout your day, and it will help you to remain centered and grounded while protecting you from negative energy and toxic vibes. If you’re an empath, this stone is a must-have as it will protect you from taking on the negative energy of others.

    Chakras: Root


    Lepidolite is the gemstone version of your best friend; it listens to your emotions and then gently guides you to a place of healing. When you’ve been stuck in a state of heartbreak, depression, or permanent stress, Lepidolite helps to heal your broken heart and restores your sense of confidence, enthusiasm, joy, and purpose.

    And going one step further, as you’ve discovered a renewed sense of purpose, it helps you to embrace change and step into the next chapter of your life.

    If you’ve been living in a state of worry, stress, chaos, or perpetual sadness, Lepidolite will help you to move forward into the next phase of your life with joy, confidence, and faith. For women, this stone will also help to retain harmony during the most emotional times of your cycle. And for all, it promotes a rejuvenating and restful night’s sleep.

    Chakras: Works with all chakras, especially the upper three (Heart, Third Eye, Crown)


    Like Hematite, Obsidian is also a powerful grounding stone that allows you to realign with your foundation when your mind, body, and spirit aren’t in harmony. And like Lepidolite, Obsidian is also kind of like your best friend, except this is the best friend that you may not always want but that you always need.

    Obsidian tells it like it is and shows you both your positive and negative traits. If you’ve been suppressing negativity, Obsidian carries it to the surface so you can face it head on. However, it’s not going to leave you high and dry to face this negativity alone. Like a true friend, Obsidian will help to clear any negativity and darkness and guide you toward the path of light, love, hope, and faith.

    In addition, Obsidian is also a powerful protective stone. It helps to guard your energy and protects you from negativity and darkness, both externally and within.

    Chakras: Root


    Like Hematite and Obsidian, Onyx is a grounding stone associated with the root chakra. It helps you to relieve stress and restore harmony within your being.

    But what makes Onyx really special is its ability to guide you through fear.

    When facing our fears, we often feel stressed, worried, nervous, and anxious. Onyx absorbs these negative energies and helps you to restore confidence and self-belief. It also helps you to make life choices that support your ultimate well-being and guides you down unknown paths with strength and courage.

    If you’re feeling anxious and worried about the future, Onyx will give you the courage to face your fears and the strength to keep walking forward, no matter what.

    Chakras: Primarily Root; can also work with Solar Plexus, Third Eye, and Crown


    Rhodonite is a beautiful stone associated with the heart chakra that nurtures inner healing and moving past difficult situations. This is one that you want to have in your spiritual first aid kit as it provides emotional support when you’re in the midst of painful situations.

    When dealing with anxiety-producing situations, Rhodonite will help you to remain centered and calm your nerves. Rhodonite also helps to open your heart and empowers your highest self to live your most joyful, peaceful, loving life. This stone clears negativity and lifts your vibrations, no matter what you’re currently going through.

    Chakras: Heart

    Smoky Quartz

    Smoky Quartz is a powerful stone to help you release negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress, and unease. When you’re in the midst of an overwhelming or anxious situation, feel the calming effects of this stone almost instantly by stepping back, taking a deep breath, and holding your stone over any areas of your body that feel tense and constricted. A bonus to using Smoky Quartz is that if often complements and amplifies the energy of surrounding stones.

    Smoky Quartz will help you get through the difficult moments of life, provide clarity in uncertain situations, and transform negative emotions into positive emotions. And if anxiety often leaves you feeling overwhelmed, Smoky Quartz will transform overwhelm into insight so that you can effectively understand and work through any problems that may be disrupting your peace.

    Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus; can also work with Crown

    And there you have it: nine of the best crystals and stones for anxiety. Do you have any special practices that you use to heal inner turmoil? What crystals and stones have you found work best to restore balance and harmony within? Be sure to share your experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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