• third eye chakra journal prompts
    Chakras,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    30 Journal Prompts to Open the Third Eye Chakra

    Discover 30 powerful third eye chakra journal prompts for opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy center for intuition, inner wisdom, imagination, and mental strength. For more healing resources, check out 40 Third Eye Affirmations for Wisdom, Clarity, and Insight. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable third eye chakra journal prompts and affirmations!

    third eye chakra journal prompts
    Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Third Eye Chakra

    Healing the Third Eye Chakra

    I remember when my inner knowing told me it was time to leave. I had a great job, a beautiful place to live, and people who loved me. But I was living in a town that didn’t belong to me and never truly felt like home. The decision to leave wasn’t the hard part; it was the follow-through that threatened to break my heart. How could I say goodbye to a life that felt so comfortable and to people who had always loved and supported me?

    But when it was time to go, I knew it. I took those first few steps of announcing that I’d be moving to a new state, and then something kind of magical happened:

    Within two weeks, I received a job offer to the first job I applied to in this new state, and my application was accepted to live in a perfect apartment in a highly coveted part of town, just minutes away from my sister’s family.

    When I made the decision to follow my inner knowing and took the first step, the Universe provided me with everything I needed to not just survive but to thrive.

    And that’s not the only time this has happened, either. Many times in my life, following my intuition, even when it didn’t make sense, has turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. One of the scariest decisions? When I quit my high-paying job to pursue my dream of writing, with no prospects or assurances of success. All I had to go off of was a gentle nudge that told me everything would be okay.

    And it was. More than okay, actually. Because when I made the decision and took the first step, the Universe delivered to me opportunities, experiences, and resources to support my journey. It was, undoubtedly, one of the best decisions of my life.

    Following your intuition is hard, and I’m definitely not here to claim that it’s easy. I also won’t tell you that you won’t have any fear when you take that first step. I don’t believe courage requires the absence of fear; I believe if means feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

    The third eye chakra is your body’s energy center for intuition, imagination, mental strength, inner wisdom, open-mindedness, and clarity. When this energy center is open and healed, you will experience a deep understanding of your life’s purpose and where you’re meant to go. This doesn’t mean that you see every single step of your path laid out in front of you; it means taking one step at a time, trusting that the next step will be revealed to you.

    You deserve to live the life of your dreams, and the truth is, your inner knowing already knows the way.

    Trust it. Believe it. Know that you possess infinite worth, and you are more capable than you can possibly imagine.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    How to Use These Journal Prompts

    These third eye chakra journal prompts are designed to help you gently explore and connect with your inner self while gaining a better understanding of your relationship with your intuition, imagination, mental strength, open-mindedness, and more.

    You can choose to answer each prompt one at a time, or you can read through them and find the ones that resonate most with you. If you choose the latter, I do recommend answering a few of the prompts that you weren’t originally planning to work with. I find that once I start journaling, I encounter unexpected discoveries within myself. By including some extra prompts in your practice, you may make some unexpected discoveries within you.

    I also encourage you to have an open heart and open mind as you answer each prompt, which is especially important since the third eye chakra is the energy center of open-mindedness. It’s also important to release self-criticism and self-judgment during your journaling practice. Your intention is not to discern what you’ve been doing right or wrong and beat yourself up over it; your intention is to open and heal your third eye chakra, and that means practicing radical self-acceptance.

    The Universe brought you here for a reason, and it’s because you are loved, treasured, cherished, and adored. You are worthy of healing, and you are worthy of living a beautiful life. This is just a single step on your journey to discovering the infinite joy, love, peace, and abundance within yourself.

    Before you sit down to journal, I always recommend finding a quiet and safe space where you’re free from distractions. Quality truly reigns supreme over quantity here. Fifteen minutes of wholehearted journaling time will take you much further in your journey than an hour of distracted journaling while scrolling social media or watching TV. (I write this with so much love and compassion, because I know how hard it can be sometimes to carve out some quiet time for yourself. Just know that self-care isn’t selfish, and you are worthy of this time to yourself.)

    Finally, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page, where you can download your free printable third eye chakra journal prompts and affirmations. These free resources are designed to support you in your journey of healing, self-discovery, and unconditional self-love.

    Third Eye Chakra Journal Prompts

    • Do I consider myself intuitive? Why or why not?
    • How do I most often experience my intuition? Does it come in the form of a gut feeling, a voice in my head, signs and synchronicities, or something different?
    • What are some past experiences in which I followed my intuition, and this led me to making the right choice?
    • Have I ever not followed my intuition and wished I had? What can I learn from these experiences?
    • Do I trust myself to make good decisions? Do I make decisions based on what’s logical or what feels right? Is there a healthy balance between the two?
    • Describe what your inner knowing is telling you about your life right now. Are there any next steps you feel you should take? How does it feel when you think about taking these steps?
    • If I could take a single step this week that leads me closer to my dreams, what does that step look like? What is my intuition telling me? Am I able to take that step?
    • What are some daily practices I can do to cultivate my relationship with my intuition? How will I make space for these practices in my life? (For instance, daily affirmations, working with a pendulum, meditation, etc.)
    • Fear is a normal experience when we take a leap and follow our inner knowing. Write at least ten affirmations about your strength, power, and courage to feel the fear and move forward anyway. Repeat each affirmation twice.
    • In what ways does fear try to protect me? How can I tell the difference between fear that is telling me something important and fear that is holding me back?
    • Do I consider myself imaginative? What does imagination mean to me?
    • Was imagination encouraged or discouraged growing up? What was my relationship with my imagination like when I was a kid?
    • Do I use my imagination more or less now than I did when I was a child? How can I embrace using my imagination more?
    • Using your imagination, write a detailed account of the most beautiful life you can imagine for yourself. Think big and don’t hold back!
    • Are there any areas of life in which I can be close-minded? What led me to having a closed mind regarding these people, beliefs, ideas, etc.? Would there be any benefit to allowing my mind to be more open?
    • In what areas of life am I very open-minded? How does having an open mind support my journey and my overall wellbeing?
    • Describe a time when you showed incredible mental strength. What thoughts, beliefs, and emotions allowed you to hold onto this mental strength, even when it was difficult?
    • What areas of my life do I feel I have a strong sense of clarity about? What am I unclear or confused about?
    • What would help me to gain more clarity regarding the areas of my life in which I’m unsure or unclear about? What do I need to gain a clearer vision of my path , and how can I give myself what I need?
    • How do I react to major life changes? Do I embrace change, or do I resist change?
    • What was the last major change in my life, and how did I react to this change? What positive lessons, opportunities, and experiences came from this change?
    • Describe a major life change that may be on your horizon. How does it make you feel? What are the benefits of this change, and what about the change makes you feel fear? Ultimately, is this the right step for you?
    • What does it mean to me to be spiritually aligned? Have I ever experienced spiritual alignment in my life?
    • What does it mean to me to surrender? How can I practice more surrender and trust in my daily life?
    • Do I feel safe surrendering, or do I have a difficult time letting go of control? Describe the ways in which letting go of control can be a really good thing for your overall wellbeing.
    • How has trusting my path led me to where I am right now, and why is my present-day experience a beautiful place to be?
    • In what ways do I possess deep inner wisdom? Do friends and family come to me for advice? What makes me a great person to talk to when another person is looking for guidance?
    • Write ten positive affirmations about your ability to follow your intuition and trust the path ahead of you. (If you need help, check out these third eye chakra affirmations here.)
    • Why is it important to me to have an open and balanced third eye chakra?
    • What does an ordinary day as my most intuitive, imaginative, mentally strong self look like? How do I carry myself throughout the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free third eye chakra printables below!

    For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    third eye chakra journal prompts
    Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Third Eye Chakra
  • throat chakra journal prompts
    Chakras,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Throat Chakra

    Discover 30 powerful throat chakra journal prompts for opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy center for communication, authenticity, and peace. For more healing resources, check out 35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable throat chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

    throat chakra journal prompts
    Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Throat Chakra

    Healing the Throat Chakra

    Do you remember being in school and the teacher would ask a question, and you were sure you knew the right answer, but something prevented you from raising your hand? It was especially difficult if the question didn’t have a definitive right or wrong answer, like in English when you were asked for your interpretation of what the author of a book was trying to say.

    I think I know, you’d think. But I don’t want to sound stupid.

    These situations don’t only happen in school, though.

    It might happen at work, when you think someone’s doing their task the wrong way but you’re afraid to tell them. Or when you have an idea for how to improve something, but you’re terrified how your idea will be received.

    It can also happen in personal relationships. You’re talking to someone, and the opportunity is right there for you to tell them what’s been weighing on your mind, but you just . . . don’t.

    I think most of us have experienced this type of situation in some capacity at least once (or a million times) in our lives. I know I have. I was impossibly shy when I was younger, terrified to talk to teachers and classmates alike. And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve had a tendency of staying in the background, keeping my mouth closed even when I’ve wanted to speak.

    Learning how to open and heal my throat chakra has been one of my longest self-growth journeys. I spent my life wanting to write, yet for years, I let myself believe that I had nothing important to say.

    So when I finally gathered the courage to start my blog and put myself out there on my social media accounts, to say I was terrified would be an understatement.

    But I felt the fear, and I took that first step anyway.

    Believing that your words and your truth matter is one of the key aspects of healing your throat chakra. When your throat chakra is open and balanced, you’re able to speak clearly and concisely. You’re calm, peaceful, and patient, and you’re as good of a listener as you are a speaker. Additionally, you stay true to yourself and hold yourself with both integrity and authenticity.

    However, if your throat chakra is either underactive or overactive, you may experience deficiencies in these areas. When underactive, you may be excessively shy, withdrawn, and have difficulty expressing yourself. And if overactive, you may be gossipy and have a tendency to interrupt others when they speak.

    You have a limitless amount of potential to offer this world, and having an open and healed throat chakra is key to stepping into your purpose and offering your insights, beliefs, words, and voice to the greater universe.

    And your insights are badly needed.

    Because you have a unique history and perspective, nobody else can think like you. Nobody else can offer what you have to offer.

    So it’s time to release the belief that your words don’t matter and step into the life that’s waiting for you.

    Because you deserve to be heard. You deserve to be seen. You deserve to know that you matter.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    How to Use These Journal Prompts

    The 30 throat chakra journal prompts below are designed to help you examine your beliefs while getting in touch with your truest, most authentic self. Specifically, these journal prompts center around important concepts like authenticity, guiding principles, communication, and creative expression.

    There’s no right or wrong way to approach these journal prompts. You can read through them and only choose to work with the ones that resonate most with you, or you can choose to answer one at a time. I do always recommend, though, that if you choose to answer just some of the questions, you throw in a few “extra” ones as well. I think that often, once we start writing, we’re surprised by what unexpected discoveries might come up.

    When you sit down to do your journaling practice, make sure you have some time to yourself where you won’t be interrupted or distracted. I recommend at least 15 to 20 minutes (you can potentially answer a few different questions in that time period), but the best amount of time is truly what works best for you. I tend to journal for 30 minutes first thing in the morning after I wake up, and that’s always proven successful for me.

    And most importantly, set the intention to make your journaling time a judgment-free zone. Give yourself unconditional self-love and compassion as you respond to the prompts. The path to healing is paved not in judgment but acceptance. Accept every part of yourself and your story just as it is, and give yourself some extra love and gratitude for showing up today and putting in this work.

    Finally, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page, where you can download your free printable throat chakra affirmations and journal prompts. Use these free resources to serve and support you in your healing journey.

    Throat Chakra Journal Prompts

    • How do I communicate in one-on-one conversations? How much do I listen, and how much do I speak? Is this ratio balanced?
    • How do I communicate in big group settings? Do I tend to sit back and listen, or do I speak freely? How much do I listen compared to how much I speak?
    • Why is it important to me to be a patient and attentive listener?
    • Why is important to me that my voice is heard when I speak?
    • How do I feel when others are distracted or not listening when I speak?
    • How can I clearly and effectively communicate so that I have the undivided attention of those I’m speaking to?
    • What method(s) of communication do I feel most comfortable with? What method(s) of communication do I feel least comfortable with?
    • Write 10 to 15 positive affirmations that affirm your ability to speak clearly and confidently as well as why your voice matters. Repeat each affirmation twice.
    • Write an open letter to somebody in your life: a current or past partner, friend, relative, boss, coworker, or even an acquaintance. What have you always wanted to say to this person but never found the courage or the right words?
    • In what situations do I hold back from speaking my truth? Are there any situations in which I withdraw, even when I have something to say?
    • How can I cultivate more confidence in situations where I’m called to speak my truth?
    • Write about a time when you spoke your truth and felt heard, respected, and listened to. How did this make you feel?
    • In what ways can words be powerful? What are some examples of times when words held immense power in my life?
    • Reflect on this statement: “My words and my voice matter.” List all the ways in which this is true.
    • What are the guiding principles and truths that I carry with me throughout my life? 
    • What does authenticity mean to me?
    • How do I live my authentic truth in my daily life?
    • What does it mean to me to carry myself with integrity?
    • Are there any situations in which I feel like I fake or force myself to be someone or something I’m not? How do I feel when I do this? 
    • How do I feel when someone is being inauthentic with me? How can I avoid doing the same to others?
    • How do I feel about gossip? How does it make me feel when I gossip about another person, or when I hear that someone has gossiped about me?
    • When I hear others gossiping, how can I respond in a clear, calm, and effective way?
    • Do I express myself creatively? What outlets and practices do I use for creative expression?
    • How can I open myself up to more opportunities for creative expression?
    • Why is it important to me to remain centered and patient throughout my daily life?
    • Are there any situations where I tend to lose patience? How does this make me feel?
    • How can I cultivate more calm and patience when I begin to feel myself growing impatient with internal and external circumstances?
    • How do I make decisions? Do I tend to be more decisive or indecisive? How can I become more confident in my decision-making?
    • Why is it important to me to have an open and balanced throat chakra?
    • What does an ordinary day as my most communicative, patient, authentic self look like? How do I carry myself throughout the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free throat chakra printables below!

    For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    throat chakra journal prompts
    Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Throat Chakra
  • crown chakra affirmations
    Affirmations,  Chakras,  Spirituality

    35 Crown Chakra Affirmations for Spiritual Connection

    Discover 35 powerful crown chakra affirmations to open and heal your body’s energy center for spiritual connection, enlightenment, peace, and connection with your highest self. And be sure to check out the links to my chakra series below, where I go in-depth on how to open, activate, balance, and heal your body’s seven main energy centers. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable crown chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

    crown chakra affirmations
    Pin this for later! 35 Crown Chakra Affirmations for Connecting to Your Highest Self

    What is the Crown Chakra?

    Located at the top of your head, your crown chakra is your body’s energy center for spiritual connection, enlightenment, inner wisdom, and connecting with your highest self. When your crown chakra is open and energy is flowing freely in and out of this energy center, you feel peaceful, trusting, and connected to your soul’s purpose. You’re able to release control of what you think your path is supposed to look like and instead surrender to the loving will of a higher power. When you surrender, you know that this isn’t just for your highest good, but for the highest good for all.

    Connection is key to this energy center. An open crown chakra allows you to feel connected to yourself, to a higher power, to your purpose and truth, and to a greater good that extends far beyond your physical body. This connection produces a feeling of divine peace in your mind, body, and spirit. You feel a deep sense of clarity, and this allows you to remain focused and trusting as you step forward on your path.

    When your crown chakra is blocked, you may experience symptoms that correlate with it either being underactive or overactive. An underactive crown chakra means you may feel isolated, close-minded, and cynical. You may also feel like you lack purpose and faith. If your crown chakra is overactive, you may feel like your entire identity is wrapped up in spirituality, thus causing you to lose touch with other parts of yourself. You may also feel critical of other people’s spiritual beliefs, especially if they don’t align with your own.

    If you feel like something is missing from your life, it may be that you’re experiencing blockages to your crown chakra, leaving you to feel unsure of your purpose and possibly even a little lost. That’s why opening, activating, and healing your crown chakra is so important: not only to foster a deeper spiritual connection, but to create a deeper connection to yourself.

    Below are 35 powerful crown chakra affirmations for connecting to your soul’s purpose, connecting to your highest self, and trusting the path in front of you. These affirmations are designed to gently and lovingly help you to surrender, let go, and trust your own inner divinity. They’re also meant to nurture a sense of divine inner peace, calm, and tranquility.

    To learn more about how to open, activate, and heal your crown chakra, as well as the rest of your body’s main spiritual energy centers, check out the links to my chakra series below! I’ve included powerful affirmations for opening and healing each of your body’s chakras, as well as journal prompts to help you get in touch with your inner self.

    And for more tips on how to use affirmations to get the most out of them, be sure to check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).

    I hope these crown chakra affirmations support your spiritual journey and allow you to connect with your soul’s purpose and truth.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    Crown Chakra Affirmations

    • I am a spiritual being in a human body.
    • I honor the sacred divinity that exists within me.
    • I am pure, beautiful, radiant light.
    • My body is a beautiful home for my radiant soul.
    • I am divinely protected, inspired, and guided by the Universe.
    • I am deeply and unconditionally loved by the Universe.
    • I am worthy of unconditional love from divine energy.
    • I am connected to a limitless source of creativity, abundance, health, happiness, and love.
    • I surrender to the loving will of the Universe.
    • I am my highest, most authentic self.
    • My highest self guides my actions and decisions.
    • I am aligned with my soul’s purpose and truth
    • I am always divinely and lovingly guided.
    • I know deep inner peace.
    • Eternal peace flows to and through me.
    • I release the need to control my life and surrender to a higher power.
    • I trust my intuition and listen to the wisdom of the universe.
    • I am always gently held and lovingly guided by this Universe.
    • I am loved, cherished, and adored by this Universe.
    • Pure white light flows through me and heals my body, mind, and spirit.
    • I am aligned with the highest frequency of love.
    • I am clear about what I want and take inspired action to achieve my dreams.
    • I release doubt and welcome faith.
    • Every day, I feel more connected to my spirit.
    • I openly accept spiritual guidance from a higher power.
    • I bravely let go and allow the Universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.
    • I trust that the Universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
    • I am eternally connected to the divine source of the Universe.
    • Even when the world is immersed in darkness, I walk forward in faith, love, and light.
    • The light and energy of the Universe flows within me.
    • I have unshakeable faith in my divine path.
    • I’m Source Energy in a human body, and I can do anything.
    • I surrender to my highest good.
    • I surrender to the highest good for all.
    • I am love. I am light. I am connected to all.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free crown chakra printables below!

    Bonus! Crown Chakra Affirmation Cards to Save & Share

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    crown chakra affirmations
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    crown chakra affirmations
    crown chakra affirmations
    crown chakra affirmations

    For chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    crown chakra affirmations
    Pin this for later! 35 Crown Chakra Affirmations for Connecting to Your Highest Self
  • throat chakra affirmations
    Affirmations,  Chakras,  Spirituality

    35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth

    Discover 35 powerful throat chakra affirmations to open and heal your body’s energy center for communication, authenticity, and integrity. And be sure to check out the links to my chakra series below, where I go in-depth on how to open, activate, balance, and heal your body’s seven main energy centers. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable throat chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

    throat chakra affirmations
    Pin this for later! 35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth

    What is the Throat Chakra?

    Located in the center of your neck, the throat chakra is your body’s energy center for communication, authenticity, honesty, and integrity.

    When your throat chakra is open and balanced, you’re able to communicate clearly and effectively. You feel empowered to speak openly and freely, and you deeply understand that your voice and your words are important and powerful. Additionally, you know the importance of give and take in communication, and you’re able to respectfully listen when others are speaking.

    In addition to being the energy center for communication, your throat chakra is the energy center for truth, integrity, and authenticity. This means you do more than just speak; you speak your authentic truth while remaining true to yourself and your guiding principles. Your daily actions also support this, and as you move through your day, you remain aligned with your values and principles.

    In contrast, when your throat chakra is underactive, you may be excessively shy, withdrawn, and/or experience difficulty expressing yourself. With an overactive throat chakra, you may be loud, gossipy, and someone who interrupts others and talks out of turn.

    Your words, ideas, and wholehearted presence matter, and you deserve to know this wholly and unconditionally. That’s why opening and healing your throat chakra is an essential step in your self-love journey.

    Below are 35 powerful throat chakra affirmations to help you open, balance, and heal this important energy center.

    To learn more about how to open and heal your throat chakra, as well as the rest of your body’s main spiritual energy centers, check out the links below. And for more tips on how to use affirmations to get the most out of them, be sure to check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    Throat Chakra Affirmations

    • I am able to calmly and effectively speak my truth.
    • I live an honest, authentic, wholehearted life. 
    • My voice matters. 
    • My words are powerful.
    • I express myself clearly and openly.
    • I speak with calm, clarity, and confidence.
    • I speak with courage, compassion, and love.
    • I am a clear and effective communicator.
    • I find creative ways to communicate my self-expression.
    • When I speak, others listen.
    • I add value to every conversation I participate in.
    • My insight is welcome, needed, and valuable.
    • I am empowered to speak my truth.
    • I embrace silence and know deep inner peace.
    • I am a good listener and give others my undivided attention when they speak.
    • I value the words of others.
    • I carry myself with integrity.
    • I remain true to myself in all that I say and do.
    • I choose authenticity over perfection.
    • I have the courage to be my true and authentic self.
    • It is safe for me to show my true self to the world.
    • I courageously remove my mask and allow my true self to be seen.
    • I release the need to be perfect and embrace my beautifully imperfect self.
    • I choose to be honest and vulnerable, even when I’m afraid.
    • It is safe for me to speak my truth.
    • I speak from a place of love, courage, and truth.
    • When I courageously speak my truth, I give others the confidence to speak theirs as well.
    • I am calm, patient, and peaceful.
    • I radiate calm, peace, and serenity.
    • I embrace my ability to remain calm in all situations.
    • I choose to be patient with myself and others.
    • Honesty, integrity, and authenticity are my guiding principles.
    • I stay true to myself always.
    • When I share my words, I share my light.
    • My voice, words, ideas, and presence all matter. The world needs the magic inside of me.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free throat chakra printables below!

    Bonus! Throat Chakra Affirmation Cards to Save & Share

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    throat chakra affirmations
    throat chakra affirmations
    throat chakra affirmations

    For chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    throat chakra affirmations
    Pin this for later! 35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth
  • Crystals for Self-Love
    Crystals,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    8 Powerful Crystals for Self-Love

    Are you looking for a way to amplify your self-love journey? Below, discover 8 powerful crystals for self-love. These high-vibe crystals will help you to release what no longer serves you so you can focus on the love, joy, and peace you deserve.

    Crystals for Self-Love
    Pin this! 8 Powerful Crystals for Unconditional Self-Love

    Your Self-Love Journey

    Self-love is a lifelong journey that involves looking deep within, releasing what no longer serves you, and making space for new beliefs that support your total well-being.

    It also involves a lot of self-compassion.

    Because, as much as I sometimes wish it was, the journey to unconditional self-love isn’t linear. Sometimes, you might feel like you’re on top of the world, only for something to happen that causes you to crash land back to earth, leaving you to desperately try to pick up the pieces.

    And that’s okay. It’s okay that the journey can be a little messy at times, because that’s what being a human is all about. We often thrive in that space of messiness, but in our striving to be perfect, we don’t give ourselves time to see that the messy parts of life can sometimes be a gift.

    No matter where you are in your self-love journey, I hope you’re able to embrace this moment right now, exactly as you are, without changing a thing. I’ve been on this self-love journey for many years, and I promise, you are so worth the time and energy you invest in yourself.

    Because with time, unconditional self-love becomes something you no longer have to try to acquire.

    Rather, it becomes who you are.

    Below, I’ve listed 8 powerful crystals for self-love. Whether you wear them as jewelry, meditate with them, keep them somewhere you can see throughout the day, or use them in another capacity, these crystals will help you to look within and find the place inside yourself where you hold the key to the unconditional self-love you deserve.

    For more details on how to use crystals to protect your energy, manifest your dreams, and help you heal from within, check out my post, How to Use Crystals: Grids, Pendulums & More.

    Crystals for Self-Love

    Rose Quartz

    Rose Quartz is associated with your heart chakra, which is your body’s energy center for love, peace, compassion, and kindness. When your heart chakra is balanced, you are completely open to giving and receiving love, and you feel a deep sense of connection with others. You also become more accepting and forgiving, and you feel a deep empathy and understanding for friends, loved ones, and even strangers.

    But what makes the heart chakra special is that all of these really wonderful qualities it possesses don’t just apply to your relationships with other people; they apply to your relationship with yourself as well.

    A balanced heart chakra means that you become more accepting, more forgiving, more understanding, more connected, and more loving towards yourself.

    All of your body’s energy centers play an important role in cultivating self-love, but the heart chakra plays arguably the most important role of all.

    And Rose Quartz is undoubtedly one of the most powerful crystals in helping you to heal, balance, and restore harmony to your heart chakra. Rose Quartz is a crystal that gently guides you to a place of pure love and light. It’s known as the stone of unconditional love, and it works for every relationship in your life: romantic relationships, friendships, familial connections, and maybe most importantly, your relationship with yourself.

    What makes Rose Quartz so special is that it doesn’t just work at the surface to cover up your old wounds and current pain like a band-aid. Rather, it goes deep beneath the surface to heal those wounds completely.

    Once your heart has been fully healed, you’re able to truly nurture the relationship you have with yourself. You become more compassionate and forgiving with yourself, and you realize that you are worthy of love exactly as you are, without having to change a thing.

    From personal experience, I can tell you that I spent many years with an imbalanced heart chakra. I believed that I had to be absolutely perfect to be loved, and I tore myself apart constantly. But when I began working with my heart chakra, I finally realized that none of these limiting beliefs were true. Rose Quartz was one of the powerful crystals I used during this time, and I was (and still am) often pulled to its gentle, loving energy.

    Are you having trouble allowing yourself to accept love, both from yourself and others? When I first started my self-love journey, the universe softly placed into my heart this practice that I still use to this day: whenever my inner bully spoke to me from within, instead of trying to suppress it, I acknowledged its presence. And then I would place my hands out in front of me with my palms facing the sky, and I’d softly say, “I accept love. I receive love.” I’d then let myself feel the love of the universe entirely. For me, this practice meant that even though I wasn’t perfect, and even though the inner bully was speaking, I was worthy of love, and I allowed myself to be loved in that moment.


    Like Rose Quartz, Rhodonite is a beautiful heart chakra healing stone that promotes unconditional self-love. It helps you to heal old wounds as well as gain confidence and cultivate deep compassion within your mind, body, and spirit.

    What makes Rhodonite really special, though, is its characteristics that have caused it to be known as the rescue stone. Rhodonite is a powerful aid if you’ve experienced trauma, emotional abuse, and other deep emotional pain that’s caused you to construct barriers around your heart. This stone will gently help you to dismantle these barriers so you’re no longer tied to the negative emotions of the past.

    If you’ve experienced deep emotional heartache, trauma, or pain that has caused your self-love and self-worth to be diminished, Rhodonite is the stone that will help you to mend your heartbreak, heal your pain, and move on from the past with a newfound confidence.

    (And it’s also a really powerful stone if you need to forgive yourself or someone else so you can finally release the shadows of the past that have been weighing down on you.)


    To finish up the R triology, Rhodochrosite is a lesser known stone that shouldn’t be overlooked when it comes to cultivating feelings of unconditional self-love, compassion, and positivity. This is another heart chakra stone, and I especially like this one specifically for promoting self-love and working on your own inner world. Its powerful energy is specifically geared toward going within, opening your heart, and embracing wholehearted self-love.

    Rhodochrosite works with your heart chakra to lift your spirits and boost your self-worth. If you feel like you’ve been living in a fog, this stone clears away the haze and stimulates a bright, sunny outlook. This is another powerful stone that can heal past trauma and pain by gently bringing repressed emotions to the surface so you can let them go.

    One profound aspect of this stone’s properties is its ability to guide you toward self-forgiveness. If you’ve been clinging onto mistakes you’ve made in the past, this crystal will help you to clear out any negative thoughts and feelings you have toward yourself, opening up a gateway to unconditional self-love.

    Just like you’d clean a new house before moving into it, you want to make sure to cleanse any new crystals you get to remove the old energy of previous owners. Here are a few methods for cleansing crystals:

    • Sage: Light your sage and immerse the crystal in the smoke for thirty to sixty seconds. Be sure to use a firesafe bowl or abalone shell to catch burning embers and ash. It’s best to do this outside or near an open window.
    • Water: Rinse your stone under the running water of a creek or stream. If this isn’t possible, you can also use a faucet. Just be sure to check first that this is safe for your stone.
    • Use Selenite or Clear Quartz: Both of these crystals have the ability to cleanse and purify other crystals. Lay your crystal on top of (or next to, as long as they’re touching) a piece of Selenite or Clear Quartz for at least twenty-four hours.
    • Nature: Place your crystals outside on the soil, on the branches of a tree, on a potted plant, or anywhere else outdoors where you feel a sense of peace and balance. If possible, try to keep your crystals outside for at least a full day, avoiding dew and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

    Pink Opal

    Pink Opal is often known as the “Stone of Resolution,” which may give you a glimpse into what makes this stone so special for promoting self-love. Often, what holds us back from accepting love from ourselves is the pain of past hurts and old wounds we still haven’t resolved. You may also experience deep fear that keeps you stuck in one place for too long. This resolution stone helps you to resolve the pain and fear you hold deep within. In turn, this opens up the stagnant energy you may be holding in your heart chakra and promotes the flow of energy deep within this energy center.

    An added bonus to using Pink Opal is its ability to promote calm within. If you’re feeling stressed, tense, or anxious, this stone will gently restore peace and tranquility within your mind, body, and spirit.


    What do you think about when you think of the ocean? Maybe its beautiful, bluish green hue. Maybe its calming allure. Maybe the strength and resilience it represents. Or the way it seems to reach deep inside of you whenever you look out on it, cleansing and restoring your soul.

    Aquamarine is a great alternative to the stones I’ve listed above (you can always choose to pair two of these crystals together to strengthen their benefits) if you feel a deep connection to the sea or water. All of the qualities of the ocean I listed are also represented in this powerful healing stone.

    Like the waves of the ocean, Aquamarine will wash away the negative feelings that pervade your being and instill a sense of tranquility and calm within. This is especially true if you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or fearful. This stone gently guides you to go with the flow and cultivates deep inner peace.

    By working with the throat chakra, Aquamarine will help you to find your courage and speak your truth. It’s a powerful stone for promoting self-worth as well as bringing forth your inner strength and resilience. (In fact, it’s known as a stone of calm and courage.) All of these attributes combine to ease you into a place of unconditional, wholehearted self-love.


    Just like you can associate Aquamarine with the ocean, you might think of Moonstone like the night sky: glittering with radiant light, expansive, and filled with endless depths just waiting to be explored.

    And just like the sky, you also possess endless depths within. Moonstone is the stone that will guide you to discover these expansive, hidden depths inside of you.

    This stone is all about your divine, feminine energy. Working with your sacral chakra, it unlocks your inner goddess and brings forth your confidence, creativity, and sensuality. Furthermore, it also works with your third eye chakra to enhance your intuition and help you to get in touch with your inner knowing. As a result, you’re less likely to get frazzled by external circumstances because you possess deep clarity and understanding within.

    This is the perfect stone for embracing your beautiful, divine, passionate self, connecting to your intuition, and exploring the deepest parts within you.

    Clear Quartz

    In some ways, using Clear Quartz almost feels like you’re cheating. Why? Because it actually works with all of your chakras to promote balance, harmony, and peace within. Clear Quartz is known as a master healer due to its ability to heal any and all spiritual and emotional imbalances among your energy centers. This is the stone you’re going to want with you for the long run. It works to get rid of negative energy and promotes a sense of positivity and joy within.

    This is a crystal of light and high vibrations, and it’s also a crystal that will guide you when you’re feeling lost and unsure what you want out of life. One of my favorite aspects about Clear Quartz is its powerful ability to support you during your entire journey, from the moment you set your goals to taking each next step. When you can’t see the path ahead of you, Clear Quartz will not only reveal it to you, but it’ll navigate you through all of the fallen trees, forks in the road, and unplanned stops along the way.

    Blue Lace Agate

    When I first started learning about crystals, Blue Lace Agate was one of the very first stones to immediately jump out at me, and it has been one of my absolute favorites ever since. This stone is foremost known as a calming stone. If your life is often filled with stressful situations, this is the stone you want to calm your inner anxiety and release tension. For me, this is my go-to stone whenever I need to inhale peace and release what no longer serves me.

    Stress, anxiety, worry, and fear can often be a distraction in your journey of self-discovery and self-love because they pull you away from the present moment. Instead of focusing on the present moment, these negative emotions leave you replaying the past or worrying about the future. That’s why I love using Blue Lace Agate as part of my self-love toolkit: because it gently guides me back to the present moment and instills me with a sense of calm and tranquility.

    An added bonus to using this stone is that it’s associated with the throat chakra and is used to help you clarify your thoughts and express yourself clearly.

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from your true self, hold Blue Lace Agate in your hands as you focus on your breathing, and allow it to guide you back to yourself.

    Want to discover more about the powerful healing nature of crystals? Be sure to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m adding high-quality pins to my Crystals board all the time! Plus, I even have a board on chakras and self-love! I’d love to connect with you, so don’t forget to say hi!

    Are you curious to learn more about chakras? Check out my chakra series below!

    Crystals for Self-Love
    Pin this! 8 Powerful Crystals for Unconditional Self-Love
  • Sahasrara
    Chakras,  Meditation,  Spirituality

    Sahasrara: Activate & Heal Your Crown Chakra

    In this post, I cover all things Sahasrara, also known as your Crown Chakra. Discover how to heal, activate, and balance this energy center of spirituality, connection, and enlightenment. Plus, get some powerful spiritual affirmations and journal prompts designed to connect you to your highest self. And if you need a refresher on what chakras are, be sure to check out my beginner’s guide to chakras here.

    Also, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page for some awesome freebies! You’ll receive 35 free printable affirmations and 30 journal prompts to open and heal the crown chakra. Don’t miss these powerful healing tools!

    Sahasrara: Activating, Balancing, and Healing the Crown Chakra

    Discover More About Chakras

    Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra

    Have you ever felt like something was just missing from your life?

    Sometimes, that thing can be hard to pinpoint, especially when, from the outside, it looks like you have everything.

    I know this feeling intimately.

    For years, I lived my life the way I believed I was “supposed” to live it. After graduating college, I found a comfortable office job and continued on the path of stability and security for many years.

    And don’t get me wrong: stability and security are really, really important things, and I was grateful every day to have these privileges.

    But something just felt empty inside me.

    It took many years to learn that what was missing from my life was a spiritual connection to a higher power.

    I had big dreams but believed that I was on my own to make them come true. I didn’t believe there was any higher presence trying to guide and help me. I wanted to believe this, but there was always a disconnection. I couldn’t let go of control and learn how to trust.

    Cultivating this connection with a higher power – you might call this power God, Source Energy, the Universe, the Divine, All That Is, or any name that feels right to you – has been one of the greatest positive shifts in my life. And it’s not over: it’s something I’m still learning, discovering, and growing into every single day. In fact, I don’t think this process of growing and becoming every really ends.

    There is a beautiful, peaceful, loving path to cultivating true connection: connection to yourself, connection to a higher power, and connection to your soul’s purpose.

    The Sahasrara chakra is the gateway that gently guides you to taking that first step.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Why Balancing the Crown Chakra is Important

    Have you ever heard stories about high-ranking CEOs and corporate bigwigs suddenly leaving their high-paying jobs, selling everything, and moving across the country to pursue their soul’s purpose? I remember reading once about a guy who was making millions in his high-ranking job, who gave up everything to follow his calling: growing coffee beans on an island somewhere, where he lived a quiet and humble life with his family.

    At least, that’s how the article told the story.

    I don’t know him, but I believe if you asked him, he wouldn’t say he “gave up” anything; rather, he received more than he could ever dream of.

    Often, in these stories, you hear the person say they followed their intuition. They might call it an inner knowing or a calling. Often, we fight this feeling because it seemingly doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t follow logic and reason as we know it in our human experience. It seems absurd.

    But something kind of magical happens when you surrender control to something higher than yourself and step into your calling:

    Everything starts to unfold perfectly for you, better than you ever could’ve imagined.

    This is what the crown chakra does for you.

    The crown chakra is your energy center for spiritual connection, enlightenment, inner wisdom, and connecting with your highest self. When your crown chakra is open and flowing freely, you gain a sense of clarity and vision. You become more trusting, learn the beauty in surrender, and feel a sense of deep inner peace.

    And if that still sounds kind of scary to you, know this: surrendering to a higher power doesn’t mean giving up your sense of personal power or identity.

    Rather, it’s the opposite.

    It allows you to step into your power and become more than you ever dreamed possible.

    And it also helps you to accept and see the beauty in this human experience, even on the days when nothing seems to go as planned.

    Below, I discuss the attributes of the Sahasrara chakra, or the crown chakra, and provide you with ways to heal and restore harmony to this energy center of spirituality. I also provide you with some gentle affirmations and powerful journal prompts to help guide you in your journey.

    As you step forward onto the path of connection with your Sahasrara chakra, set the intention to connect with your inner self, and allow this intention to guide you forward through each step of your journey.

    Crown Chakra Attributes

    • Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara (“Thousand-petaled”)
    • Location: Top of Head
    • Color: Violet (White is often associated with this chakra as well.)
    • Body Parts: Skull, Cerebral Cortex, Right Eye
    • Symbol: Thousand-petaled lotus with a divine circle in the center
    • Element: Thought/Consciousness
    • Mantra: OM (or silence)
    • Gemstones: Selenite, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Diamond, Moonstone, Sapphire
    • Essential Oils: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Saffron, Jasmine, Cedarwood, Lavender

    Signs of a Balanced Crown Chakra


    When your crown chakra is balanced, you feel a deep connection with a higher power and a sense of spiritual enlightenment. Rather than try to control every step of your journey, you know when to step back, surrender, and trust. When it comes to your future, you feel a sense of clarity, vision, and purpose. You take inspired action and trust your inner knowing to guide you down the right path.

    Often, a balanced crown chakra means your lower energy centers are likely in harmony as well, as we’re best able to connect with our spiritual selves when our other needs are met. (Note that there may be exceptions.)

    And when your energy centers are balanced, it’s likely that you’re truly living as your highest and most authentic self.

    Here are some signs of a balanced crown chakra:

    • Spiritual
    • Enlightened
    • Sense of clarity
    • Focused
    • Creative
    • Trusting
    • Peaceful
    • Connected to a higher power
    • Connected to oneself
    • Feeling of divine peace
    • Sense of inner wisdom
    • Able to surrender to a power higher than oneself
    • Trust in inner knowing
    • Connected to your soul’s purpose

    Signs of an Imbalanced Crown Chakra

    When you experience imbalances in any of your energy centers, this imbalance could go one of two ways; it can become overactive or underactive.

    With an overactive crown chakra, you might start to lose touch with yourself because you wrap your entire identity in spirituality. This may also cause you to become judgmental of others’ spirituality because you feel like you know the “right” answers.

    When your crown chakra is underactive, you may lack a spiritual presence in your life. You feel a deep sense of isolation and disconnection, not just from a higher power but from yourself. You may also be more skeptical and close-minded toward the idea that a higher power even exists.

    Below is a list of signs that your crown chakra may be imbalanced:

    • Cynical
    • Close-minded
    • Disconnected from yourself
    • Disconnected from a higher power
    • Lack of faith
    • Lack of purpose
    • Frustrated with life
    • Scattered
    • Forgetful
    • Confused
    • Excessive isolation
    • Lonely
    • Unable to connect with others
    • Critical of other’s spiritual beliefs

    Physical Signs of an Imbalanced Crown Chakra

    In addition to spiritual and emotional symptoms, you may experience physical symptoms when the energy flowing through your chakras is out of balance.

    When the crown chakra is imbalanced, corresponding physical manifestations often arise in and around the area of the head.

    Here are some of the signs and symptoms you may experience with an imbalanced crown chakra:

    • Migraines and/or recurring headaches
    • Nerve pain
    • Insomnia
    • Nightmares
    • Neurological disorders
    • Schizophrenia

    Crown Chakra Affirmations

    Crown Chakra Affirmations

    When using affirmations for your crown chakra, allow yourself to go within and focus on your inner world as well as to your divine connection to the Universe. Take a deep breath and let a flood of deep inner peace wash over you. Don’t try too hard; just simply allow yourself to be.

    As you recite the affirmations below (or your own powerful crown chakra affirmations) you might envision a white light entering the crown of your head and washing over your body. You could also imagine a soothing purple light filling your aura.

    Here are some peaceful and profound affirmations you can use to heal and activate the crown chakra:

    • I honor the sacred divinity that exists within me.
    • I am pure, beautiful, radiant light.
    • I am divinely protected, inspired, and guided by the Universe.
    • I surrender to the loving will of the Universe.
    • I am aligned with my purpose and truth
    • I am always divinely and lovingly guided.
    • I release the need to control my life and surrender to a higher power.
    • I trust my intuition and listen to the wisdom of the universe.
    • I am always gently held and lovingly guided by this Universe.
    • I release doubt and welcome faith.
    • Every day, I feel more connected to my spirit.
    • I openly accept spiritual guidance from a higher power.
    • I am love. I am light. I am connected to all.

    For more powerful crown chakra affirmations, be sure to check out my post, 35 Crown Chakra Affirmations for Spiritual Connection. And be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to get your free printable affirmations and journal prompts.

    Crown Chakra Journal Prompts

    Crown Chakra Journal Prompts

    Journaling is a powerful way to balance, heal, activate, and simply seek to understand all of your energy centers. I find it especially helpful when it comes to the crown chakra, though, because it really allows you to connect with your inner self.

    And it’s that inner work that’s truly going to allow you to connect to your spirit as well as to give you a sense of clarity and vision.

    There’s no “right” way to journal, nor is there a right time. I like to journal in the morning, while many others like to journal at night. Simply find what works best for you. The most important thing is that you have some time to truly focus without distractions. This is especially important when it comes to the crown chakra, as you really want to be able to focus on connecting with the inner you.

    Below are some detailed prompts you can use to heal and better understand your crown chakra:

    • What does it mean to me to surrender? How do I practice surrendering? When are some times when I can surrender more? Are there any experiences in which I shouldn’t surrender? How do I surrender without losing my personal power?
    • What (or who) is God to me? What is my relationship with a higher power? Do I feel like this higher power is something I find within me, outside of me, or both? Did I have any childhood experiences that negatively affected my belief, attitude, or relationship toward God (or The Universe, Source Energy, the Divine, or any other name that feels comfortable)? Describe in depth what God means to you.
    • Visualize a day in which you are your highest and most authentic self with a balanced crown chakra. How do you feel when you wake up? How do you move about your day? How do you speak to yourself and others? What self-care activities do you prioritize? Write about this day in the present tense, and as you write, allow yourself to feel the positive emotions you imagine yourself feeling in this envisioned life.
    • Describe your connections to other living beings: people, animals, plants, the earth, and the universe as a whole. Have you ever experienced a sense of oneness with some or all? What does it mean to you to be connected to all? Is it possible to have an individual identity while feeling connected to all?

    For more powerful crown chakra journal prompts, be sure to check out my post, 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Crown Chakra.

    Activating and Healing the Crown Chakra

    Color Therapy

    Color therapy is essentially the act of surrounding yourself with the color of the chakra you’re intending to heal or activate. For the crown chakra, that means immersing yourself in all things violet (with a touch of white, if you’d like.) Eat purple foods like purple grapes, purple carrots, prunes, purple potatoes, and plums. Write spiritual affirmations on purple post-it notes and place them around your home and workspace. Wear violet clothing and jewelry. Paint with purple and white. Place violet items around your space and let them bring you serenity.


    Your physical body needs food for nourishment, but your spiritual self doesn’t really need food in the same way. Unlike your other energy centers, which have associated foods that allow for healing, the crown chakra is best healed by detoxing or fasting.* This helps you to clear your mind while flushing out toxins that may be harming your body. When detoxing, focus on fresh fruits, veggies, and lots of water.

    *If you choose to detox or fast, just make sure you’re following the proper guidance of a medical professional.


    Try to find an open field or special spot that gives you lots of space to think, turn inward, and simply be. If you feel safe and comfortable enough to meditate outdoors, this would be the perfect time to meditate. If the weather allows, journaling outdoors is also another powerful practice for healing.


    Yoga is a beautiful restorative practice that allows you to balance and heal your body’s energy centers.

    To activate or heal the energy in your crown chakra, you could actually perform poses that focus on healing the lower six chakras. It may seem weird, but the truth is, it’s more difficult to have a balanced crown chakra when your other energy centers are imbalanced. By focusing on the energy below, you’re better able to heal the energy above.

    To heal or activate the crown chakra, you can also choose poses that allow you to look within. You might already have a few poses in mind that allow for this type of inner work.

    Here’s a list of poses that may help in healing the crown chakra:

    • Lotus Pose
    • Corpse Pose
    • Tree Pose
    • Headstand
    • Fish Pose
    • Standing Prayer Backbend

    And here’s a great 10-minute crown chakra yoga routine from Yoga with Christina if you’re unsure where to start.


    Meditation is a powerful healing tool for any of your energy centers, but it’s especially profound when it comes to the crown chakra as the crown chakra’s associated element is thought/consciousness. Connecting with your inner self is key to opening up and healing this energy center.

    When you meditate, you might imagine a beautiful white light entering through the crown of your head and filling your entire being. You could also envision a soothing, violet energy filling your aura.

    Here are some free guided Sahasrara chakra meditations you can find on the Insight Timer app:


    You can use the journal prompts above or write down some beautiful crown chakra affirmations as you journal. You might also choose to sit down without a prompt and simply connect to your inner self.

    Sahasrara Chakra Affirmations

    You can repeat Sahasrara (crown chakra) affirmations as you wake up in the morning and as you’re getting ready for the day. You might also repeat them at night before you go to bed. I also like to find creative ways to incorporate affirmations throughout the day, like sticking post-it notes around my home and work space and setting up phone notifications to pop up with uplifting affirmations written on them.

    Sahasrara Chakra Gemstones

    Keeping crystals associated with the crown chakra will promote spiritual connection and help you to feel peaceful, trusting, and aligned with your highest self. You can use crystals in numerous ways. For instance, you might wear them as jewelry, keep them around your work space, meditate with them, or set up a sacred space with crystals at the forefront.

    Here are some of the crystals associated with the crown chakra:

    • Selenite
    • Clear Quartz
    • Amethyst
    • Diamond
    • Moonstone
    • Sapphire

    Sahasrara Chakra Essential Oils

    Essential oils promote feelings of peace, harmony, and balance within. They’re a great method for balancing your energy centers because they can be used in conjunction with other items on this list. For instance, you can meditate or journal while essential oils are in your diffuser, and you can even add some crystals or color therapy as well.

    Intentions are everything, though. So before you use your essential oils, set the intention to balance, heal, or activate your crown chakra. Even if you have a diffuser going in the background as you’re working, focus on the feelings of peace, inner harmony, and connection with both yourself and a higher power. Let these calm and soothing feelings guide you as you continue on your day.

    Here’s a few essential oils associated with the Sahasrara chakra:

    • Frankincense
    • Sandalwood
    • Saffron
    • Jasmine
    • Cedarwood
    • Lavender

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free crown chakra printables below!

    For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    Sahasrara: Activating, Balancing, and Healing the Crown Chakra

  • Ajna
    Chakras,  Meditation,  Spirituality

    Ajna: Balancing & Healing the Third Eye Chakra

    Your Third Eye Chakra is your energy center for insight, intuition, mental strength, and intuition. It allows you to trust the path in front of you with clarity and a deep, innate inner wisdom. In this post, I provide you with a complete beginner’s guide to all things Ajna, or the Third Eye Chakra. Discover the signs of an imbalanced Third Eye chakra, and learn methods to balance and heal. Plus, affirmations and journal prompts! (And if you need a refresher on what a chakra is, be sure to check out my overview here.)

    Also, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page for some awesome freebies! You’ll receive 40 free printable affirmations and 30 journal prompts to open and heal the third eye chakra. Don’t miss these powerful healing tools!

    Pin this for later! Ajna: Activating, Balancing and Healing the Third Eye Chakra

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    Introduction to Ajna: The Third Eye Chakra

    Would you describe yourself as intuitive?

    For years, I was pretty certain that I had a mediocre intuition. I followed my heart often, but I didn’t view this as intuition. In fact, I’d go so far as to say I even perceived this as a weakness as I allowed myself to believe that logical choices were superior to heart-centered ones.

    Truthfully, at this time, I didn’t really have a solid understanding of what intuition even was. In my head, it was akin to some kind of magical power that would lead me to picking winning lottery numbers and knowing which door the grand prize was hiding behind.

    But even now, as I’ve learned to listen to and trust my inner knowing, if you asked me to define the word intuition, I’m not sure I could.

    It’s not that I don’t know what intuition is; it’s that I believe intuition is deeply personal to each and every one of us.

    Maybe intuition is the words you hear in your mind when you close your eyes. Maybe it’s the goosebumps that form on your skin when you think about your dreams. Maybe it’s a clenching or widening of the heart. Maybe it’s a whisper. Maybe it’s a soft warmth spreading throughout your entire body. Maybe it’s something inside that you don’t even know how to describe or define; it just is.

    And maybe, at different times, it’s all of this, or something else entirely.

    I think the reason people are often so fascinated by the idea of the Third Eye is because it’s so hard to define. You can’t quantify it. You can’t put it in a spreadsheet. You can’t explain it.

    But you know it’s there. You feel it. You trust it.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Why Balancing the Third Eye Chakra is Important

    When you have big goals, aspirations, and dreams, it’s important that the energy throughout all of your energy centers is balanced and in harmony.

    Your Root Chakra creates a solid, steady foundation. Your Sacral Chakra is responsible for your creativity and passion. Your Solar Plexus Chakra gives you confidence. Your Heart Chakra opens your heart to love and peace. And your Throat Chakra allows you to communicate your truth and live a life of authenticity. And your Crown Chakra is your energy center for spirituality and connection to a higher power.

    These energy centers provide you with the foundation for living a life of meaning, purpose, and truth. They give you the confidence and passion to shine your light. They help you to lovingly embrace your authentic self.

    But without vision, you’d have nowhere to go.

    Your Third Eye Chakra gives you the vision and clarity to see your path so you can walk forward in your journey. Maybe you don’t know exactly where it’s leading to, and maybe you can’t see every single step of what’s in front of you, but you trust your inner knowing to guide you in the right direction.

    The Third Eye Chakra allows you to surrender and trust.

    I spent years trying to control every step of my journey. There were times when I heard my inner knowing speak, but I didn’t listen, either out of fear or because it didn’t make sense.

    Letting go and consciously choosing to trust wasn’t easy at first. But I did, and then something kind of amazing happened:

    Everything I had ever dreamed of started to align for me.

    And through these experiences, I’ve learned this: every time I take a leap and trust my inner knowing, I’m always led to really beautiful, really incredible places.

    Third Eye Chakra Attributes

    • Sanskrit Name: Ajna (“Beyond wisdom.” Can also be translated as “Perceive” or “Command.”)
    • Location: Center of Forehead/Between Eyebrows
    • Color: Indigo (Also associated with purple.)
    • Body Parts: Brain, Eyes, Nervous System, Forehead
    • Symbol: Two-petaled lotus with inverted triangle in the center
    • Element: Light
    • Mantra: OM or SHAM
    • Gemstones: Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Sapphire, Amethyst, Sodalite, Apophyllite, Azurite
    • Essential Oils: Frankincense, Basil, Juniper, Rosemary, Lemon, Pine, Cedarwood

    Signs of a Balanced Third Eye Chakra

    Third Eye Chakra Signs of Balance & Imbalance Ajna

    When your Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you feel a deep sense of spiritual alignment. You’re able to surrender control because you feel an unexplainable sense of trust in your path. And you also feel aligned and connected to your inner knowing. For some people, inner knowing is just a gut feeling. For others, they see signs from the Universe guiding them on their journeys.

    Intuition is most often associated with the Third Eye Chakra, and while this is definitely an important aspect of this energy center, it’s not the only component. When your Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you also feel imaginative, open-minded, and mentally strong.

    Here are some of the signs of a balanced Third Eye Chakra:

    • Intuitive
    • Imaginative
    • Perceptive
    • Open-minded
    • Insightful
    • Sense of clarity
    • Mentally strong
    • Trusting
    • Motivated
    • Creative
    • Embraces truth
    • Embraces change
    • Spiritually aligned
    • Possesses inner wisdom
    • Connected to inner knowing

    Signs of an Imbalanced Third Eye Chakra

    When any of your energy centers are imbalanced, they may be either underactive or overactive. When your Third Eye Chakra is underactive, you may feel disconnected from your intuition. You might also feel like you’re unable to harness the power of your imagination. Rather than feeling mentally strong, you may feel scattered and unable to concentrate or focus.

    When your Third Eye Chakra is overactive, you may experience paranoia, and you might start to believe that every little thing you see is some kind of sign.

    Here’s a list of some of the signs and symptoms of an imbalanced Third Eye Chakra:

    • Lack of intuition
    • Unimaginative
    • Fearful
    • Confused
    • Unable to focus
    • Close-minded
    • Depressed
    • Anxious
    • Isolated
    • Indecisive
    • Scattered
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Paranoid
    • Unmotivated
    • Holding onto limiting beliefs

    Physical Signs of an Imbalanced Third Eye Chakra

    In addition to the signs I listed above, you may also encounter physical sensations and symptoms when your Third Eye Chakra is imbalanced. For this energy center, the physical symptoms you experience often manifest in your head and mind.

    Here are some of the physical signs of an imbalanced Third Eye Chakra:

    • Headaches
    • Migraines
    • Nightmares
    • Sinus Issues
    • Eyesight Problems
    • Hallucinations

    Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

    Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

    When using affirmations to activate, heal, and balance the Third Eye Chakra, allow yourself to look within and really focus on your inner world. I sometimes like to inhale deeply and then exhale with a sigh, allowing myself to release control and surrender fully in that moment.

    Don’t try to force clarity, trust, and intuition into your experience. Rather, open yourself up and let them come to you. Accept. Allow. Receive.

    Here’s a list of affirmations for healing and activating the Third Eye Chakra:

    • I listen to my inner knowing in the face of uncertainty.
    • I see and think clearly. 
    • My mind is strong, open, and clear. 
    • I trust my intuition to guide me to making good decisions.
    • My mind is free of resistance and open to all possibilities.
    • All that I seek I can find within me.
    • I am insightful, intuitive, and imaginative.
    • I release doubt and welcome faith.
    • I am aligned with my highest and most authentic self.
    • I am in alignment with my purpose.
    • I trust the signs and synchronicities that show up in my daily life.
    • I honor my inner knowing and trust my path.
    • I surrender to the highest good for all.
    • I surrender control and allow the Universe’s loving presence to guide me.

    For more powerful third eye chakra affirmations, be sure to check out my post, 40 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations for Wisdom, Clarity, and Insight. And be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to get your free printable affirmations and journal prompts!

    Third Eye Chakra Journal Prompts

    Third Eye Chakra Journal Prompts

    Journaling is one of the most powerful ways to truly get in touch with your inner guide as well as to gain clarity, connect to your truth, and even utilize your imagination. When I sit down to journal, I often have no idea where my thoughts will lead me. I simply allow myself to follow the path that appears in front of me and let it lead me wherever it may go.

    Some of the questions below ask tough questions about topics like closed-mindedness and surrender. As you answer these questions, I encourage you to be open and honest with yourself. And whatever your answers are, don’t judge yourself. None of us are perfect. We all have flaws, imperfections, and shadows inside of us, but the clearest path to the light isn’t by suppressing these truths; it’s by seeking to understand.

    • Reflect on the word imagination. Ask yourself these questions: Was imagination encouraged or discouraged growing up? Do I use my imagination less or more than I did when I was a child? Do I still use my imagination in my daily life? In what ways? How can I embrace using my imagination more?
    • What are some past experiences in which following my intuition led me to making the right choice? Have I ever not followed my intuition and wished that I had? What can I learn from these experiences?
    • Are there any areas of life in which I can be close-minded? What led me to have a closed mind regarding these people, beliefs, ideas, etc.? Would there be any benefit to allowing my mind to be more open regarding these things? Conversely, in what areas of life am I very open-minded, and what led me to having an open mind regarding these people, beliefs, ideas, etc.?
    • What does it mean to me to surrender? Am I able to surrender and trust my path, or do I feel the need to control certain areas of my life? How can I practice surrendering more? Do I feel safe in surrendering? (Remember, don’t judge yourself as you answer these questions. Simply allow yourself to be honest and truthful.)

    For more powerful third eye chakra journal prompts, check out my post, 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Third Eye Chakra.

    Activating and Healing the Third Eye Chakra

    Color Therapy

    Immerse yourself in the color indigo (and/or purple). Eat purple foods such as grapes, raisins, prunes, purple potatoes, and purple carrots. Wear indigo/purple clothing. Surround yourself with indigo/purple objects. Write empowering affirmations on purple post-its and stick them up around you. Light a purple candle. You could even embrace your inner creative and paint with only these colors.


    The Third Eye Chakra’s element is light, so embrace opportunities to sit or walk in the sunshine. If you have a sun room or any open rooms with big windows in your home, take advantage of this space by sitting in silence, reading, or doing some crossword puzzles/logic games. You might also try sitting or meditating under the moonlight if it’s especially bright out.


    I’ll be honest: this one’s my favorite. I was an avid daydreamer as a child, then lost it at some point after I graduated high school. And now, over these past couple years, I’ve truly embraced the return of my inner daydreamer. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with “real world” information all of the time. We’re often told to prioritize reality and get our head out of the clouds. Well, I’m here to tell you, it’s okay to stick your head back up in the clouds from time to time. And if you find that you have a hard time doing this, see if some of your favorite childhood movies might inspire you.

    Logic Puzzles/Games

    It might seem a little weird that I’m recommending you use your imagination and do logic puzzles, but it’s important to keep an active and healthy mind in all capacities. I will recommend that you don’t play these games on your phone, though. If possible, work on a crossword puzzle or play a logic game somewhere you can get natural light.


    Use the journal prompts above or write down some empowering Third Eye Chakra affirmations. I also love to do simple stream-of-consciousness journaling. This means I sit down without any prompts and surrender control to whatever words want to emerge through me. See if you can simply write whatever flows from your fingers. Follow your inner knowing. And remember, don’t judge yourself. There is no right or wrong, no good or bad. Everything you write is exactly as it’s supposed to be.


    Yoga is a wonderful healing and restorative practice to balance the energy within your chakras. For healing the Third Eye Chakra, focus on poses where your head is on or directed toward the ground.

    Here are some of the poses you might use for healing your Ajna:

    • Downward Facing Dog
    • Child’s Pose
    • Extended Puppy Pose
    • Seated Forward Bend
    • Head to Knee Pose
    • Pyramid Pose

    And here’s a great yoga flow video from Allie the Journey Junkie on cleansing the Third Eye Chakra.


    Clear your mind. (You might imagine a gentle wave washing over your mind, leaving it calm, peaceful, and empty.) Envision a bright, indigo-colored light at the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows. Inhale slowly. As you inhale, that light grows brighter. Exhale slowly. As you exhale, the light grows bigger. Repeat this for several minutes.

    I’m a big fan of guided meditations and have found them to be super helpful when it comes to balancing the chakras. Here are a few powerful free guided meditations for healing the Third Eye Chakra on the free Insight Timer app:

    Ajna Affirmations

    I love to use affirmations throughout my day as part of my total self-care routine. For healing, balancing, and activating the Third Eye Chakra, you can use affirmations during meditation, through journaling, or as you’re doing daily activities such as taking a shower or commuting to work. You can also write affirmations on post-it notes and stick them up around your house or workspace, and you can even enable phone notifications to pop up during your day with some empowering affirmations on them.

    To learn more about using affirmations, check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).

    Ajna Gemstones

    Meditate with crystals. Wear beautiful gemstones as jewelry. Keep a healing crystal in your pocket throughout your day. Place gemstones in your workspace or somewhere they’ll be close to you throughout the day. Incorporate crystals into your sacred space.

    There are so many easy yet powerful ways you can use crystals in your daily life. Here are some of the crystals associated with the Third Eye Chakra:

    • Lapis Lazuli
    • Opal
    • Sapphire
    • Amethyst
    • Sodalite
    • Apophyllite
    • Azurite

    If you want to learn how to cleanse and program your crystals, check out these blog posts, where I discuss cleansing, programming, and using crystals (and more!):

    Ajna Essential Oils

    Place a few drops of essential oils into your diffuser and allow the soothing aroma to calm your spirit and heal your energy. I love to use essential oils in combination with other practices on this list. For instance, you could use essential oils while journaling, and you could even incorporate crystals and color therapy at the same time.

    Here are some of the essential oils associated with the Third Eye Chakra:

    • Frankincense
    • Basil
    • Juniper
    • Rosemary
    • Lemon
    • Pine
    • Cedarwood

    Also, if you have a favorite essential oil brand/supplier, be sure to check out their full line as some offer blends specifically for the chakras.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free third eye chakra printables below!

    For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    Pin this for later! Ajna: Activating, Balancing, and Healing the Third Eye Chakra

  • Vishuddha
    Chakras,  Meditation,  Spirituality

    Vishuddha: What is the Throat Chakra?

    Communication. Authenticity. Integrity. Calm. These are the cornerstones of your throat chakra, the energy center that allows you to speak your truth with clarity and confidence. Below is the complete beginner’s guide to all things Vishuddha, or your throat chakra. Discover the signs of an imbalanced throat chakra, and learn methods to balance and heal. Plus, affirmations and journal prompts! (And if you need a refresher on what a chakra is, be sure to check out my overview here.)

    Also, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page for some awesome freebies! You’ll receive 35 free printable affirmations and 30 journal prompts to open and heal the throat chakra. Don’t miss these powerful healing tools!

    Pin this for later! Vishuddha: Activating, Balancing, & Healing the Throat Chakra

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    Introduction to Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra

    Have you ever left a conversation feeling like you didn’t really say what you truly wanted to say? Or maybe you were part of a team or group, and even though you had some really great ideas, you found yourself shrinking back, too fearful to speak. Do you want to be a better communicator, but you’re not sure how or where to start?

    If you’ve consistently encountered these types of moments throughout your life, let me tell you: I absolutely, 100%, unequivocally get it.

    This has been a big part of the narrative that has shaped much of my life.

    Without a doubt, the one chakra I’ve experienced the most substantial imbalances in throughout my life has been the throat chakra.

    The throat chakra is your energy center for communication. A balanced throat chakra allows us to speak with clarity and confidence.

    But communication is only one aspect of this energy center.

    Honesty, integrity, and authenticity are all integral components of a balanced throat chakra.

    With a balanced throat chakra, you don’t just communicate.

    You communicate your authentic truth while remaining true to yourself and your guiding principles, no matter what others may say or think.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Why Balancing the Throat Chakra is Important

    Your voice matters.

    You have a distinct set of skills and gifts combined with a unique history that nobody else on this planet shares. Because of this, you possess a perspective that only you can possibly have, as you’re the only one who has ever experienced what you have been through.

    And there will be moments and situations that arise in your lifetime when your unique perspective is very, very badly needed.

    Your voice is important. You can offer insight into situations that others may not see on their own. So for the world as a whole, your voice and your words are very much needed.

    But it’s not just important for the world.

    It’s important for you.

    Because a balanced throat chakra means you live as your authentic, true self. It means staying true to your values and remaining centered, no matter how hard external forces may try to push you. It means living a life of integrity and abiding by your own moral principles.

    And that is everything.

    Because in all of these components comes joy, peace, freedom, and the courage and confidence to create the beautiful, wholehearted life you deserve.

    Throat Chakra Attributes

    • Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha (“Especially pure” or “Purest”)
    • Location: Throat/Center of Neck
    • Color: Light Blue
    • Body Parts: Throat, Thyroid, Teeth, Mouth, Jaw, Neck, Shoulders
    • Symbol: Sixteen-petalled lotus with a downward facing triangle inside a circle
    • Element: Ether (Sky/Space)
    • Mantra: HAM
    • Gemstones: Blue Lace Agate, Turquoise, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Topaz
    • Essential Oils: Basil, Cypress, Peppermint, Chamomile, Coriander, Juniper, Eucalyptus

    Signs of a Balanced Throat Chakra

    Throat Chakra Signs of Balance and Imbalance

    Clear, effective communication is at the center of a balanced throat chakra, but this doesn’t only mean speaking your truth; it means being an engaged listener as well. When it comes to effective communication, there’s always a give and take, and that means understanding the balance between when you should speak and when you should step back and listen to what others have to say.

    Authenticity is also at the foundation of a balanced throat chakra. Authenticity means staying true to what feels right to you, even when it’s not popular. It also means shedding the illusion of perfection and allowing your true, imperfect self to be seen. This can be scary, because it requires you to be vulnerable, but there is power and strength in living your truth and opening yourself up to others.

    And most of the time, when others see you living your authentic truth, it gives them the courage and confidence to do the same.

    Here are some of the signs of a balanced throat chakra:

    • Communicative
    • Calm
    • Honest
    • Peaceful
    • Decisive
    • Expressive
    • Patient
    • Authentic
    • True to oneself
    • Centered
    • Good listener
    • High level of creative expression
    • Possesses high level of integrity
    • Speaks with clarity and confidence

    Signs of an Imbalanced Throat Chakra

    An imbalanced throat chakra can go in two directions: it can become underactive, or it might even become overactive. (This is true for all of your energy centers.)

    With an underactive throat chakra, you may become withdrawn and have difficulty expressing yourself. With an overactive throat chakra, you might talk over others and choose gossip over deep conversations.

    These are some of the signs of an imbalanced throat chakra:

    • Excessively Shy
    • Withdrawn
    • Difficulty expressing oneself
    • Mumbles often
    • Indecisive
    • Dishonest
    • Critical
    • Impatient
    • Moody
    • Gossipy
    • Loud
    • Talks out of turn
    • Inappropriate
    • Interrupts
    • Poor listener

    Physical Signs of an Imbalanced Throat Chakra

    In addition to spiritual, emotional, and mental blockages you may experience from an imbalanced energy center, you might also experience physical symptoms as well.

    For the throat chakra, these physical symptoms most often are felt in the throat and mouth areas.

    Here are some of the physical symptoms you might encounter with an imbalanced throat chakra:

    • Chronic Sore Throat
    • Overactive/Underactive Thyroid
    • Hearing Problems
    • Jaw Pain
    • Neck Aches
    • Dental Issues

    Throat Chakra Affirmations

    Throat Chakra Affirmations

    Affirmations for the throat chakra are rooted in effective communication, authenticity, integrity, courage, confidence, and knowing that what you have to say matters.

    If you recite the affirmations below, or if you come up with your own empowering throat chakra affirmations, set the intention to really feel the words inside your body. An effective affirmation practice goes beyond simply reciting the words; it embraces the positive emotions within these empowering statements.

    Normally, I’d say it’s totally fine to say your affirmations either our loud or silently in your head. And either one is still okay here. But because this is the throat chakra, I’d encourage you to find times when you feel safe to recite your affirmations aloud. Allow yourself to fully speak and breathe your truth.

    Below is a list of affirmations you can use to activate, heal, and balance the throat chakra:

    • I am able to calmly and effectively speak my truth.
    • I live an honest, authentic, wholehearted life. 
    • My voice matters. 
    • I express myself clearly and openly.
    • I speak with calm, clarity, and confidence.
    • I find creative ways to communicate my self-expression.
    • I embrace silence and know deep inner peace.
    • I carry myself with integrity.
    • I choose authenticity over perfection.
    • I have the courage to be my true and authentic self.
    • It is safe for me to speak my truth.
    • My voice, words, ideas, and presence all matter. The world needs the magic inside of me.

    For more powerful throat chakra affirmations, be sure to check out my post 35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth. And be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to get your free printable affirmations and journal prompts!

    Throat Chakra Journal Prompts

    Throat Chakra Journal Prompts

    Journaling is a great practice to balance and heal all of your energy centers, but there’s something especially powerful when using it for the throat chakra. Journaling allows you to safely express your truth with clarity and confidence, and this is the cornerstone of a balanced throat chakra. When you journal, you’re free to be your authentic self in a safe, supportive space. By practicing using your authentic voice while you journal, you cultivate an understanding and inner knowing of authenticity and truthfulness in your daily life.

    Below is a list of journal prompts to get you started on your journey to balance and heal your throat chakra.

    • Write an open letter to somebody in your life: a current or past partner, friend, relative, boss, coworker, or even an acquaintance. What have you always wanted to say to this person but never found the courage or the right words? Write your truth in this letter. Allow yourself to release any negative emotions that your body may have been carrying from holding in your truth.
    • In what situations do I hold back from speaking my truth? Are there any situations in which I withdraw, even when I have something to say? Do I feel unsafe speaking in these situations? Would my voice be welcome in the conversation? What can I do to feel more confident in these situations?
    • What are my guiding principles and truths? How do I live my authentic truth in my daily life? In what situations do I feel like I fake or force myself to be someone or something I’m not? How do I feel when I do this? (Refrain from judging yourself here. Simply notice and observe.)
    • Envision a day in which you are your highest and most authentic self, able to speak with ease, clarity, and confidence. Writing in the present tense, describe your day from the moment you wake up to the moment you lay your head on your pillow to fall asleep. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? How do you speak to the people around you? What makes you a good listener? How do your defining principles guide your actions throughout your day? Create situations for yourself in which you must communicate clearly and effectively, and write about how you thrive in these moments.

    For more powerful throat chakra journal prompts, check out my 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Throat Chakra.

    Activating and Healing the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

    Color Therapy

    Immerse yourself in the color blue. Wear blue clothing. Paint with the color blue. Surround yourself with blue items. Eat blueberries, blue grapes, and blackberries. Write empowering affirmations on blue post-it notes. Find creative ways to incorporate the color blue into your life.


    If it’s a nice day, find a quiet spot outside where you have plenty of space. Lay on the ground and watch the sky. You could also meditate outside, sketch the scenery, or write a letter. If you hear any nature sounds, like birds chirping or a babbling creek, allow yourself to close your eyes and just listen.


    If you’re like me, you might cringe a little at this one. But you don’t have to be a good singer to engage in this practice for healing your throat chakra. Find somewhere you feel comfortable and choose some of your favorite feel-good songs. Then, belt it out! This practice is going to help you clear blockages in your throat as you become more comfortable using your voice.


    Call a friend. Set up a coffee date. Have a good dinner conversation with your partner where you both promise to set aside the phones. Listen to what he or she has to say. Ask your cashier or barista or mailman how their day’s going and really listen to their answers. And in all of these conversations, aim to speak your truth and be your most authentic self at all times.


    You can use the journal prompts above or even write a journal entry that’s full of empowering throat chakra affirmations. But definitely don’t feel like you need to follow a prompt. Allow this to be sacred time during which you speak your truth. Say whatever it is that you need to say. But as you do this, don’t let negative energy seep in. Release what no longer serves you. And then continue on your path, letting yourself be guided by love, compassion, and so much grace.


    Yoga is one of the most powerful ways to restore harmony among your energy centers. Below is a list of poses that are especially helpful when it comes to healing your throat chakra.

    With any yoga routine meant to balance the throat chakra, pay special attention to the body parts associated with the throat chakra, including your neck and shoulders. One of the most important aspects to a balanced throat chakra is staying true to your authentic self. Allow this intention to guide you through your practice, even if that means altering poses and/or transitioning into poses you hadn’t planned.

    • Cobra Pose
    • Fish Pose
    • Camel Pose
    • Bridge Pose
    • Rabbit Pose
    • Shoulder Stand
    • Seated Fold

    If you want to get started today, here’s a great video from Yoga With Adriene on Throat Chakra Yoga.


    Visualize a peaceful, soothing blue light in the center of your throat. This light grows bigger as you inhale. As you exhale, this light grows brighter, loosening any blockages inside your throat.

    You might also choose to do some guided meditations to heal your throat chakra. Here’s a few to get you started using the free Insight Timer app:

    Vishuddha Affirmations

    Use affirmations while journaling. Set up phone notifications to pop up during the day with some inspiring affirmations on them. Write affirmations on post-it notes and stick them up around your house. When you’re stuck at a red light, recite a few empowering affirmations. You can use the ones I’ve written above, or come up with your own powerful affirmations that are rooted in your authenticity as well as your ability to both listen and speak clearly and effectively.

    For more help on using affirmations, check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).

    Vishuddha Gemstones

    Incorporating crystals into your life is a beautiful way to restore positive energy into your mind, body, and spirit. You can wear crystals as jewelry, meditate with them, keep them in your pocket, or place them somewhere where they’ll be close throughout the day.

    Here’s a list of gemstones you can use to heal and balance the throat chakra:

    • Blue Lace Agate
    • Turquoise
    • Sodalite
    • Aquamarine
    • Lapis Lazuli
    • Blue Topaz

    In the posts below, I provide all the details you need on how to cleanse, program, and use your crystals to get all the benefits of their positive energy:

    Vishuddha Essential Oils

    When using essential oils for the throat chakra, first set the intention to activate, heal, or balance your throat chakra. Truly, this is an important step before doing any of the practices I’ve listed here. You don’t want to simply perform an action; you want to perform an action with the intention of doing something.

    You can make this an even more powerful practice by combining it with other healing methods on this list. For instance, you can add your chosen essential oil(s) to your diffuser while surrounding yourself with crystals as you journal. You can even add some blue touches to your surroundings for color therapy.

    Here are some of the essential oils you can use to balance the energy in your throat chakra:

    • Basil
    • Cypress
    • Peppermint
    • Chamomile
    • Coriander
    • Juniper
    • Eucalyptus

    Whatever methods you choose to use, just make sure it feels true to you. Healing the throat chakra starts with authenticity, so pledge to stay true to your authentic self on your healing journey.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free throat chakra printables below!

    For more chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    Pin this for later! Vishuddha: Activating, Balancing, and Healing the Throat Chakra

  • Anahata
    Chakras,  Meditation,  Spirituality

    Anahata: Healing the Heart Chakra

    Want to learn more about Anahata, also known as your heart chakra? Discover how to heal, balance, and restore harmony to the energy center of love and compassion. Plus, don’t miss the heart-centered affirmations and journal prompts dedicated to aligning you with your pure, loving energy within. And be sure to check out the links to learn more about chakras below!

    Also, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page for some awesome freebies! You’ll receive 40 free printable affirmations and 30 journal prompts to open and heal the heart chakra. Don’t miss these powerful healing tools!

    Pin this for later! Anahata: Activating, Balancing, and Healing the Heart Chakra

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    Introduction to Anahata: The Heart Chakra

    Chances are, even if you know nothing about chakras, you at least have some understanding of the heart chakra and its primary emotions and attributes.

    Your heart chakra, or Anahata, is the energy center for love, compassion, peace, and connection. The love you cultivate within your heart chakra is deep, pure, and unconditional. And this love extends throughout your whole self and beyond.

    This love means having unconditional love for yourself, no matter where you are in life, and having deep compassion for your imperfections and mistakes. This love means knowing you are worthy of love, kindness, and understanding no matter what.

    And this love also extends far beyond yourself. When your heart chakra is balanced, you feel a deep sense of connection with others. In fact, this connection may feel so deep, you know that you’re not truly separate from anyone else.

    Instead, you know and feel that you are connected to all.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Why Balancing the Heart Chakra is Important

    The primary emotions associated with the heart chakra – love and compassion – may not be super surprising. In fact, what may be the most surprising discovery about the heart chakra is that its primary color is green, not pink or red.

    But when you think about it, the color green is kind of perfect for this energy center.

    Green is the color of harmony and balance. It symbolizes nature and life. It is the color of renewal and growth. Of perfect harmony and perfect health.

    And that’s what love is, too. Love is harmony. Love is renewal. Love is our foundation. Love is life.

    So you can see why keeping the heart chakra in balance is important.

    When the energy in our heart center flows freely in and out, we are in alignment with our highest, truest, most authentic selves. We know that love is more than just a feeling; it is our very essence. We are kinder, more compassionate, more understanding, and more forgiving. We love ourselves enough to know our inherent worthiness, and we love others enough to know that we are connected to all.

    Love is not weakness. Love is not sacrifice. Love is not an afterthought.

    Love is strength. Love is your foundation. Love is your superpower.

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    Heart Chakra Attributes

    • Sanskrit Name: Anahata (“Unstruck”)
    • Location: Heart/Center of chest
    • Color: Green
    • Body Parts: Heart, Lungs, Shoulders, Arms, Ribs, Breasts, Diaphragm
    • Symbol: Twelve-petaled lotus with two intersecting triangles in the center
    • Element: Air
    • Mantra: YAM
    • Gemstones: Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Calcite, Emerald, Rhodonite, Pink Opal
    • Essential Oils: Lavender, Rose, Jasmine, Geranium, Goldenrod, Cypress

    Signs of a Balanced Heart Chakra

    Signs of a Balanced Heart Chakra (Anahata)

    As you might be able to guess, love is at the center of a balanced heart chakra. When this energy center is balanced, our thoughts and actions are aligned with the highest frequency of pure and unconditional love.

    When the energy in your heart chakra is flowing freely, you feel loved, loving, and lovable. Your heart is open, and you feel a strong sense of connection to others. As mentioned in the intro, you may even feel like there is no separateness; you are one with all.

    Here are some of the signs of a balanced heart chakra:

    • Loving
    • Lovable
    • Peaceful
    • Compassionate
    • Connected to others
    • Generous
    • Kind
    • Empathetic
    • Trustful
    • Openhearted
    • Serene
    • Understanding
    • Acceptance for self and others
    • Unconditional love for self and others

    Signs of an Imbalanced Heart Chakra

    Imbalances in the chakras mean they can become either overactive or underactive. While a balanced heart chakra means you feel connected to others and enjoy the presence of others, an overactive heart chakra means you may become a little too attached to the presence of others, sometimes becoming clingy and dependent on one or more people. On the other end, if your heart chakra is underactive, you may excessively self-isolate and feel fearful of intimacy.

    Here is a list of signs that your heart chakra may be imbalanced:

    • Depressed
    • Lonely
    • Feeling unloved/unlovable
    • Self-isolates (excessively)
    • Fearful of intimacy
    • Possessive
    • Jealous
    • Defensive
    • Judgmental
    • Spiteful
    • Selfish
    • Co-dependent
    • Clingy
    • Smothering

    Physical Signs of an Imbalanced Heart Chakra

    In addition to experiencing emotional, physical, and spiritual ailments due to energy imbalances, you may also experience physical symptoms. With an imbalanced heart chakra, many of the physical symptoms you may experience correlate to the chest, areas around your chest, and your blood and circulatory system.

    Here’s a list of the physical ailments you may experience with an imbalanced heart chakra:

    • Heart Disorders
    • High/Low Blood Pressure
    • Circulatory Problems
    • Asthma
    • Chest Pain
    • Muscle Tension

    Heart Chakra Affirmations

    Heart Chakra Affirmations

    Affirmations are positive, present-tense statements that uplift, encourage, boost your self-belief, and support your total wellbeing. I love using affirmations not only to help with balancing and healing my chakras but as part of a complete self-care routine.

    When using affirmations to balance and heal your chakra, really focus on the feelings of love, belonging, acceptance, peace, and compassion. Go beyond just reciting the words and allow yourself to really feel the positive feelings that your affirmations bring.

    Here’s a list of beautiful, empowering affirmations for your heart chakra:

    • I am loved, loving, and lovable.
    • I choose to be kind to myself and love myself unconditionally.
    • I am aligned with the highest frequency of love.
    • I fully love and embrace who I am, even as I continue to grow.
    • My heart is open, loving, and pure.
    • I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally.
    • I am worthy of unconditional love.
    • I am a beacon of love and compassion.
    • I am able to live in love.
    • I lead with love.
    • I love and accept myself for exactly the person I am right now.
    • Love and compassion are my superpowers, and they will carry me as far as I want to go.
    • Every day, I love myself a little more.
    • I am love.

    For more powerful heart chakra affirmations, check out my post, 40 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Unconditional Love. And be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to get your free printable affirmations and journal prompts!

    Heart Chakra Journal Prompts

    Like affirmations, journaling is another powerful practice that supports your total wellbeing. I like to journal for thirty minutes first thing after I wake up to set a positive tone for the day (with a freshly brewed, hot cup of coffee, of course). However, I know a lot of other people like to journal in the evening to help them leave work behind and unwind for the night. There is no right or wrong place or time; the key is to find a time that works for you.

    The journal prompts below are designed to help you get in touch with your heart chakra. I’m not a big fan of rules when it comes to creativity and self-care activities, so if you find yourself straying from the prompts at all, that’s okay! Your writing may take you to unexpected places, like a distant memory or a vision of the future. For the purposes of balancing your heart chakra, just remember to stay heart-centered and hold the intention of healing, activating, or even just getting to know your heart chakra a little better.

    • Visualize your highest and most authentic self with a balanced and open heart chakra. Write about a day as your most loving and compassionate self. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? How do you treat people? How do you treat yourself? Imagine how you would react to obstacles and roadblocks. Discuss your core values and purpose, and write about how grateful you feel to be aligned with these values.
    • Without judgment, reflect upon these questions: Are there any situations in my life where I excessively self-isolate and withdraw from others? Or do I depend on and need others to feel content? What can I do to help myself in these situations? How can I find a harmonious balance between feeling peaceful and content when I’m alone and when I’m with others?
    • What does it mean to me to be compassionate? How can I show myself more compassion? How can I show compassion to others? Why is it important to me to be a compassionate being?
    • Look within and reflect upon these questions: How can I be kinder to myself? How can I show myself more love? When my inner bully comes out, what can I do to show myself more kindness and love? How can I be more compassionate with myself when I make a mistake? What self-care practices can I do in my everyday life to show myself unconditional love?

    For more heart chakra journal prompts, check out my post, 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Heart Chakra.

    Activating and Healing the Heart Chakra (Anahata)

    Color Therapy

    Immerse yourself in the color green. Eat green foods, such as broccoli, spinach, green apples, and kiwi. Drink some tasty matcha. Write heart-centered affirmations on green post-it notes and stick them up around you. Wear green. Write with a green pen. Paint with the color green. Hang or sit some green objects around your workspace.

    Walk in Nature

    The color of the heart chakra is green, and its element is air. Combine these attributes by taking a long, cleansing walk in nature, breathing in the fresh air. If you live near a forest or a beautiful, green meadow, this is ideal, but just taking a walk and getting some fresh air can do wonders for healing your heart chakra. You might also go to the beach on a breezy day and let the cool wind dance across your skin.

    Drive with the Windows Down

    This may not heal your heart chakra on its own, but if you’re out driving and it’s a nice day out, lower your windows and embrace the feeling of the air blowing across your skin.


    You can use the journal prompts above or simply write about what’s going on in your heart. How does your heart feel? How can you open yourself up to more love in your life? What past wounds still need to be healed? I also love incorporating affirmations into my journaling. When working with the heart chakra, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with simply writing an empowering, soul-healing list of heart-centered affirmations in your journal. (In fact, this is 100% right.)


    Yoga is a beautiful way to restore harmony and balance among your energy centers. To heal the heart chakra, focus on heart-opening positions.

    Here are a few positions that help with healing the heart chakra:

    • Camel Pose
    • Wheel Pose
    • Handstand
    • Fish Pose
    • Extended Puppy Pose
    • Bridge Pose
    • Cow Face Pose

    For more, check out this video from Yoga With Adriene: Heart Chakra Yoga for Beginners.


    Visualize a beautiful green light at your heart center. See that light growing brighter as you inhale and bigger as you exhale. You can also visualize a green rosebud at the center of your chest. As you inhale and exhale, the buds slowly unfolds and bloom.

    And if you prefer guided meditations, or just want to give it a try, here are some free guided meditations for the heart chakra on the Insight Timer app:

    Anahata Affirmations

    You can use the affirmations above or come up with your own heart-centered affirmations. When you use affirmations for your heart chakra, focus on feelings and beliefs that are rooted in love, compassion, understanding, peace, kindness, and connection – both for yourself and others. You can choose to recite your affirmations in your head or out loud, or you can write them down in a journal or a notebook. No matter what method you choose, open yourself up to feelings of love. Know that you are worthy and deserving of being loved, and know that it is safe for you to show love. You might even place your hands out in front of you, palms to the sky, and gently repeat, “I allow love. I accept love. I receive love.”

    Anahata Gemstones

    Crystals support and promote balance and harmony within your energy centers. When working with your heart chakra, crystals help with healing past hurts, restoring your belief in love, and opening your heart again to love and trust.

    One of my favorite methods of using crystals is through meditation. You can hold the crystal while meditating, or when balancing the heart chakra, you can lay down and set the crystal on your heart center. I also love wearing crystals as jewelry. Wearing an emerald necklace near your heart is a beautiful way to support balance and healing.

    Here are a few gemstones associated with the heart chakra:

    • Rose Quartz
    • Jade
    • Green Calcite
    • Emerald
    • Rhodonite
    • Pink Opal

    To learn more about cleansing, programming, and using crystals, check out my blog post about crystals here!

    Anahata Essential Oils

    Using essential oils is a really wonderful practice for balancing the chakras for so many reasons: they smell good, there are so many ways to use them, and you can incorporate essential oils with most of the other practices on this list. For instance, you can use any of the essential oils below in your diffuser while journaling or as you’re meditating. Just make sure to set aside some dedicated time for yourself, and set the intention to heal, balance, and restore harmony to your energy centers.

    Below are just some of the essential oils you could use to balance the heart chakra. Also, be sure to check out what each individual brand offers, as some have lines specifically for the chakras!

    • Lavender
    • Rose
    • Jasmine
    • Geranium
    • Goldenrod
    • Cypress
    • Bergamot

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free heart chakra printables below!

    For more chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    Pin this for later! Anahata: Activating, Balancing, and Healing the Heart Chakra
  • what is solar plexus chakra
    Chakras,  Meditation,  Spirituality

    What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

    What is the solar plexus chakra? Today’s post is going to answer that question and give you everything you need to know about this powerful energy center, including signs of imbalance, affirmations, journal prompts, and methods to balance and heal. For a refresher on chakras, be sure to check out A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding and Unblocking Your Chakras.

    Also, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page for some awesome freebies! You’ll receive 35 free printable affirmations and 30 journal prompts to open and heal the solar plexus chakra. Don’t miss these powerful healing tools!

    what is solar plexus chakra
    Pin this for later! What is the Solar Plexus Chakra? Activate, Balance, & Heal

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    Introduction to the Solar Plexus Chakra

    Did you know that your solar plexus is an actual complex network of nerves and ganglia located in the center of your torso? If you’ve ever experienced getting hit by something hard in the stomach and feeling like you had the wind knocked out of you, it’s likely you were actually hit right in the solar plexus. (Ouch!)

    I lead with this because it’s important to differentiate between the solar plexus and the solar plexus chakra:

    The solar plexus is the physical network of nerves and ganglia located above your navel in the center of your torso.

    The solar plexus chakra, located in the same region, is the energy center in your body associated with your confidence, self-esteem, joy, motivation, and integrity.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Why Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra is Important

    Confidence is a fickle creature.

    Have you ever experienced stretches of time – maybe days, weeks, or even months – where you felt invincible? During these periods, you felt confident, capable, and strong, and you undoubtedly knew your inherent worthiness.

    And then one day, it all comes crashing down on you, and suddenly, you feel fearful, lack motivation, and lose sight of your purpose.

    Personally, I’ve felt the highs and lows of all these experiences multiple times in the span of a single day.

    And that’s one of the biggest reasons why balancing your solar plexus chakra is so important. Because confidence, high self-esteem, and radiant joy shouldn’t be fickle; these very attributes are your birthright.

    Having a practice that allows you to balance and heal your solar plexus chakra means taking back your power. Instead of allowing confidence and joy to come and go like the ocean waves, you cultivate these powerful feelings inside of you. And maybe you’ll still experience moments of doubt, but I promise, they won’t last long because you know you have the power and tools inside of you to gain back the empowered beliefs and emotions you deserve to experience every single day.

    In this post, we’re going to cover all things related to the solar plexus chakra: signs of balance and imbalance, affirmations, journal prompts, how to heal an imbalanced sacral chakra, and various associated attributes.

    So let’s begin!

    Solar Plexus Attributes

    • Sanskrit Name: Manipura (“City of Jewels”; sometimes translated as “Lustrous Gem”)
    • Location: A couple inches above the navel/Below the chest (You might associated this with the pit of your stomach.)
    • Color: Yellow
    • Body Parts: Pancreas, stomach, liver, gall bladder
    • Symbol: Ten-petaled lotus with downward facing triangle in the center
    • Element: Fire
    • Mantra: RAM
    • Gemstones: Citrine, topaz, tiger’s eye, yellow jasper, amber
    • Essential Oils: Lemon, lemongrass, coriander, juniper, lime

    Signs of a Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra

    what is solar plexus chakra

    Have you ever met someone that just seemed to radiate with light? They walk with confidence, always seem to have a genuine smile on their face, and just seem like they have it all together. And on top of that, they’re really, really kind.

    Chances are, they have a balanced solar plexus chakra.

    Your solar plexus chakra is associated with all the self words: self-esteem, self-respect, self-image, and self-worth. Confidence is the word often associated with this energy center, but note that this is not cockiness, arrogance, or conceit. A person with a balanced solar plexus chakra will feel confident in themselves without demeaning or putting down others.

    Here are some of the signs of a balanced solar plexus chakra:

    • Confident
    • Positive
    • Empowered
    • High sense of self-respect
    • High self-esteem
    • Joyful
    • Driven
    • Positive self image
    • Aligned with purpose
    • Aligned with core values
    • Motivated
    • Has integrity
    • Collaborative
    • Decisive/Confident in decision-making

    Signs of an Imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

    Imbalances in energy centers can go two ways: they might become underactive or overactive. (You might also hear the terms deficient or excessive.)

    The underactive/deficient symptoms are associated with a lack of confidence while the overactive/excessive symptoms are associated with what happens when confidence turns into arrogance and a superiority complex.

    Here’s a list of signs associated with an imbalanced solar plexus chakra:

    • Low self-esteem
    • Lack of ambition
    • Unmotivated
    • Lack of purpose
    • Fear of rejection
    • Sensitive to criticism
    • Low energy
    • Sense of worthlessness
    • Superiority complex
    • Arrogant
    • Manipulative
    • Domineering
    • Power-hungry
    • Competitive

    Physical Signs of an Imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

    In additional to emotional and mental symptoms, an imbalanced energy center also results in physical ailments. The solar plexus chakra is associated with the stomach, gall bladder, liver, and pancreas, so pay attention to these organs when you think you might be experiencing an imbalance. (For instance, have you recently experienced fatigue and/or poor digestion?)

    Here are some of the physical ailments you may experience with an imbalanced solar plexus chakra:

    • Fatigue
    • Poor Digestion
    • Liver Problems
    • Low Metabolism
    • Blood Sugar/Glycemic Issues
    • Ulcers

    Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

    solar plexus affirmations

    Affirmations are one of my favorite tools not only for healing chakras but for a total self-care routine. While it may seem difficult to come up with affirmations for some of the energy centers, there’s truly an infinite amount of affirmations a person could write for the solar plexus chakra.

    Below, I’ve listed some powerful affirmations you can use to heal and balance your solar plexus chakra. But don’t limit yourself to this list; feel free to come up with your own awesome affirmations in which you assert your confidence, worthiness, joy, integrity, self-belief, self-esteem, self-worth, and limitless power to create the life of your dreams.

    For more powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations, check out my post, 35 Solar Plexus Affirmations for Confidence, Motivation, and Positivity.

    • I am powerful, strong, and confident.
    • I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
    • Today, I confidently welcome new experiences.
    • I am competent, capable, and strong.
    • I am aligned with my purpose.
    • I am my highest and most authentic self.
    • I am enough, just as I am.
    • I have the confidence and power to take big leaps.
    • I am enough. I have always been enough. I will always be enough.
    • I will not settle for less than I deserve.
    • I hold the key to my own happiness.
    • Limitless joy is my birthright.
    • I am worthy, strong, powerful, courageous, and always enough.

    For even more empowering affirmations, check out 35 Solar Plexus Affirmations for Confidence, Motivation, and Positivity. And don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page to get your free printable affirmations and journal prompts!

    Solar Plexus Chakra Journal Prompts

    solar plexus journal prompts

    Journaling’s another practice that helps restore balance to your body’s energy centers while also supporting your overall wellbeing. Some people swear by journaling in the morning while others like to save it for nighttime to help them unwind. Choose what works best for you, and if possible, try to set aside some uninterrupted time to be alone with your thoughts, even if it’s just ten minutes.

    Below are four powerful prompts you can use for healing your solar plexus chakra. As you sit down to journal, hold the intention to activate, balance, heal, or just get to understand your solar plexus chakra a little better. Let this be a time when you pledge to believe you are worthy and deserving of unconditional love, joy, and peace. And allow your words to be a reflection of that worthiness. (Because you are worthy of all these things and more!)

    • Visualize a day as your highest and most authentic self living your most confident and empowered life. Describe how you move about your day. Write out the positive words you speak to yourself. Discuss your core values and purpose, and write about how good it feels to be aligned with these values. How do other people see you? How do you see yourself? Remember, you are strong, confident, empowered, and have a high sense of self-respect and self-esteem.
    • Write out a list of positive qualities you love about yourself, and describe why you love each of those things. For instance, “I love my smile because it lights up a room. When I smile, I notice that other people smile, too.” Focus on both your internal and external qualities. There’s no room for negativity here. Compliment yourself. Focus on the positive. Remember that you are worthy and deserving of unconditional joy and love.
    • Think about your goals and dreams. Ask yourself these questions: How do I approach my goals? Do I step forward with confidence, or do I shrink back into fear? What are some ways I can cultivate more confidence? Do I believe I can create the life of my dreams? If you find yourself feeling any uncertainties or doubts, gently probe these feelings with kindness and compassion.
    • Are there any situations or experiences in my life that cause me to feel low self-esteem? What makes me feel powerless? What makes me feel fearful? Describe these situations with an objective perspective: no judgment or emotions. Ask yourself: What can I do in these situations to raise my self-esteem, hold onto my power, and rise above fear?

    For more powerful journal prompts, check out 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra.

    Activating and Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra

    Color Therapy

    Immerse yourself in the color yellow. Eat yellow foods such as bananas, pineapple, yellow peppers, and squash. Light yellow, lemon-scented candles. Wear yellow. Paint with the color yellow. Sit or hang some yellow objects near your workspace. You can even write some empowering affirmations on yellow post-it notes and hang them up around you!

    Have a (Safe) Bonfire (or Cozy Up by the Fireplace)

    The solar plexus chakra’s element is fire, so this is the perfect time to have a safe bonfire with friends or enjoy some family time by the fireplace. You could also combine some time by the fire with other practices on this list, like doing some journaling by the fireplace.

    Get Out in the Sun

    If it’s summer and you’re not keen on starting the fireplace, another powerful practice to balance your solar plexus is to go for a walk or have a picnic in the sun. Spending some time in nature while immersing myself in beautiful sunshine is one of my favorite ways to bring balance to this energy center. Just don’t forget the sunscreen!


    The journal prompts above can help you get started here. Another incredibly powerful method is to incorporate affirmations into your journaling. You can use the affirmations above or come up with your own empowering solar plexus affirmations. Gratitude journaling is also an awesome practice. Write about all the positive associations with the solar plexus chakra that you’re grateful for: your high self-esteem and positive self image, your sense of worthiness, your alignment with your purpose, and so on!

    Just remember, as you sit down to write, set the intention to balance your solar plexus chakra and see where it takes you.


    Yoga is one of the most powerful ways to heal the chakras as each energy center has associated poses to help restore balance.

    For the solar plexus chakra, here are some of the best poses to balance this energy center:

    • Warrior I
    • Full Boat Pose
    • Bow Pose
    • Reverse Triangle Pose
    • Warrior III
    • Plank

    And here’s a great video by Allie – The Journey Junkie that guides you through using yoga to ignite your power with the solar plexus chakra.


    For an unguided solar plexus chakra balancing meditation, find somewhere you feel safe and comfortable. You can choose whether or not you want to set a timer. If you’re on the floor, sit cross-legged with your back straight. If you’re on a chair, don’t cross your legs. Keep your feet on the floor. Close your eyes. Relax your eyebrows. Relax your shoulders. Slowly relax each body part as you take deep inhales through your nose and slow exhales, either out your mouth or through your nose.

    Now, imagine a bright, yellow light just above your navel, below the chest. You might also see this as a yellow sun or a yellow, ten-petaled lotus. As you inhale, visualize the light growing brighter. As you exhale, visualize the light growing bigger. Repeat this throughout your meditation. If you want, at the end of your meditation, you can recite some powerful affirmations for balancing your solar plexus chakra.

    For guided meditations, here’s some awesome (free!) ones from Insight Timer:


    I’m a big believer in using positive affirmations to cultivate confidence and assert your worthiness, and luckily, there’s an endless amount of positive affirmations you can use to balance your solar plexus chakra. Some of my favorite methods are to write them in my journal and to stick post-it notes with affirmations written on them on my work space or on my bathroom mirror. I also love to choose the normally mundane moments of life to silently repeat affirmations to myself, like when I’m driving to work or waiting for the oven timer to go off.


    Some of the gemstones associated with the solar plexus chakra are citrine, topaz, tiger’s eye, yellow jasper, amber. If you’ve never used crystals before, don’t feel intimidated! Some simple practices to use gemstones and crystals are to hold them during meditation, carry them in your pocket during the day, or keep them somewhere nearby while you’re working.

    Essential Oils

    Essential oils are a perfect way to restore balance to the solar plexus chakra, and you can easily find ways to combine using essential oils with other practices on this list. For instance, you can use them in your diffuser while journaling with some beautiful crystals nearby. Just remember, as with everything on this list, be intentional with your actions. So before you sit down to do all of these practices, set the powerful intention to balance and heal your solar plexus chakra first.

    Here are some of the essential oils associated with the solar plexus chakra:

    • Lemon
    • Lemongrass
    • Coriander
    • Juniper
    • Lime
    • Fennel
    • Ginger
    • Grapefruit

    And there you have it: the slightly long but detailed answer to the question, “What is the solar plexus chakra?” For more chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    Are your ready for your freebies? Download your free printables below!

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    Pin this for later! What is the Solar Plexus Chakra? Activate, Balance, and Heal