• new moon rituals
    Manifestation,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    10 New Moon Rituals For Manifestation & Self-Love

    In this article, discover 10 profound new moon rituals for connecting with your innermost self, letting go of what no longer serves you, and planting seeds of abundance in your inner and outer worlds.

    10 New Moon Rituals For Manifestation & Self-Love
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    New Moon Symbolism

    Like the moon, we go through our own cycles and phases. Sometimes, we feel vibrant and energized, shining our light fully. Other times, we need to go inward and get in touch with our innermost selves for a little while.

    The new moon offers an opportunity for just this: a chance to go within, refresh, let go, and start anew.

    You might think of the new moon as a cosmic reset. During this time, you can check in with yourself. Are you aligned with your purpose? Are you holding onto anything you need to let go of? Are there any new habits or rituals you can start incorporating into your daily routine to support your mind, body, and soul? What is your heart telling you about your path?

    The new moon offers a beautiful opportunity for any and all of these practices:

    • Setting intentions for who you want to be, what you want to manifest, and how you want to show up in your daily life
    • Connecting to your deepest dreams and desires
    • Releasing what no longer serves you to make space for new beginnings
    • Cleansing old and stagnant energy
    • Embracing your ability to co-create with the Universe
    • Honoring the light and love that flows to and through you in all moments

    Below, you’ll find 10 profound new moon rituals for connecting to your inner self, letting go of what no longer serves you, and planting seeds for your dreams and desires to take root.

    Every new moon, see if you can incorporate at least two or three of these rituals into your routine.

    Use the magic of the new moon to create something truly beautiful in both your inner and outer worlds.

    manifestation printables learn more

    New Moon Rituals

    Plant Seeds Of Intention

    This is one of my personal favorite new moon rituals, as you can complete this practice either through visualization or by actually planting physical seeds where, in time, you can watch them grow.

    In this ritual, you’ll be planting three seeds that represent the intentions you want to set for the next month. I usually complete this as a visualization meditation, but there’s also something special about planting three physical seeds and watching them grow and thrive over time (just like your intentions).

    Take the first seed and imagine yourself gently planting it in the earth in front of you. (Or actually plant it in the soil.) See your intention manifesting in your reality, and feel the positive emotions associated with this dream coming true. Express gratitude to the Universe for supporting you in your dreams.

    Repeat this with the second seed, planting another intention in the earth in front of you. Finally, repeat this process with the third seed.

    Once all your intentions have been planted, release them to the Universe. Feel peace, love, and abundance filing every cell of your being. End this ritual by expressing more sincere gratitude

    Write A New Moon List

    In a sacred space (or somewhere that allows you to truly connect with your inner self), take some time to consider your innermost dreams and desires. What is your heart telling you? What does your soul truly need?

    Here are some topics you might want to include in your list. Consider your list to be a way of communicating with your highest self and the Universe. You might even read your list items aloud under the night sky.

    • Everything you want to manifest in the next month
    • Everything you’re releasing
    • What you’re grateful for
    • The primary feelings you want to embody (joy, peace, abundance, love, etc.)
    • Any other changes you want to make over the next month, such as starting a new morning routine or making more time for self-care.

    Journal Your Innermost Feelings

    The new moon offers the perfect opportunity to get in touch with your highest self, and one of the most profound ways to do this is through journaling. Allow yourself time and space where you won’t be interrupted. Create a space where you feel safe and at peace, whether that’s in your sacred space or outside under the stars. Consider what energies you want to release and what you want to embrace more of over the next month.

    Here are a few sentences you can include in your new moon journal entry:

    • “I am releasing . . .”
    • “I am setting the intention to . . .”
    • “I am manifesting . . .”
    • You can also ask yourself: “What does my soul need?”

    Take A Detox Bath

    A detox bath allows you to detox your total self: mind, body, and soul. This bath is meant for spiritual and energetic cleansing. During this time, put away your phone or any other distractions. Focus solely on your own inner tranquility. Sink into relaxation and self-care. By embracing your inner peace, you release stagnant energy within and make space for new energy to come forth.

    Here are some items you might use in this bath ritual:

    • Essential oils, especially ones that promote relaxation, such as lavender, bergamot, and clary sage
    • Epsom salt
    • Himalayan pink salt
    • Candles
    • Dried flower petals
    • Crystals

    Cleanse Your Space

    Because a new moon represents new beginnings, this is an ideal time to cleanse your space – both physically and energetically.

    Take some time to physically declutter the spaces you spend the most time in. As you go through your items, ask yourself, “Does this represent the person I used to be or the person I want to become?” Get rid of anything that doesn’t align with the person you’re becoming.

    You can also cleanse the energy of the spaces you spend the most time in by burning incense or lighting candles in the room. If possible, open the window so any old, stagnant energy in the room can be released.

    Do A Candle Manifestation Ritual

    Candles can be a profound addition to your new moon ritual, as they promote inner peace, help you to release negative energy, and open your heart and mind to receiving.

    It’s best to do this ritual with a new candle (or one that is specifically used only for this purpose).

    Once you light your candle, start visualizing your dreams and desires coming true. What does your life look like when you have everything you desire? How do you feel? See and feel everything as if it’s happening in this very moment.

    Then, speak your intention aloud to the Universe. Once you’re done, express sincere gratitude and let go, trusting that everything is working out for your highest good.

    To learn more about how to use candles for manifestation, plus the meanings of different candle colors, you can check out my complete guide here.

    Meditate Under The Night Sky

    This one is exactly as it sounds: connect with the energy of the new moon by going outside to meditate. You might do a visualization meditation, such as planting your three seeds of intention. You could also do a walking meditation by taking a nice, moonlight stroll. Your meditation can also be rooted in affirmations for releasing what no longer serves you and embracing new beginnings.

    Your meditation should center around whatever your soul needs most in the moment. If you need to release something that’s been weighing you down, visualize yourself letting go of these feelings, experiences, people, or things.

    If you want to manifest your desires, let your meditation be about visualizing your dreams and setting intentions.

    And if you’re not sure what you need, enter your meditation with the intention of clearing your mind and seeing what comes to you. You might ask the Universe for gentle guidance before you start.

    Communicate With Your Guides

    This can be especially helpful for you if you’re not quite sure what intentions you want to set for this lunar cycle.

    Communicate with your highest self, your guides, or with the Universe itself. (This can be done through meditation or journaling.) Ask for clear, gentle, loving guidance.

    What should you let go of? What should you embrace more of? Where should you focus your energy? See what answers arise, but have patience if the answers don’t come right away. Your highest self may know the path, or you may need to step back and allow the Universe to communicate messages through signs and synchronicities.

    Over the next few days, keep an open heart and an open mind to whatever messages come through.

    Express Gratitude

    Gratitude can be incorporated into all of the practices on this list, and it can also be the center of its own special ritual. Expressing gratitude is a beautiful way to honor the abundance of all that you have in your life.

    You can also express appreciation for all that’s on its way to you right now: your dreams, desires, and manifestations. In your sacred space, write down a list of all that you’re grateful for in your life – for what is, what has been, and what’s coming.

    I’ve found it to be a deeply profound practice to also express gratitude for anything you’re releasing. Maybe these thoughts, beliefs, things, or experiences don’t serve who you are today, but they helped you to grow. Maybe the presence of what you don’t want has taught you what you do want. Even your fears can be teachers. Fears often exist as a way to protect yourself. You can thank your fears for protecting you and let them know you no longer require their service.

    When you can step back and view your life through the lens of appreciation, you invite more beautiful people, experiences, opportunities, and feelings to enter your world.

    Let Go

    Let go has a couple different meanings here, and depending on where you are on your path, you may need one or both to help you move forward.

    First, the new moon offers you the chance to let go of anything that no longer serves and supports your mind, body, and spirit. Let go of limiting beliefs that are weighing you down. Let go of fears that are keeping you small. Let go of the stories you’re telling yourself about why something can’t be done.

    And, if necessary, let go of anything in your physical life that’s no longer meant to be a part of the chapter you’re in right now: people, things, and experiences.

    Letting go also means turning over your intentions and desires to the Universe. If you’ve spoken your innermost dreams to the Universe, allow yourself to let go of control and trust that you are being taken care of and supported in all moments.

    Trust that the Universe is working behind the scenes to make sure everything works out better than you can imagine.

    Trust it all to unfold beautifully, exactly as it’s meant to.

    Don’t focus on the absence of your desires in this moment; focus on the abundance of all that you have and all that’s on its way to you.

    Because when you focus on your abundance, your abundance grows.

    New Moon Rituals – Recap

    • Plant seeds of intention.
    • Write a new moon list.
    • Journal your innermost feelings.
    • Take a detox bath.
    • Cleanse your space.
    • Do a candle manifestation ritual.
    • Meditate under the night sky.
    • Communicate with your guides.
    • Express gratitude.
    • Let go.

    What are your favorite new moon rituals? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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  • 9 Healing Crystals For New Beginnings
    Crystals,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    9 Healing Crystals For New Beginnings

    In this article, discover nine healing crystals for new beginnings to help you step into this next chapter of your life with courage, clarity, optimism, and unending hope.

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    The Beauty Of New Beginnings

    New beginnings can be one of the most exciting times in a person’s life.

    New career paths. New relationships. New lifestyle changes. New family members. New adventures. New opportunities that carry limitless unseen possibilities.

    In all the newness, there’s always a spark of hope for what’s to come. New beginnings give us a chance to realign with what feels right and true to us – to release what no longer serves us to make space for something fresh and undiscovered to emerge.

    But while new beginnings can be really exciting, they can also be really scary. It can be terrifying to leave the comfort of predictability and certainty – to step into something that comes with no guarantees. Even when we feel really good and hopeful about the path ahead, there are often lingering doubts about what we’re doing.

    Am I really good enough?

    Can I really do this?

    Do I have what it takes?

    Know that it’s okay to ask yourself these questions. There’s nothing wrong with having doubts, even if, deep down, you feel like this is the right path. Something can feel right and still be a little overwhelming and scary, especially in the beginning.

    You always have the power to choose. You can choose your path. You can choose what thoughts and feelings you decide to lean into. You’re allowed to acknowledge your uncertainties while also choosing a mindset that feels good and true to you.

    You can choose hope. You can choose optimism. You can choose to believe in the feelings deep within that are leading you toward this new beginning.

    Below, you’ll find 9 healing crystals for new beginnings. These beautiful gemstones all offer powerful support and guidance as you move forward onto your new path. Some carry with them a little extra hope and optimism. Others will help you to connect with your intuition and inner wisdom as you make choices moving forward. And others will help protect you from negative energy and transform low vibrations into hope, joy, and positivity.

    And if you’re new to the world of crystals and gemstones, be sure to check out my guide on how to cleanse, program, and use crystals to their fullest potential here.

    Crystals For New Beginnings

    Rainbow Moonstone

    If you’re stepping into a new chapter of your life and can pick only one gemstone to carry with you on your journey, Rainbow Moonstone is the one you want on your side (or in your pocket). Quite literally known as the “Stone of New Beginnings,” this beautiful stone will bring you an extra dose of hope and optimism as you journey forward. The name is especially meaningful, as the metaphor of the rainbow is truly apt in this instance. Just like stepping out of a storm to find a beautiful rainbow in the distance, this nurturing stone will bring you hope, optimism, and protection as you move forward with clarity and feelings of deep inner peace.


    Labradorite is all about embracing your inner wisdom and providing you with mental clarity. When you step forward into a new beginning, it can often be difficult to trust your own judgment. When you’re unsure where to go next – and when you have multiple voices around you telling you what they think is best – Labradorite can help you to connect with your higher consciousness in order to navigate the next right step for you. Additionally, Labradorite is a great stone for restoring your energy when you’re feeling drained and giving you a little extra courage as you move forward.


    Citrine is a powerful mood booster and can bring some extra fun into your life, especially if you’re feeling ultra-serious about this new beginning you’re stepping into. Known as the “Merchant Stone” or “Success Stone,” Citrine is associated with wealth, prosperity, and financial success. Additionally, Citrine is associated with your solar plexus chakra, which is your energy center for confidence, empowerment, positivity, and high self-esteem. So when you combine these powerful properties, you get a crystal that helps you to manifest financial abundance while feeling optimistic, confident, and joyful. The pure positivity this stone brings makes it worth holding onto throughout your day. (I bought a citrine ring when I first started blogging and have worn it every day since!)

    Black Moonstone

    I listed Rainbow Moonstone above, but I figured Black Moonstone also deserves its own spot on this list as its known to hold the energy of the New Moon and new endeavors. This is a calming and grounding stone that can also help you connect deeper with your intuition, which will assist you in making decisions as you move forward. Black Moonstone also offers you profound energy protection, not only deflecting negative energy but transforming it into something lighter and more positive. This is a beautiful stone to keep with you no matter what kind of new beginning you’re stepping into.


    Malachite is a stone of transformation and positive change. It will help to balance your mood and provide you with a positive outlook as you move forward, which is especially beneficial as new beginnings can often leave you feeling uncertain and questioning yourself as you navigate all the changes taking place. Additionally, as it’s connected to your heart chakra, Malachite works with your heart center to help you remain open to unconditional love, love freely, and take positive risks. This can help you to open your heart to new beginnings in relationships as well as to love yourself enough to step forward and be brave.


    If new beginnings leave you feeling uneasy, Apophyllite is the perfect stone to ease your worries and fears. As one of the most powerful stones for healing anxiety, Apophyllite is known for being a stone of light, and it infuses its light into your spirit, relieving your tension and unease. You might think of Apophyllite like a beautiful, calming presence that doesn’t just relieve your stress and worry; it transfers its high-vibrational energy to you and truly uplifts your spirits. Additionally, by soothing your worries and calming your mind, Apophyllite will help you to come up with actionable solutions during times of stress.

    Green Aventurine

    Green Aventurine may quite literally be your secret good luck charm. Known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” this crystal is known for its power to bring you good luck, prosperity, and success. It will help you to confidently embrace any changes with courage, optimism, and openness. If everything is starting to feel a little too heavy and overwhelming, Green Aventurine can help lighten the mood, take away from the heaviness, and leave you feeling reinvigorated and renewed.

    Smoky Quartz

    New beginnings come with a lot of ups and downs, and Smoky Quartz is like the best friend who can always help you to remain grounded and centered, no matter what’s happening around you. This grounding stone will help you get through the difficult moments of life, provide clarity in uncertain situations, and transform negative emotions into positive emotions. And if anxiety often leaves you feeling overwhelmed, Smoky Quartz will transform overwhelm into insight so that you can effectively understand and work through any problems that may be disrupting your peace. Plus, an added bonus to using Smoky Quartz is that if often complements and amplifies the energy of any surrounding stones you may also be carrying with you.


    Amazonite is truly everything you could possibly want as you step into a new beginning: hope, truth, clarity, calm, peace, harmony, and communication. If you’re experiencing fear, worry, and doubt about the path ahead, this powerful stone will transform these low energies into positivity, optimism, encouragement, and hope. Do you possess any fears about getting started? Are you worried about what’s to come? Amazonite can help transform your fear into joy and remind you that true happiness always comes from within.

    Do you have any favorite crystals for new beginnings? What are your favorite practices for using your crystals and gemstones? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more self-love resources, be sure to connect with me on Instagram, where I post daily affirmation stories every morning. And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m pinning positive affirmations and empowering quotes every single day.

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  • new moon journal prompts
    Self Love,  Spirituality

    18 New Moon Journal Prompts for New Beginnings

    In this post, get 18 powerful new moon journal prompts to embrace the magic of the new moon as you set intentions, release what no longer serves you, and create the beautiful life of your dreams. Plus be sure to download your free printable new moon journal prompts and affirmations at the bottom of this post!

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    New Moon Magic

    The new moon is a beautiful time for setting intentions, connecting to your deepest dreams and desires, and releasing what no longer serves you to make space for new beginnings. If you’ve been holding onto old, heavy energy within, this is the time to release what’s weighing you down to embrace new, fresh energy.

    This is also the time to embrace your ability to create anything you want in this life. You are a powerful creator, and while you may sometimes forget this in your day-to-day life, the new moon offers an opportunity to step back into your power and claim the life that’s been waiting for you.

    But it isn’t simply about creating anything; it’s about creating the truest, most beautiful life you can imagine for yourself. You have specific dreams and desires that have been placed in your heart. If you’ve been living out of alignment with your dreams, this is the time to connect back to your dreams and trust that they’ve been given to you for a reason.

    Your dreams are meant for you and you alone.

    So during this time, make space to truly connect with your inner self. You might have a sacred space in your home, or maybe you prefer to go outside beneath the stars. Wherever you go, just make sure you have some uninterrupted time to truly get in touch with your inner voice. What does the life you want to create for yourself look like? What fears are holding you back? Over the next month, what do you want to release and what do you want to embrace?

    Honor your dreams. Honor your heart. And honor the fact that the love and light of the Universe flows within you. You can create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

    Let this be the first step.

    Below are 18 new moon journal prompts to get you started. For more new moon practices, plus powerful new moon affirmations, check out my post, 35 New Moon Affirmations to Embrace New Beginnings. And be sure to download your free new moon affirmations and journal prompts below!

    New Moon Journal Prompts

    • What are three goals I want to accomplish this month?
    • What emotions and thought patterns do I want to release?
    • What limiting beliefs do I want to let go of?
    • What new, reframed beliefs am I embracing?
    • Finish this sentence: “I am setting the intention to . . .”
    • What am I manifesting in my life right now?
    • What does my heart truly desire?
    • What does my soul need to move forward?
    • What practices can I do to cultivate and create a beautiful inner world for myself?
    • What boundaries am I setting to support my growth and well-being?
    • What is the truest, most beautiful life I can imagine for myself?
    • What dreams and desires have been placed in my heart?
    • When I imagine my dreams and desires coming true, what emotions do I feel?
    • How will I live each day as though all my dreams and desires are already mine? How can I bring the positive feelings of having everything I want into the present moment?
    • Write a welcome letter to all of your beautiful dreams, desires, and manifestations.
    • Write a goodbye letter to anything that no longer serves or supports your well-being.
    • Imagine that you are planting three seeds that will grow and bloom in the next month. What are you planting?
    • Describe the dream life you want to create for yourself as if you already have it. Express true joy, awe, and gratitude for how everything worked out perfectly for you.
    If you’re looking for more resources, check out these awesome articles:

    For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering quotes daily.

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  • new moon affirmations
    Affirmations,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    35 New Moon Affirmations to Embrace New Beginnings

    In this post, discover 35 inspiring new moon affirmations to set intentions, release what no longer serves you, and embrace the beauty of new beginnings. Plus be sure to download your free new moon affirmations and journal prompts at the bottom of this post!

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    New Moon Meaning & Symbolism

    In astronomy, a new moon occurs every 29.5 days and marks the first lunar phase, representing the beginning of a new lunar cycle. Generally, there is one new moon every month, though sometimes, there will be two; this rare second new moon of the month is called a black moon. (A black moon occurs once every 32 months.)

    In many ways, the new moon can be viewed as a cosmic reset. Just as the moon seems to turn inward, so do we. The new moon is the perfect time for getting in touch with your inner self and gauging where you are and what you want with your life.

    What do you truly desire? What dreams have been planted in your heart? What goals do you want to achieve over the next month? Do you possess any limiting beliefs that you want to release?

    These are just some of the questions you can begin to ask yourself as you embrace the revitalizing energy of the new moon.

    The new moon represents fresh starts and new beginnings. You can imagine that you have a blank canvas in front of you, and you get to paint your future with anything and everything you desire in this life.

    Here are some ideal new moon practices for goal-setting, connecting with your inner self, and manifesting your dreams:

    • Write down your goals and intentions.
    • Visualize yourself planting your intentions in the earth.
    • Visualize the dream life you want to create for yourself.
    • Get in touch with yourself through journaling. Here are a few sentences you can use to start your new moon journaling:
      • “I am releasing . . .”
      • “I am setting the intention to . . .”
      • “I am manifesting . . .”
      • You can also ask yourself: “What does my soul need?”
    • Release limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, and anything that doesn’t serve or support your mind, body, and spirit.
    • Repeat new moon affirmations. Write down your affirmations and continue to come back to them throughout the lunar cycle.

    New Moon Meditation

    Find a quiet spot where you won’t be distracted or interrupted. You can use candles, crystals, or essential oils if you wish. Find a position that feels most comfortable for you. You can sit cross-legged on the floor, on a chair with your feet planted on the floor, or laying down on the ground. If you have a meditation table, this is an ideal time to sit in front of it. You might also decide to go outside to connect with the earth.

    Close your eyes. Think of three intentions you want to set. These intentions can be as seemingly big or small as you’d like. Imagine that you’re holding three seeds. These seeds represent your intentions. Take the first seed and imagine yourself gently planting it in the earth in front of you. See your dreams coming true in your reality, and feel the positive emotions associated with this dream coming true. Express gratitude to the universe for supporting you in your dreams. Repeat this with the second seed, planting another intention in the earth in front of you. Finally, repeat this process with the third seed.

    Once all your intentions have been planted, release them to the universe. Express gratitude, and allow true peace to fill every cell of your being as you know that you are exactly where you are meant to be, and everything is working out perfectly for you.

    New Moon Affirmations

    • I release what no longer serves me to make space for new beginnings.
    • I release the old and heavy. I embrace the new and fresh.
    • I an open to receiving everything I could ever dream of and more.
    • My mind is free of resistance and open to all possibilities.
    • I plant seeds of abundance throughout my inner and outer worlds.
    • I embrace my ability to create anything I want in this life.
    • I can create the life of my dreams.
    • I release the burdens of my past and allow my soul to move forward without limitations.
    • I open my heart to receive beautiful miracles and unlimited blessings.
    • I make space for love, abundance, and prosperity to flow to and through me.
    • I am ready and willing to receive all of the miracles and magic coming my way.
    • I courageously walk through every door of opportunity.
    • I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
    • Incredible breakthroughs are at my fingertips.
    • I focus my vision on creating the future I desire.
    • I am motivated, focused, and committed.
    • I am ready to start a new chapter filled with limitless possibilities.
    • I welcome love in all forms into my life.
    • I open my heart to promising opportunities that bring me joy and growth.
    • I embrace change, knowing it is for my highest good.
    • I listen to my intuition and take inspired action to achieve my dreams.
    • I accept healing energy from a higher power.
    • As I move forward, I become stronger, better, and more resilient.
    • I embrace the fresh starts and new beginnings of this moment.
    • I inhale love and exhale my fears.
    • I radiate pure love, light, and positivity.
    • I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good.
    • I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.
    • I feel peaceful and relaxed knowing I am exactly where I am meant to be.
    • I am aligned with the loving will of the universe.
    • I am worthy of living the life of my dreams.
    • I am grateful for this moment right now, and I am excited about the path in front of me.
    • I release the storylines holding me back. I can do anything.
    • I welcome beautiful abundance into my life.
    • My dreams are coming true.

    Download your free new moon printable journal prompts and affirmations here!

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    new moon affirmations
    new moon affirmations
    new moon affirmations
    new moon affirmations
    new moon affirmations
    new moon affirmations
    new moon affirmations

    For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering quotes daily.

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