• third eye chakra affirmations
    Affirmations,  Chakras,  Spirituality

    40 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations for Clarity and Insight

    Discover 40 powerful third eye chakra affirmations to open and heal your body’s energy center for intuition, insight, imagination, and inner wisdom. And be sure to check out the links to my chakra series below, where I go in-depth on how to open, activate, balance, and heal your body’s seven main energy centers. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable third eye chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

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    Pin this for later! 40 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations for Wisdom, Clarity, and Insight

    What is the Third Eye Chakra?

    Located in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows, your third eye chakra is your body’s energy center for intuition, insight, clarity, and vision. When your third eye chakra is open and balanced, you feel connected to your intuition and inner knowing. You trust the path in front of you and know that it’s taking you to exactly where you’re meant to be. You also know that appearances aren’t everything, and you’re able to see beyond the surface and unveil the truth of your inner and outer world.

    While intuition is most commonly tied to the third eye chakra, this energy center is also tied to imagination, open-mindedness, truth, creativity, and mental strength. When energy is flowing freely in and out of this chakra, all aspects of your mind effortlessly work together in perfect alignment.

    When the energy of this chakra is imbalanced, however, you’re likely to experience symptoms that prevent this effortless alignment. When your third eye chakra is underactive, you may feel disconnected to your intution. You may also feel scattered and have a hard time focusing. On the other hand, if your third eye chakra is overactive, you may feel paranoid, experience hallucinations, and believe that every little thing you see is a sign from the universe.

    In order to possess a clear vision of the path in front of you, it’s essential that your third eye chakra is open, activated, and balanced. Know that this doesn’t necessarily mean you can see your entire life’s path laid out in front of you; rather, it means your inner knowing guides you toward the next right step, and you have the faith and trust in your inner guidance system to lead you in the right direction.

    Below are 40 powerful third eye chakra affirmations for embracing your intuition and cultivating inner wisdom, clarity, and insight. These affirmations are designed to help you gain the clarity and confidence to follow your inner knowing and trust the path ahead of you. They’ll also help you release any blockages that may be preventing energy from flowing freely in and out of this energy center.

    To learn more about how to open, activate, and heal your third eye chakra, as well as the rest of your body’s main spiritual energy centers, check out the links below! And for more tips on how to use affirmations to get the most out of them, be sure to check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work). I hope these affirmations soothe your spirit, uplift your soul, and support your journey as you walk forward on your path.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

    • I listen to my inner knowing in the face of uncertainty.
    • I see and think clearly. 
    • My mind is strong, open, and clear. 
    • I am mentally strong, healthy, and resilient.
    • I trust my intuition to guide me in making good decisions.
    • My inner knowing always knows the way.
    • My inner knowing sees past appearances and always knows the truth.
    • I know more than I even realize in this moment.
    • I release all blockages that obscure my inner guidance system.
    • My mind is free of resistance and open to all possibilities.
    • I am open-minded and always seek the truth.
    • In every situation, I choose truth and authenticity.
    • I follow my intuition and know that nothing is put before me that I can’t handle.
    • All that I seek I can find within me.
    • I am insightful, intuitive, and imaginative.
    • I am observant, thoughtful, and perceptive.
    • I possess a brilliant, bold, and creative mind.
    • My imagination is vast, expansive, and endless.
    • My limitless imagination excites me.
    • I embrace creative and imaginative thinking.
    • I allow myself to dream beyond the confines of my physical reality.
    • I release doubt and welcome faith.
    • I am aligned with my highest and most authentic self.
    • I am in alignment with my purpose.
    • I am adaptable to change, especially when I know that it serves my highest good.
    • I trust that all changes in my inner and outer worlds are for my highest good.
    • I embrace my own beautiful transformation.
    • I trust the signs and synchronicities that show up in my daily life.
    • I honor my inner knowing and trust my path.
    • I have unobscured access to my inner guidance system.
    • My inner wisdom is deep and immeasurable.
    • I have the vision and clarity to see my path and the trust and confidence to walk forward in my journey.
    • I consciously choose to trust my path, even when it doesn’t make sense to others.
    • Every time I trust my inner knowing, magic happens.
    • My intuition never fails.
    • My intuition drives me to take inspired action with faith and trust.
    • I know the next right step because I hear the words echoing in my heart.
    • The answers I seek are always within.
    • I surrender to the highest good for all.
    • I surrender control and allow the Universe’s loving presence to guide me.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free third eye chakra printables below!

    Bonus! Third Eye Chakra Affirmation Cards to Save & Share

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    For chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

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    Pin this for later! 40 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations for Wisdom, Clarity, and Insight
  • throat chakra affirmations
    Affirmations,  Chakras,  Spirituality

    35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth

    Discover 35 powerful throat chakra affirmations to open and heal your body’s energy center for communication, authenticity, and integrity. And be sure to check out the links to my chakra series below, where I go in-depth on how to open, activate, balance, and heal your body’s seven main energy centers. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable throat chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

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    Pin this for later! 35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth

    What is the Throat Chakra?

    Located in the center of your neck, the throat chakra is your body’s energy center for communication, authenticity, honesty, and integrity.

    When your throat chakra is open and balanced, you’re able to communicate clearly and effectively. You feel empowered to speak openly and freely, and you deeply understand that your voice and your words are important and powerful. Additionally, you know the importance of give and take in communication, and you’re able to respectfully listen when others are speaking.

    In addition to being the energy center for communication, your throat chakra is the energy center for truth, integrity, and authenticity. This means you do more than just speak; you speak your authentic truth while remaining true to yourself and your guiding principles. Your daily actions also support this, and as you move through your day, you remain aligned with your values and principles.

    In contrast, when your throat chakra is underactive, you may be excessively shy, withdrawn, and/or experience difficulty expressing yourself. With an overactive throat chakra, you may be loud, gossipy, and someone who interrupts others and talks out of turn.

    Your words, ideas, and wholehearted presence matter, and you deserve to know this wholly and unconditionally. That’s why opening and healing your throat chakra is an essential step in your self-love journey.

    Below are 35 powerful throat chakra affirmations to help you open, balance, and heal this important energy center.

    To learn more about how to open and heal your throat chakra, as well as the rest of your body’s main spiritual energy centers, check out the links below. And for more tips on how to use affirmations to get the most out of them, be sure to check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    Throat Chakra Affirmations

    • I am able to calmly and effectively speak my truth.
    • I live an honest, authentic, wholehearted life. 
    • My voice matters. 
    • My words are powerful.
    • I express myself clearly and openly.
    • I speak with calm, clarity, and confidence.
    • I speak with courage, compassion, and love.
    • I am a clear and effective communicator.
    • I find creative ways to communicate my self-expression.
    • When I speak, others listen.
    • I add value to every conversation I participate in.
    • My insight is welcome, needed, and valuable.
    • I am empowered to speak my truth.
    • I embrace silence and know deep inner peace.
    • I am a good listener and give others my undivided attention when they speak.
    • I value the words of others.
    • I carry myself with integrity.
    • I remain true to myself in all that I say and do.
    • I choose authenticity over perfection.
    • I have the courage to be my true and authentic self.
    • It is safe for me to show my true self to the world.
    • I courageously remove my mask and allow my true self to be seen.
    • I release the need to be perfect and embrace my beautifully imperfect self.
    • I choose to be honest and vulnerable, even when I’m afraid.
    • It is safe for me to speak my truth.
    • I speak from a place of love, courage, and truth.
    • When I courageously speak my truth, I give others the confidence to speak theirs as well.
    • I am calm, patient, and peaceful.
    • I radiate calm, peace, and serenity.
    • I embrace my ability to remain calm in all situations.
    • I choose to be patient with myself and others.
    • Honesty, integrity, and authenticity are my guiding principles.
    • I stay true to myself always.
    • When I share my words, I share my light.
    • My voice, words, ideas, and presence all matter. The world needs the magic inside of me.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free throat chakra printables below!

    Bonus! Throat Chakra Affirmation Cards to Save & Share

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    For chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    throat chakra affirmations
    Pin this for later! 35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth
  • heart chakra affirmations
    Affirmations,  Chakras,  Spirituality

    40 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Unconditional Love

    Discover 40 powerful heart chakra affirmations to open and heal your spiritual energy center for love, compassion, empathy, and peace. If you’re looking for more ways to heal your heart chakra, be sure to check out 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Heart Chakra. Also, don’t forget to check out the links to my chakra series below, where I go in-depth on how to balance and heal each of your body’s energy centers.

    Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable heart chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

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    Pin this for later! 40 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Serenity, Compassion, and Unconditional Love

    What is the Heart Chakra?

    Located in the center of your chest, your heart chakra is your body’s energy center for unconditional love, compassion, peace, kindness, connection, and empathy. When your heart chakra is open and balanced, you feel completely open to giving and receiving love. You feel a deep sense of connection both with yourself and with others, and you’re more likely to extend empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. (Again, to yourself and to others.)

    When your heart chakra is closed or imbalanced, this often manifests into feelings of depression, loneliness, fear of intimacy, and excessive self-isolation. It’s also possible to have an overactive heart chakra, which may cause you to become more possessive, jealous, clingy, and possessive.

    An open and balanced heart chakra is the foundation for deep healing of the soul. If your heart has been broken, or if you’ve found yourself closed off to love, the most powerful and profound thing you can do for yourself is to take the first step toward healing your heart chakra.

    Below are 40 powerful heart chakra affirmations for embracing unconditional love, peace, serenity, and compassion into your being. For more info on how to use affirmations to get the most out of them, be sure to check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).

    To learn more about how to open and heal your heart chakra, as well as the rest of your body’s main spiritual energy centers, check out the links below.

    And for even more deep spiritual healing, be sure to check out 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Heart Chakra.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    Heart Chakra Affirmations

    • I am loved, loving, and lovable.
    • I am patient, peaceful, and calm.
    • I radiate pure love, light, and positivity.
    • I choose to be kind to myself and love myself unconditionally.
    • I am aligned with the highest frequency of love.
    • I fully love and embrace who I am, even as I continue to grow.
    • My heart is open, loving, and pure.
    • I choose connection over division.
    • I choose compassion over judgment.
    • I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally.
    • I am worthy of praise, adoration, and unconditional love.
    • I am always deserving of love.
    • I am vibrating positive, loving energy, and I attract this same energy in return.
    • I am a beacon of love and compassion.
    • I am able to live in love.
    • I lead with love.
    • I am kind, generous, and compassionate.
    • I embrace silence and know deep inner peace.
    • I love and accept myself for exactly the person I am right now.
    • I allow myself to accept and receive love from myself and others.
    • I show compassion for myself always.
    • I cultivate deep courage and compassion within my body, mind, and spirit.
    • I embrace my gifts and my imperfections equally; I love every part of me fully and unconditionally.
    • Love and compassion are my superpowers, and they will carry me as far as I want to go.
    • I am deeply compassionate and allow myself the grace of imperfection.
    • My heart is grateful and my mind is at peace.
    • Every day, I love myself a little more.
    • I choose to love myself as deeply as I love others.
    • I lovingly nurture my mind, body, and spirit.
    • I am at peace with my past; I am in love with my present.
    • I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
    • I am a loving and powerful force in the world.
    • I honor my heart. I honor my loving energy. I honor who I am.
    • I give myself the gift of unconditional love, compassion, and peace.
    • Every cell in my body is vibrating at the frequency of love.
    • When I’m unsure where to go next, I follow the path that feels most like love.
    • I am worthy of authentic, wholehearted, unconditional love.
    • I fully love the strong, powerful, divine human staring back at me in the mirror.
    • I inhale love for myself; I exhale self-criticism and self-doubt.
    • am love.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free heart chakra printables below!

    Bonus! Heart Chakra Affirmation Cards to Save & Share

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    For more more chakra resources, plus positive affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

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    Pin this for later! 40 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Serenity, Compassion, and Unconditional Love
  • heart chakra journal prompts
    Chakras,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Heart Chakra

    Healing your heart chakra is one of the most important steps you can take in your self-love journey. Discover 30 powerful heart chakra journal prompts to help you open and heal your body’s energy center for love, compassion, trust, understanding, peace, and kindness. For more healing tools, be sure to check out 40 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Unconditional Love. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable heart chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

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    Healing the Heart Chakra

    Have you ever felt depressed, lonely, unloved, or even unlovable? Maybe loved ones have tried reaching out, but you’ve chosen to excessively self-isolate, even though you crave human connection. You may even feel fearful of physical and emotional intimacy with others.

    Or maybe it’s the opposite: maybe your fear of being alone is so strong, you’ve been dependent, clingy, and possibly even smothering. You may even experience feelings of possessiveness, jealousy, and sometimes selfishness.

    If any of these feelings or experiences resonate with you, the first thing I want to say is this: release any self-criticism or self-judgment. You are not wrong for any of it. None of the feelings, emotions, or experiences I’ve listed above make you less worthy or less deserving of love.

    The very best thing you can do for yourself in this moment (and always) is to choose self-compassion over self-criticism.

    Choosing to love yourself and to have compassion for yourself is the most powerful step you can take toward healing your heart chakra, which is your body’s energy center for love, compassion, peace, trust, empathy, kindness, and acceptance.

    And that means loving yourself even when you’re imperfect. Even when you feel like your perceived flaws are on full display. Even when you make mistakes.

    Because you are always, always, always deserving of unconditional love.

    Opening and healing the heart chakra is a powerful and profound step in your self-love journey. And it isn’t always easy to take that first step, so I hope you can see how strong you are, and I gently and lovingly implore you to show yourself some extra love and gratitude for showing up and doing the work that will carry you forward in your journey.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

    How to Use These Journal Prompts

    Journaling is a powerful practice for healing imbalances in any of your body’s energy centers. It’s also a way to increase mindfulness, get in touch with your inner self, and embrace wholehearted self-love.

    The 30 journal prompts below are designed to help you heal your heart chakra. Do you have to complete all 30? Absolutely not. As you read through these, you may find some that resonate deeply with you. Find the ones that resonate most, and start with those. You may decide to skip around or complete some prompts multiple times.

    But if you’re feeling especially lost and unsure where to start? Then I’d encourage you to start at the top and work your way down. You might decide to keep completing them in order, or maybe after a few prompts, you’ll want to skip around.

    I prefer to journal first thing after I wake up in the morning, but everyone’s schedule and responsibilities are different. I don’t think time of day matters so much; rather, what’s important is that you have some quiet time to yourself, whether that’s 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, or more.

    As you start reflecting upon the questions below, I’d encourage you to have an open heart and an open mind. And more than anything, don’t judge yourself for your answers. If the inner bully comes out, gently ask them to leave, and let yourself be wrapped in the unconditional love that this expansive universe holds for you.

    Heart Chakra Journal Prompts

    • What does unconditional love mean to me?
    • How can I show myself unconditional love in my daily life?
    • What positive practices can I incorporate into my life to show myself more compassion, empathy, and self-acceptance?
    • What does it mean to me to be a compassionate being? Why is it important to me to be compassionate?
    • What are ten things I love most about myself?
    • What self-care practices can I incorporate into my daily life to show myself more love?
    • How can I cultivate the feeling of peace in my every day life?
    • What thoughts, words, images, memories, and/or sounds convey the feeling of peace to me?
    • Do I excessively self-isolate from others, or am I overly dependent on others to feed my happiness? How can I find a harmonious balance between the two?
    • Have I ever felt an undeniable connection to another person, animal, or something else outside of me? How did this feel?
    • What does it mean to me to be deeply connected to all beings in this universe? In what ways do I feel connected to all, and in what ways do I feel separate? How can I nurture that feeling of connection?
    • What self-care practice can I do in just five minutes a day to cultivate feelings of unconditional self-love?
    • What powerful affirmations can I incorporate into my life that will foster more feelings of love, compassion, peace, and serenity? In what ways can I incorporate these affirmations as part of my daily routine?
    • Who are ten people in my life who have profoundly and positively affected my life? What do I love most about each person? What makes me feel grateful for each person?
    • What does kindness mean to me?
    • How can I show myself and others more kindness?
    • How do I balance showing others kindness and generosity while still prioritizing my own self-care? What can I do to ensure I don’t try to metaphorically “give from an empty cup”?
    • Do I possess any fears or limiting beliefs preventing me from accepting unconditional love? How can I begin to release these fears and limiting beliefs?
    • Reflect on this statement: “I am loved, loving, and lovable.” What does this mean to me?
    • Do I naturally trust others? Am I ever too trusting, or do I hold back trust from others? What does a healthy balance look like to me?
    • What does it mean to me to have an open heart? How can I practice openheartedness in my daily life?
    • Are there ever any situations in which I become possessive or jealous? What is the root of these emotions? How can I release these feelings to make space for emotions that support my highest good?
    • Who is one person who represents unconditional love to me? Describe their qualities and how they inhabit the feeling of love.
    • What are three moments in my life when I felt deeply loved? Describe these moments.
    • What are three moments in my life when I felt deep love for another being? Describe these moments.
    • In what ways is love a superpower? How can I utilize this superpower to help others?
    • How do I express love to others? What are my favorite ways to express love to the people in my life? Am I able to easily express love to others?
    • How do I express love to myself? What are my favorite ways to show myself love? Am I able to easily express love to myself?
    • Why is having an open and balanced heart chakra important to me?
    • What does an ordinary day as my most loving and compassionate self look like? How do I carry myself through the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free heart chakra printables below!

    For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    heart chakra journal prompts
    Pin this! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Heart Chakra

  • Crystals for Self-Love
    Crystals,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    8 Powerful Crystals for Self-Love

    Are you looking for a way to amplify your self-love journey? Below, discover 8 powerful crystals for self-love. These high-vibe crystals will help you to release what no longer serves you so you can focus on the love, joy, and peace you deserve.

    Crystals for Self-Love
    Pin this! 8 Powerful Crystals for Unconditional Self-Love

    Your Self-Love Journey

    Self-love is a lifelong journey that involves looking deep within, releasing what no longer serves you, and making space for new beliefs that support your total well-being.

    It also involves a lot of self-compassion.

    Because, as much as I sometimes wish it was, the journey to unconditional self-love isn’t linear. Sometimes, you might feel like you’re on top of the world, only for something to happen that causes you to crash land back to earth, leaving you to desperately try to pick up the pieces.

    And that’s okay. It’s okay that the journey can be a little messy at times, because that’s what being a human is all about. We often thrive in that space of messiness, but in our striving to be perfect, we don’t give ourselves time to see that the messy parts of life can sometimes be a gift.

    No matter where you are in your self-love journey, I hope you’re able to embrace this moment right now, exactly as you are, without changing a thing. I’ve been on this self-love journey for many years, and I promise, you are so worth the time and energy you invest in yourself.

    Because with time, unconditional self-love becomes something you no longer have to try to acquire.

    Rather, it becomes who you are.

    Below, I’ve listed 8 powerful crystals for self-love. Whether you wear them as jewelry, meditate with them, keep them somewhere you can see throughout the day, or use them in another capacity, these crystals will help you to look within and find the place inside yourself where you hold the key to the unconditional self-love you deserve.

    For more details on how to use crystals to protect your energy, manifest your dreams, and help you heal from within, check out my post, How to Use Crystals: Grids, Pendulums & More.

    Crystals for Self-Love

    Rose Quartz

    Rose Quartz is associated with your heart chakra, which is your body’s energy center for love, peace, compassion, and kindness. When your heart chakra is balanced, you are completely open to giving and receiving love, and you feel a deep sense of connection with others. You also become more accepting and forgiving, and you feel a deep empathy and understanding for friends, loved ones, and even strangers.

    But what makes the heart chakra special is that all of these really wonderful qualities it possesses don’t just apply to your relationships with other people; they apply to your relationship with yourself as well.

    A balanced heart chakra means that you become more accepting, more forgiving, more understanding, more connected, and more loving towards yourself.

    All of your body’s energy centers play an important role in cultivating self-love, but the heart chakra plays arguably the most important role of all.

    And Rose Quartz is undoubtedly one of the most powerful crystals in helping you to heal, balance, and restore harmony to your heart chakra. Rose Quartz is a crystal that gently guides you to a place of pure love and light. It’s known as the stone of unconditional love, and it works for every relationship in your life: romantic relationships, friendships, familial connections, and maybe most importantly, your relationship with yourself.

    What makes Rose Quartz so special is that it doesn’t just work at the surface to cover up your old wounds and current pain like a band-aid. Rather, it goes deep beneath the surface to heal those wounds completely.

    Once your heart has been fully healed, you’re able to truly nurture the relationship you have with yourself. You become more compassionate and forgiving with yourself, and you realize that you are worthy of love exactly as you are, without having to change a thing.

    From personal experience, I can tell you that I spent many years with an imbalanced heart chakra. I believed that I had to be absolutely perfect to be loved, and I tore myself apart constantly. But when I began working with my heart chakra, I finally realized that none of these limiting beliefs were true. Rose Quartz was one of the powerful crystals I used during this time, and I was (and still am) often pulled to its gentle, loving energy.

    Are you having trouble allowing yourself to accept love, both from yourself and others? When I first started my self-love journey, the universe softly placed into my heart this practice that I still use to this day: whenever my inner bully spoke to me from within, instead of trying to suppress it, I acknowledged its presence. And then I would place my hands out in front of me with my palms facing the sky, and I’d softly say, “I accept love. I receive love.” I’d then let myself feel the love of the universe entirely. For me, this practice meant that even though I wasn’t perfect, and even though the inner bully was speaking, I was worthy of love, and I allowed myself to be loved in that moment.


    Like Rose Quartz, Rhodonite is a beautiful heart chakra healing stone that promotes unconditional self-love. It helps you to heal old wounds as well as gain confidence and cultivate deep compassion within your mind, body, and spirit.

    What makes Rhodonite really special, though, is its characteristics that have caused it to be known as the rescue stone. Rhodonite is a powerful aid if you’ve experienced trauma, emotional abuse, and other deep emotional pain that’s caused you to construct barriers around your heart. This stone will gently help you to dismantle these barriers so you’re no longer tied to the negative emotions of the past.

    If you’ve experienced deep emotional heartache, trauma, or pain that has caused your self-love and self-worth to be diminished, Rhodonite is the stone that will help you to mend your heartbreak, heal your pain, and move on from the past with a newfound confidence.

    (And it’s also a really powerful stone if you need to forgive yourself or someone else so you can finally release the shadows of the past that have been weighing down on you.)


    To finish up the R triology, Rhodochrosite is a lesser known stone that shouldn’t be overlooked when it comes to cultivating feelings of unconditional self-love, compassion, and positivity. This is another heart chakra stone, and I especially like this one specifically for promoting self-love and working on your own inner world. Its powerful energy is specifically geared toward going within, opening your heart, and embracing wholehearted self-love.

    Rhodochrosite works with your heart chakra to lift your spirits and boost your self-worth. If you feel like you’ve been living in a fog, this stone clears away the haze and stimulates a bright, sunny outlook. This is another powerful stone that can heal past trauma and pain by gently bringing repressed emotions to the surface so you can let them go.

    One profound aspect of this stone’s properties is its ability to guide you toward self-forgiveness. If you’ve been clinging onto mistakes you’ve made in the past, this crystal will help you to clear out any negative thoughts and feelings you have toward yourself, opening up a gateway to unconditional self-love.

    Just like you’d clean a new house before moving into it, you want to make sure to cleanse any new crystals you get to remove the old energy of previous owners. Here are a few methods for cleansing crystals:

    • Sage: Light your sage and immerse the crystal in the smoke for thirty to sixty seconds. Be sure to use a firesafe bowl or abalone shell to catch burning embers and ash. It’s best to do this outside or near an open window.
    • Water: Rinse your stone under the running water of a creek or stream. If this isn’t possible, you can also use a faucet. Just be sure to check first that this is safe for your stone.
    • Use Selenite or Clear Quartz: Both of these crystals have the ability to cleanse and purify other crystals. Lay your crystal on top of (or next to, as long as they’re touching) a piece of Selenite or Clear Quartz for at least twenty-four hours.
    • Nature: Place your crystals outside on the soil, on the branches of a tree, on a potted plant, or anywhere else outdoors where you feel a sense of peace and balance. If possible, try to keep your crystals outside for at least a full day, avoiding dew and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

    Pink Opal

    Pink Opal is often known as the “Stone of Resolution,” which may give you a glimpse into what makes this stone so special for promoting self-love. Often, what holds us back from accepting love from ourselves is the pain of past hurts and old wounds we still haven’t resolved. You may also experience deep fear that keeps you stuck in one place for too long. This resolution stone helps you to resolve the pain and fear you hold deep within. In turn, this opens up the stagnant energy you may be holding in your heart chakra and promotes the flow of energy deep within this energy center.

    An added bonus to using Pink Opal is its ability to promote calm within. If you’re feeling stressed, tense, or anxious, this stone will gently restore peace and tranquility within your mind, body, and spirit.


    What do you think about when you think of the ocean? Maybe its beautiful, bluish green hue. Maybe its calming allure. Maybe the strength and resilience it represents. Or the way it seems to reach deep inside of you whenever you look out on it, cleansing and restoring your soul.

    Aquamarine is a great alternative to the stones I’ve listed above (you can always choose to pair two of these crystals together to strengthen their benefits) if you feel a deep connection to the sea or water. All of the qualities of the ocean I listed are also represented in this powerful healing stone.

    Like the waves of the ocean, Aquamarine will wash away the negative feelings that pervade your being and instill a sense of tranquility and calm within. This is especially true if you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or fearful. This stone gently guides you to go with the flow and cultivates deep inner peace.

    By working with the throat chakra, Aquamarine will help you to find your courage and speak your truth. It’s a powerful stone for promoting self-worth as well as bringing forth your inner strength and resilience. (In fact, it’s known as a stone of calm and courage.) All of these attributes combine to ease you into a place of unconditional, wholehearted self-love.


    Just like you can associate Aquamarine with the ocean, you might think of Moonstone like the night sky: glittering with radiant light, expansive, and filled with endless depths just waiting to be explored.

    And just like the sky, you also possess endless depths within. Moonstone is the stone that will guide you to discover these expansive, hidden depths inside of you.

    This stone is all about your divine, feminine energy. Working with your sacral chakra, it unlocks your inner goddess and brings forth your confidence, creativity, and sensuality. Furthermore, it also works with your third eye chakra to enhance your intuition and help you to get in touch with your inner knowing. As a result, you’re less likely to get frazzled by external circumstances because you possess deep clarity and understanding within.

    This is the perfect stone for embracing your beautiful, divine, passionate self, connecting to your intuition, and exploring the deepest parts within you.

    Clear Quartz

    In some ways, using Clear Quartz almost feels like you’re cheating. Why? Because it actually works with all of your chakras to promote balance, harmony, and peace within. Clear Quartz is known as a master healer due to its ability to heal any and all spiritual and emotional imbalances among your energy centers. This is the stone you’re going to want with you for the long run. It works to get rid of negative energy and promotes a sense of positivity and joy within.

    This is a crystal of light and high vibrations, and it’s also a crystal that will guide you when you’re feeling lost and unsure what you want out of life. One of my favorite aspects about Clear Quartz is its powerful ability to support you during your entire journey, from the moment you set your goals to taking each next step. When you can’t see the path ahead of you, Clear Quartz will not only reveal it to you, but it’ll navigate you through all of the fallen trees, forks in the road, and unplanned stops along the way.

    Blue Lace Agate

    When I first started learning about crystals, Blue Lace Agate was one of the very first stones to immediately jump out at me, and it has been one of my absolute favorites ever since. This stone is foremost known as a calming stone. If your life is often filled with stressful situations, this is the stone you want to calm your inner anxiety and release tension. For me, this is my go-to stone whenever I need to inhale peace and release what no longer serves me.

    Stress, anxiety, worry, and fear can often be a distraction in your journey of self-discovery and self-love because they pull you away from the present moment. Instead of focusing on the present moment, these negative emotions leave you replaying the past or worrying about the future. That’s why I love using Blue Lace Agate as part of my self-love toolkit: because it gently guides me back to the present moment and instills me with a sense of calm and tranquility.

    An added bonus to using this stone is that it’s associated with the throat chakra and is used to help you clarify your thoughts and express yourself clearly.

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from your true self, hold Blue Lace Agate in your hands as you focus on your breathing, and allow it to guide you back to yourself.

    Want to discover more about the powerful healing nature of crystals? Be sure to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m adding high-quality pins to my Crystals board all the time! Plus, I even have a board on chakras and self-love! I’d love to connect with you, so don’t forget to say hi!

    Are you curious to learn more about chakras? Check out my chakra series below!

    Crystals for Self-Love
    Pin this! 8 Powerful Crystals for Unconditional Self-Love
  • Marie Forleo Quotes
    Quotes,  Self Love

    30 Inspiring Marie Forleo Quotes to Embrace Your Magic

    Looking for some powerful inspiration to lift your vibrations and guide you forward in your self-love journey? Check out 30 of my favorite Marie Forleo quotes, designed to help you step into your limitless power to create the life of your dreams.

    Marie Forleo Quotes
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    Marie Forleo

    Marie Forleo is a life coach, motivational speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of the books, Everything is Figureoutable and Make Every Man Want You.

    She is also the queen of producing irresistible, high-vibe, motivational quotes that will spurt you into action and help you to embrace your inner magic.

    To be honest, when I started out on my journey of personal growth, self-love, and creating the life of my dreams, I didn’t even know who Marie Forleo was. But as I was searching online for motivational quotes to add to my self-love toolkit, I stumbled across the first two quotes on this list.

    After that, I was hooked.

    Marie Forleo’s profound words are a powerful reminder of your limitless potential, immense power, and infinite ability to create the life of your dreams.

    Below, I’ve collected 30 of my favorite Marie Forleo quotes guaranteed to lift your vibrations and create everlasting self-belief within. Feel free to save, share, and come back to these words whenever you need to remember that you have the power to live the life that was always meant for you.

    Marie Forleo Quotes

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “The most powerful words in the universe are the words you say to yourself.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “What we say to ourselves in the privacy of our own minds, matters. It drives our behavior, which drives our destiny, which shapes our world.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “I win or I learn, but I never lose.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Your potential is limitless. You are unique, valuable, capable, and worthy of the dreams in your heart. Most of all, you have what it takes to transform and transcend whatever challenges you face.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    You always have more power than you think. Your mind is the most extraordinary tool you have to shape your reality.

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “True fulfillment in life doesn’t come from what we get, it comes from what we give.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Trust that feeling. It’s your life force. Your genius. Your destiny screaming to be realized.

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Show up in every single moment like you’re meant to be there.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “The key to success is to start before you’re ready.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “You never feel ready to do the important things you’re meant to do.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “All progress begins with a brave decision.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Nearly two decades later, I can say that the only thing that allowed me to take that leap was because a deeper, wiser part of me believed that somehow I’d be able to figure it out.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “To be responsible, keep your promises to others. To be successful, keep your promises to yourself.” 

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Proactively bring passion to everything you touch, to everything you do. No matter what task is in front of you, bring as much enthusiasm and energy to it as you possibly can. Bring your full attention, your full presence, the Godlike quality that each of us has within, to every task in your day.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “I have never, ever, EVER met anyone who’s regretted following their heart.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Just because someone doesn’t like what you do doesn’t mean no one else will. A person’s opinion is not The Truth, it’s their truth.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “There has never been and never will be another you. You have a purpose – a very special gift that only you can bring to the world.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Your dreams aren’t made, or broken, by anyone but you.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “You were born with everything you need to answer the call of your soul.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Showing up fully exactly where you are is the fastest way to get where you want to go!”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “A fall is never final unless you stay on the ground.”

    Nine times out of ten, our fear is directive. It’s a signpost, pointing us in the exact direction our soul wants to go.

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “You must disobey the voice in your head that says, I’m not ready yet.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “When it comes to forks in the road, your heart always knows the answer, not your mind.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Nothing exists in our world that does not first exist in our minds.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “All beliefs are a choice and choices can be changed.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Never give anyone the power to control your emotions.”

    Marie Forleo quotes

    “Not having the best situation, but seeing the best in your situation is the key to happiness.” 

    For more profound quotes, plus uplifting affirmations, connect with me on Pinterest and Instagram! I’m pinning and posting empowering quotes, mantras, images, and affirmations daily!

    Looking for more high-vibe quotes? Check out these posts!

    Marie Forleo Quotes
    Pin this! 30 Inspiring Marie Forleo Quotes to Embrace Your Inner Magic
  • self confidence positive affirmations
    Affirmations,  Self Love

    52 Uplifting Affirmations for Self Confidence

    Looking to boost your self-esteem and build a life of pure, limitless confidence? Below, check out 52 positive affirmations for self confidence, designed to inspire and uplift your highest and most authentic self.

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    Self Confidence Affirmations

    Self confidence.

    Have you ever had days where you felt so unbelievably good about yourself, you were sure you’d never have a bad day again? Days when your self-esteem was through the roof and your joy radiated from within and spread everywhere you went?

    And then, something happened, and it all came tumbling down.

    Confidence is one of the most important attributes to creating a life that you truly love. Confidence allows you to take bold leaps and step toward the life you know you deserve. It’s a powerful tool for manifesting a life filled with unconditional and vibrant joy, love, and peace.

    Unfortunately, it’s also really, really fickle.

    It’s normal to feel super confident one day and not-so-confident the next. If you’re like me, you’ve definitely experienced the ebbs and flows of high and low self-esteem. Some days, you feel like you’re on top of the world, and other days, you’re just . . . not.

    That’s why I wanted to build a list of positive affirmations for self confidence. Because affirmations help us to train our brains to consistently life a life of pure, limitless confidence, which in turn gives us the self-belief to follow our dreams.

    You can use these affirmations for self confidence to keep you in a positive state of mind when things are going well and to pull you back up from the negativity when you’re feeling less than great about yourself.

    I definitely encourage you to find the ones that resonate the most and repeat them throughout the day to cultivate a mindset of pure, uplifting confidence.

    And for more info on how to get the most out of affirmations, be sure to check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).

    Want more affirmations? Be sure to check out my free ebook, 400 Powerful Affirmations Designed to Uplift, Inspire, and Empower Your Highest Self.

    Positive Affirmations for Self Confidence

    • I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
    • I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
    • There is no limit to what I can achieve.
    • I have confidence in my abilities; I believe in me.
    • I am radiant, beautiful, and thriving.
    • I am pure, positive energy.
    • I radiate confidence and positivity.
    • I am unafraid to be amazing.
    • I am strong in mind, body, and spirit.
    • I attract success by being my authentic self.
    • I release the storylines holding me back; I can do anything.
    • I have an incredible gift to offer this world.
    • This world needs the magic inside of me.
    • I believe in my undeniable courage and resilience.
    • I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.
    • I have the confidence, trust, and power to take big leaps.
    • I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
    • I am taking bold steps and moving forward with confidence and self-belief.
    • I confidently welcome new experiences.
    • I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
    • I know my value and will not lessen or shrink myself for anything or anyone.
    • I have the strength and courage to handle anything that comes my way today.
    • I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
    • My soul is radiant, my body is strong, and my mind is brilliant.
    • I am worthy of success.
    • I am worthy of living the life of my dreams.
    • I am the only one who can determine my self worth.
    • I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
    • I have the courage and confidence to accept my dreams as reality.
    • I am ready, willing, and able to have everything I want.
    • I allow myself to dream big, knowing I am always worthy.
    • Where focus goes, energy flows, so I focus on confidence, success, and prosperity.
    • I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
    • I am radiant, powerful, beautiful, and brave.
    • I am confident, inspired, and thriving.
    • I am extraordinary.
    • When I show up, magic happens.
    • I am unafraid to shine the light inside of me.
    • The world needs more of me, not less.
    • I am stronger than I realize.
    • My strength is greater than any struggle.
    • I can climb this mountain.
    • I wholeheartedly believe in myself.
    • I can accomplish incredible things.
    • I love and accept myself for exactly the person I am right now.
    • Every day, I become more confident, compassionate, and courageous.
    • Every day, I love myself even more.
    • I am proud of who I am.
    • I am my true self, and there’s nobody else I’d rather be.
    • I am capable, strong, worthy, and always enough.
    • My love for myself is bold, fierce, and unconditional.
    • I’ve got this.

    self confidence positive affirmations
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  • holiday positive affirmations
    Affirmations,  Self Love

    75 Holiday Positive Affirmations to Cultivate Gratitude

    While the holiday season is a time of joy, love, peace, and gratitude, it can also cause stress, anxiety, and even feelings of loneliness for many. Below, discover 75 positive holiday affirmations to cultivate peace and gratitude during the holiday season, no matter what’s going on in your external world.

    holiday positive affirmations
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    Holiday Gift Guides

    Want to find all of these gift guides in one easy spot? Check out the official Holiday Gift Guide 2020 with over 100 gift ideas for growth seekers, meditators, manifestors, self-care lovers, and spiritual souls.

    Holiday Positive Affirmations

    I’m going to be completely honest here: I publish new affirmation blog posts every week, plus I fill my Instagram stories with positive affirmations every day, but coming up with a list of holiday positive affirmations has been the most difficult endeavor yet.

    When I set out to create this list, it didn’t seem that difficult at first. But very quickly, I realized that these affirmations are a little different than others because every single person reading these has a different relationship to the holidays.

    For some, the holidays might be a wonderful gathering of family and loved ones. For others, it might feel a little more lonely. Some may experience major anxiety around the holidays, whether it’s food anxiety, social anxiety, gift-giving anxiety, or something else.

    So there is no “one size fits all” affirmation to encompass everyone’s holiday experience.

    I’ve divided the affirmations below into five sections: Gratitude & Presence, Family & Loved Ones, Holiday Anxiety, Holiday Food Anxiety, and Quick Go-To Affirmations. Some may be exactly what you need, while others may not fit your experience as well. And that’s okay. Find the ones that resonate the most and allow them to guide you through the holiday season.

    Many of the affirmations are created for the day of the holiday, but they can truly be used any day during the holiday season (and after). The quick go-to affirmations are for those times when you need a quick pick-me-up, but you may not have time to either look up or remember one of your longer affirmations. These go-to affirmations are often the ones I lean on when I need to calm my inner world, and they’re just as powerful and profound as the longer affirmations.

    I hope these holiday positive affirmations serve and support you throughout the holiday season (and beyond).

    Gratitude & Presence

    • I am thankful for today.
    • I am grateful for the joy and love that this day has to offer.
    • My heart is grateful and my mind is at peace.
    • I am full of positive, loving energy.
    • I radiate joy, gratitude, and peace.
    • Today, I will be present in every moment.
    • I pledge to offer my best self today.
    • I am in charge of how I feel, and I choose joy.
    • I find joy in this present moment.
    • I fully embrace this day as a beautiful opportunity to give and receive love.
    • As I move through this day, I resolve to spread my light with me wherever I go.
    • I move through this day with grace and ease.
    • I have the power to make this a beautiful day.
    • I effortlessly walk through this day in love and light.
    • Today is a beautiful gift, and I pledge to be present and live fully in each moment.

    Family & Loved Ones

    • I am thankful for the time I get to spend with loved ones.
    • I cherish every moment I get to spend with the people I love.
    • I accept the love that others have to offer me.
    • My presence is the greatest gift I can offer my loved ones.
    • My presence is delightful to others.
    • Everybody loves having me around.
    • I am surrounded by love.
    • I am surrounded by uplifting, supportive people who truly love me.
    • I am loved exactly as I am, and I don’t have to be anyone or anything else.
    • Who I am, exactly as I am, is always enough.
    • I openly give and receive love today and every day.
    • I embrace the love and connection that this day is meant for.
    • I see my family through the eyes of love.
    • Today, I choose to see the good in all of my loved ones.

    Holiday Anxiety

    • I will be gentle with myself today.
    • When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I give myself permission to step away and breathe.
    • I give myself permission to do what is best for me.
    • I choose to be kind to myself and love myself unconditionally.
    • I listen to what my soul needs in each and every moment.
    • I honor my past experiences, but I do not allow them to take away from my current joy.
    • I make space for all of my feelings, but I have the power to rise above anything that doesn’t serve my highest good.
    • In the face of worry and anxiety, I choose gratitude and faith.
    • I choose peace over worry.
    • I am safe and supported, rooted in this present moment.
    • I am equipped with all the tools I need to face today with courage and compassion.
    • It’s okay for me to feel anxious. I respond to my anxiety with love and compassion.
    • I am not my thoughts.
    • I am not my fears.
    • I am not my anxiety.

    Holiday Food Anxiety

    • I am grateful for the abundance of incredible food.
    • Sharing food with my loved ones is an honor and a privilege.
    • Every bite of food I take today is taken in love.
    • I feed myself with love.
    • I share this meal in love.
    • Food is love.
    • Sharing food is an act of love.
    • I am always allowed to eat.
    • It is safe for me to eat.
    • It is safe for me to feel full.
    • I give myself permission to eat at my own pace.
    • I honor my body by trusting the signals that it sends me.
    • I treat my body, mind, and spirit with love and compassion.
    • Everything I eat today nourishes my mind, body, and spirit.
    • I inhale love for myself. I exhale negativity, self-criticism, and anything that doesn’t serve my highest good.

    Quick Go-To Affirmations

    • I am loved.
    • I am worthy.
    • I am enough.
    • I am radiant.
    • I am beautiful.
    • I am confident.
    • I am peaceful.
    • I am brave.
    • I am safe.
    • I am patient.
    • I am grateful.
    • I am present.
    • All is well.
    • I am well.
    • Today is truly beautiful.
    • I’ve got this.

    holiday positive affirmations
    Pin this! 75 Positive Holiday Affirmations (To Cultivate Peace & Gratitude During the Holiday Season)
  • gifts for spiritual people
    Lifestyle,  Spirituality

    Meaningful Gifts for Spiritual People (for 2021)

    Looking for high-quality and meaningful gifts for the spiritual people in your life? The gifts below are thoughtfully selected to encourage and support your loved ones’ spiritual journeys. Recently updated with even more thoughtful gifts for 2021!

    DisclaimerThis post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

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    Gifts for Spiritual People

    Gift shopping is never easy, especially when you’re looking for thoughtful and sincere gifts to show someone that you truly care. I’ve spent hours searching online and in stores for the perfect gifts for family and friends only to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choices out there.

    Which is why I created this gift guide.

    I’ve turned to gift guides in the past only to get disappointed when they’re filled with expensive iPads and laptops and video game consoles. I didn’t want to do that here, so most of the items are between $20 – $40 with some a little less and others a little more. The only $100+ item is a necklace in the Jewelry section, but it’s balanced out with other beautiful and more affordable items.

    Below are 60+ meaningful gifts for spiritual people divided into 11 sections. These gifts are thoughtfully selected to support, encourage, and inspire one’s spiritual journey while showing you truly value their presence in your life.

    Spiritual Books

    Books are one of the best all-around gift ideas because they’re thoughtful, considerate, and last forever. Because there are so many books to choose from, it shows a lot of care when you select a particular book for someone. Of course, the vast amount of choices can also make it overwhelming to pick just one or two. Below are some of my favorite spirituality-centered books on topics like mindfulness, manifestation, faith, joy, enlightenment, and creating a beautiful life.

    Journals and Notebooks

    Journaling is one of the most powerful ways to truly connect to your inner self. For guided journaling, I love ones that have inspiring prompts like the Super Attractor journal. A gratitude journal is great for someone who may be short on time as it encourages them to write just a few things they’re thankful for every morning. And I’m a bit of a compulsive notebook buyer, so I also love the gorgeous notebooks for journaling, taking notes, and displaying as beautiful office decor.

    Affirmation & Oracle Cards

    Oracle cards are essentially spiritual card decks that aren’t confined to super strict rules or structure. When you choose a card, you follow your intuition to decipher its meaning. The meaning you perceive or interpret might be different than what someone else interprets, and that’s totally okay. Oracle cards make a wonderful gift because they allow the recipient a way to truly get in touch with their intuition, and you can find some absolutely beautiful ones like the card decks below. If you’re unsure about standard oracle decks, I definitely recommend affirmation decks as they’re truly uplifting and inspiring, and they make for a super thoughtful gift.

    For more ideas on how to use affirmation cards, plus recommendations for some of my favorites, check out my post, How to Use Affirmation Cards (With Recommendations).

    Gabrielle Bernstein Card Decks

    I’ve seen a lot of different types of affirmation and tarot cards, and Gabrielle Bernstein’s are some of the most beautiful and inspiring ones out there. The Spirit Junkie cards are her latest deck, and it might just be my new favorite. The watercolor images are stunning, and I love the inspiring messages designed to uplift and empower spiritual junkies to let their light shine and be a force for good. (But truly, you can’t go wrong with any of these card decks.)

    Moon Decor

    Just add one moon decor product,” they said.

    It’ll be easy,” they said.

    I separated the moon decor from the other home decor items because it is, in fact, not easy to choose just one product. All of these items would make a beautiful addition to anyone’s meditation room, office, dorm room, apartment, or bedroom. And these are exactly the types of gifts that evoke tiny gasps and starry gazes when they get opened.

    Spiritual Decor

    Beautiful home decor is always a good gift idea, especially when you choose something special that truly reflects your recipient’s taste. I also love when I know it’s something that they’re going to love but wouldn’t normally buy themselves. These gift items are perfect for meditators, crystal lovers, and anyone on a spiritual journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

    Beautiful Tapestry

    Again, I wanted to choose just one here, but I couldn’t. Tapestry makes a great gift item that can be used in any room. I love using tapestry as wall decor, but they can also be used as curtains, tablecloths, picnic blankets, and so much more. I especially love the tapestry below for one’s yoga or meditation room, or just anywhere they want to feel calm, serene, and/or inspired.

    Wall Decor

    If you know your intended recipient has some extra space on their walls, wall decor always makes for a super thoughtful gift. I especially love to gift wall decor that includes inspiring quotes to uplift a person throughout the day. All of these options can be used in any room, and they’re inspirational without being too over-the-top.

    Chakra Books & Accessories

    If you know someone who is just starting their spiritual journey but may not know all about chakras yet, then chakra items make a great gift to support them on their journey. And even if your intended recipient already has a strong understanding of chakras, items like the Tree of Life Wall Hanger and Energy Generator Pyramid make for beautifully thoughtful gifts that any spiritual seeker will love.

    Positive Energy & EMF Protection

    EMF stands for Electromagnetic Fields (or Electric and Magnetic Fields), also known as radiation. These fields are emitted from cell phones, microwaves, and other electronic devices. There are varying levels of concerns about EMFs, so this can definitely be a “know your recipient” type of gift. The items below are also great for chakra balancing, and they make beautiful decor pieces.


    If you’re shopping for a jewelry lover, then it’s pretty hard to go wrong with choosing jewelry as a gift. Moons and lotus flowers both have rich symbolism in the spiritual world, and the pieces below are absolutely stunning. I’m also a big fan of the Joycuff inspirational bracelets like the one below. They offer a huge selection of inspirational quotes, so you’re sure to find at least one that will perfectly fit your intended recipient.

    gifts for spiritual people
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    Mindfulness for Kids: 33 Awesome Gift Ideas for 2020

    Looking for some unique gift inspiration for the kids in your life this year? Check out these 33 awesome gift ideas that all center around mindfulness for kids! Below, I break down all the gift ideas into age groups so you can narrow down exactly what you’re looking for!

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    mindfulness for kids
    Pin this! Mindfulness for Kids: 33 Awesome Mindfulness Gift Ideas

    Mindfulness for Kids

    Mindfulness is non-judgmental, conscious awareness in the present moment.

    But what does this mean, exactly?

    It simply means living in the present moment without judging yourself or your thoughts. It’s the ability to step outside of yourself and observe your thoughts and actions without letting the inner bully criticize your every move. And it’s the opposite of the autopilot mode, where we’re unconsciously performing actions without thinking.

    Mindfulness allows us to honor and recognize the beauty, value, and importance of this moment right now.

    So how exactly do we teach kids about such an important concept, and even more, how do we make it so it’s actually something they want to do?

    Mindfulness can actually be a truly fun and uplifting skill for kids to learn as there are so many different ways to practice it! Activities like gratitude journals, affirmation cards, books, card games, yoga, meditation, art, and sensory learning are all awesome ways to bring mindfulness into your child’s life.

    Below, I list 33 awesome mindfulness gifts for kids. I’ve broken down the gifts into age groups, but be sure to check out the gifts in neighboring age groups as many of these gifts can be used for multiple age brackets! (I especially love the games for the whole family as they allow the entire family to spend quality time together while building important mindfulness skills!)

    0 – 3 Years

    Mindful Baby Board Book Set

    This Mindful Baby Board Book Set includes four books that come in a convenient slip case. The four books (Calm, Nature, Sleepy, and Happy) are all about teaching little ones to use their senses to experience everyday joy. They’re colorful, sweet, simple, and a perfect way to start incorporating mindfulness into a child’s life.

    Baby Loves Calm: An ABC of Mindfulness

    This is another simple and sweet book for teaching your child the ABCs through mindfulness-related words, such as “B is for Breathe,” and “C is for Calm.” Baby Loves Calm: An ABC of Mindfulness is a cute and uplifting way to introduce any child to the ABC’s and mindfulness at the same time!

    Breathe, Baby, Breathe: An ABC Guide to Mindfulness

    Breathe, Baby, Breathe is another sweet ABC guide to mindfulness that follows little Leila as she learns how to navigate negative emotions through using mindfulness. And be sure to check out its companion book, The Mindfulness Room. These books can be used for years as they’re great for older kids as well.

    Baby’s Big World: Mindfulness

    The Baby’s Big World: Mindfulness Board Book has sweet and simple illustrations, and it teaches little ones mindfulness concepts through simple instructions like squeezing your fingers and putting your hands to your chest. If you like this book, be sure to check out the Baby’s Big World: Yoga Board Book as well!

    Mind Body Baby: Meditation

    The Mind Body Baby: Meditation Board Book is a wonderful book for teaching little ones the basics of meditation with simple instructions that carry profound lessons for years to come.

    Baby Rainmaker – Rain Stick Toy

    Recognizing sensory observations is one of the foundations of mindfulness, so any toys that stimulate sensory learning are perfect for cultivating mindfulness for children at a young age. I love this Baby Rainmaker – Rain Stick Mini Toy (8 inches) because it’s colorful and makes soothing rain sounds (unlike some of the harsher and louder baby toys out there).

    13.8 Inch Wooden Rainmaker Rain Stick

    For something that has a slightly different look and is a few inches bigger, be sure to check out this Wooden Rainmaker Rain Stick made of natural wood. I love the smooth outer appearance and the elegant look that allows little ones to explore colors, sounds, and movements.

    Splashin’kids Crawl Along Game Ball

    This Splashin’kids Crawl Along Game Ball is a great toy for helping babies learn body awareness. It also keeps them engaged and focused while stimulating sensory learning through sound, sight, and touch. These are some of the very foundations of mindfulness that a child can build upon as they get older!

    4 – 8 Years

    Breathe Like a Bear: 30 Mindful Moments for Kids to Feel Calm and Focused Anytime, Anywhere

    Breathe Like a Bear is a beautifully illustrated book that includes 30 short and simple breathing practices and movements to help teach kids the basic foundations of mindfulness, including how to manage their breath and emotions. It’s playful, whimsical, and easily accessible for all. Both you and your kids will love this book, and best of all, the simple practices can be done pretty much anywhere!

    The 3 Minute Gratitude Journal for Kids

    This is one of my absolute favorite items on this list. The 3 Minute Gratitude Journal for Kids includes daily spreads for your child to write three things they’re thankful for, one person who brought them joy that day, an emotion for the day, and the best part of their day (with space to draw or write about it.) This is a truly wonderful way to help your child cultivate positivity, joy, and gratitude for their daily blessings.

    Kids Gratitude Journal

    For another cute design option, the Kids Gratitude Journal is another uplifting and encouraging journal for kids to practice gratitude and mindfulness!

    Daily Positive Affirmations for Kids

    I just said the gratitude journal is one of my favorite items on this list, but these Daily Positive Affirmation Cards rank right up there. First, I have to note that these aren’t confined to the predefined age ranges I use in this list, so these will work for older kids as well. What I love about these cards is that not only do they have empowering affirmations written on them, but they also have short activities related to the affirmation on each card. For instance, on the “I am open to new possibilities,” card, it says, “I am going to try a new activity today.” Positive, uplifting, and super empowering all in one!

    Kids Yoga Cards

    This is the perfect way to introduce yoga to your children in a way that makes it easy, fun, and something they actually look forward to. These Kids Yoga Cards include 54 educational flash cards, 7 sequences with yoga poses, breathing exercises, meditations, and affirmations. One of the things I love most about these cards is that the cards are color-coded, so you can easily see which cards/poses are meant for calm and grounding, which are energy boosters, etc.

    Yoga Mat

    And to go with the cards above, gifting a child their very own yoga mat will add an extra special feeling to their yoga practice. I love these Gaiam Kids Yoga Mats because they’re high-quality and come in designs for both boys and girls. Dimensions are 60″ L x 24″ W x 3mm thick.

    Yoga Dice

    Okay, last yoga recommendation in this age bracket. These Yoga Dice make for a fun way to learn yoga, and it also encourages teamwork to complete a shared goal. I love that this doesn’t pit players against each other but rather encourages everyone to win together.

    The Monkey Mind Meditation Deck

    The Monkey Mind Meditation Deck is a deck of 30 cards that include breathing practices, guided movements, and positive practices that allow kids to explore their inner worlds, learn how to navigate their emotions in a fun and safe way, and reflect on topics they might not otherwise think about. This deck is able to touch upon these topics in a truly fun and playful way, and the illustrations on the cards are beautiful, soothing, and captivating.

    4E’s Expandable Breathing Ball

    This Expandable Breathing Ball expands from 5.6 inches to 12 inches and is a wonderful stress and anxiety reliever for children. It helps kids to practice deep breathing as they can inhale while expanding the ball and exhale while contracting it. It also can be used in yoga and meditation and is a great way to help kids learn how to become focused and centered. I love that these are colorful, fun, and feel like a toy even though they have a functional use. Plus, this is one of those toys for children that the adults will want to use, too!

    9 – 13 Years

    OUR MOMENTS Kids: 100 Thought-Provoking Conversation Starters

    OUR MOMENTS Kids contains a deck of 100 question cards that parents and kids can answer together. This is not only a great way to cultivate strong relationships through open and relaxed conversations, but it gives kids a voice and allows them to really practice their speaking and listening skills (because you’ll be answering the questions, too). This is a great activity to do around the dinner table or during a long car ride. I love this idea as a family gift for all that you can share and use together!

    Growth Mindset Thoughts and Affirmations

    These uplifting and encouraging Growth Mindset Thoughts and Affirmation Cards are the perfect way to cultivate positivity and mindfulness in your child’s life. Truly, many of these affirmations are the same ones I use as a fully grown adult. Empowering statements like, “I am focused and ready to work hard today,” and “I embrace challenges because they help me to learn and grow,” are a wonderful way to for a child (and the rest of us adults…) to start their day with a positive mindset. Plus, your kid will truly be excited to pick a new card every morning and see what they get!

    Mindfulness Game

    This is the game I wish we had when I was growing up. The Mindfulness Game comes with three decks: Guess, Connect, and Experiment. Guess includes questions that allows players to guess each other’s answers and see how well they know each other. Connect allows players to connect through self-reflection and learning mindfulness skills. And Experiment gets players moving through yoga, meditation, observations, and experiments. This is a game the entire family will love, and it’s an awesome way to connect while learning important mindfulness practices and lessons.

    Yoga Mat

    I’m including this in almost all of the categories because it’s such a profound practice at any age. This Kid/Tween/Adult Yoga Mat is a great buy because it comes in two color and size options, and it also has a free app for mindful based learning. If you’re buying for multiple kids, this Kid’s Short Yoga Mat is also a great, affordable option.

    I AM A LEADER: A 90-Day Leadership Journal For Kids

    When I discovered this I AM A Leader: A 90-Day Leadership Journal for Kids, I was surprised to find that mindfulness and gratitude are central concepts in its pages. It’s filled with gratitude and reflection prompts and helps kids reflect upon positive concepts like gratitude, confidence, and growth mindset. It also includes a Happiness Tracker and an Energy Tracker as well as a guide to a 3-minute mindfulness practice.

    Totem Game

    I love and adore this game so, so much. This is the perfect game if you have multiple kids, or if you’re gifting this to a family with multiple kids. Totem is a card game in which the cards have positive attributes and traits on them. (For instance, “You listen in a sincere and genuine manner.”) Players choose cards that they think fit you, and then you put the cards in order of what you think best fits you. Although there is a competitive element to this game, it’s less about the competition and more about kindness, profound appreciation, and lifting each other up (and building self-esteem).

    Sensory Snake Cube Twist Puzzle

    This one’s a fun little stocking stuffer idea. These Neliblu Sensory Snake Cube Twist Puzzles come in a pack of three and are perfect for decreasing stress and cultivating focus and attention. It acts as a brain teaser and encourages mental exercise as there are seemingly infinite amounts of shapes you can make with these cubes.

    14 – 17 Years

    Buddha Board

    I absolutely love this Buddha Board. For one, it’s a wonderful way to express one’s creativity, but even more substantially, it’s a way to find inner calm and practice mindfulness (without even realizing you’re doing it.) The idea behind a Buddha Board is that you can create whatever you want on the board, knowing that you’re not going to keep the image you create. As the water evaporates, the image disappears, leaving you with a blank slate to create something new. This is the perfect way to learn how to embrace mindfulness in one’s daily life and a great gift for teens to help them find peace and calm when feeling stressed out.

    Infinity Cube

    I’ve actually purchased this JOEYANK Infinity Cube for multiple family members (teenagers and adults) and it’s been a hit every time. It comes beautifully packaged and is not only a great stress reliever, but it’s also a soothing way to enhance focus, creativity, and thought.

    Japanese Zen Garden

    This Japanese Zen Garden is sweet, calming, and a perfect little retreat for a teenager, especially after a stressful day. Drawing in the sand is just one method of releasing anxiety while also cultivating focus, flow, and creativity. And to enhance this even further, be sure to check out the Deluxe Zen Garden Tool Kid Accessories for beautiful add-ons to create a peaceful, calming retreat.

    The Mindfulness Journal for Teens

    The Mindfulness Journal for Teens is an awesome journal that includes writing prompts, breathing exercises, inspirational quotes, powerful affirmations, and easy meditations. Being a teenager can often be stressful and overwhelming, so I love that this journal helps teens to clear their mind, find their inner calm, and learn how to mindfully deal with one thing at a time.

    Meditation Cushion

    A meditation cushion is the perfect way to support and encourage teenagers to begin their own powerful meditation practice. It also increases comfort and helps to align the spine, which allows for better breathing and a better all-around practice. I absolutely love this Florensi Meditation Cushion. It comes in multiple colors and is an awesome addition to a teenager’s bedroom. For something more streamlined with solid colors, check out the Waterglider International Zafu Meditation Pillow. I love the color options this one has!

    Be You Card Deck for Teens

    The Be You Card Deck for Teens contains 60 mindfulness practices, including practices to ease stress, manage anxiety, deal with anger and depression, boost self-confidence, and realize one’s full potential. This card deck truly empowers teens and helps them to build important mindfulness and self-care skills that will stick with them for life.

    Yoga Gear

    I love the idea of gifting yoga gear to teenagers and helping to cultivate a practice that will benefit them for years to come. Yoga won’t only help them to develop a more positive and loving relationship with their body, but it teaches important mindfulness principles like staying in the present moment. A yoga mat is the perfect tool to start building a yoga practice. This BalanceFrom GoYoga+ All-Purpose Yoga Mat comes with a carrying case and knee pad, and it’s also super durable and comes in multiple colors. If you want to add to this, you could also include some Gaiam Essentials Yoga Blocks (Set of 2).

    Affirmation Cards

    Affirmation cards are a powerful mindfulness tool for kids and adults of any age. Not only are they uplifting, but they help teens to cultivate a positive mindset and to realize they have power over their thoughts. These Affirmators! 50 Affirmation Cards to Help You Help Yourself – Without the Self-Helpy-Ness! cards are some of my all-time favorites because they’re fun and uplifting but don’t take themselves too seriously.

    5-Minute Gratitude Journal

    And last but not least, this 5-Minute Gratitude Journal isn’t actually marketed toward teens, but I think it’s the perfect gift for a teen as the short prompts are a wonderful way to cultivate positivity, gratitude, practice. Here’s a few examples of the prompts:

    • One beautiful reason to be happy right now
    • An unforgettable memory I treasure
    • One of the best parts of being me

    mindfulness for kids
    Pin this! Mindfulness for Kids: 33 Awesome Mindfulness Gift Ideas