40 Positive Affirmations for Faith, Hope, and Trust
In this post, discover 40 beautiful affirmations for faith, hope, and trust. These affirmations are designed to help you to remain steady and grounded, no matter what’s happening in your external world. Exhale your doubts and inhale trust using these gentle yet empowering words.
Pin this for later! 40 Positive Affirmations for Faith, Hope, and Trust Releasing Doubt, Welcoming Faith
Faith is a word that can mean many things to many people.
For some, faith has a deeply spiritual connotation and is rooted in the belief in a higher power. Faith is often a word used to describe one’s religious beliefs. However, the word faith goes far beyond a person’s religion.
To keep the faith means to trust that everything will work out, even when it doesn’t always feel like it.
And to walk forward in faith means to trust your journey, even if you can’t see the entire path in front of you.
Your own definition of faith is likely deeply personal to you. For me, faith means trusting the universe. I have faith that at all times, I am exactly where I need to be, and I believe that all experiences are meant to serve my growth. I have faith in myself to create the life of my dreams, and this faith comes from knowing that I am eternally connected to an infinite source of light and love. I believe the light of the universe lives within me (and you, and everyone else). This light connects everything and everyone; it is perfect, infinite, and knows only love.
So what is faith? That’s for you to define. To help, here are a few quotes about faith and its extraordinary power:
- Helen Keller: “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.”
- Voltaire: “Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.”
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
- Wayne Dyer: “You’ll see it when you believe it.“
Below, discover 40 beautiful affirmations for faith, hope, and trust. Let these affirmations be an anchor on days when you’re feeling unsteady, ungrounded, and/or uncertain in your current life experiences.
And for tips on how to use affirmations to get the most out of them, check out my post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).
Looking for more positive affirmations? Check out these posts!
- 40 Positive Affirmations for Overcoming Challenges and Adversity
- 45 Positive Affirmations for Happiness and True Joy
- 40 Gratitude Affirmations to Love This Moment Right Now
- 35 Beautiful Affirmations for Peace and Serenity
- 43 Creativity Affirmations to Inspire Your Limitless Imagination
- 42 Body-Positive Affirmations for Total Self-Acceptance
Affirmations for Faith, Hope, and Trust
- I embrace this new day with hope, courage, and love.
- I release doubt and welcome faith.
- I exhale worry and inhale trust.
- I radiate calm, peace, and serenity.
- I build my life on the foundation of faith, hope, and love.
- I have unshakable faith in my divine path.
- I am safe and supported, rooted in this present moment.
- I feel peaceful and relaxed knowing I am exactly where I am meant to be.
- I am aligned with the loving will of the universe.
- I honor my inner knowing and trust my path.
- I bravely let go and allow the universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.
- I trust that the universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
- I am divinely protected, inspired, and guided by the universe.
- I am deeply and unconditional loved by a higher power.
- I trust that everything I need comes to me at exactly the right place and time.
- Everything is unfolding in perfect timing. I trust. I believe. I receive.
- Even when the world is immersed in darkness, I walk forward in faith, love, and light.
- I chose faith over fear and peace over perfection.
- I release worry and choose to trust.
- I trust and believe that everything is always working out for my highest good.
- I am always gently held and lovingly guided by this universe.
- I am trusting. What’s meant for me is already mine. I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
- My energy is not reserved for worrying. I use my energy to trust, believe, and have faith.
- Even when something doesn’t happen how I wanted, I know I’m on the right path.
- I surrender my resistance and allow the universe to give me what I need.
- I am willing to believe that things will always work out, even when they don’t feel like it.
- In this moment, I am exactly where I am meant to be.
- No matter what happens, I remain aligned with faith, trust, and love.
- The universe always has my back.
- The universe provides me with all that I need in every moment.
- Love and gratitude flow to and through me in all moments.
- I have faith that everything works out for my highest good.
- I choose to relax and turn my worries over to the universe.
- I release the need to control my life and surrender to a higher power.
- I trust my intuition and listen to the wisdom of the universe.
- I am always gently held and lovingly guided by this universe.
- I am loved, cherished, and adored by this universe.
- I choose to let go and trust.
- Everything is just as it’s meant to be.
- All is really well.
For more uplifting affirmations and inspiring messages, be sure to connect with me on Instagram, where I post daily affirmation stories every single morning. And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m pinning positive affirmations and empowering quotes every single day.
Pin this for later! 40 Positive Affirmations for Faith, Hope, and Trust Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
What Are Nadis? Nadis and Chakra Healing, Yoga & More
What are nadis? In this post, learn all about nadis, the energy channels through which your life force flows. Discover the relationship between nadis and chakras, and learn how to keep your nadis clear and open so you can align with your highest self.
Pin this for later! What Are Nadis? A Guide to Nadis for Chakra Healing, Yoga & More Your Energy Centers
It’s likely if you have a spiritual practice, meditate, and/or practice yoga, you’ve heard of chakras, your body’s energy centers through which your life force (or prana) flows. Chakra is a Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “disk” and is commonly defined as a wheel of energy in your body.
Your body has seven main chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. Each chakra has associated attributes and plays a distinct role in your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health and well-being. For instance, your root chakra (also known as your first chakra) is your body’s energy center for stability, security, groundedness, safety, and strength. As the lowest energy center in your body, it acts as your foundation. When your root chakra is open and balanced, you feel stable and secure. Without a balanced root chakra and stable foundation, it’s likely that your other energy centers will also become imbalanced.
I won’t go into too much detail about chakras today, but if you’re interested in learning more, I’ve included links to some of my chakra blog posts below. I also encourage you to check out my Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide.
What I do want you to know about chakras today is this: even though each of your chakras plays a distinct role in your overall well-being, all of your chakras work together as one whole system. When one becomes imbalanced, it’s likely to affect the others. You can compare this to the physical organs inside your body: when one organ isn’t functioning correctly, this may negatively affect other parts of your body. All of your chakras play a significant role in keeping you in optimum health.
While you often only hear about the seven main chakras, your body actually has 114 chakras, and some people believe there are even more. For instance, you have chakras in your hands, shoulders, and tongue, and there are even two chakras that reside outside your body.
Finally, the last thing I want to note about chakras is that unlike your organs, your chakras aren’t an actual physical thing you can see in an x-ray. Rather, you experience them through feelings, sensations, and your own inner knowing.
- Start here to learn more about chakras: Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide and A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding and Unblocking Your Chakras
What Are Nadis?
So what are nadis, and how do they play a role in your chakra system?
Nadis are the energy channels through which your life force flows; the word nadi is a Sanskrit word meaning “tube”, “channel”, or “flow.” (I’ve also seen it translated to “a flowing river.”) The points at which these nadis intersect are your chakras. You can think of it like a town with numerous roads and a building at each intersection. Your nadis are the roads, and your chakras are the buildings at each intersection. Cars, or your energy, are traveling up and down these roads to the buildings.
When the system is working perfectly, these buildings are open 24/7, and the cars are continually moving in and out of them.
This is the same as your energy centers: ideally, your chakras are always open so that energy can flow to and through them.
While the buildings and chakras get all the attention, they only work when the system as a whole works: roads need to be made for cars to travel on, and nadis are needed for energy to travel through.
Now, I do want to note that my road analogy isn’t a perfect comparison. Nadis are energy channels through which your life force flows, but they’are also intrinsically more than just a road to get to a chakra. If you’ve ever had an out-of-body experience, experienced an altered state of consciousness (often through meditation), or had a light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel experience, it may be attributed to energy escaping through the body through your nadis. Nadis are also correlated to spiritual development and what you might consider “spiritual powers” (such as sensing or seeing auras).
Many estimate that you have between 21,000 to 72,000 nadis in your body, though some people believe there could be hundreds of thousands or even millions of nadis within each of us.
Just like you have over a hundred chakras but seven have been singled out as your main chakras, you have thousands of nadis, but three are believed to be most important: the Sushumna Nadi, the Ida Nadi, and the Pingala Nadi.
Sushumna Nadi
The Sushumna Nadi is believed to be the most important of all the thousands of nadis that exist within your body. Running up the base of your spine to the crown of your head, this energy channel runs through all of your main chakras and is believed to be connected to your highest self. When it’s unblocked and energy can flow freely through it, you are aligned with your true, highest, most authentic self. You also become open to experiencing a profound spiritual awakening, feel a sense of deep inner wisdom, and know deep inner peace and true harmony within your mind, body, and spirit.
Ida Nadi
Your Ida Nadi is associated with your feminine energy and starts at the base of your spine (at your root chakra). It then runs through your core to your left nostril. It is associated with right-brain dominance and what you might describe as softer, darker energy. It is also associated with the moon.
Pingala Nadi
Your Pingala Nadi is associated with your masculine energy. It starts at the base of your spine (at your root chakra) and runs through your core to your right nostril. (The Ida Nadi and the Pingala Nadi flow upwards criss-crossing each other at your chakra points.) It’s associated with left-brain dominance and what you might describe as stronger, lighter energy. As the Ida Nadi is associated with the moon, the Pingala Nadi is associated with the sun.
Unblocking Your Nadis
A lot of attention is paid to opening, healing, and unblocking your chakras, but it’s just as important that your nadis remain open and unblocked. Again, to return to the road analogy, in order for cars to get to the intersections where the buildings are located, they need to be able to travel freely up and down the roads. If a road is blocked, this not only inhibits the cars to travel through that road, but it affects neighboring roads as well.
If any of your energy channels become blocked, energy can no longer pass freely through it, inhibiting your energy from reaching your chakras. This can have negative effects on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self.
So how do you ensure your nadis remain clear for energy to easily pass through? Here are a few methods:
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Have you ever noticed that you may breathe easier through one nostril than the other? If not, you can try a quick test right now. Gently press any of the fingers on your right hand against the right side of your nose, closing the right nostril. Place the fingers of your left hand below your left nostril. Exhale through your nose, noticing whether you can feel the warm air of your exhale against your left fingers. Then try this with your right nostril.
If you’re able to feel air moving easily through both nostrils, that’s a good sign! If not, one of your nadis may be experiencing blockages. Alternate nostril breathing, also known as Nadi Shodhana, is one method to clear your energy channels so energy can flow freely through them. There are several ways to do this, so I’ll explain the method I use below, then link to some articles that discuss a few other methods.
- You can start in your preferred meditation position, sitting cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet planted on the ground. (Just not laying down.) Keep your spine straight and your head lifted.
- Lift your right hand. With this practice, you’re going to use three fingers: pinky, ring, and thumb. You can take your index and middle finger and fold them against your palm, so only the pinky, ring finger, and thumb are sticking up.
- You may want to take a few deep breaths first and spend a minute or two grounding yourself to this present moment. Take as much time as you need.
- With the right thumb of the right hand, close your right nostril. Inhale deeply through your left nostril.
- At the top of your inhale, pause. Lift your thumb from your right nostril and close your left nostril using your pinky and ring finger. Exhale fully through your right nostril.
- Then inhale through your right nostril, exhale through your left nostril.
- Inhale through your left nostril, exhale through your right nostril.
- Continue this pattern for several minutes, pausing at the top of each inhale and exhale. You can continue this practice for as long as you’d like.
Since the Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi both start at the base of your spine, criss-crossing each other and running through your left and right nostrils, respectively, it’s important to really follow your breath as you practice alternate nostril breathing. When your right nostril is closed, follow your breath from the base of your spine to your left nostril; when your left nostril is closed, follow your breath from the base of your spine to your right nostril.
Here are a few articles that discuss alternate nostril breathing and various methods for completing this practice:
- Chopra: Nadi Shodhana: How to Practice Alternate Nostril Breathing
- Yoga Journal: Channel-Cleaning Breath
- The Art of Living: Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama)
Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is the type of yoga the general public likely thinks of when they hear the word “yoga”: yoga that pairs poses, or asanas, with breathing techniques, or pranayama. When you’re looking at a course catalog for your local yoga studio, you can typically be certain that anything titled Hatha Yoga will move a little slower and may include breathing exercises, static postures, and possibly even a meditation to start or end the class.
Ha is translated to mean sun, and tha is translated to mean moon. If you remember from the bulletpoints on the Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi above, the Ida Nadi is associated with the moon, and the Pingala Nadi is associated with the sun. The practice of Hatha yoga aims to balance these two energies – moon and sun, feminine and masculine – to bring the Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi into equilibrium. (Note: The literal meaning of the word “hatha” means “force,” “effort,” or “exertion.”)
Positive Affirmations and Intentions
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Where your attention goes, energy flows”? Your mindset plays a powerful role in the harmony of your mind, body, and spirit. For instance, if you easily become overwhelmed and have thoughts that correlate with stress and anxiety, this negative energy will manifest in physical, emotional, and spiritual turmoil. When you’re able to cultivate a mindset of inner peace and tranquility, your energy is able to flow more freely throughout your body. Note that this isn’t a call to engage in toxic positivity, which is just as dangerous as stress and anxiety. You should always honor all of your feelings, even those you deem as negative. But you don’t have to stay with those negative thoughts. As Paulo Coelho wrote, “You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.” Use positive affirmations that truly resonate with you, and set the intention each day to remain grounded, stable, and peaceful, no matter what occurs in your external world.
Gentle Movement
If the weather allows it, go on a calming walk outside somewhere you feel safe and breathe in the fresh air. Engage in gentle movement that feels good to you and doesn’t put too much stress on your body. If you’re able to jog without breathing too heavily, you can do this as well. But don’t feel limited to these options. For instance, I’ve exercised using a weighted hula hoop and found this to be extremely effective in stimulating the movement of energy throughout my body. (Plus, it’s fun!) Gentle movement stimulates the flow of energy within the body in a way that can be both nurturing and calming.
Final Thoughts
While chakras rightfully get a lot of attention when it comes to the total well-being of your mind, body, and spirit, it’s important not to forget the role your nadis play in your overall health. Your nadis also play an essential role in connecting to your highest self and experiencing spiritual growth. When these energy channels are open and clear, you are able to find alignment with your true self and maintain optimum health: spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
For more chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation inspiration, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
Pin this for later! What Are Nadis? A Guide to Nadis for Chakra Healing, Yoga & More Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
35 Vision Board Affirmations for Daily Inspiration
In this post, discover 35 empowering vision board affirmations to remind you that you are worthy and capable of creating the life of your dreams. Each affirmation comes with a simple yet elegant image that you can save to your phone or print and add to your vision board for extra inspiration.
Pin this for later! 35 Vision Board Affirmations for Daily Inspiration Creating Your Vision Board
A vision board is a collection of words and/or images that represent your highest self living your ideal life. You might choose to create a poster board filled with inspiring images cut out from magazines or printed from the internet. You could also create a vision board in a journal or write out your visions on a piece of paper. There are also apps like VisuApp that allow you to create portable vision boards on your phone. And one of the simplest ways to create a portable vision board is to create a designated album in your photo library and save inspiring images and words to it.
However you decide to create your vision board, know that there’s no wrong or right way to start it as long as it feels true to you. That means choosing things that you truly want and not just what you think you’re supposed to want.
When I’m first creating a new vision board, I like to begin with a list of categories to incorporate into the vision board. Common categories might include the following: Relationships, Career, Home, Health, Wealth, Spirituality, Fitness, Car, Self-Care, and Hobbies/Fun. Once I know my categories, I’ll include images, words, and quotes that represent each category.
One of my favorite additions to any vision board is including inspirational, high-vibe vision board affirmations and quotes surrounding the images. For a portable vision board, I might save empowering quotes and affirmations to the vision board album on my phone. And when I create a vision board on paper or poster board, I’ll write inspirational words to the sides of the images to remind myself that I am worthy, powerful, and more than enough.
Below, you’ll find 35 empowering vision board affirmations that you can incorporate in your vision board for daily inspiration. I’ve also included images for each vision board affirmation, so you can save them to your phone or cut them out and include them in the vision board you keep at home or in your office.
Use these affirmations to raise your vibrations, uplift your spirit, and help you manifest the beautiful and abundant life of your dreams.
Vision Board Affirmations
- I can do anything I set my mind to.
2. There’s no limit to what I can achieve.
3. I create the life I want to live.
4. I am focused, motivated, and committed.
5. My potential is limitless.
6. I am unafraid to be amazing.
7. I believe in me.
8. The only force that can stop me is me.
9. Anything I can imagine, I can create.
10. I can climb this mountain.
11. I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
12. Everything I do today leads me to a better tomorrow.
13. Every small step I take makes a big difference.
14. I will not settle for less than I deserve.
15. When I show up, magic happens.
16. I am unafraid to shine the light inside of me.
17. The world needs more of me, not less.
18. I am stronger than I realize.
19. My strength is greater than any struggle.
20. The sun will rise and so will I.
21. I am my true self, and there’s nobody else I’d rather be.
22. I am capable, strong, worthy, and always enough.
23. My love for myself is bold, fierce, and unconditional.
24. I can do hard things.
25. I am unstoppable.
26. I can succeed. I will succeed.
27. I’ve got this.
28. Yes, I can.
29. I am always worthy.
30. I am more than enough.
31. I can and I will.
32. Today is my day.
33. My life. My terms.
34. My time is now.
35. My dreams are coming true.
Do you have any favorite vision board affirmations? What’s your favorite way to create your vision board? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!
And for more manifestation tips, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
Looking for more positive affirmations? Check out these posts!
- 35 New Moon Affirmations to Embrace New Beginnings
- 40 Gratitude Affirmations to Love This Moment Right Now
- 35 Beautiful Affirmations for Peace and Serenity
- 43 Creativity Affirmations to Inspire Your Limitless Imagination
- 50 Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
- 42 Body-Positive Affirmations for Total Self-Acceptance
Pin this for later! 35 Vision Board Affirmations for Daily Inspiration Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
35 New Moon Affirmations to Embrace New Beginnings
In this post, discover 35 inspiring new moon affirmations to set intentions, release what no longer serves you, and embrace the beauty of new beginnings. Plus be sure to download your free new moon affirmations and journal prompts at the bottom of this post!
Pin this for later! 35 New Moon Affirmations to Embrace New Beginnings New Moon Meaning & Symbolism
In astronomy, a new moon occurs every 29.5 days and marks the first lunar phase, representing the beginning of a new lunar cycle. Generally, there is one new moon every month, though sometimes, there will be two; this rare second new moon of the month is called a black moon. (A black moon occurs once every 32 months.)
In many ways, the new moon can be viewed as a cosmic reset. Just as the moon seems to turn inward, so do we. The new moon is the perfect time for getting in touch with your inner self and gauging where you are and what you want with your life.
What do you truly desire? What dreams have been planted in your heart? What goals do you want to achieve over the next month? Do you possess any limiting beliefs that you want to release?
These are just some of the questions you can begin to ask yourself as you embrace the revitalizing energy of the new moon.
The new moon represents fresh starts and new beginnings. You can imagine that you have a blank canvas in front of you, and you get to paint your future with anything and everything you desire in this life.
Here are some ideal new moon practices for goal-setting, connecting with your inner self, and manifesting your dreams:
- Write down your goals and intentions.
- Visualize yourself planting your intentions in the earth.
- Visualize the dream life you want to create for yourself.
- Get in touch with yourself through journaling. Here are a few sentences you can use to start your new moon journaling:
- “I am releasing . . .”
- “I am setting the intention to . . .”
- “I am manifesting . . .”
- You can also ask yourself: “What does my soul need?”
- Release limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, and anything that doesn’t serve or support your mind, body, and spirit.
- Repeat new moon affirmations. Write down your affirmations and continue to come back to them throughout the lunar cycle.
New Moon Meditation
Find a quiet spot where you won’t be distracted or interrupted. You can use candles, crystals, or essential oils if you wish. Find a position that feels most comfortable for you. You can sit cross-legged on the floor, on a chair with your feet planted on the floor, or laying down on the ground. If you have a meditation table, this is an ideal time to sit in front of it. You might also decide to go outside to connect with the earth.
Close your eyes. Think of three intentions you want to set. These intentions can be as seemingly big or small as you’d like. Imagine that you’re holding three seeds. These seeds represent your intentions. Take the first seed and imagine yourself gently planting it in the earth in front of you. See your dreams coming true in your reality, and feel the positive emotions associated with this dream coming true. Express gratitude to the universe for supporting you in your dreams. Repeat this with the second seed, planting another intention in the earth in front of you. Finally, repeat this process with the third seed.
Once all your intentions have been planted, release them to the universe. Express gratitude, and allow true peace to fill every cell of your being as you know that you are exactly where you are meant to be, and everything is working out perfectly for you.
Looking for more affirmations? Check out these posts!
- 40 Gratitude Affirmations to Love This Moment Right Now
- 35 Beautiful Affirmations for Peace and Serenity
- 43 Creativity Affirmations to Inspire Your Limitless Imagination
- 50 Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
- 42 Body-Positive Affirmations for Total Self-Acceptance
- 50 Positive Affirmations to Remain Calm and Confident During Your Workday
New Moon Affirmations
- I release what no longer serves me to make space for new beginnings.
- I release the old and heavy. I embrace the new and fresh.
- I an open to receiving everything I could ever dream of and more.
- My mind is free of resistance and open to all possibilities.
- I plant seeds of abundance throughout my inner and outer worlds.
- I embrace my ability to create anything I want in this life.
- I can create the life of my dreams.
- I release the burdens of my past and allow my soul to move forward without limitations.
- I open my heart to receive beautiful miracles and unlimited blessings.
- I make space for love, abundance, and prosperity to flow to and through me.
- I am ready and willing to receive all of the miracles and magic coming my way.
- I courageously walk through every door of opportunity.
- I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
- Incredible breakthroughs are at my fingertips.
- I focus my vision on creating the future I desire.
- I am motivated, focused, and committed.
- I am ready to start a new chapter filled with limitless possibilities.
- I welcome love in all forms into my life.
- I open my heart to promising opportunities that bring me joy and growth.
- I embrace change, knowing it is for my highest good.
- I listen to my intuition and take inspired action to achieve my dreams.
- I accept healing energy from a higher power.
- As I move forward, I become stronger, better, and more resilient.
- I embrace the fresh starts and new beginnings of this moment.
- I inhale love and exhale my fears.
- I radiate pure love, light, and positivity.
- I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good.
- I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.
- I feel peaceful and relaxed knowing I am exactly where I am meant to be.
- I am aligned with the loving will of the universe.
- I am worthy of living the life of my dreams.
- I am grateful for this moment right now, and I am excited about the path in front of me.
- I release the storylines holding me back. I can do anything.
- I welcome beautiful abundance into my life.
- My dreams are coming true.
Download your free new moon printable journal prompts and affirmations here!
For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering quotes daily.
Pin this for later! 35 New Moon Affirmations to Embrace New Beginnings Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
10 Manifestation Tips to Create the Life of Your Dreams
In this post, discover 10 powerful manifestation tips to become a master manifestor and create a beautiful life of joy, peace, love, and abundance.
Pin this for later! 10 Manifestation Tips to Create the Life of Your Dreams What is Manifestation?
Manifestation is the practice of visualizing your dreams and desires and vibrating at the frequency of your desires to attract more of what you want into your daily experience. It’s based on the idea that what you put out into the universe is what you receive in return.
So if you’re constantly complaining that nothing ever works out for you and viewing your life from a perspective of scarcity and lack, you receive more of the vibrations you’re emitting: more scarcity, more lack.
But if you believe that everything is always working out for you and that you live a life of pure abundance, you attract more success and abundance into your daily experience.
Feel joyful. Attract more joyful experiences into your life.
Feel gratitude and appreciation. Attract more wonderful people, experiences, opportunities, and things to be grateful for.
Now, I’ll admit: this kind of simplifies manifestation in a way that isn’t always healthy. Why? Because it makes it seem as though manifestation should be just that easy. In theory, it is that easy, but when you’re first starting out, it often requires a journey of inner child healing, understanding your limiting beliefs, and cultivating self-compassion and self-love, two concepts we often struggle with.
Even worse, it may make you believe you need to suppress negative thoughts and only think positively, which may cause you to fall into the trap of toxic positivity. To be clear, manifestation is not about suppressing negative feelings and thoughts. This was what I believed when I first started out, and it left me feeling constantly anxious and insecure. When we suppress negativity, the negative energy doesn’t just go away; it becomes trapped in our body, resulting in energy imbalances within. (You may understand this energy to be part of your chakra system. To learn more about your chakras, click here.)
Below, I discuss more on how to approach negative thoughts and feelings, as well as 9 more powerful manifestation tips to create the life of your dreams. These manifestation tips will help you to become a master manifestor and create a life of true beauty, joy, peace, and abundance.
And if you’re interested in learning more about manifestation, check out the posts below!
- What Does It Mean to Manifest Something? (An Introductory Guide)
- How to Manifest Money (A Complete Guide)
- Manifestation Not Working? Here’s Why (And How to Fix It)
- 10 Best Manifestation Books to Read This Year
- How to Manifest in a Journal (A Complete Guide)
Manifestation Tips
Manifestation Tip #1: Live “As If”
This is one of my favorite manifestation tips because it is rooted in the idea that you get to feel pure joy and happiness today (and every day).
Think about all of your most beautiful dreams and desires. Now, imagine how you’ll feel the day all of your dreams come true. What positive feelings will blanket your life? Joy? Peace? Freedom? Whatever it is, get in touch with those emotions.
Then bring those emotions back to the present moment, and live your daily life as if all of your dreams and desires have already come true. How do you feel when you wake up in your dream life? What are the first thoughts you have in the morning? How do you interact with the world around you? What kinds of things do you do during your day?
Manifestation is all about vibrating at the frequency of your desires, and there’s no better way to do that than to live each day as if all of your dreams have already come true. When you do this, you become a magnet for everything you could ever dream of (and more).
You can start right now by taking a deep breath and releasing any tension you feel in your body. Align with the person you imagine yourself to be: the person who is living the life of his or her dreams. Become that person. And if you find yourself misaligned and not living as if? That’s okay! Simply choose in that moment to realign with your highest self. And as you keep choosing, it will become easier and easier, so eventually, you no longer have to remind yourself anymore; you just are.
Manifestation Tip #2: Express Gratitude Frequently
There is no vibration higher than that of gratitude and appreciation. Gratitude ties in with abundance, as when you choose to view your life from a perspective of gratitude, you’re able to see all that you have rather that focusing on what you don’t have.
When you express gratitude, you’re essentially telling the universe, more of this please.
More joy. More love. More peace, freedom, and abundance.
This also directly ties in to the idea of living as if. If you’re constantly living in lack, waiting for something to happen and focusing on its absence, you disconnect yourself from the experience of having that thing. But when you live as if your dreams have already come true, you feel true gratitude and appreciation for this life of your dreams.
And because of this, you’re no longer searching for that thing out there; it’s within. And when it’s within, you’re directly connected to that thing.
Connect yourself to the life of your dreams by expressing sincere gratitude and appreciation for the abundance that already exists within.
For more on embracing gratitude, check out these posts:
- 40 Gratitude Affirmations to Love This Moment Right Now
- 53 Gratitude Journal Prompts to Cultivate Joy Within
Manifestation Tip #3: Release the How
This is one of the biggest obstacles to manifesting your dreams because it’s so easy to get caught in the trap of trying to figure out how your manifestation is going to happen.
For instance, say you want to manifest a million dollars. In your head, you’re already playing out the scenarios of how your million dollars will come to you. You narrow it down to two options: win the lottery or win a reality TV game show. You’re not a big fan of the game show idea, so you figure you have to try to win the lottery. It’s the only possible option, you think. So you go out and buy lottery tickets every single day, growing more frustrated every time you don’t win.
This is the problem a lot of us face; we get tunnel vision, thinking our options for manifesting our dreams are limited, and because of this, we miss opportunities and signs from the universe that are right in front of us if we’d just step back and widen our perspective.
So what should you do? Release the idea that you need to know how it’s going to happen. Trust that the universe is working behind the scenes to make all your dreams and desires come true. Meanwhile, your job is simple: live a joyful life, express gratitude, find uplifting ways to raise your vibrations, and if you hear your inner knowing telling you to do something, take inspired action and follow it. This inner knowing is a gentle nudge from the universe pointing you to your dreams. It may not be the path that you expected, but if you surrender and let go of the how, it will likely be even better.
Manifestation Tip #4: Give to Receive
The more good you put out in the world, the more good you receive in return.
Often, when we think about giving, we first think about money and donations. And this is definitely one of the ways you can give. If you feel inspired to tip your waiter or barista an extra $20, or donate to a really great charity that resonates with you, this is absolutely a powerful way to manifest more good vibes your way. When you give money to another from a place of sincerity, you’re not only spreading kindness, but you’re telling the universe that you trust that money will always come back to you, so you don’t have to hold on tightly to what you have.
Money isn’t the only gesture of kindness you can give, though. Smiling at a stranger is a form of giving. So is texting someone out of the blue just to let them know you’re thinking about them. Time is also a powerful thing to give to another. Do you know someone who is struggling? Does a friend need help studying for a big test? Give them your time without expecting anything in return.
Now, I do want to note this: only give when it feels good to you. Don’t force or pressure yourself to give because you think you have to, especially if deep down, you feel any resentment towards giving. When you do this, you may be emitting negative vibrations, so you’re not actually helping yourself to manifest what you want. Release the pressure on yourself, let go, and allow the perfect moment to unfold instead of forcing yourself into it.
Manifestation Tip #5: Set Specific Intentions
This is actually one of the first things you want to do, and while it may seem obvious, it can often be overlooked.
In order to manifest your dreams, you first need to know what exactly it is that you want to manifest. It’s like placing an order at a restaurant. You assess your options, decide what you want, place your order, then sit back and wait for it to be served to you.
Manifestation is the same. To manifest something, you must place your order with the universe, telling it exactly what it is that you want. Visualization, journaling, and simply talking to the universe are all powerful ways to do this.
Often, this is actually less of a problem for beginners and can be more of an issue for experienced manifestors. Why? Because they’ve been doing it for so long, they may lose sight of their intentions. That’s why it’s important to realign with your intentions every once in a while. You don’t have to place your order again since it’s already been placed. Just make sure that you’ve set clear intentions with the universe and return to that better-feeling state of having everything you desire. (One powerful way to set and return to your intentions is to create a vision board. For 30 empowering vision board quotes to lift your vibrations, click here.)
Manifestation Tip #6: Cheer on Others
It’s very likely that you know others who are also working on manifesting their dreams. And you may even know someone who has a dream similar to yours.
Maybe you want to manifest the love of your life, and so does one of your closest friends.
Or maybe you want to make it as a singer, and you know others singers who are trying to make it, too.
There’s a chance that you may know someone whose manifestations appear before yours. That friend could meet the love of her life, or one of your singer friends could sign a big contract.
In those moments, it can be easy to fall into a scarcity mindset. You may think that’s one less spot for you to succeed, or you may grow frustrated at what you perceive as lack or scarcity in your life.
This can be a normal human reaction, but I gently urge you: don’t do this.
When you take this manifestation journey, walk forward knowing in your heart that there is always space for you in the life of your dreams. Trust that this dream has been placed in your heart for a reason.
When you see someone succeed, cheer them on, knowing their success has no effect on your own (and vice versa).
You can also view each success story as a sign that your manifestation is on its way. Did someone in your state win a big amount of money in the lottery? Take it as a sign that financial prosperity is on its way to you. Did your best friend just get engaged? Trust and believe that your love story is coming.
Turn the old stories about lack and scarcity into new stories of prosperity and abundance.
Manifestation Tip #7: Let It Go
This may be one of the hardest parts of manifestation: letting it go.
To let it go means that once you’ve placed your order with the universe, you release your worries about when and how it’s going to happen. Simply trust that it will happen, and begin to live as if.
I’ll fully admit, this can be easier said than done, especially when you’re first starting out. It’s easy to get impatient as you start to wonder when everything will finally work out for you. You may try to get a move on with your manifestations by buying lots of lottery tickets or going to coffee shops in your best outfit to stage your own meet cute. And when it doesn’t happen as quickly as you want it to, you may give up and decide that manifestation doesn’t actually work.
That’s why letting it go is so important. Don’t worry about the timeline. Don’t try to force something that doesn’t feel right. Know that the universe is doing the hard stuff, and instead of focusing on your external world, focus on your inner world.
Create an inner world so peaceful, patient, and calm, it spills into your outer world and creates something beautiful.
Manifestation Tip #8: Gently Probe Negative Thoughts & Emotions
So here’s where we get back to what I said in the intro. If I had to name my biggest obstacle when I first began manifesting, it was this: I (wrongly) believed that high vibrations and emitting a positive frequency meant that I had to be upbeat and positive all the time. Because of this belief, I thought I had to suppress negative emotions and pretend they weren’t there.
Rather than manifesting the life of my dreams, I found myself in a pit of constant anxiety, worried that every bit of negative energy was going to ruin my manifestations and bring horrible things into my experience.
Eventually, I became frustrated, because sometimes, I wanted and needed to feel those negative emotions. I was tired of trying to be perfect and suppressing everything.
With time, I learned that there’s a difference between having a fixed negative mindset as opposed to sometimes experiencing negative thoughts and emotions.
Having a fixed negative mindset means constantly complaining, believing that only bad things happen to you, and viewing life from a perspective of scarcity; nothing you have is ever enough.
Experiencing a negative thought or emotion once in a while means you’re human. If you’re reading this right now, I’m guessing this is you. You believe in yourself and your dreams. You express gratitude for all that you have rather than complaining about what you don’t have. You just have bad moments, sometimes even bad days, once in a while. (And truthfully, I’m not sure I like the label of bad, because you may see that these moments and days are actually serving and supporting your growth).
When you have these moments, don’t fight it. Don’t try to pretend it doesn’t exist for the sake of false positivity.
Instead, acknowledge it. Fully. And then, allow yourself to gently probe it. Where is this source of negative energy coming from? Is it from an external source (i.e. something someone said) or something that’s been building within? Would it help to write it all out and release it on paper? What does your soul need in this moment? And can you trust that even though you’re feeling some negative energy right now, the universe still has your back and everything is always working out for you?
Instead of criticizing yourself for the negativity, speak to yourself the way the universe would speak to you: with unconditional love and compassion.
Also, remember that having a negative thought doesn’t make it true. I sometimes still have reactionary thoughts about myself in which I criticize or put myself down without thinking. But I know that in every moment, I have the power to step back, probe the thought, and ask, “Is it true?” And when I realize it isn’t, I also have the power to choose a new, better feeling thought that aligns with my truth.
Manifestation Tip #9: Embrace Your Morning Routine
One of the biggest game changers for me has been developing a consistent morning routine that supports my mind, body, and spirit.
Every morning, I journal for 30 minutes with a hot cup of coffee by my side. Then, I meditate. After my meditation, I eat breakfast and then work out. On rest days, I’ll usually go out on a morning walk around the neighborhood. (Unless it’s a Sunday and my body tells me it wants to lay on the couch reading a book all morning . . . then, I listen to my body!)
My morning routine isn’t anything overly complicated, but it helps me to set a solid foundation for the day. In my journaling, I always express gratitude and lift myself up with high-vibe affirmations. I also take the time to set my intentions for the day, and I even write what I want to manifest that day. (This doesn’t have to be anything big! I might decide to manifest an inspired idea, a joyful moment, a good conversation, or a sign from the universe).
A morning routine can be a powerful tool in manifestation because it allows you to take some time for yourself in the morning to align with the feelings of your dreams and desires. Rather than hurrying through your morning with anxious thoughts, you can take a deep breath and assert that everything will work out perfectly for you.
Now, I fully admit that a 2-hour morning routine is easier for me than many people because I (a) am a morning person and love to wake up early; (b) work for myself; and (c) don’t have kids. So if you feel like you’re too busy in the morning for a full-on morning routine, that’s okay! See if you can take 60 seconds to cultivate a positive mindset for yourself. This might mean simply closing your eyes and breathing consciously for 60 seconds; reciting positive affirmations in the shower; or expressing gratitude as you get ready for work. If you have a couple minutes, you could write three things you’re grateful for, three positive affirmations, and your daily intention in a notebook.
However your morning routine looks, know that the length of your routine matters less than your ability to align with the positive thoughts and vibrations you want to emit during the day.
Manifestation Tip #10: Practice Self-Compassion Daily
I think this might be one of the most overlooked aspects of manifestation, but it’s critical not only in manifesting the life of your dreams but in cultivating unconditional self-love and self-belief.
Like I said above, you’re human. And I’m guessing that as a human, you probably aren’t perfect. None of us are. You may experience times when you find it difficult to maintain a positive attitude. You may find yourself growing impatient and frustrated because your manifestation hasn’t yet shown up in your reality. You may realize that a part of you is skeptical that any of this can truly work for you.
And that’s okay.
The worst thing you can do in this moment is judge or criticize yourself for the thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing.
Instead, treat yourself with self-compassion. Tell yourself, “I am doing the best I can, and my best is enough.” And more than anything, acknowledge that even though you are imperfect and flawed, you are worthy of unconditional love. Accept love from yourself. Accept love from others. Accept the universe’s perfect love for you.
Because you are always, always worthy of love.
This is how you manifest the life of your dreams: not through self-criticism but through self-love. Not through self-judgment but through self-compassion.
If you can do this, I promise: you can have anything and everything you dream of and more.
Do you have any powerful manifestation tips that have worked for you? What’s your secret manifestation success formula? Share your comments and questions in the comment box below!
And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering quotes daily.
Pin this for later! 10 Manifestation Tips to Create the Life of Your Dreams Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
40 Gratitude Affirmations to Love This Moment Right Now
In this post, discover 40 gratitude affirmations to love this moment right now, exactly as it is, knowing that your grateful heart is a magnet for magic, miracles, and true abundance. Plus, download your free printable gratitude affirmations below!
Pin this for later! 40 Gratitude Affirmations to Love This Moment Right Now Updated November 27th, 2021
The Power of Gratitude
Imagine your deepest, most heartfelt desire: the dream that’s been planted in your heart for as long as you can remember.
Maybe right now, it still feels like a distant dream. You hope that one day, it will be yours, but you’re not quite sure how you’re going to make it happen.
Or maybe you’re currently on the path of making this dream come true. You’ve listened to your intuition and taken inspired action, and now you’re on the path that leads to your dreams, one small step at a time.
Wherever you are in your journey, know this:
You don’t have to wait for all of your dreams and desires to manifest in your current experience to feel gratitude for your dreams coming true.
You can choose to be grateful for it right now, before it has even manifested into your life.
Feel the exact same appreciation you know you’ll feel when you get that dream job, perfect partner, or financial wealth today.
Begin to live like your dreams have already come true, and feel sincere appreciation for your abundant and joyful life right now. When you live in lack waiting for something to happen, you separate yourself from the experience of having that thing. Don’t separate yourself. When you’re feeling like all of these good things have already happened to you, you’re no longer searching for it outside of you; you’re connected to that thing.
And even more: feel gratitude for the obstacles, hardships, and setbacks that seem to block the path to your dream. Know that these experiences are always bringing you growth, and trust that they are leading you to exactly the place you’re meant to be. Sometimes, what looks like a barrier is actually a bridge to a life greater than anything you could ever imagine.
Choose gratitude in all moments, and more things will flow into your life to be grateful for. And not just things: people, opportunities, experiences.
That’s the power of gratitude.
In every moment, you have the power to choose your mindset. You choose how you feel. Nothing changes your life more than your perspective. When you consciously shift your perspective and understand the power of your thoughts, you master your inner world.
And when you master your inner world, you master your life.
Below are 40 gratitude affirmations to help you love this moment right now, exactly as it is. Know that no matter where you currently are and what’s going on in your external world, there is always something to be grateful for: your body, your breath, your strong heart and resilient spirit.
Let gratitude fill your heart and watch as magic unfolds in the smallest moments of your daily life
(And don’t forget to download your free printable gratitude affirmations below!)
Looking for more affirmations? Check out these posts!
- 35 Beautiful Affirmations for Peace and Serenity
- 43 Creativity Affirmations to Inspire Your Limitless Imagination
- 65 Empowering Affirmations for a Success Mindset
- 50 Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
- 42 Body-Positive Affirmations for Total Self-Acceptance
- 50 Positive Affirmations to Remain Calm and Confident During Your Workday
Gratitude Affirmations
- I wake up with a peaceful mind and grateful heart.
- I am thankful for today.
- I exhale worry and inhale gratitude.
- I am grateful for the magic and miracles that today brings.
- I find pleasure in the little moments.
- My heart is grateful and my mind is at peace.
- Today is a gift, and I accept it with joy and gratitude.
- I am grateful for the breath that flows through my lungs.
- I am thankful for this moment right now, exactly as it is.
- I am grateful for my strong heart, healthy mind, and radiant spirit.
- I am grateful for past experiences that have taught me resilience and strength.
- I love and appreciate this moment in my life, exactly as it is right now.
- I am truly thankful for all that I am and all that I have.
- Gratitude is my anchor that keeps me centered, grounded, and secure.
- When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I take a deep breath and realign with gratitude.
- I am grateful for the paths that didn’t lead where I wanted them to but instead led me to somewhere better.
- I am grateful for the ability to learn from my mistakes and then let them go.
- I am grateful for the infinite compassion and grace in my heart that allows me to view this world through the eyes of love.
- I am grateful for every step of this journey and the lessons I learn along the way.
- I am grateful for the positive energy that flows to and through me.
- I am grateful for my healthy body and all that it does for me.
- I am thankful for the ability to find gratitude in all areas of my life.
- I am grateful for every second of this imperfect, messy, beautiful life.
- When I choose to view my life through the lens of gratitude, more beautiful experiences flow into my life to be grateful for.
- When I choose gratitude, I am able to see all the magic that flows into my life effortlessly.
- I am filled with gratitude, thankfulness, and deep appreciation.
- I begin each day with a grateful heart.
- Every cell of my body is aligned with gratitude.
- By choosing gratitude, I welcome beautiful abundance into my life.
- I open my heart to receive even more people, experiences, and things into my world to be grateful for.
- Even when life isn’t perfect, I can always find things to be grateful for.
- I am thankful to be the person I am, exactly as I am.
- In every moment, there is always so much to be thankful for.
- When I open my eyes, I find so much to appreciate.
- I choose gratitude not because I’m weak, but because I’m strong beyond measure.
- Gratitude is the bridge to a life of joy, peace, and abundance.
- The universe provides me with all that I need in every moment.
- Love and gratitude flow to and through me in all moments.
- My grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.
- I am truly grateful for my beautiful life.
Click to download your free printable gratitude affirmations!
Do you have any favorite gratitude affirmations? Share your favorites in the comment box below! And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering quotes daily.
Pin this for later! 40 Gratitude Affirmations to Love This Moment Right Now Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
35 Beautiful Affirmations for Peace and Serenity
Peace begins within, and you have everything you need within you to create a life of true serenity. In this post, discover 35 beautiful affirmations for peace, calm, and tranquility.
Pin this for later! 35 Beautiful Affirmations for Peace and Serenity Cultivating Peace
How often in your life do you feel truly peaceful?
Do you find that you feel the most at peace when you’re at a certain place or with a certain person? Do you experience true peace when you’re alone, separated from the external noise and happenings of the world?
When you strip away external circumstances and experiences, you’ll likely find that peace is your natural state. Peace is who you are at your very core. It may not feel that way sometimes, but that’s only because outside factors can sometimes cause this part of you to become obscured. At any moment of any day, you have the opportunity to return home to yourself.
To return home to peace and serenity within.
Take a deep breath. Feel the air rising through your lungs. Let it all out in a deep, soulful exhale.
Know that peace is available to you in every moment as soon as you decide to release the external noise and return to this present moment.
Below are 35 affirmations for peace and serenity. Use these affirmations to come home to yourself when you feel off-balance and misaligned. When the world begins to feel heavy, let these words be your anchor.
Return to your true self.
Return to peace.
- You May Also Like: 53 Gratitude Journal Prompts to Cultivate Joy Within
Looking for more affirmations? Check out these posts!
- 43 Creativity Affirmations to Inspire Your Limitless Imagination
- 65 Empowering Affirmations for a Success Mindset
- 50 Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
- 42 Body-Positive Affirmations for Total Self-Acceptance
- 50 Positive Affirmations to Remain Calm and Confident During Your Workday
- 35 Love Affirmations to Manifest Your Own Love Story
Affirmations for Peace
- All is well with my soul.
- I know deep inner peace.
- Eternal peace flows to and through me.
- I am calm, patient, and peaceful.
- I radiate calm, peace, and serenity.
- I am safe and supported, rooted in this present moment.
- In this moment, I have everything I need.
- I feel calm, relaxed, and at peace.
- I embrace my ability to remain calm in all situations.
- I choose to be patient with myself and others.
- I choose peace over worry.
- I feel peaceful, grounded, and secure.
- I chose faith over fear and peace over perfection.
- I hold space for myself and honor my needs.
- My heart is grateful and my mind is at peace.
- I inhale peace. I exhale worry.
- I am at peace with my past; I am in love with my present.
- I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
- I feel relaxed. I feel whole. This is exactly where I’m meant to be.
- I give myself the gift of unconditional love, compassion, and peace.
- Deep inner peace is my natural state.
- My inner world is filled with peace and serenity.
- Even when the world around me feels chaotic, I remain rooted firmly to the ground.
- When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I allow myself space to pause and breathe.
- I trust that everything is working out for my highest good.
- There is beauty to be found in slowing down.
- I release the need to control my life and surrender to this present moment.
- I bravely let go and allow the universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.
- I trust that the universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
- I have faith that everything works out for my highest good.
- My energy is not reserved for worrying. I use my energy to trust, believe, and have faith.
- I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
- I allow myself to slow down and find beauty in this present moment.
- Everything is unfolding for me in perfect timing. I release worry and choose to trust.
- Life is beautiful. I have time. All is well.
For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering quotes daily.
- You May Also Like: 33 Spirituality Journal Prompts to Connect to Your Spirit
Pin this for later! 35 Beautiful Affirmations for Peace and Serenity Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
How to Manifest in a Journal (A Complete Guide)
Looking to discover how you can manifest your dreams using nothing but a pen, paper, and your own imagination? In this post, discover how to manifest in a journal using powerful practices you can do in as little as 10 to 20 minutes a day.
Pin this! How to Manifest in a Journal (A Complete Guide) How to Manifest in a Journal
Manifestation is the practice of visualizing your dreams and desires and vibrating at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true. Because like attracts like, when you vibrate at the frequency of your desires, you’re attracting the very thing you desire to manifest in your current reality.
For instance, if you vibrate at the frequency of joy, you attract more joyful experiences to unfold in your daily life. If you vibrate at the frequency of love, you become a magnet for love in all forms. And if you vibrate at the frequency of gratitude and appreciation, you attract more positive people, things, resources, and experiences to be grateful for.
Now, I should note that the definition I’ve given above describes conscious manifestation. Because the truth is, we manifest all kinds of things into our daily lives, whether it’s conscious or not.
Journaling is one of my favorite manifestation techniques because it allows me to be intentional with what exactly I want to manifest. While it’s easy to fall back into the mode of unconscious manifestation that I wrote about above, journaling allows you get clear about what you want as well as to lift yourself into the vibration of your dreams and desires. I especially like to journal in the morning as I find this allows me to set the foundation for a positive day. There’s something to be said for journaling in the evening, too, though, as it allows you to go to sleep with positive thoughts and feelings circulating through your subconscious brain.
Below, I list several different types of methods for manifesting using a journal, and I also provide you with instructions on how to get started. I like to incorporate all of these different practices into my daily journaling, and I find it helps to switch it up from time to time!
While these practices are all different, the following suggestions apply to all:
- Choose compassion over judgment and authenticity over perfection.
- Don’t try to edit as you write. Just allow whatever you write to be, even if it’s seemingly imperfect.
- View this as essential self-care time, and try to minimize distractions if possible.
- Don’t let the words solely live on the paper. Feel all of the positive emotions of what you want to manifest, and carry these high vibrations with you throughout your day.
Read below for powerful practices to manifest anything you want using nothing but a pen, paper, and your own thoughts.
- You May Also Like: 50 Inspiring Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
Scripting is one of my favorite manifestation techniques as it allows you to truly embrace your imagination, align with your dreams, and get clear about your intentions.
So what exactly is scripting?
Scripting is the act of writing your dreams and desires in a story-like form. It’s similar to visualization, except instead of solely envisioning your dreams in your mind’s eye, you’re using pen and paper to write down what exactly it is that you want to manifest.
The key to making scripting work is to treat it like you’re writing a story in that you only write in past and present tense, as if every single one of your dreams is happening or has already happened.
Here’s an example:
I wake up in a soft bed surrounded by plush pillows and cuddled with the love of my life and our sweet cat burrowed between us. As the sun rises, so does my energy. I feel excited to experience the magic and wonder of this day! I step onto the hardwood floors and tiptoe out the door, carefully shutting the door behind me. As I walk through the house to the kitchen, I feel a sense of awe and gratitude for this beautiful home I get to call my own. It is exactly the home of my dreams: two-story with hardwood floors and giant windows that allow the sunshine to stream through the glass. I take a moment to stand in front of the sliding glass door by the dining room, and I take in the beautiful sights just outside our home.
In this script, the writer is detailing a typical day in her dream life. As you can see, it’s all written in present tense. Rather than starting with, “In my dream life, I will wake up in a . . .” the writer starts as if this moment is in the here and now.
And that’s the key to scripting: bringing the future into the present moment. Instead of a distant dream, your desires belong in this moment right now. Everything becomes tangible and real in your current experience.
Here are a few more secrets to scripting:
- Don’t just write; feel. As you write about the feelings of love, peace, freedom, and abundance, don’t allow the words to solely exist on the paper; allow them to exist right now in this present moment within you. If you write about a joyful moment, let a smile gently tug at your lips. Feel that joy right now deep within. Feel freedom now. Feel peaceful now. Feel abundant now. Vibrate at the frequency of all your dreams and desires. When you do this, you won’t have to chase the life of your dreams, because all of your desires will be attracted to you.
- Express gratitude. Gratitude and love are the highest vibrations you can emit. When you express gratitude now as if your dreams have already come true, you’re not only vibrating at a higher frequency, but you’re showing the universe that you have trust and faith that all your beautiful dreams are on their way.
- Write what feels authentic to you. Do you prefer a small, cozy home over a giant mansion? Would you prefer a life of traveling over staying in one place? Are you dreams filled with quiet moments of peace and tranquility? Whatever you write, make sure it feels authentic and real to you. Just because someone else wants to live in a big mansion overlooking the city doesn’t mean that’s right for you. And if your dreams seem kind of out there and don’t make sense to others, that’s okay! The only thing that matters is that they feel right to you.
Steps to Begin Scripting
- Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. I think 15 – 20 minutes works well for scripting, but you can take more or less time depending on what works best for you. I like to have a special notebook or journal on-hand for this practice.
- Before you start, take a moment to connect with your breath. Take a deep inhale and a long, soulful exhale. Connect with your inner self. What are your dreams? What kind of life do you envision for yourself? What feels true and real to you?
- Put pen (or pencil) to paper and begin writing. Envision that you are living a day in your dream life. Write all the details of this day as if it’s happening right now. Remember to use the present tense!
- As you write, allow yourself to feel the positive emotions connected to your words and desires. What’s the primary emotions you feel during this ideal day? Joyful? Peaceful? Loving? Abundant? Truly embrace these feelings as you visualize and write.
- Express gratitude! Show appreciation for this beautiful life you’ve created. Express gratitude to the universe for supporting you and loving you in your journey. Let the feelings of true appreciation vibrate within.
- However you choose to end your scripting entry, carry the positivity with you even after you close your notebook. Let a soft smile lift your lips. Continue to express gratitude throughout your day. Walk through your day feeling the same feelings you felt in your visualization. Know that you are a magnet for all of your dreams and desires.
Scripting Prompts
- Write about a day in your dream life. Where do you wake up? How do you feel as you greet the day? What do you do on this day? Who are you surrounded by? Be as detailed as possible, and remember to express gratitude for all that you have.
- Write about your dream vacation. Where are you? Who are you with? What do you do? Write as though you are on this vacation right now, and use all of your senses to describe your experiences.
- Write about the phone call that changes your life for the better. Who is on the other end? What do they say? How do you feel? Who do you tell the good news to? How do you celebrate? What does this phone call mean to you, and what does it mean for your future?
- Write about the ideal day in your dream job. Where do you work? What do you do during the day? How do you interact with others? Why is this job so perfect for you?
- Write about your dream date. Describe the person you’re going out on a date with. Where do you go? What do you do? How’s the conversation between you? How do you feel? Describe what you feel when you look into this person’s eyes and the love that flows within you. Open your heart and let this be the beginning (or continuation) of a beautiful love story.
5 x 55 Method
This another popular way to manifest in a journal and is completely different from the scripting method.
While scripting involves creating the story of your dream life, the 5 x 55 method focuses on just one sentence.
One sentence written a total of 275 times.
Let’s break it down a little further:
The 5 x 55 method is a manifesting practice in which you narrow down what you wish to manifest to a single sentence or affirmation. Like scripting, this sentence is written in present tense, as if your desire has already occurred. And also like scripting, this method often involves expressing gratitude for your dreams and desires coming true.
Once you have that sentence, you will write that sentence 55 times for 5 days straight.
So Day 1, you write your sentence in a journal or notebook 55 times. Day 2, you write that same sentence 55 times again. Day 3, same thing. And Day 4 and Day 5, also the same.
Here are some examples of the types of sentences you might write for this practice:
- “I am so grateful for the extra $500 I received this week!”
- “My heart is filled with so much joy and gratitude for the job offer that fell on my lap this week.”
- “I feel so happy and grateful for the synchronicities that aligned and brought me together with the love of my life.”
The key with this practice is to truly feel the emotions you’re expressing in your chosen affirmation. So if your affirmation expresses feelings of joy and abundance, feel those emotions as you’re writing your sentence. Feel deep appreciation for this dream coming true in your reality.
Another important and often overlooked component of this practice is to carry these feelings within you throughout your day. So if you desire to manifest financial abundance, carry the feelings of abundance and prosperity with you as you walk through this day. You don’t want to simply write down your affirmation 55 times and then forget about it until tomorrow. You want to become the very embodiment of your dreams.
Steps to Complete the 5 x 55 Method
- Choose an affirmation that encompasses what you wish to manifest into your reality. Be specific. For instance, if you wish to manifest money, choose a dollar amount (i.e. $500 or $1,000) that you want to manifest. Be sure to express positive emotions and gratitude in your affirmation.
- Find a quiet spot where you can sit uninterrupted for 15 to 20 minutes. If you’re using a notebook, you may want to number the lines beforehand or mark the 55th line so you’ll know when to stop.
- Begin writing your affirmation 55 times. As you do this, feel the positive emotions you associate with this manifestation. Feel gratitude and appreciation for this manifestation coming true.
- When you’re done, continue throughout your day as if your dreams have all come true! Continue to vibrate at a high frequency.
- Repeat this practice for five days straight. Then let it go, feeling at peace knowing your manifestation is already coming true.
Journal Prompts
Not sure what to write about? Turn to journal prompts for guidance! A journal prompt is a question or statement designed to help you get in touch with your inner self. Usually, you’ll respond to the prompt in a long-form journal entry.
I love journal prompts because they often inspire thoughts and ideas I likely wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. For manifestation purposes, journal prompts are often designed to help you align with your intentions, lift your vibrations, express gratitude, and feel all of the positive emotions of your desired manifestation.
To start with journal prompts, you can check out my post, 10 Journal Prompts to Manifest Your Dream Life.
I’ve also linked to a few more websites with high-vibe manifestation journal prompts below!
Steps to Using Journal Prompts for Manifestation
- Find a list of manifestation journal prompts that resonate with you. Google and Pinterest will be your best friends here! You can also check out my blog post with journal prompts I linked to above as well as the ones I linked to below. When you find some you want to use, I’d recommend saving them somewhere they’ll be easily accessible when it comes time to journal.
- Find a quiet, safe spot where you can journal for fifteen to twenty minutes without distractions. You may choose to take more or less time depending on your preferences.
- Choose the journal prompt you want to work with. Now, all you have to do is answer the prompt! Know that there’s no right or wrong way to respond to the journal prompt as long as it feels authentic and true for you. Also, if you find yourself straying from the prompt, that’s okay! You’re not being graded here. If you find that your inner flow is taking you elsewhere, follow it and see where it leads. Finally, set aside self-criticism and self-judgment. No matter what, choose to have compassion and love for yourself during this process.
Here are a few more journal prompts to help you get started!
- Inspiring Life Dreams’ 50 Manifestation Journal Prompts for a Beautiful Life
- Court’s Universe Daily Journaling Prompts for Inner Growth & Manifestation
- The Millenial Grind’s 50 Journal Prompts for Manifesting
- Samantha Warren’s 10 Law of Attraction Journal Prompts to Manifest Your Desires!
As I mentioned above, gratitude and love are the highest vibrations you can emit. Your journaling doesn’t have to be specifically manifestation-focused in order to attract your dreams and desires. Instead, you can focus on gratitude, knowing that the more you feel grateful for all that you have, the more wonderful things you attract into your reality to be grateful for.
Gratitude journaling can take many different forms. You might choose to have a separate journal dedicated to listing things you feel grateful for every morning. You can also free-write journal entries in which you express gratitude throughout your writing.
Again, journal prompts can be super helpful to help you get started. For inspiration, you can check out my post, 53 Gratitude Journal Prompts to Cultivate Joy Within.
I won’t list steps here because gratitude journaling can take many different forms, but like other practices, make sure to dedicate enough time to sitting quietly somewhere you won’t be distracted. And again, let yourself feel the positive emotions of what you’re writing. Express sincere appreciation for all that you have and all that’s coming.
Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be grateful. When you choose to focus on appreciation for all that you have rather than focusing on scarcity and all that’s seemingly going wrong, you invite more beautiful and positive moments into your daily experience.
Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are present-tense statements that are designed to uplift and encourage while boosting self-belief and supporting your overall wellbeing.
They’re also a powerful tool in manifestation.
Why? Because the quickest way to manifest anything into your life is to feel the emotions of your desired manifestation right now.
Positive affirmations are near-instant vibration raisers. They allow you to feel the positive emotions of your dreams and desires right now in your present-day experience.
So how do you use positive affirmations to manifest in a journal?
Decide what it is that you want to manifest. Are you looking to manifest a loving relationship or financial prosperity? Whatever it is that you want to attract, connect with the feeling associated with that manifestation. If you’re looking to manifest love, choose affirmations that connect with the feeling of being unconditionally loved, exactly as you are. If you want to manifest money, choose affirmations that are connected with feelings of freedom and abundance.
As you sit down to write, focus not just on the words of the affirmations but on the feelings they inspire. Like a gratitude journal, an affirmation journal can take many forms. You may choose to have a separate journal purely dedicated to positive affirmations. (I actually have two journals. In one, I free-write for about twenty minutes every morning. In the other, I write three positive affirmations and three things I’m grateful for.)
You can also dedicate an entire journal entry solely to positive affirmations. I’ve written positive affirmations for twenty to thirty minutes straight, and when I’m done, I always feel strong, inspired, and empowered.
If you want, you can also throw in some Future Pacing Affirmations in there. A Future Pacing Affirmation is similar to the type of sentence you created in the 5 x 55 method: it’s an expression of gratitude for your dreams and desires already coming true. Here are some examples:
- I am a successful entrepreneur making $10,000 a month. Clients are lining up to work with me, and I am continuing to achieve more success every single day.
- I am married to the love of my life. We live a beautiful, quiet life in the countryside with acres of land and a house large enough to grow our family. My partner loves, protects, and supports me unconditionally. I feel so grateful and lucky every single day to live this life.
- I am a thriving college graduate. I graduated at the top of my class, and now companies are fighting with each other to hire me. I’m getting six-figure offers and that number is only going up!
Here are some blog posts to help you get started in using affirmations in your manifestation journal:
- 65 Positive Affirmations for Manifestation
- 50 Empowering Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
- 35 Love Affirmations to Manifest Your Own Love Story
- 75 Self-Love Affirmations to Celebrate Your Worthiness
What are your favorite practices for manifesting in a journal? Have you had success using a journal to manifest your desires? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!
For more manifestation tips, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
Pin this! How to Manifest in a Journal (A Complete Guide) Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Inspirational Vision Board Quotes (With Images)
Looking to create an empowering vision board that will help you set goals and manifest your dreams? Below, discover 30 inspirational vision board quotes, plus save and print the quote images to add to your vision board and keep you feeling uplifted, inspired, and empowered.
Pin this! 30 Inspiring Vision Board Quotes (With Images) What is a Vision Board?
A vision board is a collection of words and/or images that represent your highest self living your ideal life. Common components of a vision board might include your career, relationships, home, car, health, wealth, spirituality, lifestyle, hobbies, self-care activities, and anything that represents the life of your dreams. There truly is no limit to what you can include on your vision board as you’re the only one who knows the dreams in your heart.
Vision boards are typically used for goal-setting purposes and can be a powerful tool in manifestation. They help you to set your intentions and get clear about what exactly it is that you want to manifest into your experience. They can also be used for the purpose of raising your vibration. In fact, I think this is where a vision board truly shines.
A vision board isn’t purely about setting goals; it’s about allowing yourself to experience all of the positive feelings of having all of your hopes and dreams right now. Is your board filled with images of travel, adventure, and freedom? Or is your deepest desire to have stability, a beautiful home, and a loving relationship?
Whatever it is that you dream of, allow yourself to feel all of the positive emotions of having it all right now.
Allow yourself to feel freedom. Feel love. Feel passion. Feel abundance. Feel all of these positive emotions now, knowing in your heart that you create your abundance from within.
When you focus on the lack and absence of your desires, you attract more lack into your current experience. But if you vibrate at the frequency of already living the life of your dreams, you attract more of this beautiful abundance to you.
And that’s the magic of the vision board.
It isn’t simply about slapping some pretty images on a poster board and glancing at it from time to time.
It’s about knowing that you have the power to create your life and showing the universe exactly what it is that you want – then through your thoughts and emotions, drawing that life to you.
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How to Make a Vision Board
When you think of a vision board, you might imagine a poster board or bulletin board covered in images from magazines and/or the internet. And while this is definitely still a powerful way to create your vision board, know that there are other options!
My first vision board was what I called a “vision web,” and it was simply a sheet of paper with my name in the middle and lines that branched off the circle. At the end of each line, I wrote one to two sentences in present tense that described my dreams (i.e. “I am a writer . . .”). You can start off with something similar, or you can choose to draw your dreams instead of writing them. (Or both!)
I also like to keep a portable vision board with me at all times on my phone. I do this two ways: through an app and by saving images to a dedicated album in my photos. My app of choice is VisuApp, which allows me to add images, categorize them, and even add empowering affirmations to my photos. In my photos on my phone, I have an album called My Life in which I save photos that resonate with me. These photos range from a beautiful house and my dream kitchen to my dream wardrobe to photos of gorgeous meadows and the night sky, which represent freedom and peace to me.
And of course, you can definitely print and cut photos, then glue or tape them on a medium as big or small as you’d like, from a poster board to a sheet of paper.
However you choose to approach your vision board, have fun with it! It’s okay if you forget to add some things or if you change your mind about any of the images you’ve chosen. Your first vision board doesn’t have to be your one and only. You can change it as many times as you need before it finally feels right, and it’s totally normal for some of your dreams to change in time. Especially when you start to realize that some of the things you’ve put on your board have already come true.
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Tips for Creating a Vision Board
- Think big. When you start to create your vision board, you might be tempted to only add things to it that seem “realistic.” But who actually says what’s realistic and what isn’t? Fill your board with the biggest, most extravagant dreams you’ve got. All of it. Let limits be a part of someone else’s story. You’re the one writing your story. You’re creating your path. You. Are. Limitless.
- Add quotes. Empowering quotes and affirmations are an often overlooked yet profound part of your vision board. Find quotes and affirmations that truly resonate with you. I’ve included 30 of my favorite vision board quotes below. If any resonate with you, you can add them to your own vision board. You can save any of the images below to your device and add them to the vision board album you create on your phone, or you can print them and add to your physical vision board (or bullet journal).
- Create in a state of joy. When you create your vision board, try to find a time and place when you’re free from distractions. As you create your board, allow yourself to feel all the positive feelings associated with your dreams. Let joy and peace permeate your being. Know that you’re on the right path, and this is exactly where you’re meant to be.
- Choose authenticity over perfection. When you create your vision board, you’re not just envisioning your perfect life; what’s more important is creating your authentic life. What feels true to you? Maybe it’s not something that would make sense to anyone else, and that’s okay. It doesn’t have to as long as it feels right to you.
Vision Board Quotes
- “Follow your bliss.”
2. “The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.” – Fabienne Fredrickson
3. “You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
4. “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey
5. “Always remember, this dream was planted in your heart for a reason.”
6. “Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not.” – Deepak Chopra
7. “Do what brings you to life, then. Follow your fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
8. “I’m on the path. The path is unfolding. It will reveal itself to me in its perfect timing, and all is really well.” – Abraham Hicks
9. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
10. “Your inner knowing always knows the way.”
11. “Believe you deserve it and the Universe will serve it.”
12. “Be the one who decided to go for it.”
13. “What’s coming is better than what is gone.”
14. “Create the life you can’t wait to wake up to.”
15. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
16. “Choose courage over comfort. Choose whole hearts over armor. And choose the great adventure of being brave and afraid. At the exact same time.” – Brene Brown
17. “You are here to create your very own fairy tale.” – Abraham Hicks
18. “Perhaps imagination is not where we go to escape reality but where we go to remember it.” – Glennon Doyle
19. “You’ll see it when you believe it.” – Wayne Dyer
20. “When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending.” – Brene Brown
21. “What’s yours will find you.”
22. “Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.”
23. “Don’t dance around the perimeter of the person you want to be. Dive deeply and fully into it.” – Gabrielle Bernstein
24. “Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.” – John Updike
25. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho
26. “The only force that can stop me is me.”
27. “Anything I can imagine, I can create.”
28. “Trust that feeling. It’s your life force. Your genius. Your destiny screaming to be realized.” – Marie Forleo
29. “If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.” – Michele Ruiz
30. “You are what you manifest.”
Have you ever created a vision board? What’s your favorite way to create your vision board? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!
And for more manifestation tips, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
More Quotes and Affirmations:
- 30 Inspiring Marie Forleo Quotes to Embrace Your Magic
- 30 Profound Deepak Chopra Quotes to Lift Your Spirits
- 75 Self-Love Affirmations to Celebrate Your Worthiness
- 50 Empowering Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
Pin this! 30 Inspiring Vision Board Quotes (With Images) Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale Explained
Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale is a powerful way to raise your vibrations and elevate your emotions in a healthy and profound manner. Below, learn all about the Emotional Guidance Scale, including why and how to use it and practices you can utilize to lift your emotions.
Pin this! Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale Explained What is the Emotional Guidance Scale?
I first learned about the Emotional Guidance Scale when reading Esther and Jerry Hicks’ Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires. In Chapter Twenty-Two of this book, we’re introduced to the Emotional Guidance Scale, a list of commonly felt emotions that range from emotions that we typically associate with being the most positive, such as Joy, Love, and Empowerment, to those we usually deem most negative, such as Depression and Grief.
In between those strong emotions are a bunch of other commonly felt emotions, such as Contentment, Boredom, Disappointment, and Doubt.
The Emotional Guidance Scale is used to assess where your emotions are now and to always reach for a better feeling thought. For example, if I assessed my emotions right now, I might say I’m pretty content. Content isn’t a bad place to be, but what if I could feel even better? What practices could I do to lift my emotions? What thoughts feel good to me right now? I might look at my vision board and visualize all my desires coming true. I imagine what it will feel like when all the dreams on my vision board are my reality, and I allow myself to feel those feelings right now. And it works: I’ve moved from Contentment to Optimism.
The Emotional Guidance Scale is kind of like a ladder. Optimism might turn into Positive Expectations, which turns into Enthusiasm, then Passion, and finally, I’m feeling Joy, Love, and Freedom.
Below is the Emotional Guidance Scale in full. In this post, I’ll explain why you would use it, how to use it, and methods to utilize to keep climbing the ladder so you can align with the highest vibrations possible.
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Why Use the Emotional Guidance Scale
Have you heard the phrase raise your vibrations?
Personally, I see these words several times a day on Instagram, Pinterest, and other various websites. As I discuss in this post, I’m actually not entirely sure how I feel about the phrase. I love the positivity in it, and that’s why I continue to use it, but I think when we say that we’re raising our vibrations, we’re leaving out something pretty monumental: the fact that you, yourself, are already the essence of high vibrations.
What do I mean by this?
Those highest vibrations at the top of the Emotional Guidance Scale? Joy, Knowledge, Empowerment, Freedom, Love, and Appreciation. Those are your very foundation. Those feelings are who you are at your core. They can never be taken away from you, not even when you’re having a bad week or month or even year. (Insert Friends reference here.)
So you’re not truly raising your vibrations; you’re releasing anything that weighs you down, leaves you feeling low, and takes away from who you truly are. You’re getting rid of the bad stuff that causes you to lose sight of yourself.
You are a high-vibrational being. High vibrations are your essence, being, and birthright. And all those emotions at the top of the Emotional Guidance Scale? You deserve to be aligned with them every single day.
Which is why the Emotional Guidance Scale is a profound way to get yourself into that good-feeling state you were always meant to be in. And if you believe in the Law of Attraction and manifestation, you know the importance of high vibrations. At the heart of manifestation is the belief that what we give out into the world is what we receive in return. So if you emit joy, love, and positivity into the world, you’ll receive even more of this right back to you. (Not to mention, you are worthy and deserving of a life where you feel joyful and loved and positive every single day.)
The Emotional Guidance Scale allows you to gauge where your current emotions are and reach for an improved feeling. And this is important. You see, often times, when someone uses the phrase raise your vibrations, we automatically think we should go all-out and feel joyful and passionate and all that good stuff. But what happens if you’re feeling grief or depression? What if you’re in a state of complete despair?
Are you supposed to force yourself to jump straight to joy? (Again, if you believe in the Law of Attraction, you might think you’re supposed to be feeling joyful and that your current state is inherently wrong.)
No. Absolutely not. In fact, this can be detrimental to your healing and often makes a person feel even worse. For one, jumping from depression to joy would be nearly impossible, so if you’re not able to get yourself into that state of joy and love, you might feel like you somehow failed. And forcing yourself to make this jump likely means you’re suppressing emotions, which keeps the negative emotions within your body, not allowing you to fully heal so you can release them.
The Emotional Guidance Scale offers a gentler solution. It reminds you that you don’t have to jump straight into a high-vibe feeling you’re not ready for. Rather, you can continually reach for a better feeling emotion, climbing the ladder one rung at a time.
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How to Use The Emotional Guidance Scale
I do want to make one important point before we go any further: the words on the Emotional Guidance Scale aren’t actually all that important. They shouldn’t be used as guidelines or instructions for how you should feel next. For example, if you’re in a state of Anger, you don’t need to look at the scale and say, “Okay, next rung up is Discouragement, then Blame. Those should be my next feelings.”
Rather, you should simply focus on reaching for an improved feeling, no matter where you are and no matter what the “next rung up” looks like. Focus less on the words on the list and more on how you feel and the actions you can take to help yourself feel better. Another reason you shouldn’t focus too much on the words on the list is because these words might mean different things to different people. My personal relationship with feelings of Guilt and Unworthiness might be different than yours. My perception or definition of those emotions might also differ.
So how do you use the Emotional Guidance Scale? It’s less of a tool to instruct you on what you should feel next and more of a tool to help you gauge where you are now and to feel empowered when you recognize that you have the ability to lift yourself up.
It all starts with this thought, from Ask and It Is Given: “Right now I am going to find the best-feeling thought that I can. I am going to reach for more relief, more relief, more relief.”
So let’s say that I’m at a point in my life where I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. I lack purpose and direction. It feels like I’m eternally numb and that nothing will ever change that. I recognize that I’m experiencing depression.
What is the better feeling thought here?
It seems strange to think about, but hatred, revenge, anger, and blame are all better feeling thoughts.
So if I think about past experiences and start feeling angry about events that have occurred, and then I start blaming others for those events, at least I’m starting to feel again. And I can recognize that feeling anything is better than the numbness I experienced before. Maybe other people won’t understand why it’s a good thing that I’m feeling angry, but that’s okay. They don’t have to understand. As long as I understand that I’m at a better feeling than I was before, that’s all that matters.
I’ll let myself feel the anger for a while, as feeling this emotion is part of my healing journey, but I won’t stay there forever. I feel the anger, work through it, and finally, I release it. Now, I find that I’m in a state of disappointment, but I’m not angry. And disappointment is a better feeling thought than anger.
This is where the Emotional Guidance Scale comes in. You don’t have to look at it every day and assess your feelings, but spend some time consciously recognizing that you’re at a better feeling than you were before. Why? Because this recognition allows you to feel empowered. You recognize that you have some control over your feelings. As explained in Ask and It Is Given, every step higher up the scale speaks to your feeling of self-empowerment, and every step lower speaks to your feeling of disempowerment.
When you first start using the Emotional Guidance Scale, you likely will have to make a more conscious effort to gauge your emotions. It may not feel quite as natural when you’re just beginning. However, with time, it won’t just become easier, but you’ll possess a deeper and more profound understanding of your own inner world. You’ll be able to easily recognize your emotions and understand the methods you can utilize to get yourself into a better feeling state.
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Methods to Climb the Emotional Guidance Scale
So how do you get yourself in a better feeling state? Different methods will work for different people, and it may change depending on where you are on the scale. For instance, a practice that may work for you when you’re feeling bored may not work so well when you’re feeling depressed.
Below are some suggestions for practices you can utilize. You can try some of these and see what works best for you. You also might already know of some methods that help you raise your vibrations and lift yourself into a better feeling state.
Gratitude is one of the quickest ways to shift your mindset from one of negativity to one of positivity. It’s also a way to change your perspective from lack to abundance. When you choose gratitude, you’re no longer focusing on what you don’t have but rather on what you do have. And when you can look around you (and within) and see abundance in every area of your life, more abundance is drawn to you.
There are numerous ways to approach a gratitude practice, so find one that works best for you. Simply listing 3 things in your current world that you’re grateful for might be enough to lift you into a better feeling state. You might also look around your current environment and express appreciation for everything that is around you. You can also choose to express gratitude for all that’s within you: your heart, your breath, your talents and abilities, all the cells in your body that make you you. You can also choose to utilize a gratitude journal to help lift you into a better feeling state. (You can check out my gratitude journal prompts here.)
As mentioned above, some practices that work well when you’re already in the upper half of the Emotional Guidance Scale may not work as well when you’re in the lower half. For instance, when you’re feeling depressed, grieving, or fearful, this gratitude practice may not work as well. And that’s okay! There are other practices that may help when you’re feeling those lower emotions.
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I once heard the term visualization referred to as “intentional daydreaming” and it’s been my favorite way to describe this practice ever since. Visualization can mean a lot of things, but for purposes of lifting your vibrations, visualization is a tool you can use to align with the feelings of your dream life (and your highest self). While my favorite way to utilize this practice is when I have ten to twenty minutes to sit in quiet meditation, you can also do this when you only have a few minutes.
If you’re meditating, find a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted. I sometimes like to play soft instrumental music in the background. Visualize a day in your perfect, dream life. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Where are you? Who are you with? What kinds of things do you do during your day? See all the details of this perfect day play out before you, and allow yourself to feel the feelings of this beautiful dream like it’s happening right now. If you imagine that in your perfect life, you’ll feel peaceful, joyful, abundant, loved, and free, then allow yourself to feel those things right now.
You might also choose to utilize a vision board to help you in your visualizations. If you’re on the go, create a My Future album on your phone and save photos to it that represent your dream future. Look at it when you want to boost your mood and allow yourself to feel the positive feelings of having everything in those pictures right now.
Scripting is similar to visualization, but instead of visualizing your dreams in your mind, you’re writing them down on paper. In a journal or on a sheet of paper, describe your dream life, and don’t hold back. No dream is too big. The key here is to write in the present tense, as if everything you dream of is happening right now. So instead of saying, “I will be . . .” you’d say, “I am . . .”
When nothing else helps, I can always return to nature to guide me to better feeling thoughts. Walking outside, standing in the sunshine, or even a practice like gardening can help to connect you with your inner self, a higher power, and the universe as a whole. When I’m walking, I try to focus on my breath, and instead of drowning under my anxious thoughts, I pay attention to the world around me: the sky, the trees, the birds, the flowers, and everything in my outer environment that represents beauty and life. I’m a bit of a speed walker, so I’ve found that this works best if I consciously slow down and take my time. Where’s your favorite place in nature to be? See if you can go there for a little while. (And if you can’t, are you able to visualize it and experience the feelings of being there within?)
Other Ideas
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Journaling
- Self-Care Activities
- Creative Activities
- Chakra Healing
- Talking to someone you trust
- Affirmation Cards
- Gentle movement that feels good to you
- Breathing Exercises
For more practices, I’d definitely recommend checking out Ask and It Is Given, which gives a list of 22 practices to help you elevate your emotions and lift your spirits.
Final Notes
I mentioned this above, but I think it’s worth returning to and emphasizing: there may be people in your life who won’t understand this process. They may not understand why you’re glad to feel angry and even enraged. They may not get why doubt or worry are improvements over what you were feeling before.
And that’s okay.
Nobody else has to understand.
The important thing is to not let others get to you. You may hear things like, “Just be happy!” Someone may try to make you feel bad for choosing anger. Don’t let them.
Remember that you are allowed to feel whatever you need to feel in order to heal. You don’t want to stay in an angry or worried state forever, but you also don’t have to falsely force yourself to move past it before you’re ready.
Feel what you need to feel as you continue to work toward the better feeling thought.
Do you have any other questions about Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale? What practices help you get into a better feeling state? Share your questions and tips in the comment section below!
For more on raising your vibrations and manifesting your dream life, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
Pin this! Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale Explained Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.