65 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
Below, discover 65 positive affirmations for anxiety, plus tips and tricks on how and when to use affirmations. And be sure to check out the links at the bottom of this page for more inspiring and uplifting affirmations.
65 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Positive Affirmations
My first encounter with positive affirmations (that I remember) came in 2014. I’d found a list of 100 positive body affirmations somewhere online and copied and pasted the list into an email I sent to myself. I remember opening the email a few times after that and silently reading through the lines, but in the years that followed, I forgot about the list as it got pushed lower and lower in my inbox.
I’m pretty good about deleting emails and keeping my inbox neat and tidy, but somehow, that affirmations email survived all these years. However, it was only recently that I finally opened it up again and read through it for the first time in years.
And when I did, something struck me about the affirmations I was reading.
Over the past year, I’ve really cultivated a life where affirmations are part of my everyday self-care routine. I include affirmations in my journaling. I silently recite them to myself as I’m getting ready for the day or when I’m out driving. Sometimes, when my heart needs some soul-affirming words, I’ll meditate to guided affirmation meditations. And I also share my affirmations every morning in my Instagram stories, hoping that they might help at least one person the way they help me.
When I opened that email, I realized that the affirmations in that list weren’t really all that different from the ones I’ve been using over the past year.
I’ve had these positive words right at my fingertips all this time, but I never really knew how to use them.
How to Use Affirmations
This experience reminded me of an important lesson: affirmations are really powerful, but sometimes we need some gentle guidance before we know how to truly use them.
You see, I had these affirmations right in front of me for years, but whenever I looked at them, they were just words. I knew I liked and wanted to believe the words on the screen, but I didn’t know how to get the words to resonate.
So before I list these positive affirmations for anxiety, I want to take a minute to lay out a few key points for using affirmations so you can truly get the most possible good out of these words.
Tips & Tricks to Using Affirmations
- Stay in the Present Tense: Let’s use the affirmation, “I am worthy,” as an example. It isn’t, “I will be worthy when I land my dream job,” or “Once I lose twenty pounds, I’ll finally be worthy of unconditional love.” (I don’t even like writing those words.) The affirmation is, “I am worthy.” Right now. Just as I am. Own your worthiness in this present moment.
- Feel the Positive Emotions: Words are powerful, but often, the reason words are so powerful is because they trigger emotions in us. If I blandly and unemotionally recited affirmations without really feeling the power of the words, it wouldn’t get me very far. So when I say, “I am worthy,” I don’t start with the words that come out of my mouth; I start in my heart center. I let my worthiness permeate inside me. You see, these words aren’t just for your brain; these words are for your body and your spirit as well.
- Don’t Force It When It Doesn’t Feel Right: Maybe you see positive affirmations on your Instagram or Pinterest feeds, and you think, “Well, since everyone else can recite these affirmations with ease, I should be able to, too.” But I gently and lovingly plead, don’t do that. Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s. Don’t think that this should be easy. Like I said above, words are powerful, and that means saying them isn’t always easy. If you recite a positive affirmation, but in the back of your mind, you’re really saying, “Yeah right,” this is going to do more harm than good. This doesn’t mean you’re stuck where you’re at, though. I empower you to use modifications to any affirmation that doesn’t feel right. Here are some examples:
- Instead of “I am worthy,” you could say, “I am open to seeing my inherent worthiness.”
- Or, “I am willing to see all the ways in which I am worthy.”
- Also: “I am learning how to own my worthiness, even when it isn’t easy.”
- And this one: “I am becoming someone capable of seeing my own inherent worthiness.“
When to Use Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
I wanted to come up with a list of positive affirmations for anxiety because I’ve noticed that in my personal experience, these seem to be the moments I struggle with self-talk the most.
It’s become easy for me to own my worthiness and to assert that I am confident, strong, resilient, and all of those really good things when life is going well. And I’m super grateful for this, because it wasn’t always easy.
But in those harder moments when my heart feels hot and my chest feels tight and everything seems to be closing in on me?
In those moments, it’s not so easy.
Anxiety comes in all different shapes and forms. For me, my anxiety peaks when I feel like I have to do too much to do and not enough time. It also emerges when I’m entering into new and/or unfamiliar social situations.
The affirmations below are broken into five sections: Positive Affirmations for Anxiety – All Situations; Affirmations for Social Anxiety; Affirmations for Time Anxiety; Affirmations for Gym Anxiety; and Affirmations for Choosing Faith Over Fear.
I encourage you to use these affirmations during any time they might serve you. You could use them as preventative care to help you before you enter into a situation that may cause increased anxiety. You can also use them during any anxious situation.
65 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
Positive Affirmations for Anxiety – All Situations
- I choose peace over worry.
- I choose authenticity over perfection.
- I inhale love. I exhale suffering.
- My heart is grateful. My mind is at peace.
- I am safe and supported, rooted in this present moment.
- All experiences shape me to be a stronger and braver version of myself.
- I have the courage to step forward, even when I’m afraid.
- I am equipped with all the tools I need to walk through this experience with dignity and grace.
- I rise above my insecurities.
- I am not my thoughts.
- I am not my fears.
- It is safe for me to be my authentic self.
- I show compassion for myself in all situations.
- It’s okay for me to feel anxious. I respond to my anxiety with love and compassion.
- I allow myself to live in the moment and release any worries about the past or future.
- I am strong, capable, and resilient.
- I am far stronger than I realize.
Affirmations for Social Anxiety
- I am always embraced and welcomed when I enter a room.
- I am free to be my true and authentic self at all times.
- I seek connection, not validation, from others. I am always worthy, and I validate myself.
- I am welcome here.
- I am loved for my authenticity, not for the illusion of perfection.
- When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I give myself permission to step away and take a deep breath.
- My presence is delightful to others.
- I bring light to those around me.
- I am worthy of beautiful friendships and lasting relationships.
- Whatever happens, this experience is an opportunity for joy, growth, or both.
- I’m not alone in how I’m feeling.
- It’s right for me to feel this way.
- Social situations aren’t always easy, and I give myself love and grace in this moment.
- I am so grateful for my courageous heart for stepping outside my comfort zone.
Affirmations for Time Anxiety
- There is no rush.
- I have time to complete everything I need to do today.
- When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I allow myself to pause, step back, and breathe.
- No matter what gets done today or what gets left undone, I am equally worthy, no matter what.
- And no matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough.
- If I’m late, it really is okay. This is just one small moment in my life. It’s not forever.
- I will not rush through moments that matter to me.
- My worth is not defined by what I check off on my to-do list.
- Life is beautiful. I have time. All is well.
- There is beauty to be found in slowing down.
- I have time. I have time. I have time.
Do you want more positive affirmations? Check out 100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations to Change Your Life from the incredible and inspiring Liz in Lotus. Liz provides 100 inspiring affirmations broken down into four sections: Money, Love, Self-Love, and Health. Don’t miss Liz’s post to feel uplifted and inspired today!
Affirmations for Gym Anxiety
- My presence is welcomed here.
- All of the people in this gym are kind, generous, and understanding.
- If I need help, there are kind people who will be happy to help me.
- I don’t have to go all out today. I just have to take the first step.
- I do not have to be perfect. I just have to show up.
- This is a really hard thing, and it’s okay to be afraid. I have the courage to push past my fear.
- I know that when I leave, I will be really glad that I came.
- I am proud of myself for having the courage to show up today.
- When I step outside my comfort zone, my confidence grows.
- When I step outside my comfort zone, my presence is welcomed by all.
- I am strong, confident, and capable of achieving more than I ever imagined.
- I have the courage to make positive choices for my mind, body and soul. I am prioritizing my total wellbeing. Because I love myself, I can do this.
Affirmations for Choosing Faith Over Fear
- I trust and listen to my intuition, even when I’m afraid.
- I choose courage over fear and peace over perfection.
- I release doubt and welcome faith.
- I trust and believe that everything is always working out for my highest good.
- I cultivate deep courage and compassion within my mind, body, and spirit.
- Everything is unfolding in perfect timing. I release worry and choose to trust.
- I bravely let go and allow the universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.
- I trust that the universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
- My energy is not reserved for worrying. I use my energy to trust, believe, and have faith.
- I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
- All is really well.
Do you use affirmations to help you in anxious moments? And have you found any other self-care practices to help you when anxiety starts to creep in? Share your affirmations and practices in the comments below!
Discover More Positive Affirmations
- 100 Positive Affirmations for Women
- 40 Gentle Affirmations for Healing
- 35 Positive Affirmations to End Your Day
- 100 Wholehearted Promises to Make to Yourself Today
65 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
40 Positive Affirmations for Healing
While uplifting, inspiring, and joyful affirmations are essential for a complete self-love routine, sometimes, we need something a little softer. In this post, I share 40 positive affirmations for healing to bring you comfort and relief, no matter where you are in your healing journey.
40 Gentle Affirmations for Healing Updated December 3rd, 2021
About Positive Affirmations for Healing
What do you think of when you hear the term positive affirmations?
For me, this has always carried a connotation of joy, confidence, and optimism. I’ve often used affirmations to assert my worthiness, raise my confidence, and instill a strong and unwavering sense of self-belief.
But the truth is, affirmations aren’t always full of perk, pep, and cheer.
Sometimes, affirmations are soft and unassuming. Sometimes, they feel like a deep, cleansing breath. A cool drink of water. A quiet, unassuming hand on your shoulder offering support and asking for nothing in return.
Sometimes, affirmations feel like forgiveness.
Sometimes, they feel like that last thread of hope that you cling onto with a strength and ferocity you didn’t even know you had.
And sometimes, they feel like comfort. Like a warm blanket gently settling over your body, mind, and soul.
Chances are, if you’re reading this right now, you’ve experienced deep pain at some point if your life. Maybe that pain is still part of your current experience. Maybe you’ve healed, but every once in a while, it arises again in the most unexpected moments, leaving you to pick up the pieces all over again. It’s likely that the pain you’ve experienced has changed you in some way. You may even still be trying to come to terms with those changes: releasing the person you once were and rediscovering the person you are now.
Above all else, have compassion for your pain.
There is no timeline dictating when you should be fully healed. You don’t have to just “get over it.” You don’t need to force yourself to feel better.
And if you were doing better, and one day the pain arises again, making you feel like you’re right back in that dark place you were in months or years or even decades ago, that’s okay. Pain is not linear. You are allowed to heal from the same pain over and over again, even if it’s years later.
This isn’t backtracking.
This is part of your journey forward.
Below are 40 positive affirmations for healing. Know that these affirmations do not need to be recited with perk and pep. These affirmations can be soft. Quiet. Unassuming. Once you read them, they belong to you. Not me. Not anyone else. So make them yours, and find somewhere you feel safe, secure, and comfortable to recite the ones that resonate most with you.
Let them be a warm blanket, covering your body and healing your soul
Positive Affirmations for Healing
- I honor my past experiences, but I do not allow them to take away from my current joy.
- I am safe and supported, rooted in this present moment.
- I allow myself to move slowly through this healing journey and take my time.
- I lean into my emotions, no matter how uncomfortable they feel.
- Emotional releases are good for me.
- I will be gentle with myself today.
- Every day, I become a little braver.
- Every day, I love myself a little more.
- I am healing more and more every day.
- I allow myself to take time for me.
- When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I allow myself space to pause and breathe.
- I am safe to open my heart to new people, opportunities, and experiences.
- My past experiences have shaped me to be a stronger and braver version of myself.
- I forgive those who have harmed me in the past and peacefully detach from them.
- The world needs more of me, not less.
- I show compassion for myself always.
- I have the power to change my story.
- I am far stronger than I realize.
- I love myself fully, even the parts I once judged and neglected, because all of me is worthy of love.
- It’s okay if all I do today is just breathe.
- I know that healing is not linear, and I accept my good days and my bad days, knowing I will be okay.
- I make space for all my feelings, but I have the power to rise above anything that doesn’t serve my highest good.
- I am allowed to heal from the same pain over and over again.
- I know that when I heal myself, I help to heal the world.
- Even when the world around me is cloaked in darkness, I can always find the light.
- I love and honor both my darkness and my light.
- My feelings are real. My feelings are valid. My feelings matter.
- I am allowed to put myself first and prioritize my needs.
- I am allowed to say no to anything that doesn’t support my highest good.
- I release the compulsion to bury my emotions with busyness.
- I am a real, breathing human being. Not a statistic.
- I forgive myself.
- I am allowed forgiveness.
- I am sometimes scared, but I move forward anyway.
- I am worthy of a beautiful, joyful, wholehearted life.
- I trust that everything is working out for my highest good.
- I release the need to control my life and surrender to this present moment.
- When I’m caught in life’s rainstorms, I do not shrink or wither; I bloom.
- Healing is personal and sacred. My healing journey is my own.
- I allow myself to take one small step at a time.
For more beautiful inspiration, check out these uplifting blog posts from the incredible Liz from Liz in Lotus!
- Happiness Can’t Be Found Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- 100 Amazingly Powerful Affirmations to Change Your Life
More Posts You Might Like
- 35 Positive Affirmations to End Your Day
- 100 Wholehearted Promises to Make to Yourself Today
- 4 Undeniable Reasons Why You Are Not Broken
- 35 Epic Morning Affirmations to Create a Beautiful Day
For more affirmations, be sure to check out my free ebook, 400 Powerful Affirmations Designed to Uplift, Inspire, and Empower Your Highest Self.
40 Gentle Affirmations for Healing Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Most Profound Deepak Chopra Quotes
Below, I share 30 of my all-time favorite Deepak Chopra quotes. No matter where you are in life and how you’re feeling, each beautiful quote is meant to uplift, inspire, encourage, and bring comfort to your mind, body, and spirit.
30 Profound Deepak Chopra Quotes Deepak Chopra is an author, public speaker, alternative medicine advocate, and leader in the New Age movement. His words have inspired millions to go after their dreams, live their truths, and cultivate deep relationships between their own minds, bodies, and spirits.
Personally, I find Deepak Chopra’s quotes comforting, inspiring, and often, they’re the exact words I need to hear. I have a handful of writers I can turn to when I’m unable to find the words within myself to lift myself out of a funk, or when I need to gather the courage to step forward onto an unfamiliar path, and he’s at the top of that list.
So when I thought about whose words I wanted to share with you here, I didn’t give it a second thought.
Below are 30 of my all-time favorite Deepak Chopra quotes, meant to comfort, uplift, inspire, and hopefully resonate within you. Feel free to save, share, and turn to these words when you need an extra dose of comfort, inspiration, and love.
Deepak Chopra Quotes
1. “You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” 2. “Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not.” 3. “You alone are the judge of your worth and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks.”
Deepak Chopra4. “The past is gone, the future is not here, now I am free of both. Right now, I choose joy.” 5. “If you restore balance in your own self, you will be contributing immensely to the healing of the world.” 6. “In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. It will be a permanent Self, rooted in awareness and creativity. Once you have captured this, you have captured the world.”
Deepak Chopra7. “Look at the world as a reflection of your inner state.” 8. “In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” 9. “When you expand your awareness, seemingly random events will be seen to fit into a larger purpose.”
Deepak Chopra10. “But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you.” 11. “Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment.” 12. “The whole world opens when we accept this moment, this very moment.”
Deepak Chopra13. “The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.” 14. “Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real.” 15. “Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there.”
Deepak Chopra16. “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.” 17. “The use of love is to heal. When it flows without effort from the depth of the self, love creates health.” 18. “Stop. Take three deep breaths and smile everywhere in your body, observing what’s happening in your body. Proceed now with kindness and understanding.”
Deepak Chopra19. “The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself.” 20. “If you try to get rid of fear and anger without knowing their meaning, they will grow stronger and return.” 21. “I teach people that no matter what the situation is, no matter how chaotic, no matter how much drama is around you, you can heal by your presence if you just stay within your centre.”
Deepak Chopra22. “Our future is created from choices we make every minute.” 23. “Holding on to anything is like holding on to your breath. You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go and it will be yours forever.” 24. “To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.”
Deepak Chopra25. “You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.” 26. “There are no accidents… there is only some purpose that we haven’t yet understood.” 27. “I was very afraid at the beginning, until Master told me that pain isn’t the truth; it’s what you have to get through in order to find the truth.”
Deepak Chopra28. “I am here to serve. I am here to inspire. I am here to love. I am here to live my truth.” 29. “Simply with a change of mind you can change your life.” 30. “You’re a spiritual being having a human experience. You’re not a human being having a spiritual experience.”
Deepak Chopra
Do you have a favorite Deepak Chopra quote that wasn’t on the list? Share it in the comments below! And if you have a favorite writer who inspires you, let me know so I can feature them in a future post!
Discover More Inspiring Quotes
- 10 Inspiring Abraham Hicks Quotes (For Instagram)
- What is Mindfulness? Plus 15 Powerful Mindfulness Quotes
To Learn More About Deepak Chopra
30 Profound Deepak Chopra Quotes Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
35 Positive Night Affirmations to End Your Day
Looking for some positive night affirmations to recite as you end your day? Morning affirmations get all the spotlight, but night affirmations are just as important for your self-care routine! Below, I give you 35 of my favorite night affirmations to help you end your day on a positive note. Plus download your free printable affirmations below!
Pin this for later! 35 Positive Affirmations to End Your Day Updated September 2nd, 2021
Why Use Night Affirmations?
I am 100% guilty of focusing on positive affirmations in the morning and even the afternoon while completely abandoning them at night.
It’s an easy trap to fall into.
For me, I have a morning routine that includes journaling for 30 minutes right when I wake up. And almost always, these journal entries include some high-vibe, uplifting affirmations to help me start the day feeling positive and inspired. My workouts are also done early in the day, which is another time I repeat positive affirmations to myself. And I’m pretty decent at remembering to silently recite affirmations when I’m out and about, or when I get a few seconds to pause during work.
But when it comes to the evening, I’m not the best at reaffirming my worthiness. Or simply reminding myself that everything I did today was enough. And the things I didn’t do? Those things are okay, too.
Because my worthiness is not defined by my achievements.
Recently, I set the intention to be more mindful with repeating nighttime affirmations. When I say this, know that this isn’t for the sake of just mechanically repeating positive words like a robot. The purpose of these affirmations is to be more mindful with my thoughts and the way I speak to myself, while owning my story and telling my own truths (especially when my pesky brain starts to return to bully mode).
Looking for more affirmations? Check out these posts!
- 43 Creativity Affirmations to Inspire Your Limitless Imagination
- 42 Body Positive Affirmations for Total Self-Acceptance
- 50 Positive Affirmations for Entrepreneurs
- 75 Self-Love Affirmations to Celebrate Your Worthiness
- 50 Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
- 50 Positive Affirmations to Remain Calm and Confident During Your Workday
What Are Positive Affirmations?
“I Am” Affirmations Positive affirmations are statements (usually made in the present-tense) designed to uplift and encourage while boosting self-belief and supporting your overall wellbeing.
The classic first two words of an uplifting affirmation are, “I am . . .”
However, an affirmation can start with any phrase that fits the context of what you want to affirm.
Here are a couple other common ways you might start an affirmation:
- I can . . .
- I accept . . .
- My (life, heart, body, worthiness) . . .
- I release . . .
- I have . . .
- All is . . .
- Everything is . . .
- I feel . . .
For further insight into affirmations, how to use them, and why they work, check out my post How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).
Positive Affirmations to End Your Day
Below are 35 positive night affirmations to help you ease into the comfort and quiet of nighttime as you settle down for the day. These night affirmations range in their desired effect; some are gentle and calm while others are uplifting and empowering. Feel free to save and share any that resonate with you!
Night Affirmations
- Everything I did today is leading me to a better tomorrow.
- My body is relaxed, and my heart is at peace.
- I offered my very best self today.
- Today wasn’t perfect, but it was beautiful.
- I release any worry or stress I felt today. I know that everything will be okay.
- When I choose to look for them, I can see how so many beautiful things happened for me today.
- I did my best today, and I’m proud of myself.
- I am grateful for every single experience I had today.
- Regardless of what I did or didn’t do today, I know that my worthiness is not defined by my achievements.
- I can see how all experiences I had today brought me either joy or growth.
- I have faith that everything works out for my highest good.
- I’m proud of myself for listening to my inner knowing, even when I felt afraid.
- I feel calm. I feel peaceful. All is really well.
- I surrender to this present moment and release any worries I felt today.
- I’m grateful for all that I learned today.
- I inhale peace. I exhale worry.
- There are so many reasons to be grateful for this day. I choose to focus on my appreciation.
- I feel calm, relaxed, and at peace.
- Instead of wishing I could change the past, I focus on this present moment.
- I release worry and choose to trust.
- A lot happened today, but I choose to live fully in this moment right now.
- I know that good things are always happening for me.
- I have the power to control my thoughts.
- No matter what was left undone today, I know that I am always enough.
- I am enough. I have always been enough. And I will always be enough.
- I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
- Even when things didn’t happen how I wanted, I know I’m on the right path.
- I feel relaxed. I feel whole. This is exactly where I’m meant to be.
- I am grateful for the hardships I experienced today because they allowed me to grow.
- I love myself fully now, just as I am, as I continue to grow.
- Everything is unfolding for me in perfect timing. I release worry and choose to trust.
- I know that tomorrow’s going to be another really beautiful day.
- Everything that happened today is bringing me closer to my dreams.
- My life is really beautiful. I wouldn’t change it for anything.
- I am grateful for every step of this journey and every second of my imperfect, messy, beautiful life.
Bonus – Meditations to End Your Day
As a bonus, here are some of my favorite meditations on the Insight Timer app for ending the day feeling calm, content, and peaceful.
- Liza Colpa’s Manifestation for a Good Night’s Rest and A Meditation for Manifesting a Reset After a Long Day
- Carrie Suwal’s Wash Away Heaviness and Find Peace
- Bethany Auriel-Hagan’s Breathing Into Sleep
What positive affirmations do you use to end your day? And have you found any tips or tricks to help remind you to keep affirming those uplifting words even as the day comes to a close? Feel free to drop a note in the comments below!
And for a daily dose of positive affirmations, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
Pin this for later! 35 Positive Affirmations to End Your Day Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Meditation
If you’re thinking about starting a meditation practice or interested in finding out how your current practice is benefitting you, read below for the science on 10 of the most significant health benefits of meditation.
Pin this for later! 10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Meditation Meditation
When I decided to try meditating for the first time, I was skeptical. Like many others, I was filled with doubts about whether I was even capable of meditating.
No way can I empty my brain of thoughts.
I’ll try it, but I’m not actually going to be good at it.
So I’m just supposed to do . . . nothing?
But through my meditation journey, I’ve learned that the goal of meditation isn’t to empty my brain of thoughts; the goal of meditation (mindfulness meditation, specifically) is to recognize (without judgment) when my thoughts have strayed and gently return to this present moment, over and over again.
Through this practice, I have learned how to become an objective observer of myself.
Which is a pretty big deal, after spending most of my life being a brutal self-critic.
To transform my default thoughts from inner bully to non-judgmental onlooker has been, well, pretty incredible.
In fact, these days, when I step out of my objective observer role, it’s to bring out my inner cheerleader. You see, most of my thoughts about myself now revolve around my own inherent worthiness. I now know I’m capable and deserving of living most honest and beautiful life I envision for myself.
I never imagined this path for myself when I reluctantly meditated for the first time several years ago.
However, I know that emphatic claims from family, friends, bloggers, and Instagram influencers can only go so far. Most of us need proof that meditation is so much more than just 10 minutes of sitting in silence.
That’s where the science comes in.
When I decided to tackle this subject, I had no idea what I’d find. Are there actually legitimate studies on the science-backed health benefits of meditation?
Yes, it turns out. Lots of them.
To say that I was blown away by the results would be an understatement; there are 1000s of studies and articles out there on the subject. (If you type “meditation benefits” in Google Scholar, you’ll get nearly 600,000 results.)
Below, I’ve compiled a list of 10 of the most compelling science-based health benefits of meditation.* These benefits come from multiple peer-reviewed studies and scholarly articles, and I’ve included links if you want to read deeper into each benefit.
*Please note that this content is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions regarding meditation and your personal health, please consult your doctor.
Health Benefit #1: Decreases Stress
This is a big one, and I list it first because decreased stress itself results in so many positive health benefits: improvements to your immune system, sleep quality, and weight management, to name a few.
First, I actually want to take a step back for a moment and say this: a little bit of stress in our lives isn’t actually such a bad thing.
Not that long ago, stress prompted our ancestors to run from the saber-toothed tigers. And now in our current world, stress propels us to swerve out of the way from that ongoing car. At its foundation, stress is meant to keep us alive.
But our bodies aren’t wired for the persistent stress we encounter today in work and our personal lives. And that’s why stress has become synonymous with a four-letter word in western culture.
But meditation can help.
Numerous studies have produced findings showing that meditation has a positive impact on a person’s stress levels.1 2 3 Studies even show that the use of a meditation app on your smartphone can significantly improve one’s stress levels. These apps may also generate an overall improvement in well-being, job strain, and perceptions of workspace social support.4 (Note that the meditation app Headspace offered free use of the app over the eight-week period in which the study occurred. However, it did not have any involvement in the actual study or conclusions formed.)
One study evaluated 351 full-time working adults with varying levels of meditation experience. The researchers found that those with more experience had higher levels of emotional intelligence, less stress, and better mental health.5
Health Benefit #2: Improves Mental Health
“Mental health” is a blanket term for one’s overall well-being, including our psychological, behavioral, and emotional states. Often, studies on the mental health benefits of meditation specifically focus on depression and anxiety.
One review that assessed 47 clinical trials and 3,515 total participants found evidence of improved anxiety and depression in patients over a period of just 8 weeks.6
Another study showed that meditation retreats resulted in reduced depression and anxiety as well as improved overall quality of life in its participants.7
Another two-year study followed 311 bipolar disorder II patients and found that meditation had positive effects on participants’ guilt, mood, and and feelings of helplessness.8
And lastly, another review found that meditation practices have been shown to be effective in reducing one’s anxiety symptoms.9
Health Benefit #3: Improves Immune System
A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Psychosomatic Medicine found that a mindfulness meditation practice can positively change immune function.10 Various other reviews and studies support these findings.11 12
One reason why meditation positively affects the immune system links back to #1 on this list: stress. Stress is known to suppress the immune system and can wreak havoc on the body. This results in chronic fatigue, metabolic disorders, and increased risk of heart disease, among other physical issues. By decreasing stress, a regular meditation practice can help your immune system work properly.
Health Benefit #4: Improves Brain Health
When it comes to our brain health, there’s promising evidence showing that meditation can have a significant positive impact.
One study found that meditation increased overall brain network integration. 13 And good news if you’re a non-experienced meditator: another study found that non-experienced meditators practicing just 13 minutes of meditation every day showed increases in mood and focus as well as increased working memory and recognition memory. And to top it off, these short meditation sessions produced similar positive behavioral effects as longer sessions. 14
Finally, another review assessed 13 separate studies, which all reported evidence of significant increases in grey matter in meditators’ brains.15 Grey matter is the outermost layer of the brain. It plays a vital role in how we function normally every day. While there’s still a lot of research to be done, this is compelling and hopeful evidence that meditation may positively impact and even offset neurodegenerative diseases.
Health Benefit #5: Decreases Blood Pressure
Interestingly, transcendental meditation often gets the spotlight when it comes to showing positive impacts of meditation on one’s blood pressure. One study looked at nine clinical trails and found evidence that transcendental meditation could significantly reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a “clinically meaningful” way. 16 Another study found that a transcendental meditation practice can result in decreased blood pressure. The researchers noted these findings to be comparable to weight loss and exercise. 17
But it’s not just transcendental meditation that provides these positive results: another study found that non-transcendental meditation can also produce positive effects on blood pressure. 18
Health Benefit #6: Lengthens Attention Span
If you’re in school or have a highly attentive job, this one’s a big deal. One study found that a meditation practice helped to enhance nursing students’ attention span. It also reduced stress and increased mindfulness.19
There’s also good news if you’re unsure whether you want to commit long-term to a meditation practice. Another study followed participants for just five days and found they showed significantly improved attention spans (as well as decreased stress) when they incorporated a meditation practice into their routines. 20
Health Benefit #7: Improves Chronic Pain
Multiple studies provide evidence that mindfulness meditation can improve a person’s chronic pain symptoms.21 22 Additionally, meditation has shown to improve the psychological effects associated with chronic pain. This includes depression and overall quality of life. 23
Side note: If you suffer from chronic pain, check out the meditations on the Insight Timer app specifically created for those who are experiencing constant and extreme pain. Often, the teachers who release these meditations have experienced or are experiencing similar hardships. I know it seems impossible that meditation can make this pain go away, but know that these teachers see and feel your suffering. They’re there to guide you to a place where this pain no longer becomes your identity, and you can live in a space of deep calmness.
Health Benefit #8: Improves Sleep Quality
If you’re someone who struggles with getting a restful night’s sleep, meditation may help. One study looked at adults with moderate sleep disturbances and found that mindfulness awareness practices produced better results in improving the participants’ sleep than sleep hygiene education and suggests that these practices could be used to help remediate sleep problems and thus improve overall quality of life. 24
If you experience more prominent sleep problems, there’s some promising news for you, too: the American Academy of Sleep Medicine released findings showing that a meditation practice can be an effective treatment for insomnia. 25
Health Benefit #9: Increases Lifespan
Researchers at UC San Francisco found evidence that meditation may slow the rate of cellular aging. 26 But how exactly does that work? First, we need to understand the function of telomeres. Telomeres are the cap at each end of a chromosome that protects our chromosomes from deterioration. Over time, telomeres shorten and cause our cells to age. This is where you might have heard the concept of biological aging. When you hear that a 50-year-old is biologically only 30 years old, this is because the length of their telomeres is more aligned with what you would typically expect to see in a 30-year-old.
Constant stress is known to impact telomere length negatively. However, the researchers at UC San Francisco found that certain forms of meditation can have beneficial effects on telomere length and increase positive state of mind, thus preventing factors such as stress and depression from shortening telomere length.
Health Benefit #10: Enhances Self-Awareness
While my personal experience is only anecdotal, this is one that I can wholeheartedly speak to. As I mentioned in the intro, meditation has helped me to become an objective observer of myself. Do I still have negative and self-defeating thoughts? Absolutely. But instead of letting myself become consumed by those thoughts, I’m able to step back and notice when they’re happening. And then, after I notice without judgment, I have the power to redirect my thoughts to a more positive place.
The science on this topic suggests I’m not completely off-base for crediting this newfound self awareness to my daily meditation practice. There have been numerous studies and reviews that speak of the positive effect meditation has on one’s own self-awareness. 27 28 29 Another study shows that a mindfulness practice may help reduce “cognitive rigidity,” which allows for more creative problem solving. 30 By becoming more self-aware, you’re able to step back and see the bigger picture, thus allowing you to form different, more creative solutions rather than being blinded by your own past experiences.
While the list above includes ten of the most significant health benefits of meditation, there’s even more evidence out there showing that meditation has the potential to improve our overall mental, physical, and emotional well-being. On top of this (and something I can personally vouch for), it can also enhance one’s own self-image and self-worth. There’s still a ton of research to be done, but the research on the health benefits of meditation that has been done has been extremely promising and overwhelmingly positive.
Discover More About Meditation
- 7 Types of Meditation Practices for Beginners
- What is Mindfulness? Plus 15 Powerful Mindfulness Quotes
- A Beginner’s Guide to Chakras
Pin this for later! 10 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Meditation Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
10 Journal Prompts for Manifestation
Below are ten powerful journal prompts for manifestation, designed to aid you in creating your dream life. These prompts are filled with visualization, affirmations, gratitude practices, and lots of self-love. Keep an open mind and an open heart as you start each journaling entry, and remember that you are worthy and deserving of living the joyful and abundant life of your dreams.
Pin this for later! 10 Journal Prompts for Manifestation Getting Started With Journaling
Journaling is one of the most powerful and underrated tools we have in our toolkit to create the lives of our dreams.
While it’s not a requirement for manifesting, it’s a profound tool for setting intentions, visualizing your dream life, and aligning your energy your highest and most authentic self. Using journal prompts can be especially helpful for sparking new ideas and helping you to explore your inner world in a deeper and more profound way than you ever have before.
Manifestation journal prompts can be rooted in visualization, affirmations, gratitude, and anything that helps you to align with the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of your highest, most authentic self. You’ll find a bit of each in the journal prompts below.
But journal prompts are really just the start when it comes to manifestation journaling. I have a ton of journaling resources across this site, so if you want to try out some other types of journaling practices, here are some resources to help you get started:
- For beginners, you can start with my in-depth guide on how to manifest in a journal. You can also download a free manifestation journal template and check out these manifestation journal examples for inspiration.
- For more specific practices, you can try out the 369 Method and 55×5 Manifestation Method.
- I also have lots of resources for scripting, which is a method that combines journaling with visualization to experience what it’s like to live your dream life in the present moment. You can get a free Law of Attraction scripting template and scripting examples to help you get started.
- Finally, I go deeper into how to manifest on paper in five easy steps, with bonus tips to help you get started.
That’s really just the beginning of all the manifestation guides you can find on this site, so I definitely encourage you to check out the rest of my manifestation blog posts and resources to help you on your journey.
Download 30 Perfect Days: A 30-Day Manifestation Journal Today!
Are you looking for a manifestation journal you can start using today? Check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop! This 30-day manifestation journal is designed to help you align with the emotions of having your dreams and desires in the present moment. Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. Comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal or print and hand write! Click here to learn more!
Manifestation Journal Prompts
Below are 10 powerful journal prompts for manifestation, designed to help you create the beautiful, joyful, and abundant life of your dreams. These journal prompts for manifestation can be completed in any order you want, and you can even choose the ones you like best to do multiple times.
Journal Prompt: Visualization of Your Dream Life
Write the details of a full day in your dream life. Use the present tense. (“I am . . . “; “I wear . . .”; “As I walk through my home, I notice . . .”) Where do you wake up? Who are you with? What does your morning routine look like? Describe the details of your home. Where is it located? What do you do during your day? What do you wear? Where do you go during the day? If you work, what kind of job do you have? What are the predominant emotions you feel throughout the day?
Use all your senses; describe what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. How do you feel when you go to sleep? What are your last thoughts before falling into a peaceful slumber?
Be as detailed as possible, and remember to keep an open mind to any and all possibilities. This is your dream life. You’re the creator. Let your inner knowing guide you through your vision.
Why It Works: The first step of manifesting is to set an intention. In order to create the life of your dreams, you first have to get clear about what you want. In manifestation, you don’t need to know how you’re going to achieve your dream. Rather, you just need to know what it is that you want. This practice will help you to gain a clearer vision of exactly what your dream life looks like. It will also help you to feel all of the positive vibrations of having your dreams in the present moment, allowing you to become a magnet for your desires.
Journal Prompt: Gratitude
Write down everything you’re grateful for today. There is nothing too small or too offbeat to write about. If it helps, you can use the prompt, “I am grateful for ___ because _____” to discuss each item in detail. If you get stuck, consider writing about different people in your life. You can also discuss various objects in your home or moments of your life that you’re grateful for. Nothing’s off limits here. You can even discuss adversity and hardships that brought you growth.
Why It Works: Gratitude is the foundation for all abundance. When I began consciously cultivating a daily gratitude practice and shifted my default perspective from one of lack to one of appreciation for all that I have, my life completely transformed. All of the things I’d written on my vision board that once seemed so far away were suddenly in my grasp. The quickest and easiest (and most joyful) way to receive abundance is to just love and appreciate all that you already have.
As Rumi wrote, “Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.”
Journal Prompt: Body Appreciation
Write down a list of everything you’re grateful for about your body. Consider each body part: each muscle, limb, organ, and system that keeps you going throughout your life. If you’d like, you can choose a few body parts to write several sentences on (such as the mouth that shows your radiant smile and allows you to taste yummy food). Here are some examples:
- “I am grateful for my eyes because they allow me to _________.”
- “I am grateful for my heart because it is __________.”
- “Today, I really appreciate my legs because they __________.”
Why It Works: Same as #2, but this time, we’re focusing solely on your body. Why? Because your body is your home. It’s where you live every single day. It’s an incredible gift to have these bodies. To have working lungs and a beating heart. Yet, so many of us tear our bodies apart. Whether or not your intended manifestation relates to your body, cultivating a deep love and appreciation for your body (and treating it like an ally, not an enemy) will only serve to open up space for your manifestations to happen faster. Here are 42 body-positive affirmations to help you get started.
Journal Prompt: Speak to Your Younger Self
Imagine that the five-year-old you is standing in front of you, and in your mind’s eye, envision looking into the eyes of your younger self. Now write positive affirmations to this younger version of you as if you’re speaking directly to them. Tell them how worthy, deserving, and loved they are. Deliver them positive and supportive messages. Speak with wholehearted love, kindness, and compassion. This entire journal entry is dedicated to affirming your worthiness.
Why It Works: In order to manifest your desires, you have to truly believe in yourself. And most importantly, you must believe that you are worthy and deserving of your dreams. Speaking to your younger self helps you to let down your guard. Sometimes, we have a hard time telling ourselves that we deserve joy, but when you look into the eyes of your childhood self, it becomes easier. (But if you’d rather look into your own eyes as an adult, or choose a different age, definitely do whatever feels best for you.)
Journal Prompt: Passion and Purpose
What drives you? What lights up your heart? Where are you happiest? What activities make you feel most joyful and alive? Write about the things that you feel passionate about. These can be dreams, causes, groups of people, or important messages you want the whole world to know. Write with passion and conviction. What’s important to you? Only you know what makes your soul feel alive. There’s no right or wrong answer. As you write about your passions and dreams, consider ways you might be able to combine these different passions into a career or pastime that will make your heart soar.
Why It Works: You have a unique set of skills and passions that make you you. Do you love to write? Are you passionate about fitness? Does it light up your soul to help others? When you write about your passions, you open yourself up to inspired ideas. Allow the words to flow without self-judgment. See where it takes you.
Journal Prompt: New Perspectives
Write in detail about your day yesterday (or a recent day that you can remember vividly). Who did you see and speak to? What did you eat? Did you drive anywhere? What movies, TV shows, or sports events did you watch? What moments brought you joy? Discuss any obstacles or hardships you encountered throughout the day. How can you reframe these negative experiences positively? What did you learn from these moments? How did you grow?
Even if yesterday felt like a crummy day, write about it as if it was actually a really great day. This isn’t asking you to suppress the bad. Rather, consider choosing a different perspective when possible. For instance, maybe standing in line at the grocery store for what felt like an eternity or hitting all those red lights were really opportunities to pause and breathe.
What happened during this day that you’re grateful for?
Why It Works: This ties back to gratitude. Our lives are the sums of stories that we tell ourselves. And in manifestation, you attract what you put out in the world. So if you believe that you’ve had bad day after bad day after bad day, you know what you’ll attract? More bad days. But if you shift your perspective and choose to view these days as positive opportunities and experiences that you feel grateful for, you know what’ll happen then? You’ll receive more positive opportunities and wonderful experiences to feel grateful for. You don’t have to suppress the bad stuff. Rather, consider all the ways these “bad” things helped you to grow.
Journal Prompt: Your Highest and Most Authentic Self
Envision your highest and most authentic self. This is the real you—the truest, most authentic version of you. What is your highest and most authentic self like? How do you make other people feel? How do you move about your day? Are you energetic or calm? How do you speak? How do you walk? What’s your aura like when you walk into a room? What kinds of activities do you do? Do you move fast or slow? What types of clothes do you wear that make you feel good? If you’d like, you may envision a typical day in your life, and imagine how your highest self would react to the various ups and downs of your day.
Why It Works: This helps you get clear on what you want and who you want to be. Aligning with your highest self will serve you in your daily life as you make important decisions and choose how to spend your day. Whenever you’re unsure about something, you can ask, “What would my highest and most authentic self do in this situation?”
Your highest self is the person living your dream life, so by making the same decisions that this version of you would make, you’re choosing the path that leads directly to your dreams (and becoming the person you dream of being).
Journal Prompt: Celebrate You
What are your favorite things about yourself? What are your talents? In what ways are you an awesome friend? What makes you a good employee and/or manager? What makes you a good partner? List some of your superpowers. This is the day to celebrate you. Compliment yourself. Write about the compliments other people give you. And accept those compliments! If you get stuck, write down some positive affirmations. Affirm your worthiness completely.
Why It Works: When you believe in yourself, the rest of the world will have no choice but to believe in you, too. You deserve to be loved, and you deserve to be celebrated. One of the biggest obstacles to manifestation is simply not believing in yourself. After all, most of us are our own biggest critics. Starting self-love practices like saying positive affirmations and affirming your worthiness will help you begin your manifestation journey with a foundation of love, compassion, and an open heart.
Journal Prompt: Envision Your Success
What would you do today if you knew you wouldn’t fail? List out all of the things you would do today if you knew undoubtedly that you would succeed. As you write, visualize your success. Imagine how this will feel and write out these feelings. Don’t limit yourself, and don’t hold back.
Why It Works: More visualization, but this time, it’s a little closer, as these are all the things that you would do today if you knew you couldn’t fail. As I said earlier, you don’t need to figure out the how when it comes to manifesting. The universe will always guide you to the next step when the time is right, and you’ll always know that it’s right by the way it feels. Notice how you feel as you write. Do any of these fearless steps feel really good? One of my all-time favorite quotes is by Jack Canfield: “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” Our fears sometimes prevent us from taking the next step, but if you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?
Journal Prompt: Letting Go
In what areas of your life are there things you can let go of in order to make room for new opportunities and exciting possibilities? What things are you justifying keeping, and why? When you let go of a job, person, belief, or another aspect of your life that may be holding you back, it’s easy to see what you’ll lose but hard to see what you might gain. Focus on the possibilities and experiences you might gain by letting go of the things that are holding you back.
Why It Works: In order to allow new people, experiences, opportunities, and resources into our lives, we need to make space for them. Sometimes, there are people, experiences, or things that once served our growth, but now they no longer contribute to our total well-being. Identifying these things is the first step. Letting go is the next, often more difficult step. I’ve let go of friendships, jobs, and even entire cities during my journey, and while it was never easy, it opened up space for new incredible people and experiences to enter my life. It isn’t always easy, but when you know in your heart that it’s the right choice, it’s always worth it.
Pin this! 10 Journal Prompts for Manifestation Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
10 Inspiring Abraham Hicks Quotes (for Instagram)
Below are 10 inspiring Abraham Hicks quotes created on beautiful graphics designed especially for Instagram. Feel free to use and share on any social media platform or save to your devices when you need an extra dose of inspiration!
Pin this for later! 10 Inspiring Abraham Hicks Quotes (For Instagram) Updated December 9th, 2021
Abraham Hicks
Abraham Hicks is a powerhouse in the Law of Attraction space. Major figures such as Gabby Bernstein often draw inspiration and credit Abraham Hicks (and Esther Hicks) for shaping their thinking and influencing their work.
It’d be easy to create an Instagram page solely dedicated to Abraham Hicks’ quotes (and many do!) In honor of these inspiring and uplifting words, I’ve created ten graphics of powerful Abraham Hicks quotes for you to use freely on Instagram (or any social media platform). These can also be used as your own personal inspiration by saving them to your laptop, tablet, or phone or hanging them around your workspace. You can also share with a friend who may need an extra dose of inspiration!
If you use these on social media, I’d love it if you tagged me so I can like, comment, support, and cheer you on in your journey as you follow your passions and create the life of your dreams!
And be sure to check out 44 inspiring Abraham Hicks affirmations for joy and manifestation. In this article, I’ve chosen 44 of my favorite Abraham Hicks quotes that you can use daily as uplifting affirmations.
You May Also Like: Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale Explained
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10 Inspiring Abraham Hicks Quotes
“You get to choose what you focus upon, and you get to choose what manifests, and you get to choose how you feel about it when it does.”
“Every time you know what you don’t want, what you do want becomes a real thing.”
“I’m Source Energy in a human body, and I get what I want.”
“You cannot serve others until you have served yourself.”
“When you want it and believe it, it is.”
“You are blessed, and you are beautiful, and you are magnificent.”
“You are more powerful than you know.”
“When you are genuinely thrilled by someone else’s success, that means you are right on the track of your own.”
“There is so much love here for you.”
“You can alter the future by altering your thoughts.”
Do you want a daily dose of self-love, positivity, and uplifting affirmations to affirm your worthiness? Be sure to connect with me on Instagram, where I post daily affirmation stories every single morning. And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest where I’m pinning positive affirmations and empowering quotes every day!
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- 100 Wholehearted Promises To Make To Yourself Today
Pin this for later! 10 Inspiring Abraham Hicks Quotes (For Instagram) Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
9 Powerful Tools for Manifesting Your Future
You have everything you need within you to create a beautiful and fulfilling life—here’s nine manifesting tools for creating the life you love.
Pin this for later! 9 Powerful Tools for Manifesting Your Future What is Manifestation?
Manifestation is, by its simplest definition, creation.
You have the ability to create your life through your thoughts, actions, and feelings. You create through your deepest held beliefs. You create through the perspective you bring to every experience and situation.
When you consciously tap into your innermost power to create, you realize that the power to create a life that aligns with your deepest purpose and feels beautiful and fulfilling—the life you envision for yourself when you close your eyes—exists within you.
To expand on the definition a bit, to manifest something means to visualize your dreams and desires and to vibrate at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true.
Essentially, this means that you align your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings with the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings of your highest self—the innermost you. The you who feels infinitely and unconditionally loved, abundant, beautiful, free, and at peace.
Manifestation is intertwined with the Law of Attraction, which states that like attracts like; the vibrations, beliefs, and emotions we put out into the world are what we receive in our lived experiences.
So how does this work? Below, you’ll find the nine essential tools you need to get started.
These tools as well as these manifestation games are a good place to start when you’re starting your manifestation journey. And you can get the full manifestation blueprint in my in-depth guide on how to manifest something.
Tools to Manifest Your Future
Tool #1: Visualization
To create the life you desire, you first have to know what you want.
If there were no limits or constrictions, what would you be doing in your dream life? Where would you live? Who would be surrounding you? What primary emotions would you feel? What does your highest and most authentic self look like? How does this version of yourself move throughout their day?
Visualization is a tool you can use to connect your present-day self with the version of you who is living the life you imagine for yourself when you close your eyes.
My favorite way to describe it is intentional daydreaming.
When you visualize, you directly connect your present-day self with the you who is already living the life of your dreams. It’s not just about seeing your dream life—when you visualize, you use all of your senses to simulate the experience of living your dream life in the present moment.
One of the best examples of how powerful visualization can be is how Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps incorporated it into his training routine to become the most decorated Olympian of all time.
It’s no secret that Phelps put in many long hours of practice, sometimes without a single day off for years at a time. But what you may not know is his commitment to practicing visualization.
For months before a big event, Phelps would spend two hours a day undergoing mental rehearsal to prepare for an upcoming race. He visualized both the good and the bad, and he would see himself overcoming obstacles to win the race.
By the time he actually dove into the pool the day of the race, he had already swum it hundreds of times in his mind.
So why do elite athletes and performers commit so much time to visualization? It may have something to do with the way our brains work. You see, your brain can’t actually tell the difference between the powerful visualization and reality; it has the same activity whether you’re physically doing the action or envisioning it in your mind.
How to Visualize
You don’t need to be a world champion athlete to utilize visualization to enhance your life. Set aside 10 minutes every day to close your eyes, and visualize yourself achieving your goals.
What does it feel like? Feel the emotions that align with your dream life. Utilize all your senses. See yourself living that dream life. Listen, touch, taste, smell.
Like Phelps, you can even imagine some worst-case scenarios and visualize yourself overcoming these obstacles.
For me, meditation has been the best way to establish a visualization practice. Here are some of my favorite guided meditations for manifestation and an in-depth guide on manifestation meditations.
To illustrate the power of visualization, watch this Tedx talk by Ashanti Johnson on how her daily practice of visualization changed not only her life but ultimately the lives of her community through her work.
Tool #2: Gratitude
One of the most profound ways to create the life of your dreams is to feel grateful for what you already have.
By vibrating at the frequency of gratitude, you invite more beautiful people and opportunities and experiences into your life to feel grateful for.
Gratitude is truly the foundation of the Law of Attraction. When you view your life through the lens of gratitude, you start to notice the abundance that already exists in your life. This deep, wholehearted feeling of appreciation is like a magnet that calls in more of what lights you up and makes you feel grateful every day to be alive.
How to Practice Gratitude
What I love about this is there are so many ways to practice gratitude. Viewing your life through the lens of appreciation is one of the simplest yet most powerful ways to begin changing both your inner and outer worlds.
I’ve written a whole blog post on how to practice gratitude for the Law of Attraction. Here are a few of my favorite ways to build my life on a foundation of appreciation and abundance:
- Keep a simple daily gratitude journal. In it, you can write three things you’re grateful for each day. It helps to include a why statement, like, “I am grateful for my home because it make me feel secure and warm, it’s my safe space to come back to after a long day.” You can also use your gratitude journal as an evening reflection journal and write down some of the things that happened throughout the day that you feel thankful for. Even the simplest and tiniest little wonders, like the cloud you saw in the sky that was shaped like a cat, is an opportunity for gratitude.
- Recite positive affirmations based in gratitude. You might even write these on post-it notes and keep them in your workspace or hang a list of gratitude affirmations on your refrigerator.
- Take time to appreciate everything about yourself that you love. Your mind, body, heart, soul—all of it is worthy of your love and appreciation.
I spend a lot of time looking up at the sky, so for me, one of the most meaningful ways I can root myself in gratitude is simply to gaze up at the sky and take a deep breath and internally whisper, I am grateful.
Your gratitude practice doesn’t have to be some big, fancy thing. Sometimes, the smallest moments of your day offer the best opportunities just to breathe and remind yourself how grateful you are for the life you get to live.
- Related: 500 Things To Be Grateful For Today
Tool #3: Giving
All the good you put out into the world always comes back to you.
A kind gesture. A gift. A compliment. A smile. Grace. Compassion. Forgiveness. Love.
When you think about what you can give, think about things that make you feel good.
Sometimes, the best thing you can give to another person is simply your presence. Reaching out to someone. Showing them that they’re seen. That they’re not alone.
Beyond that, there’s also the things you’re good at. Your gifts and talents. Your knowledge. Your creativity. You give by sharing your art. By sharing your voice. By offering your divine gifts to the world.
How to Practice Giving
Give what you can. Give what you want to give. Give what makes you feel good.
Sincerity is key here. Don’t do it because you feel like you have to. Do it because you want to. Do it because the giving itself feels more like you’re gaining something than losing it.
For creatives, I know how hard it is to share your gifts because of fear of rejection. Your art and creations can feel so precious and fragile, and the idea of someone rejecting it is terrifying.
But I promise—what you possess inside yourself is needed. There are people out there who need exactly what you have.
Let them find you.
Tool #4: Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are affirming statements (usually starting with “I am…” but not always) that are designed to encourage and uplift your spirit.
- I am worthy.
- I am enough.
- I am beautiful.
- I am a gift.
- I have everything I need within me.
I’m a huge fan of positive affirmations. I’ve been repeating them for years. I have tons of blog posts on this website dedicated to positive affirmations. And I post daily affirmations on my Instagram stories every morning.
Affirmations are powerful because they’re a way to consciously shift the narrative in your mind. We’re all our own biggest bullies and critics. It’s so easy to fall into the hole of constant self-criticism and not know how to climb out of it.
Affirmations are the rope that pull you back and remind you of who you truly are—they align you with your highest, most authentic self.
The key to using affirmations for manifestation isn’t just to repeat the words but to feel them. When you say that you’re worthy, allow the feeling of worthiness to blanket every cell of your being. When you say you’re loved, open your heart and allow yourself to feel loved. Receive your own love. Receive the love of the universe. Remember that you are surrounded by a sea of infinite and unconditional love at all times.
When I first started using affirmations, I used them constantly. I was always repeating positive affirmations to myself throughout the day.
In time, I stopped consciously repeating them as often. Not because I stopped believing in them. It’s the opposite—it’s because the words had truly penetrated my innermost self and became a part of me. I didn’t need to repeat the affirmations constantly anymore because the words were now deeply embedded within me.
And that’s really the beauty of affirmations. They open your heart to knowing the love and beauty and abundance and power that lives inside you, to receiving the light and love of the universe, to seeing how truly special you are. And as this feeling awakens inside you, your fundamental vibration continues to elevate.
How to Practice Affirmations
For me, affirmations began as a conscious daily practice. I read through different affirmations and found the ones that resonated most with me. Then, I dedicated myself to repeating those affirmations in the car, while I was running, as I was getting ready in the morning—whenever an opportunity opened up to consciously shift my thoughts from self-criticism to self-love.
Affirmations are a way to reprogram the subconscious mind, so with time, we truly become the things we’re affirming.
The key is always to use the present tense. It’s not, “When I get the [job/partner/opportunity] of my dreams, I’ll be worthy.” You are worthy. Right now. You don’t have to wait to affirm your worth. It’s the best and easiest thing you can do for yourself in this moment right now.
Tool #5: Meditation
Meditation isn’t mandatory for manifestation. But for me, meditation has transformed my view of myself and the world in a way that I don’t think would’ve ever happened if I hadn’t started meditating.
Beginning a daily practice of meditation taught me how to accept and receive love, slow down, appreciate challenges as opportunities, affirm my worthiness, and witness and understand my own thoughts in a way I never had before I started meditating. I can pretty confidently say that meditation is the reason this blog exists. It’s the thing that opened me up to sharing my words with the world.
It changed everything in a way that’s hard to put into words.
Here’s why meditation is such a powerful tool for manifestation:
When we’re going about our daily lives, it’s easy to get lost in the noise of the outside world. There’s our email, our phone, our jobs, our to-do lists. There are news programs and internet articles and an influx of information coming at us from all angles.
The more this outer noise consumes you, the less connected you are to your inner voice. To the quiet whisper deep within. To your intuition.
And this is a huge aspect of manifestation—tapping into your intuition. Listening to the soft whisper deep inside yourself that only you can hear. And then, taking aligned action that comes from that gentle nudge.
Meditation offers an opportunity to step back from the outer noise and come home to yourself. It allows you to connect with your heart and your deep, inner wisdom.
This usually doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a constant practice—continually coming home to yourself over and over again.
How to Meditate for Manifestation
If you’re new to meditation, I definitely recommend starting with a meditation app that offers guided meditations. My favorite is Insight Timer, but there are a ton of other great ones out there.
It doesn’t have to be a big thing—you can start by setting aside just 10 minutes every day. Find a quiet, safe spot where you won’t be interrupted. If you’re a little overwhelmed by the idea of meditating, just think of this as 10 minutes of sitting and connecting with your breath. That’s it. You don’t have to completely clear your brain so it’s a perfectly blank slate. Just keep coming back to your breath.
There are several types of meditation that help with manifestation:
- Visualization meditations give you the opportunity to visualize your dream life and vibrate at the frequency of your dreams and desires.
- Gratitude meditations allow you to ground yourself in appreciation, inviting more people and things and experiences into your life to be grateful for.
- Affirmation meditations help you to align with your highest self and vibrate at the frequency of self-love.
- Mindfulness meditations offer a quiet space to connect with your breath and quiet the noise of the outer world so you can hear the soft voice within.
Tool #6: Habits
While it’s definitely possible to make big transformations and start living your dream life in a very short amount of time, the most transformative long-term shifts come when you cultivate daily habits over a long period of time.
When discussing major shifts and transformations, we tend to discuss that “one big thing” that happens and often gloss over the small, consistent improvements we make on a daily basis. But it’s rarely the “one big thing” that enters your life and changes everything.
Rather, it’s the habits you build over weeks, months, and years.
In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear writes, “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement . . . They seem to make little difference on any given day and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. It is only when looking back two, five, or perhaps ten years later that the value of good habits and the cost of bad ones becomes strikingly apparent.“
Manifestation requires you to be intentional about your habits. All of the practices I’ve mentioned so far—visualization, gratitude, affirmations, meditation—are easy enough to do. But you have to commit to doing them routinely, not just every once in a while.
Beyond the practices I’ve mentioned here, anything you can do to maintain a high vibration can be incorporated into a list of positive habits you want to adopt. For instance, if you know going to the gym for 30 minutes a day, four times a week makes you feel really good, or reading a book in the evenings helps you to calm your mind and feel at peace, these can all be incorporated into your regular manifestation practice.
How to Begin Cultivating New Habits
When you want to build a new habit, it’s usually easiest to start small. The easier you make it, the more likely it will stick.
When I started meditating, I committed to just 10 minutes in the mornings before work. With many of the other practices on this list, I found ways to combine them with things I was already doing in my daily life. For instance, I’d repeat positive affirmations while getting ready in the morning or driving to the grocery store. Same with my gratitude practice. It was nothing big or overly complicated—just subtle but powerful shifts in my conscious thinking.
If you love lists and being organized, a habit tracker can be super useful to stay on top of the habits you want to incorporate into your manifestation practice. A habit tracker allows you to write down your list of positive habits and mark them off each day once you’ve completed them.
Day Designer offers a free habit tracker printable that you can download and fill in with up to 19 positive habits.
Tool #7: An Abundance Mentality
In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey characterizes an abundance mentality as the belief that there are enough resources for everyone to share.
This is opposed to the scarcity mindset, which is rooted in the belief that we’re all competing for a limited amount of resources.
A person with an abundance mindset will celebrate and rejoice in the successes of others, while a person with a scarcity mindset will feel bitter and resentful toward another’s accomplishments because they believe this decreases their own opportunities for success.
When you view resources as being limited, the feeling of competition arises. Because there seemingly isn’t enough to go around, you become reluctant to share your resources or knowledge with another for fear that someone else’s success means you will have less opportunities. When you see someone succeed, you see your slice of the pie getting smaller, and instead of feeling happy for their success, you feel resentful and envious.
It doesn’t sound pleasant, and it doesn’t feel very good either.
And there’s a reason it doesn’t feel good: because these negative feelings of scarcity aren’t aligned with who you really are.
And they’re not the truth.
The truth is, there is an infinite abundance of resources in this world for you, and someone else’s success can never take away from your own.
And when you see someone else succeed, that’s just proof that it’s possible. It shows you that you can do it, too.
An abundance mentality is a huge part of manifestation. Not only does it help you stay at a higher vibration, but it also helps you to build a foundation of believing anything is possible.
How to Develop an Abundance Mentality
Take some time to recognize any limiting beliefs you might hold around the idea of abundance and scarcity. Recognize them without judgment. It might help them to write them down.
Then, ask yourself: “Are these beliefs true?”
Gently probe these limiting beliefs, getting to the source of where them stem from.
Once you’ve examined your limiting beliefs, create another list—this one is for your new, reframed beliefs.
Write down the new, reframed beliefs about abundance that you want to build into the foundation for your life. These beliefs might be rooted in the idea that there are limitless resources, that your ability to receive abundance is infinite, and that nobody else’s abundance can take away from your own (and vice versa).
If you need extra help with this, I’ve created a workbook for releasing limiting beliefs in my collection of self-love workbooks.
Tool #8: A Prosperity Mindset
This could also could be called An Abundance Mindset, Part Two.
I wanted to differentiate a Prosperity Mindset from an Abundance Mindset for a couple reasons. I view an abundance mentality as the belief there are enough resources for everyone while a prosperity mindset is a personal, strongly held belief you have toward yourself.
A prosperity mindset is the story you tell yourself about your own wealth and ability to create anything you want in your life.
A prosperity mindset is the belief that you are abundant now.
This is deeply intertwined with gratitude. Rather than looking around and viewing your life through a lens of what you’re lacking, look around with a lens of abundance.
How does abundance exist in your life right now? How are you prosperous? What makes you wealthy?
This plays a key role in manifestation, as at the root of manifesting is vibrating at the frequency of what you desire as if you already have it. To do this, you need a prosperity mindset. This is all about believing that you are wealthy and prosperous (not just in financial resources but in love, health, joy, freedom, and all good things) today.
Developing a Prosperity Mindset
Again, this is really tied to gratitude. Developing a prosperity mindset means recognizing the abundance that already exists in your life.
It’s realizing that you are a naturally abundant being. Abundance is who you are. Abundance is the true nature of your highest self.
And to connect with this feeling, the best way to start is to view your life through the lens of prosperity.
It might help to start by writing down all the ways abundance exists in your life.
Consider the air you breathe. Right now, you are surrounded by air. When you inhale, you don’t hold onto this breath out of fear that the next won’t come. No—you let it go, trusting in the abundance of air that surrounds you. Trusting in the next breath.
That is just one of the ways you are a naturally abundant being.
You can list out all the ways you’re naturally abundant, or you might explore it deeper in a journaling session. When you’re thinking about what you want to manifest, return to this feeling of abundance. Know that it isn’t something you need to strive for, as abundance is your baseline. It exists at the very foundation of who you are.
Tool #9: Compassion
Humans are innately compassionate beings. We’re compassionate toward our loved ones and our pets. We’re compassionate toward other suffering beings. We’re compassionate toward this earth.
But when was the last time you were compassionate with yourself?
Finding the grace to be compassionate with myself has been one of my longest and most difficult journeys. When I first learned about the Law of Attraction, I focused on perfecting all the tools I had learned about. I visualized. I cultivated a positive mindset. I made sure I had good thoughts and felt good feelings so all that positivity would come back to me. I was certain I was going to be an A+ student.
So what happened when I had a bad day or when a negative thought (or a stream of negativity) overtook my brain?
I became a mess.
I felt like a failure. I felt like I was now opening up a Pandora’s Box of terrible things to happen to me.
You see, my problem was that I was trying too hard to be perfect.
I had dove straight into the water without a life vest, so I had nothing to keep me afloat on the days when I wasn’t completely aligned with my highest self—when I wasn’t all high vibrations.
The truth is, you’re going to have hard days. That’s just part of being human.
And your life vest is self-compassion.
Self-compassion means allowing for and accepting your imperfections. Self-compassion means speaking to yourself with loving kindness, even when you don’t feel particularly good. Self-compassion means accepting and receiving love from yourself and others right now, just as you are, and knowing you don’t need to do or achieve anything to deserve that love.
How to Practice Self-Compassion
The key here is paying attention to your own thoughts. Mindfulness helps with this.
When you notice that you’re being overly critical, take a deep breath and gently pull your thoughts back in. Remember that you are loved, even on the days when you don’t feel like you’re at your best. You are loved in all moments. So allow yourself to be loved in these hard moments.
You may think a negative thought or feeling lowers your vibration, and then when you criticize yourself for it, your vibration drops even lower.
But when you have these hard moments and respond to them with love and compassion, it actually raises your vibration. It also opens your heart to receiving even more love.
Continue to practice self-compassion on your hard and heavy days. You might even have some positive affirmations ready so you can repeat them when you’re feeling low.
Are You Ready to Start Manifesting?
While these nine tools for manifesting will help you to bring your dream into your reality, I want to highlight the most important link between all of thee practices:
Before anything else, you must believe you are worthy, deserving, and capable of living the life of your dreams.
And if you don’t get it 100% perfect all of the time, that’s okay. Be gentle with yourself. Go slow. Don’t try to pile everything into one day and be the “best” at everything. Allow yourself to enjoy the journey. Recognize that the seemingly bad moments are truly just opportunities to learn and grow and appreciate.
To be honest, I mess up a lot. Negative thoughts sometimes slip into my consciousness. I sometimes choose frustration over gratitude. And in these moments, #9 becomes even more important. Be deeply compassionate with yourself. Instead of repressing the bad and pretending it doesn’t exist in order to fit a false idea of perfection, recognize when you have a negative thought, gently probe its roots, and as you realize the thought no longer serves you, kindly and gently let it go.
I know it isn’t always easy, but never forget, you are worthy and deserving of living the life of your dreams.
I have a ton of resources across this website dedicated to manifestation, so you can continue your manifestation journey with my collection of blog posts dedicated to manifestation.
Pin this for later! 9 Powerful Tools for Manifesting Your Future Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.