26 Inspirational Quotes For Following Your Dreams
Every dream you possess has been put in your heart for a reason, and you owe it to yourself to see how far your dreams can take you. In this article, discover 26 inspirational quotes for believing in, trusting, and following your dreams.
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I knew when I was seven years old that I wanted to be an author when I grew up. But the road to get there wasn’t linear. After several fiction novel manuscript rejections, I spent years on the sidelines, watching other writers succeed, immersed in limiting beliefs that I wasn’t talented enough, not good enough, and that nobody would ever want to read anything I wrote.
I feared that if I put myself out there again, I’d keep getting rejected. I wanted so badly to be a real writer, but fear kept me from going after my dream.
And I have so much love in my heart for that girl sitting on the sidelines. I know her fear and her pain. She wanted so badly for just one person to reach out and give her permission to enter the game. To tell her that these dreams were put in her heart for a reason and that she was worthy of living the life of her dreams.
But one day, I realized that the person I was waiting for all along—was me.
My entire life changed when I stopped waiting for permission from someone else to step off the sidelines and instead received it from the only person whose permission mattered: myself.
I’m a published author now, and I get to spend my life doing what I love most. But the truth is, I was never “discovered.” Nobody offered me a helping hand and showed me the way. And there were many, many times when I wasn’t sure this would ever work after me.
But ultimately, I knew that even if I failed, that would be better than never trying at all.
And that’s what I want you to know, especially if you have a dream in your heart but are hesitant to step forward and follow it.
You don’t need permission to step out into the world.
You just need to know that you are worthy of every single dream that’s been planted in your heart.
All it takes is one tiny moment of courage to take that first step. Then, when you step back and allow life to flow through you, you’ll see how the universe is giving you everything you need to succeed. It will lead you down the right path, one courageous step at a time.
You have an incredible gift to offer this world. And the only permission you need to step off the sidelines and into the world is your own. And you are worthy. Unconditionally. Infinitely. Always.
Below, you’ll find 26 inspirational quotes for believing in, trusting, and following your dreams. These are some of my favorite quotes that have given me a little extra loving push on my own journey, and I hope they can do the same for you.
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Follow Your Dreams Quotes
1. “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.”
Paulo Coelho
2. “You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.”
Deepak Chopra
3. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
Paulo Coelho
4. “Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
5. “The real joy in life comes from finding your true purpose and aligning it with what you do every single day.”
Tony Robbins
6. “Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”
Roy T. Bennett
7. “Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.”
John Updike
8. “If you feel something calling you to dance or write or paint or sing, please refuse to worry about whether you’re good enough. Just do it. Be generous. Offer a gift to the world that no one else can offer: yourself.”
Glennon Doyle
9. “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.”
Joseph Campbell
10. “You must disobey the voice in your head that says, I’m not ready yet.”
Marie Forleo
11. “The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.”
Fabienne Fredrickson
12. “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.”
Alan Cohen
13. “Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”
Jack Canfield
14. “Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now.”
Paulo Coelho
15. “If you work really hard, and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.”
Conan O’Brien
16. “You have extraordinary treasures hidden within you. Bringing forth those treasures takes work and faith and focus and courage and hours of devotion. We simply do not have time anymore to think so small.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
17. “The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach
18. “The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.”
Albert Einstein
19. “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe.”
Oprah Winfrey
20. “You were born with everything you need to answer the call of your soul.”
Marie Forleo
21. “Allow your passion to become your purpose and it will one day become your profession.”
Gabby Bernstein
22. “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”
Paulo Coelho
23. “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
Nelson Mandela
24. “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”
Oprah Winfrey
25. “When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending.”
Brene Brown
26. “If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.”
Michele Ruiz
For more inspirational quotes, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest.
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Pin this for later! 26 Inspirational Quotes For Following Your Dreams Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
35 Manifestation Quotes For Love, Abundance & More
Discover 35 powerful manifestation quotes to inspire your journey and remind you of your limitless power to create your future. Let these quotes be a profound reminder that you possess the ability to manifest a beautiful and fulfilling life.
Pin this for later! 35 Manifestation Quotes For Love, Abundance & More What Is Manifestation?
Manifestation is, in its purest form, creation. Even before you knew you had the ability to manifest, you were unconsciously manifesting every single day.
Have you ever felt a deep inner knowing guiding you in a certain direction, even though it didn’t make sense?
Did you then follow your intuition and take inspired action?
Do you believe you are worthy and deserving of a life filled with true happiness and love?
All of these experiences—following your intuition, taking aligned action, and believing in your worthiness—are aspects that contribute to manifestation.
Your beliefs shape your life. When you believe you are worthy of true abundance (not just financial prosperity but an abundance of joy, love, peace, freedom, passion, creativity, and all good things), you’re more likely to walk through your life vibrating at the frequency of true abundance.
You feel abundant.
You see abundance all around you.
And in time, you begin to experience abundance in all of its shapes, forms, textures, and hues.
When you step back and look at your life, you’ll see that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.
And this is the heart of manifestation: to visualize your dreams and desires and to vibrate at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true. To consciously cultivate a beautiful inner world so that it spills into your outer world and creates something extraordinary.
When you first start, it may feel like playing pretend, and that’s okay. Because in time, you’ll realize that this isn’t pretend. Your magic is real.
You have the ability to manifest the life you want—the life that feels real and true to you.
It isn’t simply about believing that you can have it all.
It’s about knowing that you already do.
Below, discover 35 powerful manifestation quotes to remind you that you are a powerful creator—and you have the ability to create a beautiful, honest, and fulfilling life.
More Manifestation Resources
Manifestation Quotes For Love, Abundance & More
1. “The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on, think about, read about, and talk about intensely, you’re going to attract more of into your life.”
Jack Canfield
2. “Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.”
Bob Proctor
3. “You are the dreamer of your dream. Create visions of the world you want to see.”
Gabby Bernstein
4. “You are the designer of your destiny. You are the author of your life story.”
Lisa Nichols
5. “Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing, and being grateful. Make it your life commitment, and you will stand in utter awe of what happens in your life.”
Rhonda Byrne
6. “What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.”
7. “The amount of time it takes you to get from where you are to where you want to be, is only the amount of time it takes you to change the vibration within you. Instant manifestation could be yours if you could instantly change the vibration.”
Abraham Hicks
8. “Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”
Jack Canfield
9. “As soon as I allow the Universe to replace my fear-based beliefs with new perceptions, I receive a miracle.”
Gabby Bernstein
10. “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”
William James
11. “You manifest what you believe, not what you want.”
Sonia Ricotti
12. “Every intention sets energy into motion, whether you are conscious of it or not.”
Gary Zukav
13. “You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts.”
Brian Tracy
14. “Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”
Earl Nightingale
15. “True manifesting is about receiving what is of the highest good for all.”
Gabby Bernstein
16. “Eliminate all doubt and replace it with the full expectation that you will receive what you are asking for.”
Rhonda Byrne
17. “Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.”
Tony Robbins
18. “To be happy with yourself in the present moment while maintaining a dream of your future is a grand recipe for manifestation. When you feel so whole that you no longer care whether ‘it’ will happen, that’s when amazing things materialize before your eyes. I’ve learned that being whole is the perfect state of creation. I’ve seen this time and time again in witnessing true healings in people all over the world. They feel so complete that they no longer want, no longer feel lack, and no longer try to do it themselves. They let go, and to their amazement, something greater than they are responds—and they laugh at the simplicity of the process.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza
19. “You get to choose what you focus upon, and you get to choose what manifests, and you get to choose how you feel about it when it does.”
Abraham Hicks
20. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer
21. “Everything that happens in the universe starts with an intention.”
Deepak Chopra
22. “Most people are thinking about what they don’t want, and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over again.”
John Assaraf
23. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
Albert Einstein
24. “Know your magic, trust your magic, use your magic and know that you are a manifestation of life’s magic.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru
25. “We receive exactly what we expect to receive.”
John Holland
26. “Envision the future you desire. Create the life of your dreams. See it, feel it, believe it.”
Jack Canfield
27. “Your life is the manifestation of your dream; it is an art, and you can change your life anytime that you’re not enjoying the dream.”
don Miguel Ruiz
28. “You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer
29. “It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction.”
Charles Hammel
30. “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.”
Oprah Winfrey
31. “We must radiate success before it will come to us. We must become mentally, from an attitude standpoint, the people we wish to become.”
Earl Nightingale
32. “Every intention sets energy into motion, whether you are aware of it or not.”
Henry David Thoreau
33. “You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most.”
John Assaraf
34. “See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.”
Bob Proctor
35. “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”
Maya Angelou
For more inspirational quotes, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest.
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Pin this for later! 35 Manifestation Quotes For Love, Abundance & More Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
28 Inspiring Quotes For New Beginnings
Below, discover 28 inspiring quotes for new beginnings. Let these quotes guide you forward as you release the past to make space a beautiful new chapter to come forth.
Pin this for later! 28 Inspiring Quotes For New Beginnings Embracing New Beginnings
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There’s nothing quite like the magic of a new beginning.
New beginnings are times of possibilities. They’re filled with limitless potential and hope. They’re a time for something more. More than you can imagine. More than you can possibly envision for yourself. More than you ever thought possible.
A new beginning can come in the form of a promotion or career change. It might be moving to a new city—or even a new country. It might be starting a new relationship. It might also be venturing out on your own for a while, seeking to form a deeper relationship with your own mind, body, and soul.
And sometimes, a new beginning is as simple as waking up to a new day. A day you’ve never met before. A day where anything is possible. A day where miracles are present all around you, if you choose to open your eyes and look for them.
Are new beginnings always easy? Definitely not. As the Law of Polarity states, everything has an opposite, and the existence of these opposites is vital in helping us to gain a deeper perspective of our own lives. So what’s the opposite of a new beginning?
An ending.
And it’s very likely that if you’re approaching a new beginning, you’re also encountering some kind of ending. Some endings are joyous and worth celebrating. If you’re graduating college and beginning your career, this is likely an exciting time.
Other endings, though, can be especially difficult. The end of a relationship. Leaving a job that you’ve really loved. Saying goodbye to a loved one. Letting go of something meaningful in your life.
As you encounter new beginnings and difficult endings, I hope you have the courage to move forward, even when it feels hard. I hope you know that even if you loved the path behind you, the path ahead is just as beautiful and filled with endless treasures for you to explore. I hope you embrace each day. Each moment. Each breath that flows in and out of your lungs.
And I hope you follow your heart, no matter what. We often talk about our mind’s wisdom and consciousness. But your heart holds deep wisdom inside it as well.
So trust what you feel. Trust the gentle nudges from within. Trust your deep inner voice guiding you forward.
Whatever new beginning you’re stepping into, I hope it brings you endless love, grace, beauty, joy, and abundance. Because you are worthy of all these wonderful things.
Inspiring Quotes For New Beginnings
1. “And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
Meister Eckhart
2. “Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.”
Germany Kent
3. “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.”
Alan Cohen
4. “There will come a time when you believe everything is finished; that will be the beginning.”
Louis L’Amour
5. “Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.”
Mandy Hale
6. “If you want to fly in the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go the past that drags you down.”
Amit Ray
7. “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.”
Joseph Campbell
8. “Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now.”
Paulo Coelho
9. “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.”
Nido Qubein
10. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
Arthur Ashe
11. “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
Carl Bard
12. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”
Lao Tzu
13. “Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose — not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember.”
Anne Sullivan
14. “Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.”
Catherine Pulsifer
15. “A new day: Be open enough to see opportunities. Be wise enough to be grateful. Be courageous enough to be happy.”
Steve Maraboli
16. “Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.”
Ralph Blum
17. “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.”
Mary Pickford
18. “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”
Meister Eckhart
19. “Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach
20. “Starting over is an acceptance of a past we can’t change, an unrelenting conviction that the future can be different, and the stubborn wisdom to use the past to make the future what the past was not.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough
21. “Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.”
Guy Finley
22. “Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.”
Desmond Tutu
23. “Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.”
Marsha Petrie Sue
24. “The beginning is always today.”
Mary Shelley
25. “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”
Paulo Coelho
26. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Lao Tzu
27. “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.”
T. S. Eliot
28. “And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that never were.”
Rainer Maria Rilke
For more inspirational quotes, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
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Pin this for later! 28 Inspiring Quotes For New Beginnings Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
44 Spiritual Growth Quotes For Your Spiritual Journey
In this article, discover 44 profound spiritual growth quotes to guide you through all phases of your spiritual journey as you awaken to your true self.
Pin this for later! 44 Spiritual Growth Quotes For Your Spiritual Journey What Is Spiritual Growth?
Spiritual growth is the process in which you awaken to your true self—not the outer circumstances and experiences that you’ve defined yourself by but the truth of who you really are.
Eternal. Infinite. Limitless. Expansive. Connected to everything and everyone. More than words could ever begin to describe. More than you’ve ever believed yourself to be.
Your spiritual journey is sacred and personal to you, so I can’t tell you exactly what you’ll discover through this experience. But I can tell you that it will be transformative, and it will likely take you to places you never imagined.
This isn’t an overnight journey. Years into it, you will still continue to learn and discover new things about yourself and the world around you.
And while this spiritual journey is one of the most beautiful and worthwhile experiences you’ll ever have, it can, at times, feel very lonely. That’s why it’s important to step outside yourself every once in a while and remember that you’re not alone. You’re never alone.
Below, find 44 spiritual growth quotes to guide you in all phases of your sacred spiritual journey. Let these quotes be gentle reminders that you are not your fears. You are not your stories. You are not the labels you’ve been given.
You are more.
Always, always more.
Spiritual Growth Quotes
1. “The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life.”
Marianne Williamson
2. “The universe is but a partial manifestation of your limitless capacity to become.”
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
3. “Enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life.”
William Blake
4. “In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself. It will be a permanent Self, rooted in awareness and creativity. Once you have captured this, you have captured the world.”
Deepak Chopra
5. “When you expand your awareness, seemingly random events will be seen to fit into a larger purpose.”
Deepak Chopra
6. “You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
Swami Vivekananda
7. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
8. “If we want to live a miraculous life, we must raise the volume on the loving voice within us and turn down the volume of our fear.”
Gabby Bernstein
9. “The simple intention to surrender control is all you need to experience miracles.”
Gabby Bernstein
10. “To realize that you are not your thoughts is when you begin to awaken spiritually.”
Eckhart Tolle
11. “When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.”
Stephen Richards
12. “The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning.”
M. Scott Peck
13. “Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just don’t know it. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love.”
Marianne Williamson
14. “Spiritual maturity is measured in terms of persevering faith, not perfect behavior.”
Andy Stanley
15. “Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.”
Joseph Campbell
16. “The main requirement for spiritual growth: A yearning to know who you really are.”
17. “You can read books without ever stepping into a library; and practice spirituality without ever going to a temple.”
Anthony de Mello
18. “You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say.”
Paulo Coelho
19. “Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.”
20. “What does it mean to be truly alive? We have the potential to experience extraordinary states of consciousness, to feel connected with others, to feel connected to everything. To be in awe of this movement of life. That’s the potential of human consciousness: to connect, to love, to be one. To experience a love that knows no boundaries; to experience a total state of oneness. That’s the potential and the purpose of human life, the human brain, and the human body.”
Preethaji & Krishnaji
21. “You are what you believe yourself to be.”
Paulo Coelho
22. “It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters“
Amit Ray
23. “It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.”
Eckhart Tolle
24. “Your greatest awakening comes, when you are aware about your infinite nature.”
Amit Ray
25. “We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours is the only path.”
Paulo Coelho
26. “Spirituality emerged as a fundamental guidepost in Wholeheartedness. Not religiosity but the deeply held belief that we are inextricably connected to one another by a force greater than ourselves—a force grounded in love and compassion. For some of us that’s God, for others it’s nature, art, or even human soulfulness. I believe that owning our worthiness is the act of acknowledging that we are sacred. Perhaps embracing vulnerability and overcoming numbing is ultimately about the care and feeding of our spirits.”
Brene Brown
27. “Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”
Roy T. Bennett
28. “A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart.”
Charles Finney
29. “You were born with everything you need to answer the call of your soul.”
Marie Forleo
30. “There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.”
Michael A. Singer
31. “Pure awareness transcends thinking. It allows you to step outside the chattering negative self-talk and your reactive impulses and emotions. It allows you to look at the world once again with open eyes. And when you do so, a sense of wonder and quiet contentment begins to reappear in your life.”
Mark Williams
32. “Serious spiritual practice is more than serene walks in the woods, lit candles and incense. You have to be committed. You have to be willing to enter into your own darkness and transcend it.”
Maria Erving
33. “To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.”
Deepak Chopra
34. “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”
Jack Canfield
35. “You’re a spiritual being having a human experience. You’re not a human being having a spiritual experience.” – Deepak Chopra
36. “Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.”
Wayne Dyer
37. “These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.”
38. “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
Carl Jung
39. “Dimming your light doesn’t do you or the world any good. You were meant to be great. Stand in that power.”
Lisa Nichols
40. “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
Wayne Dyer
41. “Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
42. “If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.”
Wayne Dyer
43. “I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the Now. I Am.”
Eckhart Tolle
44. “Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.”
Deepak Chopra
For more inspirational quotes, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
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Pin this for later! 44 Spiritual Growth Quotes For Your Spiritual Journey Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
33 Profound Spiritual Healing Quotes To Guide Your Path
In this article, discover 33 beautiful and profound spiritual healing quotes to guide your path, help you embrace your inner divinity, and gently bring you back home to yourself when you’re feeling lost. Let these quotes comfort, uplift, and light your way forward as you heal, nourish, and grow.
Pin this for later! 33 Profound Spiritual Healing Quotes To Guide Your Path Spiritual Healing
Spiritual healing is the process of letting go of everything you aren’t in order to embrace what you are. It’s a path that leads you to uncovering the divinity that exists within yourself. And it’s a journey rooted in connection: connection with others, with love, with the universe, and with your own soul.
For each of us, spiritual healing is a journey that brings us back home to ourselves when we’re feeling lost. It’s often a process of releasing, embracing, expanding, transforming, and sometimes just being.
And it’s a reminder that you are your own greatest healer. You are your greatest guide. The answers you seek are always within.
Below, discover 33 profound spiritual healing quotes to guide your path. These quotes are meant to help you love both the darkness and light within and gently lead you back home to yourself.
Some quotes may resonate more than others in this moment. That’s completely okay. For now, take what you need.
In the future, when you’re in a different place in your spiritual journey, you might come back and see if a different quote resonates and reveals something new for you.
And if you’re feeling spiritually lost, know that it’s okay, too. Sometimes, being lost isn’t such a bad thing. The best thing you can do for yourself in this moment is to ask, “What does my soul need right now?”
Then, whatever the answer is, go there. Give yourself what you need. Lean into love.
Spiritual Healing Quotes
1. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
2. “Pay attention to your patterns. The ways you learned to survive may not be the ways you want to continue to live. Heal and shift.”
Dr. Thema Bryant Davis
3. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
4. “The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.”
Caroline Myss
5. “If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”
Amit Ray
6. “Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.”
Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
7. “That’s life: starting over, one breath at a time.”
Sharon Salzberg
8. “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
Eckhart Tolle
9. “You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
Swami Vivekananda
10. “When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.”
Stephen Richards
11. “I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence and the truth comes to me.”
Albert Einstein
12. “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
Carl Jung
13. “We spend a lot of time judging ourselves harshly for feelings that we had no role in summoning. The only thing you can control is how you handle it.”
Dan Harris
14. “You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say.”
Paulo Coelho
15. “Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.”
16. Compassion is even more powerful than courage. Sure, with courage you can conquer a world – but only with compassion can you heal and build it.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
17. “Pure awareness transcends thinking. It allows you to step outside the chattering negative self-talk and your reactive impulses and emotions. It allows you to look at the world once again with open eyes. And when you do so, a sense of wonder and quiet contentment begins to reappear in your life.”
Mark Williams
18. “If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”
Jack Kornfield
19. “These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.”
20. “Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.”
Hermann Hesse
21. “You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
Louise Hay
22. “Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being – the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core.”
Shakti Gawain
23. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”
Lao Tzu
24. “Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.”
Deepak Chopra
25. “As soon as I allow the Universe to replace my fear-based beliefs with new perceptions, I receive a miracle.”
Gabby Bernstein
26. “The mind defines, decides, doubts and divides – only the heart truly binds.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru
27. “Awakening is about liberating yourself from the prison that is the world of the mind and daring to be here as all that you are.”
Leonard Jacobson
28. With everything that has happened to you, you can feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”
Wayne Dyer
29. “The use of love is to heal. When it flows without effort from the depth of the self, love creates health.”
Deepak Chopra
30. “Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.”
Rachel Naomi Remen
31. “Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.”
don Miguel Ruiz
32. “It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.”
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
33. “The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life.”
Marianne Williamson
For more inspirational quotes, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
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Pin this for later! 33 Profound Spiritual Healing Quotes To Guide Your Path Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
44 Abraham Hicks Affirmations For Joy And Manifestation
In this post, discover 44 beautiful Abraham Hicks affirmations to step into your worthiness and manifest a life of joy, love, and true abundance.
Pin this for later! 44 Abraham Hicks Affirmations for Love, Joy, and Manifestation Abraham Hicks
Abraham Hicks is a powerhouse in the manifestation and Law of Attraction space. Major figures such as Gabby Bernstein often draw inspiration from and credit Abraham Hicks for shaping their thinking and influencing their work.
And once you start reading the inspiring words and affirmations below, you’ll understand why.
Without a doubt, all of my most saved quotes–and the words I come back to over and over again–come from Abraham Hicks. I save quotes to my phone and have a whole Pinterest board dedicated solely to Abraham Hicks’ words. When I’m feeling down, misaligned, or off-centered, I always come back to these words to realign with my true self.
When I read these words, I am reminded that I am a powerful creator who has the ability to easily and effortlessly create anything I want in my life.
I am reminded that it is my birthright to feel joyful and abundant every single day.
I am reminded of my inherent strength and power.
And I am reminded that I am always, always worthy. No matter what.
Below, I’ve compiled 44 of my favorite Abraham Hicks affirmations to help you step into your power, own your worthiness, and create a joyful and brilliant life. Note that all of the words below come directly from Abraham Hicks, and I have merely compiled them here for you.
Find the ones that resonate deepest with you and let them be your guiding light. At the end of this post, I’ve created images of some of my favorites that you can save to your phone or tablet or pin to your Pinterest boards.
I hope these beautiful affirmations bring you as much joy and peace as they’ve brought me.
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Abraham Hicks Affirmations
- I have the ability to focus. I have the ability to put my thoughts where they feel best.
- I always do my best and it’s enough for me to know that.
- I’ll ask and I’ll expect it to be given, and I’ll watch for the evidence of it.
- I love me. I am lovable. I am loved.
- I’m choosing to feel good.
- I’ve asked, it’s lined up, and I’ll know it when I see it.
- I am eternal.
- I like where I am. And I like where I’ve been. And I’m over the moon about where I’m going.
- What I focus upon causes an attraction of things that match it.
- Whatever I want can flow to me.
- My relationship with my Inner Being is my strongest partnership.
- No matter where I am, I have the ability to focus in a way that is pleasing to me.
- I’m doing good and it’s getting better.
- Things are always working out for me, and I can take it a little easier, and I’m going to turn this over to the Universe.
- I trust that I’m figuring this out.
- Nothing other than feeling good will do for me.
- I love being the clear example that I am. I love offering my vibration deliberately and I love watching all the Universal factors lining things up.
- It is my dominant intention to feel the way I want to feel.
- I want it and I expect it.
- Feeling better is the manifestation I am reaching for.
- I am to live happily ever after.
- I am the only one responsible for how I feel.
- I’m enjoying the journey because the destination is certain.
- Right now, I am going to find the best-feeling thought that I can. I’m going to reach for more relief, more relief, more relief.
- I’m moving closer to what I want. I’m figuring it out. It’s getting better.
- Life has helped me to know that I want that, and I’m looking forward to watching the natural unfolding of it, because I’ve asked for it and it’s done.
- It’s alright. And all is well. And I’m getting there.
- I know that the Universal Forces are always helping me. I know that the solution is in place.
- I know I’m good at what I do. I know that I always figure things out. I know that things do work out for me.
- The happier I am, the better things get.
- I like knowing that all results I seek are easily achievable.
- I know it is my destiny to feel good.
- I’m Source Energy in a human body, and I get what I want.
- I love knowing that joy is simply a choice.
- I was destined to a life of fulfillment and never-ending joy.
- Where I am is constantly changing to something better.
- In my appreciation, I allow myself to receive wonderful things.
- I am the creator of my mood, therefore I am the creator of my day.
- If I want it, I can attract it. Simple.
- I love knowing that it doesn’t matter what’s going on right now, because I can keep telling a new story.
- I don’t know how it’s gonna come, I just know it’s gonna come, because it always comes.
- I’m on the path. The path is unfolding. It will reveal itself to me in its perfect timing, and all is really well.
- I’m whole, and I’m strong, and I’m happy and I’m sure. And I’m alive and glad to be. And I’m good at what I do. And I’m blessed. I’m tended to. I’m seen. I’m heard. I’m known.
- All is well. Everything is alright.
Abraham Hicks Affirmations – Images
What are your favorite Abraham Hicks quotes and affirmations? Share your favorites in the comment box below!
And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.
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Pin this for later! 44 Abraham Hicks Affirmations for Love, Joy, and Manifestation Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
22 Profound Paulo Coelho Quotes (With Images)
In this post, discover 22 profound Paulo Coelho quotes to inspire you to release fear and suffering and embrace the dreams that have been placed in your heart. Plus, save the quote images below to your phone, tablet, or laptop so you can come back to these inspirational words whenever you need them.
Pin this for later! 22 Profound Paulo Coelho Quotes (With Images) Paulo Coelho
Time and time again, whenever I’m feeling sad, lost, or misaligned, I find myself returning to Paulo Coelho‘s brilliant words, which always feel like a cool drink of water on a hot summer day.
The first time I heard his quote, “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it,” I felt like the weight of the world was gently lifted off my shoulders. Immediately, I knew in my heart that these words were true: that the universe was always supporting me, even when I couldn’t see it.
And then there’s his quote, “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.”
These empowering words helped me to release my worries and anxiety about stepping into the life of my dreams. I realized that I was only suffering by holding myself back, but when I chose to align with the dreams that were placed in my heart, there was no more room for suffering.
There was only hope. Only passion. Only love.
And one that I’ve recently been coming back to over and over again is this: “You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.”
I love routine and order, and I tend to approach all of my days in the same way. And while there isn’t anything inherently wrong with this, I’ve realized that I can still open my eyes and choose to view each day as a miracle. That there’s always magic to be found if you simply decide to look for it.
All of these themes and more can be found in Coelho’s novel The Alchemist, a book I continually come back to and immerse myself in like a warm blanket on a cold day, filling me with light and warmth and hope.
Below, I’ve compiled 22 of my favorite Paulo Coelho quotes for inspiration, joy, hope, and following your dreams. I’ve also created images for each of these quotes, so feel free to choose your favorites and save them to your phone so you can come back to them whenever you need a little light in your day.
I hope these quotes bring you as much hope and inspiration as they’ve brought me.
Paulo Coelho Quotes
- “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
2. “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
3. “You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.”
4. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
5. “The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”
6. “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”
7. “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”
8. “Everybody has a creative potential and from the moment you can express this creative potential, you can start changing the world.”
9. “The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”
10. “If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule – Never lie to yourself.”
11. “People are capable at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”
12. “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.”
13. “You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.”
14. “You are what you believe yourself to be.”
15. “You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say.”
16. “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”
17. “The two worst strategic mistakes to make are acting prematurely and letting an opportunity slip; to avoid this, the warrior treats each situation as if it were unique and never resorts to formulae, recipes or other people’s opinions.”
18. “We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours is the only path.”
19. “No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn’t know it.”
20. “A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.”
21. “The act of discovering who we are will force us to accept that we can go further than we think.”
22. “I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It’s all a question of how I view my life.”
What quotes inspire you to live your boldest, most authentic life? Share your favorites in the comment box below!
And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.
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Pin this for later! 22 Profound Paulo Coelho Quotes (With Images) Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Gabby Bernstein Quotes for Faith, Trust & Love
In this post, discover 30 beautiful Gabby Bernstein quotes to uplift your spirit, connect you to your highest self, and help you to surrender to the loving guidance of the Universe. Plus, download quote images to your phone or device to save or share!
Pin this for later! 30 Gabby Bernstein Quotes for Faith, Trust & Love Who is Gabby Bernstein?
Gabrielle Bernstein is a motivational speaker, spiritual leader, podcast host, and #1 New York Times bestselling author of multiple books, including The Universe Has Your Back, Spirit Junkie, and Super Attractor. Her books primarily focus on topics such as spirituality, manifestation, and cultivating unconditional self-love, and her work is often inspired by the text, A Course in Miracles, which she also teaches from.
One aspect of her work that makes it so appealing is her ability to write in such a way that it feels as though she’s speaking directly to the reader. She’s developed a close relationship with her fans and community, so much so that it feels odd to refer to her formally here as “Bernstein” or even “Gabrielle.” To most of her audience, she’s just Gabby, a name she uses in her hour-long Instagram Live shows as well as her Dear Gabby podcast, which was launched in Spring 2021.
One aspect of Gabby’s work that first drew me to her is her focus on the concept of surrender. One of her most well-known affirmations is, “When I think I’ve surrendered, I surrender more.” I find myself coming back to these words often throughout each day as I’ve learned how to let go of how I think my life should look and trust that the Universe gives me exactly what I need.
Below, you’ll find 30 of my favorite Gabby Bernstein quotes for faith, trust, and love. I originally was going to title this post, “30 Gabby Bernstein Quotes to Uplift and Inspire,” but something didn’t feel right about that title. It isn’t that her words don’t uplift and inspire; they do. It’s simply that some of these quotes feel more like a calming, soulful sigh of relief. They uplift, but they also ground you to the present moment and connect you to your true self.
So I hope these Gabby Bernstein quotes uplift and inspire, but I hope they also connect you to the vibration of love, faith, peace, and self-compassion as you surrender your worries and trust the Universe to deliver exactly what you need in this moment.
And if you want to learn more about Gabby Bernstein, you can find more about her courses and writings at gabbybernstein.com.
Looking for more inspirational quotes? Check out these posts!
Gabby Bernstein Quotes
- “I am love. Everything in me and outside of me is love. Today I choose to repeat this, believe this, and commit to this. I am love. Anything else I have chosen to believe is false evidence appearing real. What I choose to see as real today is love and only love. I am love.”
2. “The key to serenity is trusting that the universe has your back.”
3. “Faith it til you make it.”
4. “I’m beginning to accept that the less I do, the more I will succeed – because the less I do, the better I feel.”
5. “The more time I devote to feeling good, the easier my life becomes.”
6. “True abundance is an inside job.”
7. “True abundance isn’t based on our net worth, it’s based on our self-worth.”
8. “I let go of my need to control and allow the Universe to do her thing.”
9. “If we want to live a miraculous life, we must raise the volume on the loving voice within us and turn down the volume of our fear.”
10. “When you loosen your grip and let Spirit lead the way, your life will become a happy dream.”
11. “The simple intention to surrender control is all you need to experience miracles.”
12. “I learned that real happiness doesn’t come from getting but from giving.”
13. “Praying is the time to ask and meditating is the time to listen.”
14. “Get naked with your truth, offering the world your greatest gift: your authentic self.”
15. “Much of our anxiety and stress comes when we’re focused on fear and disconnected from the voice of our inner guide.”
16. “Allow your passion to become your purpose and it will one day become your profession.”
17. “Trust that your wounds are exactly as the Universe planned. They were divinely placed in your life in the perfect order so that you could show up for them with love and remember the light within.”
18. “Whenever you notice your thoughts detour into attack mode, say out loud or to yourself: Happiness is a choice I make.”
19. “When you begin to dance with the energy of the Universe, your life flows naturally, incredible synchronicity presents itself, creative solutions abound, and you experience freedom.”
20. “When you see others who have what you want, celebrate it! Let their success mirror back to you what you’re ready to receive.”
21. “I recognize that I have chosen wrongly. I forgive this thought, and I choose again. I choose love.”
22. “Rejection is often the universe leading us in a different direction. See rejection as guidance rather than loss.”
23. “When I think I’ve surrendered, I surrender more.”
24. “Being in union with the Universe is like an awesome dance where you trust your partner so much that you just surrender to the beat of the music.”
25. “Be kind and loving toward others while creating clear boundaries that protect your good-feeling emotions. You can choose how you perceive your world. You are the dreamer of your dream.”
26. “Say out loud or silently, ‘I forgive this thought, and I choose to believe in love instead.'”
27. “How will you know when you’re ready to share your visions with the world? You will develop a strong sense of connection and certainty around your desire, and that’s when you know it’s time to share.”
28. “Today I no longer need to change the world around me. I just need to change the way I see it.”
29. “Each day when you wake up, say: ‘What miracles would you have me perform today?’ Then listen.”
30. “My definition of God is: the ever-present essence of love.”
What are some of your favorite Gabby Bernstein quotes? Let me know your favorites in the comment box below!
And for more inspirational quotes, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
Pin this for later! 30 Gabby Bernstein Quotes for Faith, Trust & Love Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Inspirational Vision Board Quotes (With Images)
Looking to create an empowering vision board that will help you set goals and manifest your dreams? Below, discover 30 inspirational vision board quotes, plus save and print the quote images to add to your vision board and keep you feeling uplifted, inspired, and empowered.
Pin this! 30 Inspiring Vision Board Quotes (With Images) What is a Vision Board?
A vision board is a collection of words and/or images that represent your highest self living your ideal life. Common components of a vision board might include your career, relationships, home, car, health, wealth, spirituality, lifestyle, hobbies, self-care activities, and anything that represents the life of your dreams. There truly is no limit to what you can include on your vision board as you’re the only one who knows the dreams in your heart.
Vision boards are typically used for goal-setting purposes and can be a powerful tool in manifestation. They help you to set your intentions and get clear about what exactly it is that you want to manifest into your experience. They can also be used for the purpose of raising your vibration. In fact, I think this is where a vision board truly shines.
A vision board isn’t purely about setting goals; it’s about allowing yourself to experience all of the positive feelings of having all of your hopes and dreams right now. Is your board filled with images of travel, adventure, and freedom? Or is your deepest desire to have stability, a beautiful home, and a loving relationship?
Whatever it is that you dream of, allow yourself to feel all of the positive emotions of having it all right now.
Allow yourself to feel freedom. Feel love. Feel passion. Feel abundance. Feel all of these positive emotions now, knowing in your heart that you create your abundance from within.
When you focus on the lack and absence of your desires, you attract more lack into your current experience. But if you vibrate at the frequency of already living the life of your dreams, you attract more of this beautiful abundance to you.
And that’s the magic of the vision board.
It isn’t simply about slapping some pretty images on a poster board and glancing at it from time to time.
It’s about knowing that you have the power to create your life and showing the universe exactly what it is that you want – then through your thoughts and emotions, drawing that life to you.
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How to Make a Vision Board
When you think of a vision board, you might imagine a poster board or bulletin board covered in images from magazines and/or the internet. And while this is definitely still a powerful way to create your vision board, know that there are other options!
My first vision board was what I called a “vision web,” and it was simply a sheet of paper with my name in the middle and lines that branched off the circle. At the end of each line, I wrote one to two sentences in present tense that described my dreams (i.e. “I am a writer . . .”). You can start off with something similar, or you can choose to draw your dreams instead of writing them. (Or both!)
I also like to keep a portable vision board with me at all times on my phone. I do this two ways: through an app and by saving images to a dedicated album in my photos. My app of choice is VisuApp, which allows me to add images, categorize them, and even add empowering affirmations to my photos. In my photos on my phone, I have an album called My Life in which I save photos that resonate with me. These photos range from a beautiful house and my dream kitchen to my dream wardrobe to photos of gorgeous meadows and the night sky, which represent freedom and peace to me.
And of course, you can definitely print and cut photos, then glue or tape them on a medium as big or small as you’d like, from a poster board to a sheet of paper.
However you choose to approach your vision board, have fun with it! It’s okay if you forget to add some things or if you change your mind about any of the images you’ve chosen. Your first vision board doesn’t have to be your one and only. You can change it as many times as you need before it finally feels right, and it’s totally normal for some of your dreams to change in time. Especially when you start to realize that some of the things you’ve put on your board have already come true.
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Tips for Creating a Vision Board
- Think big. When you start to create your vision board, you might be tempted to only add things to it that seem “realistic.” But who actually says what’s realistic and what isn’t? Fill your board with the biggest, most extravagant dreams you’ve got. All of it. Let limits be a part of someone else’s story. You’re the one writing your story. You’re creating your path. You. Are. Limitless.
- Add quotes. Empowering quotes and affirmations are an often overlooked yet profound part of your vision board. Find quotes and affirmations that truly resonate with you. I’ve included 30 of my favorite vision board quotes below. If any resonate with you, you can add them to your own vision board. You can save any of the images below to your device and add them to the vision board album you create on your phone, or you can print them and add to your physical vision board (or bullet journal).
- Create in a state of joy. When you create your vision board, try to find a time and place when you’re free from distractions. As you create your board, allow yourself to feel all the positive feelings associated with your dreams. Let joy and peace permeate your being. Know that you’re on the right path, and this is exactly where you’re meant to be.
- Choose authenticity over perfection. When you create your vision board, you’re not just envisioning your perfect life; what’s more important is creating your authentic life. What feels true to you? Maybe it’s not something that would make sense to anyone else, and that’s okay. It doesn’t have to as long as it feels right to you.
Vision Board Quotes
- “Follow your bliss.”
2. “The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.” – Fabienne Fredrickson
3. “You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
4. “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey
5. “Always remember, this dream was planted in your heart for a reason.”
6. “Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not.” – Deepak Chopra
7. “Do what brings you to life, then. Follow your fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
8. “I’m on the path. The path is unfolding. It will reveal itself to me in its perfect timing, and all is really well.” – Abraham Hicks
9. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
10. “Your inner knowing always knows the way.”
11. “Believe you deserve it and the Universe will serve it.”
12. “Be the one who decided to go for it.”
13. “What’s coming is better than what is gone.”
14. “Create the life you can’t wait to wake up to.”
15. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
16. “Choose courage over comfort. Choose whole hearts over armor. And choose the great adventure of being brave and afraid. At the exact same time.” – Brene Brown
17. “You are here to create your very own fairy tale.” – Abraham Hicks
18. “Perhaps imagination is not where we go to escape reality but where we go to remember it.” – Glennon Doyle
19. “You’ll see it when you believe it.” – Wayne Dyer
20. “When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending.” – Brene Brown
21. “What’s yours will find you.”
22. “Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.”
23. “Don’t dance around the perimeter of the person you want to be. Dive deeply and fully into it.” – Gabrielle Bernstein
24. “Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.” – John Updike
25. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho
26. “The only force that can stop me is me.”
27. “Anything I can imagine, I can create.”
28. “Trust that feeling. It’s your life force. Your genius. Your destiny screaming to be realized.” – Marie Forleo
29. “If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore.” – Michele Ruiz
30. “You are what you manifest.”
Have you ever created a vision board? What’s your favorite way to create your vision board? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!
And for more manifestation tips, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
More Quotes and Affirmations:
- 30 Inspiring Marie Forleo Quotes to Embrace Your Magic
- 30 Profound Deepak Chopra Quotes to Lift Your Spirits
- 75 Self-Love Affirmations to Celebrate Your Worthiness
- 50 Empowering Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
Pin this! 30 Inspiring Vision Board Quotes (With Images) Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Inspiring Marie Forleo Quotes to Embrace Your Magic
Looking for some powerful inspiration to lift your vibrations and guide you forward in your self-love journey? Check out 30 of my favorite Marie Forleo quotes, designed to help you step into your limitless power to create the life of your dreams.
Pin this! 30 Inspiring Marie Forleo Quotes to Embrace Your Inner Magic Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo is a life coach, motivational speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of the books, Everything is Figureoutable and Make Every Man Want You.
She is also the queen of producing irresistible, high-vibe, motivational quotes that will spurt you into action and help you to embrace your inner magic.
To be honest, when I started out on my journey of personal growth, self-love, and creating the life of my dreams, I didn’t even know who Marie Forleo was. But as I was searching online for motivational quotes to add to my self-love toolkit, I stumbled across the first two quotes on this list.
After that, I was hooked.
Marie Forleo’s profound words are a powerful reminder of your limitless potential, immense power, and infinite ability to create the life of your dreams.
Below, I’ve collected 30 of my favorite Marie Forleo quotes guaranteed to lift your vibrations and create everlasting self-belief within. Feel free to save, share, and come back to these words whenever you need to remember that you have the power to live the life that was always meant for you.
Marie Forleo Quotes
“The most powerful words in the universe are the words you say to yourself.”
“What we say to ourselves in the privacy of our own minds, matters. It drives our behavior, which drives our destiny, which shapes our world.”
“I win or I learn, but I never lose.”
“Your potential is limitless. You are unique, valuable, capable, and worthy of the dreams in your heart. Most of all, you have what it takes to transform and transcend whatever challenges you face.”
“You always have more power than you think. Your mind is the most extraordinary tool you have to shape your reality.“
“Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.”
“True fulfillment in life doesn’t come from what we get, it comes from what we give.”
“Trust that feeling. It’s your life force. Your genius. Your destiny screaming to be realized.“
“Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do.”
“Show up in every single moment like you’re meant to be there.”
“The key to success is to start before you’re ready.”
“You never feel ready to do the important things you’re meant to do.”
“All progress begins with a brave decision.”
“Nearly two decades later, I can say that the only thing that allowed me to take that leap was because a deeper, wiser part of me believed that somehow I’d be able to figure it out.”
“To be responsible, keep your promises to others. To be successful, keep your promises to yourself.”
“Proactively bring passion to everything you touch, to everything you do. No matter what task is in front of you, bring as much enthusiasm and energy to it as you possibly can. Bring your full attention, your full presence, the Godlike quality that each of us has within, to every task in your day.”
“I have never, ever, EVER met anyone who’s regretted following their heart.”
“Just because someone doesn’t like what you do doesn’t mean no one else will. A person’s opinion is not The Truth, it’s their truth.”
“There has never been and never will be another you. You have a purpose – a very special gift that only you can bring to the world.”
“Your dreams aren’t made, or broken, by anyone but you.”
“You were born with everything you need to answer the call of your soul.”
“Showing up fully exactly where you are is the fastest way to get where you want to go!”
“A fall is never final unless you stay on the ground.”
“Nine times out of ten, our fear is directive. It’s a signpost, pointing us in the exact direction our soul wants to go.“
“You must disobey the voice in your head that says, I’m not ready yet.”
“When it comes to forks in the road, your heart always knows the answer, not your mind.”
“Nothing exists in our world that does not first exist in our minds.”
“All beliefs are a choice and choices can be changed.”
“Never give anyone the power to control your emotions.”
“Not having the best situation, but seeing the best in your situation is the key to happiness.”
For more profound quotes, plus uplifting affirmations, connect with me on Pinterest and Instagram! I’m pinning and posting empowering quotes, mantras, images, and affirmations daily!
Looking for more high-vibe quotes? Check out these posts!
- 30 Profound Deepak Chopra Quotes to Lift Your Spirits
- What is Mindfulness? Plus 15 Powerful Quotes
- 10 Inspiring Abraham Hicks Quotes
Pin this! 30 Inspiring Marie Forleo Quotes to Embrace Your Inner Magic Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.