• 30 Affirmations For Tapping Into Your Intuition
    Affirmations,  Manifestation,  Spirituality

    30 Affirmations For Tapping Into Your Intuition

    Below, discover 30 positive affirmations for tapping into your divine intuition. Plus, get additional tips on how to connect with your intuition in your daily life.

    30 Affirmations For Tapping Into Your Intuition
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    What Is Your Intuition?

    Your intuition is your deep inner knowing. It’s a hunch. A feeling. A whisper. It’s a voice that doesn’t speak in words but in a language that only you can understand.

    Your intuition is the oldest, deepest, wisest part of you.

    Your intuition is the sense of knowing you possess that seems to know the right answer before your mind can make rational sense of the situation. And even when your conscious mind has had the time to go through the pros/cons list and dissect the situation, your intuition may lead you somewhere else completely.

    It might say, “I know that this path is what feels logical, but this other path is what feels right.”

    Many people feel like their intuition doesn’t work or that they don’t have access to their deep inner knowing. But the truth is, everybody has access to their inner guidance system. But like a muscle, you have to work with it regularly in order to make it stronger.

    The most profound practices for tapping into your intuition are meditation and mindfulness. What blocks us from accessing our intuition more than anything else is being immersed in outer noise. When you’re constantly living externally, you have a hard time connecting to your heart’s wisdom.

    So to access your intuition, you have to step back from the noise. You have to get really quiet. You have to take full, deep breaths. And you have to be patient.

    When you’re strength training, you won’t see a profound difference in your muscle growth after only one workout. The same goes for your intuition. You have to keep coming back to silence, over and over again. You have to make space for your inner knowing to come forward, and you have to keep quieting your mind so your heart can speak.

    For more practices on how to tap into your intuition, plus guidance and tips on what your intuition should feel like and how your intuition relates to manifestation, you can read my full article on accessing your intuition here.

    Below, you’ll find 30 positive affirmations for connecting with your intuition. Find the affirmations that resonate most with you and repeat them daily. You can repeat these affirmations in meditation or recite them throughout your day.

    And remember to keep coming back to silence. Keep stepping back from the outer noise and returning to your inner self. And know that the greatest guidance you can ever receive doesn’t come from outside yourself; it’s within.

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    Affirmations For Intuition

    • My mind is strong, open, and clear.
    • I see and think clearly.
    • All that I seek I can find within me.
    • My inner knowing always knows the way.
    • I am insightful, intuitive, and imaginative.
    • Divine guidance is always at my fingertips.
    • I honor the sacred divinity that exists within me.
    • I am aligned with the loving will of the universe.
    • I honor my inner knowing and trust my path.
    • I surrender my resistance and allow the universe to give me what I need.
    • I trust the pull in my heart guiding me forward.
    • I allow myself to step back from the noise and explore my inner world.
    • I embrace quiet, peace, and serenity.
    • I value truth above appearances.
    • I hear, see, and know the truth about all things.
    • My mind is free of resistance and open to all possibilities.
    • I know more than I realize in all moments.
    • I trust my inner wisdom to guide me toward the next right step.
    • I release all blockages that obscure my inner guidance system.
    • My inner wisdom is deep, profound, and immeasurable.
    • I trust my intuition, even when it doesn’t always make sense to my logical mind.
    • I know the next right step because I hear the words echoing in my heart.
    • The answers I seek are always within.
    • My highest self guides my actions and decisions.
    • I am aligned with my soul’s purpose and truth.
    • I am always divinely and lovingly guided.
    • I know deep inner peace.
    • I release the need to control my life and surrender to a higher power.
    • I trust my intuition and listen to the wisdom of the universe.
    • I see. I hear. I know.
    Affirmation For Intuition
    Affirmation For Intuition
    Affirmation For Intuition
    Affirmation For Intuition
    Affirmation For Intuition
    Affirmation For Intuition
    Affirmation For Intuition

    What practices help you tap into your intuition? Do you have any favorite affirmations for connecting with your intuition? Share your tips and favorites in the comment box below!

    And for more uplifting affirmations and inspiring messages, be sure to connect with me on Instagram, where I post daily affirmation stories every single morning. And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m pinning positive affirmations and empowering quotes every single day.

    30 Affirmations For Tapping Into Your Intuition
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  • meditations for manifesting
    Manifestation,  Mindfulness

    9 Guided Meditations For Manifesting Your Desires

    In this article, discover nine powerful guided meditations for manifesting love, abundance, success, and so much more. (With links to each meditation so you can begin your manifesting journey today.)

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    Getting Started: Guided Meditations For Manifesting

    Meditation is a profound way to connect to your heart’s deepest dreams and desires. Not only can meditation help you to cultivate inner peace, tap into your intuition, and lean a little deeper into gratitude, but it can also be a powerful way to visualize and align with the thoughts, feelings, and images of having your desires in this present moment.

    And guided manifestation meditations are a powerful place to start.

    First, what exactly is a manifestation meditation?

    A manifestation meditation is a meditation specifically designed to help you align with the positive thoughts and emotions of your dreams and desires, lifting your vibrations so that you become a magnet for all of your deepest dreams.

    Guided meditations for manifesting can be an easy yet profound way to help you set intentions, cultivate gratitude, lift your vibration, and visualize the truest, most beautiful life you can imagine for yourself.

    And the best part? They don’t actually have to take very much time.

    As you’ll see, most of the guided meditations below are only about ten minutes long, yet they’re filled with tools to help you embody the vibration of already having your dreams and desires in this present moment.

    While you can do these meditations any time of the day, I especially love to listen to them in the morning shortly after I wake up. I’ve found that by starting my day with a meditation, I set a positive foundation for the day ahead.

    And when you specifically listen to a guided meditation for manifesting your desires in the morning, you can carry that positive energy from the meditation with you throughout the day.

    Below, I’ve linked to nine of my favorite guided manifestations for manifesting love, abundance, and more. You’ll notice that all of these meditations are available for free through Insight Timer. I have no affiliations with Insight Timer and don’t receive anything for these links. I’ve been using Insight Timer for years, and it’s by far my favorite app on my phone. I’m including it here because I wholeheartedly recommend it.

    If you want to download the app, you should be able to find it on your device’s app store. You can also check out their website to learn more about what they offer.

    I sincerely hope these guided meditations for manifesting your dreams can serve and support you on your path as you move forward in creating a life that feels good and true to you.

    And know that it doesn’t matter if you’re new to meditation or an experienced meditator; these meditations will serve you throughout your entire journey. (I’ve been meditating for years, and I still come back to many of these same meditations repeatedly.)

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    Guided Meditations For Manifesting

    Manifesting A Positive Day

    Liza Colpa’s entire catalog of guided meditations is a treasure chest filled with beautiful and profound tracks dedicated to helping you set intentions, cultivate gratitude, and release what no longer serves you to make space for more love, peace, and abundance to come into your life. Her voice is effortless and soothing, and I find myself coming back to her meditations multiple times a week. With over 425k plays, her 10-minute Manifesting A Positive Day is her most popular track – for good reason. In this track, Liza gently guides you through a series of affirmations as well as a visualization practice designed to help you envision your best possible day. When you’re finished with this track, you’ll be ready to step forward feeling a sense of confidence, contentment, trust, and groundedness that will remain with you throughout your day.

    Attracting All That You Desire

    Carrie Suwal is another Insight Timer teacher who has an effortlessly gentle and soothing voice that will help you to feel relaxed and at peace as you follow her soft yet powerful guidance. Her Attracting All That You Desire meditation uses practices rooted in visualization, gratitude, affirmations, and positive vibrations to help you connect to your goals and dreams. This is a beautiful meditation for beginners and experienced meditators alike. If you’re like me, you’ll want to bookmark it and repeat it over and over again.

    Being In The Energy of Millions, Billions, Trillions

    If you’re looking to manifest financial wealth and prosperity, Hayley Carr’s Being In The Energy Of Millions, Billions, Trillions is the perfect guided meditation to help you vibrate at the frequency of unlimited abundance. In this powerful meditation, Hayley guides you to visualize receiving your desired amount of money (no amount is too big) as you feel all the wonderful feelings of having that amount of money right now. Hayley’s voice and words are pure magic. This is another one you’ll want to save and play on repeat.

    Achieve Your Greatest Desires

    Vanessa Michele’s Achieve Your Greatest Desires is another powerful manifestation meditation that takes you on a journey of envisioning your ideal life. Before diving into the visualization, Vanessa does a wonderful job of helping you to relax, soften your muscles, and breathe intentionally and effortlessly. She then helps you to notice your current vibration and gently guides you to raise your vibration through visualizing your deepest dreams and desires surrounding you right now. Vanessa’s calm guidance will leave you feeling grounded, centered, and ready to create the beautiful, abundant life of your dreams.


    If you’re feeling uncertain about your ability to manifest the life you want, Annemaree Rowley’s Believe is the perfect meditation to help you realign with your true power. As she states, positive thoughts will bear positive fruit, and negative thoughts will bear negative fruit. But there’s no fake positivity here. Through her calm yet strong guidance, Annemaree gently guides you to a place of deep trust, knowing, and belief in your power and your path.

    Manifest An Abundant Life

    Amanda Sellers’ Manifest An Abundant Life is another profound guided meditation that uses the power of visualization to help you vibrate at the frequency of having your desires right now. What I love about this meditation is that Amanda begins by guiding you to harness the power of your breath to ground you in this moment. She then reminds you that the first step in manifesting is being grateful for all that you already have. Through gratitude, visualization, and positive vibrations, this guided meditation for manifesting an abundant life will help you walk into your day feeling inspired and empowered.

    Live Your Desire Now

    Lucy Love’s Live Your Desire Now is all about knowing what you want and focusing your energy on the presence of it as if it’s already yours – the perfect recipe for manifestation. Lucy gently guides you from living externally to living internally, focusing on your own inner world. In a calm and relaxed space, you’re called to think about something specific that you authentically desire and begin imagining what it would look and feel like to have your desire today. This short and sweet track is the perfect meditation for living your desired manifestation today.

    New Moon Meditation

    This one’s a little different, as it is specifically created for manifesting with the energy of the New Moon. In her New Moon Meditation, Camilla Sacre-Dallerup guides you through the process of setting intentions that align with what you truly want in life. I especially love the calming visualization experience she takes you on, as you connect with the energy of the New Moon and the new beginnings it represents. This is a quiet, soft, gentle guided meditation that helps you to focus on what truly matters in life – what you want to give your attention to, what you want more of, what’s worth giving your energy to – and release all the rest.

    Manifest Love – Creative Visualization

    No matter where you are in your life journey, Sharon Kirstin’s Manifest Love meditation is a powerful reminder that love has never left you. Sharon gently reminds you that the key to manifesting the love you desire isn’t outside of you; it’s within. I love all the wisdom Sharon shares, especially the gentle reminder that we must take intuitive action to manifest what we truly want in life. Sharon takes you on a powerful visualization journey where you see yourself connected to and wrapped in love at all times. By vibrating at the frequency of unconditional love, you invite even more love to come into your life – thus becoming a magnet for everything you desire.

    What are your favorite meditation apps? Do you have any favorite guided meditations for manifesting love, abundance, and more? Share your favorites in the comment box below!

    And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibrations, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

    More Manifestation Resources

    meditations for manifesting
  • 55 I AM Affirmations For Love, Success, and Abundance
    Affirmations,  Self Love

    55 I AM Affirmations For Love, Success, and Abundance

    One of your greatest powers is your ability to let go of the need to receive external validation and instead find everything you’re looking for inside of you in this present moment. Below, discover the power of I AM affirmations to help you cultivate a mindset of true success, abundance, and unconditional self-love.

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    The Power Of I AM

    When you begin using affirmations, one of the first things you’ll hear is to always speak in the present tense.

    When you say, “I am worthy,” you ground yourself in this present moment. It isn’t, “I will be worthy.” Or, “I hope to be worthy.”

    This type of statement is so small. Just three words. Four syllables. Nine letters.

    But in those three words, you state that you are worthy right now, just as you are. You don’t need to become worthy. You don’t need to change yourself to be worthy. And you absolutely don’t have to earn your worthiness.

    You get to own your inherent worthiness in this moment without needing to change a thing. And by owning your worthiness, you own your immense power to choose how you feel in any moment.

    And you also realize that you can have anything when you know that what you’re seeking is already inside you.

    It all begins with two tiny but monumentally powerful words:

    I AM.

    Using daily affirmations may feel uncomfortable at first, especially if you’re used to criticizing yourself in the privacy of your own mind. You’ll have to keep reminding yourself to repeat your empowering affirmations and feel into the positive vibrations of these powerful words.

    In time, though, these words will become woven into the very fabric of your being. They’ll be an inextricable part of who you are:

    Worthy. Abundant. Loved. Powerful. Whole. And always, always enough.

    Below, you’ll find tips for using and getting the most out of your I AM affirmations. Then, you’ll find 55 profound I AM affirmations for love, success, abundance, and more. These affirmations are designed to help you recognize your power in this present moment and walk forward in your journey knowing you already have what it takes to live the life you desire.

    You just have to own the incredible power that already exists inside of you.

    Tips For Using I AM Affirmations

    • Don’t just say the words; feel them. This is what makes an affirmation so powerful. If you can say an affirmation such as, “I am abundant,” and truly feel abundant inside every cell of your being, then you’re no longer looking for external sources to validate your worth. Instead, you cultivate what you’re looking for inside of you.
    • Don’t force it if it really doesn’t resonate. Forcing yourself to say an affirmation that actually makes you feel worse is counterproductive to the positive mindset you’re trying to cultivate. Instead, choose affirmations that genuinely feel good to you.
    • And on that note, you can also use what I call the Ladder Method. Let’s say you want to use the affirmation, “I am beautiful and healthy.” Maybe you have a hard time repeating this. You try to force it, but sometimes, this leaves you feeling worse than before. Instead, allow yourself to step back and find an affirmation that feels a little better to you. You might say, “I am open to discovering the ways that I am beautiful and healthy.” You can also say, “I am willing to love my body and see its inherent beauty.” See if you can incorporate these affirmations into your daily practice, slowly climbing the ladder until you get to that place where you can say, “I am beautiful and healthy.”
    • And finally, make affirmations a daily part of your routine. If it’s hard to remember at first, you can set phone notifications to go off throughout the day with powerful affirmations written on them. You can also print out affirmations or write them on post-it notes and stick them around your home and office. What I’ve found is that eventually, I don’t need these reminders anymore because the affirmation becomes so ingrained within me. After a while, it’ll become second nature to easily affirm your worthiness.

    I AM Affirmations

    • I am worthy.
    • I am enough.
    • I am courageous.
    • I am powerful.
    • I am strong.
    • I am supported.
    • I am loved.
    • I am abundant.
    • I am safe.
    • I am lovable.
    • I am resilient.
    • I am beautiful.
    • I am radiant.
    • I am talented.
    • I am creative.
    • I am healthy.
    • I am whole.
    • I am confident.
    • I am peaceful.
    • I am free.
    • I am strong, steady, and grounded.
    • I am worthy of unconditional love.
    • I am confident, inspired, and thriving.
    • I am committed, consistent, and courageous.
    • I am competent, capable, and strong.
    • I am aligned with the energy of pure abundance.
    • I am connected to the endless abundance of the universe.
    • I am beautiful, brilliant, and brave.
    • I am strong in mind, body, and spirit.
    • I am always deserving of love.
    • I am worthy, inside and out.
    • I am enough, just as I am.
    • I am loved, honored, cherished, and seen.
    • I am joy, light, and pure positive energy.
    • I am proud of my journey and how far I’ve come.
    • I am worthy of success.
    • I am worthy of living the life of my dreams.
    • I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
    • I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
    • I am clear about what I want and take inspired action to achieve my dreams.
    • I am ready, willing, and able to have everything I want.
    • I am able to freely accept abundance into my life.
    • I am constantly attracting the flow of abundance.
    • I am vibrating positive, loving, abundant energy, and I attract this same energy in return.
    • I am aligned with the highest frequency of love and abundance.
    • I am deserving of all the wonderful abundance coming my way.
    • I am grateful for the infinite prosperity that overflows into my life.
    • I am open to receiving everything I could ever dream of and more.
    • I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.
    • I am worthy of infinite abundance.
    • I am worthy of abundance in all areas of my life.
    • I am grateful for the infinite abundance that continually flows into my life.
    • I am thankful to live a truly abundant life.
    • I am a being of love and light, and I fearlessly allow myself to shine.
    • I am worthy, strong, powerful, courageous, and always enough.
    I AM affirmation
    I AM affirmation
    I AM affirmation
    I AM affirmation
    I AM affirmation
    I AM affirmation
    I AM affirmation
    I AM affirmation

    What are your favorite I AM affirmations? Share your favorite affirmations and tips for using them in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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  • 9 Healing Crystals For New Beginnings
    Crystals,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    9 Healing Crystals For New Beginnings

    In this article, discover nine healing crystals for new beginnings to help you step into this next chapter of your life with courage, clarity, optimism, and unending hope.

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    The Beauty Of New Beginnings

    New beginnings can be one of the most exciting times in a person’s life.

    New career paths. New relationships. New lifestyle changes. New family members. New adventures. New opportunities that carry limitless unseen possibilities.

    In all the newness, there’s always a spark of hope for what’s to come. New beginnings give us a chance to realign with what feels right and true to us – to release what no longer serves us to make space for something fresh and undiscovered to emerge.

    But while new beginnings can be really exciting, they can also be really scary. It can be terrifying to leave the comfort of predictability and certainty – to step into something that comes with no guarantees. Even when we feel really good and hopeful about the path ahead, there are often lingering doubts about what we’re doing.

    Am I really good enough?

    Can I really do this?

    Do I have what it takes?

    Know that it’s okay to ask yourself these questions. There’s nothing wrong with having doubts, even if, deep down, you feel like this is the right path. Something can feel right and still be a little overwhelming and scary, especially in the beginning.

    You always have the power to choose. You can choose your path. You can choose what thoughts and feelings you decide to lean into. You’re allowed to acknowledge your uncertainties while also choosing a mindset that feels good and true to you.

    You can choose hope. You can choose optimism. You can choose to believe in the feelings deep within that are leading you toward this new beginning.

    Below, you’ll find 9 healing crystals for new beginnings. These beautiful gemstones all offer powerful support and guidance as you move forward onto your new path. Some carry with them a little extra hope and optimism. Others will help you to connect with your intuition and inner wisdom as you make choices moving forward. And others will help protect you from negative energy and transform low vibrations into hope, joy, and positivity.

    And if you’re new to the world of crystals and gemstones, be sure to check out my guide on how to cleanse, program, and use crystals to their fullest potential here.

    Crystals For New Beginnings

    Rainbow Moonstone

    If you’re stepping into a new chapter of your life and can pick only one gemstone to carry with you on your journey, Rainbow Moonstone is the one you want on your side (or in your pocket). Quite literally known as the “Stone of New Beginnings,” this beautiful stone will bring you an extra dose of hope and optimism as you journey forward. The name is especially meaningful, as the metaphor of the rainbow is truly apt in this instance. Just like stepping out of a storm to find a beautiful rainbow in the distance, this nurturing stone will bring you hope, optimism, and protection as you move forward with clarity and feelings of deep inner peace.


    Labradorite is all about embracing your inner wisdom and providing you with mental clarity. When you step forward into a new beginning, it can often be difficult to trust your own judgment. When you’re unsure where to go next – and when you have multiple voices around you telling you what they think is best – Labradorite can help you to connect with your higher consciousness in order to navigate the next right step for you. Additionally, Labradorite is a great stone for restoring your energy when you’re feeling drained and giving you a little extra courage as you move forward.


    Citrine is a powerful mood booster and can bring some extra fun into your life, especially if you’re feeling ultra-serious about this new beginning you’re stepping into. Known as the “Merchant Stone” or “Success Stone,” Citrine is associated with wealth, prosperity, and financial success. Additionally, Citrine is associated with your solar plexus chakra, which is your energy center for confidence, empowerment, positivity, and high self-esteem. So when you combine these powerful properties, you get a crystal that helps you to manifest financial abundance while feeling optimistic, confident, and joyful. The pure positivity this stone brings makes it worth holding onto throughout your day. (I bought a citrine ring when I first started blogging and have worn it every day since!)

    Black Moonstone

    I listed Rainbow Moonstone above, but I figured Black Moonstone also deserves its own spot on this list as its known to hold the energy of the New Moon and new endeavors. This is a calming and grounding stone that can also help you connect deeper with your intuition, which will assist you in making decisions as you move forward. Black Moonstone also offers you profound energy protection, not only deflecting negative energy but transforming it into something lighter and more positive. This is a beautiful stone to keep with you no matter what kind of new beginning you’re stepping into.


    Malachite is a stone of transformation and positive change. It will help to balance your mood and provide you with a positive outlook as you move forward, which is especially beneficial as new beginnings can often leave you feeling uncertain and questioning yourself as you navigate all the changes taking place. Additionally, as it’s connected to your heart chakra, Malachite works with your heart center to help you remain open to unconditional love, love freely, and take positive risks. This can help you to open your heart to new beginnings in relationships as well as to love yourself enough to step forward and be brave.


    If new beginnings leave you feeling uneasy, Apophyllite is the perfect stone to ease your worries and fears. As one of the most powerful stones for healing anxiety, Apophyllite is known for being a stone of light, and it infuses its light into your spirit, relieving your tension and unease. You might think of Apophyllite like a beautiful, calming presence that doesn’t just relieve your stress and worry; it transfers its high-vibrational energy to you and truly uplifts your spirits. Additionally, by soothing your worries and calming your mind, Apophyllite will help you to come up with actionable solutions during times of stress.

    Green Aventurine

    Green Aventurine may quite literally be your secret good luck charm. Known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” this crystal is known for its power to bring you good luck, prosperity, and success. It will help you to confidently embrace any changes with courage, optimism, and openness. If everything is starting to feel a little too heavy and overwhelming, Green Aventurine can help lighten the mood, take away from the heaviness, and leave you feeling reinvigorated and renewed.

    Smoky Quartz

    New beginnings come with a lot of ups and downs, and Smoky Quartz is like the best friend who can always help you to remain grounded and centered, no matter what’s happening around you. This grounding stone will help you get through the difficult moments of life, provide clarity in uncertain situations, and transform negative emotions into positive emotions. And if anxiety often leaves you feeling overwhelmed, Smoky Quartz will transform overwhelm into insight so that you can effectively understand and work through any problems that may be disrupting your peace. Plus, an added bonus to using Smoky Quartz is that if often complements and amplifies the energy of any surrounding stones you may also be carrying with you.


    Amazonite is truly everything you could possibly want as you step into a new beginning: hope, truth, clarity, calm, peace, harmony, and communication. If you’re experiencing fear, worry, and doubt about the path ahead, this powerful stone will transform these low energies into positivity, optimism, encouragement, and hope. Do you possess any fears about getting started? Are you worried about what’s to come? Amazonite can help transform your fear into joy and remind you that true happiness always comes from within.

    Do you have any favorite crystals for new beginnings? What are your favorite practices for using your crystals and gemstones? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more self-love resources, be sure to connect with me on Instagram, where I post daily affirmation stories every morning. And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m pinning positive affirmations and empowering quotes every single day.

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  • 30 Profound Journal Prompts For Spiritual Growth
    Self Love,  Spirituality

    30 Profound Journal Prompts For Spiritual Growth

    In this article, discover 30 thoughtful journal prompts for spiritual growth to help you connect deeper to both your true self and to the higher power in your life. Plus, download your free printable journal prompts below!

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    Spiritual Growth

    Growing up, I never would’ve considered myself a spiritual person.

    I think I always mostly believed in a higher power, but I always considered this higher power to exist outside of myself. To be completely honest, I often imagined this higher power to be this enormous being who was watching me from the sky, judging and criticizing my every thought and action.

    I believed this higher power had extraordinary expectations for me to be perfect, and I was already so hard on myself all the time – bearing the weight of all those expectations felt like carrying a mountain on my shoulders. In my mind, no matter what I did, it’d never be enough.

    So it became much easier for me to pretend this higher being didn’t exist at all.

    It was just me and myself, I decided. I’d have to figure things out on my own. And that was okay. I didn’t need anyone else. I remember when I was younger, I once asked my mom if she thought I was a leader or a follower.

    “Neither,” she responded. “You don’t feel the need to lead, but you don’t follow either. You’re just your own person.”

    I loved this identity. My own person. Even though I don’t think it was what she meant, I took it to mean that I didn’t need other people at all. Even when things were difficult, I could always make it on my own.

    It took many years of lessons and hardship to realize that trying to be a solely independent person who never relied on anyone else for anything wasn’t really the path I wanted to be on. That I truly and deeply loved people. That I needed them.

    And that I needed something greater than me to believe in. That I needed a higher power: God, the Universe, Source, Love, All That Is – whatever name feels best to you.

    My life changed in the most extraordinary ways when I released my grip on the reins and surrendered control to the Universe. When I began to lean into divine flow. When I trusted the pull of my heart guiding me forward, even when it didn’t make sense.

    And this relationship is still growing. Still expanding. It transforms every day. The more I surrender, let go, and trust, the more miraculous my life becomes. I was so worried about control for so long, yet it was releasing this control that brought me the true peace I’d been searching for my entire life.

    Below, you’ll find 30 journal prompts for spiritual growth to help you on your own spiritual journey. These questions focus both on your relationship with your true self as well as your relationship with a higher power. You can also download your copy of these free printable journal prompts at the bottom of this post.

    Before you begin responding to any of these journal prompts, I want you to make a promise to yourself to be kind and compassionate with yourself no matter what comes up. Allow yourself the grace of imperfection. Embrace your past, as every experience you’ve encountered has brought you here today.

    And also, what I believed when I was little? About a higher power sitting in the sky watching and criticizing your every move? It isn’t true. We all have different, unique relationships with the Universe, but for all of us, this is true:

    The Universe has never criticized or condemned you. The Universe has never judged you for your thoughts or actions. The Universe is love. The Universe knows only love. And the Universe only feels perfect, unconditional love for you.

    Journal Prompts For Spiritual Growth

    • Who is my true self?
    • What do I love most about my true self?
    • Do I ever hide my true self out of fear of being judged or criticized?
    • The next time I’m tempted to hide my true self, what can I tell myself to confidently stand in who I am and embrace myself fully?
    • What has my spiritual journey looked like up to this point in my life?
    • What does “spirituality” mean to me?
    • What does it mean to me to be a spiritual person? What about my spiritual self am I still learning and discovering?
    • When and/or where do I feel most connected to my spiritual self?
    • What is my relationship with a higher power?
    • How does a higher power show up in my daily life?
    • How would I like a higher power to show up in my life? Can I ask this higher power to show up for me in this way?
    • In what ways does the Universe (or God) speak to me? How do I speak back to the Universe?
    • When I communicate with the Universe, do I feel heard?
    • Do I feel like the higher power in my life criticizes me or loves me without condition? How does this higher power feel about me?
    • What is my soul’s purpose? Do I feel connected to my purpose? If not, what steps can I take to discover my soul’s purpose?
    • When do I feel most at peace?
    • How can I cultivate deeper feelings of inner peace in my daily life, even when the outer world feels heavy and overwhelming?
    • What miracles have I experienced in my life? What do these miracles mean to me?
    • How has the Universe guided me throughout my life through the use of signs, synchronicities, and my own intuition?
    • Am I currently receiving any spiritual guidance about my path? What is this guidance telling me is the next right step?
    • Am I able to surrender to spiritual guidance, or is it sometimes difficult for me to give up control? What do I fear will happen if I release control and surrender?
    • What does it mean to me to surrender?
    • What are some things I’m worrying about right now? How can I turn over these worries to a higher power?
    • Do I ever feel lost or alone in my life? Am I able to turn to a higher power during these times? If this is difficult, what makes it hard to do?
    • Has there ever been a time in my life when my prayers weren’t answered (or it seemed as though they weren’t answered), and this actually worked out positively for me?
    • What are some examples of past experiences when the Universe gave me exactly what I needed at exactly the right time?
    • How does spiritual growth require change and transformation? Is this easy or hard for me?
    • The Law of Rhythm states that everything comes in cycles, and nothing stays in one state forever. We can see this in the changing of seasons and the cycles of the moon. What cycles appear in my own life? How can understanding that everything is part of a greater cycle help me to cultivate deeper feelings of inner peace?
    • Did I have any childhood experiences that negatively affected my belief, attitude, or relationship toward God, the Universe, and/or the concept of spirituality? Have I been able to heal from these experiences, or is there still healing to be done?
    • What self-care practices can I do for myself to nourish my spiritual self? How can I take care of my mind, body, and spirit?

    click to download

    What does spiritual growth look like to you? Share your stories and experiences in the comment box below.

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

    30 Profound Journal Prompts For Spiritual Growth
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  • 35 Sunday Affirmations To Rejuvenate Your Spirit
    Affirmations,  Self Love

    35 Sunday Affirmations To Rejuvenate Your Spirit

    Below, discover 35 beautiful Sunday affirmations to replenish, recharge, and rejuvenate your spirit. (And don’t forget to download your free printable affirmations below!)

    35 Sunday Affirmations To Rejuvenate Your Spirit
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    Is Sunday The Beginning Or The End?

    Sundays are arguably the most peculiar day of the week.

    Some calendars will start a new week on Sunday, while on others, you’ll find it at the end.

    For religious reasons, Sunday has long been viewed as the most important day of the week and thus used to signify the start of a new seven-day period. But with the advent of industrialization and the five-day work week, Monday began to take its place as the ceremonial inaugurator of a brand new week.

    So is Sunday the beginning or the end? Is it the final puzzle piece of a seven-day week or the beginning of a fresh new 168 hours?

    I tend to think Sunday exists in the undefined space of the in-between.

    It’s not entirely a beginning or an end. On Sunday, we haven’t fully stepped into a new week, but we’re not really clinging to the prior week, either. We’re living in a space in-between what was and what’s coming: a space where nothing is completely certain but anything is possible.

    A space where we can start to shed the layers of our past selves so we can make space for something new to emerge.

    A space where we can replenish, recharge, and refill our own cups.

    A space where we don’t necessarily have to do. Where maybe, for a little while, we can simply be.

    Below, you’ll find 35 Sunday affirmations to help you embrace this space of the in-between: releasing the old, stepping into the new, and replenishing your spirit along the way.

    And to support your own personal journey, you can download your free printable Sunday affirmations and keep these empowering words with you no matter where you are on your path.

    Sunday Affirmations

    • I am ready to step into this new week with an open and grateful heart.
    • I release what no longer serves me to make space for new beginnings.
    • I am able to let go of anything that doesn’t serve my mind, body, or spirit.
    • I honor my heart. I honor my energy. I honor who I am.
    • I choose faith over fear and peace over perfection.
    • I am at peace with my past. I am in love with my present.
    • I hold the key to my own happiness.
    • I stand in the joy that I create from within.
    • All that I seek I can find within me.
    • The world needs more of me, not less.
    • I am peaceful, centered, and grounded.
    • I am always loved, guided, and supported.
    • Every day, I feel more connected to my spirit.
    • Love flows to and through me in all moments.
    • I take care of myself and honor my needs.
    • I allow myself to take time for me.
    • It is right to be exactly as I am.
    • It is right to be exactly where I am.
    • In this moment, I have everything I need.
    • I choose to be my own priority.
    • I have the courage and strength to do what is best for me.
    • My strength is greater than any struggle.
    • I inhale peace and exhale anything that no longer serves me.
    • I am allowed to say no to things that do not serve my highest good.
    • I am allowed to say no to anything that doesn’t support my ultimate well-being.
    • I am allowed to say no, and I don’t have to give a reason.
    • When I say no to anything that doesn’t support my well-being, I’m saying yes to myself.
    • I give myself permission to do what is right for me.
    • I am not my thoughts.
    • I am not my fears.
    • I am so much stronger than I realize.
    • Love, courage, and faith are my superpowers, and they will carry me as far as I want to go.
    • I trust that everything I need comes to me at exactly the right place and time.
    • Even if I’m not yet where I want to be, I’m able to step back and see how far I’ve come.
    • Everything is unfolding for me in perfect timing. I release worry and choose to trust.

    click to download your free affirmations

    Sunday affirmations
    Sunday affirmations
    Sunday affirmations
    Sunday affirmations
    Sunday affirmations
    Sunday affirmations
    Sunday affirmations
    Sunday affirmations

    What are your favorite Sunday self-care practices? Share your favorite tips, resources, and affirmations in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

    More Affirmations for You

    35 Sunday Affirmations To Rejuvenate Your Spirit
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  • What Is The Law Of Attraction? (A Complete Guide)
    Manifestation,  Spirituality

    What Is The Law Of Attraction? (A Complete Guide)

    In this article, learn what the Law of Attraction is and how it affects your daily life. Plus, learn how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest your future, and discover how the Law of Attraction is linked to the 12 Laws of the Universe.

    What Is The Law Of Attraction? (A Complete Guide)
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    What Is The Law Of Attraction?

    The Law of Attraction is one of the 12 spiritual laws of the universe. While each of these universal laws is inextricably linked with one another, the Law of Attraction is arguably the most well-known in both popular culture and in the spiritual community.

    So what exactly makes the Law of Attraction so special?

    To answer this, we first need to understand what the Law of Attraction is and how it affects our daily lives.

    The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like; the vibrations, beliefs, and emotions we put out into the world are what we receive in our lived experiences.

    In the most basic sense, this is how it works:

    If you approach your daily life emitting feelings of joy, love, and positivity, you receive experiences in your life that mirror these emotions.

    But if you maintain a negative attitude in which you always consider yourself the victim and claim that nothing ever works out for you, you’ll continue to receive experiences that reflect this belief.

    (There’s a little more to this, though, and we’ll cover that below.)

    By understanding how the Law of Attraction works, we can use this law to consciously vibrate at the frequency of what we want to attract. We usually refer to this practice as manifestation.

    In this article, we’ll cover how you can use the Law of Attraction to manifest your future, plus we’ll dive deeper into how the other spiritual laws all support the Law of Attraction. (Simply put, you can’t have the Law of Attraction on its own. These laws are all intertwined, and together, they create a special kind of magic. More on that below!)

    In This Article:

    How Does The Law Of Attraction Work?

    The Law of Attraction is a profound reminder that your greatest power is always in the present moment.

    How often do you check in with your thoughts? Do you ever step back and ask, “What energy am I emitting right now?”

    For many of us, it’s easy to replay events of the past or worry about the future. In fact, this may be our status quo. What can I worry about? What unseen challenges ahead can I prepare myself for? How can I protect myself from an uncertain future?

    We gravitate towards these types of thoughts because they feel like control.

    But the truth is, replaying the same past-based and future-based thoughts isn’t control at all.

    Again, your greatest power is in the present moment. Your control over your future is in this present moment. It’s in how you show up for yourself. It’s in the energy you put out into the world.

    It’s in your dominant vibration.

    To go back to the beginning, like attracts like. If you’re constantly replaying your fears on a loop, you become a vibrational match for the very experiences you fear. (You might refer to this as a self-fulfilling prophecy.)

    But when you lean into peace, trust, gratitude, and other powerful, uplifting emotions, you become a vibrational match for more of these types of experiences to manifest in your reality.

    That is, in essence, how the Law of Attraction works.

    One important note I want to make, though, is this:

    This does not mean you have to be happy 100% of the time. And this absolutely does not mean you have to suppress negative thoughts and feelings within. When you suppress energy, it doesn’t go away; rather, it remains inside of you until you’re ready to acknowledge and fully feel it, even if it’s uncomfortable at first.

    It’s important to understand this:

    There’s a difference between someone who is constantly angry, bitter, and negative about life versus someone who has a pretty positive attitude but just has a bad day every once in a while. Having bad days and low moments just means you’re human.

    The key is practicing compassion.

    If you can continually practice compassion when you’re experiencing heavy and low moments, that love and compassion you feel for yourself will instantly lift your vibration to a better place.

    How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest Your Future

    Now, I’m going to share with you what I call the manifestation blueprint.

    What often prevents people from becoming confident long-term manifestors is that they treat manifestation like a game. They usually have a fake-it-til-you-make-it mentality. “If I can just remain 100% happy and positive all the time, everything I want will come to me.”

    When I first started my journey, that was what I believed. And I’ll tell you, it was exhausting and not mentally sustainable.

    The truth is, manifestation is less of a game and more of an art. There’s an ebb and flow between you and the universe that can actually be really easy and feel really good once you learn how to lean into it.

    So here’s the manifestation blueprint:

    • First, you set an intention based on the authentic, deeply felt dreams that have been placed in your heart.
    • You communicate this intention to the Universe. Your positive vibrations are one way of communicating this intention, as by vibrating at the frequency of your desires, you express that you’re ready to receive more of this good-feeling thing. (This is where the Law of Attraction comes in.)
    • The Universe works behind the scenes to set everything in motion. It communicates back to you in the form of signs, synchronicities, and most importantly, your own intuition. Being in the vibration of what you desire allows you to receive these signs and inner nudges with clarity. (In contrast, being in a state of stress, worry, and anger will cause you to miss these signs and feelings.)
    • Then, you take inspired action based on the communication the Universe has given you. (More on this below.)
    • This communication between you and the Universe continues. The Universe sends you signs (usually through your intuition), and you follow your intuition by taking aligned action. Essentially, once the Universe communicates what to do, you do that thing.
    • And as you follow this path, you’ll begin to see your dream manifest into your reality. Keep following the nudges. Keep taking inspired action. And stay in the vibration of your dreams and desires so you can receive divine guidance when it comes.

    If you want to learn more, I definitely encourage you to check out my article on how to manifest something into your reality here.

    The 12 Laws Of The Universe

    So now, let’s return to what we discussed in the intro. The Law of Attraction is just one of the 12 Laws of the Universe. If you’re interested in learning more, I go into a deeper explanation of what these 12 laws are in this article.

    Here’s a quick list of these 12 spiritual laws:

    I definitely recommend learning more about each of these laws, as the Law of Attraction is only one piece of a larger puzzle.

    The Law of Vibration and the Law of Inspired Action are especially important when understanding how the Law of Attraction works, so I’m going to focus on those two right now.

    The Law of Vibration

    The Law of Vibration states that everything and every being is in a constant state of vibration, always emitting frequencies and energies that often aren’t seen on the surface.

    When you hear about the Law of Attraction, you’ll often hear the word vibration being used. “Raise your vibration” and “high vibrations” are common phrases in this space.

    But what exactly does this mean?

    Everything is always in constant motion. If you walk outside, you’ll see that everything in nature holds a different energy, or vibrational frequency. The energy of the sun is different than the energy of the trees, which is different than the energy of your car.

    You, too, hold a vibrational frequency. This frequency can and often does change. 

    Once you understand that you possess your own vibrational frequency, you realize you have the power to tune your frequency to a higher vibration. 

    The vibrational frequency you emit has a profound effect on your daily experience. When you operate at a higher frequency, you invite a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment into your world.

    So the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration are inextricably intertwined: the vibration you emit into the world is what you’re attracting.

    I also like to think of it like this:

    What are you moving towards right now? Are you moving towards stress? Worry? Anger? Are you moving towards peace? Trust? Freedom? Every feeling and emotion holds its own vibration.

    What you’re moving towards is moving towards you, too.

    Or, rather, the vibration you’re moving towards is also moving towards you.

    The Law of Inspired Action

    This is a big one. In fact, this is the primary reason why people claim the Law of Attraction doesn’t work: because they’re skipping this foundational universal law.

    Simply put, you can’t have the Law of Attraction without the Law of Inspired Action.

    So what exactly is this law?

    The Law of Inspired Action states that you must take real, actionable, inspired steps in order to achieve your goals and invite your manifestations into your life.

    Here’s how I like to explain it:

    What you want also wants you. Do you long to experience true love? True love wants you, too. Are you seeking financial prosperity? Financial prosperity wants you, too.

    It was never about becoming more worthy of these things. You are already infinitely worthy of what you desire. It’s simply about becoming an energetic match for these positive experiences to enter your life.

    Once you start vibrating at the frequency of love and abundance, you become an energetic match for more love and abundance to enter your life.

    But does that mean you’re automatically going to receive these things in your life right now?

    Not necessarily.

    If you’re an energetic match for experiencing financial abundance, you may not see financial prosperity in your life right this second. But that doesn’t mean your manifestation isn’t working.

    Remember what I wrote in the manifestation steps above? This is part of the third bulletpoint:

    “Being in the vibration of what you desire allows you to receive these signs and inner nudges with clarity.”

    So if you’re an energetic match for abundance, you’re in the vibration to receive intuitive nudges to guide you on the path toward your abundance. These intuitive nudges may tell you to go talk to a person, sign up for a course, submit an application, start a blog, write a book – the possibilities are endless.

    Once you receive this intuitive nudge, that’s when you take inspired action.

    Inspired action is based on surrendering to the guidance of the universe and listening to the call of your inner knowing.

    So again, this is often the missing link when people say the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. They believe that if something doesn’t materialize in their outer world, it’s not working.

    But often, it is working. They may be receiving intuitive guidance to take an inspired step forward.

    But without fully understanding the full scope of the universal laws, this intuitive guidance may be ignored.


    The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like; the vibrations, beliefs, and emotions you put out into the world are what you receive in your lived experiences. By understanding how this law works, you can intentionally tune your vibration to match your desires, thus attracting more of what you want into your lived experience. But remember: you can’t have the Law of Attraction without the other 11 universal laws. Each law is linked, and together, they create a roadmap to a life of true peace and fulfillment.

    Have any questions about the Law of Attraction or want to share your experiences with this powerful universal law? Share your questions and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of uplifting words, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

    More Manifestation Resources

    What Is The Law Of Attraction? (A Complete Guide)
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  • 8 Best Astrology Books (For Beginners & Advanced)

    8 Best Astrology Books (For Beginners & Advanced)

    In this article, discover eight of the best astrology books for both beginners and intermediate astrologers looking to expand their knowledge of Sun signs, Moon signs, Ascending signs, and more.

    Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

    8 Best Astrology Books (For Beginners & Advanced)
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    What Is Astrology?

    Astrology is the study of how distant objects in the cosmos (such as the sun and the moon) can influence our human lives, including how they shape our personalities and impact our behaviors.

    In essence, it’s the study of the relationship between the cosmos and the earth – or how cosmic events can affect and influence earthly objects and events.

    The sun, moon, and each planet have an important role to play in astrology. And by understanding the role they play in your own life, you can begin putting the pieces together of your own identity, sense of self, life focus, and more.

    Of course, this is just a very general, basic definition, and to expand your knowledge, it’s important to look to the experts for a deeper understanding. Below, I’ve collected eight of the best astrology books for beginners and intermediate astrologers alike. These books offer profound insight into your birth chart and your own relationship to wealth, career, love, and more.

    I’ve also offered some details about each book, including which are best for beginners and which are better for more experienced astrologers, so you can find the astrology book that best suits your needs.

    Best Astrology Books

    The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need

    A book with the title The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need better deliver, and luckily, this one does. Joanna Martine Woolfolk’s comprehensive guide offers detailed information on Sun signs, Moon signs, Ascending signs, and more. Additionally, you’ll learn about each sign in extensive detail, including compatibility between the signs as well as insight into one’s emotional needs and deep motivations. This is a great book for beginners looking to dive in and expand their knowledge of astrology.

    The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide To Astrology

    The first thing you’ll notice about Juliana McCarthy’s The Stars Within You is its gorgeous illustrations (done by Alejandro Cardenas). Once you start exploring the pages deeper, you’ll find a profound roadmap to discovering the inner you. This book is a great resource for learning how to read your own birth chart, in turn deepening your self-awareness and providing you with the missing link to a life of true fulfillment.

    Tarot and Astrology: Enhance Your Readings With the Wisdom of the Zodiac

    I love Corrine Keller’s Tarot and Astrology because it offers a different perspective to the standard astrology book. If you’re looking for just an astrology book, I’d recommend going for one of the others on this list. But if you’re interested in learning about the link between the worlds of tarot and astrology, you won’t be disappointed with this book. You’ll learn how each card in the tarot deck relates to astrology and receive all the information you need to give meaningful and profound readings to yourself and others.

    Parkers’ Astrology: The Definitive Guide to Using Astrology in Every Aspect of Your Life

    Julia and Derek Parker’s Parker’s Astrology is for the person who already knows the basics of astrology and wants an intermediate/next-level guide to help expand your knowledge. At 496 pages, this is a big book, filled with beautiful illustrations, practical information, explanations, guidance, and more. If you’re an aspiring astrologer or someone who is eager to learn as much about astrology as you possibly can, you’ll definitely want this one on your bookshelf.

    Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Astrology: The Easy Way to Learn Astrology

    Despite its title, Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Astrology is actually best suited for someone who already has a fundamental grasp of the basics and is looking to deepen their understanding of astrology. Author and astrologer Kris Brandt provides all the essentials of astrology while focusing on three essential areas of your life: love, career, and money. This is a super detailed guidebook (you might think of it kind of like a college textbook) that provides you with practical techniques for improving all aspects of your life.

    Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life

    Astrology: Using the Wisdom of the Stars in Your Everyday Life is a fun, colorful, reference-style book that offers detailed information without ever feeling overwhelming. If you wanted to place an astrology book on your coffee table and share it with friends, this is the one you’d want to choose. It’s beautiful, well-organized, concise, and offers great information for beginners who are curious to learn more about the world of astrology.

    My First Zodiac Book

    Okay, so clearly this one isn’t for adults, but I wanted to add this one to the list for any astrologers or aspiring astrologers who have little ones in their lives. My First Zodiac Book, written by Nicole Sagesse and illustrated by Jana Walther, is an adorable and beautifully illustrated intro to astrology for kids. It offers an introduction to the zodiac signs, planets, and elements as well as new vocabulary words and beautiful illustrations to delight children and adults alike.

    The Astrology of You and Me: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life

    Gary Goldschneider’s The Astrology of You and Me offers a detailed look into how each sign of the zodiac acts in different relationships in their lives. Specifically, it hones in on your relationships in the areas of work, love, and friends and family. Not only how will you gain deeper insight into how you act in various relationships in your life, but it will also help you to better understand your friends, coworkers, and family members (as long as you know their sun sign). This one’s a great option if you’re looking for something a little different than the typical astrology guidebook.

    Do you have any favorite astrology books? Share your favorite books, blogs, and other resources in the comment box below!

    And for additional spirituality resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifesting tips, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    8 Best Astrology Books (For Beginners & Advanced)
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  • abundance checks

    How To Use Abundance Checks (With Free Printable)

    In this article, you’ll discover what abundance checks are, whether they actually work, and how to use abundance checks to manifest financial prosperity. Plus, download your free printable abundance checks below!

    abundance checks
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    What Are Abundance Checks?

    Abundance checks (or cheques) are blank checks that you can use to aid you in manifesting financial prosperity. Usually, these will be digital checks like the free ones you can download at the bottom of this article. If you prefer, you can use your own checkbook or create your own checks, either digital or handwritten.

    On your abundance check, you’ll write your name on the “Pay to the Order of” line. Then, you’ll write down the amount of money you’re going to manifest on the “Amount” line. (I’ll go into more detail on how to fill out these checks below.)

    Abundance checks can be powerful tools for supporting your manifestations and helping you to align with the energy of pure, limitless abundance. They’re also a great way to set intentions and decide what exactly you want to manifest in your reality.

    Below, we’ll cover whether abundance checks actually work, how to fill out your abundance check, and more tips to get the most out of your checks. Plus, you can download your free printable abundance checks and start discovering the power of this profound manifestation tool today.

    And if you want to skip to any of these sections, just use the links below!

    In This Article

    manifestation workbook guide learn more

    Do Abundance Checks Work?

    In a word: yes.

    The most famous example of an abundance check manifesting in real life is the story of how Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for ten million dollars when he was still a broke, largely unknown actor. He gave himself three years to receive this money, dating it for Thanksgiving 1995.

    So what happened?

    As he told Oprah Winfrey, just before Thanksgiving 1995, he found out he was going to make ten million dollars for his role in Dumb and Dumber.

    So what’s the secret?

    As Jim Carrey himself told Oprah, you can’t just visualize something and then do nothing. He worked hard. He believed in himself. He continually visualized his dreams manifesting in his reality.

    And that’s what it comes down to.

    Are you willing to open your mind and believe in your own innate ability to manifest the life you desire? Can you choose to consistently vibrate at the frequency of abundance rather than scarcity? Do you believe that the universe wants to support you in your manifestations?

    Abundance checks work to the degree you’re willing to believe that they work. But don’t just believe in the check itself. Believe in yourself. Believe in this infinite universe. Believe that you are absolutely worthy of pure, limitless abundance. (Because you are always, always worthy.)

    You can watch the clip of Jim Carrey’s story in this interview on Oprah.com here. (I definitely recommend it!)

    To learn more about creating a life of true abundance, be sure to check out my review of Mindvalley’s Unlimited Abundance program here. In this review, I cover what you can expect in this online course, plus I give you my authentic experiences, outcomes, and recommendations. I definitely recommend checking this one out!

    How To Fill Out Your Abundance Check

    • First, decide what date you want to put at the top of the check. The date you write here is completely up to you. You can choose a date in the future (either a random date or one that holds special meaning to you) or write today’s date on your check. You can also write a word such as Today or Now. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the exact amount will show up today. Rather, it means you have faith that it’s all aligning for you and in the process of manifesting.
    • Choose the dollar amount you want to write on the check. Pick a number that feels really good to you! Some people recommend choosing a number that seems reasonable to your conscious mind (basically, something that you feel confident in manifesting). I think the most important thing is to pick a number that excites you and feels really positive. Write the number on the “Amount” line and in the box on the right-hand side of the check.
    • Fill out the “Memo” field. You can approach this two ways. The first method is to fill out the memo field as the reason why the Universe is giving you this money. You’ll see this in the first example below: “For being your authentic self and sharing your gifts with the world.” The second method is to fill in what the money is going to be used for. So if you want to manifest five thousand dollars for a vacation, you might write “Dream vacation” in the memo field.

    Here are two examples showing how the abundance check might be filled out:

    How To Use Your Abundance Check

    So once you have your abundance check, what do you do with it?

    Again, this is all about your personal preference. Some people like to look at their checks every day, while others prefer to store it somewhere safe where it isn’t always in front of them.

    Personally, I like to keep my checks in my wallet, as this practice feels really positive and powerful for me.

    However, if seeing your check every day gives you anxiety (or causes you to obsessively wonder when your manifestation is going to come), it might be better to store it somewhere you won’t constantly be looking at it.

    An important aspect of manifesting is being able to let go and surrender your manifestations to the universe, not worrying about when your manifestation is going to arrive. So if you find yourself in worry mode, just place your abundance check somewhere safe, preferably somewhere that has good energy. You can even put a piece of citrine, pyrite, or another powerful gemstone with it to amplify the energy of the check.

    Here are some ways you might use your abundance check:

    • Store it in your wallet, and each time you see your check in there, feel all the positive emotions of having that amount of money right now.
    • Hang it up on a bulletin board and take some time to look at it each day. Visualize the experience of receiving this amount of money, and tune your energy to the frequency of pure abundance.
    • Place it in a drawer, a lockbox, or somewhere safe. Surrender your desires to the universe, and walk forward in faith and trust.

    Tips & Tricks For Making Your Abundance Check Work

    • My favorite trick to amplify the power of an abundance check is to add a bit of manifesting oil to the check after I’ve written it. Manifesting oils are blends of essential oils and herbs formulated to aid you in manifesting your desires. You can learn more about different types of manifesting oils and how to use them here.
    • Another one of my favorite ways to use an abundance check is in conjunction with the pillow method for manifestation. Place your check under your pillow for 7 to 10 days. Each night before you fall asleep, visualize receiving this money, allowing the positive energy of this beautiful abundance to flow through you.
    • An important aspect of manifestation is following your intuition. Sometimes, your intuition will guide you to follow a certain path, take a certain action, or do something that you wouldn’t normally do. When you feel these inner nudges, trust them! That just may be the universe guiding you to the exact amount of money you’ve asked for. You can read my complete guide to tapping into your intuition here.
    • And make sure that after your intuition speaks to you, you take inspired action!
    • And finally, as with all manifestation practices, make sure you’re regularly checking in with yourself. What vibrations are you currently emitting? Are you vibrating at the frequency of abundance? Regularly practice allowing pure, abundant energy to flow through you. Visualization is a powerful tool to help you with this. (And here, you’ll find 50 abundance affirmations to support your journey and help you manifest a limitless life.)

    Download Your Free Abundance Checks

    Are you ready to start unlocking the power of abundance checks?

    You can either save the image above or click here to download your free PDF file. In this PDF file, you’ll find a sheet that has three blank abundance checks on the first page as well as a slightly larger check on the second page. You can print and use these pages as many times as you’d like!

    These digital files are completely free for your personal use. I know it’d be annoying if I slapped a giant “zannakeithley.com” tag on your abundance check, so I left that off the check itself. I just ask that if you do share these on your website or social media, you link back to this website or tag me. I’d love to see your abundance checks in action!

    Have you ever used abundance checks to manifest financial prosperity? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

    abundance checks
    Pin this for later! How To Use Abundance Checks (With Free Printable)
  • How To Set An Intention For Manifestation

    How To Set An Intention For Manifestation

    In this article, discover how to set an intention for manifestation, plus learn the difference between goals and intentions and why you need both to manifest your dreams. You’ll also learn how to communicate your goals to the universe and why you must surrender your dreams and trust your aligned path.

    How To Set An Intention For Manifestation
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    Planting Your Seeds Of Intention

    I often compare manifestation to planting a garden.

    It starts with the soil you’re growing your plants (or manifestations) in.

    This soil is your mindset. In order to manifest your dreams and desires, you first must cultivate a positive mindset. And by positive mindset, I don’t mean only ever having happy thoughts and emotions. You are absolutely allowed to experience lower, heavier emotions from time-to-time.

    You’re allowed to be imperfect. You’re allowed to have bad days.

    Frankly, you’re allowed to be human.

    What I mean by positive mindset is this:

    • You believe in yourself, and you believe in your own innate power to create the life you desire.
    • You show yourself unconditional self-love and self-compassion.
    • You’re willing to view obstacles and challenges as opportunities for growth. (And you’re also willing to see how a roadblock might actually lead you to a better path.)
    • You consistently show up for yourself.
    • You’re willing to choose courage over fear.
    • You have a picture of your higher self and consistently align with this truest, deepest part of you day-after-day.
    • And even when life isn’t perfect, you choose to view the world through a lens of gratitude and appreciation.

    All of these components are like the nutrients in the soil that acts as the foundation for your beautiful garden. The more nutrients you have, the more your garden will thrive.

    Once you’ve created this rich, nutrient-filled soil, it’s time to plant your seeds.

    And in manifestation, these seeds are your dreams, goals, and intentions.

    In this article, we’re going to talk all about how to set an intention for manifestation. We’ll go in-depth on goals versus intentions, how to set goals and intentions, how to communicate your goals to the universe, and the importance of surrendering your goals and releasing control of how they show up for you.

    We have a lot to cover, so let’s dive straight in. You can also skip ahead to any of these sections by using the links below.

    In This Article

    manifestation workbook guide learn more

    Setting Goals Versus Setting Intentions

    First, let’s discuss what it means to set a goal versus setting an intention. Often, you’ll see the words intention and goal used interchangeably, and that’s completely fine. However, there can be slight differences to how we perceive these words. 

    • A goal is the static, end result of your manifestations; it’s the thing you want to manifest in your reality. 
    • An intention, on the other hand, is how you want to be as you work towards your goals. For instance, if you want to manifest financial prosperity, you might set the intention to be the embodiment of abundance in your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    Here are a few more examples to help you differentiate goals from intentions. In the left-hand column, you’ll find a goal that someone might set for themselves. On the right-hand column, you’ll find a corresponding intention to support that goal.

    To get accepted into a specific university or program.To embody the feelings of success and achievement in your daily life.
    To write a successful children’s book.To align with the flow of creativity and inspiration within.
    To lose or gain a certain amount of weight.To see yourself as capable, powerful, and strong.
    To go on a great first date (that will lead to a second).To be the embodiment of pure love and joy throughout your day.

    In manifestation, it’s important to set both goals and intentions to support your journey. Your goals are your ultimate desired outcome. What do you want to manifest? What do you ultimately hope to receive? What’s the long-term vision you have for your life?

    Write down these goals you have for yourself so that they don’t just exist in your head. This is important, as writing down your goals will help to turn them from an abstract idea in your mind to a concrete, achievable thing you can have and experience. (Vision boards help, too!)

    Now, think of some intentions you can set that will support your goals. You might write down some new intentions for each month, week, or even day.

    For example, if you want to manifest a raise at work, then you might set the intention to vibrate at the frequency of financial prosperity. Write down this intention and come back to it regularly. This will help you to remain aligned with your overall goal throughout your daily life as well as support your long-term manifestations.

    Guidelines For Setting Goals

    Before we go deeper into the importance of intentions, let’s talk about your goals. The first step in articulating what you want to manifest is to define your life vision.

    What’s your ideal future? Where do you see yourself in five, ten, and even twenty years? What dreams are most prominent within you?

    Be honest about your goals. They should never be based on what someone else wants for you. Your goals, dreams, and visions should always align with your authentic truths and desires

    Manifestation may seem hard from the outside, but half the battle is setting goals that feel right to you. Because once you set a goal that aligns with your truest desires (and that feels really good to you), you’re in alignment with the Universe. It becomes easier to trust the flow of your life’s path. And even more, the Universe will do everything possible to support you. (Though you may not always see it right away.)

    The difficult thing for many people is that this also means you can’t force something that doesn’t truly feel right.

    Have you ever tried to force a relationship, even though deep within, you knew something was off? You may be able to keep it up for a while, but it isn’t sustainable.

    And even more, when you do this, you’re actually holding yourself back.

    Because the truth is, when you stop forcing and instead align with what feels good and right to you (i.e. get in a flow state), you open yourself up to receiving things that are much better than what you’re trying to force.

    Setting goals that feel sincere, heartfelt, and unforced is key to a successful (and happy) manifestation. When you try to set a goal that feels forced or insincere, you’ll most often meet one of two outcomes:

    • Your manifestation doesn’t work, causing you to feel like either you failed or that manifestation in general doesn’t actually work. The reason it hasn’t worked is because there’s an underlying desperation to your desire. Instead of surrendering and allowing something to happen, you’re trying to force something to happen on your timeline.
    • Your manifestation does work, and you get what you want. But it turns out, it’s not as great as you had imagined.

    So how do you start with setting goals? First, we’ll talk about a few guidelines for goal setting, and then we’ll talk about how you can communicate these goals and dreams to the Universe.

    Be Specific (But Leave Room For Possibilities)

    When you set a goal, you want to be specific.

    For instance, if you want to manifest love, think about the specific qualities you want in a partner. Are you looking for someone to travel the world with, or would you prefer to find someone who will plant roots with you somewhere?

    Also think about the duration of your desired relationship. Are you looking for someone you can have fun with but aren’t sure you’re ready for lifetime commitment yet? Or are you looking for a lasting, forever kind of love?

    Finally, describe the qualities you desire most in a partner: non-negotiables like humor, faithfulness, and generosity.

    So essentially, have a clear vision of what you want and define the most important aspects of this vision.

    But keep in mind, there is a line between having a clear vision and being a bit too specific.

    Specify the qualities that are most important to you, but leave some room for the unexpected. Using the same example as above, you might not want to specify the exact hair and eye color of your future partner. And maybe they don’t have to work in a specific career field. When you leave room for the unexpected, you’ll often be surprised with an outcome even better than what you had imagined.

    Don’t Focus On The “How”

    This is actually one of the biggest blockages to manifestation, and it’s often something we don’t even realize we’re doing.

    Often, when we set goals, we imagine exactly how this dream scenario will play out. There’s nothing wrong with this; it’s fun to visualize! The problem is when you limit yourself to just this one possible path.

    When you’re setting intentions, don’t worry about how this desired person, thing, or experience will come to you. Focus simply on the end result. 

    Here are a couple examples of how you don’t want to set intentions:

    • “I want to manifest one million dollars by winning the lottery.” (What if that money could actually come to you in a way that’s easier, more meaningful, and brings you more joy than winning the lottery?)
    • “I want to manifest my soulmate in a meet-cute at the coffee shop.” (What if you never cross paths with that perfect person at the coffee shop, but they’re just a click away on the dating app you keep hearing about?)

    Set Small And Big Goals

    When you think about your dreams, you’re most likely thinking about the really big things. But don’t forget to set some smaller goals as well. (These “smaller” goals may even be steps leading you to that really big thing you want.) 

    One powerful practice I like to use in my personal daily routine is write down one small thing I want to manifest that day.

    For instance, I might decide I’m going to manifest a really great conversation with someone or an unexpected moment of laughter and joy.

    This is a great way to build your confidence in your manifesting power! You might think of these as “mini manifestation goals” that help you grow your confidence in manifesting the bigger things.

    How To Set Goals For Manifestation

    So now that we’ve articulated some guidelines for setting goals, let’s talk about how you can start setting goals and deciding what exactly you want to manifest. Again, it’s important to write down your individual goals, as you want to transform these abstract ideas in your mind into concrete, achievable things that you can manifest.

    • First, connect with your authentic dreams and desires. Is there a certain dream that’s been in your heart for several years? Has a new dream begun to enter your vision? What excites you? What ignites that inner spark? What do you truly desire for your life? It might help you to first step back and simply visualize what your ideal life would look like. Paint a picture in your head, or write about it in your journal.
    • Articulate these dreams and long-term visions for your future into clear, specific goals. Write down these goals. You might also create a vision board that includes words and images that embody what your ideal life looks and feels like.
    • When you’re first setting goals, don’t worry about what the path ahead might look like. Allow yourself to focus solely on the end result of what exactly you want to manifest. Instead of worrying about controlling your path, focus on setting daily intentions to support your journey. (More on that below!)

    How To Set An Intention For Manifestation

    One of the most profound practices you can do throughout your daily life to support your manifestations is to set daily intentions.

    Setting an intention will help you to continually remain aligned with your dreams and desires, no matter what’s going on in your outer world. Even if something happens that causes you to become misaligned, you can keep returning back to your intention and realign with the thoughts, feelings, and overall frequency of your desired manifestation.

    For instance, if your goal is to write a bestselling novel, then your daily intention might be to connect with your inner creativity and embody the feelings of success throughout your day. You can choose a different intention daily, weekly, or monthly.

    Your intentions will be based on feelings and what you want to prioritize each day. You might set an intention to feel abundant, successful, peaceful, happy, or free. You might also set an intention to prioritize your creativity or make space for more play in your daily life. Whatever your intention is, let it be something that feels good and is aligned with your overall goals.

    Here are some tips for setting an intention for manifestation:

    • Have a dedicated notebook or journal (or a page in your bullet journal) for daily, weekly, and/or monthly intentions. Write down your intention and take a moment each morning to align with the thoughts and feelings associated with this intention.
    • Even if you have multiple goals, try to set only one intention a day. Setting too many daily intentions can get overwhelming and cause you to lose focus. (And it’s entirely possible that a single intention, such as embodying the feelings of abundance, will support multiple goals you have.)
    • It can be easy to lose sight of your intentions throughout your day, especially if your job and other daily tasks can be stressful. To help, create some phone notifications to go off throughout the day to help you realign with your intention. You can also place post-it notes in places where you’ll easily see them throughout the day.
    • And if you do become misaligned with your intention? That’s okay! The worst thing you can do is criticize or judge yourself. Instead, simply acknowledge it and allow yourself to realign, over and over again if needed. You don’t have to be perfect here. Some days are harder than others, and that’s completely normal. The important thing is that you consistently show up for yourself and do the best you can.

    Related: How To Set Intentions With Crystals (A Complete Guide)

    How To Communicate Your Goals To The Universe

    Once you’ve gotten clear on what it is you want to manifest, it’s time to communicate your vision to the Universe.

    So how exactly do you do this?

    This is a question I get a lot, and I think it’s a practice we often overly complicate.

    The truth is, the Universe is already well aware of your dreams and desires. In fact, the Universe knew of this deep-rooted desire when it was only a brief hint of a vision in your mind, before you had ever articulated it into words. 

    However, having a formal practice for communicating your intentions to the Universe is a powerful way of saying, “I’m ready.” The Universe has been patiently waiting for you to align with your inner truth and power. This is your moment to convey to the Universe that you’re ready to be guided forward. 

    Before I discuss some of the methods of communicating your intentions to the Universe, I want to add this: this is more than just communication. It’s also about surrendering – or handing over – your plans to the Universe.

    It’s about saying, “Here’s what I want. I trust your path for me. Even if it doesn’t come to me exactly the way I envision it, I know it’ll be even better. I release my dreams to you in faith, trust, and love.”

    Find a practice for releasing your vision to the Universe that feels good to you. Some people do better with visualization practices, while others prefer to write a letter to the Universe. One method isn’t better than the other; it all comes down to your personal preference and what feels best for you. 

    Methods For Communicating Your Goals And Intentions

    • In meditation, visualize your dreams and desires in detail. You might visualize what a perfect day would look like once you have your deepest desires. Allow yourself to feel all the positive feelings of having what you want in this present moment. Once you’re finished with your visualization, imagine that you’re placing this dream in a balloon or paper lantern. Visualize your dream rising higher and higher into the sky until you can no longer see it. Now, it’s in the Universe’s hands. Trust that everything is working out exactly as it’s meant to.
    • You can do this same practice in written form, if you prefer. Script a day in your dream life. At the end of your script, let the Universe know you’re prepared for all of your deepest dreams and desires. Thank the Universe for gently guiding you. 
    • You might also write down your dreams in list form. Some people like to burn their lists as a symbolic way of saying they don’t have to hold on tightly to their dreams because they know the Universe is taking care of them in perfect timing.
    • Sometimes, the best way to communicate is to simply talk to the Universe. Tell the Universe what you want. Communicate your intentions. Surrender your desires, let go, and walk forward in faith and trust. If you prefer, you can do this in letter form.

    Why You Must Surrender Your Goals & Dreams

    Again, I want to make this clear: communicating to the Universe is more than just stating what you want. It’s also about surrender. This is a profound moment because it shows that you’re willing to let go and trust your path.

    It’s important to remember that you are a co-creator. This means that you’re working with the Universe to create the best possible future, for the highest good for all. There’s give and take in co-creation: 

    • You let the Universe know what it is that you want (and that you’re prepared to receive it)
    • The Universe sends you little nudges and messages through your intuition to guide you on your path. (And the Universe is also working behind the scenes to help you out, though you may never see all the things that are happening for you in this very moment.)
    • The Universe presents you with experiences and opportunities that are (most often) even better than you can imagine. 

    So as you communicate your intentions to the Universe, honor this sacred role as a co-creator.

    You’re not simply telling the Universe what you want.

    You’re letting the Universe know you’re ready to lean into the divine flow of life, to allow universal energy to move through you, and to trust the path ahead, even though you can’t yet see every step.

    And finally, your vibration is key in your daily communications with the Universe.

    By vibrating at the frequency of your desires, you’re continually communicating that you are ready to receive more of this positive thing.

    Additionally, being in this vibration will allow you to hear the Universe communicate back to you, usually through your own intuition (as well as signs and synchronicities that appear in your outer world).

    Conversely, being in a vibration of stress, anger, worry, or fear (or otherwise low vibration) will prevent you from receiving this communication.

    This is why meditation can be such a powerful addition to your daily routine, as it allows you to quiet all of the outer noise so you can hear what the Universe is trying to tell you.

    So as you step forward in your manifestation journey and set goals and intentions to support your dreams, begin asking yourself this daily:

    Is my vibration communicating that I’m in alignment with my deepest desires, and am I in the vibration to hear when the Universe is communicating back to me?

    Do you have any specific practices that you use when you want to set an intention for manifestation? Share your tips in the comment box below!

    And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifesting tips, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram. For more resources to help you manifest your dreams, be sure to check out these items in my online shop:

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    Pin this for later! How To Set An Intention For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)