Sacred Self-Care For The 7 Chakras (A Complete Guide)
In this article, learn the importance of self-care for healing your body’s energy centers, and discover meaningful self-care practices for each of your body’s seven main chakras.
Pin this for later! Sacred Self-Care For The 7 Chakras (A Complete Guide) What Are Chakras?
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk.” A commonly accepted definition for the word chakra is a wheel of energy in your body.
You can also think of it like a vortex of energy within you. This vortex isn’t an actual physical thing, though. Rather, it’s energy that you experience through feelings, sensations, and your deep inner knowing.
So what do these vortexes, or energy centers, do?
Within you, you hold universal life force, or prana. Ideally, your life force is always flowing effortlessly through your body. You can think of it kind of like you have your own transportation infrastructure inside you. Your life force is the vehicle moving through you.
This vehicle travels along roads called nadis. (You have thousands of these roads, or energy channels, inside of you.)
And these nadis meet at intersections, which are your chakras.
So ideally, everything in your infrastructure is working perfectly. Roads are open. Intersections are unblocked. Energy flows seamlessly.
But just like an actual road or highway, everything doesn’t always work as perfectly as we’d like. Sometimes, intersections get blocked. Roads get backed up. Cars get stuck.
This happens when your energy gets stuck somewhere inside you. For instance, let’s start with your root chakra, also known as your first chakra, located at the base of your spine.
The root chakra is your body’s energy center for stability, safety, strength, security, groundedness, and inner peace. Your root chakra acts as your foundation. This is where you build your strength, power, and steadiness so that the flow of energy can easily move freely throughout your entire body.
Now, let’s say your fundamental needs like food, shelter, warmth, and safety aren’t being met. Or maybe you feel financially insecure or uncertain about potential job layoffs. When these things happen, your energy gets stuck at this energy center, unable to move freely through this intersection.
This results in energetic imbalances, which can manifest as feelings of insecurity, anxiety, depression, disconnection, fear, worry, and restlessness.
This is just the beginning of understanding your chakra system. If you’d like to learn more, I definitely encourage you to check out my chakra articles, which include affirmations, journal prompts, and healing practices for your seven main energy centers.
And if you’re interested in exploring more about chakras and want to begin your own powerful journey of chakra healing, you can check out my Chakra Healing Bundle, which contains a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. These healing resources are designed to help you begin a profound journey into aligning with your highest self, healing your soul, and cultivating unconditional self-love.
- You May Also Like: 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
Self-Care For The Chakras
So why is self-care important for activating, opening, and healing your chakras?
Each energy center is connected to specific emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual attributes.
For instance, as mentioned above, the root chakra is associated with security, stability, and strength. Your sacral chakra, which is your second chakra, is associated with creativity, passion, joy, and prosperity. (You have more than seven chakras, but we tend to focus on the seven below as being your seven “main” energy centers.)
In order to ensure your energy is flowing freely within you, it’s important to regularly check in with yourself.
Has your creativity been stifled lately? Have you been engaging in too much work and not enough play? Is your sense of security shaken? Do you feel like you can’t speak your authentic truth? Do you feel disconnected from yourself, others, and the universe as a whole?
By pinpointing any potential blockages within, you can make space to spend a little extra time with this part of your inner being. Self-care is a profound way to do this.
Below, you’ll find self-care practices for each of your body’s energy centers. I’ve also included the balanced and imbalanced attributes for each of your main chakras. If you meet the balanced attributes, your energy is likely in a good place. But if you meet more of the imbalanced attributes, you may want to spend some extra time engaging in self-care practices associated with that energy center.
- You May Also Like: 30-Day Self-Care Challenge (Free Printable)
Root Chakra Self-Care
- Sanskrit Name: Muladhara (Mula: “root”; Adhara: “support” or “base”)
- Location: Base of spine
- Color: Red
- Balanced Attributes: Secure, Grounded, Strong, Centered, Stable, Steady, Safe, Peaceful, Supported, All Basic Needs Are Met
- Imbalanced Attributes: Insecure, Anxious, Depressed, Scattered, Disconnected, Restless, Fearful, Cynical, Neglected, Worried
- Fundamental Need: Survival
Connect to the Earth
The root chakra is associated with the earth, and one of the most powerful self-care activities you can perform is to immerse yourself in nature and let your bare feet touch the ground.
You might also find a quiet spot to sit outside where you can journal, meditate, or just simply be. Or if you’re a gardener, you might choose to go outside and work in your garden, allowing your bare hands to dig into the earth.
Nature is one of the universe’s greatest healers. When you take the time to connect with the earth, you connect with your roots, your foundation, and the truest, most authentic you.
Focus on Your Basic Needs
When we think of self-care, we often think of pampering activities such as spa days and pedicures. But self-care is intrinsically something more. Whenever you brush your teeth, take a shower, or schedule a medical appointment, you’re practicing self-care. And taking care of your basic needs is the foundation of self-care. These needs include food, water, warmth, rest, security, and safety.
Have you been getting enough calories? Have you gotten enough sleep? Write a list of all the things that you need in order to meet your basic, foundational needs, and regularly make sure you’re meeting your needs.
Other Practices
- Meditate
- Repeat root chakra affirmations
- Practice breathing exercises, such as alternate nostril breathing
- Express gratitude for everything in your life that contributes to an open root chakra, such as your home, blankets, food, access to clean water, and the locks on your door. (For more ideas, here’s a list of 500 things to be grateful for today.)
- Practice yoga. Include the following poses (asanas): Mountain Pose, Downward Dog, Tree Pose, Lunge Pose, Warrior II
Sacral Chakra Self-Care
- Sanskrit Name: Svadhishthana (Sva = “self”; shthana = “place”)
- Location: Lower abdomen (below your navel)
- Color: Orange
- Balanced Attributes: Creative, Joyful, Playful, Prosperous, Stable, Sexual, Sensual, Passionate, Open, Energetic, Honest, Forgiving
- Imbalanced Attributes: Lack of Creativity, Unstable, Insecure, Anxious, Scattered, Lazy, Fearful, Disconnected, Depressed, Unmotivated, Negative, Lack of Sensuality
- Fundamental Need: Emotional flow, desire, sexuality
Get Creative
How often do you make space in your life for creativity that has absolutely no end goal? It’s not meant to be productive. It’s not meant to be good. And it’s definitely not meant to be perfect. It’s just pure, unrestricted, joyful creativity.
Embracing your creative flow is one of the most beneficial practices you can do when working with your sacral chakra. Do something you feel good about that isn’t related to your job and that you don’t feel the need to be perfect when doing. Let it be both messy and beautiful.
Spend Time In Water
The sacral chakra’s associated element is water, and there are several powerful ways you can use water to connect with this energy center. My personal favorite practice is to take a luxurious bubble bath. When your sacral chakra is open and balanced, you have a positive relationship with your body and embrace your own divine sensuality. A warm bubble bath is the perfect way to honor your body.
Of course, you can also find water all over nature, which is one of our greatest teachers and healers. Oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams all offer opportunities to connect with your sacral chakra. If you’re not too keen on getting in the water, that’s okay. Even sitting near the water while meditating, answering sacral chakra journal prompts, or simply sitting in silence can offer meaningful healing.
Other Practices
- Dance
- Smile and genuinely compliment yourself every time you look in the mirror
- Meditate
- Repeat sacral chakra affirmations
- Write a letter to your inner child encouraging yourself to play and use your divine imagination.
- Practice yoga. Include the following poses (asanas): Pigeon, Butterfly, Frog, Cobra, Goddess Squat
Solar Plexus Chakra Self-Care
- Sanskrit Name: Manipura (“City of Jewels”; sometimes translated as “Lustrous Gem”)
- Location: A couple inches above the navel/Below the chest
- Color: Yellow
- Balanced Attributes: Confident, Positive, Joyful, Empowered, Driven, Motivated, Collaborative, High Self-Esteem
- Imbalanced Attributes: Lack of Confidence, Negative, Fearful, Low Energy, Indifferent, Unmotivated, Competitive, Low Self-Esteem
- Fundamental Need: Self-worth
Fire and Sun
The solar plexus chakra’s element is fire, so this is the perfect time to have a (safe) bonfire with friends or enjoy some family time by the fireplace. You could also combine some time by the fire with other self-care practices, like meditating. If it’s summer and you’re not keen on starting the fireplace, another powerful practice to balance your solar plexus is to go for a walk or have a picnic in the sun.
Write A Self-Love List
Write out a list of positive qualities you love about yourself, and describe why you love each of those things. For instance, “I love my smile because it lights up a room. When I smile, I notice that other people smile, too.” Focus on both your internal and external qualities. There’s no room for negativity here. Compliment yourself. Focus on the positive. Remember that you are worthy and deserving of unconditional joy and love.
If you need more help with this, you can check out my post on how to fall in love with yourself more each day.
Other Practices
- Meditate
- Repeat solar plexus affirmations
- Practice color therapy by immersing yourself in all things yellow. Eat yellow foods such as bananas, pineapple, yellow peppers, and squash. Light yellow, lemon-scented candles. Wear yellow. Paint with the color yellow. Color therapy is helpful for working with any of your chakras, but I especially love it for working with the solar plexus chakra because yellow is such a bright, happy color.
- Practice yoga. Include the following poses (asanas): Warrior I, Full Boat Pose, Bow Pose, Reverse Triangle Pose, Warrior III, Plank
Heart Chakra Self-Care
- Sanskrit Name: Anahata (“Unstruck”)
- Location: Heart/Center of chest
- Color: Green
- Balanced Attributes: Loving, Loveable, Peaceful, Compassionate, Empathetic, Trustful, Open-Hearted, Serene, Understanding, Kind
- Imbalanced Attributes: Unloved, Unlovable, Lonely, Depressed, Indifferent, Judgmental, Distrustful, Self-Isolates, Spiteful, Selfish
- Fundamental Need: Love
Walk in Nature
The color of the heart chakra is green, and its element is air. Combine these attributes by taking a long, cleansing walk in nature, breathing in the fresh air. If you live near a forest or a beautiful, green meadow, this is ideal, but just taking a walk and getting some fresh air can do wonders for healing your heart chakra. You might also go to the beach on a breezy day and let the cool wind dance across your skin.
“What Feels Like Love To Me?”
If you’re feeling disconnected from yourself, ask yourself, “What feels like love to me?” This can vary depending on the day.
For instance, sometimes love feels like eating your grandma’s homemade chocolate chips cookies, while other days, love feels like a big salad filled to the brim with fresh veggies. Sometimes, love feels going on a hike, and other times, love feels like staying in and cozying up on the couch with a good book.
Ask yourself what feels like love to you and let your heart guide you to the answer.
Other Practices
- Meditate
- Repeat heart chakra affirmations
- Drive with the windows down and let the air blow against your skin
- Practice any form of self-care that feels especially loving and nurturing to you
- Practice yoga. Include the following poses (asanas): Camel Pose, Wheel Pose, Handstand, Fish Pose, Extended Puppy Pose, Bridge Pose, Cow Face Pose
Throat Chakra Self-Care
- Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha (“Especially pure” or “Purest”)
- Location: Throat/Center of Neck
- Color: Light Blue
- Balanced Attributes: Communicative, Calm, Honest, Peaceful, Decisive, Expressive, Patient, Authentic, Centered, Good Listener
- Imbalanced Attributes: Excessively Shy, Withdrawn, Dishonest, Loud, Indecisive, Inexpressive, Impatient, Disingenous, Moody, Insincere
- Fundamental Need: Expression
Find A Big, Open Space Outdoors
Yep, nature again. If it’s a nice day, find a quiet spot outside where you have plenty of space. Lay on the ground and watch the sky. You could also meditate outside, sketch the scenery, or write a letter. If you hear any nature sounds, like birds chirping or a babbling creek, allow yourself to close your eyes and just listen. (Listening is as important for your throat chakra as speaking.)
Write a Letter
Write an open letter to somebody in your life: a current or past partner, friend, relative, boss, coworker, or even an acquaintance. What have you always wanted to say to this person but never found the courage or the right words?
Write your truth in this letter. Allow yourself to release any negative emotions that your body may have been carrying from holding in your truth. (You don’t have to actually send this letter. Simply writing the words may be enough to release this stagnant energy.)
Other Practices
- Meditate
- Repeat throat chakra affirmations
- Sing
- Schedule a date with your best friend and practice speaking your authentic truth while being an active, engaged listener
- Practice yoga. Include the following poses (asanas): Cobra Pose, Fish Pose, Camel Pose, Bridge Pose, Rabbit Pose, Shoulder Stand, Seated Fold
Third Eye Chakra Self-Care
- Sanskrit Name: Ajna (“Beyond wisdom.” Can also be translated as “Perceive” or “Command.”)
- Location: Center of Forehead/Between Eyebrows
- Color: Indigo (Also associated with purple.)
- Balanced Attributes: Intuitive, Imaginative, Insightful, Perceptive, Open-Minded, Sense of Clarity, Mentally Strong, Trusting
- Imbalanced Attributes: Lack of Intuition, Confused, Unimaginative, Fearful, Unable to Focus, Close-Minded, Scattered, Distrusting
- Fundamental Need: Insight and intuition
Immerse Yourself in Light
The third eye chakra’s element is light, so embrace opportunities to sit or walk in the sunshine. If you have a sun room or any open rooms with big windows in your home, take advantage of this space by sitting in silence, reading, or doing some crossword puzzles/logic games. You might also try sitting or meditating under the moonlight if it’s especially bright out.
Tap Into Your Intuition
Your intuition is that deep inner knowing that whispers inside of you. We all have one, but like a muscle, it becomes stronger when we actively work with it.
The first step to working with your intuition is to quiet your mind and simply listen. You can’t hear what that inner voice is trying to tell you if you’re constantly immersed in noise. The quickest and most profound way to start connecting with your intuition is to let silence be a normal part of your life. If you can, see if you can step away from the outer noise and immerse yourself in silence.
Here are some more practices that will help you tap into your intuition.
Other Practices
- Meditate
- Repeat third eye chakra affirmations
- Daydream
- Do some logic puzzles and games that actively engage your mind
- Practice yoga. Include the following poses (asanas): Downward Facing Dog, Child’s Pose, Extended Puppy Pose, Seated Forward Bend, Head to Knee Pose, Pyramid Pose
Crown Chakra Self-Care
- Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara (“Thousand-petaled”)
- Location: Top of Head
- Color: Violet (White is often associated with this chakra as well.)
- Balanced Attributes: Spiritual, Enlightened, Trusting, Peaceful, Creative, Focused, Blissful, Present, Connected to Higher Power
- Imbalanced Attributes: Cynical, Close-Minded, Lack of Faith, Frustrated with Life, Forgetful, Unfocused, Lonely, Scattered, Disconnected
- Fundamental Need: Connection to the divine
Communicate with the Universe
You can call this prayer or simply speaking to the Universe. If you’re feeling low, heavy, or detached, find a safe spot where you feel comfortable being vulnerable.
Then, speak. Surrender your heaviness. Let it out.
If it’s more comfortable for you to write your thoughts and feelings, write it in a letter. Then, allow whatever comes forth to be, exactly as it is. Trust that the Universe is supporting you in every way possible.
Your physical body needs food for nourishment, but your spiritual self doesn’t really need food in the same way. Unlike your other energy centers, which have associated foods that allow for healing, the crown chakra is best healed by detoxing or fasting.* This helps you to clear your mind while flushing out toxins that may be harming your body. When detoxing, focus on fresh fruits, veggies, and lots of water.
*If you choose to detox or fast, just make sure you’re following the proper guidance of a medical professional.
Other Practices
- Meditate
- Repeat crown chakra affirmations
- Go inward. Try to find an open field or special spot that gives you lots of space to think, turn inward, and simply be. If you feel safe and comfortable enough to meditate outdoors, this would be the perfect time to meditate. If the weather allows, journaling outdoors is also another powerful practice for healing.
- Practice yoga. Include the following poses (asanas): Lotus Pose, Corpse Pose, Tree Pose, Headstand, Fish Pose, Standing Prayer Backbend
For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.
More Articles For You
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- 9 Healing Crystals For New Beginnings
- 8 Best Self-Love Workbooks To Read This Year
- 11 Beautiful Poetry Books About Self-Love & Acceptance
- 30 Profound Journal Prompts For Spiritual Growth
Pin this for later! Sacred Self-Care For The 7 Chakras (A Complete Guide) Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
Below, discover eight of the best chakra books for both beginners and those looking to expand their knowledge of energy healing and the chakra system. Plus, learn more about the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, a digital resource designed to help you heal stagnant energy and live in alignment with your highest self.
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure policy here.
Pin this for later! 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing What Are Chakras?
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk.” A commonly accepted definition for the word chakra is a wheel of energy in your body. You might also think of it like a vortex of energy within you. What makes it confusing is that this vortex isn’t actually a physical thing like your bones or organs. You can’t see your chakras in an x–ray. Rather, you experience them through feelings, sensations, and your own inner knowing.
When talking about chakras, we typically focus on the seven main ones in your body: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. However, your body actually has at least 114 energy centers in your body, and some people believe there to be more.
So what exactly does a chakra do? Energy is meant to flow, and when your chakras are open, your life force energy, or prana, can flow freely through your chakras at all times (through energy channels called nadis). In turn, this means that you’re more likely to feel confident, open-hearted, joyful, strong, creative, and in alignment with your highest, most authentic self.
But if any of your chakras are closed or blocked, your life force energy gets trapped inside you. This often happens due to difficult experiences in your outer world. For instance, rejection, shame, heartbreak, and grief can all result in blocked chakras. This heavy, stagnant energy can result in feelings and experiences such as excessive isolation, lack of confidence, and a closed heart.
To really understand how your chakra system works, I recommend picking up chakra books that go into full detail on how energy works in the body. To help you get started, I’ve listed eight of the best chakra books available, both for beginners and those looking to expand their knowledge about chakras, energy healing, and their body’s energy system.
And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can learn more about each of these digital resources below.
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Best Chakra Books
Chakra Healing: A Beginner’s Guide
Margarita Alcantara’s Chakra Healing: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Healing Techniques that Balance the Chakras is the perfect chakra book for beginners. It includes practical guidance to help you identify your own mental, physical, and emotional imbalances to determine which chakra may be causing it – and how to heal your own energy blockages.
The Ultimate Guide To Chakras
Athena Perrakis’ The Ultimate Guide to Chakras is another great beginner’s guide that is both beautifully written and illustrated. It includes deeper insight into each of the chakras and provides information on crystals, oils, chakra recipes, and more.
Chakras & Self-Care
In Chakras & Self-Care, author Ambi Kavanagh offers meaningful resources to balance and heal your body’s energy centers. You’ll find affirmation and visualization exercises, essential oil blend recipes, daily rituals, and more practices to help you experience true peace of mind and optimal alignment of your entire being: mind, body, and spirit.
Chakras Activity Book & Journal
For something a little different, Suzi Barrett’s Chakras Activity Book & Journal offers over 108 fun yet powerful activities to heal your chakras and cultivate deeper personal empowerment. The playful tone of this journal removes some of the pressure and seriousness that often comes when journeying within and promotes the effortless flow of life force energy.
The Subtle Body
If you’re ready to venture a little deeper into learning about chakras, Cyndi Dale’s The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy may be just what you’re looking for. This is a comprehensive encyclopedia of human energetic anatomy and includes information on chakras, meridians, and fields, as well as the role of your intentions and beliefs when it comes to healing. For anyone wanting to dive deeper into their energy fields than ever before, this one won’t disappoint.
Essential Chakra Yoga
In Essential Chakra Yoga, Christina D’Arrigo provides assistance to beginners and experienced yoga teachers alike to unblock and heal their chakras using yoga poses and controlled breathing. This is a great resource for bringing balance to your mind, body, and spirit through movement, breathing, and mindfulness.
Essential Chakra Meditation
April Pfender’s Essential Chakra Meditation provides a series of guided meditations tailored to open, balance, and heal each chakra. It also provides mantras (short chants), mudras (hand postures), and detailed information about each chakra to help you diagnose and treat any blockages you may be experiencing.
Energy Medicine
One of my personal favorites, Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine provides detailed information on how to work with the body’s energy systems to promote health and well-being. While it discusses chakras, this one goes beyond just talking about chakras and discusses your entire energy system as a whole. If you’re completely new to chakras, I’d start with one of the other books first, as all the information here can be a bit overwhelming. But if you’re ready to cultivate a deeper understanding of your body’s energies, this may be exactly what you’re looking for.
Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle
If you’re ready to learn more about your body’s chakras, heal stuck and stagnant energy within, and live in alignment with your highest self, the Chakra Healing Bundle will take you on a profound journey into healing your mind, body, and soul.
Here’s what you’ll get with the bundle:
Chakra Healing eBook
- Get an introduction to your seven main chakras.
- Learn the signs and symptoms of balanced and imbalanced chakras; what causes blocked chakras; how to heal your chakras; and more about the roles and attributes of each of your body’s energy centers.
- Get 50 positive affirmations for each chakra.
- Get 30 journal prompts for each chakra.
- Receive guidance on using crystals and gemstones, essential oils, yoga, meditation, and other healing practices.
- Plus learn about spiritual concepts such as your highest self, manifestation, limiting beliefs, and more!
Chakra Healing Workbook
- Get infographics and guides on the seven main chakras, their attributes, healing foods, crystals, essential oils, and more!
- Create your dream life and assess how each of your chakras can help you achieve your dreams.
- Connect with your highest and most authentic self.
- Complete assessments for each of your chakras.
- Get 14-day healing calendars with simple, guided practices for each of your seven main chakras. All calendars are repeatable so you can complete these practices as many times as you want!
- Get journal templates for chakra healing, meditation, morning routine, and end-of-day reflections.
8-Week Chakra Healing Guide
- Get daily instructions to guide you through 8 weeks of chakra healing practices.
- Take a pre-healing assessment before you start your journey.
- Answer weekly reflection questions to get in touch with your inner self and reflect on your healing practices.
- Receive daily positive affirmations for each week of healing.
- Complete a healing tracker to help you track your progress.
- Answer final reflection questions and receive guidance for next steps to take to keep your chakras open and balanced.
Are you ready to journey within and restore balance to your mind, body, and soul? Click here to learn more and purchase your chakra healing bundle today!
What are your favorite chakra books, journals, and healing resources? Share your favorites in the comment box below.
And for additional chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
Looking for more? Check out these posts!
- Sacred Self-Care For The Chakras (A Complete Guide)
- Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (With Chart)
- A Guide To Essential Oils For Chakra Healing
- 7 Chakra Healing Crystals To Restore Inner Harmony
- Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations For Your 7 Main Chakras
Pin this for later! 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra
Discover 30 powerful solar plexus chakra journal prompts to help you open and heal your body’s energy center for confidence, positivity, and drive. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to download your free printable solar plexus chakra affirmations and journal prompts!
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra
Self-confidence. Self-esteem. Self-respect. Self-image. Self-worth.
The solar plexus chakra is the energy center for all of the empowering self words. Want to build more confidence? Ready to boost your self-esteem? Looking to create a positive self-image and cultivate everlasting self-worth?
Then it’s time to focus on the solar plexus chakra, your body’s energy center for confidence, joy, positivity, empowerment, and drive. Located a couple inches above the navel, just below your chest (you might call this the pit of your stomach), your solar plexus chakra is also your energy center of alignment with your purpose and core values.
Now, the truth is, most of us don’t feel good 100% of the time. Even those of us who have generally high self-esteem experience moments of doubt and insecurity.
And that’s okay.
It’s normal not to feel positive every single moment of every day. The key is to recognize when you’re feeling low and to know that even though you may be having negative thoughts, it doesn’t make them true.
On top of that, it’s important to have the tools you need to help build your confidence back up when it’s low.
Positive affirmations are an important part of your self-care toolkit, and so is journaling. I’ve been journaling every morning for the past several years, and it’s made a huge impact on my confidence and self-belief. Journaling allows me to get in touch with my inner self and explore all my hidden depths.
And, I’ve discovered, the more I’ve gotten to know the real me, the more I like myself.
Below are 30 powerful solar plexus journal prompts to help you explore your own inner world. Specifically, these questions are geared toward discovering your confidence, finding your purpose, and celebrating all the things that make you awesome.
Explore these journal prompts with an open mind and open heart, and write your answers with courage, honesty, and lots of self-love.
And to go even deeper into balancing your solar plexus chakra, I’ve also put together 35 solar plexus chakra affirmations for confidence and motivation. You’ll also get these affirmations, along with the journal prompts below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.
How to Use These Journal Prompts
The journal prompts below are designed to help you open, activate, and heal your solar plexus chakra. Each prompt explores one of the central attributes of this energy center, including confidence, self-respect, self-worth, purpose, drive, positivity, joy, and more.
There aren’t many rules about how to approach these prompts, as each person is different, and we all have different preferences and needs.
If you want, you can read through the prompts and choose the ones that resonate most with you. If you do this, I would encourage you to still give some of the other prompts a try, as something might come to the surface for you that you weren’t expecting.
You can also choose to start at the top and work your way to the bottom one prompt at a time.
Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you have some quiet time to yourself to do this work. Whether it’s 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or longer, the most important thing is that you truly have time and space to explore your inner world without distractions.
And my only other rule? (Well, more like a loving suggestion.)
Be kind to yourself as you answer these questions.
Be compassionate. Release self-criticism and self-judgment. The goal here isn’t to be perfect; the goal is to heal and fully explore your inner world. To do that, you must be wholeheartedly honest and kind to yourself throughout the process.
So as you walk forward in this journey, make self-love your first priority, and let it lead you on your path.
Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.
Solar Plexus Chakra Journal Prompts
- When do I feel most confident?
- When do I feel least confident? How can I support myself and create more confidence in these situations?
- What does it mean to me to be a confident person?
- What is the source of my confidence? Does it come from external sources or from within?
- Write out a list of positive inner qualities you love about yourself, and describe why you love each of those things.
- Write out a list of positive outer qualities you love about yourself, and describe why you love each of those things.
- Do I believe I can achieve my goals and dreams? If not, what’s holding me back?
- Write a list of ten to fifteen positive affirmations about your ability to achieve your dreams. Repeat each affirmation twice.
- What does it mean to be a positive person?
- Why is it worth it for me to choose positivity?
- How can approaching situations with a positive mindset change my life for the better?
- What does it mean to me to have self-respect? How do I show myself self-respect in my daily life?
- Describe yourself as if you were introducing yourself to a total stranger. List all the positive attributes that make you awesome.
- How would the people closest to me describe me? In their eyes, what makes me special?
- What brings me joy in my daily life?
- How can I cultivate even more joy in my life?
- In what ways am I a driven and motivated person?
- What does it mean to be empowered? In what ways am I an empowered person? In what ways do I empower others?
- On days when my self-esteem feels low, what self-care practices can I do to show myself love and lift myself up?
- At this stage of my life, do I feel aligned with my purpose? Do my actions reflect my purpose, or do I feel a lack of purpose?
- List ten (or more) things that make you feel happy, fill your heart with joy, and/or make you feel important and needed. Can any of these things be tied to your purpose?
- What are my my core values? Do my daily actions align with my core values?
- What tools can I keep in my personal self-care toolkit to support myself when I lack confidence in myself?
- How do I act when I’m on a team? Am I a collaborative team player? Do I shrink back or try to dominate the team? Why is it important to me to always be a team player with others?
- How do I handle criticism? How can I support myself to handle criticism with grace and compassion?
- Describe one of the best compliments you’ve ever received and why it still makes you happy to this day. Why are you unconditionally worthy and deserving of this awesome compliment?
- Finish this sentence: “I am worthy because . . .” Write at least ten reasons why you are infinitely worthy.
- Write a letter to your younger self. Fill it with compliments and love. Tell your younger self why they are always worthy. Boost your younger self’s self-esteem, give them confidence, and remind them to always act with self-respect.
- Why is having an open and balanced solar plexus chakra important to me?
- What does an ordinary day as my most confident, joyful, positive self look like? How do I carry myself through the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.
Are your ready for your freebies? Download your free printables below!
For more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.
More Articles For You
- 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
- Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide
- 7 Chakra Healing Crystals To Restore Inner Harmony
- Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations For Your 7 Main Chakras
- Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence and Motivation
In this post, discover 35 powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations to balance and heal your spiritual energy center for confidence, positivity, and self-esteem. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to download your free printable solar plexus chakra affirmations and journal prompts!
Pin this for later! 35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence, Motivation, and Positivity What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?
Located above your navel, in the center of your torso (you might also refer to it as the pit of your stomach), the solar plexus chakra is your body’s energy center for confidence, positivity, motivation, and drive. I also like to think of it as the chakra that’s associated with all the self words: self-esteem, self-respect, self-image, and self-worth.
When your solar plexus chakra is balanced and aligned, your overall self-image is high. You feel confident in the steps you’re taking, and you wholeheartedly believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.
A balanced solar plexus chakra is also associated with being a good team player. You’re collaborative, confident in your decision making, and have a high sense of integrity.
Blockages and imbalances to the solar plexus chakra are associated with low self-esteem, lack of ambition, and a sense of worthlessness. If the solar plexus chakra is overactive, you may also experience arrogance, hunger for power, and a superiority complex.
Positive affirmations are a powerful way to restore balance to any of your body’s energy centers. Below, you’ll find 35 powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations to activate, balance, and heal your energy center for confidence, positivity, and self-esteem.
And to go even deeper into balancing your solar plexus chakra, I’ve also put together 30 journal prompts to open and heal your solar plexus chakra. You’ll also get these journal prompts, along with the affirmations below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.
Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.
Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
- I am strong, powerful, and confident.
- I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
- I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
- I wholeheartedly believe in myself.
- I can accomplish incredible things.
- I confidently welcome new experiences.
- I am competent, capable, and strong.
- I radiate confidence and positivity.
- I am aligned with my purpose.
- I am my highest and most authentic self.
- I am enough, just as I am.
- I have the confidence and power to take big leaps.
- I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.
- I will not settle for less than I deserve.
- I am pure, positive energy.
- I hold the key to my own happiness.
- Limitless joy is my birthright.
- I am worthy, strong, powerful, courageous, and always enough.
- I am taking bold steps and walking forward with confidence and self-belief.
- I am radiant, beautiful, and thriving.
- I know my value and will not lessen or shrink myself for anything or anyone.
- I have the strength and courage to handle anything that comes my way.
- I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
- My soul is radiant, my body is strong, and my mind is brilliant.
- I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
- I have the courage and confidence to accept my dreams as reality.
- Where focus goes, energy flows, so I focus on confidence, success, and prosperity.
- I love and accept myself for exactly the person I am right now.
- I am the only one who can determine my self-worth.
- I am aligned with my guiding principles, values, and purpose.
- I am worthy of respect from myself and others.
- I stand in the joy I create from within.
- I love the person I am, both inside and out.
- I am perfect, whole, and complete.
- I am enough. I have always been enough. I will always be enough.
Are your ready for your freebies? Download your free printables below!
For more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.
More Articles For You
- 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
- Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide
- 7 Chakra Healing Crystals To Restore Inner Harmony
- Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations For Your 7 Main Chakras
- Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
Pin this for later! 35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence, Motivation, and Positivity Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
Sacral Chakra Healing: Open & Balance the Sacral Chakra
In this post, discover 14 powerful sacral chakra healing practices that will help you to open and balance your sacral chakra, your body’s energy center for creativity, passion, prosperity, joy, and sensuality. Plus, download 35 affirmations and 30 journal prompts for the sacral chakra below!
Pin this for later! Sacral Chakra Healing: Opening & Balancing the Sacral Chakra What is the Sacral Chakra?
Located in your lower abdomen, your sacral chakra is your energy center for creativity, joy, prosperity, passion, openness, and playfulness. An open and balanced sacral chakra means you embrace your creativity, have high self-esteem, and are able to relax, have fun, and play. Pleasure is a word often associated with the sacral chakra, as having an open sacral chakra means you find delight in all of life’s pleasures.
This is also the energy center for sensuality and sexuality. When energy is flowing freely through this chakra, you’re more likely to have a strong, positive relationship with your body. You honor your desires and have healthy intimate relationships with others.
The sacral chakra is about more than creativity and high self-esteem, though. When this energy center is balanced, you feel more open, adaptable, compassionate, and forgiving. You’re honest with yourself and others, and you’re able to let go of grudges that don’t serve your well-being.
Additionally, because you have a strong and healthy relationship with yourself, you know that holding onto negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and bitterness only harms you in the long run, so you’re able to release these feelings (in a healthy way) in order to take care of your mind, body, and spirit.
In this post, we’ll look deeper into the sacral chakra and discuss 14 powerful practices for opening, balancing, and healing your second energy center.
First, here are some of the key attributes of the sacral chakra:
- Sanskrit Name: Svadhishthana (Sva = “self”; shthana = “place”)
- Location: Lower abdomen (below your navel)
- Color: Orange
- Body Parts: Womb, Bladder, Lower Back, Reproductive Organs
- Symbol: Six-petaled lotus with a moon crescent in the center
- Element: Water
- Mantra: VAM
- Affirmation: I feel
- Balanced Attributes: Creative, Joyful, Playful, Prosperous, Stable, Sexual, Sensual, Passionate, Open, Energetic, Honest, Forgiving
- Imbalanced Attributes: Lack of Creativity, Unstable, Insecure, Anxious, Scattered, Lazy, Fearful, Disconnected, Depressed, Unmotivated, Negative, Lack of Sensuality
- Fundamental Need: Emotional flow, desire, sexuality
Sacral Chakra Healing
If you live in a culture that prioritizes work over play, sacral chakra healing can be an especially important and profound self-care practice. It’s also important if you grew up with a negative relationship your own body, or if you’re not fully comfortable with your sensuality and sexuality.
So how does sacral chakra healing really work? First, it’s important to understand your chakra system and the energy within your body.
While you often only hear about the seven main chakras, there are actually 114 chakras throughout your body. (And some believe there to be more.) These chakras are connected by energy channels called nadis. Just like cars travel on roads to get from one place to another, energy travels through these energy channels to get to each of your chakras.
In a perfect system, your energy is flowing freely all the time. Unfortunately, energy often becomes stuck inside this system, causing your chakras to become either overactive or underactive. Ignoring these blockages won’t make them go away. To get energy moving again, you need to engage in healing practices to help stimulate your life force (prana).
The type of healing you need will depend on the level of blockage you’re experiencing.
For instance, if you’re experiencing some writer’s block or feeling excess negativity within, but this isn’t normal for you, meditation and gentle movement through yoga may help to get the energy flowing again.
But if your blockage goes deeper, you may need to engage in profound inner child healing practices in order to get to the source of the blockage so that you can work with it, release it, and stimulate the free flow of energy within.
Below, you’ll find 14 powerful healing practices to open, balance, and activate your sacral chakra. You can use any of these practices as part of your daily routine, or you can choose a few when you feel like your sacral chakra is blocked and imbalanced. I encourage you to try a few of the healing practices that resonate with you most and, whenever possible, practice them consistently in your daily life.
Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.
Get Creative
How often do you make space in your life for creativity?
Actually, let me rephrase that.
How often do you make space in your life for creativity that has absolutely no end goal? It’s not meant to be productive. It’s not meant to be good. And it’s definitely not meant to be perfect. It’s just pure, unrestricted, joyful creativity.
This is the type of creativity you feel when you’re in a total flow state. And there’s a good chance it’s not the type of creative outlet you’re best at.
For instance, I’m a writer. I’m writing blog posts and articles every single day, and I also often work on fiction stories in my spare time. But even then, I have a difficult time letting go of my inner perfectionist. So when I’m working with my sacral chakra, I never turn to writing to stimulate my creativity.
Rather, I often do something that I’m not very objectively good at, like painting. I embrace the fun and play of it all, and I let go and allow my inner creative being to guide me wherever she wants to go.
Embracing your creative flow is one of the most beneficial practices you can do when working with your sacral chakra. Do something you feel good about that isn’t related to your job and that you don’t feel the need to be perfect when doing. Let it be both messy and beautiful!
Spend Time In Water
The sacral chakra’s associated element is water, and there are several powerful ways you can use water to connect with this energy center. My personal favorite practice is to take a luxurious bubble bath. When your sacral chakra is open and balanced, that means you have a positive relationship with your body and embrace your own divine sensuality. A warm bubble bath is the perfect way to honor your body.
I also love to pair this practice with aromatherapy and crystal healing, which you’ll read more about below. Turn off the lights, place your sacral chakra healing crystals around the tub, and use cinnamon-scented candles or essential oils to set the mood for profound sacral chakra healing.
(Not a bath person? Get some ideas for shower meditations here.)
Of course, you can also find water all over nature, which is one of our greatest teachers and healers of all. Oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams all offer opportunities to connect with your sacral chakra. If you’re not too keen on getting in the water, that’s okay! Even sitting near the water while meditating, journaling, or simply sitting in silence can offer meaningful healing.
Mirror Work
Mirror work can be a beneficial practice for your entire chakra system as a whole, but I especially like it for sacral chakra healing because it can help build self-esteem and connect you to your body, which are all important aspects of the sacral chakra.
So what is mirror work exactly? First, stand in front of a mirror and look yourself in the eyes. If possible, try to use a mirror that shows at least half your body. Bring a gentle smile to your lips. As you’re looking yourself in the eyes, start complimenting yourself. Affirm all the things you love about yourself, both inside and out. If you’re complimenting your arms, you can gently brush your fingertips against your arms in loving reverence. The same goes for your face, chest, legs, and all the rest of your divine being.
And if you’re feeling super confident, you can even start dancing in front of the mirror. Your dancing can be fun and joyful or sultry and sensual; do what feels most comfortable to you! When you’re about done, look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself I love you. Repeat this practice as often as you need.
Uplifting Affirmations
Positive affirmations are a powerful way to lift your vibrations and align yourself with the energy you want to attract. For sacral chakra healing, focus on words that affirm your joy, creativity, passion, prosperity, openness, sensuality, and sexuality. Use these affirmations throughout your day.
Below, you can find some sacral chakra affirmations to get you started. And you can click here for more sacral chakra affirmations.
- I am open to the flow of creativity.
- I am creative, passionate, and inspired.
- I feel joyful, energetic, and alive.
- I am pure, positive energy.
- My emotions flow freely in a balanced and healthy way.
- I allow the flow of positive energy to effortlessly move through me.
- I live a creative, vibrant, passionate life.
- I am vibrating pure joy, abundance, and prosperity.
- Endless prosperity flows to and through me.
- I am cultivating a beautiful life free of stress, worries, or fear.
- I deserve absolute and unconditional bliss.
- Unconditional joy is my birthright.
When your sacral chakra is blocked, you may feel withdrawn, tense, negative, and/or fearful. Dancing is one of the best ways to allow energy to flow freely throughout your body as you release any tension you may be holding onto within.
Does the idea of dancing in front of people feel too overwhelming? That’s okay! This practice can often be most beneficial when you’re completely alone. If you’re at home or somewhere safe, play some music that resonates with you. It can be fast and upbeat or slow and sensual. You can set the mood by turning off lights, lighting candles, and/or changing into clothes that make you feel your best.
Then, all you have to do is simply dance. Let loose, knowing you are completely safe. You can move in any way that feels right to you, but I do recommend connecting to your hips and lower abdomen in order to stimulate the energy in and around your sacral chakra.
There are several ways you can use meditation to connect with your sacral chakra and guide you toward profound healing. One sacral chakra healing practice is to envision a bright orange glowing orb in your lower abdomen. As you breathe in, see the orb getting bigger. As you breathe out, see it growing brighter. You can also recite some uplifting affirmations as you do this.
You might also choose to envision living a day in the life as your truest, most authentic self with an open and balanced sacral chakra. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? What do you do during the day? How do you speak to yourself and others? How do you incorporate play, fun, creativity, and joy into your day? How do you feel about your body? See all the details play out in your visualization, and feel the positive feelings of having an open sacral chakra.
Write a Letter to Your Inner Child
When you were a child, was using your imagination encouraged or discouraged? Did you engage in creative activities? Did you find creativity to be fun, or were you often preoccupied with being perfect? Did anyone ever say anything to discourage your creativity? Were you forced to grow up too fast?
Take some time to sit and write a letter to your inner child. Affirm to this part of you that it’s safe to be creative. Encourage them to play more and to do things that bring them joy. Tell your inner child everything he or she needs to hear regarding play, fun, creativity, and joy. Build up their self-esteem. Was there something you always wished an adult would tell you? Tell it to yourself now.
Journaling is one of my personal favorite practices for connecting with all of my chakras. If you can, I recommend making journaling a sacred time in which you’re not interrupted. If you have a quiet spot in your home, set some time aside to go there so you can connect with your inner self. You might even choose to surround yourself with crystals, essential oils, and other healing tools.
To work with the sacral chakra, you can use journal prompts that are dedicated to connecting with the sacral chakra. To get started, you can find sacral chakra journal prompts here.
Another powerful journaling practice is to write down sacral chakra affirmations, feeling the uplifting and positive emotions of the words as you write them.
You can also make your journaling a time to get creative. Do you have an awesome idea for a movie, book, or TV show? Write down the story in your journal! (Just make not to edit yourself as you write. Have fun with it!)
Visualization is a powerful tool in connecting to your inner self, healing your energy, and manifesting the life you desire. One reason it can be especially powerful for sacral chakra healing is that it allows you to engage with your imagination. If you haven’t used your imagination much since you were a child, this can be an especially profound healing method for you.
There are several ways you can use visualization to connect with the sacral chakra. You can use any of the exercises outlined in the Meditation section above, or you can simply allow your imagination to take over your visualization and see where it leads.
Since water is the element connected to the sacral chakra, you might also visualize yourself playing beneath a waterfall or floating in a river. Imagine that the water is rinsing away all negative and blocked energy and healing your life force within.
Yoga is a profound healing practice for all of your chakras, but I especially love it for working with the sacral chakra because it allows you to connect with your body in a personal and powerful way. For sacral chakra healing, make sure to incorporate hip-opening poses into your practice. During your practice, breathe into your lower abdomen and focus on connecting with your sacral chakra. Let this practice be a sacred time in which you honor your body and treat it with respect and reverence.
Here are some poses (asanas) you can incorporate into your practice when working with the sacral chakra:
- Pigeon
- Butterly
- Cobra
- Frog
- Goddess squat
Aromatherapy is the practice of using natural plant extracts for therapeutic healing. This is one of my favorite underutilized healing practices, and it’s super easy to incorporate into your daily routine. For sacral chakra healing, use citrusy and/or spicy scents such as Orange, Tangerine, Cinnamon, Bergamot, Neroli, Cypress, Cardamom.
For more information on how to use essential oils to heal the chakras, you can read my guide to essential heals for chakra healing here.
Color Therapy
In chakra healing, color therapy is the practice of surrounding yourself with the corresponding color of the chakra you want to open, activate, and/or heal. For sacral chakra healing, that means immersing yourself in all things orange.
You can eat orange food, write in orange pen, wear orange clothing, and surround yourself in orange items. One of my favorite color therapy practices is to write empowering affirmations on colored post-it notes. So for sacral chakra healing, you might write uplifting sacral chakra affirmations on orange post-its.
One of the most important things to remember here is to be intentional with this practice. Choose your items with the intention of healing your sacral chakra. You might find it helpful to play an affirmation game with your color therapy practice. For instance, if you decide to wear a piece of jewelry that has an orange gemstone, say an uplifting sacral chakra affirmation every time you touch or see this item.
You can also decide that anytime you see an orange item while you’re out and about during the day, you’ll internally say a sacral chakra affirmation or express gratitude for an aspect of yourself related to the sacral chakra.
Food can have a profound influence on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self. While we often think of food as primarily affecting the body, it also affects the mind and spirit as well. For sacral chakra healing, add your favorite spices (such as cinnamon) to drinks and meals. Add orange produce such as carrots, mangoes, and oranges to your snacks or meals. You can also add sweet, antioxidant-filled honey to your tea, yogurt, or toast. (Or however you best like to savor it.)
Crystals & Gemstones
Each chakra is linked to powerful crystals that help you to connect to your energy centers and stimulate the effortless flow within. For sacral chakra healing, you can use crystals that stimulate creativity and passion, such as Orange Calcite, Jasper, Carnelian, Red Tiger’s Eye, Coral, and Fire Opal. Use these crystals in meditation, as jewelry, in crystal grids, in a sacred space, or keep them with you throughout the day.
New to crystals? Learn how to cleanse, program, and use crystals here. And for more on chakra healing crystals, click here.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free printables below!
For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
More Articles For You
- 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
- Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide
- 7 Chakra Healing Crystals To Restore Inner Harmony
- Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations For Your 7 Main Chakras
- Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
Pin this for later! Sacral Chakra Healing: Opening & Balancing the Sacral Chakra Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Sacral Chakra
Discover 30 powerful sacral chakra journal prompts for opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy center for creativity, joy, passion, and sensuality. Plus don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to download your free printable sacral chakra affirmations and journal prompts!
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Sacral Chakra Healing the Sacral Chakra
How often do you let yourself play?
No work. No thinking about your to-do lists. No sacrificing your time for everyone else.
Just fun, non-productive, glorious play.
And even more: how often do you daydream? How do you express your creativity in your daily life? If you have a creative job, what fun and creative things do you do in your off-time? Do you ever seek out pleasure? What are you passionate about?
Fun, creativity, and passion are all important components of the sacral chakra, your body’s second energy center. This is also your energy center for joy, prosperity, sensuality, sexuality, openness, and honesty.
When your sacral chakra is open and energy is freely flowing in and out of this energy center, you’re more likely to feel inspired, passionate, and in touch with your fun and creative side. It also means you’re open and honest with others, and you also have a healthy relationship with your sensuality and sexuality.
However, if your sacral chakra is either underactive or overactive, then you likely are experiencing deficiencies in areas of fun, passion, and creativity. When underactive, you may become withdrawn, tense, and insecure. And when it’s overactive, you’re more prone to becoming controlling, manipulative, and aggressive.
So if you want to truly cultivate that feeling of pure joy and passion for life, it’s important to connect with your sacral chakra regularly.
And know this: you deserve joy. You deserve prosperity. And you deserve to live an effortlessly beautiful, free, creative life that you feel truly passionate about.
So ditch the “all work, no play” mentality and invite beautiful abundance into your life today.
If you want to learn more about practices to balance your sacral chakra, you can check out my post on sacral chakra healing practices here.
And to go even deeper into balancing your sacral chakra, I’ve also put together 35 sacral chakra affirmations to live a creative and passionate life. You’ll also get these affirmations, along with the journal prompts below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.
How to Use These Journal Prompts
The 30 journal prompts below are designed to help you activate, open, and heal your sacral chakra. Each prompt focuses on an important aspect of the sacral chakra, including creativity, fun, play, sensuality, passion, sexuality, and your relationship with your body.
And because you don’t want to be too rigid when it comes to the sacral chakra, know that there truly are no rules here. If you want to skip around and only answer the prompts that resonate with you, that’s totally fine. Or, if you’d like, you can start at the top and work your way to the bottom, one prompt at a time.
You don’t have to answer all the prompts, though I think it can be powerful to do so as unexpected feelings and beliefs may arise from the questions posed in the various prompts.
There’s definitely no time limit, so take as much or as little time as you need to answer these questions below. I do suggest that on days when you choose to work through the prompts, you set aside some time for yourself where you won’t be distracted or interrupted.
And finally, make this sacred journaling time a judgment-free zone. In order to truly heal, you must work through the negative thoughts and beliefs you carry inside. And the only way you can truly embrace this healing journey is if you release judgment and embrace wholehearted authenticity, truth, and self-love.
And don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page, where you can sign up to download your free printable sacral chakra affirmations and journal prompts! Use these free resources to serve and support you in your healing journey.
Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.
Sacral Chakra Journal Prompts
- What can I do in my daily life to add more opportunities for play?
- What are my favorite creative activities? How do I feel when I get to express my creativity?
- What are some creative activities I’ve always wanted to try but never have? What first step can I take toward trying one of these activities?
- What are some creative activities I love to do but don’t make space for in my life as much as I’d like to? How can I create more space for these activities?
- Express your creativity: Write about a movie or book idea floating in the back of your mind. What is it about? Who are the characters? What’s the central theme? Write as many details as possible, and have fun with it!
- Invent something: Write about an invention that doesn’t exist yet but definitely should. What is its name? How does it work? How will it improve people’s lives? Get creative, and make it as crazy, far out, and illogical as you want!
- What inspires me? Are there things in my daily life that keep me inspired every day? If not, what might help?
- What brings me joy? In what ways is my life filled with joy?
- How can I cultivate more feelings of joy in my daily life?
- How often do I daydream? What kinds of things do I daydream about? In what ways can daydreaming support my well-being?
- Reflect on this statement and what it means to you: “Play is not irresponsible. Creativity is not impractical. Fun is not frivolous.
- What does it mean to me to be prosperous? In what way(s) is my life prosperous?
- Why is it important to me to be an open and honest person?
- Why is it important to me to be a forgiving person? Do I ever find it difficult to forgive myself or others?
- Write a letter forgiving yourself for a mistake you made in the past.
- Write a letter forgiving someone else for actions they took or words they said that caused you pain.
- What types of situations and experiences make me feel tense, insecure, and withdrawn? What can I do to help myself in these situations? Are there any frequent experiences like this in my daily life that I can change?
- What do I feel passionate about in my life? How do I express my passion?
- Why am I always worthy and deserving of respect from myself and others?
- How do I show myself respect? What choices do I make for myself that are rooted in self-respect?
- What are five practices I can incorporate into my life to boost my self-esteem?
- Why am I awesome? What are my superpowers? What makes me an incredible person?
- What are ten things I love about my sacred body?
- Why is this body of mine special? What makes it beautiful?
- How do I define sensuality? What does it mean to be a sensual being?
- Do I consider myself sensual? What’s my personal relationship with sensuality? How can I cultivate a positive relationship with sensuality?
- How do I define intimacy? What forms of intimacy are there? Do I easily embrace intimacy with others, or do I have a hard time with intimacy?
- Do I consider myself a sexual being? Do I have a healthy relationship with sexuality?
- List all of the positive things you associate with sex and sexuality.
- What does an ordinary day as my most creative, passionate, inspired self look like? How do I carry myself through the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free printables below!
For more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.
More Articles For You
- 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
- Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide
- 7 Chakra Healing Crystals To Restore Inner Harmony
- Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations For Your 7 Main Chakras
- Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Sacral Chakra Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
35 Sacral Chakra Affirmations to Live a Creative & Passionate Life
Below, discover 35 powerful affirmations to balance, heal, and activate your sacral chakra, your spiritual energy center for creativity, passion, joy, and sensuality. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to download your free printable sacral chakra affirmations and journal prompts!
Pin this for later! 35 Sacral Chakra Affirmations to Live a Creative & Passionate Life What is Your Sacral Chakra?
Located in your lower abdomen (below your navel), your sacral chakra is your energy center for creativity, vitality, passion, joy, and sensuality. When your sacral chakra is balanced, you feel more open, adaptable, compassionate, and forgiving. You find delight in all of life’s pleasures and are able to relax, have fun, and let yourself play.
This is also your energy center for sensuality, sexuality, and honoring your desires. A balanced sacral chakra means you’re more likely to have a healthy relationship with your body, and it also means you’re more likely to have healthy intimate relationships with others.
Below, you’ll find 35 sacral chakra affirmations to help keep the flow of energy moving steadily and harmoniously in and out of this energy center. I recommend repeating these affirmations whenever you feel like you’re having a hard time connecting with one or more of the attributes associated with the sacral chakra. For instance, you might feel uninspired, unexcited about life, or maybe you don’t feel connected to your body.
Find the affirmations that resonate most and commit to repeating them throughout the day. You might also find it helpful to write your affirmations on post-it notes and stick them somewhere they’re easily visible throughout the day.
If you want to learn more about practices to balance your sacral chakra, you can check out my post on sacral chakra healing practices here.
And to go even deeper into balancing your sacral chakra, I’ve also put together 30 journal prompts to open and heal your sacral chakra. You’ll also get these journal prompts, along with the affirmations below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.
Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.
Sacral Chakra Affirmations
- I am open to the flow of creativity.
- I am creative, passionate, and inspired.
- I feel joyful, energetic, and alive.
- I am pure, positive energy.
- My emotions flow freely in a balanced and healthy way.
- I allow the flow of positive energy to effortlessly move through me.
- I live a creative, vibrant, passionate life.
- I am vibrating pure joy, abundance, and prosperity.
- Endless prosperity flows to and through me.
- I am cultivating a beautiful life free of stress, worries, or fear.
- I deserve absolute and unconditional bliss.
- Unconditional joy is my birthright.
- I make space in my life for play.
- Play is a priority, not an option.
- It is right for me to choose joy, fun, and play in my daily life.
- I find new ways to express my creativity.
- I am connected to an endless source of innovation, inspiration, and creativity.
- I radiate passion and prosperity.
- I embrace life with vigor and passion.
- Limitless joy is my birthright.
- I deeply respect and honor my sacred body.
- My body is a work of art.
- My body is a masterpiece.
- I honor my own divine sensuality.
- I am a sensual and passionate being.
- I embrace intimacy with others.
- I honor my desires.
- I listen to my sacred body and give it what it needs.
- I am comfortable moving my body in ways that feel good to me.
- I am worthy of being desired.
- I am worthy and deserving of respect from myself and others.
- I am open, honest, forgiving, and compassionate.
- I am flexible, adaptable, and open to change.
- I know my self-worth, and I will not settle for less than I deserve.
- All that I am is in perfect harmony.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free printables below!
For more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.
More Articles For You
- 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
- Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide
- 7 Chakra Healing Crystals To Restore Inner Harmony
- Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations For Your 7 Main Chakras
- Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
Pin this for later! 35 Sacral Chakra Affirmations to Live a Creative & Passionate Life Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
Root Chakra Healing: Open & Balance the Root Chakra
In this post, discover 14 powerful root chakra healing practices that will help you to open and balance your root chakra, allowing you to feel stable and secure, no matter what’s going on in your external world. Plus, download your free 35 affirmations and 30 journal prompts for the root chakra below!
Pin this for later! Root Chakra Healing: Opening & Balancing the Root Chakra What is the Root Chakra?
Located at the base of your spine, the root chakra is your body’s energy center for safety, strength, security, groundedness, and inner peace. Your root chakra acts as your foundation. This is where you build your strength, power, and stability so that energy can freely and effortlessly flow throughout your entire body.
A helpful metaphor is to think of your root chakra like the roots of a tree. With strong roots, you’ll remain stable, firm, and supported, no matter which way the wind blows. And that’s truly what your root chakra does for you; with an open and balanced root chakra, you’ll remain grounded, centered, and calm, no matter what’s going on in your external world.
Does this mean everything’s perfect all the time? Absolutely not. A balanced root chakra signifies that you feel firm in your place in life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have hopes and dreams for something more.
However, because you feel so solid and steady, you’re not desperate or distressed as you wait for your dreams to manifest. Rather, you’re able to let go, trust, and ground yourself to the present moment, knowing that all is truly going to be okay.
In this post, we’ll dive deep into root chakra healing and discuss 14 powerful practices for opening, balancing, and healing the root chakra. First, here are some of the key attributes of the root chakra:
- Sanskrit Name: Muladhara (Mula: “root”; Adhara: “support” or “base”)
- Location: Base of spine
- Color: Red
- Body Parts: Legs, Colon, Kidneys, Prostate, Bladder, Tailbone
- Symbol: Four-petaled lotus with a square in the middle
- Element: Earth
- Mantra: LAM
- Affirmation: I am
- Balanced Attributes: Secure, Grounded, Strong, Centered, Stable, Steady, Safe, Peaceful, Supported, All Basic Needs Are Met
- Imbalanced Attributes: Insecure, Anxious, Depressed, Scattered, Disconnected, Restless, Fearful, Cynical, Neglected, Worried
- Fundamental Need: Survival
Root Chakra Healing
Even though each of your body’s energy centers has its own distinct role, it’s important to remember that all of your chakras, along with your life force (prana) and energy channels (nadis), act as one whole system.
So when one is blocked, it affects the rest of your chakra system, causing other energy centers to become underactive or overactive.
That’s why root chakra healing is one of the most profound self-care practices you can do for your mind, body, and spirit. As your foundation, it’s important to maintain an open and balanced root chakra in order to keep your entire chakra system in balance.
I like to think of it like this: your root chakra represents your basic needs, like warmth, rest, and security. If one of these basic needs isn’t being met, it’s really hard to focus on things like creativity, passion, love, and intuition.
So first, you have to take the time to create a solid and stable foundation for yourself. Once you do this, you can more easily focus on all the other aspects that make you who you are, including your creative energy, the things that bring you joy, and connecting with your spiritual self.
Below, you’ll find 14 powerful root chakra healing practices to open, balance, and activate this important energy center. You can use these practices as part of your daily routine, or pick some to do when you’re feeling imbalanced and misaligned. I encourage you to begin with the very first practice (ensuring your basic needs are being met) and then focusing particularly on the practices that resonate the most with you.
Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.
Ensure Basic Needs Are Being Met
The root chakra acts as your foundation, and at your most basic level, before anything else, you have physiological and safety needs that need to be met in order to have a solid and stable foundation. These needs include food, water, warmth, rest, security, and safety.
While the rest of the practices on this list are powerful on their own, nothing can bring you long-term healing if your basic needs aren’t being met.
Unfortunately, depending on your life situation, this isn’t always easy. What do you do if food isn’t always readily available? What if you don’t feel safe and secure in your environment? What if your busy schedule doesn’t allow for rest? There’s no easy, one-size-fits-all answer here. So this is the best advice I can give you: don’t be afraid to ask for and accept help from others.
And also don’t be afraid to ask for help from the Universe. For most of my life, I wasn’t someone who would talk to a higher power. It wasn’t until recent years that I began sitting down and handing over my worries to the Universe.
I don’t say this to make you feel good; I say this because it’s my authentic truth: every single time I’ve actually paused and spoken to the Universe, my requests have always been answered. Sometimes, in minutes. Sometimes, hours. Sometimes, days. But never, ever am I ignored.
Meditation is a powerful practice for healing all of your chakras, but there’s something especially powerful when it comes to root chakra healing. Meditating in the morning can be especially profound because it allows you to get grounded, centered, and stable as you start your day. Use meditation to connect with your foundation and to breathe calm, strength, and peace into every cell of your body.
A simple breathing meditation can be effective in root chakra healing. You might also choose to connect with your root chakra by envisioning it as a bright red glowing orb at the base of your spine. As you breathe in, see the orb getting bigger. As you breathe out, see it growing brighter. You can also recite some grounding affirmations as you do this (see below).
There’s tons of meditation resources and apps to help you get started. My personal favorite is Insight Timer.
Grounding Affirmations
The use of positive affirmations can be a powerful healing practice that supports your total well-being: mind, body, and spirit. For root chakra healing, focus on affirmations specifically dedicated to helping you feel grounded, stable, secure, calm, strong, peaceful, and centered.
You can recite affirmations as you wake up in the morning, during meditation, as you commute to work, in your journal, as you wind down for the evening, and any time you need to take a step back and allow a wave of calm to wash over you.
I’ve written some of my favorite root chakra affirmations below. Also be sure to check out my post, 35 Root Chakra Affirmations to Remain Strong, Steady, and Grounded.
- I am safe and secure.
- I am rooted in this present moment.
- I am strong, steady, and grounded.
- I have access to all the resources I need to survive and thrive.
- I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
- Everything I need comes to me at exactly the right place and time.
- I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this same energy in return.
- Deep inner peace is my natural state.
- Even when the world around me feels chaotic, I remain rooted firmly to the ground.
- All my needs are always met.
- I have everything I need.
Connect to the Earth
The root chakra is associated with the earth, and one of the most powerful healing activities you can do is to immerse yourself in nature and let your bare feet touch the ground. You might also find a quiet spot to sit outside where you can journal, meditate, or just simply be. If you’re a gardener, you might choose to go outside and work in your garden, allowing your bare hands to dig into the earth.
Nature is one of the greatest healers in the universe. When you take the time to connect with the earth, you connect with your roots, your foundation, and the truest, most authentic part of you.
Breathing Exercises
It isn’t always possible to stop what you’re doing to meditate in the middle of the day, but a breathing exercise is a more than suitable replacement that can help you to regain your feelings of calm, balance, and inner peace. Alternate nostril breathing is one of my favorite breathing practices, as this simple yet profound practice is known to calm the mind, reduce anxiety and stress, and promote overall well-being.
Here’s another simple breathing exercise to help you feel centered and grounded:
Inhale deeply to a count of four. Pause for a full second at the top of your breath. Then exhale for a count of five. Pause at the end of your exhale. Then repeat the cycle. Do this as many times as needed to calm your mind and ground you to the present moment.
As you go about your day, notice all the things that contribute to your open and balanced root chakra. These things might include the locks on your doors that keep you safe; the money in your bank account; the food in your kitchen; the blankets that keep you warm; your strong, healthy body; access to clean water; and more.
As you notice everything in your life that allows you to have a solid foundation, say a little thank you for each thing. These can often be the things we take for granted, so acknowledging all the positive aspects of your life with sincere appreciation can be a powerful reminder of your abundance.
And don’t forget to express gratitude for your own inner qualities and talents. For instance, you might express gratitude for your ability to stay grounded and calm in all situations. You can also express gratitude for your inner strength and resilience. All of these things contribute to a balanced, open, and healed root chakra.
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Journaling is a profound practice to get in touch with your inner self, gently probe your thoughts and beliefs, explore your feelings, and connect with your body’s energy centers. For journaling specifically focused on root chakra healing, you can take a variety of approaches. You can center your practice on writing root chakra affirmations, write down what you’re grateful for, or answer journal prompts that pertain to the root chakra. For root chakra journal prompts, check out my post, 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Root Chakra.
When you sit down to journal, first set the intention to connect with your root chakra. Seal this intention with a few deep, grounding breaths. Choose to write with honesty and authenticity, and release any judgment or self-criticism that may come up. It’s important that you make this time a judgment-free zone. The path to healing is paved in radical honesty and acceptance.
Visualization exercises can be beneficial for root chakra healing in a number of ways. One way to visualize is to follow the practice outlined in the Meditation section: connect with your root chakra by visualizing a bright red glowing orb at the base of your spine. As you breathe in, see the orb getting bigger. As you breathe out, see it growing brighter.
You can also practice visualization by envisioning your highest self with an open and balanced root chakra. What does a day in your life look like when your root chakra is completely balanced? How do you feel? How do you carry yourself?
Visualize some unexpected obstacles appearing during your day, and see yourself reacting to these obstacles with a sense of calm, stability, and steadiness. After your visualization, see if you can align with that balanced and centered version of yourself as you continue through your day.
Almost any well-rounded yoga practice will support total body chakra healing, as yoga supports the free flow of energy (prana) throughout your body and can clear any blockages that may exist in your energy channels (nadis). Approach your yoga practice with an open and authentic heart.
For root chakra healing poses (asanas), check out the list below. During your practice, focus on connecting with your root chakra. Breathe into that spot at the base of your spine, and when your feet are on the floor, focus on setting up a strong and stable foundation for your body (as well as connecting to the earth).
- Mountain Pose
- Downward Dog
- Tree Pose
- Lunge Pose
- Warrior II
Sense of smell can be one of the most underutilized senses for restoring balance to your internal energy, as scent has the ability to both soothe and revitalize. For root chakra healing, use earth-scented essential oils, such as Cedarwood, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Basil, Patchouli, Black Pepper, Geranium. For more information on how to use essential oils to heal the chakras, check out my post, A Guide to Essential Oils for Chakra Healing.
Color Therapy
Color therapy is the act of immersing yourself in the color associated with that chakra. For root chakra healing, this means immersing yourself in all things red. For instance, you can eat red food, wear red clothes, light red candles, write with red pen, and surround your space with red items.
I often hear the question, “Does color therapy really work?” I wholeheartedly believe your success with color therapy is entirely tied to your intentions and belief. When you approach this practice, first set the intention to connect with your root chakra. You might decide that every time you see a certain red item, you’ll recite a grounding root chakra affirmation. You might also spend some time visualizing a bright red orb at the base of your spine.
At the heart of it, don’t simply surround yourself with the color red just for the sake of it; do so with intention. Decide that you are going to cultivate a sense of groundedness, stability, and strength throughout your day.
I also like to combine color therapy with other root chakra healing practices, such as aromatherapy and journaling.
While we often think of food as affecting our physical selves, it also profoundly affects our mental, emotional, and spiritual selves as well. Just as eating too much junk food can be linked to anxiety, stress, and negative overall well-being, eating the right types of food can help you to feel calm, stable, and secure.
For root chakra healing foods, focus on root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and carrots. You might also choose red fruits such as apples, cherries, and strawberries. Finally, as your root chakra is associated with strength, make sure you consume enough protein, which you can find in beans and nut butters.
Crystals & Gemstones
Each chakra has powerful crystals associated with it, and these crystals can be used in various ways to balance and heal the energy within. For root chakra healing, use grounding crystals such as Hematite, Obsidian, Onyx, and Red Jasper. (You can find a list of grounding crystals and stones here.)
So how exactly do you use crystals for root chakra healing? After cleansing and programming your crystals, you can meditate with them, wear crystals as jewelry, keep them in your pocket throughout the day, create crystal grids, or keep them in a prominent spot nearby where you can easily see them.
Whenever you see or hold your chosen crystal, set the intention to ground yourself to the present moment and feel a sense of security and stability, no matter what’s happening in your external world. You might also choose to recite a root chakra affirmation, such as “I am grounded,” or “All my needs are always met.”
Here’s a few more posts to help you get started with using crystals and gemstones to heal the chakras:
Connect to Your Highest Self
What does this mean? Who is your highest self?
Your highest self is your truest, most authentic self. This part of you is untouched by external circumstances, appearances, and experiences. It is eternal and unchanging. This essence exists beyond your body and physical appearances.
If you stripped everything else away, this part of you would remain: the real and true you.
Your highest self is also the person you are when all of your chakras are open and balanced and energy is flowing freely throughout your body. And this all starts with your foundation: your root chakra.
One of the most powerful chakra healing practices you can do is to spend a day walking in the shoes of your highest, most authentic self. For root chakra healing, set the intention to walk through a day as your highest self with an open, healed, and balanced root chakra. Start the day feeling grounded, secure, stable, strong, and supported. Keep this version of you in mind as you interact with others and also in the way you talk to yourself. Anytime you find yourself straying from your highest self, simply choose to realign.
It may help to first journal about your highest self so you have a clear picture of who that person is before you start your day. No matter what, remember to refrain from self-criticism and judgment, and have compassion and love for all parts of you. Let this experience serve your highest good and support your growth.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your printables below!
What practices have served you in opening, balancing, and healing your root chakra? Leave your questions and tips in the comment box below. And for more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
More Articles For You
- 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
- Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide
- 7 Chakra Healing Crystals To Restore Inner Harmony
- Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations For Your 7 Main Chakras
- Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
Pin this for later! Root Chakra Healing: Opening & Balancing the Root Chakra Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Root Chakra
Below, discover 30 powerful root chakra journal prompts to heal your body’s energy center for strength, stability, and security. Plus, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to download your free printable root chakra affirmations and journal prompts!
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Root Chakra Healing the Root Chakra
Have you ever felt insecure about your place in life? Maybe there are things happening outside of you that make you feel like you’ve lost your sense of control. Or maybe uncertainty about your future means you’re constantly living in a state of worry and fear.
I think most of us, at some point in our lives, have experienced these unsettling feelings. It’s especially common to get caught up reliving mistakes of the past or worrying about the future.
Unfortunately, while those worries and fears usually come from a place of self-preservation, they take us away from the present moment and do little to support our total well-being.
That’s why doing the deep, inner work to heal the source of what makes you feel uncertain, scattered, anxious, disconnected, and/or fearful is so important. And that all starts with the root chakra.
Located at the base of your spine, your root chakra is your energy center for safety, stability, groundedness, strength, and ease within your own body. When your root chakra is open, it means that your basic physiological and safety needs are being met and you have the resources you need to survive.
Beyond this, it also signifies that you feel firm in your place in life. This doesn’t mean everything is absolutely perfect. Rather, it means that you feel confident and secure with where you are and where you’re going. You have the strength and self-trust to continue down your sacred path, wherever it may lead.
The root chakra acts as your foundation. Your body’s other six main energy centers open you up to creativity, confidence, love, communication, intuition, and spirituality. But in order for these chakras to stay open and balanced, your foundation must first be stable and secure.
So when we talk about chakras, we have to start with your first chakra. Your base. Your foundation. Your root.
Because once the ground beneath you is stable, that’s when you can really begin to not just survive but thrive.
- You May Also Like: Root Chakra Healing: Open & Balance the Root Chakra
How to Use These Journal Prompts
The 30 root chakra journal prompts below are designed to help you get in touch with your innermost self so you can gently probe and explore your deepest feelings and beliefs.
Specifically, these prompts correlate with the primary attributes of the root chakra and what may be blocking it in this moment.
Some of the prompts may resonate more than others, so feel free to skip around and answer the ones that feel most relevant for you.
Note that some prompts may take only a few minutes to answer while others may take a little longer. If possible, try to set aside some time where you’re not distracted, allowing you space to fully get in touch with your innermost self.
And last but not least: set the intention to make your journaling practice a judgment-free zone. Have compassion for yourself. The fact that you’re showing up today and setting aside time for growth and healing is incredible. I hope you recognize that, and I hope you’re able to show yourself gratitude for the strength and courage it takes to do this kind of work. It isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it.
And to go even deeper into balancing your root chakra, I’ve also put together 35 root chakra affirmations to remain strong, steady, and grounded. You’ll also get these affirmations, along with the journal prompts below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.
Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.
Root Chakra Journal Prompts
- What are my basic needs to survive? Do I have easy access to all of these needs, or is there anything I struggle to attain?
- Has there ever been a time in my life when my basic needs of food, water, warmth, rest, security, and safety weren’t met? How did I feel during this time?
- What can I do to ensure my mind, body, and spirit feel safe despite external circumstances?
- What can I do to ensure my basic physiological and safety needs are always met?
- What basic needs are met in my life, and what makes me grateful for each one? (Write one to three sentences for each need, describing why you’re grateful for it.)
- What in my external world helps me to feel safe? What about in my internal world?
- What does it mean to me to be grounded? How can I cultivate the feeling of being grounded in my life?
- In the middle of a busy and hectic day, what can I do to help myself to feel centered?
- When the world feels chaotic, how can I remain rooted firmly to the ground?
- Describe yourself as though you are a tree, with roots that keep you secure to the ground no matter how the wind blows.
- What does strength mean to me? What makes me feel strong? When do I feel strongest?
- What does it mean to me to be rooted in the present moment?
- What practices can I incorporate into my daily routine that will increase mindfulness and help me to remain in the present moment?
- Are there any situations, places, or common experiences in my life that don’t help me to feel rooted, secure, safe, and/or grounded? What can I do to help myself in these moments (or change the situation)?
- Visualize your highest self walking through a beautiful, open field with your bare feet touching the ground. Describe this experience, including how it makes you feel.
- Write a compassionate love letter to your body. Use affirmations to affirm that you feel safe, supported, and at ease in your body.
- In what ways does my body always take care of me?
- Finish this statement: “I build my life upon the foundation of _____.” Describe all the positive feelings and beliefs that create the foundation for which you build your life upon.
- What does it mean to me to be firm in my place of life?
- Do I feel like my loved ones support me? Do I feel like the Universe supports me? What do I need to feel more supported?
- Why is important to me to feel supported by loved ones and the Universe?
- Reflect on this statement and what it means to you: “Every cell of my body supports my total wellbeing.”
- When my energy feels depleted, what can I do to nourish and rejuvenate my body, mind, and spirit?
- What can I do every morning to increase my energy and greet the day with enthusiasm and vitality?
- Who is my truest, most authentic self?
- How can I become one with my true self in each and every moment?
- What fears or limiting beliefs hold me back from living as my truest, most authentic self?
- How can I use my inner peace, calm, and sense of groundedness as a superpower to help the people around me?
- Why is having an open and balanced root chakra important to me?
- What does an ordinary day as my most grounded and secure self look like? How do I carry myself through the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your printables below!
Have you used any of these journal prompts? Share your experiences in the comment box below!
And for more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.
More Articles For You
- 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
- Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide
- 7 Chakra Healing Crystals To Restore Inner Harmony
- Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations For Your 7 Main Chakras
- Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Root Chakra Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
35 Root Chakra Affirmations to Remain Strong and Grounded
Below, discover 35 powerful root chakra affirmations to help you remain strong, steady, and grounded at all times. Plus, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to download your free printable root chakra affirmations and journal prompts!
Pin this for later! 35 Root Chakra Affirmations to Remain Strong, Steady, and Grounded What is the Root Chakra?
Located at the base of your spine, your root chakra is your energy center for safety, stability, and staying grounded. You may also hear it referred to as your first chakra, as it’s the lowest energy center in your body.
As the chakra located closest to the earth, the root chakra represents your foundation. This is where you build your inner strength and power so that the flow of energy can easily move freely throughout your entire body.
When your root chakra is balanced, this means that your basic needs are being met: food, shelter, warmth, rest, security, and safety. It also means that you have a good relationship with your body and that you recognize your body’s ability to support and take care of you.
A balanced root chakra also signifies that you feel firm in your place of life. Now, to be clear, this doesn’t mean you have to settle or that you can’t have hopes and dreams for something more. Rather, it means that in this moment, you know you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. It signifies that you trust the path ahead and aren’t living in a space of worry and fear.
If you want to learn more about practices to balance your root chakra, you can check out my post on root chakra healing practices here.
Below, you’ll find 35 root chakra affirmations to help you feel strong, grounded, and secure. You can use these root chakra affirmations in meditation, or you can save them and repeat them whenever your energy feels out of balance and/or misaligned.
I also recommend incorporating root chakra affirmations into your morning routine, as they set you up to approach the day feeling strong and empowered. This means that no matter what happens during the day, you’ll remain calm and peaceful, knowing that you live in a universe that always supports your well-being.
And to go even deeper into balancing your root chakra, I’ve also put together 30 journal prompts to open and heal your root chakra. You’ll also get these journal prompts, along with the affirmations below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.
Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.
Root Chakra Affirmations
- I am safe and secure.
- I am rooted in this present moment.
- I am strong, steady, and grounded.
- I have access to all the resources I need to survive and thrive.
- I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
- Everything I need comes to me at exactly the right place and time.
- I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this same energy in return.
- Deep inner peace is my natural state.
- Even when the world around me feels chaotic, I remain rooted firmly to the ground.
- All my needs are always met.
- I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
- It is right to be exactly as I am.
- It is right to be exactly where I am.
- I have everything I need.
- I feel safe in my body.
- My body always takes care of me.
- My body is my home, and I pledge to always build it up and never tear it down.
- My body is a safe and worthy home for my radiant soul.
- Every cell of my body supports my total well-being.
- I am healthy, well, and strong.
- I am filled with radiant energy and endless vitality.
- I wake up every day feeling strong, energized, and empowered.
- As the sun rises, so does my energy.
- I am one with my true self.
- I feel secure in my place in life.
- I inhale trust and exhale fear.
- I inhale peace and exhale anything that no longer serves me.
- I am always supported and protected.
- I feel peaceful, grounded, and secure.
- Like a tree, I am rooted firmly to the earth.
- I am grateful to know that I am always deeply loved and supported by this Universe.
- I deeply appreciate my ability to remain calm and peaceful in all situations.
- I am grateful for the abundance of strength that radiates throughout my entire body.
- I build my life on the foundation of faith, peace, love, and trust.
- I am whole and complete, exactly as I am.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your printables below!
Bonus! Root Chakra Affirmation Cards to Save & Share
What practices have served you in opening, balancing, and healing your root chakra? Leave your questions and tips in the comment box below!
And for more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.
More Articles For You
- 8 Best Chakra Books For Profound Energy Healing
- Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide
- 7 Chakra Healing Crystals To Restore Inner Harmony
- Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations For Your 7 Main Chakras
- Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
Pin this for later! 35 Root Chakra Affirmations to Remain Strong, Steady, and Grounded Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.