50 Inspiring Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
In this article, you’ll find 50 inspiring journal prompts for self-discovery and personal growth. Plus, I share some of my favorite guided journals for connecting with your truest, most authentic self.
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Pin this for later! 50 Inspiring Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery Journaling For Self-Discovery
Journaling is a powerful tool in your journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and creating the life that you truly love.
For the past several years, I’ve been journaling for 30 minutes every morning as soon as I wake up. I do this even before eating breakfast, working out, checking social media, or meditating.
This practice has served me in more ways than I ever could’ve imagined. I’ve found that when I take 30 minutes to focus solely on my inner world, I forge a deeper connection with my most authentic self.
Additionally, it helps me to get any thoughts, worries, or heavy emotions out of my body and onto the blank page in front of me. By the end of my journaling sessions, I always feel lighter and more clear-headed as I set out to embrace the opportunities and experiences of the new day ahead.
Your own journaling practice should be tailored to your unique preferences and needs. You might journal for ten minutes a day or a whole hour. You might like early mornings, or maybe you like to journal at night to help you unwind from your day.
There are no rules to journaling; do what feels best to you.
If I can give you one piece of advice, though, it would be to make your journaling practice a safe place from self-judgment or self-criticism.
This means you’re free to write down whatever you need to without your inner critic telling you it’s wrong to think or feel a certain way.
In fact, if you’re seeking meaningful self-discovery, the best thing you can do is to get curious.
For instance, let’s say you’re journaling about the day you had yesterday, and you realize you didn’t react to a situation as well as you would’ve liked to. Instead of criticizing yourself, allow yourself to explore your reaction with non-judgmental awareness.
Keep probing deeper to get to the root of your own thoughts, actions, feelings, and beliefs.
Below, you’ll find 50 journal prompts for self-discovery, personal growth, and exploring your inner self. You can choose to spend as much or as little time on each prompt as you’d like, and you can also skip around to complete them in any order you’d prefer.
And be sure to keep scrolling to the end of the post, where I link to seven of my favorite guided journals for self-discovery. Though each journal is uniquely different, each one will powerfully guide you in your personal growth journey and give you everything you need to explore your own inner world.
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Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
- What would I do today if I knew I could not fail?
- What’s still worth doing, even if I do fail?
- What does my perfect, dream life look like?
- What limiting beliefs or fears are holding me back from pursuing my dreams?
- What are some of my favorite qualities about myself?
- What superpower do I have that makes a positive difference in other people’s lives?
- How have I grown in the past year? What led me to experiencing this type of growth?
- How have I grown in the past ten years? What positive changes am I most grateful for?
- What are some obstacles and challenges I’ve experienced that I now feel grateful for, even if it was hard to appreciate it at the time?
- What risks have I taken in my life that I’m really glad I took?
- What risks do I want to take this year, and what’s holding me back?
- What does self-care mean to me? What are some of my favorite self-care activities? How can I incorporate more self-care into my life?
- How do I express my creativity? What are my favorite creative activities? How can I make space for more creative outlets in my life?
- How do I use my imagination now compared to when I was a child? Do I still use my imagination in my daily life? How can I embrace using my imagination more?
- Do I let myself experience fun and play in my daily life? How can I make space for more play? What are some of my favorite fun activities?
- What are my guiding principles and truths? How do I live by my guiding principles in my daily life?
- How can I be kinder and more compassionate to myself? When my inner bully comes out, what can I do to show myself more kindness and love?
- In what situations do I hold back from speaking my truth? Are there any situations in which I withdraw, even when I have something to say? What can I do to feel more confident in these situations?
- What are some of the people, experiences, and/or things in my life that I sometimes take for granted? How can I cultivate more gratitude and appreciation in my daily life?
- What does it mean to me to be stable, secure, and grounded? When I’m feeling off-balance, what can I do to help myself feel more grounded and centered?
- When do I feel happiest? What brings me true joy?
- What do I need more of in my life? How can I bring more of this into my world?
- What do I need to release in my life? How can I let go of these things/experiences/people/beliefs to make space for something new?
- What does success mean to me? How might my idea of success be different from someone else’s idea of success?
- How do I nourish my mind? What can I do for myself to support a strong, healthy mind?
- How do I nourish my body? What can I do for myself to support a strong, healthy body?
- How do I nourish my soul? What can I do for myself to support a strong, healthy soul?
- What tasks do I tend to avoid doing? Why do I avoid these tasks? How can I support myself in approaching these tasks with confidence?
- What’s my favorite compliment I’ve ever received? Why did the compliment mean so much to me?
- What is one thing I can do today to lovingly nurture my mind, body, and spirit?
- What is one thing I can do today to bring me closer to my dreams?
- What is one thing I can do today to support my personal growth journey?
- Do I have any unhealthy habits? What steps can I take to release my unhealthy habits and create new, more positive ones?
- What does my comfort zone look like? In what ways does this comfort zone support me, and in what ways does it hinder my growth? How can I begin to step outside of my comfort zone over the next few months?
- How would I describe myself to a total stranger if I knew they wouldn’t judge me?
- How would my friends and family describe me?
- What are some hardships I’ve experienced, and in what ways have these hardships helped me to grow?
- What does a perfect day look like to me?
- What’s one thing I can do in five minutes a day to support myself?
- What’s something I’ve always dreamed of doing but haven’t done yet? Can I make this dream come true this year?
- What’s on my lifelong bucket list? Which of these things could I do or accomplish over the next year?
- What kind of person do I want to be? How do I want to be remembered?
- In the middle of a busy and/or stressful day, what can I do to help myself feel supported and centered?
- What types of situations and experiences make me feel tense and/or withdrawn? What can I do to help myself in these situations?
- What was one of my absolute favorite childhood moments? What did I love most about that moment? (Describe the moment in detail.)
- In what ways did my childhood shape the person I am now?
- What aspects of my childhood am I most grateful for?
- If I could go back in time and tell my younger self anything, what would I say?
- What are ten things about my body that I truly love and feel grateful for?
- What are all the aspects of my life right now, exactly as it is, that I feel true gratitude and appreciation for?
Guided Journals
True You: A Self Discovery Journal
The beautifully illustrated True You: A Self-Discovery Journal is filled with incredibly powerful journal prompts divided into categories like Self-Awareness, Values, Identity, and Confidence. It’s also filled with inspirational quotes and creative exercises, and did I mention that it’s absolutely gorgeous? (This journal is one of my favorites!)
Soul Therapy: A 365 Day Journal for Self Exploration, Healing & Reflection
The Soul Therapy Journal is a powerful daily guided journal filled with thought-provoking prompts, quotes, reflection questions, daily practices, and an endless amount of truly nourishing food for your soul.
This Year I Will: . . . A 52-Week Guided Journal to Achieve Your Goals
This 52-Week Guided Journal is the perfect guide to exploring your goals, setting intentions, practicing gratitude, and growing over the course of the next 365 days.
Burn After Writing
Burn After Writing is the guided journal that encourages you to spend less time scrolling and more time reflecting. It’s filled with powerful prompts to reflect upon and explore your past, present, and future.
Gratitude: A Day and Night Journal
I love the Gratitude: A Day and Night Journal because it allows you to reflect daily on your thoughts, intentions, goals, and what you’re truly grateful for in your life. This is the perfect journal for cultivating a sense of gratitude, optimism, and true joy each and every day.
Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration
There are so many things to love about the Start Where You Are Journal: it’s beautifully illustrated, contains lots of inspiring journal prompts and quotes, and it nurtures your creativity by allowing space to draw and color on many of the pages. This is the perfect journal for exploring your inner self while also embracing your divine creativity.
Present, Not Perfect: A Journal for Slowing Down, Letting Go, and Loving Who You Are
Last but definitely not least, the Present, Not Perfect Journal is another gorgeously illustrated guided journal to gently guide you to release the stress and overwhelm of your daily life and make space for mindfulness, introspection, and total self-love.
How do you approach your journaling practice? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!
And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.
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Pin this for later! 50 Inspiring Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Profound Journal Prompts For Spiritual Growth
In this article, discover 30 thoughtful journal prompts for spiritual growth to help you connect deeper to both your true self and to the higher power in your life. Plus, download your free printable journal prompts below!
Pin this for later! 30 Profound Journal Prompts For Spiritual Growth Spiritual Growth
Growing up, I never would’ve considered myself a spiritual person.
I think I always mostly believed in a higher power, but I always considered this higher power to exist outside of myself. To be completely honest, I often imagined this higher power to be this enormous being who was watching me from the sky, judging and criticizing my every thought and action.
I believed this higher power had extraordinary expectations for me to be perfect, and I was already so hard on myself all the time – bearing the weight of all those expectations felt like carrying a mountain on my shoulders. In my mind, no matter what I did, it’d never be enough.
So it became much easier for me to pretend this higher being didn’t exist at all.
It was just me and myself, I decided. I’d have to figure things out on my own. And that was okay. I didn’t need anyone else. I remember when I was younger, I once asked my mom if she thought I was a leader or a follower.
“Neither,” she responded. “You don’t feel the need to lead, but you don’t follow either. You’re just your own person.”
I loved this identity. My own person. Even though I don’t think it was what she meant, I took it to mean that I didn’t need other people at all. Even when things were difficult, I could always make it on my own.
It took many years of lessons and hardship to realize that trying to be a solely independent person who never relied on anyone else for anything wasn’t really the path I wanted to be on. That I truly and deeply loved people. That I needed them.
And that I needed something greater than me to believe in. That I needed a higher power: God, the Universe, Source, Love, All That Is – whatever name feels best to you.
My life changed in the most extraordinary ways when I released my grip on the reins and surrendered control to the Universe. When I began to lean into divine flow. When I trusted the pull of my heart guiding me forward, even when it didn’t make sense.
And this relationship is still growing. Still expanding. It transforms every day. The more I surrender, let go, and trust, the more miraculous my life becomes. I was so worried about control for so long, yet it was releasing this control that brought me the true peace I’d been searching for my entire life.
Below, you’ll find 30 journal prompts for spiritual growth to help you on your own spiritual journey. These questions focus both on your relationship with your true self as well as your relationship with a higher power. You can also download your copy of these free printable journal prompts at the bottom of this post.
Before you begin responding to any of these journal prompts, I want you to make a promise to yourself to be kind and compassionate with yourself no matter what comes up. Allow yourself the grace of imperfection. Embrace your past, as every experience you’ve encountered has brought you here today.
And also, what I believed when I was little? About a higher power sitting in the sky watching and criticizing your every move? It isn’t true. We all have different, unique relationships with the Universe, but for all of us, this is true:
The Universe has never criticized or condemned you. The Universe has never judged you for your thoughts or actions. The Universe is love. The Universe knows only love. And the Universe only feels perfect, unconditional love for you.
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Journal Prompts For Spiritual Growth
- Who is my true self?
- What do I love most about my true self?
- Do I ever hide my true self out of fear of being judged or criticized?
- The next time I’m tempted to hide my true self, what can I tell myself to confidently stand in who I am and embrace myself fully?
- What has my spiritual journey looked like up to this point in my life?
- What does “spirituality” mean to me?
- What does it mean to me to be a spiritual person? What about my spiritual self am I still learning and discovering?
- When and/or where do I feel most connected to my spiritual self?
- What is my relationship with a higher power?
- How does a higher power show up in my daily life?
- How would I like a higher power to show up in my life? Can I ask this higher power to show up for me in this way?
- In what ways does the Universe (or God) speak to me? How do I speak back to the Universe?
- When I communicate with the Universe, do I feel heard?
- Do I feel like the higher power in my life criticizes me or loves me without condition? How does this higher power feel about me?
- What is my soul’s purpose? Do I feel connected to my purpose? If not, what steps can I take to discover my soul’s purpose?
- When do I feel most at peace?
- How can I cultivate deeper feelings of inner peace in my daily life, even when the outer world feels heavy and overwhelming?
- What miracles have I experienced in my life? What do these miracles mean to me?
- How has the Universe guided me throughout my life through the use of signs, synchronicities, and my own intuition?
- Am I currently receiving any spiritual guidance about my path? What is this guidance telling me is the next right step?
- Am I able to surrender to spiritual guidance, or is it sometimes difficult for me to give up control? What do I fear will happen if I release control and surrender?
- What does it mean to me to surrender?
- What are some things I’m worrying about right now? How can I turn over these worries to a higher power?
- Do I ever feel lost or alone in my life? Am I able to turn to a higher power during these times? If this is difficult, what makes it hard to do?
- Has there ever been a time in my life when my prayers weren’t answered (or it seemed as though they weren’t answered), and this actually worked out positively for me?
- What are some examples of past experiences when the Universe gave me exactly what I needed at exactly the right time?
- How does spiritual growth require change and transformation? Is this easy or hard for me?
- The Law of Rhythm states that everything comes in cycles, and nothing stays in one state forever. We can see this in the changing of seasons and the cycles of the moon. What cycles appear in my own life? How can understanding that everything is part of a greater cycle help me to cultivate deeper feelings of inner peace?
- Did I have any childhood experiences that negatively affected my belief, attitude, or relationship toward God, the Universe, and/or the concept of spirituality? Have I been able to heal from these experiences, or is there still healing to be done?
- What self-care practices can I do for myself to nourish my spiritual self? How can I take care of my mind, body, and spirit?
What does spiritual growth look like to you? Share your stories and experiences in the comment box below.
And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.
More Articles For You
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- 30 Journal Prompts For Self Growth (& Deeper Self-Love)
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- 28 Inspiring Quotes For New Beginnings
Pin this for later! 30 Profound Journal Prompts For Spiritual Growth Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
Manifestation Journal Examples: Scripting, 369 & More
In this article, learn about several practices for manifesting in a journal, including scripting, the 369 method, and more. Plus, get manifestation journal examples for each method to show you exactly what you need to do to begin manifesting your dreams.
Pin this for later! Manifestation Journal Examples: Scripting, 369 & More How To Start A Manifestation Journal
One of the most common questions I receive is what the best method is for manifesting in a journal. Should you only stick to scripting? Does the 369 Method really work? What about the 55×5 Manifestation Method?
Here’s my answer:
There is no “best” method for manifesting in a journal. Like most things, what’s truly best is whatever feels right to you. I personally love scripting, and I try to do a scripting exercise at least once a week. But if you try scripting and end up hating it? That’s completely okay! Keep trying different methods to see what feels best for you.
Below, I detail multiple manifestation methods and provide you with manifestation journal examples for each practice. You’ll get an explanation of what each method is, and then you’ll find an example for deeper clarity. If you haven’t tried any of these methods before, I definitely recommend trying all of them out at least once to see what you like best. If you like them all, you can incorporate each of them into your journaling practice. But if one or two resonate more than the others? Like I said, that’s totally okay.
I also recommend checking out this article on using manifesting oil, as I find it helpful to add a drop of oil to my journal pages for some extra manifesting magic. You might also be interesting in learning more about the pillow method, which is a practice in which you place your journal pages under your pillow for a period of about 7 to 10 days. (All of these practices have worked for me, and they continue to be a part of daily manifesting routine!)
And finally, if you want to expand your manifestation practice, I definitely encourage you to check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop. Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. The journal comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal (using your laptop, phone, or tablet) or print and hand write. Click here to learn more!
Jump ahead to any of the manifestation journal examples below:
- Scripting Examples
- 55×5 Manifestation Method Examples
- 369 Method Examples
- General Manifestation Journal Examples
Manifestation Journal Examples
Scripting Examples
Scripting is the practice of writing about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest right now. For instance, if you want to manifest your dream job or perfect partner, you’d write about a day in your life as if you already have your dream job or perfect partner at this current moment. If you want to manifest one million dollars, you’d describe the joy and excitement of already having a million dollars in your bank account. In your script, you’ll describe your life using all of your senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. You’ll also write about your internal feelings, such as the joy and gratitude you feel for having what you desire in your current reality.
The key to unlocking the magic of scripting is to truly feel the positive emotions of already having everything you desire. For instance, if your goal is to manifest a million dollars, allow yourself to feel financially prosperous now. Feel abundant. Feel free. Feel joyful. Feel sincere gratitude. Allow yourself to feel it all. Carry these positive emotions with you throughout the day.
Below is a scripting example for your manifestation journal. This example is written from the perspective of someone imagining that they have their dream life now. They’re writing about a day in their dream life as if they’re looking back on their day, writing about all the magic they experienced.
To see how to write this example in present tense, click here. And to learn more about scripting, click here to discover more scripting tips, plus get a free Law of Attraction scripting template!
Dear Universe,
Today was truly an extraordinary day. When I woke up, I was greeted with warm rays of sunshine brushing against my cheeks. It felt like a gentle, loving message from the Universe welcoming me to this bright new day. After a restful night of sleep, I felt energized and ready to greet the day ahead. Careful not to wake up my love sleeping next to me, I awoke and headed to the kitchen, where a fresh pot of coffee waited for me. I spent the first hour of my morning journaling and meditating. Then, I went for a beautiful walk in the foothills behind my home. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more calm and at peace. I knew in every cell of my body that everything was working out perfectly for me, just as it always does.
I spent my day doing what I love. I connected with beautiful souls and offered meaningful help to others. I’m still in awe that this life is really mine. An old client of mine sent me an email thanking me for making such a positive difference in her life. She is now living the life she loves and helping others do the same. I can’t think of anything in the world more incredible than this feeling. I can see now how living the life of my dreams is the most selfless thing I can do for this world. When I spread my light, another person feels empowered to spread theirs, and then another spreads theirs, and this continues. I am so grateful I get to be part of this beautiful experience.
And another miracle: I received an unexpected check for more money than I’ve ever made in a single day! I still can’t believe it. The money came to me in the energy of love, bringing harm to no one. I feel so happy and grateful to know that every time I spend money in the energy of love, I receive even more in return. I used to believe that money was limited, but now I know that money is abundant, and there is more than enough to go around for all of us.
I spent the evening with my love. We cooked dinner together (taco night!) and watched TV together snuggled up on the couch. As my love held me, I’ve never felt safer or more treasured, cherished, and adored. Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with unconditional love. I am so grateful for the miracles that brought us together, and I will never take a second of this life for granted.
Today was a miracle. Just like yesterday was; just like tomorrow will be. I feel so grateful to live this life of mine. I am receiving more and more every day, and life just keeps getting better.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
— Me
55×5 Manifestation Method Examples
To practice the 55×5 Manifestation Method, choose an affirmation, then write down your chosen affirmation 55 times in a row for 5 days straight. The affirmation you use should align with the feelings of already having your desires. (So think about what you want to manifest, then write an affirmation declaring your gratitude and excitement for already having this thing.)
For example, if you want to manifest $1,000 this week, you might write, “I am so happy and grateful for the extra $1,000 I received this week!”
Here are a few more examples:
- I am so grateful that I’m going on a date with the partner of my dreams this Friday!
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I can’t believe I’m going on my dream vacation to Hawaii!
- I feel joyful and thankful that I’m driving my dream car!
- My heart is filled with gratitude for the 5 new clients I signed this week.
To illustrate how this works, let’s use the affirmation, “I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.” On Day 1, grab a journal or notebook and write this affirmation 55 times in a row. Don’t take any breaks while you’re writing; you want to complete this in one sitting. As you write, let the positive feelings of the words wash over you. On Day 2, you’re going to take your journal or notebook out again, and you’ll write this same affirmation 55 times that day. Days 3, 4, and 5, same thing.
Below, I’ve included an example of how this might look in your manifestation journal for Day 1. This is simply one affirmation written 55 times. Days 2, 3, 4, and 5 will look identical to this example.
To learn more about the 55×5 Manifestation Method, click here. And if you want to get started on this practice today, I’ve created a simple 55×5 Manifestation Worksheet you can either print out or type into directly on your phone, tablet, or computer.
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369 Method Examples
To practice the 369 Method, choose an affirmation just like what you’d use for the 55×5 Manifestation Method (above). Write down your affirmation 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. Do this for 21 days in a row. As you write it down, maintain high vibrations and make sure to be consistent. I also find it helpful to say my affirmation aloud throughout the day.
To show you a manifestation journal example for the 369 Method, I’m going to use the exact same affirmation we used above. This is how your affirmation will look Day 1, and then you’ll repeat this exact same process on the following days.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
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- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
- I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.
General Manifestation Journal Examples
Your manifestation journal doesn’t have to be dedicated to one specific manifestation practice, such as scripting or the 369 Method. For instance, gratitude and positive affirmations are the foundation of a successful manifestation routine and can be included in your daily journaling practice.
Here are some examples of different types of components you can include in your manifestation journal:
- Positive Affirmations: One to three positive affirmations to lift your vibration
- Daily Gratitude: One to three things you feel grateful for today
- Signs & Synchronicities: Signs and synchronicities you’ve experienced recently
- Daily Intention: One powerful intention for the day
- Today, I Will Manifest: One small thing you’ll manifest today, such as a joyful conversation, a small amount of money, or a moment of peace.
Each day, you can choose to incorporate any of these elements into your manifestation journal. To help you get started, you can click here to get your free manifestation journal template. Below, you’ll find a manifestation journal example using these components. (But feel free to change it up a bit to best fit your needs! You can also use these in conjunction with a scripting entry or one of the other journaling methods above.)
Positive Affirmation
- I have the power to create the life I desire.
- I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.
- I am aligned with the energy of pure abundance.
Daily Gratitude
- My home for keeping me safe and warm
- An abundance of food and water for nourishment
- A working laptop to complete all of my tasks
Signs & Synchronicities
- The penny I found on the ground yesterday felt like a loving note from the Universe letting me know abundance is on its way
- I’ve seen 444 all over lately! This reminds me that I’m always supported by the Universe.
Daily Intention
- Today, I will embody the energy of pure abundance in all that I do.
Today, I Will Manifest . . .
- Today, I will manifest a moment of unexpected joy and laughter!
What’s your favorite journaling method for manifestation? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below! And if you have a request for a specific manifestation journal example not found in this article, let me know and I’ll add it in to a future post!
And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram! And don’t forget to check out the 30-Day Manifestation Journal (with text editable fields, so you can type directly into the document or print and handwrite – whatever you prefer!), available now in the online shop!
More Articles You May Like
- How To Practice Gratitude (For Law Of Attraction)
- How To Manifest On Paper In 5 Easy Steps
- Morning Routine Checklist For Manifestation (Free Printable PDF)
- Manifestation Challenge: Free 30-Day Manifestation Calendar
- Candle Colors For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)
Pin this for later! Manifestation Journal Examples: Scripting, 369 & More Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
Law of Attraction Scripting Template (Free PDF Template)
Download your free Law of Attraction scripting template, plus get tips & advice for how to script your dreams and desires into existence below!
Pin this for later! Law of Attraction Scripting Template (Free PDF Template) What Is Scripting?
Whether you’re new to the Law of Attraction or an experienced manifestor, scripting is a worthwhile practice to help lift your vibrations, elevate your emotions, and align you with the frequency of your dreams and desires. It’s also a beneficial practice to help you set intentions and get clear about what exactly you want to manifest.
So what exactly is scripting?
Scripting is a combination of visualization and journaling. In this practice, you write about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest. For instance, let’s say you want to manifest your dream job. When you sit down to script, you’d write about your day as if you have your dream job right now, in the present moment. Here are just a few ways you could approach this:
- You could write about receiving the phone call offering you your dream job as if it just happened or is happening right now.
- You could also write about your perfect first day on the dream job.
- Or you could even write as if you’ve been working in this dream job for a while now, and you’re absolutely loving it.
The key here is to write as if you’re already living your dreams and desires right now in this present moment. You’ve made it. You have everything you can dream of and more. There is no more waiting; it’s all here for you, and all you have to do is reach out and grab it.
Below, learn more about the benefits of scripting, plus get tips and prompts to help you get started today. And be sure to download your free Law of Attraction scripting template. In this template, I take you through the different components that should be added to your script. After you complete the forms in this template a few times, you’ll have all the tools you need to complete your own powerful scripts.
- You May Also Like: How To Manifest Something: 10 Essential Manifestation Methods
Start Scripting Your Dream Life With The 30-Day Manifestation Journal
Do you want to fully immerse yourself in the positive vibrations of all your dreams and desires? Check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop! Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. Comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal or print and hand write! Click here to learn more!
Benefits Of Scripting
So why exactly should you add scripting to your manifestation practice? Here are the key benefits of scripting:
- Aligns your frequency with your desires: In scripting, you don’t simply write the words down and leave them there; you allow yourself to feel all of the positive emotions of having your dreams in the present moment. When you do this, you get on the same wavelength of your desires, which attracts more positive things, people, and experiences to flow into your life.
- Raises your vibration: It feels good to feel good. By raising your vibrations, you’re inviting more good-feeling vibes into your inner and outer worlds.
- Helps you set intentions: One of the first steps in manifestation is to get clear about what you want. Scripting your dream life allows you to figure out exactly what you want in full detail.
- Engages your sacral and third eye chakras: How often do you get to engage in creative practices? How often do you use your imagination in your daily life? Through scripting, you get to let your inner creative being shine, allowing you to engage with your energy centers for creativity (sacral) and imagination (third eye). In many ways, scripting can engage all of your chakras, as it allows you to feel safe, strong, confident, loved, and abundant. When your chakras are open and energy is flowing through you with ease, you’re in closest alignment with your highest, most authentic self.
- Builds confidence: One of the biggest barriers to manifesting your dreams is your own self-doubt. When you script, you not only increase your own positive emotions, but you lift your confidence and show your mind that you can do it. This is why elite athletes often practice visualization exercises repeatedly before a big game or event. By the time the event actually comes, they’ve done it so many times in their minds, they feel confident in their abilities and know they can perform at the highest level.
Tips For Scripting
- Use your five senses: To fully immerse yourself in your script, write about the experience using all of your senses. What do you see, feel, smell, touch, and taste? If you want to manifest a new car, you could write pages simply detailing how it feels to sit in and drive this car using all of your senses.
- Use only past and present tense: Write about each experience as if it’s happening right now (or just happened). For instance, if you’re scripting a day in your dream life, you could imagine it’s the end of the day and you’re journaling about everything that happened that day. Or you could write as though you’re walking through this day right now. The key is to feel as if this experience belongs to you now, not in an intangible future.
- Express gratitude: When you express gratitude, you’re essentially telling the Universe, “More of this please.” More love. More joy. More freedom. More abundance. In your script, frequently express gratitude for this incredible life you get to live.
- Don’t just write; feel: I alluded to this above, but it can’t be emphasized enough. The key to making scripting work is to feel all of the positive emotions of having your dreams and desires right now. Let these feelings light up every cell of your being. And when you’re done, continue to carry them with you throughout your day.
Scripting Prompts & Ideas
There’s a limitless amount of scenarios you can script. To help get you started, I’ve listed several below. If you’re serious about scripting and want to jump start your manifestations today, I definitely recommend checking out my 30-day manifestation journal. In this digital resource, you’ll receive 30 unique scripting prompts, plus 30 daily pages to express love and appreciation, acknowledge your daily miracles, and more! This 67-page PDF document also has editable fields that can be typed directly into on your phone, computer, or tablet. (Or you can print and write by hand, if you prefer!) Learn more here.
Scripting Ideas
- A day in your dream life
- The phone call that changes your life (for the better)
- Meeting your soulmate
- Your first date with the love of your life
- Walking through your dream house
- Driving your dream car
- Your perfect vacation
- A day in your dream job
Download Your Free Law of Attraction Scripting Template (PDF)
Are you ready to start scripting your dream life? Click here to get your free Law of Attraction scripting template!
And if you’re looking for help to get you started with manifesting your dreams, I’ve created several resources that incorporate powerful exercises and practices to manifest the life your heart truly desires.
The Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables is a PDF file filled with 153 content pages that are completely dedicated to helping you manifest your dream life. While you can use this as a workbook, it’s more of a combination between a workbook and a yearly planner in which you get to control the order of the pages and how you want it to look. With these printables, you’ll find multiple calendars, worksheet pages, and goal-setting tools that you can use over and over again, not just month after month but year after year.
And for a smaller version of these printables in workbook format, check out The Ultimate Manifestation Workbook.
Have you ever manifested something through scripting? Share your experiences in the comment box below!
And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram! And don’t forget to check out these items in my online shop:
- Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables
- The Ultimate Manifestation Workbook
- 30-Day Manifestation Journal
Pin this for later! Law of Attraction Scripting Template (Free PDF Template) Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
33 Journal Prompts for Goal Setting & Future Planning
Below, discover 33 profound journal prompts for goal setting, planning your future, and taking the first steps toward creating the life you desire. Use these prompts to help you build an actionable roadmap to your ideal future.
Pin this for later! 33 Journal Prompts for Goal Setting & Future Planning Setting Goals
Most of us have short-term and long-term goals for our lives. These goals might include positive career movement, financial success, living in the place you’ve always dreamed of, and/or building healthy personal relationships.
But how often do you take the time to write your goals down? It’s easy to lose sight of your goals in the midst of your daily life. When dealing with external demands, thinking about your long-term goals sometimes seems less urgent.
But it shouldn’t be.
Your goals matter. Every dream, desire, passion, and objective that’s been placed inside you has been put there for a reason. And you owe it to yourself to follow it as far as it will take you.
Below, you’ll find 33 journal prompts for goal setting and future planning. I’ve also included some tips on how to use these journal prompts as well as resources throughout the article to help you with achieving your goals. Let these journal prompts and resources guide you in creating a life that fulfills your heart and supports your mind, body, and spirit.
Manifestation Workbook & Printables
Looking for help to get you started with reaching your goals? I’ve created several resources that include goal-setting activities and powerful manifestation exercises.
The Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables are a PDF file filled with 153 content pages that are completely dedicated to helping you manifest your dream life. While you can use this as a workbook, it’s more of a combination between a workbook and a yearly planner in which you get to control the order of the pages and how you want it to look. With these printables, you’ll find multiple calendars, worksheet pages, and goal-setting tools that you can use over and over again, not just month after month but year after year.
For a smaller version of these printables in workbook format, check out The Ultimate Manifestation Workbook.
How to Use These Journal Prompts
- To start, find a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted. Allow yourself to truly connect with your inner self. It doesn’t matter if it’s morning, afternoon, or evening; what matters is that you’re able to devote this time to you. See if you can dedicate at least ten to twenty minutes solely to journaling.
- You can answer just one question at a time or several in a single journaling session. It will just depend on the type of question and what kinds of answers it reveals within. (Just don’t rush it!)
- If you find yourself straying from the question a little, that’s okay. You might be on the verge of discovering something within yourself you hadn’t realized before.
- Finally, enact a “no self-criticism” rule while you’re journaling. Let’s say that as you write, you realize that you haven’t been making any positive movement toward your goals in the past six months. Don’t judge yourself here. Instead, choose to show yourself compassion, and acknowledge the fact that you’re making progress now.
More Journal Prompts You May Like
Journal Prompts for Goal Setting
- What are three short-term goals that I have? What can I do to ensure I meet my short-term goals?
- What are three long-term goals that I have? How can I ensure I meet my long-term goals?
- Is there anything that scares me about my goals?
- Why is it worth it to me to push past my fears to achieve my goals?
- If I could be doing anything with my life right now, what would I be doing?
- What’s stopping me from doing the things I truly want to do?
- What unique skills, talents, and qualities do I possess that make me qualified to do what I want to do?
- What are my top five priorities in my life right now?
- Are my current life priorities aligned with my goals?
- What would I need in order for my priorities and goals to be in alignment? How can I give myself what I need?
- What goal can I achieve in the next year?
- What steps do I need to take to achieve this goal?
- What goal can I achieve in the next five years?
- What steps do I need to take to achieve my five-year goal(s)?
- What goals do I have for the next month?
- How can I manage and prioritize my time to meet my monthly goals?
- What’s one small step I can take each day for the next seven days to help me meet my monthly goals?
- Where do I see myself in one year?
- Where do I see myself in five years?
- Where do I see myself in ten years?
- If I created a vision board right now, what would be on it?
- What holds me back from living the life I imagine?
- How can I cultivate more self-confidence and self-belief?
- Which of my goals mean the most to me?
- Why does this goal mean so much to me?
- How can I ensure I reach this goal?
- Are there any goals I once had that no longer align with my vision of my life?
- Is it okay to release a goal that no longer aligns with what I want?
- In my ideal future, where would I live? What would I be doing? Who would I spend my time with?
- Is my ideal future possible? Why or why not?
- What do I need in order to achieve my ideal future, and how can I give myself what I need?
- Why is it worth it for me to always pursue my goals?
- What gives me confidence? How can I tap into my inner confidence to take the leap to achieving all my goals and dreams?
For manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram! And don’t forget to check out the Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables and The Ultimate Manifestation Workbook, available now in my online shop!
More Articles You May Like
- How to Manifest Something: 10 Essential Manifestation Methods
- Manifestation Challenge: Free 30-Day Calendar
- 50 Abundance Affirmations to Create a Limitless Life
- 65 Positive Affirmations for Manifestation
- 30 Inspiring Vision Board Quotes (With Images to Save & Share)
Pin this for later! 33 Journal Prompts for Goal Setting & Future Planning Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
18 New Moon Journal Prompts for New Beginnings
In this post, get 18 powerful new moon journal prompts to embrace the magic of the new moon as you set intentions, release what no longer serves you, and create the beautiful life of your dreams. Plus be sure to download your free printable new moon journal prompts and affirmations at the bottom of this post!
Pin this for later! 18 New Moon Journal Prompts for New Beginnings New Moon Magic
The new moon is a beautiful time for setting intentions, connecting to your deepest dreams and desires, and releasing what no longer serves you to make space for new beginnings. If you’ve been holding onto old, heavy energy within, this is the time to release what’s weighing you down to embrace new, fresh energy.
This is also the time to embrace your ability to create anything you want in this life. You are a powerful creator, and while you may sometimes forget this in your day-to-day life, the new moon offers an opportunity to step back into your power and claim the life that’s been waiting for you.
But it isn’t simply about creating anything; it’s about creating the truest, most beautiful life you can imagine for yourself. You have specific dreams and desires that have been placed in your heart. If you’ve been living out of alignment with your dreams, this is the time to connect back to your dreams and trust that they’ve been given to you for a reason.
Your dreams are meant for you and you alone.
So during this time, make space to truly connect with your inner self. You might have a sacred space in your home, or maybe you prefer to go outside beneath the stars. Wherever you go, just make sure you have some uninterrupted time to truly get in touch with your inner voice. What does the life you want to create for yourself look like? What fears are holding you back? Over the next month, what do you want to release and what do you want to embrace?
Honor your dreams. Honor your heart. And honor the fact that the love and light of the Universe flows within you. You can create the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Let this be the first step.
Below are 18 new moon journal prompts to get you started. For more new moon practices, plus powerful new moon affirmations, check out my post, 35 New Moon Affirmations to Embrace New Beginnings. And be sure to download your free new moon affirmations and journal prompts below!
New Moon Journal Prompts
- What are three goals I want to accomplish this month?
- What emotions and thought patterns do I want to release?
- What limiting beliefs do I want to let go of?
- What new, reframed beliefs am I embracing?
- Finish this sentence: “I am setting the intention to . . .”
- What am I manifesting in my life right now?
- What does my heart truly desire?
- What does my soul need to move forward?
- What practices can I do to cultivate and create a beautiful inner world for myself?
- What boundaries am I setting to support my growth and well-being?
- What is the truest, most beautiful life I can imagine for myself?
- What dreams and desires have been placed in my heart?
- When I imagine my dreams and desires coming true, what emotions do I feel?
- How will I live each day as though all my dreams and desires are already mine? How can I bring the positive feelings of having everything I want into the present moment?
- Write a welcome letter to all of your beautiful dreams, desires, and manifestations.
- Write a goodbye letter to anything that no longer serves or supports your well-being.
- Imagine that you are planting three seeds that will grow and bloom in the next month. What are you planting?
- Describe the dream life you want to create for yourself as if you already have it. Express true joy, awe, and gratitude for how everything worked out perfectly for you.
If you’re looking for more resources, check out these awesome articles:
- Where’s Mollie?: New Moon Journal Prompts: An 11-Step Ritual
- Archer & Olive: Guided Journaling Exercises for Each Phase of the Moon
- Owls & Indigo: New Moon Self-Discovery Journaling Exercise
For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering quotes daily.
Pin this for later! 18 New Moon Journal Prompts for New Beginnings Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
How to Manifest in a Journal (A Complete Guide)
Looking to discover how you can manifest your dreams using nothing but a pen, paper, and your own imagination? In this post, discover how to manifest in a journal using powerful practices you can do in as little as 10 to 20 minutes a day.
Pin this! How to Manifest in a Journal (A Complete Guide) How to Manifest in a Journal
Manifestation is the practice of visualizing your dreams and desires and vibrating at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true. Because like attracts like, when you vibrate at the frequency of your desires, you’re attracting the very thing you desire to manifest in your current reality.
For instance, if you vibrate at the frequency of joy, you attract more joyful experiences to unfold in your daily life. If you vibrate at the frequency of love, you become a magnet for love in all forms. And if you vibrate at the frequency of gratitude and appreciation, you attract more positive people, things, resources, and experiences to be grateful for.
Now, I should note that the definition I’ve given above describes conscious manifestation. Because the truth is, we manifest all kinds of things into our daily lives, whether it’s conscious or not.
Journaling is one of my favorite manifestation techniques because it allows me to be intentional with what exactly I want to manifest. While it’s easy to fall back into the mode of unconscious manifestation that I wrote about above, journaling allows you get clear about what you want as well as to lift yourself into the vibration of your dreams and desires. I especially like to journal in the morning as I find this allows me to set the foundation for a positive day. There’s something to be said for journaling in the evening, too, though, as it allows you to go to sleep with positive thoughts and feelings circulating through your subconscious brain.
Below, I list several different types of methods for manifesting using a journal, and I also provide you with instructions on how to get started. I like to incorporate all of these different practices into my daily journaling, and I find it helps to switch it up from time to time!
While these practices are all different, the following suggestions apply to all:
- Choose compassion over judgment and authenticity over perfection.
- Don’t try to edit as you write. Just allow whatever you write to be, even if it’s seemingly imperfect.
- View this as essential self-care time, and try to minimize distractions if possible.
- Don’t let the words solely live on the paper. Feel all of the positive emotions of what you want to manifest, and carry these high vibrations with you throughout your day.
Read below for powerful practices to manifest anything you want using nothing but a pen, paper, and your own thoughts.
- You May Also Like: 50 Inspiring Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery
Scripting is one of my favorite manifestation techniques as it allows you to truly embrace your imagination, align with your dreams, and get clear about your intentions.
So what exactly is scripting?
Scripting is the act of writing your dreams and desires in a story-like form. It’s similar to visualization, except instead of solely envisioning your dreams in your mind’s eye, you’re using pen and paper to write down what exactly it is that you want to manifest.
The key to making scripting work is to treat it like you’re writing a story in that you only write in past and present tense, as if every single one of your dreams is happening or has already happened.
Here’s an example:
I wake up in a soft bed surrounded by plush pillows and cuddled with the love of my life and our sweet cat burrowed between us. As the sun rises, so does my energy. I feel excited to experience the magic and wonder of this day! I step onto the hardwood floors and tiptoe out the door, carefully shutting the door behind me. As I walk through the house to the kitchen, I feel a sense of awe and gratitude for this beautiful home I get to call my own. It is exactly the home of my dreams: two-story with hardwood floors and giant windows that allow the sunshine to stream through the glass. I take a moment to stand in front of the sliding glass door by the dining room, and I take in the beautiful sights just outside our home.
In this script, the writer is detailing a typical day in her dream life. As you can see, it’s all written in present tense. Rather than starting with, “In my dream life, I will wake up in a . . .” the writer starts as if this moment is in the here and now.
And that’s the key to scripting: bringing the future into the present moment. Instead of a distant dream, your desires belong in this moment right now. Everything becomes tangible and real in your current experience.
Here are a few more secrets to scripting:
- Don’t just write; feel. As you write about the feelings of love, peace, freedom, and abundance, don’t allow the words to solely exist on the paper; allow them to exist right now in this present moment within you. If you write about a joyful moment, let a smile gently tug at your lips. Feel that joy right now deep within. Feel freedom now. Feel peaceful now. Feel abundant now. Vibrate at the frequency of all your dreams and desires. When you do this, you won’t have to chase the life of your dreams, because all of your desires will be attracted to you.
- Express gratitude. Gratitude and love are the highest vibrations you can emit. When you express gratitude now as if your dreams have already come true, you’re not only vibrating at a higher frequency, but you’re showing the universe that you have trust and faith that all your beautiful dreams are on their way.
- Write what feels authentic to you. Do you prefer a small, cozy home over a giant mansion? Would you prefer a life of traveling over staying in one place? Are you dreams filled with quiet moments of peace and tranquility? Whatever you write, make sure it feels authentic and real to you. Just because someone else wants to live in a big mansion overlooking the city doesn’t mean that’s right for you. And if your dreams seem kind of out there and don’t make sense to others, that’s okay! The only thing that matters is that they feel right to you.
Steps to Begin Scripting
- Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. I think 15 – 20 minutes works well for scripting, but you can take more or less time depending on what works best for you. I like to have a special notebook or journal on-hand for this practice.
- Before you start, take a moment to connect with your breath. Take a deep inhale and a long, soulful exhale. Connect with your inner self. What are your dreams? What kind of life do you envision for yourself? What feels true and real to you?
- Put pen (or pencil) to paper and begin writing. Envision that you are living a day in your dream life. Write all the details of this day as if it’s happening right now. Remember to use the present tense!
- As you write, allow yourself to feel the positive emotions connected to your words and desires. What’s the primary emotions you feel during this ideal day? Joyful? Peaceful? Loving? Abundant? Truly embrace these feelings as you visualize and write.
- Express gratitude! Show appreciation for this beautiful life you’ve created. Express gratitude to the universe for supporting you and loving you in your journey. Let the feelings of true appreciation vibrate within.
- However you choose to end your scripting entry, carry the positivity with you even after you close your notebook. Let a soft smile lift your lips. Continue to express gratitude throughout your day. Walk through your day feeling the same feelings you felt in your visualization. Know that you are a magnet for all of your dreams and desires.
Scripting Prompts
- Write about a day in your dream life. Where do you wake up? How do you feel as you greet the day? What do you do on this day? Who are you surrounded by? Be as detailed as possible, and remember to express gratitude for all that you have.
- Write about your dream vacation. Where are you? Who are you with? What do you do? Write as though you are on this vacation right now, and use all of your senses to describe your experiences.
- Write about the phone call that changes your life for the better. Who is on the other end? What do they say? How do you feel? Who do you tell the good news to? How do you celebrate? What does this phone call mean to you, and what does it mean for your future?
- Write about the ideal day in your dream job. Where do you work? What do you do during the day? How do you interact with others? Why is this job so perfect for you?
- Write about your dream date. Describe the person you’re going out on a date with. Where do you go? What do you do? How’s the conversation between you? How do you feel? Describe what you feel when you look into this person’s eyes and the love that flows within you. Open your heart and let this be the beginning (or continuation) of a beautiful love story.
5 x 55 Method
This another popular way to manifest in a journal and is completely different from the scripting method.
While scripting involves creating the story of your dream life, the 5 x 55 method focuses on just one sentence.
One sentence written a total of 275 times.
Let’s break it down a little further:
The 5 x 55 method is a manifesting practice in which you narrow down what you wish to manifest to a single sentence or affirmation. Like scripting, this sentence is written in present tense, as if your desire has already occurred. And also like scripting, this method often involves expressing gratitude for your dreams and desires coming true.
Once you have that sentence, you will write that sentence 55 times for 5 days straight.
So Day 1, you write your sentence in a journal or notebook 55 times. Day 2, you write that same sentence 55 times again. Day 3, same thing. And Day 4 and Day 5, also the same.
Here are some examples of the types of sentences you might write for this practice:
- “I am so grateful for the extra $500 I received this week!”
- “My heart is filled with so much joy and gratitude for the job offer that fell on my lap this week.”
- “I feel so happy and grateful for the synchronicities that aligned and brought me together with the love of my life.”
The key with this practice is to truly feel the emotions you’re expressing in your chosen affirmation. So if your affirmation expresses feelings of joy and abundance, feel those emotions as you’re writing your sentence. Feel deep appreciation for this dream coming true in your reality.
Another important and often overlooked component of this practice is to carry these feelings within you throughout your day. So if you desire to manifest financial abundance, carry the feelings of abundance and prosperity with you as you walk through this day. You don’t want to simply write down your affirmation 55 times and then forget about it until tomorrow. You want to become the very embodiment of your dreams.
Steps to Complete the 5 x 55 Method
- Choose an affirmation that encompasses what you wish to manifest into your reality. Be specific. For instance, if you wish to manifest money, choose a dollar amount (i.e. $500 or $1,000) that you want to manifest. Be sure to express positive emotions and gratitude in your affirmation.
- Find a quiet spot where you can sit uninterrupted for 15 to 20 minutes. If you’re using a notebook, you may want to number the lines beforehand or mark the 55th line so you’ll know when to stop.
- Begin writing your affirmation 55 times. As you do this, feel the positive emotions you associate with this manifestation. Feel gratitude and appreciation for this manifestation coming true.
- When you’re done, continue throughout your day as if your dreams have all come true! Continue to vibrate at a high frequency.
- Repeat this practice for five days straight. Then let it go, feeling at peace knowing your manifestation is already coming true.
Journal Prompts
Not sure what to write about? Turn to journal prompts for guidance! A journal prompt is a question or statement designed to help you get in touch with your inner self. Usually, you’ll respond to the prompt in a long-form journal entry.
I love journal prompts because they often inspire thoughts and ideas I likely wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. For manifestation purposes, journal prompts are often designed to help you align with your intentions, lift your vibrations, express gratitude, and feel all of the positive emotions of your desired manifestation.
To start with journal prompts, you can check out my post, 10 Journal Prompts to Manifest Your Dream Life.
I’ve also linked to a few more websites with high-vibe manifestation journal prompts below!
Steps to Using Journal Prompts for Manifestation
- Find a list of manifestation journal prompts that resonate with you. Google and Pinterest will be your best friends here! You can also check out my blog post with journal prompts I linked to above as well as the ones I linked to below. When you find some you want to use, I’d recommend saving them somewhere they’ll be easily accessible when it comes time to journal.
- Find a quiet, safe spot where you can journal for fifteen to twenty minutes without distractions. You may choose to take more or less time depending on your preferences.
- Choose the journal prompt you want to work with. Now, all you have to do is answer the prompt! Know that there’s no right or wrong way to respond to the journal prompt as long as it feels authentic and true for you. Also, if you find yourself straying from the prompt, that’s okay! You’re not being graded here. If you find that your inner flow is taking you elsewhere, follow it and see where it leads. Finally, set aside self-criticism and self-judgment. No matter what, choose to have compassion and love for yourself during this process.
Here are a few more journal prompts to help you get started!
- Inspiring Life Dreams’ 50 Manifestation Journal Prompts for a Beautiful Life
- Court’s Universe Daily Journaling Prompts for Inner Growth & Manifestation
- The Millenial Grind’s 50 Journal Prompts for Manifesting
- Samantha Warren’s 10 Law of Attraction Journal Prompts to Manifest Your Desires!
As I mentioned above, gratitude and love are the highest vibrations you can emit. Your journaling doesn’t have to be specifically manifestation-focused in order to attract your dreams and desires. Instead, you can focus on gratitude, knowing that the more you feel grateful for all that you have, the more wonderful things you attract into your reality to be grateful for.
Gratitude journaling can take many different forms. You might choose to have a separate journal dedicated to listing things you feel grateful for every morning. You can also free-write journal entries in which you express gratitude throughout your writing.
Again, journal prompts can be super helpful to help you get started. For inspiration, you can check out my post, 53 Gratitude Journal Prompts to Cultivate Joy Within.
I won’t list steps here because gratitude journaling can take many different forms, but like other practices, make sure to dedicate enough time to sitting quietly somewhere you won’t be distracted. And again, let yourself feel the positive emotions of what you’re writing. Express sincere appreciation for all that you have and all that’s coming.
Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be grateful. When you choose to focus on appreciation for all that you have rather than focusing on scarcity and all that’s seemingly going wrong, you invite more beautiful and positive moments into your daily experience.
Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are present-tense statements that are designed to uplift and encourage while boosting self-belief and supporting your overall wellbeing.
They’re also a powerful tool in manifestation.
Why? Because the quickest way to manifest anything into your life is to feel the emotions of your desired manifestation right now.
Positive affirmations are near-instant vibration raisers. They allow you to feel the positive emotions of your dreams and desires right now in your present-day experience.
So how do you use positive affirmations to manifest in a journal?
Decide what it is that you want to manifest. Are you looking to manifest a loving relationship or financial prosperity? Whatever it is that you want to attract, connect with the feeling associated with that manifestation. If you’re looking to manifest love, choose affirmations that connect with the feeling of being unconditionally loved, exactly as you are. If you want to manifest money, choose affirmations that are connected with feelings of freedom and abundance.
As you sit down to write, focus not just on the words of the affirmations but on the feelings they inspire. Like a gratitude journal, an affirmation journal can take many forms. You may choose to have a separate journal purely dedicated to positive affirmations. (I actually have two journals. In one, I free-write for about twenty minutes every morning. In the other, I write three positive affirmations and three things I’m grateful for.)
You can also dedicate an entire journal entry solely to positive affirmations. I’ve written positive affirmations for twenty to thirty minutes straight, and when I’m done, I always feel strong, inspired, and empowered.
If you want, you can also throw in some Future Pacing Affirmations in there. A Future Pacing Affirmation is similar to the type of sentence you created in the 5 x 55 method: it’s an expression of gratitude for your dreams and desires already coming true. Here are some examples:
- I am a successful entrepreneur making $10,000 a month. Clients are lining up to work with me, and I am continuing to achieve more success every single day.
- I am married to the love of my life. We live a beautiful, quiet life in the countryside with acres of land and a house large enough to grow our family. My partner loves, protects, and supports me unconditionally. I feel so grateful and lucky every single day to live this life.
- I am a thriving college graduate. I graduated at the top of my class, and now companies are fighting with each other to hire me. I’m getting six-figure offers and that number is only going up!
Here are some blog posts to help you get started in using affirmations in your manifestation journal:
- 65 Positive Affirmations for Manifestation
- 50 Empowering Money Affirmations to Manifest Limitless Abundance
- 35 Love Affirmations to Manifest Your Own Love Story
- 75 Self-Love Affirmations to Celebrate Your Worthiness
What are your favorite practices for manifesting in a journal? Have you had success using a journal to manifest your desires? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!
For more manifestation tips, plus a daily dose of positive affirmations and self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!
Pin this! How to Manifest in a Journal (A Complete Guide) Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Crown Chakra
Discover 30 powerful crown chakra journal prompts for opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy center for spirituality, enlightenment, divine peace, and connection with a higher power. For more healing resources, check out 35 Crown Chakra Affirmations for Connecting to Your Highest Self. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable crown chakra journal prompts and affirmations!
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Crown Chakra Healing the Crown Chakra
Growing up, I always believed in a higher power, but I wasn’t sure how to view this being that I saw as existing outside of myself.
I hurriedly said the same prayer every night before going to bed because I believed it was what I was “supposed” to do. In the back of my mind, I even believed something bad might happen to me if I didn’t do it. I believed that God was an entity that valued perfection, and the more perfect I was, the more this being would love me.
I think it was inevitable that as I got older, I’d begin to question the existence of this higher power. After all, it was exhausting trying to be perfect 24/7 just to earn the love of this invisible force that I had never built a true connection with.
The journey between then and now has been long, with many ups and downs, but my belief in a higher power, and my connection with this power, has completely transformed.
I tend to call this higher power the Universe, as that’s the name that feels most comfortable for me. I believe that the Universe loves me unconditionally, no matter how many mistakes I make, and no matter how flawed I may be. I am deeply loved, cherished, treasured, and adored. And whenever I’m hard on myself, I can close my eyes and feel this love all around me like a warm blanket draped around my shoulders, cloaking my entire being.
And I also believe that the Universe isn’t something I solely find outside of myself. I believe that the love and energy of the Universe flows within me. So when I’m seeking answers, I don’t have to look out there; I simply look within, and the answers appear. These may not be the answers I want to hear, but they’re the answers I need, and I know that I’m always being guided toward my highest good.
Your belief in a higher power may look slightly different from mine, and that’s okay. I don’t think one singular belief is the right belief. We all have our own truths, and our own journeys to reach these truths, and we all deserve to honor our truths without being judged or criticized.
The crown chakra is your body’s energy center for spirituality, enlightenment, connection with a higher power, and connection with yourself. When this chakra is open and healed, you feel a deep sense of divine peace. You trust the Universe to guide you where you’re meant to be, and you trust yourself to follow your inner knowing. You also feel connected to your soul’s purpose, and you’re able to surrender control and honor your path.
You deserve to feel the deep sense of clarity and peace that comes with an open and healed crown chakra. You deserve to know you are unconditionally loved, and you deserve to know this divine love exists within you.
You are on the right path. The Universe is gently guiding you every step of the way. So take a deep breath and know that you are exactly where you’re meant to be, and all is really well.
Discover More About Chakras
Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.
How to Use These Journal Prompts
The journal prompts below are designed to help you gently explore your deeply set beliefs and how your past experiences have shaped who you are today. These journal prompts will help you to get in touch with your inner self, including your beliefs about spirituality and your connection to a higher power. They’ll also allow you explore who your highest, most authentic self looks like and how you can embody that person throughout the day.
As you read through these journal prompts, you can choose whether you want to answer all of them or only the ones that resonate most with you. There is no right or wrong way to approach these prompts; your specific needs likely differ from another’s. If you do decide to only answer the ones that resonate most with you, I always recommend throwing in a few “extras” as you may discover something that you weren’t expecting about yourself.
I encourage you to find a quiet spot where you can answer these questions without being interrupted. If you don’t have an ongoing journaling practice already, fifteen to twenty minutes of solitary journaling time is a good place to start. However, feel free to write for a longer or shorter amount of time. If you’re answering one prompt a day, then you may only need a few minutes for some of the prompts. If you decide to lump the prompts together and answer several at once, it could take longer.
The most important part of this practice is to withhold self-criticism and self-judgment as you explore your own inner world. If uncomfortable truths arise, let it be. Have love for the person you once were, the person you are now, and the person you’re becoming. The fact that you’re here right now, showing up to do this work, is incredible. Instead of judging yourself, find immense gratitude for your courageous heart; it isn’t easy to pursue this type of self-growth, but it is always worth it.
And, more than anything, know that you are always, always worthy of love. Unquestionably. Unconditionally. Always.
Finally, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page, where you can download your free printable crown chakra journal prompts and affirmations. These free resources are designed to support you in your journey of healing, self-discovery, and unconditional self-love.
Crown Chakra Journal Prompts
- What (or who) is God to me? What is my relationship with a higher power?
- How do I communicate with the Universe? How does the Universe communicate with me?
- Did I have any childhood experiences that negatively affected my belief, attitude, or relationship toward God? Have I been able to heal from these experiences, or is there still healing to be done?
- What evidence do I see in my life of the Universe always looking out for me? What are some visible and non-visible signs of the Universe’s love?
- Describe your connection to other living beings: people, animals, plants, the earth, and the universe as a whole. What does it mean to be connected to all?
- Can I retain my sense of individuality while still feeling connected to all? Is this important to me?
- Even when I’m alone, how can I forge a sense of connection with not only myself, but other living beings and the Universe as a whole?
- What does it mean to me to surrender to a higher power? Is this easy or hard for me?
- What are three ways I can practice surrendering in my daily life?
- Surrendering to a higher power can be difficult because it may feel like giving up personal control and losing a sense of personal power. However, in what ways does surrendering actually give me a greater sense of personal power?
- Do I always feel worthy of the Universe’s love? Why or why not?
- Write ten affirmations to affirm that you are worthy of unconditional love from the Universe (and from yourself). Repeat each affirmation twice.
- What is my soul’s purpose? Do I feel connected to this purpose? Do I believe this purpose can change throughout my life, or do I have a singular all-encompassing purpose to lead me in my journey?
- Who is my highest self? How does my highest self show up in the world?
- How can I connect with my highest self in my daily life?
- Do I consult my highest self in my actions and decisions? If not, how can I begin to include my highest self in my life’s journey?
- What does spiritual enlightenment mean to me?
- What is a time in my life when I had faith and trust in the Universe, and everything worked out perfectly?
- What is a time in my life when my prayers weren’t answered (or it seemed as though they weren’t answered), and this actually worked out positively for me?
- What are some examples of past experiences when the Universe gave me exactly what I needed at exactly the right time?
- When do I feel most peaceful? What does divine peace feel like to me?How can I cultivate this feeling in my daily life?
- How can I remain peaceful, focused, and trusting when my outer world feels chaotic and/or when I’m surrounded by the negative energy of others?
- Reflect on this statement: “I am a spiritual being in a human body.” What does this mean to me?
- List ten blessings in your life right now. How does each of these blessings support your highest good?
- In what ways is my daily life a miracle? List all the miracles about this day and your life right now, exactly as it is.
- Where is one place in this world where I feel most connected to a higher power? What makes this place so special? Even when I’m not physically in this place, how can I carry the feelings of being there with me throughout my daily life?
- Write ten affirmations about your spirituality, spiritual enlightenment, and your ability to trust and surrender. Repeat each affirmation twice. (If you need help, check out these crown chakra affirmations here.)
- What does my highest, most authentic self look like? Describe who this person is, including both their outward appearance and their inner world.
- Why is it important to me to have an open and balanced crown chakra?
- What does an ordinary day as my most trusting, peaceful, spiritually enlightened self look like? How do I carry myself throughout the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free crown chakra printables below!
For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Crown Chakra Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Journal Prompts to Open the Third Eye Chakra
Discover 30 powerful third eye chakra journal prompts for opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy center for intuition, inner wisdom, imagination, and mental strength. For more healing resources, check out 40 Third Eye Affirmations for Wisdom, Clarity, and Insight. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable third eye chakra journal prompts and affirmations!
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Third Eye Chakra Healing the Third Eye Chakra
I remember when my inner knowing told me it was time to leave. I had a great job, a beautiful place to live, and people who loved me. But I was living in a town that didn’t belong to me and never truly felt like home. The decision to leave wasn’t the hard part; it was the follow-through that threatened to break my heart. How could I say goodbye to a life that felt so comfortable and to people who had always loved and supported me?
But when it was time to go, I knew it. I took those first few steps of announcing that I’d be moving to a new state, and then something kind of magical happened:
Within two weeks, I received a job offer to the first job I applied to in this new state, and my application was accepted to live in a perfect apartment in a highly coveted part of town, just minutes away from my sister’s family.
When I made the decision to follow my inner knowing and took the first step, the Universe provided me with everything I needed to not just survive but to thrive.
And that’s not the only time this has happened, either. Many times in my life, following my intuition, even when it didn’t make sense, has turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. One of the scariest decisions? When I quit my high-paying job to pursue my dream of writing, with no prospects or assurances of success. All I had to go off of was a gentle nudge that told me everything would be okay.
And it was. More than okay, actually. Because when I made the decision and took the first step, the Universe delivered to me opportunities, experiences, and resources to support my journey. It was, undoubtedly, one of the best decisions of my life.
Following your intuition is hard, and I’m definitely not here to claim that it’s easy. I also won’t tell you that you won’t have any fear when you take that first step. I don’t believe courage requires the absence of fear; I believe if means feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
The third eye chakra is your body’s energy center for intuition, imagination, mental strength, inner wisdom, open-mindedness, and clarity. When this energy center is open and healed, you will experience a deep understanding of your life’s purpose and where you’re meant to go. This doesn’t mean that you see every single step of your path laid out in front of you; it means taking one step at a time, trusting that the next step will be revealed to you.
You deserve to live the life of your dreams, and the truth is, your inner knowing already knows the way.
Trust it. Believe it. Know that you possess infinite worth, and you are more capable than you can possibly imagine.
Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.
How to Use These Journal Prompts
These third eye chakra journal prompts are designed to help you gently explore and connect with your inner self while gaining a better understanding of your relationship with your intuition, imagination, mental strength, open-mindedness, and more.
You can choose to answer each prompt one at a time, or you can read through them and find the ones that resonate most with you. If you choose the latter, I do recommend answering a few of the prompts that you weren’t originally planning to work with. I find that once I start journaling, I encounter unexpected discoveries within myself. By including some extra prompts in your practice, you may make some unexpected discoveries within you.
I also encourage you to have an open heart and open mind as you answer each prompt, which is especially important since the third eye chakra is the energy center of open-mindedness. It’s also important to release self-criticism and self-judgment during your journaling practice. Your intention is not to discern what you’ve been doing right or wrong and beat yourself up over it; your intention is to open and heal your third eye chakra, and that means practicing radical self-acceptance.
The Universe brought you here for a reason, and it’s because you are loved, treasured, cherished, and adored. You are worthy of healing, and you are worthy of living a beautiful life. This is just a single step on your journey to discovering the infinite joy, love, peace, and abundance within yourself.
Before you sit down to journal, I always recommend finding a quiet and safe space where you’re free from distractions. Quality truly reigns supreme over quantity here. Fifteen minutes of wholehearted journaling time will take you much further in your journey than an hour of distracted journaling while scrolling social media or watching TV. (I write this with so much love and compassion, because I know how hard it can be sometimes to carve out some quiet time for yourself. Just know that self-care isn’t selfish, and you are worthy of this time to yourself.)
Finally, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page, where you can download your free printable third eye chakra journal prompts and affirmations. These free resources are designed to support you in your journey of healing, self-discovery, and unconditional self-love.
Third Eye Chakra Journal Prompts
- Do I consider myself intuitive? Why or why not?
- How do I most often experience my intuition? Does it come in the form of a gut feeling, a voice in my head, signs and synchronicities, or something different?
- What are some past experiences in which I followed my intuition, and this led me to making the right choice?
- Have I ever not followed my intuition and wished I had? What can I learn from these experiences?
- Do I trust myself to make good decisions? Do I make decisions based on what’s logical or what feels right? Is there a healthy balance between the two?
- Describe what your inner knowing is telling you about your life right now. Are there any next steps you feel you should take? How does it feel when you think about taking these steps?
- If I could take a single step this week that leads me closer to my dreams, what does that step look like? What is my intuition telling me? Am I able to take that step?
- What are some daily practices I can do to cultivate my relationship with my intuition? How will I make space for these practices in my life? (For instance, daily affirmations, working with a pendulum, meditation, etc.)
- Fear is a normal experience when we take a leap and follow our inner knowing. Write at least ten affirmations about your strength, power, and courage to feel the fear and move forward anyway. Repeat each affirmation twice.
- In what ways does fear try to protect me? How can I tell the difference between fear that is telling me something important and fear that is holding me back?
- Do I consider myself imaginative? What does imagination mean to me?
- Was imagination encouraged or discouraged growing up? What was my relationship with my imagination like when I was a kid?
- Do I use my imagination more or less now than I did when I was a child? How can I embrace using my imagination more?
- Using your imagination, write a detailed account of the most beautiful life you can imagine for yourself. Think big and don’t hold back!
- Are there any areas of life in which I can be close-minded? What led me to having a closed mind regarding these people, beliefs, ideas, etc.? Would there be any benefit to allowing my mind to be more open?
- In what areas of life am I very open-minded? How does having an open mind support my journey and my overall wellbeing?
- Describe a time when you showed incredible mental strength. What thoughts, beliefs, and emotions allowed you to hold onto this mental strength, even when it was difficult?
- What areas of my life do I feel I have a strong sense of clarity about? What am I unclear or confused about?
- What would help me to gain more clarity regarding the areas of my life in which I’m unsure or unclear about? What do I need to gain a clearer vision of my path , and how can I give myself what I need?
- How do I react to major life changes? Do I embrace change, or do I resist change?
- What was the last major change in my life, and how did I react to this change? What positive lessons, opportunities, and experiences came from this change?
- Describe a major life change that may be on your horizon. How does it make you feel? What are the benefits of this change, and what about the change makes you feel fear? Ultimately, is this the right step for you?
- What does it mean to me to be spiritually aligned? Have I ever experienced spiritual alignment in my life?
- What does it mean to me to surrender? How can I practice more surrender and trust in my daily life?
- Do I feel safe surrendering, or do I have a difficult time letting go of control? Describe the ways in which letting go of control can be a really good thing for your overall wellbeing.
- How has trusting my path led me to where I am right now, and why is my present-day experience a beautiful place to be?
- In what ways do I possess deep inner wisdom? Do friends and family come to me for advice? What makes me a great person to talk to when another person is looking for guidance?
- Write ten positive affirmations about your ability to follow your intuition and trust the path ahead of you. (If you need help, check out these third eye chakra affirmations here.)
- Why is it important to me to have an open and balanced third eye chakra?
- What does an ordinary day as my most intuitive, imaginative, mentally strong self look like? How do I carry myself throughout the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free third eye chakra printables below!
For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Third Eye Chakra Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Throat Chakra
Discover 30 powerful throat chakra journal prompts for opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy center for communication, authenticity, and peace. For more healing resources, check out 35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable throat chakra affirmations and journal prompts!
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Throat Chakra Healing the Throat Chakra
Do you remember being in school and the teacher would ask a question, and you were sure you knew the right answer, but something prevented you from raising your hand? It was especially difficult if the question didn’t have a definitive right or wrong answer, like in English when you were asked for your interpretation of what the author of a book was trying to say.
I think I know, you’d think. But I don’t want to sound stupid.
These situations don’t only happen in school, though.
It might happen at work, when you think someone’s doing their task the wrong way but you’re afraid to tell them. Or when you have an idea for how to improve something, but you’re terrified how your idea will be received.
It can also happen in personal relationships. You’re talking to someone, and the opportunity is right there for you to tell them what’s been weighing on your mind, but you just . . . don’t.
I think most of us have experienced this type of situation in some capacity at least once (or a million times) in our lives. I know I have. I was impossibly shy when I was younger, terrified to talk to teachers and classmates alike. And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve had a tendency of staying in the background, keeping my mouth closed even when I’ve wanted to speak.
Learning how to open and heal my throat chakra has been one of my longest self-growth journeys. I spent my life wanting to write, yet for years, I let myself believe that I had nothing important to say.
So when I finally gathered the courage to start my blog and put myself out there on my social media accounts, to say I was terrified would be an understatement.
But I felt the fear, and I took that first step anyway.
Believing that your words and your truth matter is one of the key aspects of healing your throat chakra. When your throat chakra is open and balanced, you’re able to speak clearly and concisely. You’re calm, peaceful, and patient, and you’re as good of a listener as you are a speaker. Additionally, you stay true to yourself and hold yourself with both integrity and authenticity.
However, if your throat chakra is either underactive or overactive, you may experience deficiencies in these areas. When underactive, you may be excessively shy, withdrawn, and have difficulty expressing yourself. And if overactive, you may be gossipy and have a tendency to interrupt others when they speak.
You have a limitless amount of potential to offer this world, and having an open and healed throat chakra is key to stepping into your purpose and offering your insights, beliefs, words, and voice to the greater universe.
And your insights are badly needed.
Because you have a unique history and perspective, nobody else can think like you. Nobody else can offer what you have to offer.
So it’s time to release the belief that your words don’t matter and step into the life that’s waiting for you.
Because you deserve to be heard. You deserve to be seen. You deserve to know that you matter.
Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.
How to Use These Journal Prompts
The 30 throat chakra journal prompts below are designed to help you examine your beliefs while getting in touch with your truest, most authentic self. Specifically, these journal prompts center around important concepts like authenticity, guiding principles, communication, and creative expression.
There’s no right or wrong way to approach these journal prompts. You can read through them and only choose to work with the ones that resonate most with you, or you can choose to answer one at a time. I do always recommend, though, that if you choose to answer just some of the questions, you throw in a few “extra” ones as well. I think that often, once we start writing, we’re surprised by what unexpected discoveries might come up.
When you sit down to do your journaling practice, make sure you have some time to yourself where you won’t be interrupted or distracted. I recommend at least 15 to 20 minutes (you can potentially answer a few different questions in that time period), but the best amount of time is truly what works best for you. I tend to journal for 30 minutes first thing in the morning after I wake up, and that’s always proven successful for me.
And most importantly, set the intention to make your journaling time a judgment-free zone. Give yourself unconditional self-love and compassion as you respond to the prompts. The path to healing is paved not in judgment but acceptance. Accept every part of yourself and your story just as it is, and give yourself some extra love and gratitude for showing up today and putting in this work.
Finally, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page, where you can download your free printable throat chakra affirmations and journal prompts. Use these free resources to serve and support you in your healing journey.
Throat Chakra Journal Prompts
- How do I communicate in one-on-one conversations? How much do I listen, and how much do I speak? Is this ratio balanced?
- How do I communicate in big group settings? Do I tend to sit back and listen, or do I speak freely? How much do I listen compared to how much I speak?
- Why is it important to me to be a patient and attentive listener?
- Why is important to me that my voice is heard when I speak?
- How do I feel when others are distracted or not listening when I speak?
- How can I clearly and effectively communicate so that I have the undivided attention of those I’m speaking to?
- What method(s) of communication do I feel most comfortable with? What method(s) of communication do I feel least comfortable with?
- Write 10 to 15 positive affirmations that affirm your ability to speak clearly and confidently as well as why your voice matters. Repeat each affirmation twice.
- Write an open letter to somebody in your life: a current or past partner, friend, relative, boss, coworker, or even an acquaintance. What have you always wanted to say to this person but never found the courage or the right words?
- In what situations do I hold back from speaking my truth? Are there any situations in which I withdraw, even when I have something to say?
- How can I cultivate more confidence in situations where I’m called to speak my truth?
- Write about a time when you spoke your truth and felt heard, respected, and listened to. How did this make you feel?
- In what ways can words be powerful? What are some examples of times when words held immense power in my life?
- Reflect on this statement: “My words and my voice matter.” List all the ways in which this is true.
- What are the guiding principles and truths that I carry with me throughout my life?
- What does authenticity mean to me?
- How do I live my authentic truth in my daily life?
- What does it mean to me to carry myself with integrity?
- Are there any situations in which I feel like I fake or force myself to be someone or something I’m not? How do I feel when I do this?
- How do I feel when someone is being inauthentic with me? How can I avoid doing the same to others?
- How do I feel about gossip? How does it make me feel when I gossip about another person, or when I hear that someone has gossiped about me?
- When I hear others gossiping, how can I respond in a clear, calm, and effective way?
- Do I express myself creatively? What outlets and practices do I use for creative expression?
- How can I open myself up to more opportunities for creative expression?
- Why is it important to me to remain centered and patient throughout my daily life?
- Are there any situations where I tend to lose patience? How does this make me feel?
- How can I cultivate more calm and patience when I begin to feel myself growing impatient with internal and external circumstances?
- How do I make decisions? Do I tend to be more decisive or indecisive? How can I become more confident in my decision-making?
- Why is it important to me to have an open and balanced throat chakra?
- What does an ordinary day as my most communicative, patient, authentic self look like? How do I carry myself throughout the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.
Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free throat chakra printables below!
For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Throat Chakra Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.