33 Full Moon Affirmations To Embrace Your Expansion
You are worthy, whole, and so much more powerful than you know. In this article, discover 33 powerful full moon affirmations to step into your worthiness, embrace your expansion, and create the life you can’t stop dreaming about.
Pin this for later! 33 Full Moon Affirmations To Embrace Your Expansion The Power of the Full Moon
The full moon is a time of expansion. Rather than shrinking back into your fears and limiting beliefs, this is a time to rise above anything that’s held you back or made you feel somehow lesser than who you truly are.
And who you truly are is limitless. Infinite. Immeasurable. Whole. And so much more than you’ve ever believed yourself to be. The full moon is the time to embrace the more of your existence. To stand in your power rather than shrinking back or trying to fit yourself in a box you don’t belong in.
You are eternally worthy, powerful, and more than enough. Step into your infinite power. Instead of viewing your life from a perspective of lack and scarcity, view it from a perspective of wealth and abundance. Discover the magic that exists within you and all around you in this very moment.
During this time, allow yourself to stop striving and simply be. You don’t have to try so hard to create the life you want. Instead, step back. Pause. Surrender.
Let your dreams come to you.
How do you honor the power of the full moon? Here are some of the ways you can embrace this time of expansion:
- Express gratitude for all that you have and all that’s on its way to you right now
- Reflect on all that you’ve created and manifested during this past lunar cycle
- Use positive affirmations to vibrate at the frequency of love and abundance
- Express your creativity in a fun way
- Take a night off from your to-do list to do something that brings you joy
- Embrace positive feelings and emotions
- Surrender, allow, and just be.
Below, you’ll find 33 uplifting full moon affirmations for gratitude, trust, love, abundance, and deep inner peace. Use these affirmations in conjunction with powerful full moon journal prompts to truly embrace your expansion, step into your highest self, and create the life you can’t stop dreaming about.
Always remember that you are infinitely worthy and so much more powerful than you know.
Dream. Create. Align. Receive.
Full Moon Affirmations
- I am so proud of my journey and how far I’ve come.
- I am grateful for my courage, resilience, and deep inner strength.
- In this moment, I am exactly where I am meant to be.
- Everything is always working out for my highest good.
- I am thankful for this moment right now, exactly as it is.
- I am grateful for my strong heart, healthy mind, and radiant spirit.
- I love and appreciate this moment in my life, exactly as it is right now.
- I feel peaceful and relaxed knowing I am exactly where I am meant to be.
- I am aligned with the loving will of the Universe.
- Love and gratitude flow to and through me in all moments.
- I honor my inner knowing and trust my path.
- Even when the world is immersed in darkness, I walk forward in faith, love, and light.
- I chose faith over fear and peace over perfection.
- I bravely let go and allow the Universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.
- I trust that the Universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
- I possess a brilliant, bold, and creative mind.
- My imagination is vast, expansive, and endless.
- My limitless imagination excites me.
- I embrace creative and imaginative thinking.
- I allow myself to dream beyond the confines of my physical reality.
- I possess unlimited power.
- All of the good I put out into the world always comes back to me.
- I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.
- I am ready, willing, and able to have everything I want.
- I am aligned with the energy of pure abundance.
- I am connected to the endless abundance of the Universe.
- I release limits and boundaries. I embrace potential and possibilities.
- I trust and believe that everything is always working out for my highest good.
- I tap into my inner power and embrace the magic within me.
- I surrender my resistance and allow the Universe to give me what I need.
- I release the need to control my life and surrender to a higher power.
- I trust my intuition and listen to the wisdom of the Universe.
- Everything is unfolding in perfect timing. I trust. I believe. I receive.
What are your favorite ways to use affirmations during the full moon? Share your favorite full moon affirmations and practices in the comment box below!
And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.
More Affirmations for You
- 35 Mindfulness Affirmations For Stillness And Presence
- 45 Goal Affirmations For Achieving Your Dreams
- 45 Sleep Affirmations For Peace, Gratitude & Manifestation
- 50 Positive Affirmations To Fall In Love With Yourself
- 65 Positive Affirmations For Self-Worth & Self-Esteem
Pin this for later! 33 Full Moon Affirmations To Embrace Your Expansion Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
45 Goal Affirmations For Achieving Your Dreams
The path to your goals begins with a vision, self-belief, and the courage to take the first step. Below, discover 45 empowering goal affirmations to help you gain confidence and unlock your inner strength as you step forward on the path to achieving your most heartfelt dreams.
Pin this for later! 45 Goal Affirmations For Achieving Your Dreams Achieving Your Goals
It starts with a dream: a vision of a life that excites you. That lights you up. That brings you to your knees.
You write down this vision and turn it into a goal, and you decide what you need to do to achieve this goal.
From this goal, you create a plan. Your plan isn’t complete, though. There are holes where you’re not sure how you’ll get from A to B. You might call these holes uncertainties at first, but in time, you discover they’re actually possibilities. They help you to remain open to the unexpected. To find opportunities where you didn’t see them before.
You follow this plan, one small step at a time, trusting your intuition to guide you forward. And it may happen in a single grand moment, or it may sneak up on you unexpectedly, but one day, you’ll look around in awe as you discover the vision you once had is now your reality. You created this. You made the abstract real and the impossible possible. And you never needed any special powers or abilities to get here. It all happened because you had a vision and the courage to take the first step.
This is the path to achieving your dreams. What was once a vision in your mind becomes a goal, and from that goal, you create a plan to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be. The key is to not make your plan too narrow. Don’t confine yourself to one possible path, but leave a little room for the unexpected. You may find that there are roads that will lead you to your goals that are even faster (and more enjoyable) than your original plan if you keep an open heart and open mind.
It all starts with a vision, self-belief, and the courage to take the first step.
You are worthy of achieving your biggest, most heartfelt goals. Below, discover 45 empowering goal affirmations to help you gain confidence and unlock your inner strength as you step forward on the path to creating the life of your dreams.
And for help setting goals aligned with your purpose and passions, be sure to check out my article on skillandcare.com, 7 Effective Goal-Setting Techniques – Master The Goal-Setting Process. This article offers practical guidance on using goal-setting methods to master the goal-setting process. You can use the helpful tips and associated resources in this article to help you set, plan, and commit to all of your short-term and long-term goals.
Goal Affirmations
- I am ready, willing, and able to achieve all my goals.
- I have the courage to begin, and I have the courage to succeed.
- I turn my dreams into goals, my goals into plans, and my plans into reality.
- I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.
- I can do anything I set my mind to.
- I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
- I can accomplish anything I focus on.
- I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
- I am confident in my abilities.
- I have what it takes to be successful in all that I do.
- There is no limit to what I can achieve.
- I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
- I focus my vision on my goals, aspirations, and dreams.
- I refuse to settle for less than I deserve.
- I am the only one responsible for giving myself the life I want.
- I am capable of creating the life I can’t stop thinking about.
- I decide my destiny.
- I am passionate about the dreams that light up my heart.
- I allow myself to take bold jumps and daring leaps.
- Every small step I take makes a big difference.
- I am aligned with my passions and committed to achieving my dreams.
- I am capable of doing more than I even realize.
- I release limits and boundaries. I embrace potential and possibilities.
- I free myself from fears and limiting beliefs that keep me from accomplishing my goals.
- I may make mistakes, but I don’t quit.
- I use failure as a stepping stone to success.
- I view obstacles as opportunities to achieve more.
- I am committed, consistent, and courageous.
- I am competent, capable, and strong.
- I courageously walk through every door of opportunity.
- I can accomplish anything I focus on.
- I am more than enough.
- I can succeed. I will succeed.
- I am wildly capable of achieving great things.
- I am focused, motivated, and committed.
- I work hard, trust my intuition, and succeed on purpose.
- I am brave, bold, courageous, and strong.
- I am worthy of all my biggest goals and dreams.
- I already have what it takes.
- I make my own magic.
- I have what it takes to succeed and thrive.
- I can do hard things.
- I believe in me.
- I can and I will.
- I’ve got this.
For more positive affirmations, manifestation tips, and self-love tools, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
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Pin this for later! 45 Goal Affirmations For Achieving Your Dreams Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
7 Types Of Protection Jewelry To Guard Your Energy
Below, discover seven types of protection jewelry to guard you from malice, danger, strife, bad luck, and negative energy. Plus, get links to bracelets, necklaces, and other types of jewelry you can purchase today for each of the different categories on this list.
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure policy here.
Pin this for later! 7 Types Of Protection Jewelry To Guard Your Energy How To Use Protection Jewelry
Protection jewelry is any type of jewelry that shields you from bad luck, negative energy, and low vibrations. While protection jewelry is commonly thought to guard you from toxic external energy, it can also serve to protect you from your own negative thoughts and feelings.
So how exactly does protection jewelry work? The power to shield you from negative energy most often comes in the form of crystals or symbols. Crystals such as Black Tourmaline are known for their protective qualities, while symbols such as the Hamsa hand can bring you positivity and good fortune while protecting you from malice and toxic energy. You can wear these protective crystals and symbols as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, anklets, or your preferred jewelry type.
Before you begin wearing your jewelry, I always recommend cleansing it first. Cleansing your protection jewelry erases any leftover energy from their previous owners, as well as any energy it may have picked up in its travels to you, allowing you to start with a clean slate.
You can cleanse your jewelry by running it under water, letting it sit in nature for 24 hours, setting it out under the sun or moon, or placing it on top of or next to a piece of Selenite or Clear Quartz. If you want to learn a little more about these methods for cleansing your jewelry, you can click here for a deeper explanation into each method.
Below, you’ll learn about seven types of protection jewelry that can shield you from negative energy. I’ve also added links to bracelets, necklaces, and other types of jewelry you can purchase today for each of the different categories.
Use the links below to jump to any of the types of protection jewelry you want to learn more about:
- Black Tourmaline For Mind, Body & Spirit Protection
- Hamsa For Protection From Malice & Bad Intentions
- Evil Eye For Protection From Danger & Evil
- Chakra Jewelry For Energy Protection
- Dreamcatchers For Sleep Protection
- Hematite For Grounding & Protection
- Shungite For EMF Protection
Protection Jewelry
Black Tourmaline For Mind, Body & Spirit Protection
Black Tourmaline is known to be a powerful protection stone; when you step outside wearing or holding a piece of Black Tourmaline, you can think of it as though you’re walking with an invisible shield protecting your entire being: mind, body, and spirit. Black Tourmaline will protect you from toxic energy and low vibrations that may threaten to disrupt the positivity and stability you’ve cultivated within. It’s also powerfully linked to the root chakra, your body’s energy center for stability, security, and groundedness. By keeping your root chakra open and activated, Black Tourmaline will help you to remain strong, steady, and confident as you walk through your day. Use Black Tourmaline as your personal bodyguard to shield your energy and help you to feel grounded and secure as you move through the world.
Hamsa For Protection From Malice & Bad Intentions
The Hamsa hand has many spiritual meanings, but its most prominent meaning is to protect you from another person’s ill-will, malice, or bad intentions. Not only does the Hamsa hand repel toxic energy, but it can also bring you more positive energy and even usher in good fortune. Note that the direction the Hamsa hand matters, so you may choose to wear it facing up or down depending on your current needs. When it’s facing down, it’s known to bring you more positivity, abundance, and good luck. When it’s facing up, it will protect you from malice, bad intentions, and even your own negative thoughts. (It can also protect you from bad luck, so if you’re having one of those weeks when it feels like everything is going wrong, this is a good one to wear.)
Evil Eye For Protection From Danger & Evil
The Evil Eye may be the most controversial addition to this list, as some people are naturally drawn to this symbol while others feel like it, itself, gives off negative energy. This is completely okay. Don’t overthink it; if it feels good to you, you can purchase Evil Eye protection jewelry, but if not, try something else that feels a little better. So what exactly does the Evil Eye symbolize? The Evil Eye is meant to keep you safe, secure, and protect you from danger, strife, and malicious intent. (One reason why the Evil Eye can be so controversial is that historically, this symbol has been seen as a curse you put on someone to cause them bad luck and misfortune. However, when wearing it as jewelry, it has the opposite meaning: it protects you from anyone who would wish to cast the Evil Eye upon you.)
Chakra Jewelry For Energy Protection
Chakras are the energy centers in your body through which your prana, or life force, flows. Energy is meant to flow, and when your chakras are open, your life force energy can flow freely through your various energy centers. But when one of your chakras becomes blocked, your life force energy stagnates. This results in mental, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual blockages. While many people believe there are 114 chakras in (and around) your body, we usually focus on the seven “main” ones: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.
I have lots of chakra resources throughout this website, so I won’t go into too much detail here. (I’ve linked to some articles below if you want to learn more.) For each chakra, there are various crystals and gemstones that will help to heal and protect these energy centers to ensure your life force energy is continuing to flow.
You can find jewelry that contains a stone for each of your body’s energy centers, or you can choose specific stones if there’s just one chakra you want to focus on.
Here are some of the crystals and gemstones for each of your body’s seven main chakras:
- Root: Hematite, Obsidian, Onyx, Smoky Quartz
- Sacral: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Jasper, Red Tiger’s Eye
- Solar Plexus: Citrine, Carnelian, Topaz, Tiger’s Eye
- Heart: Rose Quartz, Apophyllite, Rhodonite, Pink Opal
- Throat: Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Aquamarine, Turquoise
- Third Eye: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Apophyllite
- Crown: Selenite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Lepidolite
Discover More About Chakras
Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers!
Dreamcatchers For Sleep Protection
Dreamcatchers are meant to protect you from nightmares and harmful thoughts while simultaneously keeping you safe with good dreams and positive thoughts while you sleep. Like a spider’s web, a dreamcatcher will trap the bad visions and allow only good visions to go through. However, dreamcatchers aren’t solely for sleep protection. Many believe they can protect you from any kind of external evil, not just bad visions and nightmares.
To learn more, this article from Terry Cralle does a great job of explaining the meaning and history of the dreamcatcher.
Hematite For Grounding & Protection
When you feel like your foundation has been shaken, Hematite is the ultimate grounding stone to pull you back to earth. Hematite will restore your steady foundation while also guiding you to release feelings of stress, worry, and insecurity. Another bonus of Hematite is that it’s a protective stone. This means that in addition to helping you to feel grounded and balanced, it will also protect you from external negative energy that may threaten to shake your stable foundation. The ability to help you stay grounded and protected makes Hematite a powerhouse in all kinds of situations: at work or at home, while you’re driving or commuting, at the grocery store or your in-laws’ house, and everywhere in-between.
Shungite For EMF Protection
Shungite differs a bit from most stones you see in crystal shops in that it’s not technically a crystal. Don’t let that deter you, though. This carbon-based stone is one of the strongest healing stones you can find, used most often for physical, spiritual, and emotional protection. When you’re feeling heavy and worn out, use this stone to remove toxic energy and to cleanse your spirit of any negativity that’s forged its way within. Shungite can also ground your energy and help you to stay focused on your tasks and goals, acting like a shield against procrastination and outer noise. Finally, Shungite is also popularly used for EMF (electromagnetic field) protection, so if you spend a lot of time around electronic devices, this stone can protect you from any harmful frequencies they may emit.
What’s your favorite type of protection jewelry? Do you have any special rituals or practices you do before wearing it? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!
And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation resources, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
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Pin this for later! 7 Types Of Protection Jewelry To Guard Your Energy Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
22 Full Moon Journal Prompts For Self-Reflection
In this article, discover 22 profound full moon journal prompts to help you reflect on your life’s experiences, express sincere gratitude, and embrace the energy of joy, love, creativity, and inner peace. Plus download your free printable PDF with these 22 journal prompts that you can continue to use every full moon!
Pin this for later! 22 Full Moon Journal Prompts For Self-Reflection Spiritual Meaning Of The Full Moon
While the new moon offers you the opportunity to set intentions and connect to your deepest desires, the full moon allows you the chance to step back and reflect on all that you’ve manifested and created during this past lunar cycle.
It’s likely that you often find yourself in creation mode: working towards your dreams, setting intentions, following your intuition, and taking the next step to manifest your desires. Creation is beautiful and exhilarating, but it’s important to also take time to pause, reflect, and just be for a little while.
The full moon is the perfect time to embrace the pause as you sink into silence and reflect on all that you’ve done and accomplished over the past month.
More than anything, the full moon is all about embracing gratitude. Even if you’re not where you ultimately want to be, you are exactly where you’re meant to be in this moment.
Have gratitude for your journey and how far you’ve come. Appreciate your own resilience and strength as you’ve continued on this journey, even when it would’ve been easier to turn back. Express sincere thankfulness for all that you have and all that’s coming.
During the full moon, your emotions will likely be amplified. While you’re not actively trying to manifest anything new during this time, your heightened feelings can contribute to your overall manifestations in a powerful way.
Gratitude and love are the highest vibrations, so as you choose to focus on gratitude, allow the feelings of true appreciation light up every cell of your being. Use positive affirmations rooted in love, joy, peace, and abundance to keep your vibration high.
During this time, you may feel called to embrace your inner creativity. Take some time away from work and your never-ending to-do list. Give yourself permission to create simply for the sake of creating: not to be productive, not to accomplish anything, and certainly not because your creations have to be good. Create through the energy of joy, love, and passion. Paint, write, draw, mold, build – whatever you do, do it because it feels good to you. Allow yourself to remember what it feels like to create something just because.
The full moon is a profound time to do the following:
- Express gratitude
- Reflect on all that you’ve created and manifested during this past lunar cycle
- Use positive affirmations to keep your vibration high
- Express your creativity in a fun way
- Take a night off from your to-do list to do something that brings you joy
- Embrace positive feelings and emotions
- Surrender, allow, and just be.
Full Moon Journal Prompts
Below, you’ll find full moon journal prompts for expressing gratitude, reflecting on your life’s experiences, and embracing uplifting and creative energy. During the full moon, give yourself time to focus solely on your own inner world. You might journal under the full moon, or create a safe, sacred space using candles, essential oils, crystals, and anything else that feels good to you.
Take a break from the hustle of daily life. Go within and discover the beauty of your own inner world.
Journal Prompts
- What about my life am I grateful for right now?
- What has happened in the past month that I feel most grateful for?
- What obstacles and challenges have taught me meaningful life lessons recently?
- What do I appreciate about my own mind, body, and spirit?
- What positive qualities do I possess that I especially love about myself?
- What about this time of year makes me feel most grateful?
- What’s one of my favorite memories from the past month? What do I appreciate most about that moment in time?
- How does abundance show up in my daily life?
- Even if I’m not where I ultimately want to end up, in what ways am I exactly where I’m meant to be in this moment?
- What have I manifested recently?
- What big miracles have shown up for me in the past month?
- What tiny miracles show up in my world every single day?
- What signs and synchronicities have shown up in my outer world?
- In what ways does the Universe speak to me?
- What evidence do I see in my life of the Universe always looking out for me? What are some visible and non-visible signs of the Universe’s love?
- What are 10 positive affirmations that my soul most needs to hear in this moment?
- What does it mean to me to pause and surrender?
- Why is it important for me to take time to simply pause and just be?
- What are my favorite creative practices?
- How can I express my creative energy in a fun and soul-nourishing way?
- What do I love most about my life right now, exactly as it is?
- What do I love most about myself right now, exactly as I am?
What are your favorite full moon practices? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!
And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.
Pin this for later! 22 Full Moon Journal Prompts For Self-Reflection Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
Scripting Manifestation Examples: A How-To Guide
In this article, get powerful scripting manifestation examples to help you script your dreams and manifest your desires into your reality. Plus, get suggested sentences and sentence starters to help you feel as if you truly already have all of your deepest dreams in the present moment. Save these sentences and sentence starters as a PDF file to your phone, tablet, or laptop, or print and keep them in your scripting journal for extra inspiration.
Pin this for later! Scripting Manifestation Examples: A How-To Guide What Is Scripting?
When you were younger, did you ever keep a diary to capture everything that had happened that day on paper? You might’ve started your journal or diary entry with what you ate for breakfast and narrated the events that happened throughout the day. Maybe you described your emotions as you encountered different experiences: the feeling of joy when you got to play with your best friend or anger when another kid did something to make you mad.
In many ways, scripting is similar to how you might have written a diary entry when you were younger, except you’re using visualization to script a day in your perfect, dream life.
So what exactly is scripting? Scripting is the practice of writing about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest.
For instance, if you want to manifest your dream job, you can script a typical day in the life of your dream job as though you already have it right now. If you want to manifest better health, you can write about how it feels to be perfectly healthy, fit, and strong. And if you want to manifest love, you can script a day in the life with your perfect partner, as though this person is already in your life in this moment.
The key to unlock the magic of scripting is not just to write the words but to truly feel the positive emotions of already having everything you desire. Allow yourself to feel loved, joyful, peaceful, free, happy, healthy, and loved now. When you invite these feelings into your inner world, you become a magnet for even more positive feelings and experiences to manifest in your outer world.
Want to manifest love? Feel loved now.
Want to manifest wealth? Feel abundant now.
Want to manifest the life of your dreams? Feel as though you’re already living it right now.
- Want to learn more about scripting? Click here to discover more scripting tips, plus get your free Law of Attraction scripting template!
Start Scripting Your Dream Life With The 30-Day Manifestation Journal
Do you want to fully immerse yourself in the positive vibrations of all your dreams and desires? Check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop! Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. Comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal or print and hand write! Click here to learn more!
Scripting Manifestation Examples
To help you get started with scripting, I’ve written some scripting manifestation examples below. In the first example, I’ve written in past tense, as if I’m writing a diary entry at the end of the day, replaying everything that’s happened that day. In the second example, I write the same script in present tense, as if I’m experiencing these moments right now.
Either past or present tense is fine for scripting; use the tense that feels best to you. The only rule is that you don’t want to use future tense when you script. It’s never, “I will have the perfect dream job.” Rather, you’re writing as though you already have the perfect dream job right now.
Additionally, I’ve included some suggested sentences and sentence starters you can include in your scripts to help you truly feel as if you already have your dreams and desires in this present moment. Use these sentences and sentence starters to embrace the feelings of gratitude and appreciation for all that you’ve manifested in your life.
Scripting Manifestation Examples: Past Tense
Dear Universe,
Today was truly an extraordinary day. When I woke up, I was greeted with warm rays of sunshine brushing against my cheeks. It felt like a gentle, loving message from the Universe welcoming me to this new day. After a restful night of sleep, I felt energized and ready to greet the day. Careful not to wake up my love sleeping next to me, I awoke and headed to the kitchen, where a fresh pot of coffee waited for me. I spent the first hour of my morning journaling and meditating. Then, I went for a beautiful walk in the foothills behind my home. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more calm and at peace. I knew in every cell of my body that everything was working out perfectly for me, just as it always does.
I spent my day doing what I love. I connected with beautiful souls and offered meaningful help to others. I’m still in awe that this life is really mine. An old client of mine sent me an email thanking me for making such a positive difference in her life. She is now living the life she loves and helping others do the same. I can’t think of anything in the world more incredible than this feeling. I can see now how living the life of my dreams is the most selfless thing I can do for this world. When I spread my light, another person feels empowered to spread theirs, and then another spreads theirs, and this continues. I am so grateful I get to be part of this beautiful experience.
And another miracle: I received an unexpected check for more money than I’ve ever made in a single day! I still can’t believe it. The money came to me in the energy of love, bringing harm to no one. I feel so happy and grateful to know that every time I spend money in the energy of love, I receive even more in return. I used to believe that money was limited, but now I know that money is abundant, and there is more than enough to go around for all of us.
I spent the evening with my love. We cooked dinner together (taco night!) and watched TV together snuggled up on the couch. As my love held me, I’ve never felt safer or more treasured, cherished, and adored. Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with unconditional love. I am so grateful for the miracles that brought us together, and I will never take a second of this life for granted.
Today was a miracle. Just like yesterday was; just like tomorrow will be. I feel so grateful to live this life of mine. I am receiving more and more every day, and it just keeps getting better.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
— Me
Scripting Manifestation Examples: Present Tense
Dear Universe,
What a beautiful day! As I wake up this morning, I’m greeted with warm rays of sunshine brushing against my cheeks. It feels like a gentle, loving message from the Universe welcoming me to this new day. After a restful night of sleep, I feel energized and ready to greet this beautiful day. Careful not to wake up my love sleeping next to me, I gently arise from the bed and head to the kitchen, where a fresh pot of coffee awaits. I spend the first hour of my morning journaling and meditating, which is my absolute favorite way to start the morning. I feel serene and peaceful as I go for a beautiful walk in the foothills behind my home. A sense of calm radiates throughout my entire being. I know in every cell of my body that everything is always working out perfectly for me, just as it always has and just as it always will.
I feel so grateful that I get to spend this day doing what I love. I connect with beautiful souls and offer meaningful help to others. I’m still in awe that this life is really mine. In the middle of my work day, an email pops up from an old client of mine. In this email, she thanks me for making such a positive difference in her life. She is now living the life she loves and helping others do the same. I can’t think of anything in the world more incredible than this feeling. I can see now how living the life of my dreams is the most selfless thing I can do for this world. When I spread my light, another person feels empowered to spread theirs, and then another spreads theirs, and this continues. I am so grateful I get to be part of this beautiful experience.
Just when I think today can’t get any more perfect, an unexpected check for more money than I’ve ever made in a single day comes to me in miraculous, divine timing. I still can’t believe it. The money comes to me in the energy of love, bringing harm to no one. I feel so happy and grateful to know that every time I spend money in the energy of love, I receive even more in return. I used to believe that money was limited, but now I know that money is abundant, and there is more than enough to go around for all of us.
To top off this perfect day, I spend the evening with my love. We cook dinner together (taco night!) and watch TV together snuggled up on the couch. As my love holds me, I feel safe, protected, treasured, cherished, and adored. Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with unconditional love. I am so grateful for the miracles that brought us together, and I will never take a second of this life for granted.
Today is a miracle. Just like yesterday was; just like tomorrow will be. I feel so grateful to live this life of mine. I am receiving more and more every day, and it just keeps getting better.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
— Me
Suggested Sentences & Sentence Starters
Click to save these suggested sentences and sentence starters as a PDF! Save to any device or print and keep in your scripting journal to refer back to whenever you need extra inspiration. - I am receiving more and more every day.
- I am ready and able to receive even more abundance.
- My life is pure magic.
- What an incredible feeling it is to know that everything I give, I gain back tenfold.
- I am so grateful that I get to live the life I love every single day.
- My life just keeps getting better.
- Infinite and unconditional love flows to and through me in all moments.
- I have surpassed all my goals and have exceeded my expectations.
- I am so grateful for the abundance of joy, love, peace, freedom, and prosperity that surrounds my life.
- Miracles and magic are unfolding around me all the time.
- I am so grateful for how everything worked out for my highest good.
- I feel peaceful knowing that I have limitless access to financial prosperity.
- I receive wealth doing what I love while adding value to other people’s lives.
- I am so happy and grateful for . . .
- I am so grateful now that . . .
- Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with . . .
- I am beyond thankful for . . .
- My heart is filled with gratitude for the . . .
- I truly appreciate the . . .
Have you ever manifested something using scripting? What are your favorite scripting tips? Share your experiences in the comment box below!
And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation tips, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
More Manifestation Resources
- Pillow Method For Manifestation: A Complete Guide
- Morning Routine Checklist For Manifestation (Free Printable PDF)
- 11 Powerful Crystals for Manifestation
- How To Manifest Someone (In 6 Simple Steps)
- Manifestation Challenge: Free 30-Day Manifestation Calendar
- Candle Colors For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)
Pin this for later! Scripting Manifestation Examples: A How-To Guide Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
50 Positive Affirmations To Fall In Love With Yourself
In this article, discover 50 positive affirmations to fall in love with yourself every single day. Plus, get tips on how to cultivate a mindset of unconditional self-love. And don’t forget to download your free PDF of these uplifting affirmations to save to your device or print to keep in your office or home.
Pin this for later! 50 Positive Affirmations To Fall In Love With Yourself How To Fall In Love With Yourself
I used to believe that the path to falling in love with myself would be a linear journey, and at the end of it, I’d discover the secret to deep, lifelong self-love.
What I’ve learned, though, is that this path is very much non-linear. There may be days when you feel like you’ve uncovered the secret to everlasting joy and love, and then one day, something happens, and you start to question everything you thought you knew. You may doubt yourself. You may wish you could change certain parts of you. And during these times, you may feel like you’ve taken a step back in your journey.
I was doing so well, you think. And now I’ve messed up and ruined it all.
But here’s the truth:
Those steps back? They aren’t steps back at all. They’re actually opportunities to move forward. When you encounter an experience that triggers something painful within, the Universe isn’t trying to hurt you or push you backwards on your path. It’s allowing you the opportunity to release old feelings and beliefs in order to grow.
These experiences also give you the chance to practice self-compassion. When you recognize negative energy within, instead of chastising yourself, you have the opportunity to say, “I see my pain. I see my fears. I recognize that I’ve made mistakes and that I don’t always react to situations as my highest self. And that’s okay. Because no matter what, I am still worthy of unconditional love and compassion.”
This path to falling in love with yourself isn’t paved in perfection.
It’s paved in compassion. In forgiveness. In honoring every part of you, both your light and your shadows.
Falling in love with yourself isn’t simply the destination you seek. It is the journey. It’s the path you walk upon. It’s the tiny things you do for yourself every single day. And it’s allowing yourself to believe that no matter what you do or don’t do, you are always worthy. Right now. Just as you are. Today and always.
More Affirmations for You
Practices For Falling In Love With Yourself
There is no single path to falling in love with yourself that will look the same for everyone. But here are some of the practices that may help you in your journey:
- Practice self-compassion daily.
- See yourself as an extension of the Universe: limitless, infinite, whole, eternal, and filled with unconditional love.
- Align with your highest self: the real and true you. This is the infinite, everlasting part of you that is unchanged by external circumstances and experiences. Your highest self knows the right path and often doesn’t operate in the logical mind but in the heart. Listen to the wisdom of this part of yourself.
- Practice accepting love from yourself and others, even you make a mistake.
- When you feel like you have no energy, don’t try to push forward anyway. Take a step back. In those moments, ask your soul what it needs. Then, pour it into yourself.
- Don’t suppress negative emotions. Allow them to flow within and through you. You can only release them by feeling your way through them. And sometimes, this requires breaking down, screaming, yelling, and allowing the tears to fall unapologetically.
- Meet yourself where you are now. Maybe you’re not where you want to be, but you can still love yourself right now as you continue to grow.
- Meditate. Journal. Practice stillness. Take long walks. Read. Stretch. But don’t do any of these things just because you feel like you should do them. Do what feels good to you. (And know that what feels good to you can change daily, and that’s okay.)
- Celebrate your small wins just as much as your big ones.
- Honor your heart. Honor your inner knowing. Honor the wisdom that exists within. No matter what someone else says, you’re the only one who ultimately knows what’s best for you.
Self-care is a vital part in showing yourself complete and unconditional self-love. To learn more about the benefits of self-care and how you can begin your own self-care routine, check out my article on the importance of self-care on skillandcare.com. You’ll also have the opportunity to download a free self-care checklist to help you create a well-rounded self-care routine personalized to you.
Click to download your free printable affirmations to fall in love with yourself! Affirmations To Fall In Love With Yourself
Below, you’ll find 50 positive affirmations to fall in love with yourself. As you incorporate these affirmations into your daily life, remember that it isn’t just about the words you’re saying; it’s about the feeling deep within. Allow yourself to feel the positive and loving words of each of these affirmations deep in your soul. For more tips on using affirmations to get the most out of them, I’ve created a how-to guide on using affirmations here.
- I choose to love myself exactly as I am.
- Who I am, exactly as I am, is truly beautiful.
- I love myself fully now as I continue to grow.
- I choose to love my imperfect self perfectly.
- I am beautiful, brilliant, and brave.
- I am strong in mind, body, and spirit.
- I am loved, honored, cherished, and seen.
- I am proud of my journey and how far I’ve come.
- I am competent, capable, and strong.
- I choose to love myself as deeply as I love others.
- I am worthy, inside and out.
- I deserve to be loved just as I am.
- I am joy, light, and pure positive energy.
- I am in charge of my own energy. I’m the only one who chooses how I feel.
- I release self-doubt and embrace unshakeable confidence and self-belief.
- I trust myself completely. The strength I need is within me.
- I believe I can be all that I want to be.
- I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
- I have the right to shine and succeed.
- I am worthy of praise, adoration, and unconditional love.
- I am kind, generous, and compassionate with myself and others.
- I choose authenticity over perfection.
- I am glowing, ravishing, and radiant.
- My heart is open, loving, and pure.
- My love for myself is bold, fierce, and unconditional.
- I am enough, just as I am.
- My true self is a beautiful sight to behold.
- My true self shines brightly.
- I love, honor, and nurture both my shadows and my light.
- I love all parts of me equally.
- My body is a gift.
- My body is deserving of love.
- My body is capable of more than I can even imagine.
- My body is a powerful healer.
- My body always takes care of me.
- I am radiant when I smile.
- I lovingly nurture my mind, body, and spirit.
- I trust my body’s wisdom and listen when it speaks to me.
- When I look in the mirror, I love the strong and powerful person staring back at me.
- I am worthy, strong, powerful, courageous, and always enough.
- I am enough. I have always been enough. I will always be enough.
- I am magnificent.
- I am breathtaking.
- I am extraordinary.
- I am always deserving of love.
- I am learning how to fall in love with everything that I am.
- With every breath I take, I gain more confidence and self-belief.
- I am a being of love and light, and I fearlessly allow myself to shine.
- Everything I’m looking for I can find within me.
- When I’m caught in a rainstorm, I don’t wither; I bloom.
For more uplifting affirmations and self-love resources, be sure to connect with me on Instagram, where I post daily affirmation stories every morning. And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m pinning positive affirmations and empowering quotes every single day.
More Blog Posts For You
- Free Affirmation Wallpaper: 35 Beautiful Designs
- 10 New Moon Rituals For Manifestation And Self-Love
- 44 Spiritual Growth Quotes For Your Spiritual Journey
- How To Release Limiting Beliefs (And Create New Beliefs)
- 33 Journal Prompts For Goal Setting And Future Planning
Pin this for later! 50 Positive Affirmations To Fall In Love With Yourself Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
50 Positive Affirmations For Job Interviews
Below, discover 50 positive affirmations for job interviews to help you walk into your next interview with confidence, trust, and self-belief.
Pin this for later! 50 Positive Affirmations For Job Interviews Creating A Success Mindset For Interviews
How often have you entered a job interview actually feeling truly confident when you walked into the room? Even if you’ve done as much preparation as humanly possible, you likely still have lingering doubts weighing heavily on your mind.
- What if they ask something I didn’t prepare for?
- What if I forget to mention something important?
- What if I completely blank when they ask a question?
- What if they don’t like my outfit?
- What if . . .
The what if scenarios are truly endless. And the truth is, some of them may happen. Maybe they’ll ask you a question you weren’t expecting. Maybe you’ll ramble on for a couple minutes before finally getting to the point of what you wanted to say.
And you know what? That’s okay. The best thing you can do before an interview is prepare as best as you know how. And the worst thing?
Worrying about things you can’t control, making up scenarios in your mind that will probably never happen, and allowing your energy to be drained by negativity.
You have the power to control your mindset, just like you get to control your thoughts and emotions. Nobody else. You. So before you walk into an interview, instead of worrying about all the things that you can’t control, focus on what you can control:
- Your preparation
- Your attitude
- Your self-belief
- Your breathing
- Your thoughts
- Your emotions
- Your energy
Below, you’ll find 50 positive affirmations for job interviews. These affirmations are designed to help you cultivate a mindset of confidence, positivity, and self-trust. Use these affirmations throughout the days leading up to a job interview to remind yourself that you have what it takes. You are competent. You are capable. You are worthy. You are enough.
Allow yourself to focus on what you can control, let go of what you cannot, and trust that you’re always headed in the right direction, no matter what.
More Affirmations for You
Positive Affirmations For Job Interviews
- Today will lead me to new and exciting paths to success.
- I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
- I am unafraid of what might go wrong. I am excited about what can go right.
- I have what it takes to be successful.
- I rise in the face of adversity.
- I have the skills to handle anything that comes my way.
- I make a good impression by being my authentic self.
- I exceed expectations.
- It’s easy for me to feel confident and successful.
- I am competent, capable, and strong.
- I release the storylines holding me back. I can do anything.
- I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.
- I have confidence in my abilities; I believe in me.
- I can climb this mountain.
- I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
- I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
- My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless. My potential to succeed is infinite.
- My mindset is always geared toward positivity and success.
- Success begins with mindset, and I always choose to think positively.
- My path forward is clear, and I have everything I need to be successful.
- I am always embraced and welcomed when I enter a room.
- I know how to make a good impression.
- I am a valuable addition to any team.
- I trust myself completely.
- All of the answers I need are within.
- I can accomplish anything I focus on.
- I focus on what I can control and let go of what I cannot.
- I have the power to overcome my doubts, worries, and fears.
- I am worthy, no matter what I do or don’t accomplish today.
- I choose to think positive thoughts.
- I let go of all doubts and insecurities about myself.
- I release self-doubt and embrace unshakeable confidence.
- I overcome obstacles with ease.
- The best thing I can do is believe in myself.
- I am the author of my own success story.
- No matter what happens, I’m already successful.
- I am unafraid of rejection or failure.
- I free myself from fear of the unknown.
- I am confident, inspired, and thriving.
- I am committed, consistent, and courageous.
- I am grounded, centered, and stable.
- The strength I need is within me.
- I know my undeniable worth.
- I can succeed. I will succeed.
- I am worthy, inside and out.
- I am enough, just as I am.
- Today is my day.
- My time is now.
- I can and I will.
- I’ve got this.
For more uplifting affirmations and self-love resources, be sure to connect with me on Instagram, where I post daily affirmation stories every morning. And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m pinning positive affirmations and empowering quotes every single day.
More Blog Posts For You
- Free Affirmation Wallpaper: 35 Beautiful Designs
- How To Release Limiting Beliefs (And Create New Beliefs)
- 33 Journal Prompts For Goal Setting And Future Planning
- How To Protect Your Energy (7 Essential Practices)
Pin this for later! 50 Positive Affirmations For Job Interviews Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
Candle Colors For Manifestation: A Complete Guide
Below, learn about the meanings of different candle colors for manifestation. Plus, get easy-to-follow directions on how to use candles to enhance your manifestation practice.
Pin this for later! Candle Colors For Manifestation: A Complete Guide How To Use Candles For Manifestation
Candles can be a powerful addition to your manifestation practice, as fire represents power and your inner light. Candles can also create a feeling of calm and inner serenity, allowing you to release negative energy and open yourself up to receiving.
So how exactly do you use candles for manifestation?
This is actually a pretty flexible practice. The main rule is to be intentional. When you first start incorporating candles into your manifestation practice, it’s best to use a brand new candle specifically chosen for this purpose. You can continue to use this candle for manifesting, but try to keep it as a dedicated manifestation candle. When it’s not being used, store it somewhere safe until you’re ready to use it again.
Here are the steps to follow when using candles for manifestation. Note that you can use additional items to support your practice. (I’ve listed a few possible supplementary items down below.) Also, don’t stress too much about following the exact steps. If there’s something you want to add that feels right for you, go for it! For example, if you want to add Law of Attraction affirmations to your ritual, you absolutely can.
Steps To Using Candles For Manifestation
- Find a quiet, safe spot where you won’t be interrupted. If you have a sacred space or meditation table, this is ideal. Start with a brief meditation to create a feeling of calm, stability, and inner peace. Some people like to light their candle before they start meditating, and some like to light it after. Choose the path that feels best to you.
- If you haven’t already lit your candle, light it now. Start visualizing what exactly you want to manifest. See it in your mind’s eye. As you visualize, feel all the positive emotions of having this thing in the present moment.
- Now, you’re going to set your intention. What do you want to manifest? You might start by saying, “Dear Universe . . .” Be clear about what you want. Once you’re done, ask that your desire brings harm to no one. You might also want to add that it be for the highest good for all. Remember to express sincere gratitude for all that you have and all that’s on its way to you right now.
- Then, let it go. You might visualize your intention as a paper lantern or balloon flying higher and higher up into the sky until it disappears. This represents letting go of your desire and trusting the Universe to take care of you.
Tips For Setting Intentions
When you’re communicating your desire to the Universe, you want to be clear and specific . . . while also leaving a little room for the Universe to give you something even better than you had imagined. For instance, let’s say you want to manifest a job. Maybe you just saw a job opening that you think could be a good fit for you. You can ask for this specific job, but what if there’s something better out there? Or what if this job only seems good on paper? Remember that you’re co-creating with the Universe. That means not trying to control every single detail. Instead of asking for that specific job, ask for a job with specific qualities instead: higher pay, great team, flexibility of schedule, meaningful work, ignites your sense of purpose and passion. Allow what the Universe delivers to be even better than what you think is possible.
Other Tools To Support & Amplify Your Practice
When you create your own manifestation ritual with candles, you might like to incorporate other tools to amplify your practice. Here are some items you might want to include:
- Crystals & gemstones
- Essential oils
- Live flowers & plants
- Dried flowers
- Statues/figurines that hold special meaning to you
- Herbs
- Oils
- Candle holders & stands
- Soothing music
Candle Colors For Manifestation
Below, find the spiritual meanings of various candle colors for manifestation. You’ll notice that several meanings are repeated across different candle colors. For instance, purple, green, orange, and brown are all connected to financial abundance and prosperity. If you want to manifest financial success, it helps to look at the full list of meanings for each color. Do you also want to manifest good luck and new beginnings? Then green might be the best choice for you. If you’re looking for more joy, fun, and excitement in addition to prosperity, then you might choose orange.
A Note About Selecting Candles
Selecting candles for manifestation is a lot like selecting a new crystal or gemstone. Each candle color may have a specific meaning (just like crystals and gemstones have their own spiritual meanings), but ultimately, your greatest guide is your own intuition. If you’re at a store or shopping online and a specific candle calls to you, listen to the voice within. (You may find that this happens most often when you’re not even looking.) If a certain candle stands out to you, don’t overthink the color. Trust your inner knowing.
- Self-Love
- Femininity
- Romance
- Harmony
- Kindness
- Friendship
- Faith
- Spirituality
- Wisdom
- Inspiration
- Prosperity
- Tranquility
- Intuition
- Wealth
- Good luck
- Fertility
- Healing
- Growth
- New beginnings
- Calm
- Forgiveness
- Inner peace
- Harmony
- Balance
- Clarity
- Spiritual protection
- Courage
- Passion
- Desire
- Focus
- Strength
- Motivation
- Energy
- Joy
- Fun
- Laughter
- Energy
- Success
- Excitement
- Stamina
- Prosperity
- Clarity
- Power
- Creativity
- Positivity
- Confidence
- Good luck
- Protection
- Stability
- Strength
- Luxury
- Releasing negative energy
- Peace
- Hope
- Clarity
- Protection
- Unity
- Cleanse & purify energy
- Grounding
- Stability
- Security
- Balance
- Financial success
- Material needs
Have you had success using candles for manifesting your dreams and desires? Share your favorites practices and rituals in the comment box below!
And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation inspiration, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
More Posts For You
- How To Receive Messages From The Universe (A Complete Guide)
- Manifestation Challenge: Free 30-Day Calendar
- How To Manifest Something: 10 Essential Manifestation Methods
- A Guide To Essential Oils For Chakra Healing
- Law Of Attraction Scripting Template (Free PDF Template)
Pin this for later! Candle Colors For Manifestation: A Complete Guide Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
How To Receive Messages From The Universe
Below, learn how to receive messages from the Universe (and how to know if a message is even from the Universe). Plus, discover 10 common signs from the Universe you might receive in your daily life.
Pin this for later! How To Receive Messages From The Universe What Is A Message From The Universe?
A message from the Universe is a sign, synchronicity, or deep inner knowing that comes from a higher power. You might call this higher power the Universe, God, Source Energy, or another name that resonates with you. Messages can often be signs of alignment, giving you reassurance to know that you’re on the right path. They may also be gentle nudges in a certain direction. And sometimes, they’re simply loving reminders that you’re not alone. When you’re experiencing struggle and hardship, a message from the Universe can be a source of comfort, letting you know that everything’s going to be okay.
Below, learn how to know if a message is from the Universe, what to do after you receive a message, and how to ask for a message when you’re feeling alone, discouraged, or just need a little extra reassurance. Plus, learn about 10 common signs from the Universe that you may experience in your daily life.
In This Article:
- How To Know A Message Is From The Universe
- Common Signs & Messages From The Universe
- What To Do After You Receive A Message
- How To Ask For Messages From The Universe
How To Know A Message Is From The Universe
It’s likely that you’re experiencing messages from the Universe every single day. It may not feel like it because you may not yet associate it as coming from a higher power. A profound reason for this is that often, your daily messages come in the form of your own inner knowing. And trusting your inner knowing can be hard, especially at first.
If you’re ever unsure if a message is truly from the Universe, you can ask yourself, “Does it feel like love?”
Because here’s the truth: every single message you receive from the Universe should feel like love.
You are your own biggest critic. You’re harder on yourself than anyone else could ever be. You may expect perfection from yourself, and because of your own heavy expectations, you think the Universe expects perfection from you, too. But it doesn’t.
The Universe has never had a single negative thought or feeling about you; the Universe knows only love.
So carry that with you as you learn how to decode messages from the Universe.
The Universe is not out to get you. You will never receive a message telling you that you’re not worthy or that you’re not good enough. If you hear an inner voice criticizing or judging you, it’s not the Universe; it’s your own insecurities and self-doubt. You might receive messages to have more patience or to stop holding on so tightly to experiences or things, but even these messages will feel like love. They’ll feel like they’re in your best interest. Sometimes, a message may reveal a difficult truth you’ve been suppressing within, but this is never done to hurt you. These messages are meant to help you move forward on your path and to help you grow.
Again, it all comes back to love. The foundation for all the messages you receive is love.
You might have a hard time trusting your intuition, but ask yourself: can you trust love?
Can you trust that if something feels like love, that means it’s right?
- You May Also Like: What Are The 12 Laws Of The Universe? (A Complete Guide)
Common Signs & Messages From The Universe
Sometimes, the messages you receive will come in the form of your own intuition, and other times, it may be an object, symbol, or something you see or hear. Read below for 10 common messages you might receive in your daily life.
Numbers and Number Patterns
11:11. 333. 888.
Numbers and repeating number patterns are often the most common type of message you may experience, especially when you’re first starting out. (Besides your own intuition, which should never be discounted.) The reason for this is because we’re surrounded by numbers constantly: time, temperature, dates, step count, mileage, even the number of likes on an Instagram post. When you’re learning to receive messages from the Universe, it’s also a good way to train your mind to pick up on signs.
So what exactly do these numbers mean? Well, that depends. If the number or number pattern has a unique meaning to you, then trust your inner knowing to decode their meaning. If you’re not sure, that’s okay! Numbers hold spiritual meaning, so it may help to look up the meaning of the number pattern you keep seeing. If you want to learn more about angel numbers and the spiritual meaning of different number patterns, here’s a helpful guide from TheLawOfAttraction.com.
You’re at the store and a particular object speaks to you. Maybe a book falls off the shelf in front of you. Or you find something in a drawer at home that you haven’t seen in years. Objects can come in all different forms, such as a toy, letter, article of clothing, picture, piece of jewelry, or anything that holds meaning to you.
Dreams are a powerful guide to your subconscious mind. Have you ever had a recurring dream? Or maybe a particularly vivid and intense dream? Maybe you don’t have recurring dreams, but you dream about the same people or experiences often. What are these dreams telling you?
Feathers, trees, flowers, shapes, and mountains are just a few of symbols that might show up for you. For instance, if white roses have a special meaning for you, maybe seeing or receiving a white rose is a sign to remind you that you are always loved.
A synchronicity is one of those perfect timing moments that feels like there’s no way it could just be a coincidence. Someone you haven’t talked to in years suddenly appears in your mind, and the next day, they call you out of nowhere. Or you decide to follow your heart and move to a new city, and instantly, someone from your past shows up to offer you a job in that city, even though they had no idea you were looking. When a synchronicity shows up in your life, listen. These are gentle nudges from the Universe letting you know you’re on the right path and guiding you toward your next step.
Songs & Song Lyrics
Songs can represent messages both in their lyrical meaning and in your personal relationship with the song. The lyrics of a song could speak to you, or it could simply be the song title that catches your eye. A particular song may also have a special place in your heart. Did a song come on the radio that makes you think of your first love? This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s time to call up your first love and give it another go. What it could be is a gentle reminder of a time in your life when your heart was open and unguarded. Maybe it’s time to open your heart again and let love in.
Does a certain animal show up for you in different places and times? It doesn’t have to be the actual physical presence of the animal; it could be a picture or a wood carving of the animal. The animal might also come to you in meditation. Your intuition may know exactly what the appearance of this animal means. If not, I encourage you to look up the spiritual meaning of this animal and see what resonates. This guide from SpiritAnimal.info offers some really great insight to help you get started.
Money & Coins
Finding money on the ground can be a message from the Universe that abundance is on its way. Instead of dismissing the next penny you see on the sidewalk as meaningless, say a quiet thank you to the Universe for this sign.
Social Media Posts
Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Instagram when you read a post that feels like it was written just for you? Do you know those posts that resonate so deeply, you’re called to bookmark and re-read them over and over again? If the words cause all the cells in your body to light up, trust that power. Trust that those words are meant for you.
Your Own Intuition
I can’t emphasize this enough: don’t discount the power of your own intuition. Your intuition is that deep inner knowing pulling you in a certain direction, even if it doesn’t make logical sense. Trusting your intuition can be scary at first, but once you start leaning in, you’ll realize that the steps you’re taking aren’t random. The Universe is always working behind the scenes to take care of you, even when you don’t see it. And that deep inner knowing you feel is a message from the Universe telling you it’s time to take inspired action. Everything is set up for you perfectly; all you have to do is act. Will the path ahead look exactly as you had hoped? Maybe not. But if you trust it, you may just open yourself up to something even more beautiful and profound than you can even imagine.
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What To Do After You Receive A Message
Your next steps will depend on what message you received.
If you received a gentle nudge to follow a certain path, walk forward in faith. It’s okay if you’re scared. When I received my nudge to quit my well-paying, full-time job to be a writer, I had zero prospects and no idea how I was going to make money. None. I was terrified, and I didn’t make the leap right away. It took me months to convince myself that I wasn’t making a huge mistake. But that pull inside was too strong to ignore. And now? I can tell you with gratitude and awe that it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It wasn’t always easy, and it required A LOT of faith, but I couldn’t be more grateful for the courageous girl who made that first scary step into the life of her dreams.
Sometimes, your message won’t be to take action, though. Sometimes, it may be a message to have patience. Or it might be just a little reminder that you’re not alone. In these moments, simply expressing gratitude is enough. You might even imagine a blanket of inner peace washing over you. Let this message be a loving reminder that all is well and you’re going to be okay.
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How To Ask For Messages From The Universe
If you’ve been looking for a message from the Universe and not receiving anything, that’s okay. This is actually completely normal. As frustrating as it sounds, the old adage is true: that thing you’ve been looking for usually comes when you stop looking. In the spiritual world, that means to surrender, let go, and trust.
You can also ask the Universe for a sign in any moment when you’re feeling anxious, worried, or just need a loving reminder that you’re not alone. This may feel a little weird at first, but it gets more comfortable with time. You may think, “If I’m supposed to have faith, does asking for a sign show a lack of faith?” When you have these kinds of doubts and uncertainties (and these types of questions will often arise in your spiritual journey), I want you to come back to this truth:
The Universe is never judging you. The Universe is never criticizing you. The Universe is only ever loving you.
The Universe will never say, “This person asked me for a sign, so they must not trust me.” Never. Every single one of those feelings and doubts comes from within. This is why it’s so easy to self-sabotage when you’re on this spiritual path: because you experience negative thoughts about yourself and assume that’s what the Universe must think of you, too.
So I want you to come back to this time and time again: The Universe is only ever loving me. The Universe is only ever loving me. The Universe is only ever loving me.
You can absolutely ask the Universe for a sign, and in this article, I explain how.
Here are two major points to remember when asking the Universe for a sign:
- Sometimes, the sign will come pretty quickly. Other times, it may not. Have patience. If the Universe doesn’t respond right away, don’t assume you won’t get your message. I’m going to come back to that sometimes frustrating statement: it’ll come when you’re not looking.
- And if you don’t receive the answer you were hoping for? From my experience, every single time I didn’t get what I wanted, it’s because something even better was coming. Every. Single. Time.
What kind of messages from the Universe do you receive in your daily life? Share your experiences in the comment box below!
And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation inspiration, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.
More Articles For You
- How To Manifest Something: 10 Essential Manifestation Methods
- How To Release Limiting Beliefs (& Create New Beliefs)
- Manifestation Challenge: Free 30-Day Calendar
- What Is The Art Of Allowing? (A Complete Guide)
Pin this for later! How To Receive Messages From The Universe Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.
What is the Art of Allowing? (A Complete Guide)
In this post, discover the meaning of the Art of Allowing, plus get tips and journal prompts to help you surrender your worries and trust the Universe to guide you in the direction of your dreams and desires.
Pin this for later! What is the Art of Allowing? (A Complete Guide) What is the Art of Allowing?
The Art of Allowing is a key component in manifestation, which is the practice of visualizing your dreams and desires and vibrating at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true. By becoming the embodiment of all your deepest desires, you attract more of this positive energy to you. (For instance, when you allow yourself to feel truly loved and cherished right now, you attract even more love into your life.)
Generally, when you read or listen to someone speak about manifestation, it’s in a very active sense. The word “manifest” itself is an action word. It seems to require continually doing. You visualize your desires, set an intention, listen to your intuition, take inspired action, and continually cultivate more and more self-belief.
But this only tells half the story. Manifestation isn’t only about doing; it’s also about being.
Or, rather, allowing.
According to Abraham Hicks, the Art of Allowing is “the conscious, gentle guiding of your thoughts in the general direction of the things that you desire.”
To demonstrate this, imagine that you’re on a boat floating down a river. When you’re effortlessly floating downstream, you’re moving in the flow of all your dreams and desires. You might set aside your paddles, lay down, and let the Universe carry you, trusting that it’s taking you exactly where you want to go.
It seems simple enough, but often, we do the exact opposite: we pick up the oars and start furiously trying to paddle upstream, convinced we know the right path. Not only does this take us in the opposite direction of our desires, but it causes us to exert a lot more energy (and most of it isn’t positive).
The Art of Allowing is the practice of moving in flow with the Universe. It’s understanding that manifestation and the Law of Attraction isn’t 100% doing all the time. When you’re in alignment with the universal flow, you realize that your most important work of all is to feel good. You’re able to let go of control and surrender your path to the Universe. You focus on cultivating such a beautiful world within, your positive energy spreads outside of you.
This is the Art of Allowing: to let the positive energy of all your dreams and desires become the center of your world. You leave the when, what, where, and how to the Universe and focus solely on cultivating positive thoughts and positive emotions that support your entire well-being.
When you’re able to do this consistently each day, something kind of magical will begin to unfold in your outer world.
Want to learn how to practice the Art of Allowing? Keep reading to learn how to know if you’re moving with the flow of the Universe and how to cultivate a mindset of allowing.
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How to Know If You’re Allowing
Have you ever had a moment where you feel really good about the path you’re on but then inner worries start to kick in? Maybe you think it’s too good to be true. Or maybe you start to think that you’re not truly worthy of your dreams. Many of us unintentionally self-sabotage, believing that it’s just not possible for good things to happen to us.
Something has to go wrong, right?
I’ve experienced this many times in my own journey. I’ll experience success and feel really good about my success . . . and then soon after, my inner worries and insecurities start to kick in. Here are some common thoughts I’ve had when this happens:
- Am I really worthy of all these good things?
- Something bad has to happen, right?
- I shouldn’t be so confident. As soon as I’m too confident, the Universe will knock me back down again.
Have you ever had these types of thoughts? These negative thoughts are essentially our way of sabotaging ourselves from allowing more good things to flow in.
It’s not just our own internal fears and limiting beliefs that stop us from allowing, though. When we let external situations influence our internal worlds, we also block ourselves from receiving what we desire.
For instance, someone cuts you off in traffic. Or someone is rude to you at the grocery store. Maybe your boss was a jerk today or your partner’s bad mood has started to affect your own.
When you let these external situations stir up negative feelings such as anger and frustration within, you’re only causing yourself to suffer in the long run. Your power lies in your ability to experience a range of negative external situations but to not let them influence your own emotional state.
How to Practice the Art of Allowing
In theory, it seems like practicing the Art of Allowing should be really easy. It simply requires you to allow in the things you really want in your life. And to do that, the first step is to feel all of the things you already want to feel in your life: joyful, peaceful, free, abundant, loved.
All of it sounds simple enough.
But the truth is, this practice isn’t always easy. Especially not at first. There’s a good chance that you have decades of lived experience that directly counteracts the Art of Allowing.
So that’s why I want to start with this:
If you notice yourself having trouble releasing your worries and simply allowing, don’t criticize yourself. Don’t judge or condemn yourself.
One affirmation that I really like in these moments is, “I’m doing the best I can, and my best is enough.”
To help make the Art of Allowing a little easier, here are some practices you can utilize in your daily life:
Connect With Your Inner Self
The first step to practicing the Art of Allowing is to understand your own relationship with allowing in your daily life. Do you easily allow things in, or do you always have to be in control of every situation? Do you trust the Universe to support you? How much time do you spend doing versus time spent being?
Once you understand your own relationship with allowing, you’re better able to begin surrendering control. While you can internally reflect upon the questions I posed above, I always find journaling to be a profound practice when I need to connect with my deepest self. To start, find a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted. See if you can dedicate at least 15 to 20 minutes to this practice. As you journal, enact a “no self-criticism” rule. This means that even if uncomfortable truths arise, you don’t judge yourself for what you uncover.
Rather, acknowledge your truths with love and compassion. Remember that this journey of personal growth isn’t easy, and give yourself some credit for the courage it takes to go on this journey. If you’re not happy with the way you’ve reacted to situations in the past, you can recognize this while also asserting that you’re ready to start telling a new story now.
Below, you’ll find some journal prompts to help you uncover your own relationship with the Art of Allowing.
Journal Prompts for the Art of Allowing
- Do I trust my path or do I have a hard time releasing control? What makes this hard or easy for me?
- What does it mean to me to surrender to a higher power? Is this easy or hard for me?
- What are three ways I can practice surrendering in my daily life?
- What evidence do I see in my life that the Universe is always looking out for me? What are some visible and non-visible signs of the Universe’s love?
- How can I use this evidence to cultivate more trust and allowing?
- When it comes to my big goals and dreams, how much time do I spend doing? How much do I practice simply allowing?
- What does allowing mean to me?
- How does allowing feel to me?
- Describe a day as your highest, most authentic self walking through life simply allowing. What does this day look like?
Use Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are present-tense statements that are designed to uplift and encourage while boosting self-belief and supporting your overall well-being. Most positive affirmations support the practice of allowing, as they help to align you with the feel-good state of your dreams and desires. Depending on the situation, you can use specific affirmations that will help you in the moment. For instance, if you’re experiencing anxiety, you can repeat some gentle affirmations for anxiety.
To learn more about how to use positive affirmations to get the most out of them, I encourage you to read my blog post, How to Use Affirmations (So They Actually Work).
Below, I’ve linked to a few blog posts that will help to lift your vibrations and align you with the feelings of faith, joy, and inner peace:
- 40 Positive Affirmations for Faith, Hope, and Trust
- 45 Positive Affirmations for Happiness and True Joy
- 40 Gratitude Affirmations to Love This Moment Right Now
- 35 Beautiful Affirmations for Peace and Serenity
- 35 Calming Affirmations to Release Your Worries
Whenever you feel misaligned, meditation is a powerful practice for gently guiding you back home to yourself. It allows you to let go, surrender control, and open yourself up to receive whatever is for your highest good. Meditation is truly the ultimate practice for being and allowing.
Consider this quote from Abraham Hicks:
- “By deliberately focusing upon good-feeling thoughts, you allow your physical cells to return to their natural balance. Breathing deeply is the key, softly hearing our words and allowing gentle alignment with the Energy of your Source.”
And this one:
- “There is no better way of stopping the momentum of something unwanted, and to allow the momentum of something wanted, than to meditate – other than getting a full night’s sleep.”
If you’re new to meditating, Mindful has a great meditation guide for beginners. I also encourage you to check out the InsightTimer app, which is my personal go-to app for meditation.
Align With Your Highest Self
Your highest self is your essential self; it’s the eternal part of you that’s untouched by human experiences. This is the truest, most authentic part of you.
When you think about the Art of Allowing, consider how your highest self would respond to various situations. How does your highest self approach your goals and dreams? Does your highest self trust your path? How does your highest self respond in the face of not knowing what’s going to happen next?
It takes practice, but intentionally choosing to align with your highest self is one of the most powerful practices you can do to allow your deepest desires to manifest in your life. (And if you stray from your highest self? That’s okay. Don’t criticize or judge yourself. Respond with love and compassion, and remember that in every moment, you have the opportunity to realign with the true you.)
Below are some questions to consider when thinking about your highest self. You can answer these questions internally or reflect upon them in your journal.
- Who is my highest self? How do I align with my highest self in my daily life?
- Is my highest self able to trust, allow, and just be?
- How does my highest self approach each day? How does my highest self react to negative energy? How does my highest self walk through life?
- Do I regularly consult with my highest self when responding to situations and making decisions? If not, how can I begin to include my highest self in my life’s journey?
- When I’m aligned with my highest self, how do I feel?
Abraham Hicks Quotes on the Art of Allowing
- “The Art of Allowing, is wanting so much to feel good, that whether you are perusing the past or the present, or the future, you’re deliberately looking for the best-feeling thought that you can find.”
- “The Art of Allowing says, ‘I’ve created it. It’s coming to me. It wants me. I want it. I will find a path to allow it. And the path of allowing what I want is the path of happiness, and joy, and feeling good.'”
- “No matter what it is, if you really want it, and if you get out of the way of it, it will happen. It must be. It is Law. It can be no other way. It’s the way this Universe is established. If you want it and you relax, it will happen.”
- “The Art of Allowing is caring so much about how I feel that I am unwilling to go to those uncomfortable places like: defending, justifying, rationalizing or trying to figure out why.”
One Final Note
One last aspect about the Art of Allowing that’s important to mention is that this practice also means allowing others to live their lives without trying to control them. You may think you know the best path for them, but you can’t force anything on another person. They must discover their own path, which may be drastically different from what you want for them.
You can be a beacon of love and compassion. You can be a guiding light when they ask for advice. You can be a positive example of what it means to walk your own path in love and faith.
But you can’t push them in a certain direction.
The Art of Allowing means giving others the freedom to follow their own inner knowing, learn from their own experiences, and grow at their own pace.
And truly, when you’re aligned with the flow of the Universe, you won’t want this anyway. Once you fully allow, there is no need to control. You’ll be able to let go and trust that the Universe is taking care of the highest good for yourself and others.
For uplifting affirmations and inspiring messages, be sure to connect with me on Instagram, where I post daily affirmation stories every morning. And don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, where I’m pinning positive affirmations and empowering quotes every single day.
And if you’re looking for more manifestation resources, be sure to check out the Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables and The Ultimate Manifestation Workbook, available now in my online shop.
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Pin this for later! What is the Art of Allowing? (A Complete Guide) Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.