• Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner's Guide
    Chakras,  Spirituality

    Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner’s Guide

    In this post, learn the basics of the seven main chakras, including chakra colors, signs of chakra balance and imbalance, and more! Plus download your free printable chakra chart and five positive affirmations for each chakra.

    Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner's Guide
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    What is a Chakra?

    When you’re first learning about chakras, it can be a little confusing to understand what exactly they are, especially without a proper explanation before diving right in. Some guided meditations may jump straight to describing these glowing orbs of colored light within you, which can often be more than a little disconcerting at first.

    So let’s simplify and break down what exactly a chakra is and why it’s important.

    Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk.” A commonly accepted definition for the word chakra is a wheel of energy in your body. You might also think of it like a vortex of energy within you.

    What makes it confusing is that this vortex isn’t actually a physical thing like your bones or organs. You can’t see your chakras in an x-ray. Rather, you experience them through feelings, sensations, and your own intuition.

    So what exactly does a chakra do? Ideally, your life force, or prana, is flowing to and through your chakras at all times (through energy channels called nadis), which allows you to live in alignment with your highest self.

    Energy is meant to flow, and when your chakras are open, your life force energy can flow freely in and out of each of your energy centers. (You might hear the words chakras and energy centers used interchangeably.)

    But what happens when a chakra becomes blocked? When one of your chakras becomes blocked, your life force energy stagnates. This results in mental, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual blockages.

    For instance, grief and betrayal are both two experiences that may result in blockages in the heart chakra. As a result, you may experience feelings of loneliness, depression, distrust, and anger.

    In this post, we’re going to focus on the seven main chakras, but there are actually 114 chakras throughout your body, and some people believe there to be more. It’s important to keep in mind that while each chakra has its own role and individual attributes, they act as one whole system. When one chakra is blocked or overactive, this affects the energy throughout your entire chakra system.

    Below, I’ll explain a little more about the chakra colors and offer a rundown on the attributes and meanings of each of your seven main chakras.

    And if you’re interested in exploring more about chakras and want to begin your own powerful journey of chakra healing, you can check out my Chakra Healing Bundle, which contains a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. These healing resources are designed to help you begin a profound journey into aligning with your highest self, healing your soul, and cultivating unconditional self-love.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    History of Chakra Colors

    You may be familiar with the idea that chakras each have a corresponding color connected to it. Here’s the list:

    • Root Chakra: Red
    • Sacral Chakra: Orange
    • Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow
    • Heart Chakra: Green
    • Throat Chakra: Light Blue
    • Third Eye Chakra: Indigo (Also associated with blue and purple.)
    • Crown Chakra: Purple (Also associated with white and gold.)

    While these are the commonly accepted colors for the chakras, this is actually a fairly recent development in the history of chakras. In fact, most ancient traditions never associated chakras with specific colors. Instead, they were more likely to associate a chakra with a specific mantra or shape.

    So where did the idea of the chakra colors come from? In 1970, author Christopher Hills first wrote about the chakra colors in his book, Nuclear Evolution: Discovery of the Rainbow Body. Since this original publishing, the chakra colors I listed above have become widely accepted throughout the western world.

    So what does this mean? Someone just made the chakra colors up? Does that mean the chakra colors a lie?

    Here’s my answer: No, but it’s up to you to determine whether the chakra colors resonate with you.

    I know people who personally resonate with the chakra colors and who have used color therapy as a form of healing their chakras. Color therapy is the practice of surrounding yourself with the color of the chakra you want to open, activate, and/or heal. For instance, if you want to connect with your heart chakra, you might wear a green shirt, write in green pen, eat green vegetables, drink a green smoothie, and place green items around your work station.

    Additionally, many energy healers sense and can often see certain colors within and surrounding other people; these colors often correlate directly with the designated chakra colors.

    But if you personally don’t resonate with the chakra colors? That’s okay. Maybe you’ve tried some chakra meditations that instruct you to connect with each chakra by perceiving it as a brightly colored orb in its designated color, but you don’t feel like this does anything for you.

    Like I said, that’s completely okay. You might choose instead to view it as a swirling vortex, a colorless ball of energy, or a bright white or golden light.

    You can also choose to focus less on the color and more on a different aspect of the chakra, such as its associated mantra. I’ve listed the mantras for each chakra in the next section.

    Whether or not you associate with the chakra colors, know that there’s no right or wrong path as long as you’re willing to do the deep inner work to connect with and heal your chakras.

    Download your free printable chakra chart and affirmations.

    The 7 Main Chakras & Their Meanings

    Root Chakra

    • Sanskrit Name: Muladhara (Mula: “root”; Adhara: “support” or “base”)
    • Location: Base of spine
    • Color: Red
    • Body Parts: Legs, Colon, Kidneys, Prostate, Bladder, Tailbone
    • Symbol: Four-petaled lotus with a square in the middle
    • Element: Earth
    • Mantra: LAM
    • Affirmation: I am
    • Balanced Attributes: Secure, Grounded, Strong, Centered, Stable, Steady, Safe, Peaceful, Supported, All Basic Needs Are Met
    • Imbalanced Attributes: Insecure, Anxious, Depressed, Scattered, Disconnected, Restless, Fearful, Cynical, Neglected, Worried
    • Fundamental Need: Survival

    Sacral Chakra

    • Sanskrit Name: Svadhishthana (Sva = “self”; shthana = “place”)
    • Location: Lower abdomen (below your navel)
    • Color: Orange
    • Body Parts: Womb, Bladder, Lower Back, Reproductive Organs
    • Symbol: Six-petaled lotus with a moon crescent in the center
    • Element: Water
    • Mantra: VAM
    • Affirmation: I feel
    • Balanced Attributes: Creative, Joyful, Playful, Prosperous, Stable, Sexual, Sensual, Passionate, Open, Energetic, Honest, Forgiving
    • Imbalanced Attributes: Lack of Creativity, Unstable, Insecure, Anxious, Scattered, Lazy, Fearful, Disconnected, Depressed, Unmotivated, Negative, Lack of Sensuality
    • Fundamental Need: Emotional flow, desire, sexuality

    Solar Plexus Chakra

    • Sanskrit Name: Manipura (“City of Jewels”; sometimes translated as “Lustrous Gem”)
    • Location: A couple inches above the navel/Below the chest
    • Color: Yellow
    • Body Parts: Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder
    • Symbol: Ten-petaled lotus with downward facing triangle in the center
    • Element: Fire
    • Mantra: RAM
    • Affirmation: I do
    • Balanced Attributes: Confident, Positive, Joyful, Empowered, Driven, Motivated, Collaborative, High Self-Esteem
    • Imbalanced Attributes: Lack of Confidence, Negative, Fearful, Low Energy, Indifferent, Unmotivated, Competitive, Low Self-Esteem
    • Fundamental Need: Self-worth

    Heart Chakra

    • Sanskrit Name: Anahata (“Unstruck”)
    • Location: Heart/Center of chest
    • Color: Green
    • Body Parts: Heart, Lungs, Shoulders, Arms, Ribs, Breasts, Diaphragm
    • Symbol: Twelve-petaled lotus with two intersecting triangles in the center
    • Element: Air
    • Mantra: YAM
    • Affirmation: I love
    • Balanced Attributes: Loving, Loveable, Peaceful, Compassionate, Empathetic, Trustful, Open-Hearted, Serene, Understanding, Kind
    • Imbalanced Attributes: Unloved, Unlovable, Lonely, Depressed, Indifferent, Judgmental, Distrustful, Self-Isolates, Spiteful, Selfish
    • Fundamental Need: Love

    Throat Chakra

    • Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha (“Especially pure” or “Purest”)
    • Location: Throat/Center of Neck
    • Color: Light Blue
    • Body Parts: Throat, Thyroid, Teeth, Mouth, Jaw, Neck
    • Symbol: Sixteen-petaled lotus with a downward facing triangle inside a circle
    • Element: Ether (Sky/Space)
    • Mantra: HAM
    • Affirmation: I speak
    • Balanced Attributes: Communicative, Calm, Honest, Peaceful, Decisive, Expressive, Patient, Authentic, Centered, Good Listener
    • Imbalanced Attributes: Excessively Shy, Withdrawn, Dishonest, Loud, Indecisive, Inexpressive, Impatient, Disingenous, Moody, Insincere
    • Fundamental Need: Expression

    Third Eye Chakra

    • Sanskrit Name: Ajna (“Beyond wisdom.” Can also be translated as “Perceive” or “Command.”)
    • Location: Center of Forehead/Between Eyebrows
    • Color: Indigo (Also associated with purple.)
    • Body Parts: Brain, Eyes, Nervous System, Forehead
    • Symbol: Two-petaled lotus with inverted triangle in the center
    • Element: Light
    • Mantra: OM or SHAM
    • Affirmation: I see
    • Balanced Attributes: Intuitive, Imaginative, Insightful, Perceptive, Open-Minded, Sense of Clarity, Mentally Strong, Trusting
    • Imbalanced Attributes: Lack of Intuition, Confused, Unimaginative, Fearful, Unable to Focus, Close-Minded, Scattered, Distrusting
    • Fundamental Need: Insight and intuition

    Crown Chakra

    • Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara (“Thousand-petaled”)
    • Location: Top of Head
    • Color: Violet (White is often associated with this chakra as well.)
    • Body Parts: Skull, Cerebral Cortex, Right Eye
    • Symbol: Thousand-petaled lotus with a divine circle in the center
    • Element: Thought/Consciousness
    • Mantra: OM (or silence)
    • Affirmation: I understand
    • Balanced Attributes: Spiritual, Enlightened, Trusting, Peaceful, Creative, Focused, Blissful, Present, Connected to Higher Power
    • Imbalanced Attributes: Cynical, Close-Minded, Lack of Faith, Frustrated with Life, Forgetful, Unfocused, Lonely, Scattered, Disconnected
    • Fundamental Need: Connection to the divine

    Want to learn more about chakras? Check out all my articles on chakras here. And if you want to connect to each of your energy centers and experiences profound chakra healing, be sure to purchase your Chakra Healing Bundle today.

    And for more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest! And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Enter your name and email address below for your free chakra printables! (Note that it may take an hour or two for the email to come through.) Plus, receive a monthly newsletter with resources, affirmations, and new blog post updates straight to your inbox. (Don’t worry, I hate spam, too! I only send one or two emails a month, never share your personal info, and you can unsubscribe anytime.)

    Chakra Colors and Meanings: A Beginner's Guide
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  • healing chakra foods

    Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)

    In this post, discover healing foods for each of your body’s chakras, plus save and print a handy chakra foods chart to keep with you so you can connect with each of your body’s main energy centers daily.

    Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
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    Chakra Healing

    When you think of the effects that food has on your body, it’s likely that you immediately think of the physical impacts; through conscious food choices, you can incorporate food into your diet that might help you lose or gain weight and/or muscle.

    But your food choices don’t just affect your physical self; they have a profound impact on your mental, emotional, and spiritual self as well. In fact, your mind, body, and spirit are all affected every single day by your food intake in ways that you may not even see.

    That’s why intentionally choosing food that works with your internal energy is so important: because the effects extend beyond your physical self and digestive system and have an impact on your entire well-being.

    Below, you’ll find a list of healing foods for each of your body’s energy centers along with a handy chart you can print or save to your phone.

    If you want to connect with a particular chakra, incorporate foods into your snacks and meals that correspond with that chakra. Be intentional with this practice. For instance, if you’re connecting with your root chakra and decide to add sweet potatoes to one of your meals, set the intention to connect with your root chakra before you start eating. As you eat, remain mindful of the energy in and around your root chakra. You might also internally recite some root chakra affirmations as you’re eating. (You can find links to affirmations for each of your body’s energy centers in the sections below.)

    For an overview on all the chakras, you can check out my post on the chakra colors and meanings here. You can also find the entire catalog of chakra articles on this site on this page.

    And if you want to learn more about opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy centers, be sure to check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle. The bundle comes with a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. (All items can be purchased individually as well!)

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Chakra Healing Foods

    healing chakra foods chart
    Save and print this chakra healing foods chart by clicking on the image above.

    Root Chakra Healing Foods

    healing root chakra foods
    Healing Root Chakra Foods
    • Root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and carrots
    • Red fruits such as apples, strawberries, and cherries
    • Protein-rich foods such as beans and nut butters

    Want to learn more about root chakra healing? Discover 14 practices to heal your root chakra here. For even more root chakra healing, get root chakra affirmations here and root chakra journal prompts here.

    Sacral Chakra Healing Foods

    healing sacral chakra foods
    Healing Sacral Chakra Foods
    • Spices such as cinnamon
    • Orange produce such as mangoes, oranges, and carrots
    • Honey

    Looking to heal your sacral chakra? Get 14 powerful practices for healing the sacral chakra here. Plus get sacral chakra affirmations here and journal prompts here!

    Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Foods

    healing solar plexus chakra foods
    Healing Solar Plexus Chakra Foods
    • Complex carbs such as oatmeal and quinoa
    • Yellow produce such as bananas, pineapple, and squash
    • Ginger, turmeric, cumin, fennel

    Want more solar plexus chakra healing practices? Check out these solar plexus chakra affirmations and journal prompts.

    Heart Chakra Healing Foods

    healing heart chakra foods
    Healing Heart Chakra Foods
    • Heart-healthy leafy green vegetables
    • Green tea
    • Basil, thyme, cilantro

    If you want more heart chakra healing practices, check out these heart chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

    Throat Chakra Healing Foods

    healing throat chakra foods
    Healing Throat Chakra Foods
    • Herbal teas with honey and/or lemon
    • Fruit smoothies
    • Cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew

    For deeper throat chakra healing, check out these throat chakra affirmations and journal prompts.

    Third Eye Chakra Healing Foods

    healing third eye chakra foods
    Healing Third Eye Chakra Foods
    • Dark blue/purple fruits such as blueberries/blackberries
    • Brain-boosting antioxidants such as dark chocolate.
    • Grape juice

    To open, activate, and connect with your third eye chakra, check out these 40 third eye chakra affirmations and 30 journal prompts.

    Crown Chakra Healing Foods

    healing crown chakra foods
    Healing Crown Chakra Foods
    • Purified water
    • Detox and fasting (if safe for you – please follow guidance of medical professionals)

    (Why aren’t there more food choices for your crown chakra? Because food is a material thing of this earth, while the crown chakra is connected with your highest, divine self. To connect with your crown chakra, focus less on what foods to eat and more on your divine self: the truest part of you that’s untouched by human experiences.)

    Do you want to create a deeper connection to your crown chakra? Get started with these crown chakra affirmations and journal prompts.

    Have you ever used food for chakra healing? What are some of your favorite chakra healing practices? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    For more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest! And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.

    Chakra Healing Foods: A Complete Guide (w/ Chart)
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  • essential oils for chakras

    A Guide To Essential Oils For Chakras

    Aromatherapy is a powerful practice for balancing and healing your life force energy. Below, learn how to use essential oils for chakras, and discover which essential oils can help open, activate, and balance your body’s energy centers.

    A Guide to Essential Oils for Chakras
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    When it comes to chakra healing, aromatherapy doesn’t get nearly as much hype as sound healing, color therapy, and other popular chakra healing practices. However, you shouldn’t underestimate this powerful practice. If used correctly, aromatherapy can be a profound resource for revitalizing your energy, soothing the spirit, and bringing harmony and tranquility to your body’s energy centers.

    And even better–you may be able to start today with items you already have at home.

    So what exactly is aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the practice of using natural plant extracts for therapeutic healing. It’s a holistic healing treatment that promotes the total well-being of your mind, body, and spirit.

    When we think of aromatherapy, we most often think of essential oils, especially as they’ve become more and more popular over the past decade. Essential oils are natural products extracted from the flower, bark, leaves, or fruit of a plant.

    So how do you begin? The key to unlocking the power of aromatherapy–and any chakra healing practice–is intention.

    Whenever you focus on healing your body’s energy centers, it’s important to have a clear and specific intention. For me, this means that before I begin, I’ll take a deep breath and state my intention either internally or aloud.

    Here are a couple examples of intentions:

    • I am opening and healing my heart chakra.
    • I am activating my third eye chakra.
    • I am promoting the free flow of energy within my body.
    • I am showing love and compassion to my mind, body, and spirit.

    Know that there is no wrong intention as long as it feels true to you. Keep your chosen intention in mind as you begin your practice, and hold onto it as you continue through your day.

    If you want to learn more about opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy centers, be sure to check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle. The bundle comes with a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. (All items can be purchased individually as well!)

    Below, you’ll find essential oils for each of the chakras. I also provide you with some different methods you can try out for using aromatherapy to open, activate, and heal your body’s energy centers.

    When using essential oils, please read labels and packaging instructions. Dilute as instructed. Practice safe storage. And choose brands that are free of synthetic chemicals. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare professional.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    How to Use Essential Oils for Chakras

    In a Diffuser

    Choose a location for your diffuser where it’ll be near you throughout the day. Use an essential oil or a blend of oils associated with the chakra you want to heal. What I love most about using a diffuser for chakra healing is that I can combine this with other chakra healing practices. For instance, I can journal, meditate, do a creative activity, or work with crystals while my diffuser is going.

    Using an essential oil diffuser can be an especially powerful practice for the sacral chakra, which is associated with the element water, and the heart chakra, which is associated with the element air. However, all chakras can benefit from this practice, and using an essential oil diffuser can be a powerful way to bring peace and serenity to your energy within.

    Personal Fragrance

    If you’re out and about during the day, you may choose to use your essential oil as a personal fragrance in order to experience the healing aroma throughout the day.

    First, choose an essential oil associated with the chakra you want to work with. Make sure that the essential oil you choose is safe to apply to the skin. (Some essential oils, such as “hot” oils, should not be applied to skin. Different people may have different reactions to essential oils depending on skin sensitivity and allergies. Always follow usage directions, and consult your healthcare professional if you have any questions.)

    Once you’ve chosen an oil, you can apply it to your forehead, temples, neck, or chest. One option I love for this is using essential oil roll-on bottles, especially since most come pre-diluted (often with coconut oil) for safety. I’ve linked to some of my favorites at the bottom of this post!

    Add a Drop to Chakra’s Associated Physical Location

    If you want to heal your throat chakra, you might apply an essential oil to the throat and chest area. To open your third eye chakra, you can apply to your temple and forehead. And as your root chakra represents your foundation and connection to the earth, you could apply an essential oil for the root chakra to the soles of your feet. Just note that the same safety guidelines I wrote above apply here as well!

    Add a Drop to Your Water

    I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record here, but again, please follow all usage and safety instructions, and check to make sure your chosen essential oil is safe for internal use. When following proper safety precautions, ingesting a drop of your chosen essential oil (diluted in water or tea) can be a powerful way to transport the healing energy of the oil throughout the body.

    To learn more about how to activate, balance, and heal your chakras, be sure to check out the links below!

    Essential Oils for Chakras

    A list of essential oils for chakras

    Root Chakra

    • Cedarwood
    • Rosemary
    • Sandalwood
    • Basil
    • Patchouli
    • Black Pepper
    • Geranium

    Sacral Chakra

    • Orange
    • Tangerine
    • Cinnamon
    • Bergamot
    • Neroli
    • Cypress
    • Cardamom

    Solar Plexus Chakra

    • Lemon
    • Lemongrass
    • Coriander
    • Juniper
    • Lime
    • Rosemary
    • Pine

    Heart Chakra

    • Lavender
    • Rose
    • Jasmine
    • Geranium
    • Goldenrod
    • Cypress
    • Rosewood
    • Pine

    Throat Chakra

    • Basil
    • Cypress
    • Peppermint
    • Chamomile
    • Coriander
    • Juniper
    • Eucalyptus
    • Lavender

    Third Eye Chakra

    • Frankincense
    • Basil
    • Juniper
    • Rosemary
    • Lemon
    • Pine
    • Cedarwood
    • Sandalwood

    Crown Chakra

    • Frankincense
    • Sandalwood
    • Saffron
    • Jasmine
    • Cedarwood
    • Lavender
    • Lime

    Have you used essential oils for chakra healing? What are some of your favorite chakra healing practices? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

    A Guide to Essential Oils for Chakras
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  • alternate nostril breathing
    Meditation,  Mindfulness,  Spirituality

    Alternate Nostril Breathing Benefits & How-To Guide

    In this article, discover the health benefits of alternate nostril breathing, a breath control practice in which you alternate inhaling and exhaling out of each nostril. You’ll also learn about the spiritual benefits of this practice and get a step-by-step guide on how to start today.

    Alternate Nostril Breathing Benefits & How-To Guide
    Pin this for later! Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana Pranayama): Benefits & How-To Guide

    What is Alternate Nostril Breathing?

    Alternate nostril breathing, also known as Nadi Shodhana or Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (translated to “subtle energy clearing breathing technique”), is a breath control practice commonly used in meditation and yoga. It’s often used as a way to clear blocked energy within your body as well as to cultivate a sense of calm and stillness within.

    The practice of alternate nostril breathing is exactly as it sounds; it’s a breathing technique in which you alternate breathing in and out of each of your nostrils by closing off one of your nostrils with your fingers.

    A typical practice might look something like this: close your right nostril and inhale through your left nostril. At the top of your inhale, switch and close your left nostril, exhaling out of your right nostril. Inhale through your right nostril, then close it and exhale out of your left nostril. Inhale through your left nostril, then close it and exhale out of your right nostril. Continue this pattern for the remainder of your practice.

    Below, I’ll discuss this practice in greater detail. First, though, let’s look at the health benefits of alternate nostril breathing as well as the spiritual benefits of utilizing this powerful practice.

    Health Benefits

    So why practice alternate nostril breathing? Personally, I practice it as a way to calm my mind and ground myself to the present moment. When I sit down to meditate, I find it helpful to take a minute or two to practice alternate nostril breathing before I begin. This helps me to release distractions, clear my mind, and get centered as I start my meditation.

    I also use alternate nostril breathing as a way to clear any blockages in my body’s energy channels, which I’ll discuss in more detail in the Spiritual Benefits section below.

    Here are some of the commonly cited health benefits of alternate nostril breathing:

    • Calms the mind
    • Reduces anxiety
    • Reduces stress
    • Relaxes the body
    • Improves cardiovascular function
    • Improves lung function
    • Promotes overall well-being

    While the positive benefits of alternate nostril breathing have been promoted by yogis and meditation practitioners for years, there’s now some scientific evidence to back up these claims.

    In this 2013 study, researchers found that those who practiced alternate nostril breathing showed a reduction in perceived stress levels and well as lower heart rates, respiratory rates, and blood pressure.

    And in this 2017 study, researchers found that the practice of alternate nostril breathing (as well as other yogic breathing techniques) had a positive effect on respiratory endurance and the lung functions of competitive swimmers.

    This 2018 review also shows how various yogic breathing techniques, including alternate nostril breathing, can be beneficial to one’s overall health and well-being.

    If you have any questions about whether alternate nostril breathing could be helpful for you, please talk to your healthcare practitioner.

    outline of person with lines pointing to pingala nadi , ida nadi, sushumna nadi, root chakra, crown chakra, right nostril, and left nostril

    Spiritual Benefits

    The spiritual benefits of alternate nostril-breathing can be linked to your chakra system, and more specifically, your nadis.

    What are nadis? Nadis are the energy channels through which your life force flows; the word nadi is a Sanskrit word meaning “tube”, “channel”, or “flow.”

    Many estimate that you have between 21,000 to 72,000 nadis in your body, though some believe there could be hundreds of thousands or even millions of nadis within each of us. Two of the most important nadis that you should know about are your Ida Nadi and your Pingala Nadi.

    Your Ida Nadi is associated with your feminine energy and starts at the base of your spine (at your root chakra). It then runs through your core to your left nostril. It’s associated with right-brain dominance and what you might describe as your softer, darker energy.

    Your Pingala Nadi is associated your masculine energy. It starts at the base of your spine (also at your root chakra) and runs through your core to your right nostril. (The Ida Nadi and the Pingala Nadi flow upwards criss-crossing each other at your chakra points.) It’s associated with left-brain dominance and what you might describe as stronger, lighter energy.

    When your nadis become blocked, you may experience energy imbalances that can have negative effects on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self. One way to clear energy imbalances is through alternate nostril breathing.

    As you can see from the image above, your Ida Nadi runs through to your left nostril, and your Pingala Nadi runs through your right nostril. Alternate nostril breathing is a direct connection to these energy channels.

    To know if either of these nadis might be blocked, you can do a quick test now. Gently press any of the fingers on your right hand against the right side of your nose, closing the right nostril. Place the fingers of your left hand below your left nostril. Exhale through your nose, noticing whether you can feel the warm air of your exhale against your left fingers. Then try this with your right nostril.

    If you feel little or no air out of your left nostril, your Ida Nadi may be experiencing blockages. This represents your feminine energy, which is tied to surrendering, allowing, and just being.

    If you feel little or no air out of your right nostril, your Pingala Nadi may be experiencing blockages. This represents your masculine energy, which is tied to hustling, achieving, and doing.

    Neither side is more or less important than the other; when you find a balance between the two, you’re able to live your truest, most authentic life.

    If you’re experiencing blockages to either of these energy channels, alternate nostril breathing can be a powerful tool to help clear these blockages.

    However, I definitely encourage you not to stop there. It’s important to listen to your inner rhythm. For instance, if you’ve been in hustle mode for too long, your inner being may tell you it’s time to step back for a while and allow yourself to just be.

    how to practice alternate nostril breathing
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    How to Practice Alternate Nostril Breathing

    So are you ready to try alternate nostril breathing? Below, you’ll find step-by-step instructions to begin this powerful practice.

    Please note that while my instructions have you starting out in a certain position, you don’t necessarily have to be in a meditation position to do this throughout the day. For instance, if you’re at work and want to practice alternate nostril breathing at your desk, that’s totally fine!

    1. You can start in your preferred meditation position, sitting cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet planted on the ground. (Just not laying down.) Keep your spine straight and your head lifted.
    2. Lift your right hand. With this practice, you’re going to use three fingers: pinky, ring, and thumb. You can take your index and middle finger and fold them against your palm, so only the pinky, ring finger, and thumb are sticking up.
    3. You may want to take a few deep breaths first and spend a minute or two grounding yourself to this present moment. Take as much time as you need.
    4. With the right thumb of the right hand, close your right nostril. Inhale deeply through your left nostril.
    5. At the top of your inhale, pause. Lift your thumb from your right nostril and close your left nostril using your pinky and ring finger. Exhale fully through your right nostril.
    6. Then inhale through your right nostril, exhale through your left nostril.
    7. Inhale through your left nostril, exhale through your right nostril.
    8. Continue this pattern for several minutes, pausing at the top of each inhale and exhale. You can continue this practice for as long as you’d like.

    As you continue to practice, try to follow your breath all the way from the base of your spine to your nostrils. Both your Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi begin at the base of your spine and go through your left and right nostrils, respectively. Following the breath from the base of your spine through your nostrils allows you to connect with these energy channels, helping you to clear any blockages in either or both nadis.

    Have you tried alternate nostril breathing? What benefits have you found through using breath control practices? Leave your comments and questions in the comment box below!

    And for uplifting affirmations, chakra resources, meditation tools, self-love encouragement, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

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  • Banner image with title: 11 Powerful Crystals for Manifestation
    Crystals,  Manifestation,  Spirituality

    11 Powerful Crystals for Manifestation

    From manifesting love and peace to financial prosperity, crystals and gemstones are powerful tools to guide you in manifesting the life of your deepest, most heartfelt dreams. Below, discover 11 beautiful crystals for manifestation, plus learn how to cleanse, program, and use your crystals to manifest your dreams.

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    Why You Should Be Using Crystals

    You are already a powerful manifestor, whether or not you’re consciously aware of it.

    Throughout your life, you’ve been emitting energy out into the world that reflects your inner state.

    You might call this your energetic signature, and this can change from day to day – and even from moment to moment.

    When you feel peaceful and calm, you radiate an overall aura of deep serenity. This energy doesn’t just flow through you; it surrounds your entire being.

    If this is hard to imagine, think about the energy you feel when you’re around specific people. Do you love to be in the company of certain friends, family, or coworkers because of the positive energy you feel when you’re around them?

    And on the other side, are there certain people you avoid because they carry a constant energy of negativity?

    You, too, carry a specific energy signature throughout your day. Manifestation is the art of tuning your own energy to your desired state of being. When you emit an energy of deep inner peace from within, you invite more experiences of peace and serenity in your outside world.

    So while you’ve been manifesting your entire life, conscious manifestation occurs when you become aware of your limitless ability to create your own outcomes, and you intentionally choose your thoughts and feelings to align with the energy of your desires.

    (I won’t go too in depth on the process of manifestation in this article, but if you want to learn more, you can click here to learn more about the Law of Attraction, and here you can read about specific manifestation methods you can use to help you manifest what you truly desire.)

    So how exactly do crystals help you manifest your dreams and desires?

    When you use crystals for manifestation, your chosen stones aren’t simply attracting love, financial abundance, health, and other desired outcomes to you; they’re helping you to cultivate a deep sense of self so that you discover that these things already exist within you.

    You are love. Love is your birthright. So is financial abundance, health, joy, creativity, passion, and all kinds of really good and wonderful things.

    Crystals help you to become the energy of what it is that you want to manifest.

    They restore harmony and balance within you and empower you to live as your highest and most authentic self.

    And when you become the energy you want to manifest, you attract more of this energy to you.

    Become unconditional love. Receive unconditional love.

    Become abundance. Receive abundance.

    By becoming, you’re opening yourself up to receiving.

    And while it’s absolutely possible to walk into a store and feel called toward a certain crystal (always trust the wisdom of your intuition), it helps to have an understanding of the properties and powers that different crystals possess when you’re choosing the right crystal for you.

    Below, you’ll discover 11 powerful crystals that will help you manifest your desires, plus some easy-to-follow practices on how to cleanse, program, and use crystals for manifestation. Feel free to use the links below to skip to the section you want to learn more about!

    In This Article

    For more details on how to use crystals to protect your energy, manifest your dreams, and help you heal from within, check out my article, How to Use Crystals: Grids, Pendulums & More.

    manifestation printables learn more

    How to Cleanse Your Crystals

    Why do we cleanse crystals before using them? Imagine that you’re moving into a “new” old house. Even though the house is new to you, you know that the house has been lived in by several families before you. These families made their own memories in the house, and over the years, they’ve left behind bits and pieces of their energy inside that house.

    Just like you want to clear the energy of the past residents so you can start anew in this house, you want to clear any old energy and past intentions still being held in your crystals.

    Even if you’re the first person to ever own this crystal, it’s likely traveled a long way from its source to the seller to you. Because you don’t know what kind of energy is currently held in your new crystal(s), it’s a best practice to cleanse your crystals before using them.

    Methods to Cleanse Crystals:

    • Sage: Light your sage and immerse the crystal in the smoke for thirty to sixty seconds. Be sure to use a firesafe bowl or abalone shell to catch burning embers and ash. It’s best to do this outside or near an open window for two reasons: A) Safety and B) It allows any negative and old energies to rise in the air and disappear from your space.
    • Water: Rinse your stone under the running water of a creek or stream. If this isn’t possible, you can also use a faucet. Just make sure to do a little research first to make sure it’s safe for your stone. You don’t want to use this method for soft stones like Selenite.
    • Use Selenite or Clear Quartz: Both of these crystals have the ability to cleanse and purify other crystals. Lay your crystal on a piece of Selenite or Clear Quartz for at least twenty-four hours. If you can’t place your crystal on top, it also works to have them side-by-side as long as they’re touching.
    • Nature: When I need to reset and get realigned, I can always restore balance within when I immerse myself in nature. Crystals are the same. Place your crystals outside on the soil, on the branches of a tree, on a potted plant, or anywhere else outdoors where you feel a sense of peace and balance. If possible, try to keep your crystals outside for at least a full day, avoiding dew and prolonged exposure to sunlight.
    • Sun/Moon: Place your crystals outside in the sun or moon for ten to twelve hours (or overnight). This is especially powerful during the Full Moon when the moonlight is brightest. If you’re going to use this method, just make sure it’s safe for your stone. For certain stones, like Amethyst, you want to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.

    How to Program Crystals for Manifestation

    The number one most important thing to remember when it comes to programming your crystals for manifestation isn’t the method itself; it’s your intention. There are several ways to program your crystals, and none are inherently better than the others. What matters is your intention during the process.

    It helps to have a powerful sentence or phrase to use when you’re getting ready to program your crystals. For instance, if you want to manifest health, your sentence might be, “I am living my healthiest and most fit life in a body I truly love.” Or if you’re manifesting financial abundance, your intention might be, “I am a successful entrepreneur, and financial prosperity comes easily and effortlessly to me.

    The key is, before you sit down to program your crystals, make sure you really know what it is that you want to manifest.

    Methods to Program Crystals:

    • Visualize: Sit in a quiet, safe place where you won’t be interrupted. Hold your crystal(s) in your hands. In your mind, speak your intention. Then, visualize what this intention looks like. What does financial abundance look like to you? How do you envision romantic love? What do you see when you imagine yourself living your healthiest and most fit life? Sit in silence for a while and see your intentions manifesting in your mind, feeling the emotions of peace, freedom, joy, love, and/or any other positive emotions that arise when you visualize your dream.
    • Breathe into the crystal: Again, find a quiet and safe spot where you won’t be interrupted. Place your stone(s) in your hands and repeat your intention in your head. Bring your stone(s) up to your mouth and breathe into them, repeating your intention in your head. Continue to do this for five to ten minutes, or as long as it takes to feel like your gemstones are fully activated.

    How To Use Crystals To Manifest What You Want

    • Wear crystals as jewelry: Wearing your stones as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings allows you to easily keep your stone with you at all times. I love rings especially because you can look down at them anytime and be reminded of your limitless power. On top of that, wearing beautiful things helps you to feel good and sparks joy within. And this is not superficial or shallow. Lean into the belief that you are worthy and deserving of wearing beautiful things. If it supports the internal joy that you cultivate within, embrace it.
    • Keep crystals nearby throughout your day: But be intentional with placement. For instance, if you’re using gemstones to manifest financial abundance, place them in your workspace to promote the continual incoming paychecks and flow of money coming in. You can also place them in your wallet or purse to amplify the energy of abundance. Similarly, if you’re manifesting creativity, keep your gemstones in your office or studio where you do most of your creative endeavors.
    • Keep crystals in your pocket: If you don’t have jewelry with your chosen gemstone (or don’t want to wear jewelry), you can keep your crystals in your pocket so they’re still with you throughout the day.
    infographic of crystals for manifestation

    11 Powerful Crystals for Manifestation

    Crystals to Manifest Financial Abundance

    • Citrine: When it comes to manifesting financial abundance, citrine is an absolute powerhouse. Known as the “Merchant Stone” or “Success Stone,” citrine is associated with wealth, prosperity, and financial success. Additionally, citrine is associated with your solar plexus chakra, which is your energy center for confidence, empowerment, positivity, and high self-esteem. (Read more about the solar plexus chakra here!) So when you combine these powerful properties, you get a crystal that helps you to manifest financial abundance while feeling optimistic, confident, and joyful. This crystal is definitely a must-have when it comes to manifesting prosperity and financial abundance!
    • Pyrite: You might also know this one as “Fool’s Gold,” but there’s nothing foolish about the manifesting power of this stone. Pyrite is associated with wealth, abundance, and success. Additionally, this is a protective stone, shielding you from negative energy and bad vibes. This is the perfect stone to keep in your office as it A) protects the energy of your space and B) raises your energy of abundance at work and/or in your business ventures.

    Crystals to Manifest Love

    • Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is the ultimate crystal for manifesting love. But how exactly does it do this? When you use Rose Quartz with the intention of manifesting love, you do much more than simply attract love. Rose Quartz works with your heart chakra, opening up this important energy center to help you heal past hurts, restore your belief in love, and open your heart again to love and trust. When you vibrate at the energy of pure love, you naturally attract this same powerful energy to you. And if you already have a partner, Rose Quartz is still a powerful stone to have on hand. As the stone of unconditional love, it helps you to deepen your relationship with your partner and with yourself.
    • Rhodonite: Rhodonite is another beautiful stone that’s associated with the heart chakra. Like Rose Quartz, it helps you to cultivate deep love and compassion within to heal old wounds, cultivate compassion, build confidence, and promote unconditional self-love. If you’re already in a relationship, this stone will help you to clear blockages between you and your partner and open your heart to forgiveness. By truly becoming the essence of unconditional love, you attract the energy of love into your life.

    Crystals to Manifest Friendships

    • Pink Opal: Like the gemstones mentioned above in the Crystals to Manifest Love section, Pink Opal is associated with the heart chakra. (In fact, Rose Quartz and Rhodonite, mentioned above, can also be used to manifest not only romantic love but love-filled friendships as well.) Pink Opal is special because it helps to calm your mind and open your heart, which is especially helpful if you’re shy or withdrawn. Pink Opal will help with healing past pain and cultivating deep inner peace.

    *Citrine, mentioned in the Crystals to Manifest Financial Abundance section, is also a powerful stone for manifesting friendships and an active social life as it promotes joy, optimism, and positivity!

    Crystals to Manifest Health

    • Garnet: Garnet is a powerful stone to promote your total health and wellbeing. When your energy centers are blocked or imbalanced, garnet helps to circulate your energy and balance your chakras. It’s a total powerhouse for cleansing and rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.
    • Bloodstone: Bloodstone is known to heal both physical and emotional wounds. On top of that, it’s known to increase circulation and get the energy moving in your body. When you feel completely tired and defeated, Bloodstone will help to heal your mind and body while rejuvenating your spirit.

    Crystals to Manifest Creativity

    • Carnelian: Carnelian is the perfect stone to manifest more creativity into your life. Now, it’s important to remember that you already have access to a limitless abundance of creativity inside of you. However, at times, we may block or obscure that source of creativity, usually by overthinking, worrying, or living it the past or future. And that’s okay! We can always reopen ourselves to infinite creativity, and Carnelian is just the stone to help us get there. Carnelian supports confidence and self-empowerment while helping you tap into your creativity. If you find that your creativity has been blocked, you can use this stone in combination with practices to heal your sacral chakra, the energy center in your body associated with creativity and passion. Learn more about healing your sacral chakra here!

    Amplifiers/Pairing Crystals

    • Aventurine: No matter what you want to manifest, Aventurine is an absolute must-have in your manifestation toolkit. Aventurine is the ultimate pairing stone because it’s associated with abundance and manifestation. But abundance doesn’t just mean financial abundance. Aventurine can help you manifest an abundance of health, love, friendships, creativity, or anything else you desire. It also boosts luck and helps you to stay in a high-vibe, positive state. You can pair Aventurine with Citrine to boost your financial prosperity, or Aventurine with Carnelian to inspire your creativity. There really is no limit to this powerful stone.
    • Goldstone: Goldstone is a beautiful grounding stone that acts like your best friend and protector all in one. It helps you to remain grounded, fills you with energy and optimism, and strengthens your faith when you’re facing obstacles and roadblocks. It will also help you achieve your goals, unlock your potential, and create a beautiful future. Goldstone truly is a unique stone that will serve and guide you as you manifest your future.
    • Jade: Jade is another powerful stone that’s associated with luck and success. It also fills you with courage and reminds you that you are truly limitless. Use Jade with Citrine or Pyrite to attract success, prosperity, and good fortune into your life.

    And there you have it: eleven powerful crystals for manifestation. Do you have any experience using crystals for manifestation? What crystals have you found to be especially powerful when manifesting your dreams? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

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  • Holiday Gift Guide 2021: Meaningful Gifts For Spiritual People (& More)
    Lifestyle,  Manifestation,  Spirituality

    Holiday Gift Guide 2021: Meaningful Gifts For Spiritual People (& More)

    Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

    Choosing Meaningful Gifts

    Are you looking for a meaningful gift for the dreamer, manifestor, or spiritual growth seeker in your life? Below, I’ve gathered some of my favorite manifestation tools, self-care products, meditation room decor, inspirational gifts, and more. Each item has been carefully chosen with quality and care in mind. I’ve included descriptions of each product below each image, and you can also click the image or text links to learn more about the items.

    And for more gift ideas, be sure to check out the digital resources available now right here in our online shop. Here, you’ll find manifestation journals and workbooks, chakra healing tools, and more. Choose your item, then schedule it to be delivered to your recipient on the date you specify with a personalized message from you! Whether you’re shopping in advance or picking out a last-minute present, these digital resources make the perfect gift for any spiritual soul on your list.

    Holiday Gift Guide 2021

    Gifts For Manifestors

    I’m a big fan of Art of the Root’s manifesting oils as a profound manifestation aid. Just dab some oil onto an object (like money or photos), wear it on your body, anoint a candle with it, or even use it to enhance your manifestation journaling practice. These oils are the perfect present for the manifestor in your life, and they have plenty of choices geared toward manifesting love, money, success, and more. Check out their designated Manifestation Oil, or visit the Art of the Root store to check out all their manifesting oil options!

    And while you’re checking out the Art of the Root store, be sure to take a look at their manifestation candles as well. Their Money Candle Set includes three candles – Abundance, Money Drawing, and Good Fortune – and is the perfect gift for the manifestor in your life. They’re also handmade with Natural Soy Wax, Real Herbs and Essential Oils and are beautifully scented!

    With a new year approaching, a manifestation planner is an ideal gift to help someone start the year with a positive, goal-oriented mindset. This Law of Attraction planner includes space for setting goals, creating an action plan, reflecting on your progress, cultivating gratitude, and more. Plus, it comes in plenty of color and design options, so you can personalize your choice based on your recipient’s preferences.

    The Mindful Collective’s Prosperity Crystals Set is one of those gifts you’ll actually want for yourself. It includes seven premium healing crystals (Selenite, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Raw Aventurine, Honey Calcite, Desert Stone, and Peach Moonstone) and 50 affirmation cards, all in a beautiful keepsake wooden box that makes this present ready-to-go. This is a beautiful and thoughtful gift for anyone seeking profound spiritual growth.

    Gabrielle Bernstein is a household name in the manifestation space, and for good reason. She’s the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Universe Has Your Back and has written multiple bestselling books. What makes Super Attractor so special is that it’s essentially a complete how-to book on manifestation, outlining all of the essential methods for manifesting a life even greater than what you could ever dream of. What I love about Bernstein’s writing is that she writes like your loving, supportive friend, and above all, she encourages fun, relaxation, joy, and feeling good. This is the book that removes difficulty and struggle from manifestation and shows you how fun it can be to create the life of your dreams.

    And to go with the Super Attractor book, you’ll also want to check out Gabby Bernstein’s Super Attractor manifestation cards. I’ve seen a lot of different types of affirmation and tarot cards, and Gabrielle Bernstein’s are some of the most beautiful and inspiring ones out there. Each card offers an inspiring mantra to support you on your manifestation journey. And if you have more spiritual souls in your life who you’d like to give a meaningful gift to, be sure to check out her other card decks as well: The Universe Has Your Back 52-Card Deck and the gorgeous Spirit Junkie 52-Card Deck.

    manifestation gifts

    Self-Care Gifts

    This Self Care Bucket List box has 100 cards completely dedicated to helping you destress and focus on your own happiness. The cards are color-coded, so depending on your mood, you can choose a yellow card for a challenge, a red card for loving yourself or others, or green for a reminder to enjoy life’s journey. Activities range from cuddling someone or something to walking in the rain to decluttering your wardrobe. This is one of those thoughtful gifts that your recipient probably wouldn’t buy for themselves, but once they have it, they won’t want to be without it.

    Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the world to create profound positive change in a person’s life. That’s why I love gratitude journals. Most only require a few minutes of your time in the mornings and/or evenings, but their effects go a long way. One of my favorites is this Gratitude Day and Night Reflection Journal. Every morning, you can write your daily focus, some uplifting affirmations, and things you’re grateful for and excited about that day. At night, it gives you space to reflect on good things that happened that day and positive thoughts to carry you to sleep. These are powerful habits for a person to cultivate, and it makes for a super thoughtful present that will have a profound effect on anyone on your gift list.

    Morgan Harper Nichols’ All Along You Were Blooming is like a love note for your mind, body, and soul. Not only is it gorgeously illustrated, but the words feel like sunshine pouring into every cell of your body. They remind you to live fully in this moment and that even through your challenges, difficulties, and imperfections, nothing about you is a mistake. (Self-love poetry books make for a timeless and thoughtful gift for any recipient. For more poetry book suggestions, click here.)

    If your gift recipient is anything like me, there’s no such thing as too many candles. The Mindful Collective’s Self-Love & Intention Crystal Candle is especially meaningful, as it includes crystals (including Rose Quartz and Citrine) in the actual candle. Not only is this candle absolutely beautiful, but it smells divine. This one’s guaranteed to be a hit with the candle lover in your life.

    Affirmation cards can uplift, inspire, and help set the foundation for a positive day ahead. These Dessie Affirmation Cards make for a super thoughtful gift, as not only do they include 60 different empowering affirmations, but they also include over 100 questions rooted in self-love and self-belief. This is a truly meaningful gift that your recipient can continue to use for years to come.

    Like candles, blankets are one of those gifts someone can never have too many of. Not only is this Compassion Blanket soft and warm, but it’s covered in inspirational words to provide an extra dose of encouragement and love. This is the perfect blanket for your recipient to wrap themselves up in during those cold nights and practice a little extra self-love and self-care. (I have it in teal and use my blanket literally every single day.)

    If you’re looking for a unique gift, look no further than this gorgeous Teabloom Flowering Tea Set. Teabloom’s flowering teas are handcrafted by artisans with the highest-quality green tea leaves and edible flowers. When brewed in a glass teapot, tea flowers slowly bloom into a breathtaking display. Not only is the tea beautiful, but it’s healthy, delicious, and smells absolutely incredible. To make this a complete set, you could also gift a Teabloom Glass Teapot so your recipient can start experiencing the magic of this gift instantly.

    As a lifelong lover of bubble baths, I can be a bit of a bath snob. Those cheap, department store bath gift sets just won’t cut it. For a product that has high-quality ingredients and provides a truly luxurious bath experience, I love this Beauty by Earth Bath Bomb Gift Set. There’s no harsh chemicals, dyes, or perfumes, and the bath bombs are created to moisturize your skin, relax your muscles, and pamper your senses. With six unique scents to choose from, your recipient can choose the one that best fits their mood for the day.

    Meaningful Jewelry

    My favorite thing about this RareLove Strength Morse Code Bracelet is that it’s like a secret message between you and your gift recipient. It’s subtle yet beautiful and serves as a profound reminder of one’s inherent inner strength.

    I adore Joycuff bracelets and have my own “You Are Unstoppable” bracelet that I wear every day. This “Be Fearless” bracelet is just one of many empowering messages you can find in the Joycuff store.

    This “You Are Limitless” triangle necklace is another one of my all-time favorites. Sweet, simple, lovely, and divine. It’s a truly meaningful and thoughtful gift for anyone you want to send a little extra inspiration to this holiday season.

    This Lotus New Beginnings Stacking Bracelet is filled with positive vibrations. These stacking bracelets include Wood, Hematite, Amethyst, Lava, and a beautiful Lotus charm to symbolize positive energy, good fortune, enlightenment, and new beginnings. Plus, it’s a diffuser bracelet, so your gift recipient can place a drop of their favorite essential oil onto the lava beads for some extra calm, confidence, and clarity.

    The Hamsa hand has many spiritual meanings, but its most prominent meaning is to protect you from another person’s ill-will, malice, or bad intentions. Not only does the Hamsa hand repel toxic energy, but it can also bring you more positive energy and even usher in good fortune. This gorgeous 18K Gold Plated Hamsa Hand Necklace will bring your gift recipient abundance, good luck, and positive energy. (Plus, it comes in multiple options for chain sizes!)

    This rose gold plated Hamsa Hand Evil Eye necklace is similar to the previous necklace, but it also incorporates the evil eye, which isn’t actually evil itself but rather protects you from danger, strife, and malicious intent. The pop of color and beautiful rose gold plating along with the energy protection that comes from the combination of the hamsa hand and evil eye symbols make this one your recipient will want to wear daily. (And it’s sure to draw lots of compliments!)

    gift ideas for the spiritual soul

    Meditation Room Gifts

    This gorgeous Florensi Meditation Cushion is my go-to cushion for daily meditation. (I actually use it every single morning after waking up.) It’s soft, comfy, and absolutely beautiful. This is the perfect gift for the meditator in your life, as meditation cushions can reduce pain, increase comfort, and improve your posture by tilting your hips forward, which gives you better support in your back and aligns your spine. This alignment may also help you to experience smoother, easier breathing, which in turn, helps you to quiet your mind and look within.

    A beautiful rug can change the feeling of an entire room. This gorgeous Boho Mandala Bedroom Circle Rug is the perfect addition to anyone’s meditation space. It has three color choices, and I love that the colors are muted so that they can match anyone’s space, no matter the decor. This gift is sure to be an instant hit with the meditator in your life.

    Moon decor is a beautiful addition to any meditation room, and this Moon Phase Tapestry is absolutely gorgeous. You can choose to purchase it with either a black or white background, or you can even pick it up as a set of 2. This is a timeless piece that would complement any room.

    You know how sometimes, you’ll order a product online and what you actually receive looks terrible compared to the picture? This isn’t that. In fact, this Half Moon Dreamcatcher actually looks better in person than in the picture. It’s absolutely beautifully made and is a great option for any age range.

    I love these Stress Relief Cards for Meditation & Relaxation. Each pack comes with 46 cards (that are small enough to fit into a bag or purse), and the cards have simple yet powerful mindfulness exercises to relieve stress and bring you back to the present moment. When your gift recipient is feeling stressed, scattered, or just needs a minute to pause and breathe, they can pull out a card and follow the practices on the cards. These can also be used as part of a daily routine to practice good habits and learn more about mindfulness.

    Himalayan salt lamps are known to purify the air and balance electromagnetic radiation while increasing one’s mood, improving cognitive performance, and even potentially reducing allergies and asthma. You’ll find Himalayan Salt Lamps in all different shapes and sizes, but I personally prefer the sleek look of this 100% Authentic Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp. It’s the perfect addition to a bedroom, office, living room, or meditation space. (I keep this exact one on my nightstand and absolutely love it.)

    If the meditator in your life already has a meditation cushion, this is a great alternative that may be new to even advanced meditators. Meditation benches offer the chance for even deeper breathing and better focus. They’re unique, and they also are a good alternative for those who get uncomfortable sitting cross-legged on the floor. I love this Monk & Llama Kneeling Meditation Bench for so many reasons: it has a cushion, it has foldable legs and a carrying case for travel, and it’s made from 100% natural sustainable bamboo.

    Essential oils are known to help you relax, sleep better, boost energy, relieve stress, and even help with alleviating headaches. This BAIESHIJI Metal Vintage Essential Oil Diffuser comes in multiple styles, and each one is absolutely beautiful. It has four timer setting modes and an automatic shutoff function. For essential oils, I’d recommend this Cliganic USDA Organic Aromatherapy Essential Oils Set of 8. They’re USDA certified organic and also have a Cruelty Free Certification, guaranteeing the products haven’t been tested on animals.

    Stained Glass Meditation Feathers

    Looking for something a little different? I highly recommend Jodi Sharp’s gorgeous one-of-a-kind stained glass meditation feathers. Each feather is made unique with artisanal glass, inset crystals, and an individual write-up and theme. All are ethically handmade in Montreal with detailed love and care. With so many options to choose from, you will find the special meditator in your life a perfect and distinctive gift for the holidays! And be sure to check out the rest of her beautiful products available in her online shop.

    Inspirational & Mindfulness Gifts

    A mindfulness jar typically has 31 different folded slips of paper on it. Each slip of paper has a different mindfulness activity printed on it. Every morning, the person who owns the jar picks a new slip of paper and performs that mindfulness activity sometime during the day. This is a great way to cultivate new, positive habits and to embrace mindfulness in your daily life. If you want to purchase something that’s ready to go, this Rustic Mindfulness Jar is absolutely perfect. It’s well-packaged and already well-suited for gift-giving, and the activities are thoughtful and easy enough for even a super busy person to carry out.

    I absolutely love the RYVE Motivational Daily Flip Calendar for so many reasons. Beyond the fact that it’s gorgeous, it doesn’t just have inspirational quotes, but it has motivating self-reflection prompts as well. And even better? It doesn’t print days of the week on the pages, so it can actually be used year after year. Your recipient can put this on their desk (or anywhere else they’re sure to see it) and get a new uplifting quote every single day.

    I’ve mentioned blankets and candles as being things that a person can never have too many of; mugs are also on that list. This Progress Not Perfection mug is a perfect reminder to keep going, even when things aren’t perfect. Plus, it comes packaged in a cute little box, so it’s ready to go for gift giving.

    This Dream, Plan, Do notebook would pair perfectly with the Progress Not Perfection mug, or it can be given individually as a thoughtful gift. With multiple design options, you can gift one to everyone in your life who has big dreams and the courage to achieve them.

    These inspirational running socks make the perfect gift for anyone who is setting big goals for themselves and going after their dreams. This can also be a great gift for anyone who might be starting the new year with specific health or fitness goals. Show them your support with a little extra daily encouragement (that also happen to be cute and super warm).

    I absolutely adore Cyndie Spiegel’s A Year of Positive Thinking. This inspirational book provides daily nuggets and insights for each day of the year. It’s filled with inspirational lessons and reflections, but the positive messages you’ll find inside never feel fake or forced. Every word hits just right. This is a wonderful gift to uplift, inspire, and spread true positivity to the people in your life.

    Looking for more meaningful gift ideas? Check out the links below for more of my favorite products. And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation inspiration, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Pinterest. Plus, don’t forget to check out the digital resources available in our online shop. Just choose your item, then schedule it to be delivered to your recipient on the date you specify with a personalized message from you!

    Holiday Gift Guide 2021: Meaningful Gifts For Spiritual People (& More)
    Pin this to come back to later! Holiday Gift Guide 2021: Meaningful Gifts For Spiritual People (& More)
  • protection jewelry
    Crystals,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    7 Types Of Protection Jewelry To Guard Your Energy

    Below, discover seven types of protection jewelry to guard you from malice, danger, strife, bad luck, and negative energy. Plus, get links to bracelets, necklaces, and other types of jewelry you can purchase today for each of the different categories on this list.

    Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

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    How To Use Protection Jewelry

    Protection jewelry is any type of jewelry that shields you from bad luck, negative energy, and low vibrations. While protection jewelry is commonly thought to guard you from toxic external energy, it can also serve to protect you from your own negative thoughts and feelings.

    So how exactly does protection jewelry work? The power to shield you from negative energy most often comes in the form of crystals or symbols. Crystals such as Black Tourmaline are known for their protective qualities, while symbols such as the Hamsa hand can bring you positivity and good fortune while protecting you from malice and toxic energy. You can wear these protective crystals and symbols as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, anklets, or your preferred jewelry type.

    Before you begin wearing your jewelry, I always recommend cleansing it first. Cleansing your protection jewelry erases any leftover energy from their previous owners, as well as any energy it may have picked up in its travels to you, allowing you to start with a clean slate.

    You can cleanse your jewelry by running it under water, letting it sit in nature for 24 hours, setting it out under the sun or moon, or placing it on top of or next to a piece of Selenite or Clear Quartz. If you want to learn a little more about these methods for cleansing your jewelry, you can click here for a deeper explanation into each method.

    Below, you’ll learn about seven types of protection jewelry that can shield you from negative energy. I’ve also added links to bracelets, necklaces, and other types of jewelry you can purchase today for each of the different categories.

    Use the links below to jump to any of the types of protection jewelry you want to learn more about:

    The Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle click to learn more

    Protection Jewelry

    Black Tourmaline For Mind, Body & Spirit Protection

    Black Tourmaline is known to be a powerful protection stone; when you step outside wearing or holding a piece of Black Tourmaline, you can think of it as though you’re walking with an invisible shield protecting your entire being: mind, body, and spirit. Black Tourmaline will protect you from toxic energy and low vibrations that may threaten to disrupt the positivity and stability you’ve cultivated within. It’s also powerfully linked to the root chakra, your body’s energy center for stability, security, and groundedness. By keeping your root chakra open and activated, Black Tourmaline will help you to remain strong, steady, and confident as you walk through your day. Use Black Tourmaline as your personal bodyguard to shield your energy and help you to feel grounded and secure as you move through the world.

    Hamsa For Protection From Malice & Bad Intentions

    The Hamsa hand has many spiritual meanings, but its most prominent meaning is to protect you from another person’s ill-will, malice, or bad intentions. Not only does the Hamsa hand repel toxic energy, but it can also bring you more positive energy and even usher in good fortune. Note that the direction the Hamsa hand matters, so you may choose to wear it facing up or down depending on your current needs. When it’s facing down, it’s known to bring you more positivity, abundance, and good luck. When it’s facing up, it will protect you from malice, bad intentions, and even your own negative thoughts. (It can also protect you from bad luck, so if you’re having one of those weeks when it feels like everything is going wrong, this is a good one to wear.)

    Evil Eye For Protection From Danger & Evil

    The Evil Eye may be the most controversial addition to this list, as some people are naturally drawn to this symbol while others feel like it, itself, gives off negative energy. This is completely okay. Don’t overthink it; if it feels good to you, you can purchase Evil Eye protection jewelry, but if not, try something else that feels a little better. So what exactly does the Evil Eye symbolize? The Evil Eye is meant to keep you safe, secure, and protect you from danger, strife, and malicious intent. (One reason why the Evil Eye can be so controversial is that historically, this symbol has been seen as a curse you put on someone to cause them bad luck and misfortune. However, when wearing it as jewelry, it has the opposite meaning: it protects you from anyone who would wish to cast the Evil Eye upon you.)

    Chakra Jewelry For Energy Protection

    Chakras are the energy centers in your body through which your prana, or life force, flows. Energy is meant to flow, and when your chakras are open, your life force energy can flow freely through your various energy centers. But when one of your chakras becomes blocked, your life force energy stagnates. This results in mental, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual blockages. While many people believe there are 114 chakras in (and around) your body, we usually focus on the seven “main” ones: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.

    I have lots of chakra resources throughout this website, so I won’t go into too much detail here. (I’ve linked to some articles below if you want to learn more.) For each chakra, there are various crystals and gemstones that will help to heal and protect these energy centers to ensure your life force energy is continuing to flow.

    You can find jewelry that contains a stone for each of your body’s energy centers, or you can choose specific stones if there’s just one chakra you want to focus on.

    Here are some of the crystals and gemstones for each of your body’s seven main chakras:

    • Root: Hematite, Obsidian, Onyx, Smoky Quartz
    • Sacral: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Jasper, Red Tiger’s Eye
    • Solar Plexus: Citrine, Carnelian, Topaz, Tiger’s Eye
    • Heart: Rose Quartz, Apophyllite, Rhodonite, Pink Opal
    • Throat: Blue Lace Agate, Celestite, Aquamarine, Turquoise
    • Third Eye: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Apophyllite
    • Crown: Selenite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Lepidolite

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers!

    Dreamcatchers For Sleep Protection

    Dreamcatchers are meant to protect you from nightmares and harmful thoughts while simultaneously keeping you safe with good dreams and positive thoughts while you sleep. Like a spider’s web, a dreamcatcher will trap the bad visions and allow only good visions to go through. However, dreamcatchers aren’t solely for sleep protection. Many believe they can protect you from any kind of external evil, not just bad visions and nightmares.

    To learn more, this article from Terry Cralle does a great job of explaining the meaning and history of the dreamcatcher.

    Hematite For Grounding & Protection

    When you feel like your foundation has been shaken, Hematite is the ultimate grounding stone to pull you back to earth. Hematite will restore your steady foundation while also guiding you to release feelings of stress, worry, and insecurity. Another bonus of Hematite is that it’s a protective stone. This means that in addition to helping you to feel grounded and balanced, it will also protect you from external negative energy that may threaten to shake your stable foundation. The ability to help you stay grounded and protected makes Hematite a powerhouse in all kinds of situations: at work or at home, while you’re driving or commuting, at the grocery store or your in-laws’ house, and everywhere in-between.

    Shungite For EMF Protection

    Shungite differs a bit from most stones you see in crystal shops in that it’s not technically a crystal. Don’t let that deter you, though. This carbon-based stone is one of the strongest healing stones you can find, used most often for physical, spiritual, and emotional protection. When you’re feeling heavy and worn out, use this stone to remove toxic energy and to cleanse your spirit of any negativity that’s forged its way within. Shungite can also ground your energy and help you to stay focused on your tasks and goals, acting like a shield against procrastination and outer noise. Finally, Shungite is also popularly used for EMF (electromagnetic field) protection, so if you spend a lot of time around electronic devices, this stone can protect you from any harmful frequencies they may emit.

    What’s your favorite type of protection jewelry? Do you have any special rituals or practices you do before wearing it? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation resources, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

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    protection jewelry
    Pin this for later! 7 Types Of Protection Jewelry To Guard Your Energy
  • chakra affirmations blog post
    Affirmations,  Chakras,  Spirituality

    Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations for Your 7 Chakras

    In this post, discover 70 powerful chakra affirmations for your 7 main chakras. You’ll get 10 of my go-to affirmations for each of the body’s main energy centers, plus you can download images to your phone or device to save for later!

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    Your 7 Main Chakras

    Before we dive into chakra affirmations, let’s first break down what exactly a chakra is and why it’s important.

    Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk.” A commonly accepted definition for the word chakra is a wheel of energy in your body. This wheel of energy isn’t something you physically see, but rather you experience it through feelings, sensations, and your own inner knowing.

    When talking about chakras, we typically focus on the seven main ones in your body: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. However, your body actually has 114 energy centers in your body, and some people believe there to be more.

    So what exactly do these energy centers do? Through your body, your life force, or prana, flows. Ideally, your life force is always flowing freely throughout your energy system, but sometimes, it might get stuck, causing one or more of your chakras to become underactive or overactive.

    One of the most profound ways to heal an imbalanced chakra is to incorporate powerful affirmations into your daily routine. Chakra affirmations allow you to realign with your highest and truest self: the person you are when you strip away external stresses, experiences, and circumstances. This is the real you: the part of you that is eternal, limitless, and infinite.

    Below, you’ll find 70 total affirmations for your 7 main chakras (10 for each of your energy centers). You’ll also find images that you can save to any of your devices if you want to come back to these affirmations again and again. I also provide you with some suggestions for how to use chakra affirmations to get the most out of them.

    And if you’re interested in exploring more about chakras and want to begin your own powerful journey of chakra healing, you can check out my Chakra Healing Bundle, which contains a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. These healing resources are designed to help you begin a profound journey into aligning with your highest self, healing your soul, and cultivating unconditional self-love.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    How to Use Chakra Affirmations

    • Meditation: You can choose to connect with one or all of your chakras during a single meditation. For instance, if you’re connecting with the root chakra, envision it as a bright red glowing orb at the base of your spine. As you breathe in, see the orb getting bigger. As you breathe out, see it growing brighter. As you do this, recite grounding root chakra affirmations. To connect with each of your chakras in a single meditation, start at the root chakra and recite one or two affirmations. Then, move to the sacral chakra and continue to work upwards along your spine.
    • Mirror Work: Stand in front of the mirror and look yourself in the eyes. Take a deep breath and focus on one chakra at a time. You can look at the physical location of the chakra in the mirror, but also try to connect to it within. Recite the chakra affirmations that your soul needs most in this moment.
    • Post-Its: Leave post-it notes in visible places that you’ll see throughout the day. On each post-it note, write a chakra affirmation that resonates with you. Whenever you see the post-it note, recite the affirmation either silently or out loud, feeling the positive words in every cell of your being. For an added bonus, you can use post-its that correlate with the color of each chakra.
    • Color Therapy: Color therapy is the act of immersing yourself in the color associated with that chakra. One way to use color therapy and affirmations in conjunction is to make it a game. For instance, if you’re working with your heart chakra, as you go about your day, pay attention to the world around you. Whenever you see something green in your external world, recite a heart chakra affirmation either silently or aloud. You can do this with one or multiple chakras at a time.

    Chakra Affirmations

    root chakra affirmations

    Root Chakra Affirmations

    • I am safe and secure.
    • I am rooted in this present moment.
    • I am strong, steady, and grounded.
    • I have access to all the resources I need to survive and thrive.
    • I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
    • Everything I need comes to me at exactly the right place and time.
    • I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this same energy in return.
    • Deep inner peace is my natural state.
    • Even when the world around me feels chaotic, I remain rooted firmly to the ground.
    • All my needs are always met.

    For more affirmations, check out my post, 35 Root Chakra Affirmations to Remain Strong, Steady, and Grounded.

    sacral chakra affirmations

    Sacral Chakra Affirmations

    • I am creative, passionate, and inspired. 
    • I feel joyful, energetic, and alive.
    • My emotions flow freely in a balanced and healthy way.
    • Endless prosperity flows to and through me.
    • I find new ways to express my creativity.
    • It is right for me to choose joy, fun, and play in my daily life.
    • I deeply respect and honor my sacred body.
    • My body is a masterpiece.
    • I listen to my sacred body and give it what it needs.
    • I am worthy and deserving of respect from myself and others.

    For more sacral chakra affirmations, check out my post, 35 Sacral Chakra Affirmations to Live a Passionate, Fun, Create Life.

    solar plexus chakra affirmations

    Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

    • I am strong, powerful, and confident.
    • I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
    • I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
    • I am aligned with my purpose.
    • I have the confidence and power to take big leaps.
    • I hold the key to my own happiness.
    • My soul is radiant, my body is strong, and my mind is brilliant.
    • I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
    • I have the courage and confidence to accept my dreams as reality.
    • I am enough. I have always been enough. I will always be enough.

    For more empowering affirmations, check out my post, 35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence, Motivation, and Positivity.

    heart chakra affirmations

    Heart Chakra Affirmations

    • I am loved, loving, and lovable.
    • I am patient, peaceful, and calm.
    • I choose to be kind to myself and love myself unconditionally.
    • I am aligned with the highest frequency of love.
    • I am a beacon of love and compassion.
    • I am kind, generous, and compassionate.
    • I lovingly nurture my mind, body, and spirit.
    • I am a loving and powerful force in the world.
    • I honor my heart. I honor my loving energy. I honor who I am.
    • am love.

    For more heart chakra affirmations, check out 40 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Serenity, Compassion, and Unconditional Love.

    throat chakra affirmations

    Throat Chakra Affirmations

    • I am able to calmly and effectively speak my truth.
    • I live an honest, authentic, wholehearted life. 
    • I express myself clearly and openly.
    • I speak with calm, clarity, and confidence.
    • I add value to every conversation I participate in.
    • My insight is welcome, needed, and valuable.
    • I am empowered to speak my truth.
    • I am a good listener and give others my undivided attention when they speak.
    • I value the words of others.
    • I remain true to myself in all that I say and do.

    For more affirmations, check out 35 Throat Chakra Affirmations for Speaking Your Truth.

    third eye chakra affirmations

    Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

    • I see and think clearly. 
    • My mind is strong, open, and clear. 
    • I trust my intuition to guide me in making good decisions.
    • My inner knowing always knows the way.
    • I follow my intuition and know that nothing is put before me that I can’t handle.
    • All that I seek I can find within me.
    • I am insightful, intuitive, and imaginative.
    • My imagination is vast, expansive, and endless.
    • I trust the signs and synchronicities that show up in my daily life.
    • I honor my inner knowing and trust my path.

    For more third eye chakra affirmations, check out my post, 40 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations for Wisdom, Clarity, and Insight.

    crown chakra affirmations

    Crown Chakra Affirmations

    • I am a spiritual being in a human body.
    • I honor the sacred divinity that exists within me.
    • My body is a beautiful home for my radiant soul.
    • I am divinely protected, inspired, and guided by the Universe.
    • I surrender to the loving will of the Universe.
    • I am aligned with my soul’s purpose and truth
    • Eternal peace flows to and through me.
    • I release the need to control my life and surrender to a higher power.
    • Even when the world is immersed in darkness, I walk forward in faith, love, and light.
    • I am love. I am light. I am connected to all.

    For more affirmations, check out 35 Crown Chakra Affirmations for Connecting to Your Highest Self.

    What are your favorite ways to use chakra affirmations? Are there any chakra affirmations that especially resonate with you? Leave your comments in the box below!

    And for more chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    Looking for more? Check out these posts!

    chakra affirmations blog post
    Pin this for later! Chakra Affirmations: 70 Affirmations for Your 7 Main Chakras

  • what are nadis
    Chakras,  Meditation,  Spirituality

    What Are Nadis? Nadis and Chakra Healing, Yoga & More

    What are nadis? In this post, learn all about nadis, the energy channels through which your life force flows. Discover the relationship between nadis and chakras, and learn how to keep your nadis clear and open so you can align with your highest self.

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    Pin this for later! What Are Nadis? A Guide to Nadis for Chakra Healing, Yoga & More

    Your Energy Centers

    It’s likely if you have a spiritual practice, meditate, and/or practice yoga, you’ve heard of chakras, your body’s energy centers through which your life force (or prana) flows. Chakra is a Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “disk” and is commonly defined as a wheel of energy in your body.

    Your body has seven main chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. Each chakra has associated attributes and plays a distinct role in your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health and well-being. For instance, your root chakra (also known as your first chakra) is your body’s energy center for stability, security, groundedness, safety, and strength. As the lowest energy center in your body, it acts as your foundation. When your root chakra is open and balanced, you feel stable and secure. Without a balanced root chakra and stable foundation, it’s likely that your other energy centers will also become imbalanced.

    I won’t go into too much detail about chakras today, but if you’re interested in learning more, I’ve included links to some of my chakra blog posts below. I also encourage you to check out my Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide.

    What I do want you to know about chakras today is this: even though each of your chakras plays a distinct role in your overall well-being, all of your chakras work together as one whole system. When one becomes imbalanced, it’s likely to affect the others. You can compare this to the physical organs inside your body: when one organ isn’t functioning correctly, this may negatively affect other parts of your body. All of your chakras play a significant role in keeping you in optimum health.

    While you often only hear about the seven main chakras, your body actually has 114 chakras, and some people believe there are even more. For instance, you have chakras in your hands, shoulders, and tongue, and there are even two chakras that reside outside your body.

    Finally, the last thing I want to note about chakras is that unlike your organs, your chakras aren’t an actual physical thing you can see in an x-ray. Rather, you experience them through feelings, sensations, and your own inner knowing.

    what are nadis

    What Are Nadis?

    So what are nadis, and how do they play a role in your chakra system?

    Nadis are the energy channels through which your life force flows; the word nadi is a Sanskrit word meaning “tube”, “channel”, or “flow.” (I’ve also seen it translated to “a flowing river.”) The points at which these nadis intersect are your chakras. You can think of it like a town with numerous roads and a building at each intersection. Your nadis are the roads, and your chakras are the buildings at each intersection. Cars, or your energy, are traveling up and down these roads to the buildings.

    When the system is working perfectly, these buildings are open 24/7, and the cars are continually moving in and out of them.

    This is the same as your energy centers: ideally, your chakras are always open so that energy can flow to and through them.

    While the buildings and chakras get all the attention, they only work when the system as a whole works: roads need to be made for cars to travel on, and nadis are needed for energy to travel through.

    Now, I do want to note that my road analogy isn’t a perfect comparison. Nadis are energy channels through which your life force flows, but they’are also intrinsically more than just a road to get to a chakra. If you’ve ever had an out-of-body experience, experienced an altered state of consciousness (often through meditation), or had a light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel experience, it may be attributed to energy escaping through the body through your nadis. Nadis are also correlated to spiritual development and what you might consider “spiritual powers” (such as sensing or seeing auras).

    Many estimate that you have between 21,000 to 72,000 nadis in your body, though some people believe there could be hundreds of thousands or even millions of nadis within each of us.

    Just like you have over a hundred chakras but seven have been singled out as your main chakras, you have thousands of nadis, but three are believed to be most important: the Sushumna Nadi, the Ida Nadi, and the Pingala Nadi.

    Sushumna Nadi

    The Sushumna Nadi is believed to be the most important of all the thousands of nadis that exist within your body. Running up the base of your spine to the crown of your head, this energy channel runs through all of your main chakras and is believed to be connected to your highest self. When it’s unblocked and energy can flow freely through it, you are aligned with your true, highest, most authentic self. You also become open to experiencing a profound spiritual awakening, feel a sense of deep inner wisdom, and know deep inner peace and true harmony within your mind, body, and spirit.

    Ida Nadi

    Your Ida Nadi is associated with your feminine energy and starts at the base of your spine (at your root chakra). It then runs through your core to your left nostril. It is associated with right-brain dominance and what you might describe as softer, darker energy. It is also associated with the moon.

    Pingala Nadi

    Your Pingala Nadi is associated with your masculine energy. It starts at the base of your spine (at your root chakra) and runs through your core to your right nostril. (The Ida Nadi and the Pingala Nadi flow upwards criss-crossing each other at your chakra points.) It’s associated with left-brain dominance and what you might describe as stronger, lighter energy. As the Ida Nadi is associated with the moon, the Pingala Nadi is associated with the sun.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Unblocking Your Nadis

    A lot of attention is paid to opening, healing, and unblocking your chakras, but it’s just as important that your nadis remain open and unblocked. Again, to return to the road analogy, in order for cars to get to the intersections where the buildings are located, they need to be able to travel freely up and down the roads. If a road is blocked, this not only inhibits the cars to travel through that road, but it affects neighboring roads as well.

    If any of your energy channels become blocked, energy can no longer pass freely through it, inhibiting your energy from reaching your chakras. This can have negative effects on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self.

    So how do you ensure your nadis remain clear for energy to easily pass through? Here are a few methods:

    Alternate Nostril Breathing

    Have you ever noticed that you may breathe easier through one nostril than the other? If not, you can try a quick test right now. Gently press any of the fingers on your right hand against the right side of your nose, closing the right nostril. Place the fingers of your left hand below your left nostril. Exhale through your nose, noticing whether you can feel the warm air of your exhale against your left fingers. Then try this with your right nostril.

    If you’re able to feel air moving easily through both nostrils, that’s a good sign! If not, one of your nadis may be experiencing blockages. Alternate nostril breathing, also known as Nadi Shodhana, is one method to clear your energy channels so energy can flow freely through them. There are several ways to do this, so I’ll explain the method I use below, then link to some articles that discuss a few other methods.

    1. You can start in your preferred meditation position, sitting cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet planted on the ground. (Just not laying down.) Keep your spine straight and your head lifted.
    2. Lift your right hand. With this practice, you’re going to use three fingers: pinky, ring, and thumb. You can take your index and middle finger and fold them against your palm, so only the pinky, ring finger, and thumb are sticking up.
    3. You may want to take a few deep breaths first and spend a minute or two grounding yourself to this present moment. Take as much time as you need.
    4. With the right thumb of the right hand, close your right nostril. Inhale deeply through your left nostril.
    5. At the top of your inhale, pause. Lift your thumb from your right nostril and close your left nostril using your pinky and ring finger. Exhale fully through your right nostril.
    6. Then inhale through your right nostril, exhale through your left nostril.
    7. Inhale through your left nostril, exhale through your right nostril.
    8. Continue this pattern for several minutes, pausing at the top of each inhale and exhale. You can continue this practice for as long as you’d like.

    Since the Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi both start at the base of your spine, criss-crossing each other and running through your left and right nostrils, respectively, it’s important to really follow your breath as you practice alternate nostril breathing. When your right nostril is closed, follow your breath from the base of your spine to your left nostril; when your left nostril is closed, follow your breath from the base of your spine to your right nostril.

    Here are a few articles that discuss alternate nostril breathing and various methods for completing this practice:

    Hatha Yoga

    Hatha yoga is the type of yoga the general public likely thinks of when they hear the word “yoga”: yoga that pairs poses, or asanas, with breathing techniques, or pranayama. When you’re looking at a course catalog for your local yoga studio, you can typically be certain that anything titled Hatha Yoga will move a little slower and may include breathing exercises, static postures, and possibly even a meditation to start or end the class.

    Ha is translated to mean sun, and tha is translated to mean moon. If you remember from the bulletpoints on the Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi above, the Ida Nadi is associated with the moon, and the Pingala Nadi is associated with the sun. The practice of Hatha yoga aims to balance these two energies – moon and sun, feminine and masculine – to bring the Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi into equilibrium. (Note: The literal meaning of the word “hatha” means “force,” “effort,” or “exertion.”)

    Positive Affirmations and Intentions

    Have you ever heard the phrase, “Where your attention goes, energy flows”? Your mindset plays a powerful role in the harmony of your mind, body, and spirit. For instance, if you easily become overwhelmed and have thoughts that correlate with stress and anxiety, this negative energy will manifest in physical, emotional, and spiritual turmoil. When you’re able to cultivate a mindset of inner peace and tranquility, your energy is able to flow more freely throughout your body. Note that this isn’t a call to engage in toxic positivity, which is just as dangerous as stress and anxiety. You should always honor all of your feelings, even those you deem as negative. But you don’t have to stay with those negative thoughts. As Paulo Coelho wrote, “You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.” Use positive affirmations that truly resonate with you, and set the intention each day to remain grounded, stable, and peaceful, no matter what occurs in your external world.

    Gentle Movement

    If the weather allows it, go on a calming walk outside somewhere you feel safe and breathe in the fresh air. Engage in gentle movement that feels good to you and doesn’t put too much stress on your body. If you’re able to jog without breathing too heavily, you can do this as well. But don’t feel limited to these options. For instance, I’ve exercised using a weighted hula hoop and found this to be extremely effective in stimulating the movement of energy throughout my body. (Plus, it’s fun!) Gentle movement stimulates the flow of energy within the body in a way that can be both nurturing and calming.

    Final Thoughts

    While chakras rightfully get a lot of attention when it comes to the total well-being of your mind, body, and spirit, it’s important not to forget the role your nadis play in your overall health. Your nadis also play an essential role in connecting to your highest self and experiencing spiritual growth. When these energy channels are open and clear, you are able to find alignment with your true self and maintain optimum health: spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    For more chakra resources, positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation inspiration, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    what are nadis
    Pin this for later! What Are Nadis? A Guide to Nadis for Chakra Healing, Yoga & More
  • crown chakra journal prompts
    Chakras,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Crown Chakra

    Discover 30 powerful crown chakra journal prompts for opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy center for spirituality, enlightenment, divine peace, and connection with a higher power. For more healing resources, check out 35 Crown Chakra Affirmations for Connecting to Your Highest Self. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post for your free printable crown chakra journal prompts and affirmations!

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    Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Crown Chakra

    Healing the Crown Chakra

    Growing up, I always believed in a higher power, but I wasn’t sure how to view this being that I saw as existing outside of myself.

    I hurriedly said the same prayer every night before going to bed because I believed it was what I was “supposed” to do. In the back of my mind, I even believed something bad might happen to me if I didn’t do it. I believed that God was an entity that valued perfection, and the more perfect I was, the more this being would love me.

    I think it was inevitable that as I got older, I’d begin to question the existence of this higher power. After all, it was exhausting trying to be perfect 24/7 just to earn the love of this invisible force that I had never built a true connection with.

    The journey between then and now has been long, with many ups and downs, but my belief in a higher power, and my connection with this power, has completely transformed.

    I tend to call this higher power the Universe, as that’s the name that feels most comfortable for me. I believe that the Universe loves me unconditionally, no matter how many mistakes I make, and no matter how flawed I may be. I am deeply loved, cherished, treasured, and adored. And whenever I’m hard on myself, I can close my eyes and feel this love all around me like a warm blanket draped around my shoulders, cloaking my entire being.

    And I also believe that the Universe isn’t something I solely find outside of myself. I believe that the love and energy of the Universe flows within me. So when I’m seeking answers, I don’t have to look out there; I simply look within, and the answers appear. These may not be the answers I want to hear, but they’re the answers I need, and I know that I’m always being guided toward my highest good.

    Your belief in a higher power may look slightly different from mine, and that’s okay. I don’t think one singular belief is the right belief. We all have our own truths, and our own journeys to reach these truths, and we all deserve to honor our truths without being judged or criticized.

    The crown chakra is your body’s energy center for spirituality, enlightenment, connection with a higher power, and connection with yourself. When this chakra is open and healed, you feel a deep sense of divine peace. You trust the Universe to guide you where you’re meant to be, and you trust yourself to follow your inner knowing. You also feel connected to your soul’s purpose, and you’re able to surrender control and honor your path.

    You deserve to feel the deep sense of clarity and peace that comes with an open and healed crown chakra. You deserve to know you are unconditionally loved, and you deserve to know this divine love exists within you.

    You are on the right path. The Universe is gently guiding you every step of the way. So take a deep breath and know that you are exactly where you’re meant to be, and all is really well.

    chakra healing workbook guide

    Discover More About Chakras

    Discover more about chakras using the links below, plus get journal prompts and affirmations for each of your body’s main energy centers! And for deeper insight into chakras as well as guidance on profound chakra healing, check out my Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, which includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. You can also discover more in my online shop.

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    How to Use These Journal Prompts

    The journal prompts below are designed to help you gently explore your deeply set beliefs and how your past experiences have shaped who you are today. These journal prompts will help you to get in touch with your inner self, including your beliefs about spirituality and your connection to a higher power. They’ll also allow you explore who your highest, most authentic self looks like and how you can embody that person throughout the day.

    As you read through these journal prompts, you can choose whether you want to answer all of them or only the ones that resonate most with you. There is no right or wrong way to approach these prompts; your specific needs likely differ from another’s. If you do decide to only answer the ones that resonate most with you, I always recommend throwing in a few “extras” as you may discover something that you weren’t expecting about yourself.

    I encourage you to find a quiet spot where you can answer these questions without being interrupted. If you don’t have an ongoing journaling practice already, fifteen to twenty minutes of solitary journaling time is a good place to start. However, feel free to write for a longer or shorter amount of time. If you’re answering one prompt a day, then you may only need a few minutes for some of the prompts. If you decide to lump the prompts together and answer several at once, it could take longer.

    The most important part of this practice is to withhold self-criticism and self-judgment as you explore your own inner world. If uncomfortable truths arise, let it be. Have love for the person you once were, the person you are now, and the person you’re becoming. The fact that you’re here right now, showing up to do this work, is incredible. Instead of judging yourself, find immense gratitude for your courageous heart; it isn’t easy to pursue this type of self-growth, but it is always worth it.

    And, more than anything, know that you are always, always worthy of love. Unquestionably. Unconditionally. Always.

    Finally, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page, where you can download your free printable crown chakra journal prompts and affirmations. These free resources are designed to support you in your journey of healing, self-discovery, and unconditional self-love.

    Crown Chakra Journal Prompts

    • What (or who) is God to me? What is my relationship with a higher power? 
    • How do I communicate with the Universe? How does the Universe communicate with me?
    • Did I have any childhood experiences that negatively affected my belief, attitude, or relationship toward God? Have I been able to heal from these experiences, or is there still healing to be done?
    • What evidence do I see in my life of the Universe always looking out for me? What are some visible and non-visible signs of the Universe’s love?
    • Describe your connection to other living beings: people, animals, plants, the earth, and the universe as a whole. What does it mean to be connected to all?
    • Can I retain my sense of individuality while still feeling connected to all? Is this important to me?
    • Even when I’m alone, how can I forge a sense of connection with not only myself, but other living beings and the Universe as a whole?
    • What does it mean to me to surrender to a higher power? Is this easy or hard for me?
    • What are three ways I can practice surrendering in my daily life?
    • Surrendering to a higher power can be difficult because it may feel like giving up personal control and losing a sense of personal power. However, in what ways does surrendering actually give me a greater sense of personal power?
    • Do I always feel worthy of the Universe’s love? Why or why not?
    • Write ten affirmations to affirm that you are worthy of unconditional love from the Universe (and from yourself). Repeat each affirmation twice.
    • What is my soul’s purpose? Do I feel connected to this purpose? Do I believe this purpose can change throughout my life, or do I have a singular all-encompassing purpose to lead me in my journey?
    • Who is my highest self? How does my highest self show up in the world?
    • How can I connect with my highest self in my daily life?
    • Do I consult my highest self in my actions and decisions? If not, how can I begin to include my highest self in my life’s journey?
    • What does spiritual enlightenment mean to me?
    • What is a time in my life when I had faith and trust in the Universe, and everything worked out perfectly?
    • What is a time in my life when my prayers weren’t answered (or it seemed as though they weren’t answered), and this actually worked out positively for me?
    • What are some examples of past experiences when the Universe gave me exactly what I needed at exactly the right time?
    • When do I feel most peaceful? What does divine peace feel like to me?How can I cultivate this feeling in my daily life?
    • How can I remain peaceful, focused, and trusting when my outer world feels chaotic and/or when I’m surrounded by the negative energy of others?
    • Reflect on this statement: “I am a spiritual being in a human body.” What does this mean to me?
    • List ten blessings in your life right now. How does each of these blessings support your highest good?
    • In what ways is my daily life a miracle? List all the miracles about this day and your life right now, exactly as it is.
    • Where is one place in this world where I feel most connected to a higher power? What makes this place so special? Even when I’m not physically in this place, how can I carry the feelings of being there with me throughout my daily life?
    • Write ten affirmations about your spirituality, spiritual enlightenment, and your ability to trust and surrender. Repeat each affirmation twice. (If you need help, check out these crown chakra affirmations here.)
    • What does my highest, most authentic self look like? Describe who this person is, including both their outward appearance and their inner world.
    • Why is it important to me to have an open and balanced crown chakra?
    • What does an ordinary day as my most trusting, peaceful, spiritually enlightened self look like? How do I carry myself throughout the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.

    For more more chakra resources, plus uplifting affirmations and self-love encouragement, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

    Are you ready for your freebies? Enter your name and email address below for your free printable crown chakra affirmations and journal prompts! (Note that it may take an hour or two for the email to come through.) Plus, receive a weekly newsletter with resources, affirmations, and new blog post updates straight to your inbox. (Don’t worry, I hate spam, too! I only send one email a week, never share your personal info, and you can unsubscribe anytime.)

    crown chakra journal prompts
    Pin this for later! 30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Crown Chakra