• 24 Shadow Work Journal Prompts For Inner Healing
    Self Love,  Spirituality

    The Best 24 Shadow Work Journal Prompts For Real Healing

    In this article, discover the meaning of shadow work, plus get 24 profound shadow work journal prompts to connect to your innermost self and begin the journey of deep healing and growth.

    24 Shadow Work Journal Prompts For Inner Healing
    Pin this for later! 24 Shadow Work Journal Prompts For Deep Inner Healing

    What Is Shadow Work?

    We all have parts of ourselves that we keep hidden—from friends, from strangers, and even from ourselves.

    These are the aspects of our inner beings that we suppress and neglect, exiling to a deep corner hidden inside ourselves where no one can access.

    Often, we label these hidden pieces of our own inner being as wrong.

    This label may come from childhood, when you were told by an adult that something you did or said was bad. Maybe you put yourself out there, wanting to impress an adult, and they reacted in a way that you perceived as negatively. In turn, this caused you to feel shame and embarrassment.

    And no longer wanting to ever feel that depth of pain again, you locked away this part of you so that nobody would ever be able to cut you so deeply ever again.

    We go to great lengths to protect ourselves. We hide the things we deem as being unflattering. We don’t like to expose our shadows out of fear of being judged, ridiculed, and abandoned.

    But the truth is, we all have a darker side within us. We all experience anger, pain, and other feelings we label as negative.

    Shadow work is the practice of gently acknowledging and bringing these hidden parts of yourself back to the surface. Instead of viewing yourself as a hundred different puzzle pieces, some lost and hidden, you see that you’re the whole puzzle. It’s embracing your wholeness—the entirety of who you are.

    The light. The dark. The difficult and vulnerable. All of it.

    Because all parts of you are worthy of your own love and attention.

    Shadow work isn’t easy, though, and I definitely recommend preparing yourself fully before diving straight in. Scott Jeffrey offers a great guide to shadow work to learn more.

    Make sure you’re in a stable place mentally, emotionally, and spiritually before you begin working through these shadow work journal prompts.

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    Getting Started With Shadow Work Journal Prompts

    Before we get to the journal prompts, I want to make an important note on how to approach your journaling session.

    Shadow work can trigger a lot of feelings and thoughts within. And very likely, you’re going to be hard on yourself. You’ll criticize your answers. You’ll tell yourself you should somehow learn to be better.

    Before you begin answering any of these questions, make a promise to yourself to refrain from self-criticism. The path to healing isn’t paved in self-judgment but in deep and profound self-compassion.

    If it helps, you can write on the top of your paper, “I will be kind to myself today.”

    Know that this really, truly isn’t about being perfect. It’s about acknowledging all parts of yourself, including the parts that you may neglect and bury deep within. You don’t have to do anything immediately to change or heal those parts of you.

    Right now, just showing those parts of yourself that they are seen, acknowledged, and safe is enough.

    Shadow Work Journal Prompts

    • What are my pet peeves? Where do I think these pet peeves may have stemmed from?
    • What personality traits bother me? What behaviors get under my skin? Do I possess any of these personality traits or behaviors?
    • What external experiences trigger a negative reaction within me? Why do I think I react negatively to these experiences?
    • Have I ever offered my authentic self to another and been rejected? How did this make me feel?
    • What was I like as a child? Is there any aspect of my childlike self that I’ve lost touch with that I miss? What caused me to lose touch with this part of me?
    • Did I experience any embarrassing or difficult situations when I was younger that had a profound effect on me? How do I feel when I think about that experience now?
    • Do I try to hide any parts of myself from others? Why do I hide these parts of me?
    • What personality traits do I notice in others that I wish I had? How do I feel when I’m around people with these traits?
    • If I could change one part of myself, what would I change? (Now, challenge yourself to see if you can find at least one positive aspect of this part of you. Could this thing you don’t like be beneficial in any way?)
    • What’s one of my greatest weaknesses? In what ways could this weakness be a strength?
    • What emotions do I typically avoid feeling? (i.e. anger, resentment, sadness, grief) What do I think will happen if I allow myself to feel these emotions?
    • Have I ever felt wronged by someone? How has that experience affected me?
    • Think about a time when you felt wronged, betrayed, or let down. Write a letter to the person who caused these feelings.
    • Have I ever wronged, betrayed, or let down another person? Have I forgiven myself for what I did?
    • Think about a time you wronged, betrayed, or let down another person. Write a letter to yourself, forgiving yourself for this experience.
    • Think about a time you wronged, betrayed, or let down another person. Write a letter to that person, asking for their forgiveness.
    • What do I carry inside me that still needs to be healed? How can I take the first step to healing?
    • What parts of myself do I neglect, ignore, and/or suppress? Why have I neglected these parts of myself? What would happen if I showed these aspects of my inner self a little more attention?
    • Have I noticed any negative patterns that keep appearing in my life? What do I need to do to break this cycle?
    • In what ways do I ghost myself? Do I ignore my own feelings, thoughts, needs, or desires? How does it feel to ghost myself?
    • Think about some of the negative emotional reactions you’ve had over the past week. Is there a theme that ties these reactions together? If there’s one thing that particularly bothers you, is it possible that you see this bothersome thing reflected in yourself? (For instance, if narcissism triggers an especially powerful reaction in you, do you have any narcissistic tendencies that you try to hide from others?)
    • Write a letter to yourself, from Fear. What does Fear want to tell you?
    • Write a letter to yourself, from Shame. What does Shame want to tell you?
    • Write a letter to yourself, from your shadow. What does your shadow want to tell you?
    Authentic Self: Self-Love Workbooks for Your Highest Self. Click to learn more.

    For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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    24 Shadow Work Journal Prompts For Inner Healing
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  • journal prompts for self growth
    Self Love

    30 Journal Prompts For Self-Growth (& Deeper Self-Love)

    Discover 30 profound journal prompts for self-growth and deeper self-love. Use these journal prompts to help you go within, peel back the layers of your innermost self, and unearth the truest, most authentic you. (Plus don’t forget to download your free printable journal prompts for self-growth below.)

    30 Journal Prompts For Self-Growth (& Deeper Self-Love)
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    Your Journey of Self-Growth

    One of my all-time favorite affirmations is this:

    “I love myself fully now as I continue to grow.”

    Growth is a never-ending process. For as long as you’re breathing, you’re continuing to transform, discover, and unearth the deepest parts of yourself. This means that you can’t wait until you’ve ended your journey of personal growth to finally show yourself real love and compassion.

    Because if you wait until you’re no longer growing, you’ll be waiting for the rest of your life.

    You are allowed to love yourself fully right now, exactly as you are. Even in your imperfections. Even when you make mistakes. Even when you’re still discovering yourself.

    At every stage of your journey, you are worthy of deep, unconditional love.

    Embrace the journey. Love the journey. And also embrace and love yourself as you navigate this path—even when (especially when) you lose sight of yourself. Sometimes, getting lost for a while is required in order to uncover your truest, most authentic self.

    Below, you’ll find 30 journal prompts for self-growth that will help you to go within and gently peel back the layers of your innermost self. As you answer these prompts, be sure to show yourself extra love and compassion. Don’t judge or criticize yourself for your answers. This journey of growth isn’t easy, and it’s something many of us avoid, so acknowledge the courage it requires to take this step.

    And for more self-growth journal prompts, be sure to check out these journal prompts for anxiety as well as these spirituality journal prompts to connect to your deepest self. (Plus, be sure to download your free printable journal prompts below.)

    Authentic Self: Self-Love Workbooks for Your Highest Self. Click to learn more.

    Journal Prompts For Self-Growth

    • What would I do today if I knew I could not fail?
    • What limiting beliefs or fears are holding me back from pursuing my dreams?
    • How have I grown in the past year? What led me to experiencing this type of growth?
    • How have I grown in the past ten years? What positive changes am I most grateful for?
    • What are some hardships I’ve experienced, and in what ways have these hardships helped me to grow?
    • What risks have I taken in my life that I’m really glad I took?
    • What risks do I want to take this year, and what’s holding me back?
    • What are my guiding principles and truths? How do I live by my guiding principles in my daily life?
    • How can I be kinder and more compassionate to myself? When my inner bully comes out, what can I do to show myself more kindness and love?
    • In what situations do I hold back from speaking my truth? Are there any situations in which I withdraw, even when I have something to say? What can I do to feel more confident in these situations?
    • What are some of the people, experiences, and/or things in my life that I sometimes take for granted? How can I cultivate more gratitude and appreciation in my daily life?
    • What does it mean to me to be stable, secure, and grounded? When I’m feeling off-balance, what can I do to help myself feel more grounded and centered?
    • What do I need more of in my life? How can I bring more of this to my life?
    • What do I need to release in my life? How can I let go of these things/experiences/people/beliefs to make space for something new?
    • What does success mean to me? How might my idea of success be different from someone else’s idea of success?
    • What tasks do I tend to avoid doing? Why do I avoid these tasks? How can I support myself in approaching these tasks with confidence?
    • Do I have any unhealthy habits? What steps can I take to release my unhealthy habits and create new, more positive ones?
    • What does forgiveness mean to me? Am I able to forgive easily?
    • Do I criticize myself often? How does it feel when I criticize myself?
    • What does self-compassion mean to me? Do I have a difficult time showing myself compassion?
    • What does my comfort zone look like? In what ways does this comfort zone support me, and in what ways does it hinder my growth? How can I begin to step outside of my comfort zone over the next three months?
    • What’s something I’ve always dreamed of doing but haven’t done yet? Can I make this dream come true this year?
    • What’s on my lifelong bucket list? Which of these things could I do or accomplish over the next year?
    • What kind of person do I want to be? How do I want to be remembered?
    • If I could go back in time and tell my younger self anything, what would I say?
    • What self-care practices can I do for myself to nourish my whole self? How can I take care of my mind, body, and spirit?
    • How can I show myself unconditional love in my daily life?
    • When do I feel happiest? What brings me true joy? How can I incorporate more joy into my daily life?
    • How can I love myself a little more today?
    • What will I do today to help my personal growth?

    journal prompts for self growth click to download
    Click to download your free printable journal prompts for self growth!

    For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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  • journal prompts for anxiety
    Self Love

    30 Gentle and Calming Journal Prompts for Anxiety

    Discover 30 journal prompts for anxiety designed to help you gently explore your anxiety with love and kindness. Find a quiet place where you can connect with your innermost self, and allow yourself to answer each question with truth and compassion.

    30 Gentle and Calming Journal Prompts for Anxiety
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    Experiencing Anxiety

    What does anxiety feel like to you?

    For some, anxiety is most often experienced physically. Your chest may start to feel tight and hot. Your stomach might feel like it’s flipping over itself. Or maybe there’s tension in your head that just won’t go away.

    For others, anxiety might be experienced emotionally or mentally. A stream of steady, anxious thoughts might keep you up at night, or your anxiety may cause you to feel sad, angry, or overall pessimistic.

    And still, your answer might be all of the above: physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. And feeling that deep heaviness day after day? It’s more than just hard—it can be debilitating.

    It may be tempting to try to suppress your anxiety by telling yourself you’re okay and pretending these uncomfortable feelings don’t exist. But when you suppress feelings, they don’t go away; rather, they remain stagnant within you, often building and creating even more fear, worry, and discomfort.

    Rather, the most healing way to interact with your own anxiety is to move toward the discomfort and gently probe it with kindness and compassion.

    Pay attention to how anxiety feels in your body. Can you breathe into these tight and tense areas? Breathing exercises like alternate nostril breathing may help.

    When you’re ready, you can begin to (again, gently) move toward your anxiety and try to understand its source.

    Below, you’ll find 30 gentle and calming journal prompts for anxiety to help you do just this. These journal prompts are meant to help you explore your anxiety with kindness, compassion, and love.

    I encourage you to give yourself time and space to answer these prompts in a safe place where you’re free of outside distractions. You might find it helpful to light some candles or play some soft music while you write.

    Note that these journal prompts are not meant to replace talking to a healthcare professional. For further anxiety resources, I encourage you to check out this article from Everyday Health. It includes a list of organizations that can provide valuable information about anxiety, resources for BIPOC communities, information about financial assistance, and more.

    Authentic Self: Self-Love Workbooks for Your Highest Self. Click to learn more.

    Journal Prompts for Anxiety

    • What does anxiety feel like to me?
    • Where in my body do I experience anxiety the most?
    • In what types of situations do I most often experience anxiety?
    • Are there specific triggers that make me feel anxious or overwhelmed?
    • Is there anything I’m feeling anxious about right now?
    • For anything I feel anxious about right now, what can I do for myself to alleviate my anxiety?
    • What practices have helped me in the past when I feel anxiety setting in?
    • When my anxiety feels overbearing, what can I do to show myself kindness and compassion?
    • What can I do to support myself when I know I’m entering a situation in which I might feel anxious, overwhelmed, or stressed?
    • What do I need from the Universe when I feel worried or anxious? How can the Universe support me?
    • What do I need from my loved ones when I feel worried or anxious? How can my loved ones support me?
    • What has my anxiety taught me about the world?
    • What has my anxiety taught me about myself?
    • In what ways is anxiety not a weakness?
    • What negative thoughts do I most often experience?
    • Why do I think I have these negative thoughts?
    • Can I turn any of these negative thoughts into positive thoughts?
    • Where do I feel the safest? What about this environment makes me feel safe?
    • With whom do I feel the safest? What about this person (or people) makes me feel safe?
    • Describe what it feels like to feel safe, supported, and protected.
    • How can I carry the feelings of being safe, supported, and protected into my everyday world?
    • Write ten calming affirmations that bring peace and serenity within. Save these affirmations to your phone, or write them on a piece of paper that you can carry with you throughout your day.
    • What do I feel grateful for about my life right now?
    • What do I love most about myself?
    • What makes my soul truly beautiful?
    • What superpower do I have that makes a positive difference in other people’s lives?
    • What hardships have I experienced that have made me stronger? How did I show courage, strength, and resilience while experiencing these hardships?
    • What self-care practices can I do for myself to nourish my whole self? How can I take care of my mind, body, and spirit?
    • How can I show myself unconditional love in my daily life?
    • When do I feel happiest? What brings me true joy? How can I incorporate more joy into my daily life?

    For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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  • how to release limiting beliefs
    Self Love

    How to Release Limiting Beliefs (and Create New Beliefs)

    In this post, learn how to release limiting beliefs using several powerful practices. These practices will not only help you release your limiting beliefs, but they’ll allow you to make space to create new, empowering beliefs that will serve you as you step into a new chapter.

    How to Release Limiting Beliefs (and Create New Beliefs)
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    What is a Limiting Belief?

    A limiting belief is a deep-seated belief that holds you back from realizing your true potential and living your fullest, most authentic life.

    Limiting beliefs can come in many forms. Here are a few examples:

    • There are already thousands of wellness coaches out there. I don’t have anything special to offer to stand out from the crowd. I’ll never be able to compete.
    • I’ll get back on the dating scene someday, but nobody’s going to love me the way I am now. First, I need to lose twenty pounds. My physical self has to be in peak shape to be loved.
    • Only really lucky people get to have that kind of success. I’ll never make it.

    Do any of these sound familiar? Or have you experienced similar types of thoughts that have held you back from taking the next step personally or professionally?

    Most of the time, you’ll find that your limiting beliefs are rooted in fear: fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of not being enough, fear of failure, and even fear of success.

    But know this: you are not your fears.

    And you have the power to rise above your limiting beliefs and fears. What held you back yesterday doesn’t have to continue to hold you back today.

    Below, you’ll discover how to release limiting beliefs using several powerful practices. You can use one or two of these practices, or you can try them all and see how they feel for you.

    Even more importantly, these practices don’t just help you release limiting beliefs; they allow you to create new, empowering beliefs that will guide you in your journey forward into a new, more freeing chapter.

    Do you want to dig even deeper into your limiting beliefs and begin creating a new story for yourself today? Check out the Releasing Limiting Beliefs workbook, part of the Authentic Self: Self-Love Workbooks series. In this 42-page digital workbook, you’ll identify your limiting beliefs and do the deeper inner work of releasing them so you can create new, empowering beliefs to guide your self-love journey. Plus, get affirmations and journal prompts for deeper self-reflection. Learn more here!

    Authentic Self: Self-Love Workbooks for Your Highest Self. Click to learn more.

    How to Release Limiting Beliefs (5 Methods)

    Make a Reframed Beliefs List

    One of my favorite ways to release limiting beliefs is to make a list of new, reframed beliefs.

    To do this, you can use a sheet of paper or pull up a blank document on your computer. Make a table with two columns.

    Title the first column, Old Limiting Beliefs. Title the second column, New Reframed Beliefs. You can also use the titles, Limiting Beliefs I’m Releasing and Empowering Beliefs I’m Embracing.

    Under the Limiting Beliefs column, write down all of the limiting beliefs that have held you back. Maybe there’s just one or two really big ones, or there may be several you want to write down.

    Now, what’s the opposite of those limiting beliefs you just wrote down?

    In the next column, turn every limiting belief into a new, positive, empowering belief. Essentially, you’re writing a powerful affirmation here. If your belief is that you’re not good enough, affirm that you are good enough. Write what feels good and right to you.

    Repeat these new reframed beliefs as often as you need to. You might decide to look at them every morning and recite your empowering beliefs aloud.

    Here’s an example of how your list might look:

    Old Limiting BeliefsNew Reframed Beliefs
    I’m not talented enough to make it. Why even bother?I have what it takes to succeed and thrive. I’m more than enough.
    Nobody will want to date someone like me. I shouldn’t even try.I have so many amazing qualities to offer. There’s someone out there looking for exactly someone like me.

    Burn Your Limiting Beliefs List

    Another practice that might feel cathartic for you is to take the limiting beliefs list you wrote above and burn it. Let this be a representation of you letting go of your limiting beliefs and making space for something new in your life.

    If you do this, I recommend still finding a way to turn those limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs. After you burn your limiting beliefs, you can make a list of positive affirmations that represent your new beliefs. Instead of focusing on the negative energy of your old beliefs, focus on the fresh energy of your new beliefs. Let this new energy carry you forward into your next chapter.

    How to Release Limiting Beliefs - five practices to release limiting beliefs on zannakeithley.com

    Visualize Releasing Your Limiting Beliefs

    Another one of my favorite practices for releasing limiting beliefs is to envision myself throwing my limiting beliefs off a cliff and watching them disappear.

    To do this, find a quiet, safe spot where you won’t be interrupted. Close your eyes. Imagine you’re standing at the edge of a cliff. Below is a deep chasm—you can’t see the bottom. Now, invite your limiting beliefs to come forward. See them with non-judgmental awareness.

    This means you don’t criticize yourself for having these beliefs. You don’t place labels on these beliefs as bad or wrong. Simply see them, just as they are.

    You might even send a little love to your limiting beliefs and acknowledge the ways in which they tried to serve you. For instance, you might say, “I recognize that you were trying to protect me from getting my heart broken, but I no longer need your service anymore.”

    Next, release these old beliefs into the chasm below. Watch them until they disappear. Feel yourself getting lighter without the weight of these fears pressing down on you.

    Now you have space to create new, positive beliefs. Create your new beliefs in love, kindness, and courage, knowing you have the strength to step into the life you were always meant to live.

    Journal Your Feelings

    Instead of making a list, it might help you to explore your limiting beliefs in journaling.

    Journaling allows you the time and space to explore the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. It also allows you to probe these beliefs and ask, “Is it true?”

    For instance, you might discover that the belief that you’re not talented enough has been holding you back from pursuing your dreams. But once you start writing about it, you realize that you’ve just been using this fear to stay small.

    And you also realize that it absolutely is not true.

    You are talented enough. And you have what it takes to succeed—you just had to recognize it for yourself.

    Explore your limiting beliefs with love and compassion through journaling. And in your writing, you can release these beliefs and create new beliefs that support your mind, body, and spirit.

    Here’s a few questions to ask yourself as you journal:

    • What’s stopping me from taking the next step to pursuing my dreams?
    • What fears do I possess?
    • What beliefs am I clinging onto?
    • If these limiting beliefs didn’t exist, what would I do?
    • Are these limiting beliefs actually true?
    • What new, empowering beliefs am I creating today?

    Express Gratitude for Your Limiting Beliefs

    One way to overcome your limiting beliefs is to make them a little less intimidating. And you do this by recognizing that limiting beliefs aren’t 100% bad, scary things.

    You possess these limiting beliefs for a reason. Most likely, they were protecting you from something. Take some time to explore how these limiting beliefs may have been trying to serve you. You can write this in a journal, create a list, or simply think about your answers.

    Then, thank these limiting beliefs for the ways in which they served you. Afterwards, you can use any of the practices on this list to release them, or you can simply say, “I’m ready to release you now.”

    Feel the space around you open up as you prepare to create new beliefs that are more in line with the life you want to live.

    Next Steps

    So you’ve released your limiting beliefs—what comes next?

    In the beginning, you may fall back into old thought patterns that don’t reflect where you want to go with your life. When this happens, don’t judge or criticize yourself. Rather, react with love and a whole lot of self-compassion.

    It helps to have positive affirmations on-hand that lift your vibration and help you to feel confident and empowered. Choose some of your favorite affirmations and save them to your phone (or print them out). Repeat them daily. To help you get started, I’ve linked to some of my favorite positive affirmations below.

    If you find yourself falling back into old, limiting beliefs, you can repeat any of the practices on this list. Remember that it took you years to cultivate these beliefs, so it will take time to release them fully. And that’s okay—in time, you’ll find that your old beliefs are slipping further and further away from your mindset, until you no longer fall back to them anymore.

    For even deeper healing as you let go of your limiting beliefs and embrace new, empowering beliefs, be sure to check out the Releasing Limiting Beliefs workbook. Begin writing your new story today.

    And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifesting tips, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

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    How to Release Limiting Beliefs (and Create New Beliefs)
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  • spirituality journal prompts
    Self Love,  Spirituality

    33 Spirituality Journal Prompts to Connect to Your Spirit

    Below, discover 33 spirituality journal prompts to gently guide you within and help you to connect to your innermost self.

    33 Spirituality Journal Prompts to Connect to Your Spirit
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    Click here to skip straight to the journal prompts.

    Who is your spiritual self?

    Do you connect with your spiritual self in the silence of meditation or in the company of others? Do you feel most spiritually aligned at a religious temple, or does your spiritual self speak to you when you’re in the mountains or near the ocean?

    What does spirituality mean to you? How does it show up in your daily life? How does it guide your actions and beliefs?

    All of these questions could be journal prompts themselves, and there are no right or wrong answers.

    Throughout your life, you’ll find people whose spiritual beliefs align with yours, and you’ll find others who have very different beliefs. You’ll also cross paths with people who are in different stages of their spiritual journeys. Some are only just beginning to connect with their own spirituality, while others have been on this journey for a long time.

    No two spiritual journeys look exactly the same. How you connect with your spiritual self is deeply personal to you.

    Often, we may lose our spiritual selves amidst the noise of daily life. We get lost in the busyness of to-do lists and external obligations. We work. We run errands. We take care of our responsibilities.

    And as a result, we may feel like something’s missing. Something we can’t quite pinpoint. Something that goes beyond explanation.

    That something is your connection with your innermost self. In the midst of all the external noise, we forget to connect with our own spirits. We lose touch of our true purpose. We forget what it feels like to simply surrender and trust.

    The 33 spirituality journal prompts below are meant to gently guide you within and help you to connect to your true self. There are no rules for how to answer these journal prompts, but I do urge you not to judge or criticize yourself. At all times, show yourself deep compassion and love. If possible, try to give yourself some time alone to focus on your journaling without distractions.

    And remember that you are always worthy and deserving of unconditional love. You’re worthy of receiving love from yourself. You’re worthy of receiving love from other people. And you’re worthy of receiving love from a higher power.

    Even if you’ve lost touch with your true self, you still possess infinite worthiness within you.

    I hope these spirituality journal prompts support your total well-being and serve your mind, body, and spirit.

    Authentic Self: Self-Love Workbooks for Your Highest Self. Click to learn more.

    Spirituality Journal Prompts

    • How would I describe my relationship with a higher power?
    • Who or what is God to me? How would I describe this higher power?
    • How do I speak to the Universe? Do I feel like I’m heard?
    • Write about a time in which you experienced the Universe’s unconditional love.
    • Do I feel like the higher power in my life judges me or loves me without condition? How does this higher power feel about me?
    • Are there any spiritual practices I’m feeling called to learn more about? (For example, tarot, pendulum dowsing, or astrology.) What will I do to take that first step toward learning more about this practice?
    • Have I connected with my spirit guides? If so, who are they? If not, what feelings and beliefs do I have about spirit guides?
    • Who is my highest self? How do I align with my highest self in my daily life?
    • How does my highest self approach each day? How does my highest self react to negative energy? How does my highest self walk through life?
    • Do I regularly consult with my highest self when responding to situations and making decisions? If not, how can I begin to include my highest self in my life’s journey?
    • What is my soul’s purpose? Do I feel connected to my purpose? If not, what steps can I take to discover my soul’s purpose?
    • Do I believe I’m a spiritual being in a human body? What does this concept mean to me?
    • What blessings am I experiencing in my life right now?
    • What signs and synchronicities have appeared in my life that have guided my path?
    • When and/or where do I feel most connected to my spiritual self?
    • Do I feel safe openly expressing my spirituality? Why or why not?
    • When I’m aligned with my spiritual self, how do I feel?
    • What is a time in my life when my prayers weren’t answered (or it seemed as though they weren’t answered), and this actually worked out positively for me?
    • What are some examples of past experiences when the Universe gave me exactly what I needed at exactly the right time?
    • What does it mean to me to surrender to a higher power? Is this easy or hard for me?
    • What are three ways I can practice surrendering in my daily life?
    • In what ways is my spiritual journey a solo journey, and in what ways does it connect me more with others?
    • What does it mean to me to be connected to all living beings (people, animals, plants, the earth, and the universe as a whole)?
    • Do I trust my path or do I have a hard time releasing control? What makes this hard or easy for me?
    • What about my spiritual self am I still learning and discovering?
    • Did I have any childhood experiences that negatively affected my belief, attitude, or relationship toward God, the Universe, and/or the concept of spirituality? Have I been able to heal from these experiences, or is there still healing to be done?
    • What self-care practices can I do for myself to nourish my spiritual self? How can I take care of my mind, body, and spirit?
    • What is the relationship between my soul and my body?
    • How can I tell when my spiritual self has been neglected? What can I do for myself in these moments?
    • What evidence do I see in my life of the Universe always looking out for me? What are some visible and non-visible signs of the Universe’s love?
    • How does God (the Universe/Source Energy/the Divine) show up in my daily life?
    • Why am I always worthy of the Universe’s infinite love?

    For positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifesting tips, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

    33 Spirituality Journal Prompts to Connect to Your Spirit
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  • solar plexus chakra journal prompts
    Chakras,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra

    Discover 30 powerful solar plexus chakra journal prompts to help you open and heal your body’s energy center for confidence, positivity, and drive. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to download your free printable solar plexus chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra
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    Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra

    Self-confidence. Self-esteem. Self-respect. Self-image. Self-worth.

    The solar plexus chakra is the energy center for all of the empowering self words. Want to build more confidence? Ready to boost your self-esteem? Looking to create a positive self-image and cultivate everlasting self-worth?

    Then it’s time to focus on the solar plexus chakra, your body’s energy center for confidence, joy, positivity, empowerment, and drive. Located a couple inches above the navel, just below your chest (you might call this the pit of your stomach), your solar plexus chakra is also your energy center of alignment with your purpose and core values.

    Now, the truth is, most of us don’t feel good 100% of the time. Even those of us who have generally high self-esteem experience moments of doubt and insecurity.

    And that’s okay.

    It’s normal not to feel positive every single moment of every day. The key is to recognize when you’re feeling low and to know that even though you may be having negative thoughts, it doesn’t make them true.

    On top of that, it’s important to have the tools you need to help build your confidence back up when it’s low.

    Positive affirmations are an important part of your self-care toolkit, and so is journaling. I’ve been journaling every morning for the past several years, and it’s made a huge impact on my confidence and self-belief. Journaling allows me to get in touch with my inner self and explore all my hidden depths.

    And, I’ve discovered, the more I’ve gotten to know the real me, the more I like myself.

    Below are 30 powerful solar plexus journal prompts to help you explore your own inner world. Specifically, these questions are geared toward discovering your confidence, finding your purpose, and celebrating all the things that make you awesome.

    Explore these journal prompts with an open mind and open heart, and write your answers with courage, honesty, and lots of self-love.

    And to go even deeper into balancing your solar plexus chakra, I’ve also put together 35 solar plexus chakra affirmations for confidence and motivation. You’ll also get these affirmations, along with the journal prompts below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.

    The Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle click to learn more

    How to Use These Journal Prompts

    The journal prompts below are designed to help you open, activate, and heal your solar plexus chakra. Each prompt explores one of the central attributes of this energy center, including confidence, self-respect, self-worth, purpose, drive, positivity, joy, and more.

    There aren’t many rules about how to approach these prompts, as each person is different, and we all have different preferences and needs.

    If you want, you can read through the prompts and choose the ones that resonate most with you. If you do this, I would encourage you to still give some of the other prompts a try, as something might come to the surface for you that you weren’t expecting.

    You can also choose to start at the top and work your way to the bottom one prompt at a time.

    Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you have some quiet time to yourself to do this work. Whether it’s 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or longer, the most important thing is that you truly have time and space to explore your inner world without distractions.

    And my only other rule? (Well, more like a loving suggestion.)

    Be kind to yourself as you answer these questions.

    Be compassionate. Release self-criticism and self-judgment. The goal here isn’t to be perfect; the goal is to heal and fully explore your inner world. To do that, you must be wholeheartedly honest and kind to yourself throughout the process.

    So as you walk forward in this journey, make self-love your first priority, and let it lead you on your path.

    Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.

    Solar Plexus Chakra Journal Prompts

    • When do I feel most confident?
    • When do I feel least confident? How can I support myself and create more confidence in these situations?
    • What does it mean to me to be a confident person?
    • What is the source of my confidence? Does it come from external sources or from within?
    • Write out a list of positive inner qualities you love about yourself, and describe why you love each of those things.
    • Write out a list of positive outer qualities you love about yourself, and describe why you love each of those things.
    • Do I believe I can achieve my goals and dreams? If not, what’s holding me back?
    • Write a list of ten to fifteen positive affirmations about your ability to achieve your dreams. Repeat each affirmation twice.
    • What does it mean to be a positive person?
    • Why is it worth it for me to choose positivity?
    • How can approaching situations with a positive mindset change my life for the better?
    • What does it mean to me to have self-respect? How do I show myself self-respect in my daily life?
    • Describe yourself as if you were introducing yourself to a total stranger. List all the positive attributes that make you awesome.
    • How would the people closest to me describe me? In their eyes, what makes me special?
    • What brings me joy in my daily life?
    • How can I cultivate even more joy in my life?
    • In what ways am I a driven and motivated person?
    • What does it mean to be empowered? In what ways am I an empowered person? In what ways do I empower others?
    • On days when my self-esteem feels low, what self-care practices can I do to show myself love and lift myself up?
    • At this stage of my life, do I feel aligned with my purpose? Do my actions reflect my purpose, or do I feel a lack of purpose?
    • List ten (or more) things that make you feel happy, fill your heart with joy, and/or make you feel important and needed. Can any of these things be tied to your purpose?
    • What are my my core values? Do my daily actions align with my core values?
    • What tools can I keep in my personal self-care toolkit to support myself when I lack confidence in myself?
    • How do I act when I’m on a team? Am I a collaborative team player? Do I shrink back or try to dominate the team? Why is it important to me to always be a team player with others?
    • How do I handle criticism? How can I support myself to handle criticism with grace and compassion?
    • Describe one of the best compliments you’ve ever received and why it still makes you happy to this day. Why are you unconditionally worthy and deserving of this awesome compliment?
    • Finish this sentence: “I am worthy because . . .” Write at least ten reasons why you are infinitely worthy.
    • Write a letter to your younger self. Fill it with compliments and love. Tell your younger self why they are always worthy. Boost your younger self’s self-esteem, give them confidence, and remind them to always act with self-respect.
    • Why is having an open and balanced solar plexus chakra important to me?
    • What does an ordinary day as my most confident, joyful, positive self look like? How do I carry myself through the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.

    Are your ready for your freebies? Download your free printables below!

    For more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.

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  • sacral chakra journal prompts
    Chakras,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Sacral Chakra

    Discover 30 powerful sacral chakra journal prompts for opening, activating, and healing your body’s energy center for creativity, joy, passion, and sensuality. Plus don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to download your free printable sacral chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Sacral Chakra
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    Healing the Sacral Chakra

    How often do you let yourself play?

    No work. No thinking about your to-do lists. No sacrificing your time for everyone else.

    Just fun, non-productive, glorious play.

    And even more: how often do you daydream? How do you express your creativity in your daily life? If you have a creative job, what fun and creative things do you do in your off-time? Do you ever seek out pleasure? What are you passionate about?

    Fun, creativity, and passion are all important components of the sacral chakra, your body’s second energy center. This is also your energy center for joy, prosperity, sensuality, sexuality, openness, and honesty.

    When your sacral chakra is open and energy is freely flowing in and out of this energy center, you’re more likely to feel inspired, passionate, and in touch with your fun and creative side. It also means you’re open and honest with others, and you also have a healthy relationship with your sensuality and sexuality.

    However, if your sacral chakra is either underactive or overactive, then you likely are experiencing deficiencies in areas of fun, passion, and creativity. When underactive, you may become withdrawn, tense, and insecure. And when it’s overactive, you’re more prone to becoming controlling, manipulative, and aggressive.

    So if you want to truly cultivate that feeling of pure joy and passion for life, it’s important to connect with your sacral chakra regularly.

    And know this: you deserve joy. You deserve prosperity. And you deserve to live an effortlessly beautiful, free, creative life that you feel truly passionate about.

    So ditch the “all work, no play” mentality and invite beautiful abundance into your life today.

    If you want to learn more about practices to balance your sacral chakra, you can check out my post on sacral chakra healing practices here.

    And to go even deeper into balancing your sacral chakra, I’ve also put together 35 sacral chakra affirmations to live a creative and passionate life. You’ll also get these affirmations, along with the journal prompts below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.

    Download the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle - click to learn more

    How to Use These Journal Prompts

    The 30 journal prompts below are designed to help you activate, open, and heal your sacral chakra. Each prompt focuses on an important aspect of the sacral chakra, including creativity, fun, play, sensuality, passion, sexuality, and your relationship with your body.

    And because you don’t want to be too rigid when it comes to the sacral chakra, know that there truly are no rules here. If you want to skip around and only answer the prompts that resonate with you, that’s totally fine. Or, if you’d like, you can start at the top and work your way to the bottom, one prompt at a time.

    You don’t have to answer all the prompts, though I think it can be powerful to do so as unexpected feelings and beliefs may arise from the questions posed in the various prompts.

    There’s definitely no time limit, so take as much or as little time as you need to answer these questions below. I do suggest that on days when you choose to work through the prompts, you set aside some time for yourself where you won’t be distracted or interrupted.

    And finally, make this sacred journaling time a judgment-free zone. In order to truly heal, you must work through the negative thoughts and beliefs you carry inside. And the only way you can truly embrace this healing journey is if you release judgment and embrace wholehearted authenticity, truth, and self-love.

    And don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this page, where you can sign up to download your free printable sacral chakra affirmations and journal prompts! Use these free resources to serve and support you in your healing journey.

    Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.

    Sacral Chakra Journal Prompts

    • What can I do in my daily life to add more opportunities for play?
    • What are my favorite creative activities? How do I feel when I get to express my creativity?
    • What are some creative activities I’ve always wanted to try but never have? What first step can I take toward trying one of these activities?
    • What are some creative activities I love to do but don’t make space for in my life as much as I’d like to? How can I create more space for these activities?
    • Express your creativity: Write about a movie or book idea floating in the back of your mind. What is it about? Who are the characters? What’s the central theme? Write as many details as possible, and have fun with it!
    • Invent something: Write about an invention that doesn’t exist yet but definitely should. What is its name? How does it work? How will it improve people’s lives? Get creative, and make it as crazy, far out, and illogical as you want!
    • What inspires me? Are there things in my daily life that keep me inspired every day? If not, what might help?
    • What brings me joy? In what ways is my life filled with joy?
    • How can I cultivate more feelings of joy in my daily life?
    • How often do I daydream? What kinds of things do I daydream about? In what ways can daydreaming support my well-being?
    • Reflect on this statement and what it means to you: “Play is not irresponsible. Creativity is not impractical. Fun is not frivolous.
    • What does it mean to me to be prosperous? In what way(s) is my life prosperous?
    • Why is it important to me to be an open and honest person?
    • Why is it important to me to be a forgiving person? Do I ever find it difficult to forgive myself or others?
    • Write a letter forgiving yourself for a mistake you made in the past.
    • Write a letter forgiving someone else for actions they took or words they said that caused you pain.
    • What types of situations and experiences make me feel tense, insecure, and withdrawn? What can I do to help myself in these situations? Are there any frequent experiences like this in my daily life that I can change?
    • What do I feel passionate about in my life? How do I express my passion?
    • Why am I always worthy and deserving of respect from myself and others?
    • How do I show myself respect? What choices do I make for myself that are rooted in self-respect?
    • What are five practices I can incorporate into my life to boost my self-esteem?
    • Why am I awesome? What are my superpowers? What makes me an incredible person?
    • What are ten things I love about my sacred body?
    • Why is this body of mine special? What makes it beautiful?
    • How do I define sensuality? What does it mean to be a sensual being?
    • Do I consider myself sensual? What’s my personal relationship with sensuality? How can I cultivate a positive relationship with sensuality?
    • How do I define intimacy? What forms of intimacy are there? Do I easily embrace intimacy with others, or do I have a hard time with intimacy?
    • Do I consider myself a sexual being? Do I have a healthy relationship with sexuality?
    • List all of the positive things you associate with sex and sexuality.
    • What does an ordinary day as my most creative, passionate, inspired self look like? How do I carry myself through the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your free printables below!

    For more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.

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  • root chakra journal prompts
    Chakras,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    30 Journal Prompts to Open and Heal Your Root Chakra

    Below, discover 30 powerful root chakra journal prompts to heal your body’s energy center for strength, stability, and securityPlus, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to download your free printable root chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

    root chakra journal prompts
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    Healing the Root Chakra

    Have you ever felt insecure about your place in life? Maybe there are things happening outside of you that make you feel like you’ve lost your sense of control. Or maybe uncertainty about your future means you’re constantly living in a state of worry and fear.

    I think most of us, at some point in our lives, have experienced these unsettling feelings. It’s especially common to get caught up reliving mistakes of the past or worrying about the future.

    Unfortunately, while those worries and fears usually come from a place of self-preservation, they take us away from the present moment and do little to support our total well-being.

    That’s why doing the deep, inner work to heal the source of what makes you feel uncertain, scattered, anxious, disconnected, and/or fearful is so important. And that all starts with the root chakra.

    Located at the base of your spine, your root chakra is your energy center for safety, stability, groundedness, strength, and ease within your own body. When your root chakra is open, it means that your basic physiological and safety needs are being met and you have the resources you need to survive.

    Beyond this, it also signifies that you feel firm in your place in life. This doesn’t mean everything is absolutely perfect. Rather, it means that you feel confident and secure with where you are and where you’re going. You have the strength and self-trust to continue down your sacred path, wherever it may lead.

    The root chakra acts as your foundation. Your body’s other six main energy centers open you up to creativity, confidence, love, communication, intuition, and spirituality. But in order for these chakras to stay open and balanced, your foundation must first be stable and secure.

    So when we talk about chakras, we have to start with your first chakra. Your base. Your foundation. Your root.

    Because once the ground beneath you is stable, that’s when you can really begin to not just survive but thrive.

    The Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle click to learn more

    How to Use These Journal Prompts

    The 30 root chakra journal prompts below are designed to help you get in touch with your innermost self so you can gently probe and explore your deepest feelings and beliefs.

    Specifically, these prompts correlate with the primary attributes of the root chakra and what may be blocking it in this moment.

    Some of the prompts may resonate more than others, so feel free to skip around and answer the ones that feel most relevant for you.

    Note that some prompts may take only a few minutes to answer while others may take a little longer. If possible, try to set aside some time where you’re not distracted, allowing you space to fully get in touch with your innermost self.

    And last but not least: set the intention to make your journaling practice a judgment-free zone. Have compassion for yourself. The fact that you’re showing up today and setting aside time for growth and healing is incredible. I hope you recognize that, and I hope you’re able to show yourself gratitude for the strength and courage it takes to do this kind of work. It isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it.

    And to go even deeper into balancing your root chakra, I’ve also put together 35 root chakra affirmations to remain strong, steady, and grounded. You’ll also get these affirmations, along with the journal prompts below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.

    Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.

    Root Chakra Journal Prompts

    • What are my basic needs to survive? Do I have easy access to all of these needs, or is there anything I struggle to attain?
    • Has there ever been a time in my life when my basic needs of food, water, warmth, rest, security, and safety weren’t met? How did I feel during this time?
    • What can I do to ensure my mind, body, and spirit feel safe despite external circumstances?
    • What can I do to ensure my basic physiological and safety needs are always met?
    • What basic needs are met in my life, and what makes me grateful for each one? (Write one to three sentences for each need, describing why you’re grateful for it.)
    • What in my external world helps me to feel safe? What about in my internal world?
    • What does it mean to me to be grounded? How can I cultivate the feeling of being grounded in my life?
    • In the middle of a busy and hectic day, what can I do to help myself to feel centered?
    • When the world feels chaotic, how can I remain rooted firmly to the ground?
    • Describe yourself as though you are a tree, with roots that keep you secure to the ground no matter how the wind blows.
    • What does strength mean to me? What makes me feel strong? When do I feel strongest?
    • What does it mean to me to be rooted in the present moment?
    • What practices can I incorporate into my daily routine that will increase mindfulness and help me to remain in the present moment?
    • Are there any situations, places, or common experiences in my life that don’t help me to feel rooted, secure, safe, and/or grounded? What can I do to help myself in these moments (or change the situation)?
    • Visualize your highest self walking through a beautiful, open field with your bare feet touching the ground. Describe this experience, including how it makes you feel.
    • Write a compassionate love letter to your body. Use affirmations to affirm that you feel safe, supported, and at ease in your body.
    • In what ways does my body always take care of me?
    • Finish this statement: “I build my life upon the foundation of _____.” Describe all the positive feelings and beliefs that create the foundation for which you build your life upon.
    • What does it mean to me to be firm in my place of life?
    • Do I feel like my loved ones support me? Do I feel like the Universe supports me? What do I need to feel more supported?
    • Why is important to me to feel supported by loved ones and the Universe?
    • Reflect on this statement and what it means to you: “Every cell of my body supports my total wellbeing.
    • When my energy feels depleted, what can I do to nourish and rejuvenate my body, mind, and spirit?
    • What can I do every morning to increase my energy and greet the day with enthusiasm and vitality?
    • Who is my truest, most authentic self?
    • How can I become one with my true self in each and every moment?
    • What fears or limiting beliefs hold me back from living as my truest, most authentic self?
    • How can I use my inner peace, calm, and sense of groundedness as a superpower to help the people around me?
    • Why is having an open and balanced root chakra important to me?
    • What does an ordinary day as my most grounded and secure self look like? How do I carry myself through the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.

    Are you ready for your freebies? Download your printables below!

    Have you used any of these journal prompts? Share your experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more on chakra healing, plus positive affirmations, manifestation tools, and more, be sure to follow me on Pinterest. And for a daily dose of self-love and empowering beliefs, connect with me on Instagram.

    root chakra journal prompts
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  • self-love journal prompts
    Self Love

    35 Journal Prompts For Unconditional Self-Love

    Are you ready to create a deeper, more loving relationship with your innermost self? Below, you’ll find 35 self-love journal prompts designed to help you cultivate unconditional love for your whole being: mind, body, and soul.

    35 Journal Prompts to Cultivate Unconditional Self-Love
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    Cultivating Unconditional Self-Love

    You are worthy of unconditional self-love.

    And you deserve to be loved every single day of your life.

    Is that hard to say? It used to be for me. I had a hard time believing I “deserved” anything good in this world. I remember the first time I tried to say the affirmation, “I deserve joy.” Almost immediately, my inner bully heard these words and stampeded right out to speak her mind:

    “Who are you to say that you deserve joy? How selfish can you be? What have you done to deserve anything?”

    For most of my life, I’ve let that voice dictate my thoughts and actions. But one day, instead of immediately taking my inner bully’s words as truth, I paused and decided to reframe my perspective.

    I believe my best friend deserves infinite joy and love, right? Absolutely.

    And my nieces and nephews? Always.

    What about my neighbors, community members, and strangers I see on afternoon walks? Well, sure. I don’t know them, but I believe they deserve joy, too.

    It’s just me, I realized.

    The only person I was being unfairly hard on was myself.

    With this newfound perspective, my attitude started to shift. I began to incorporate positive affirmations into my daily routine and slowly started to speak more lovingly to myself.

    And that question my inner bully had asked before?

    “What have you done to deserve anything?”

    Well, nothing. And everything. You see, I realized that I don’t actually have to do anything to deserve love, joy, peace, abundance, and all the good stuff in my life.

    I was already deserving, just because I existed.

    And the same is true for you.

    Your very existence makes you worthy of unconditional self-love. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to prove anything. You don’t have to achieve anything.

    You are worthy.

    You are deserving.

    And you are more than enough—just because you’re you.


    Authentic Self: Self-Love Workbooks for Your Highest Self. Click to learn more.

    How to Use These Journal Prompts

    The journal prompts below are designed to help you love, celebrate, and honor everything that makes you uniquely you. These journal prompts are all about you: what makes you special, how you can fall in love with yourself a little more each day, and what self-care practices you can incorporate into your life to cultivate even more unconditional love within.

    There are no rules for how to approach these prompts. If you want, you can answer them one at a time, or you can skip around and find the ones that resonate most with you.

    If possible, try to schedule 15 to 30 minutes for your journaling time. Find a quiet spot where you won’t be distracted, and set the intention to be open and honest with yourself.

    Most importantly, release all judgment as you start to write. If an uncomfortable feeling arises, choose to have compassion for yourself.

    Remember this:

    Self-love isn’t about cultivating perfection. Self-love is about loving your imperfections perfectly.

    Self-Love Journal Prompts

    • What are ten things I love most about myself?
    • What superpower do I have that makes a positive difference in other people’s lives?
    • What makes me a great friend?
    • How can I show myself unconditional love in my daily life?
    • What positive habits can I practice every day to show myself more love and self-acceptance?
    • What self-care practices can I incorporate into my daily life to take care of my mind, body, and soul?
    • What powerful affirmations can I repeat to myself to foster deeper feelings of unconditional self-love? How can I include these affirmations in my daily routine?
    • When my inner bully comes out and speaks down to me, what can I do to show myself kindness and compassion?
    • Do I possess any fears or limiting beliefs preventing me from showing myself and accepting unconditional love? How can I begin to release these fears and limiting beliefs?
    • What is one moment in my life when I felt proud of myself? Describe this moment in detail, including all of the feelings you experienced.
    • Am I able to easily express love to myself?
    • How do I express love to myself? What are my favorite ways to show myself love?
    • How have I grown in the past year? What led me to experiencing this type of growth?
    • How have I grown in the past ten years? What positive changes am I most grateful for?
    • When do I feel happiest? What brings me true joy? How can I invite more joy into my daily life?
    • Who is one person who loves me unconditionally? Why am I deserving of this person’s love?
    • What special talents do I have that make me unique?
    • Why do people love to be around me? What positive characteristics do I possess that make me a joy to be around?
    • What limiting beliefs do I need to release in order to cultivate more unconditional self-love?
    • What five-minute practices can I incorporate into my routine that will nourish my mind, body, and spirit?
    • If my family and friends were to describe me, what positive things would they say?
    • What’s one thing I can do every morning to support myself before I start my day?
    • What hardships have I experienced that have made me stronger? How did I show courage, strength, and resilience while experiencing these hardships?
    • What’s a compliment I’ve been given multiple times? How does this compliment make me feel?
    • Why is my unique perspective valuable and needed in this world?
    • How do I inspire others?
    • What are ten things about my body that I truly love and feel grateful for?
    • Who is the highest, truest, most authentic version of myself?
    • Why am I grateful for my past self?
    • What can I do today that my future self will be grateful for?
    • Why would I not want to be anyone else in the world but me?
    • What’s one of the greatest things I’ve ever done?
    • How do I exemplify greatness in my daily life?
    • What parts of myself do I want to explore deeper? Why are these parts of me worthy of exploring?
    • What’s my favorite thing about being me?

    For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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    Self Love

    45 Personal Growth Journal Prompts To Be Your Best Self

    In this article, discover 45 personal growth journal prompts to connect with your innermost self and cultivate a deeper connection with the truest, most authentic you.

    45 Personal Growth Journal Prompts to Be Your Best Self
    Pin this for later! 45 Personal Growth Journal Prompts to Become Your Best Self

    Your Journey to Your True Self

    Who is your truest, most authentic self? When you close your eyes and try to picture yourself, who do you see? What qualities would you use to describe yourself? How have past experiences shaped you into the person you are today?

    These are just some of the questions you can begin to ask yourself as you walk forward on your personal growth journey.

    But first, what exactly does that mean? “Your personal growth journey.”

    Personal growth entails getting in touch with your innermost self and looking into who you truly are: beyond appearances, beyond what’s expected of you, beyond even what you expect of yourself.

    When you get past labels and preconceived notions, who is your authentic self?

    It also requires you to ask important questions and respond with complete honesty. What does your heart really want? What limiting beliefs are preventing you from going after your dreams? What’s holding you back from living the life that was truly meant for you?

    And as you ask these questions of yourself, you must then go beyond just asking. You must do.

    What self-care practices will help you to align with your best self? Start those today.

    What positive habits will serve and support your mind, body, and spirit? Start adding them into your daily routine this month.

    What does your soul need? Let it in.

    Below, you’ll find 45 personal growth journal prompts to support you in your journey. As you go through these questions, you might find that some take up pages of writing, while others can be answered quickly. There’s no right or wrong amount of time or space to use for these questions. Just keep digging for the truth.

    And that’s the key, really: truth. Authenticity. Being honest with yourself.

    Don’t simply tell yourself what you want to hear; tell yourself what you need to hear. But do so with love and compassion. If you find yourself judging or criticizing yourself for your answers, step back and gently assert that criticism has no place here.

    Know that you are always, always worthy of kindness and compassion, even when you’re writing about your own perceived imperfections or mistakes you’ve made in the past.

    Know that all experiences have supported your growth and have led you to where you are right now.

    I hope these personal growth journal prompts support you in your journey and help you to align with the person you were always meant to be: the real and true you.

    Personal Growth Journal Prompts

    • Who is my truest, most authentic self?
    • In what ways am I aligned with my most authentic self in my daily life?
    • What causes me to become misaligned with my most authentic self?
    • What simple daily practices can I do to align with my truest self?
    • How have I grown in the past year?
    • How have I grown in the past five years?
    • What hardships have I experienced that have served my growth?
    • Where do I see myself in one year?
    • Where do I see myself in five years?
    • What weaknesses do I perceive in myself? In what ways could these perceived weaknesses actually be strengths?
    • What makes me feel the happiest? How can I incorporate this joy in my daily life?
    • What would I say to the person I was ten years ago?
    • What would I say to the person I will be ten years from now?
    • Am I able to ask for help and lean on others? Can I trust others?
    • Am I resourceful and able to count on myself? Can I trust myself?
    • Do I consider myself intuitive? Do I trust my intuition when making decisions?
    • How much do I use my logic and reason versus how much do I rely on my intuition and heart? Do I believe one is more important than the other? What’s my ideal balance between these sides of me?
    • When I’m feeling overwhelmed, what practices can I do for myself to feel centered, grounded, and stable?
    • What does my soul need in this moment, and how can I give myself what I need?
    • What limiting beliefs do I possess that keep me from going after my dreams?
    • How can I begin to release these limiting beliefs? Is it worth it for me to try to release them?
    • What does success mean to me?
    • If I could do anything with my life, what would it be?
    • What holds me back from living the life I imagine?
    • How can I cultivate more self-confidence and self-belief?
    • What positive habits do I currently practice in my daily life?
    • What positive habits do I want to add to my daily routine? How can I start adding these habits throughout the next month?
    • Are there any emotions I tend to avoid feeling? Why do I avoid feeling these emotions? What would happen if I allow myself to feel these emotions more often?
    • Am I still holding onto any negative energy from past experiences?
    • How can I begin to gently work through any negative energy I’m holding onto?
    • When I’m working on a project, do I get easily distracted? If so, how can I limit distractions that hinder my productivity?
    • What does anxiety feel like physically, mentally, and emotionally for me?
    • In what types of situations do I often experience anxiety?
    • What practices help me to alleviate anxiety? When I’m experiencing anxiety, what do my mind, body, and spirit need the most?
    • What’s the best compliment I’ve ever been given? Why is this compliment so special to me?
    • What compliment do I wish someone would give me? Can I give this compliment to myself, right now?
    • Am I holding onto any grudges from past experiences? What’s stopping me from releasing these grudges?
    • What does forgiveness mean to me? Am I able to forgive easily?
    • Do I criticize myself often? How does it feel when I criticize myself?
    • What does self-compassion mean to me? Do I have a difficult time showing myself compassion?
    • How can I cultivate more self-compassion in my daily life?
    • What does my self-care routine look like? What do I want my self-care routine to look like?
    • How can I make more space for self-care in my daily life?
    • Why am I always, always deserving of unconditional love?
    • What can I do every single day to show myself the love I deserve?

    Do you have a journaling practice? Share your best journaling tips in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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    45 Personal Growth Journal Prompts to Be Your Best Self
    Pin this for later! 45 Personal Growth Journal Prompts to Become Your Best Self