• how to manifest on paper

    How To Manifest On Paper For Life-Changing Breakthroughs

    In this article, discover how to manifest on paper in five easy steps to experience life-changing breakthroughs. Plus, get bonus steps and more resources for manifesting love, abundance, and more.

    how to manifest on paper
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    What Is Manifestation?

    At its foundation, manifestation is creation.

    You are a creator. Throughout your life, you’ve been creating your reality through your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. This may be hard to see at first. After all, if you were the creator of your reality, wouldn’t you have everything you want by now?

    But it doesn’t really work like that. As the late Wayne Dyer once said, “You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.”

    So there may be a lot of things you really want in life: love, success, abundance. But in order to experience these things in your outer world, you first need to cultivate these feelings within you.

    This is where conscious manifestation comes in.

    Conscious manifestation is the practice of visualizing your dreams and desires and vibrating at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true. This means you’re intentionally creating a beautiful inner world so that it spills into your outer world and creates something extraordinary outside of you.

    Or to break it down even further—do you really want to experience more success in your life? Then you first need to tap into the feeling of success inside of you. When you close your eyes and imagine yourself at the pinnacle of success, how does that feel? How does your heart respond? What changes happen inside your body?

    Now, can you continually tap into this feeling each day? Can you find the place inside yourself where you have no limits? Can you begin creating and living your dream life within your mind and body before it materializes outside of you?

    This is manifestation. And it isn’t always easy.

    It requires you to continually become conscious of what’s happening inside yourself and choose your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. One way to help you continually realign with your desired state of being is through playing different manifestation games. And one of the simplest activities you can try today? Manifesting on paper.

    Below, learn how to manifest on paper in five easy steps. Plus, get bonus steps and more resources to help you manifest your dreams and desires.

    And to help you develop a long-term manifestation practice that really works, be sure to check out the Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables, a digital resource completely dedicated to helping you manifest your dream life. With these printables, you’ll find multiple calendars, worksheet pages, goal-setting tools, and manifestation exercises that you can use over and over again, not just month after month but year after year

    manifestation printables learn more

    How To Manifest On Paper

    Step 1: Script Your Dream Life

    Arguably the most powerful method for manifesting on paper is the act of scripting. Scripting is the practice of writing about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest.

    It’s kind of like writing a journal entry, except instead of writing about your current life, you write about the life you want to live as if you’re already living it.

    So if you want to manifest love, you might write about how you’re living with the love of your life in your dream home. When you do this, you’ll only write in past or present tense.

    If you’re writing in past tense, you might recount the day you met your partner. You could also write as though it’s the end of the day, and you’ve just had your first date with your perfect person.

    If you’re writing in present tense, you can write about a day in the life with your partner. You might also write as if you’ve just woken up in the morning and want to express gratitude for having this person in your life.

    If you want to see how this looks in action, you can check out some scripting examples for inspiration. I’ve also created a free Law of Attraction scripting template to help you get started.

    The key to making scripting work is to feel all the positive emotions of having your desires right now in this present moment.

    So if you’re writing about how happy you are to spend your life with this perfect person, allow yourself to feel truly joyful and grateful for all that you have. Give yourself permission to feel loved, cherished, and adored by this perfect person. Insert gratitude throughout your script, and end it by thanking the universe for delivering to you all your deepest dreams and desires.

    If you want to get started with scripting today, be sure to check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop. For each day, you receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more.

    scripting journal

    Step 2: Use The Pillow Method For Manifestation

    After you’ve completed Step 1, take the script you’ve written and place it under your pillow. Before you go to bed, visualize your desired manifestation in your mind’s eye. Imagine having this desire right now, feeling all the positive emotions of your dreams coming true. Let this be the last thing you think about before falling asleep, allowing it to sink into your subconscious brain.

    Continue this practice for about 7 to 10 days, or until it feels right to remove it.

    Step 3: Keep A Daily Gratitude Log

    There is no “secret” to making your manifestations come faster, but the closest thing to it is practicing gratitude. Gratitude is the practice of acknowledging the daily gifts and miracles you receive with sincere appreciation.

    Now, these miracles don’t have to be really big things. Even something like a perfect cup of coffee or a beautiful morning sky can be something you show true thankfulness for each day. And the fact that you get to wake up to a brand new day with your breath flowing in and out of your lungs? That, too, is a miracle.

    As you wait for your manifestations to appear in your reality, don’t sit around obsessing over when and how they’re going to come. Instead, live your life with joy and true gratitude in your heart. Express appreciation for all that you have and all that’s coming. Gratitude and love are the highest vibrations on the emotional guidance scale, and the quickest way to receive what you desire is to express thankfulness for what you already have.

    One method for expressing gratitude is by writing one to three things you’re grateful for every single day. As you write down your gratitude list, allow the feeling of sincere appreciation to spread through your body.

    Step 4: Write Down Your Signs & Synchronicities

    Every single day, you’re receiving signs from the universe.

    Sometimes, the signs are really obvious (like a book falling off a shelf right in front of you), and sometimes, they’re a little more subtle (like your own intuition leading you in a certain direction).

    As you begin your manifesting journey, you’ll also receive signs and synchronicities. Consider these signs to be messages from the universe, letting you know your manifestation is on its way.

    The signs you receive might come in the form of numbers and number patterns, coins, objects, symbols, or dreams. Start noticing and writing down the signs you discover in your daily life. This will keep you feeling motivated and encouraged, and it will also help you to relax a little more.

    Receiving a sign is like a deep, loving hug from the universe—a reminder that you are always loved and taken cared of.

    To learn how to know if a sign is from the universe, what to do after you receive a sign, and how to ask for a sign, you can check out my article on receiving messages from the universe.

    Step 5: Use Manifesting Oil To Amplify Your Manifestations

    My favorite way to amplify my manifestation practice is to use manifesting oil on my paper. Manifesting oil is a blend of essential oils, herbs, and other natural sources that are specifically created to help you manifest your desires.

    To use manifesting oil, simply add a drop of oil to your scripts, journal pages, and anything else you write down. I especially like to use it when I’m doing the pillow method (by adding the oil to the page and then placing the paper under my pillow).

    You can learn more about essential oils and oil blends for manifesting your desires here.

    Bonus Methods For Manifesting On Paper

    Manifestation Affirmations

    In addition to the practices above, use manifestation affirmations daily to amplify your intentions. You can use a blend of standard mindset affirmations, such as I am worthy, as well as future pacing affirmations, such as I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.

    Write down your affirmations and use a bit of manifesting oil on your paper. Don’t forget to feel what you’re affirming within. (For instance, if you affirm that you’re a successful entrepreneur, don’t just say it—really feel it.)

    Here are some articles to help you with affirmations for manifestation:

    55×5 Manifestation Method

    To use the 55×5 Manifestation Method, choose an affirmation, then write down your chosen affirmation 55 times in a row for 5 days straight. For this practice, instead of using a mindset affirmation, use an affirmation like what I wrote above: “I am so grateful to be a successful entrepreneur making $20,000 a month.”

    If this is your chosen affirmation, you’d write those exact words 55 times in a row on Day 1, then another 55 times in a row on Day 2, and then repeat on Days 3, 4, and 5. Like with all affirmations, make sure you truly feel the words within as you write them down.

    If you want to get started on this practice today, I’ve created a simple 55×5 Manifestation Worksheet you can either print out or type into directly on your phone, tablet, or computer. (If you have some manifesting oil, you might prefer to print it out so you can use the oil on the pages.)

    369 Method

    In the 369 Method, you choose an affirmation and write it down 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. Do this for 21 days in a row. As you write it down, maintain high vibrations and make sure to be consistent. I also find it helpful to say my affirmation aloud throughout the day.

    Learn more about the 369 Method here.

    Recap: How To Manifest On Paper

    • Step 1: Script your dream life
    • Step 2: Place your script underneath your pillow for approximately 7 to 10 days.
    • Step 3: Keep a daily gratitude log as you wait for your manifestation to appear.
    • Step 4: Write down the signs and synchronicities that show up in your daily life.
    • Step 5: Use manifesting oil on your paper to amplify your manifestations.
    • Bonus: Use the 55×5 Manifestation Method and 369 Method to enhance your manifestations.

    For positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifesting tips, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram. For more resources to help you manifest your dreams, be sure to check out these items in my online shop:

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  • manifestation journal templat

    Manifestation Journal Template: Free Printable PDF

    Start manifesting today with this free manifestation journal template. Plus, I’ll walk you through each section in the template so you can begin manifesting the life of your deepest, most heartfelt dreams.

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    How To Use A Manifestation Journal Template

    No two manifestation journals are the same.

    Some journals are solely dedicated to a single manifestation method, like the 55×5 Manifestation Method or 369 Method, while others offer a broader range of journal prompts and activities.

    If you want to create your own manifesting journal but aren’t sure where to start, a manifestation journal template is a great option. A template offers you a repeatable model you can use in your manifesting practice. They’re also versatile, so you can write on the template itself, or you can use the template as a guide as you write in your own blank notebook or journal.

    Below, you’ll find an easy-to-use manifestation journal template that you can download today to guide you in your manifesting practice. This template is completely free for your personal use. You’re also free to share it on your own website or social media—I just ask that you link back to my website/social media accounts as well.

    To learn more about how to use this manifestation journal template, I’ve provided in-depth directions below.

    Finally, if you want to expand your manifestation practice, I definitely encourage you to check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop. There’s a lot to love in this journal: 30 unique scripting prompts, space for daily gratitude, and so much more.

    And the best part? This digital journal comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal on your computer or cell phone or print and hand write your responses. Get started today.

    Click to learn more about the Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables

    How To Fill Out Your Manifestation Journal Template

    Click here to skip straight to the template.


    The first page of the manifestation journal template is dedicated entirely to scripting. Scripting is the practice of writing about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest. 

    For instance, let’s say you want to manifest your dream job. In your script, you could write about a day in this dream job as if you already have it right now. You might also write as your future self, looking back on the first day you got this job and what an amazing experience it was.

    Past or present tense are good; just don’t write in future tense. As you write, it’s not “One day, I will have this job.” It’s, “I am so happy and grateful to have this job right now.”

    If you don’t have time to write an entire script, that’s totally fine. You can skip this page and go straight to the second page if you’d like. See if you can incorporate scripting into your journaling practice on days you have an extra 10 to 15 minutes to spare.

    And if you want to learn more about scripting, you can get a free scripting template here. And don’t forget to check out the digital manifestation journal in my online shop, which includes 30 unique scripting prompts to help you manifest your deepest and most heartfelt dreams. (Plus, you can type directly into the PDF document!)

    Download your 30-day manifestation journal today


    If you want to live the life of your dreams, express gratitude for the life you have right now.

    When you express sincere appreciation for all that you have, you vibrate at the frequency of love and abundance. Instead of focusing on lack and scarcity, you’re viewing your life from a perspective of wealth and prosperity. This opens you up to receiving even more incredible people, resources, things, and experiences to be grateful for.

    You might think of it like this: every time you express gratitude for something you have, you’re telling the Universe, “More of this please.”

    Gratitude and love are the highest vibrations, and by expressing sincere gratitude each day, you’re opening yourself up to receiving more beautiful gifts in your life to love and appreciate.

    Your manifestation journal template includes space to express daily gratitude and appreciation. In your journal, write down one to three things you feel grateful for each day. As you write down these things, be sure to truly feel the full depth of your gratitude within every cell of your being.

    Positive Affirmations

    Positive affirmations are encouraging, uplifting statements designed to boost your confidence and self-belief. They’re instant vibration lifters and can become one of your most helpful tools in your manifestation toolkit.

    The key to using affirmations is to know that the affirmation doesn’t actually start with the words you’re affirming—it starts with the feeling you possess deep within.

    So when you say, “I am worthy,” it’s not simply about saying that you’re worthy; it’s about feeling worthy at your very core.

    In your journal, write down one to three uplifting affirmations that align with the positive emotions of what you want to manifest. For instance, if you want to manifest success, write down affirmations about how you’re already successful and how you’re absolutely worthy of infinite success. Feel these words deep within.

    If you need help with coming up with affirmations that feel good to you, I have thousands of affirmations throughout this site that you can explore here.

    And here are some manifestation and Law of Attraction affirmations to help you get started:

    One Small Step I Will Take Today

    Each day, you have the opportunity to take small steps toward manifesting your dreams.

    The most important steps are ones that are inspired by your deep inner knowing—they should feel good and right to you, even if they might scare you a little. This means taking inspired action based on what your intuition is telling you.

    Remember that every small step you take makes a big difference in your overall journey.

    If your small step is simply sending an email, buying a book, or registering for a class, it may not feel like a big thing at the time. But it’s actually a huge step forward in your manifestation journey.

    Your small step can even be something as simple as writing down a list of goals or creating a vision board. Don’t put pressure on yourself to do “really big” things all the time. Remember that if you take one small step each day for the next month, you’ll be 30 steps ahead of where you are today.

    In your manifestation journal template, you’ll find space to write down one small step you’ll take to manifest your dreams. Write down this small step with courage, clarity, and confidence. (And also remember, when you’re unsure where to go next, sometimes the best step is to pause, sink into silence, and surrender. Allow the Universe to give you what you need.)

    How Will I Align With My Highest Self Today?

    Your highest self is the part of you that is untouched by external circumstances. This is the real and true you: the part of you that is eternal and infinite. This part of you is also free of fears, worries, and limiting beliefs.

    When you step back and close your eyes to imagine your highest self, who do you see? How does your highest self look? How do they talk to other people? How do they interact with the world? Do they choose faith over fear? Do they believe they are worthy and deserving of manifesting their dreams?

    Each day, you have the opportunity to align with your highest self. Here are some examples of how you might do this:

    • Meet your highest self in meditation
    • Embody your highest self in how you interact with friends and strangers throughout the day
    • Set a morning routine that aligns with how your highest self would start the day
    • Recite positive affirmations that align with how your highest self would think and feel
    • Practice being in the present moment, as your highest self would be (as opposed to worrying about the past or future)
    • Give love and compassion freely, as your highest self would.

    Want to connect deeper with your highest self? Check out the digital workbook for connecting with your higher self here.

    Other Notes

    Here, you have the opportunity to write down anything else that feels right to you today. You might set a daily intention, write down one small thing you’ll manifest today (i.e. you might manifest a joyful moment or a good conversation with a friend), or write about your daily miracles. Whatever you write here, just make sure it feels good and aligns with your desired manifestations.

    Download Your Manifestation Journal Template Today

    Click to download your free printable manifestation journal template to manifest your dreams
    Click to download your free printable manifestation journal template!

    For positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifesting tips, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram. And for more resources to help you manifest your dreams, check out these items in my online shop:

    Manifestation Journal Template: Free Printable PDF
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  • pillow method manifestation

    Pillow Method For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)

    In this article, discover how to use the pillow method to manifest your desires. Plus, learn about tools and resources to help protect and lift your energy, amplify your intentions, and create the life of your dreams.

    Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

    Pillow Method For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)
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    What Is The Pillow Method For Manifestation?

    The pillow method is one of the simplest and most straightforward manifestation games you can regularly practice to help you create the life you desire. This is a great practice for new and experienced manifestors alike, as you can choose how in-depth with this method you want to go.

    So how do you practice the pillow manifestation method?

    These are the most basic directions: write an affirmation on a piece of paper and place that paper under your pillow for a set amount of days. Let that affirmation be the last thing you think about as you fall asleep, allowing it to sink into your subconscious brain. Let go, surrender control, and allow the Universe to deliver your manifestation in your physical experience.

    Now, if you stopped right there, you’d have enough information to try this manifestation method tonight. But to get the most out of this practice, there are a few additional steps you can take (that really don’t take much additional time at all).

    In this article, you’ll learn how to write effective affirmations for the pillow method as well as how to incorporate scripting into your nightly manifestation routine. Plus, I’ll share some of my favorite resources that you can use today to amplify your manifestation practice.

    manifestation printables learn more

    How To Write Affirmations For The Pillow Method

    The affirmations you write for this manifestation method aren’t the typical mindset affirmations you often hear, such as “I am worthy.” (Though you absolutely can write mindset affirmations and place them under for your pillow to positively influence your subconscious beliefs.)

    For the pillow method, you’re going to use what I typically refer to as future pacing affirmations.

    These are affirmations in which you state that the thing you want to manifest is already yours.

    For instance, if you want to manifest financial prosperity, you might write something like, “Financial abundance continually flows my way through multiple streams of income.”

    You could also write, “I am financially free with a limitless abundance of wealth and prosperity.”

    Likewise, if you want to manifest love, you might write, “I am in a committed, loving relationship with a partner who truly cherishes and adores me.”

    To manifest a job, you could write, “I am in my dream job, making a positive difference in people’s lives and doing what I love every single day.” (If there’s a specific job you want, then replace “dream job” with the title of your ideal position.)

    Here are the keys to writing a successful affirmation to use for the pillow method:

    • Use present tense statements such as I am, I feel, and I have – not “I will be . . .”
    • Choose something that feels truly good to you and you believe wholeheartedly that you can manifest. Don’t write, “I am a millionaire,” if you don’t truly believe this is possible for you. Take baby steps as you reprogram your subconscious beliefs, and do any necessary healing within. Maybe one day, you will be able to write those four words, but don’t force it right now if it doesn’t feel good to you.
    • If you’re a beginner, try not to be too rigid with the timeframe. Again, at some point, you might be able to include a timeframe in your affirmation. But I’ve found that when you’re just starting out, putting a timeframe on your manifestation can make you so preoccupied and stressed about the self-imposed deadline that you can’t simply relax and allow the manifestation to unfold naturally.

    Incorporating Scripting Into The Pillow Method

    Another practice I like to incorporate into the pillow method is scripting. Scripting is the practice of writing about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest. It’s similar to the future pacing affirmations I described above, but instead of writing one sentence, you’re writing paragraphs dedicated to immersing yourself in the life of your dreams.

    For instance, you can script what it feels like to walk through a day in your dream life. You can also script as though you’re writing a journal entry. In your journal entry, imagine that it’s the end of the day, and you’re living the life of your dreams. How did you feel when you woke up today? Where were you? What did you do and who did you interact with throughout your day? Describe it all in detail, using all of your senses.

    To incorporate scripting into your pillow method, think about what you want to manifest. Then, script what your life would look like if you already had this thing. Describe it in full detail, allowing yourself to feel all the positive emotions of having your desire in the present moment.

    In the energy of love and gratitude, place your script under the pillow. Before you fall asleep at night, take a moment to once again visualize having your desires right now. Feel positive energy flowing through you: love, gratitude, joy, freedom, peace, and true abundance.

    To learn more, you can read my article about scripting and get a free PDF scripting template. And for more help getting started, here are some scripting examples for inspiration.

    scripting journal

    How Long Should You Keep Your Affirmation Under Your Pillow?

    There are a lot of differing opinions here. Some people say to continue to keep your affirmation or script under your pillow until your manifestation comes true. Some say 7 or 8 days. I’ve also seen recommendations of less and more time.

    At the end of the day, you’re empowered to do what feels right to you. My personal belief is that you shouldn’t just continue to keep your piece of paper under your pillow until it comes true.


    Because then you’re never truly letting it go.

    And this is a key component to manifesting your desires: letting go, releasing your dreams to the Universe, and trusting that everything is unfolding exactly as it’s meant to.

    For this reason, I generally recommend keeping your note under your pillow for 7 to 10 days. This gives you enough time to allow this desired manifestation to become an inextricable part of you without clinging too tightly for too long.

    Again, though, I urge you to do what feels right. Don’t worry too much about arbitrary rules and guidelines. Follow your inner knowing.

    Other Resources To Use To Amplify Your Practice

    For the pillow method to work, all you truly need is a writing device and something to write on. The magic of this practice doesn’t come from outside of yourself; it comes from you. More than anything, I want you to embrace your own inner magic and not rely too much on outside materials. A plain piece of notebook paper works just as well as fancy stationary—it only matters what makes you feel good.

    That said, I’ve added a few items here that I personally use and find helpful in amplifying my manifestations. Again, none of these things can come close to matching the power you possess within. What these items do is amplify and support your goals, protect you from negative energy, and help you to cultivate more positive energy in your inner and outer worlds. (And maybe bring you a little bit of luck.)

    Crystals & Gemstones

    I’m a big proponent of crystals, not just for manifestation but for supporting your entire health and well-being: mind, body, and soul. At all times, I have Citrine, Green Jade, Black Tourmaline, and Blue Lace Agate rings on as well as a Clear Quartz bracelet. I sleep with Amethyst on my nightstand. There’s Pyrite on my desk, and just a few feet away from my desk is a collection of over a dozen crystals and gemstones.

    I’ve found that using crystals in my daily routine just makes me feel better. They protect my energy and help me to approach each day with a sense of calm, clarity, and confidence.

    If you’re using the pillow method for manifestation, it definitely never hurts to incorporate a few crystals and gemstones into your routine. After cleansing and charging your crystals with your intentions, keep them on your nightstand as you sleep.

    Here’s a brief rundown of crystals you can use depending on what you want to manifest. In this article, I go more in depth on using crystals for manifestation.

    • Love: Rose Quartz, Rhodonite
    • Wealth: Citrine, Pyrite
    • Health: Garnet, Bloodstone
    • Creativity: Carnelian
    • Success: Green Jade, Aventurine

    Manifestation Oils

    Manifestation oils are specialized blends of essential oils and herbs formulated to aid you in manifesting your desires. There are lots of ways you can use manifestation oils: add a drop to a piece of jewelry, your vision board, a dollar bill, a photograph or letter, or another object that represents your desires and intentions. You can also add a drop to your body; just make sure the product you’re using is safe to use for this purpose.

    For the pillow method, you can add a drop of your chosen manifestation oil to your piece of paper before placing it under your pillow. I personally use manifestation oils because they help to lift my energy so I’m more open to receiving guidance and answers from the Universe. I’ve also found that they tend to bring me an extra dash of luck, which is always welcome. (And they also smell really good.)

    I’m a big fan of Art of the Root products, which you can find here.


    The pillow method is a simple yet profound method for manifesting your desires. To follow this method, here are the basic steps:

    • Decide what you want to manifest.
    • Create a powerful future pacing affirmation rooted in your desire. Conversely, you can also use an entire scripting entry here. Write this affirmation or scripting entry on a piece of paper.
    • Place the piece of paper under your pillow.
    • Before you fall asleep at night, visualize having your desire in the present moment, feeling all the positive emotions of having what you want to manifest.
    • Continue for 7 to 10 days, or until it feels right to remove it.
    • Let go. Surrender control to the Universe. Trust.

    For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily. For more resources to help you manifest your dreams, be sure to check out these items in my online shop:

    How to use the pillow method for manifestation in six steps
    Pin this for later! Pillow Method For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)
  • 55x5 Manifestation Affirmations
    Affirmations,  Manifestation

    55×5 Manifestation Affirmations: Examples & How-To

    Looking to learn more about the 55×5 Manifestation Method? In this post, learn everything you need to know about this powerful manifesting practice, plus get examples of 55×5 manifestation affirmations you can use as well as tips for how to manifest the life you desire.

    55x5 Manifestation Affirmations
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    What Is The 55×5 Manifestation Method?

    The 55×5 (also written as 5×55 or 555) Manifestation Method is fairly straightforward: it simply requires you to choose an affirmation, then write down that affirmation 55 times in a row for 5 days straight.

    The affirmation you choose isn’t a typical mindset affirmation, such as I am worthy or I am enough. Rather, a 55×5 manifestation affirmation is what I call a future pacing affirmation. This is an affirmation in which you express joy and gratitude that your desired manifestation goal has already come true.

    For instance, if you want to manifest $1,000, your affirmation might be, “I am so grateful I received $1,000 this week!”

    Once you’ve chosen your affirmation, on Day 1, you’ll write that affirmation 55 times in a row in a notebook or on a piece of paper. So using the example above, you’d write “I am so grateful I received $1,000 this week!” 55 times in a row.

    Then, on Day 2, you’d again write, “I am so grateful I received $1,000 this week!” 55 times in a row.

    Days 3, 4, and 5—same thing.

    So does this really work? Can you just write a sentence 55 times for 5 days in a row and manifest it into your reality? Is it truly that simple?

    Believe it or not, it actually works. I can say this with confidence because it’s worked for me many times throughout my manifestation journey—sometimes before I’ve even finished my five days.

    Below, I’ll explain how to make the most out of the 55×5 Manifestation Method and how to get it to work for you so that you can manifest your desires and create the life you’re dreaming of.

    And if you’re looking for help getting started, check out the 55×5 Manifestation Method Worksheet, which gives you the opportunity to print and handwrite your affirmations or type directly into the PDF editable document. This easy-to-use worksheet gets powerful results and is the perfect addition to your manifestation practice.

    If you want to skip ahead to any of the sections in this article, just use these links:

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    How To Make The 55×5 Manifestation Method Work For You

    While the affirmation you choose here is important, the most important aspects of this manifestation method are the emotions, feelings, and frequencies you choose to vibrate.

    This is, in fact, the very foundation of manifestation: vibrating at the frequencies of your desires, even before your desires have manifested in your reality.

    Want to manifest abundance? Feel abundant now.

    Want to manifest love? Feel loved now.

    Feel all the positive emotions you’ll feel when your dreams and desires come true.

    As you sit to start writing your affirmation 55 times, you want to go into it with a positive, high-vibe mindset. Then, as you begin writing your affirmation, write the words as though they really have come true. Feel the emotions of your affirmation in your bones. Allow yourself to feel true joy, love, gratitude, and positivity.

    It doesn’t end there.

    When you shut your notebook, don’t shut down those emotions with it. Carry them with you throughout your day. Align yourself with these positive feelings, and truly act as if all of your dreams have come true.

    And if you catch yourself falling back into negative habits, that’s okay, Simply choose in that moment to realign with your truth: that you are a powerful creator capable of creating anything you want in this life.

    Focus on things to be grateful for in your daily life. Have love and compassion for all stages of your journey.

    Note that this is different than being obsessed and preoccupied with when and how your manifestations will come. In fact, I urge you to release the when and how. Hand these details over to the Universe. Trust that the Universe is taking care of all your dreams and desires.

    The 55×5 Manifestation Method works because it allows you to set an intention for exactly what you want to manifest and sets the foundation for high vibrations and positive emotions. Your only job is to feel good, cultivate joy, and know that you truly are worthy of having it all.

    How To Create 55×5 Manifestation Affirmations

    In the next section, I’m going to give you some ideas for 55×5 manifestation affirmations you can use in your writing. If you want to create your own affirmations, here are some tips:

    • Keep it short and succinct. You’ll likely be dedicating anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes writing your affirmation down 55 times each day. It’s far easier to keep your vibration high when your affirmation is short and to the point.
    • Be specific. Write down exactly what you want. Rather than write “a large amount of money,” write the specific amount of money you want to manifest. If there’s a certain job that you want, write down exactly what that job is. There are some instances when you may not be able to be too specific. For instance, if you want to manifest a date, you might not know who the person is that you’ll be dating. But you can still be specific by describing characteristics of this person or day of the week of your date. For example, you might say, “I am so grateful I’m going on a date with a sweet and funny guy this Saturday!”
    • Express gratitude. The two highest vibrations are love and gratitude, and there’s nothing more powerful than approaching this practice with an open heart and a feeling of sincere gratitude. I like to express gratitude by starting out my affirmation with the phrase, “I am so happy and grateful that . . .” It’s also important to feel that gratitude and appreciation in your bones as you’re writing down the affirmation. Approach it with the same feelings you would if this dream really has already come true.
    • Pick something you’re truly excited about. You’re about to spend a decent chunk of time for five days straight writing this affirmation. You don’t want to dread this practice—you want to be excited about it. Choose an affirmation and topic that you’ll feel truly excited to sit down and focus your energy on each day.
    scripting journal

    Examples Of 55×5 Manifestation Affirmations

    Below are some examples of how you can phrase your 55×5 manifestation affirmation. Definitely feel free to modify the affirmations to fit your desires. For instance, you can change the amount of money you want to manifest or get specific about the exact make and model of car that you want to manifest.

    • I am so happy and grateful for the extra $1,000 I received this week! (Or: “I am so happy and grateful for the extra [insert amount here] I received this week!”)
    • I am so grateful that I’m going on a date with the partner of my dreams this Friday!
    • I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to work in my dream job.
    • Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with inspired ideas to complete my project.
    • I’m so grateful the sellers accepted my offer on my dream house!
    • I can’t believe I’m going on my dream vacation to Hawaii!
    • I am in awe of how this perfect job opportunity fell into my lap this week.
    • I feel joyful and thankful that I’m driving my dream car!
    • My heart is filled with gratitude for the 5 new clients I signed this week.
    • I truly appreciate the extra $5,000 I received this week!

    Okay, I’m going to break my own rules a little bit here. If any part of you is nervous or unsure about your manifesting abilities (this is totally normal if you’re just starting out), it’s okay to start small and get a little more general. This will help you to build confidence so that you feel good about manifesting the bigger, more specific stuff. Here are some examples of 55×5 manifestation affirmations you can use if you’re just starting out and want to build your confidence:

    • I am so grateful for all the inspired ideas that came to me this week.
    • I feel truly thankful for the love that has flowed to and through me all week.
    • I am stunned by how everything keeps working out perfectly for me.
    • Thank you, Universe, for filling my life with so much abundant joy and love.
    • I am awed and thankful for all the incredible opportunities that keep coming my way!

    More Tips & Tricks

    • Don’t get too preoccupied with the timeline. Part of my daily morning routine is to write down what I’m going to manifest each day. This can be anything from an inspired idea to a joyful moment to a great conversation with a friend. I love choosing small, feel-good things I’m going to create in my daily experience. I’ve noticed that sometimes, that thing I’ve chosen to manifest doesn’t happen that same day, but will often come the next morning or soon after. This has taught me to release my preoccupation with when something is going to manifest. If your chosen affirmation has you receiving $1,000 this week, and it doesn’t come right away, it’s okay. The best thing you can do for yourself is to release your worries about when it’s going to come and simply trust that it will come.
    • Make it fun. In the beginning of my manifestation journey, I fell into the trap of taking everything super seriously. I was always worried about doing everything perfectly, and it actually stressed me out to the point where I began to think that maybe manifestation just wasn’t for me. One of the best lessons I’ve learned along the way is to have fun with it! At its heart, manifestation is all about joy, freedom, peace, love, gratitude, and abundance—all the very best things in life.
    • Choose a time that works best for you. While I personally prefer to do this practice in the morning, you might feel too rushed in the morning to do this. And the last thing you want is to feel so rushed and hurried that you aren’t aligned with the positive feelings of your affirmation. If nighttime works best for you, that’s totally fine. Just remember to keep the high-vibe emotions throughout your day, and try to be consistent in doing this practice around the same time each day.
    • Trust the Universe. The Universe will always give you exactly what you need at exactly the right time. What’s meant for you will never pass you by. And also know that the Universe is your biggest supporter and cheerleader. It wants to see you succeed and is always working behind the scenes to support you in ways you can’t yet see.
    • Believe. In order for this practice to work, you have to trust believe it will work. Believe in yourself. Believe in the Universe. Believe that you have so much more power than you know.

    For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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    55x5 Manifestation Affirmations
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  • how to manifest something

    How To Manifest Something: 10 Manifestation Methods

    In this post, learn how to manifest something using 10 tested and proven manifestation methods—including the manifestation blueprint for manifesting your deepest, most heartfelt desires.

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    How To Manifest Something

    Manifestation is, in its purest form, creation. You’re always manifesting things and experiences into your life because you’re always creating. In fact, being a creator is part of the very foundation of who you are.

    And often, when you step back and look at your life, you’ll find that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.

    Once we understand this, we can begin to cultivate an inner world that matches what we want to see in our outer world. This is when we turn unconscious manifestation into intentional manifestation.

    To intentionally manifest something means to visualize your dreams and desires and to vibrate at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true. Like attracts like, so when you choose to feel the positive emotions related to already having your desires, you’ll attract more of this good-feeling thing to you.

    So how does this work?

    Let’s say you dream of finding your soulmate.

    Step back and consider why it’s so important for you to find this person. How do you imagine this person will make you feel? Maybe you imagine that they’ll make you feel loved, cherished, and protected. Okay. So now you decide you want to manifest this person.

    In order to manifest your soulmate, you want to begin imagining what it would look and feel like to have this person in your life.

    Visualize how a day in your life will look like with them in it. That feeling of being loved, cherished, and protected?

    You don’t have to wait until you meet your soulmate to begin experiencing those feelings.

    You can allow yourself to feel loved, cherished, and protected today.

    Imagine that you’re a magnet. Everything you put out into the universe is exactly what you attract to you (remember, like attracts like). So if you emit the vibration of being loved, cherished, and protected right now (and allow yourself to truly feel all the positive emotions related to these feelings), you’ll attract more experiences that will make you feel loved, cherished, and protected in your outer world. 

    Truly, this starts with loving yourself and treating yourself the way you want your ideal partner to treat you. What’s really beautiful about this process is that you’ll be so busy cultivating unconditional self-love, you won’t even worry about when your soulmate will finally show up.

    And that’s exactly when your manifestation will come true—when you’re so busy loving your life now that you don’t need external factors to bring you joy, peace, and love. When you realize that everything you’ve been seeking is within you.

    This is, in essence, the basis of manifestation:

    “What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.”

    So at its very core, if you want to manifest something, become the energy of what you want to manifest.

    But that’s just the beginning. Below, I’m going to take you through 10 tested and proven manifestation methods.

    Be sure to pay special attention to the first method, as that’s really the answer to how to manifest something. Adding the other nine methods to this process will support your journey and amplify your manifestation power.

    You May Also Like: 8 Powerful Manifestation Games To Attract Your Desires

    Transform your life with the Dreams, Goals & Manifestation Printables. Click to learn more.

    1. The Manifestation Blueprint

    The reason why so many people struggle with manifestation is that they don’t understand how it truly works. They treat manifestation like a game, but manifestation is actually an art. And there’s a very specific blueprint you can follow to manifest what you really want in your life:

    • First, you set an intention based on the authentic, deeply felt dreams that have been placed in your heart.
    • You communicate this intention to the Universe. Your positive vibrations are one way of communicating this intention, as by vibrating at the frequency of your desires, you express that you’re ready to receive more of this good-feeling thing.
    • The Universe works behind the scenes to set everything in motion. It communicates back to you in the form of signs, synchronicities, and most importantly, your own intuition. Being in the vibration of what you desire allows you to receive these signs and inner nudges with clarity. (In contrast, being in a state of stress, worry, and anger will cause you to miss these signs and feelings.)
    • Then, you take inspired action based on the communication the Universe has given you. 
    • This communication between you and the Universe continues. The Universe sends you signs (often through your innate intuition), and you follow your intuition by taking aligned action. Essentially, once the Universe communicates what to do, you do that thing. You may not see what the whole path looks like from the very beginning, but you’ll be given guidance as you continue to move forward. There’s a really beautiful quote by Rumi that I think describes this perfectly: “As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”
    • As you follow this path, you’ll begin to see your dream manifest into your reality. Keep following the nudges. Keep taking inspired action. And stay in the vibration of your dreams and desires so you can receive divine guidance when it comes.

    This is why manifestation is an art, not a game. It isn’t about “beating” the Universe. It’s about co-creating with the Universe. And if you can master this, you can master manifestation.

    2. Visualization

    Visualization is key in transforming your dreams from abstract ideas in your head to tangible things you get to have and experience in your reality. In manifestation, visualization allows you to simulate the experience of already having your desires in the present moment. This is a profound practice to help you get clear about what you want and begin vibrating at the frequency of your desires today.

    Meditation, vision boards, and scripting (more on that below) are a few practices that can help you visualize your dreams and desires.

    Spend at least 10-15 minutes every day visualizing what your dream life looks and feels like to you. Remember not just to see this visualization in your mind’s eye but to feel the positive emotions tied to your manifestations as well.

    Another important component of visualization is living as if. That means that as you go about your day, take a moment to step back and visualize the present moment as if you’re already living in your desired manifestation.

    For instance, if you want to manifest your dream job, you can take a moment while you’re at your desk at work to visualize being at your dream job right now. How does that look? How does it feel to you? Continue to come back to this high vibration throughout the day.

    3. The 55×5 Manifestation Method

    The 55×5 Manifestation Method is one of my favorite journaling methods for manifesting. The guidelines are fairly straightforward: it simply requires you to choose an affirmation, then write down that affirmation 55 times in a row for 5 days straight.

    The affirmation you choose will directly relate to the desire you want to manifest.

    For example, let’s say you want to manifest money. Your affirmation might be, “I am so grateful I received $10,000 this week!”

    So on Day 1, you’ll write “I am so grateful I received $10,000 this week!” 55 times in a row.

    Then, on Day 2, you’d again write, “I am so grateful I received $10,000 this week!” 55 times in a row.

    Days 3, 4, and 5—same thing.

    The key here is that as you write your affirmations, you want to truly feel as though what you’re writing is actually true. If you did manifest $10,000, how would you feel? Would you feel grateful? Joyful? Abundant?

    Allow yourself to feel those emotions now. But don’t just stop when you put down your pen. Continue to vibrate at the frequency of these positive feelings as you go about your day.

    This is a great practice for truly uncovering your manifesting power. It helps you to articulate exactly what you want and sets a solid foundation for your day.

    If you’re looking for help getting started, check out the 55×5 Manifestation Method Worksheet, which gives you the opportunity to print and handwrite your affirmations or type directly into the PDF editable document. This easy-to-use worksheet gets powerful results and is the perfect addition to your manifestation practice.

    4. The 369 Method

    The 369 Method has a similar setup to the 55×5 Manifestation Method with a few differences in how it’s carried out.

    In the 369 Method, you choose an affirmation and write it down 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. Do this for 21 days in a row.

    As you write your affirmation, maintain high vibrations and make sure to be consistent. I also find it helpful to say my affirmation aloud throughout the day.

    5. Scripting

    Scripting is the practice of writing about your dreams and desires in story-like form, as if you already possess everything you want to manifest. It’s kind of like writing a journal entry, except instead of writing about your current life, you write about the life you want to live as if you’re already living it.

    So if you want to manifest love, you might write about how you’re living with the love of your life in your dream home. When you do this, you only want to write in past or present tense.

    For instance, if you’re writing in past tense, you might recount the day you met your partner. You could also write as though it’s the end of the day, and you’ve just had your first date with the perfect person.

    If you write in the present tense, you could write about what a typical day looks like with the love of your life as you’re living it.

    Truly, the possibilities are endless.

    The key to making scripting work is to feel all the positive emotions of having your desires right now in this present moment.

    So if you’re writing about how happy you are to spend your life with this perfect person, allow yourself to feel truly joyful and grateful for all that you have. Imagine what it will feel like to feel loved by this person, and allow yourself to feel those positive emotions now.

    Insert gratitude throughout your script, and end it by thanking the Universe for delivering to you all your deepest dreams and desires.

    I have a ton of resources dedicated to scripting on this website, so I’ve added links below that will provide you with examples, suggested sentence starters, and even a free PDF template to help you get started.

    And if you want to get started with scripting today, be sure to check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop. Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more.

    For more scripting tips, help, and guidance, check out these articles:

    scripting journal

    6. The Pillow Method For Manifestation

    The Pillow Method For Manifestation is one of my personal favorites, as it feels as though you’re truly doing something magical when you complete this practice.

    First, you want to take either a script you’ve written about your dream life (see #5 above) or a powerful manifestation affirmation that affirms you already have what you desire.

    For instance, you might write “I am in my dream job, making a positive difference in people’s lives and doing what I love every single day.”

    Once you have your script or affirmation written down, place it under your pillow. Before you go to bed, visualize your desired manifestation in your mind’s eye. Imagine having this desire right now, feeling all the positive emotions of your dreams coming true.

    Let this be the last thing you think about before falling asleep, allowing it to sink into your subconscious brain. Continue this practice for about 7 to 10 days, or until it feels right to remove it.

    7. Essential Oils For Manifesting

    Manifesting oil is a blend of essential oils, herbs, and other natural sources that are specifically created to help you manifest your desires. Using these essential oils is a great way to enhance and amplify your manifestation practice.

    I like to use manifesting oils on my scripts, journal entries, and manifestation affirmations. Manifesting oil can also be used on a specific object, such as cash, a love note, a candle, or even yourself.

    One of my personal favorite ways to use it is by rubbing a little bit on my script or affirmation before I put it under my pillow if I’m doing the pillow method.

    8. Gratitude

    Gratitude ties in with abundance, as when you choose to view your life from a perspective of gratitude, you’re able to see all that you have rather that focusing on what you don’t have.

    When you express gratitude, you’re essentially telling the Universe, more of this please.

    More joy. More love. More peace, freedom, and abundance.

    Connect yourself to the life of your dreams by expressing sincere gratitude and appreciation for the abundance that already exists within.

    How do you do this? Here are a few ideas:

    • When you wake up, think of three things you’re grateful for. You might also choose to write these things down in a gratitude journal.
    • Anytime you feel out of sorts, take a step back. Look around your immediate environment. Focus on one thing in your surroundings to be grateful for. If you can’t find something outside of you, focus on something within.
    • Stuck at a red light? Instead of expressing frustration, think of one to three things you’re thankful for in your life.
    • Before you go to bed at night, think of three things that happened during the day that you truly appreciate.

    For more on embracing gratitude, check out these posts:

    manifestation workbook guide learn more

    9. Give To Receive

    The more good you put out in the world, the more good you receive in return.

    Do you want to manifest love? Give love to others. (And yourself.)

    Do you want financial prosperity? Donate and give money when you feel called to.

    Do you want unconditional happiness? Give your smile freely to others. Make someone’s day. Be a light in someone else’s world.

    One way to intentionally practice this is to write a Giving List. Every morning, write down something you want to give that day. Remember, it doesn’t have to be a really big thing. Here are a few examples of something you might give:

    • A compliment to a friend
    • A smile to a stranger
    • An extra $1 on your food delivery tip
    • A kind gesture, like letting another car in or opening the door for someone.

    Time is also a gift, so you might give the gift of your time to someone who’s feeling lonely.

    I always like to note that you should only give when it feels good to you. Don’t force or pressure yourself to give because you think you have to, especially if deep down, you feel any resentment towards giving. When you do this, you may emit negative vibrations, so you’re not actually helping yourself to manifest what you want.

    Release the pressure on yourself, let go, and allow the perfect moment to unfold instead of forcing yourself into it.

    manifestation workbook guide learn more

    10. Surrender & Allow

    There are several ways I could phrase this:



    Let go.


    There are two equal parts of manifestation: doing and being. This is actually directly tied to the Law of Gender, one of the 12 spiritual laws of the Universe. The Law of Gender states there are two types of energy: masculine and feminine. In order to live a fulfilling, joyful, purpose-driven life, we must achieve a balance between these two energies.

    Masculine energy is tied to hustling, achieving, and doing. Feminine energy is tied to surrendering, allowing, and just being.

    While many of the practices on this list are tied to your masculine energy, your feminine energy is just as important when it comes to manifesting.

    What we often forget when it comes to manifestation is that you’re actually co-creating with the Universe. This means trusting that the Universe has your back. It also that means sometimes, you’re in the driver’s seat, and other times, you’re letting the Universe take the wheel.

    So how exactly do you practice surrender and trust? Here are a few tips:

    • Release the “how.” This is 100% the Universe’s job. You might think you know the best path to your dreams. You might also think there’s just no possible way your dream can come true. But I promise, the Universe will figure out the how, and it’s often in unexpected and surprising ways. Your job is to simply allow the Universe to work its magic. When it’s time for you to act, it’ll deliver a sign or a gentle nudge in the right direction to let you know.
    • Listen to your own inner rhythm. Do you feel like you’re forcing something to happen? How does it feel? At its foundation, manifestation should feel really good. If you feel like you’re trying to force your dreams to come true, it may be time to take a step back. Let go and allow the Universe to take the wheel for a while.

    As you move forward, keep this in mind:

    Don’t worry about the timeline. Don’t try to force something that doesn’t feel right. Know that the Universe is doing the hard stuff, and instead of focusing on your external world, focus on your inner world.

    Create an inner world so peaceful, patient, and calm, it spills into your outer world and creates something beautiful outside of yourself.

    Recap: How to Manifest Something – 10 Essential Manifestation Methods

    For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

    How To Manifest Something: 10 Manifestation Methods
    Pin this for later! How to Manifest Something: 10 Powerful Manifestation Methods
  • how to raise your vibration
    Manifestation,  Self Love

    How To Raise Your Vibration In 30 Seconds (Or Less)

    Below, discover 10 powerful methods to quickly raise your vibration whenever you’re feeling low! Plus get more tips on raising your vibration and learn about Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale.

    How To Raise Your Vibration In 30 Seconds (Or Less)
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    Raising Your Vibration

    To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of the phrase, raise your vibration.

    Don’t get me wrong: I absolutely believe in the spirit of it, and I’ve used the phrase myself many times–even here on this website.

    But I think there’s something missing when we say that we’re raising our vibration.

    It isn’t simply that you’re raising your vibration; you are positive vibrations.

    Here’s what I mean:

    Think about the word love. What is love to you?

    Is love something you find outside yourself, or is love something that starts within you?

    At your purest, most foundational state, you are love. Love is your essence and being. Love is who you are.

    So you’re never trying to raise your vibration to the frequency of love.

    Rather, you’re releasing everything that makes you forget who you are; you’re letting go of all the heaviness that weighs you down and separates you from love.

    And this is true for all positive vibrations. You are joy. You are freedom. You are peace. You are abundance.

    You don’t need to reach outside of yourself to gain access to these states. None of it is ever separate from you.

    So when I use the phrase raise your vibration, know that this doesn’t mean you’re trying to achieve or become something that you’re not. Rather, it means that you’re returning to the very core of who you are.

    Why Raise Your Vibration?

    The phrase raise your vibration is often used in discussions about manifestation, so let’s begin here.

    What is manifestation?

    To manifest something means to visualize your dreams and desires and to vibrate at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true. This belief is rooted in the idea that what we give out, we get back.

    So if you vibrate at the frequency of love, you invite more love to enter your life. If you vibrate at the frequency of abundance, you attract more abundance to you. And if you vibrate at the frequency of joy, you attract more joyful experiences into your reality.

    Now, does this mean you have to force yourself into a state of joy and positivity all of the time? Absolutely not.

    In fact, trying to suppress your emotions in order to manufacture false positivity can be more harmful in the long-run. I discuss this in more detail below in the Emotional Guidance Scale section below.

    Beyond manifestation though, maintaining a high vibration is important because you deserve to live a life that makes you feel truly good and alive. This moment right now is your life, and you deserve to experience true joy each and every day–not just every once in a while.

    Below are 10 practices you can utilize to quickly raise your vibration in 30 seconds or less. You’ll also find some suggestions for longer practices you can incorporate into your daily life to maintain a high vibration and release anything that may be weighing you down.

    manifestation printables learn more

    How To Raise Your Vibration In 30 Seconds (Or Less)


    When it comes to supporting your mind, body, and spirit, there are two vibrations that rank supreme: gratitude and love. (We’ll get to love down below.)

    One of the quickest ways I can get myself back into alignment when I’m feeling off is through choosing gratitude. Often, it’s easy to focus on what’s going wrong, and we lose sight of what’s going right. Gratitude is a gentle nudge to root ourselves to the present moment and focus on the abundance that already exists in our lives.

    A simple yet profound way to raise your vibration when you’re feeling low is to think of three things you’re grateful for in that moment. You might choose to look around the room or space you’re in and find three things in the room that you appreciate. Or you can look within and find three things inside yourself that you feel truly thankful for: your talents, your abilities, your body, your breath.

    You can also look at all the components that make up your beautiful life: your family and friends, your home, your job, and all that you have.

    When your vibrations are low, find things in your life that you can be grateful for right now. Recognize that while everything may not be perfect, there is still so much in the world to appreciate.

    And if you need help, check out this article on 500 things to be grateful for today.

    Present Moment

    Often, when my vibration is low, it’s because I’m worried about the future: bills, deadlines, relationships, and all kinds of uncertainties swirling through my mind.

    And while I have compassion for the part of me that worries and gets anxiety about the future, I also recognize that a constant state of worry puts me at a low frequency, causing me to attract the very experiences that I’m worried about.

    So how do I release my worries and raise my vibration?

    I simply take a deep breath and say, “In this moment, I have everything I need.”

    It seems like such a simple phrase, but it has changed my inner world profoundly. These words remind me that right now, in this present moment, I have all that I need. The future isn’t real. It doesn’t exist yet. Right now is all that exists. And right now, in this moment, I always have more than enough.

    Here are a few other mantras that can help you return to the present moment:

    • “I am exactly where I am meant to be.”
    • “All is well.”
    • “I choose to be here, right now.”
    • “This moment is a miracle.”

    I also recommend connecting with your breath and taking a deep, soulful inhale, then releasing all of the negative energy through your exhale. Root yourself here, in this moment. Let this moment give you everything you need.

    Positive Affirmations

    If you follow me on social media or have read some of my other blog posts, you might already know that I’m all about positive affirmations. They’re an integral part of my daily world, and I believe in them wholeheartedly because of how profoundly they’ve changed my inner world.

    So first, what exactly is a positive affirmation? An affirmation is a positive affirming statement that’s designed to boost your self-belief and support your overall well-being: mind, body, and soul.

    While I have hundreds and likely even thousands of positive affirmations that I’ve repeated throughout my life, I’ve found that some of the most meaningful are often the simplest:

    I am worthy.

    I am whole.

    I am enough.

    If you’re in a low vibration and need a quick way to pick yourself up, recite an empowering affirmation that resonates with you. This might change depending on the experience. For instance, when I’m working out, I’ll affirm that I am strong, capable, and resilient, and if I’m in a situation that requires me to take a risk, I’ll affirm that I am courageous and able to handle anything that comes my way.

    The key with affirmations is to truly feel the positive words in your bones. So when I say that I’m worthy, I truly feel worthy. And when I say that I’m brave and courageous, I feel in my heart that I am those things.

    If you’re looking for inspiration on positive affirmations that you can start using today, check out the blog posts below!

    Vision Board

    A vision board is a collection of words and/or images that represent your highest self living your ideal life. Some common components of a vision board include the following categories: Relationships, Career, Home, Health, Wealth, Spirituality, Fitness, Car, Self-Care, and Hobbies/Fun. Many people like to include positive affirmations on their vision board as well.

    What makes a vision board a powerful tool isn’t simply the existence of the pictures or words on it but the positive feelings they inspire when you look at them.

    To unlock the magic of a vision board, you must allow yourself to feel the positive emotions of the images within yourself. If you put financial prosperity, a loving relationship, and freedom to travel on your board, then visualize what it would be like to have those things now. Imagine how you would feel the day you have it all and feel it in this moment.

    When you’re at a low vibration, allow yourself to step back and look at your vision board for a few seconds. Feel the positive emotions associated with all of your beautiful dreams.

    On the go? No problem! I actually use the VisuApp on my phone for a way to keep my vision board with me at all times! The app allows you to save images and write empowering affirmations with your images if you wish. (I have no connection to VisuApp; I just like using it!)

    If you prefer the DIY version of a mobile vision board, you can also create a folder in your photos called My Future and save images to it that represent your dreams and desires. Anytime you’re feeling down, scan through your photos and breathe in the positive energy from the pictures.

    Need help getting started? Check out this article for some awesome vision board ideas to visualize your ideal future.


    I’ve mentioned before that love and gratitude are the highest vibrations, so if you’re able to lift yourself into a vibration of love, there’s truly no better place to be. (But if you’re not able to? That’s okay! I speak more about this in the Emotional Guidance Scale section below.)

    So how exactly do you do this?

    This might sound cheesy, but one practice that’s really helped me is simply telling myself I love you several times a day. When I’m feeling down, I’ll look into my own reflection and say, “I love you.” And when I’m internally beating myself up because I made a mistake, I’ll again tell myself I love you.

    This is my way of saying that yes, I’m imperfect and make mistakes sometimes, but I am still worthy of unconditional love.

    Another practice is similar to the gratitude practice I mentioned above: find three things in your current environment that represent love to you. It could be a necklace from your mom, a bouquet of flowers from your partner, a drawing from your child, or something else meaningful.

    If there’s nothing in your current environment that symbolizes love for you, simply think about three people, things, or experiences that represent love to you and feel the love you have in your heart for these beautiful parts of your life.

    One final thing – and I fully admit that this isn’t easy and that you may roll your eyes at me – is to silently send a person love, even if they’re the catalyst for your low vibration. Someone cut you off in traffic? It’s okay to react angrily, but don’t hold onto that anger. Feel it, release it, and send them well-wishes. The same could go for a boss who gives you a last-minute task or when you have a frustrating experience at the grocery store.

    You don’t have to like the experience. But you don’t have to hold onto it either.

    Release it and choose love. Be love. See love. The more you choose love, the more unexpected places you’ll find love in your life.

    scripting journal


    If you don’t have time to go on a long nature walk, see if you can step outside for thirty seconds. Stand in the sun. Breathe in the fresh air. Connect with your breath. Connect with the world around you. Remember that like a tree, you are strong, centered, stable, and rooted firmly to the ground.


    This might be the simplest on this list, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an important or meaningful practice. I’ve often found that a warm embrace from someone I love is exactly what I need to lift me out of a low vibration. It reminds me of what’s truly important and helps me to feel love and gratitude for what I have.

    Hug your partner, child, parent, friend, or anyone else who feels like love to you. (This can also be a pet!)

    Breathing Exercises

    A breathing exercise is conscious, purposeful breathing with the intention of calming the mind, relieving stress, improving your lung function, and grounding yourself to the present moment.

    What I love about breathing exercises is that they feel like mini-meditations that you can do practically anytime and anywhere.

    My personal favorite breathing exercise is alternate nostril breathing, which you can read more about here.

    Another simple yet powerful practice is the 4-7-8 breathing technique. In this practice, you inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, pause at the top of your inhale for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat this 4 to 8 times in a session.

    Breathing exercises are known to help calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, relax the body, and improve overall well-being. If you’re feeling particularly anxious and stressed, see if you can pause for a few moments and focus on your breathing.

    Remember what I said in the intro: raising your vibration isn’t so much about becoming something as it is releasing everything you’re not. A breathing exercise allows you to release the heavy energy that comes from the outer world so you can return to the core of who you are in your inner world: peaceful, steady, calm, centered, and strong.

    Highest Self

    Your highest self is your essential self; it’s the eternal part of you that’s untouched by human experiences. This is the truest, most authentic part of you.

    I’ve found that this practice especially helps when my low vibrational state is self-imposed i.e. when I know I’m overreacting or being unreasonable, but the surface-level part of me is doubling down on the negativity.

    In these moments, I ask myself, “What would my highest self do?”

    For me, I know my highest self is gentle, loving, compassionate, and kind, so when I ask myself what my highest self would do, I know that she (I) would embody these qualities in all situations. This is a powerful practice to raise your vibration because it allows you to release negative feelings that aren’t serving you and to align with the energy of love.

    Now, I just want to note that this practice isn’t meant to guilt you into anything. It’s not meant to make you feel guilty for any negativity you may be experiencing. You are a human being who is allowed the grace of imperfection. It’s all a part of the beautiful messiness of the human experience.

    This practice is simply meant to remind you of who you truly are and to release the bad stuff that sometimes gets in the way of that. And when you align with your true self, you’re able to release anything that’s lowering your vibration.


    Years ago, the first time I did a guided meditation, the instructor gently guided me to close my eyes and imagine that a white beam of light was shining down on me. The light entered through my head and slowly spread to fill my entire being. I saw this light filling up my cells and radiating from within, casting a soft glow around my entire body.

    This light was love. It was protection. It was a reminder of my eternal self. And it showed me that I am never alone and that I am always, always loved.

    If it’s safe to do so, you can choose at any moment to close your eyes and feel this light within and all around you. This light is always a part of you. Sometimes, it’s obscured from our vision due to external influences, but we can choose at any moment to connect with it again.

    This light is a reminder that you are something more than this human experience. You are not trying to find high vibrations; you are high vibrations. You’re simply releasing anything that suppresses this truth.

    manifestation workbook guide learn more

    Longer Practices to Raise Your Vibration

    When you have a little more time, here are some longer practices you can do to raise your vibration:

    • Meditation
    • Yoga
    • Time Spent in Nature
    • Exercise
    • Journal
    • Funny YouTube Videos (Celebrity Jeopardy clips and funny cat videos are my personal favorites.)
    • Self-Care Activities
    • Creative Activities (Create not to be productive or good. Simply create for the love of creating.)
    • Quality Time with Someone You Love (Do you have someone in your life who always makes you feel good? Plan a lunch date or movie night!)
    • Reading
    • Funny TV Shows and Movies
    • Game Night
    • Nap (Is the source of your low vibration a lack of sleep?)
    • Eat (Or are you hangry?)
    • Dance
    • Sing
    • Cuddle with a Pet

    Emotional Guidance Scale

    If you’re experiencing a particularly low vibration, you don’t immediately have to force yourself back into a high vibration that doesn’t really feel honest or good to you. In fact, trying to suppress your feelings is one of the worst things you can do, because ultimately, that energy doesn’t really go away. It just becomes stuck inside of you and lingers until you’re ready to deal with it.

    Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale is the best example I’ve seen to explain how you can help yourself in these situations.

    The Emotional Guidance Scale is a scale of emotions that we often feel throughout our lives. These emotions range from Joy, Appreciation, Empowerment, Freedom, and Love to Fear, Grief, Depression, Despair, and Powerlessness.

    In between all of these emotions, though, are a bunch of other commonly felt emotions. For instance, Positive Expectation and Belief may not be at the same level as Joy and Love, but they’re still pretty high up there. On the other hand, emotions like Discouragement or Anger may be perceived as negative emotions, but they’re not as low as Depression or Grief.

    If your emotions are at a level of Depression or Grief, it could actually be detrimental to try to jump straight to feelings of Love and Joy. Why? Because it likely won’t be real.

    Like I said above, trying to suppress your negative emotions and force yourself to feel positive only means you’re holding onto those negative emotions within, allowing that energy to stagnate inside your body. Healing requires feeling and understanding your emotions before you can release them.

    It’s also really, really hard to force yourself to go from a feeling of grief to one of joy. Doing this often forces you into something you’re not ready for, and if you’re unable to reach that state of joy, you’ll likely feel even worse as a result.

    So what can you do? Instead of reaching for a vibration that is far beyond your current state, constantly reach for a slightly better vibration.

    Maybe you can’t jump from Grief to Joy, but you might be able to jump from Grief to Anger, which is actually higher up on the Emotional Guidance Scale. Then maybe you’ll jump from Anger to Blame, and from Blame to Disappointment. Disappointment might turn into Frustration, which turns into Pessimism, then Boredom. And from Boredom, you move to Contentment, then Hopefulness, then Positive Expectation, then Enthusiasm, then Passion, and finally, you reach the levels of Joy and Love.

    (Of course, it’s very rarely as easy as it sounds. Most likely, you’ll continue to jump up and back down again, and that’s okay. Give yourself extra compassion as you go through this process.)

    So when you hear the term raise your vibration, know that this doesn’t mean you have to jump to the highest possible emotions all the time. It means constantly reaching for the better feeling, even if it’s only a little bit at a time.

    Here’s the entirety of Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale, from highest to lowest. You can also learn more about the scale here.

    • Joy/Appreciation/Empowerment/Freedom/Love
    • Passion
    • Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
    • Positive Expectation/Belief
    • Optimism
    • Hopefulness
    • Contentment
    • Boredom
    • Pessimism
    • Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
    • Overwhelment
    • Disappointment
    • Doubt
    • Worry
    • Blame
    • Discouragement
    • Anger
    • Revenge
    • Hatred/Rage
    • Jealousy
    • Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
    • Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

    And there you have it: 10 ways to raise your vibration in 30 seconds or less, plus a few extra longer methods you can utilize. What practices help you to raise your vibration when you’re feeling low? Share your best tips and favorite practices in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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    12 Best Manifestation Journals To Create Your Dream Life

    Are you looking for the perfect manifestation journal to raise your vibrations and help you create the life of your dreams? In this article, discover the 12 best manifestation journals you can purchase today.

    Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

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    Choosing Your Perfect Manifestation Journal

    When I first decided to go on the hunt for the perfect manifestation journal, I thought I might rank them from best to worst and give you recommendations for which one you should choose.

    But after flipping through one gorgeous journal after another, I quickly realized that wasn’t going to work.

    You see, there isn’t really a “worst” one in the bunch.

    Rather, it’s more a matter of what fits your individual needs.

    Some manifestation journals focus specifically on scripting, while others utilize practices like the 369 or 55×5 methods. Some are specifically focused on helping you to manifest money, while others center around raising your vibrations through gratitude practices.

    Your “perfect” manifestation journal is going to depend on a number of factors: your manifestation level, how much time you have to dedicate to journaling each day, and most importantly, what resonates most with your energy.

    Below, you’ll find the 12 best manifestation journals you can purchase today. Each one focuses on a different aspect of manifesting, and they can take anywhere between 5 to 30+ minutes a day to complete.

    And if you’re looking for a manifestation journal you can start using today, I definitely encourage you to check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop.

    This 30-day manifestation journal is designed to help you align with the emotions of having your dreams and desires in the present moment. Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now.

    Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. It also comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal or print and write out your responses.

    Click here to learn more and purchase yours today.

    In This Article

    Manifestation Journals

    Best Planner: Law of Attraction Planner

    Okay, this one cheats just a tiny bit because it’s technically called a planner, but I promise, it’s a cheat in the best way possible.

    This Law of Attraction Planner has it all: journal pages, a success road map, productivity stickers, and so much more. Like a normal planner, there’s space to write your appointments, meetings, and other scheduled activities in the weekly calendar pages. I love that these pages also have a Positive Habit Maker where you can track habits such as gratitude, meditation, and any other practices want to prioritize.

    There’a also monthly calendars in which you can write feel-good intentions, desired goals, and action steps, plus space to create a mind map.

    I think my favorite pages, though, are the monthly reflections. This space includes lines to write down your achievements, what you learned, people who inspired you, and so much more. It also has some incredible reflection questions, such as, “Did I fully enjoy whatever I was doing this month? Was I really ‘here’ or was I just showing up? How can I be more present?

    And did I also mention that there’s a foldable vision board?

    I wholeheartedly recommend this planner/journal for both the beginner and experienced manifestor who wants to start creating the life of their dreams today.

    Best For Manifesting Money: Money Manifesting Workbook

    Unleash Your Inner Money Babe: A Money Manifesting Workbook is an awesome option if you’re looking to manifest financial abundance in your life. The book guides you through 21 days of exercises all centering around your money mindset.

    Before you begin the exercises, you set a goal for the amount of money you want to manifest. (The book recommends $1,000.) By the end of the 21 days, you’ll have completely restructured your money mindset for the better, and you’ll have manifested some serious cash.

    Note that this one isn’t purely a journal as there are exercises for you to complete as well. For instance, on Day 1, you clear out your wallet (and other spaces in your home/workplace) of junk/receipts, straighten out your dollar bills, and organize your money. At the end of each exercise, there are reflection questions that you can use in your journaling practice.

    If you go all-in and release your doubts and hesitations, you’ll be truly amazed by the pure magic that manifests in your life when you start doing these exercises. To increase the high vibes, I recommend pairing it with a notebook that has some glitter and gold on it, like this gorgeous Do More of What Makes You Sparkle golden polka dot notebook.

    Best Blank Journal: The Universe Has Your Back Journal

    First thing’s first: this one is not a guided journal. But I wanted to include it on this list for a few reasons. Gabrielle Bernstein is a major name in the manifestation space, and she consistently produces incredible books, affirmation cards, and more to support others in their manifestation journeys.

    The Universe Has Your Back Journal is absolutely beautiful and includes some high-vibe quotes and affirmations to support you in your manifestation journey. I love this option for the manifestor who wants to freely journal without strict guidance. You can also find some awesome manifestation guided journal prompts on Pinterest, so be sure to check there!

    Furthermore, you can use this journal for the 369 method or the 55×5 manifestation method, both of which I talk about below.

    I’d also highly recommend checking out Gabrielle Bernstein’s book, The Universe Has Your Back, and her beautiful The Universe Has Your Back Affirmation Cards to lovingly guide you through your manifestations.

    Best Gratitude Journal: The 5-Minute Gratitude Journal

    Don’t underestimate the power of a gratitude journal to jump start your manifestations. Especially not one like The 5-Minute Gratitude Journal, which packs an immense amount of power in just a few minutes a day.

    Every day, you’re given uplifting gratitude prompts like, “One reason my life is already great,” and “One beautiful reason to be happy right now.” Each prompt only requires you to write a sentence or two, making this something you can do whenever it suits your schedule. Additionally, you also get an inspirational quote and a positive affirmation each day that truly helps you to cultivate feelings of joy, gratitude, peace, and trust.

    The fastest and easiest way to manifest the life of your dreams is to feel grateful for what you have right now. This journal is the perfect tool to help you get started.

    Best Beginner-Friendly Journal: Manifestation Magick

    Manifestation Magick is the perfect journal for anyone who is new to manifestation journaling. What I love about this journal is that it allows you to experiment with three different manifestation techniques: the 369 method, the 55×5 method, and scripting. You’ll find easy-to-follow directions for each method, and by trying out each one, you can decide which methods resonate most with your energy. You can also decide to use all of the methods, which will help you to become a master manifestor in no time.

    Best For Personal Growth: The Book of Dreams Come True

    The Book of Dreams Come True is the manifestation journal for the person who is willing to put in a little extra time to truly sit with their thoughts and write what’s in their heart. It’s filled with incredible journal prompts to help you release negativity and embrace joy, positivity, love, and light.

    I love this journal because it truly empowers you to embrace your own creativity and imagination. This is a journal that will lead you through a journey of beautiful self-discovery, helping you to understand your goals and desires, feel gratitude for all that you have, and create the brilliant and magical life you desire.

    Best 369 Journal: Three Six Nine Affirmation Journal

    The Three Six Nine Affirmation Journal utilizes a manifestation method in which you write your desire in affirmation form three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. Doing this for 33 days straight amplifies your affirmations and intentions. There’s enough space in this journal to do this for two 33-day cycles.

    As a huge believer in the power of affirmations, I love that this method is so simple yet profound. Each time you repeat these affirmations, you’re rewiring your brain to truly believe what you’re affirming. This also raises your vibrations, which is the foundation of manifestation. The journal itself is simple yet beautiful, and for less than $10, it provides you with everything you need to start manifesting the life of your dreams.

    Best “Short-On-Time” Journal: The Five Minute Journal

    The Five Minute Journal is the perfect tool for raising your vibration on limited time. Each morning, you can write down three things you’re grateful for, three positive affirmations, and three things that would make today great. At the end of the day, you can reflect on three amazing things that happened and three things that would’ve made the day even better.

    This journal is a great resource for providing inspiration and motivation and helping you to cultivate an outlook of positivity and optimism.

    Best 55×5 Journal: 555 Manifestation Journal

    The 55×5 manifestation method is a practice in which you write your chosen affirmation 55 times in a row (in one sitting) for five days straight. The affirmation you choose should correspond with your intended manifestation. For example, you might write the affirmation, “I am so happy and grateful that I received an extra $1,000 this week!

    Now, if you’re side-eyeing me right now, I totally get it. It sounds almost too simple. But it’s one of those things that’s so simple, it actually works. The key here is to be in a high-vibrational state when you sit down to write your affirmations. It’s also important to hold onto those good feelings even after you complete the practice.

    You definitely don’t need a special manifestation journal to complete this practice. But what I like about the 555 Manifestation Method Journal is that it cleanly divides the 55 lines so you don’t have to count them. For less than $10, it’s an inexpensive time saver that will carry you through your manifesting journey.

    Best For Lifting Vibrations: Daily Rituals

    I’ll admit, this one surprised me. At first glance, I thought it was just a book on affirmations, which is great – just not what I wanted when looking for manifestation journals.

    But I was wrong.

    The Daily Rituals workbook is all about lifting your vibrations so you can attract similiar high-vibrational objects, people, and experiences into your life. Each chapter has a powerful affirmation with an explanation/definition of that affirmation. After the affirmation, there’s a powerful exercise to complete and a profound journal prompt that will help you to cultivate joy, gratitude, and unconditional self-love.

    To increase the high vibes, I like to pair this workbook with this beautifully crafted The Universe Journal.

    Best Goal-Oriented Journal: This Year I Will

    Do not sleep on this book. It is an absolute powerhouse.

    The prompts in the This Year I Will Guided Journal read as a step-by-step guide to manifestation. You start by identifying your goals and your why. Then there are visualizations for how you’ll feel when you achieve these goals and what a day in your life will look like once you have what you desire. And this is just the beginning. Once you get to the weekly reflections, you truly dive deep into a treasure chest of uplifting thoughts and good vibrations. There is so much goodness in this book, I can’t rave about it enough.

    The one key difference between this journal and the others on this list is that it’s more of a weekly journal than a daily journal. Depending on your preferences, this might be a positive or a negative. Even if you’re looking for more of a daily journal, I’d definitely recommend using this journal in addition to one of the daily journals on this list. I promise – it’s worth it.

    Best For Advanced Manifestors: 100-Day Guided Manifestation Journal

    If you’re looking for a pure manifestation journal, it’d be hard to beat this one. The Law of Attraction 100-Day Guided Journal has everything you need in a manifestation journal. It’s a guided journal filled with powerful prompts and daily affirmations, plus directions and words of wisdom. Even on your toughest days, this journal will guide you to living as your highest and most authentic self.

    The reason I recommend this one for more advanced manifestors is because some of the prompts can be a bit more complex. If you’re a beginner, I’d recommend starting with one of the others on this list and working your way up to this one.

    Have you tried any of the manifestation journals above? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below! And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

    Plus, don’t forget to check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available now in my online shop!

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  • meditations for manifesting
    Manifestation,  Mindfulness

    9 Guided Meditations For Manifesting Your Desires

    In this article, discover nine powerful guided meditations for manifesting love, abundance, success, and so much more. (With links to each meditation so you can begin your manifesting journey today.)

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    Getting Started: Guided Meditations For Manifesting

    Meditation is a profound way to connect to your heart’s deepest dreams and desires. Not only can meditation help you to cultivate inner peace, tap into your intuition, and lean a little deeper into gratitude, but it can also be a powerful way to visualize and align with the thoughts, feelings, and images of having your desires in this present moment.

    And guided manifestation meditations are a powerful place to start.

    First, what exactly is a manifestation meditation?

    A manifestation meditation is a meditation specifically designed to help you align with the positive thoughts and emotions of your dreams and desires, lifting your vibrations so that you become a magnet for all of your deepest dreams.

    Guided meditations for manifesting can be an easy yet profound way to help you set intentions, cultivate gratitude, lift your vibration, and visualize the truest, most beautiful life you can imagine for yourself.

    And the best part? They don’t actually have to take very much time.

    As you’ll see, most of the guided meditations below are only about ten minutes long, yet they’re filled with tools to help you embody the vibration of already having your dreams and desires in this present moment.

    While you can do these meditations any time of the day, I especially love to listen to them in the morning shortly after I wake up. I’ve found that by starting my day with a meditation, I set a positive foundation for the day ahead.

    And when you specifically listen to a guided meditation for manifesting your desires in the morning, you can carry that positive energy from the meditation with you throughout the day.

    Below, I’ve linked to nine of my favorite guided manifestations for manifesting love, abundance, and more. You’ll notice that all of these meditations are available for free through Insight Timer. I have no affiliations with Insight Timer and don’t receive anything for these links. I’ve been using Insight Timer for years, and it’s by far my favorite app on my phone. I’m including it here because I wholeheartedly recommend it.

    If you want to download the app, you should be able to find it on your device’s app store. You can also check out their website to learn more about what they offer.

    I sincerely hope these guided meditations for manifesting your dreams can serve and support you on your path as you move forward in creating a life that feels good and true to you.

    And know that it doesn’t matter if you’re new to meditation or an experienced meditator; these meditations will serve you throughout your entire journey. (I’ve been meditating for years, and I still come back to many of these same meditations repeatedly.)

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    Guided Meditations For Manifesting

    Manifesting A Positive Day

    Liza Colpa’s entire catalog of guided meditations is a treasure chest filled with beautiful and profound tracks dedicated to helping you set intentions, cultivate gratitude, and release what no longer serves you to make space for more love, peace, and abundance to come into your life. Her voice is effortless and soothing, and I find myself coming back to her meditations multiple times a week. With over 425k plays, her 10-minute Manifesting A Positive Day is her most popular track – for good reason. In this track, Liza gently guides you through a series of affirmations as well as a visualization practice designed to help you envision your best possible day. When you’re finished with this track, you’ll be ready to step forward feeling a sense of confidence, contentment, trust, and groundedness that will remain with you throughout your day.

    Attracting All That You Desire

    Carrie Suwal is another Insight Timer teacher who has an effortlessly gentle and soothing voice that will help you to feel relaxed and at peace as you follow her soft yet powerful guidance. Her Attracting All That You Desire meditation uses practices rooted in visualization, gratitude, affirmations, and positive vibrations to help you connect to your goals and dreams. This is a beautiful meditation for beginners and experienced meditators alike. If you’re like me, you’ll want to bookmark it and repeat it over and over again.

    Being In The Energy of Millions, Billions, Trillions

    If you’re looking to manifest financial wealth and prosperity, Hayley Carr’s Being In The Energy Of Millions, Billions, Trillions is the perfect guided meditation to help you vibrate at the frequency of unlimited abundance. In this powerful meditation, Hayley guides you to visualize receiving your desired amount of money (no amount is too big) as you feel all the wonderful feelings of having that amount of money right now. Hayley’s voice and words are pure magic. This is another one you’ll want to save and play on repeat.

    Achieve Your Greatest Desires

    Vanessa Michele’s Achieve Your Greatest Desires is another powerful manifestation meditation that takes you on a journey of envisioning your ideal life. Before diving into the visualization, Vanessa does a wonderful job of helping you to relax, soften your muscles, and breathe intentionally and effortlessly. She then helps you to notice your current vibration and gently guides you to raise your vibration through visualizing your deepest dreams and desires surrounding you right now. Vanessa’s calm guidance will leave you feeling grounded, centered, and ready to create the beautiful, abundant life of your dreams.


    If you’re feeling uncertain about your ability to manifest the life you want, Annemaree Rowley’s Believe is the perfect meditation to help you realign with your true power. As she states, positive thoughts will bear positive fruit, and negative thoughts will bear negative fruit. But there’s no fake positivity here. Through her calm yet strong guidance, Annemaree gently guides you to a place of deep trust, knowing, and belief in your power and your path.

    Manifest An Abundant Life

    Amanda Sellers’ Manifest An Abundant Life is another profound guided meditation that uses the power of visualization to help you vibrate at the frequency of having your desires right now. What I love about this meditation is that Amanda begins by guiding you to harness the power of your breath to ground you in this moment. She then reminds you that the first step in manifesting is being grateful for all that you already have. Through gratitude, visualization, and positive vibrations, this guided meditation for manifesting an abundant life will help you walk into your day feeling inspired and empowered.

    Live Your Desire Now

    Lucy Love’s Live Your Desire Now is all about knowing what you want and focusing your energy on the presence of it as if it’s already yours – the perfect recipe for manifestation. Lucy gently guides you from living externally to living internally, focusing on your own inner world. In a calm and relaxed space, you’re called to think about something specific that you authentically desire and begin imagining what it would look and feel like to have your desire today. This short and sweet track is the perfect meditation for living your desired manifestation today.

    New Moon Meditation

    This one’s a little different, as it is specifically created for manifesting with the energy of the New Moon. In her New Moon Meditation, Camilla Sacre-Dallerup guides you through the process of setting intentions that align with what you truly want in life. I especially love the calming visualization experience she takes you on, as you connect with the energy of the New Moon and the new beginnings it represents. This is a quiet, soft, gentle guided meditation that helps you to focus on what truly matters in life – what you want to give your attention to, what you want more of, what’s worth giving your energy to – and release all the rest.

    Manifest Love – Creative Visualization

    No matter where you are in your life journey, Sharon Kirstin’s Manifest Love meditation is a powerful reminder that love has never left you. Sharon gently reminds you that the key to manifesting the love you desire isn’t outside of you; it’s within. I love all the wisdom Sharon shares, especially the gentle reminder that we must take intuitive action to manifest what we truly want in life. Sharon takes you on a powerful visualization journey where you see yourself connected to and wrapped in love at all times. By vibrating at the frequency of unconditional love, you invite even more love to come into your life – thus becoming a magnet for everything you desire.

    What are your favorite meditation apps? Do you have any favorite guided meditations for manifesting love, abundance, and more? Share your favorites in the comment box below!

    And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibrations, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

    More Manifestation Resources

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  • abundance checks

    How To Use Abundance Checks (With Free Printable)

    In this article, you’ll discover what abundance checks are, whether they actually work, and how to use abundance checks to manifest financial prosperity. Plus, download your free printable abundance checks below!

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    What Are Abundance Checks?

    Abundance checks (or cheques) are blank checks that you can use to aid you in manifesting financial prosperity. Usually, these will be digital checks like the free ones you can download at the bottom of this article. If you prefer, you can use your own checkbook or create your own checks, either digital or handwritten.

    On your abundance check, you’ll write your name on the “Pay to the Order of” line. Then, you’ll write down the amount of money you’re going to manifest on the “Amount” line. (I’ll go into more detail on how to fill out these checks below.)

    Abundance checks can be powerful tools for supporting your manifestations and helping you to align with the energy of pure, limitless abundance. They’re also a great way to set intentions and decide what exactly you want to manifest in your reality.

    Below, we’ll cover whether abundance checks actually work, how to fill out your abundance check, and more tips to get the most out of your checks. Plus, you can download your free printable abundance checks and start discovering the power of this profound manifestation tool today.

    And if you want to skip to any of these sections, just use the links below!

    In This Article

    manifestation workbook guide learn more

    Do Abundance Checks Work?

    In a word: yes.

    The most famous example of an abundance check manifesting in real life is the story of how Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for ten million dollars when he was still a broke, largely unknown actor. He gave himself three years to receive this money, dating it for Thanksgiving 1995.

    So what happened?

    As he told Oprah Winfrey, just before Thanksgiving 1995, he found out he was going to make ten million dollars for his role in Dumb and Dumber.

    So what’s the secret?

    As Jim Carrey himself told Oprah, you can’t just visualize something and then do nothing. He worked hard. He believed in himself. He continually visualized his dreams manifesting in his reality.

    And that’s what it comes down to.

    Are you willing to open your mind and believe in your own innate ability to manifest the life you desire? Can you choose to consistently vibrate at the frequency of abundance rather than scarcity? Do you believe that the universe wants to support you in your manifestations?

    Abundance checks work to the degree you’re willing to believe that they work. But don’t just believe in the check itself. Believe in yourself. Believe in this infinite universe. Believe that you are absolutely worthy of pure, limitless abundance. (Because you are always, always worthy.)

    You can watch the clip of Jim Carrey’s story in this interview on Oprah.com here. (I definitely recommend it!)

    To learn more about creating a life of true abundance, be sure to check out my review of Mindvalley’s Unlimited Abundance program here. In this review, I cover what you can expect in this online course, plus I give you my authentic experiences, outcomes, and recommendations. I definitely recommend checking this one out!

    How To Fill Out Your Abundance Check

    • First, decide what date you want to put at the top of the check. The date you write here is completely up to you. You can choose a date in the future (either a random date or one that holds special meaning to you) or write today’s date on your check. You can also write a word such as Today or Now. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the exact amount will show up today. Rather, it means you have faith that it’s all aligning for you and in the process of manifesting.
    • Choose the dollar amount you want to write on the check. Pick a number that feels really good to you! Some people recommend choosing a number that seems reasonable to your conscious mind (basically, something that you feel confident in manifesting). I think the most important thing is to pick a number that excites you and feels really positive. Write the number on the “Amount” line and in the box on the right-hand side of the check.
    • Fill out the “Memo” field. You can approach this two ways. The first method is to fill out the memo field as the reason why the Universe is giving you this money. You’ll see this in the first example below: “For being your authentic self and sharing your gifts with the world.” The second method is to fill in what the money is going to be used for. So if you want to manifest five thousand dollars for a vacation, you might write “Dream vacation” in the memo field.

    Here are two examples showing how the abundance check might be filled out:

    How To Use Your Abundance Check

    So once you have your abundance check, what do you do with it?

    Again, this is all about your personal preference. Some people like to look at their checks every day, while others prefer to store it somewhere safe where it isn’t always in front of them.

    Personally, I like to keep my checks in my wallet, as this practice feels really positive and powerful for me.

    However, if seeing your check every day gives you anxiety (or causes you to obsessively wonder when your manifestation is going to come), it might be better to store it somewhere you won’t constantly be looking at it.

    An important aspect of manifesting is being able to let go and surrender your manifestations to the universe, not worrying about when your manifestation is going to arrive. So if you find yourself in worry mode, just place your abundance check somewhere safe, preferably somewhere that has good energy. You can even put a piece of citrine, pyrite, or another powerful gemstone with it to amplify the energy of the check.

    Here are some ways you might use your abundance check:

    • Store it in your wallet, and each time you see your check in there, feel all the positive emotions of having that amount of money right now.
    • Hang it up on a bulletin board and take some time to look at it each day. Visualize the experience of receiving this amount of money, and tune your energy to the frequency of pure abundance.
    • Place it in a drawer, a lockbox, or somewhere safe. Surrender your desires to the universe, and walk forward in faith and trust.

    Tips & Tricks For Making Your Abundance Check Work

    • My favorite trick to amplify the power of an abundance check is to add a bit of manifesting oil to the check after I’ve written it. Manifesting oils are blends of essential oils and herbs formulated to aid you in manifesting your desires. You can learn more about different types of manifesting oils and how to use them here.
    • Another one of my favorite ways to use an abundance check is in conjunction with the pillow method for manifestation. Place your check under your pillow for 7 to 10 days. Each night before you fall asleep, visualize receiving this money, allowing the positive energy of this beautiful abundance to flow through you.
    • An important aspect of manifestation is following your intuition. Sometimes, your intuition will guide you to follow a certain path, take a certain action, or do something that you wouldn’t normally do. When you feel these inner nudges, trust them! That just may be the universe guiding you to the exact amount of money you’ve asked for. You can read my complete guide to tapping into your intuition here.
    • And make sure that after your intuition speaks to you, you take inspired action!
    • And finally, as with all manifestation practices, make sure you’re regularly checking in with yourself. What vibrations are you currently emitting? Are you vibrating at the frequency of abundance? Regularly practice allowing pure, abundant energy to flow through you. Visualization is a powerful tool to help you with this. (And here, you’ll find 50 abundance affirmations to support your journey and help you manifest a limitless life.)

    Download Your Free Abundance Checks

    Are you ready to start unlocking the power of abundance checks?

    You can either save the image above or click here to download your free PDF file. In this PDF file, you’ll find a sheet that has three blank abundance checks on the first page as well as a slightly larger check on the second page. You can print and use these pages as many times as you’d like!

    These digital files are completely free for your personal use. I know it’d be annoying if I slapped a giant “zannakeithley.com” tag on your abundance check, so I left that off the check itself. I just ask that if you do share these on your website or social media, you link back to this website or tag me. I’d love to see your abundance checks in action!

    Have you ever used abundance checks to manifest financial prosperity? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more manifesting tips, daily affirmations, and lots of positive vibes, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

    abundance checks
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  • essential oils for manifesting
    Manifestation,  Spirituality

    Essential Oils For Manifesting Love, Money & Success

    In this article, learn how you can use essential oils for manifestation, plus discover powerful essential oils for manifesting love, money, success, and more.

    Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

    essential oils for manifesting
    Pin this for later! Essential Oils For Manifesting Love, Money & Success

    Essential Oils For Manifesting

    When used correctly, essential oils can be a powerful addition to your manifesting practice. You can use essential oils in traditional ways, such as in a diffuser or worn topically (just make sure you’re using one that’s safe for your skin), or you can get a little creative in your manifesting practice by rubbing some oil on a dollar bill, anointing a candle with a specific oil, or using one of the other manifesting methods I’ve listed in the next section.

    No matter what practice you use, the key is to always use your essential oils with intention; be clear and specific about exactly what you want to manifest, and visualize your desire in your mind’s eye, allowing yourself to feel all the positive emotions of having exactly what you want.

    Below, I’ve listed essential oils and oil blends for manifesting your desires. I’ve divided these essential oils into three categories: essential oils for manifesting love, essential oils for manifesting money, and essential oils for manifesting success. Under each category, I provide links to essential oil blends that can help you manifest your specific desires. These blends come pre-made and are fully ready for you to start using to manifest your intentions. If you’d prefer to use the essential oils you already have, I also provide lists under each category of single oils you can use to either make your own blends or use individually.

    You can skip to the category you want to learn more about using these links:

    When using essential oils, please read labels and packaging instructions. Dilute as instructed. Practice safe storage. And choose brands that are free of synthetic chemicals. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to a certified essential oils practitioner or to your healthcare professional.

    How To Use Essential Oils For Manifesting

    Below, you’ll find a list of ways you can use essential oils for manifesting love, money, success, and more. These practices are specifically geared toward the Art of the Root oil blends that you’ll find below. For single essential oils such as Clary Sage, Wild Orange, and others, you can still do these practices; just make sure to do so with very clear intention. You can also use them in your diffuser, wear your oils, or use them as you normally would, saying your intention aloud (i.e. being clear about what you want to manifest) when you begin your practice.

    Dab Oil Onto Money, Photos & More

    Think about what you want to manifest. What items do you associate with this desire? For instance, if you want to manifest financial wealth, you might associate this with physical cash, your wallet or purse, or bank receipts. To manifest success for your business, you may consider using business cards or a copy of your sales permit. Choose an item you associate with what you want to manifest and rub some oil onto this item. As you use the oil, say your intention out loud, being clear and specific.

    Use With Scripting

    This is one of my favorite manifestation tricks to amplify your intentions. If you have a scripting practice, you can rub a little bit of manifesting oil on your script for some extra manifesting magic. This is especially powerful when paired with the pillow method, which you can learn more about here. You also don’t have to limit this to just scripting. You can use manifesting oil with handwritten letters, the 55×5 manifestation method, and other manifestation journaling practices. (And don’t forget to apply a dab of manifesting oil to your vision board!)

    Do you want to fully immerse yourself in the positive vibrations of all your dreams and desires? Check out 30 Perfect Days, a digital manifestation journal available in my online shop! Each day, you’ll receive a unique scripting prompt that will help you to live as if you already have your dreams and desires right now. Additionally, you’ll find space for daily gratitude, acknowledging the miracles that appear in your everyday world, uplifting affirmations, and more. Comes with editable text fields so you can choose to either type directly into the journal or print and hand write! Click here to learn more!

    Wear On Your Body

    If it’s safe to do so, you can wear the manifestation oil on your body daily, or save it for important moments like job interviews, first dates, and business meetings. If you’re about to sign important documents, you can rub some on your hands (or the pen, if you don’t want to rub it on your hands). And if you’d rather not wear it directly, you can also anoint your jewelry with a drop of oil before you leave the house.

    Anoint Candles With Oil

    For a dedicated manifestation ritual, choose a candle with a color that directly correlates with what you want to manifest. For instance, a pink candle is correlated with romance and green is tied to money. (Learn more about candle colors for manifestation here.) It’s best to use a brand new candle that’s specifically chosen for this purpose. Rub the oil at the top of the candle, pulling upward, as you visualize your desires. You might also use a toothpick to carve your intention on the side of the candle. (Be clear, specific, and concise.)

    If you’re interested in purchasing candles specifically formulated with herbs and essential oils to help you manifest your desires, I highly recommend checking out Art of the Root’s manifestation candles, which include the Money Drawing candle, the Love and Attraction candle, the Crown of Success candle, and more.

    Essential Oils For Manifesting Love

    Single Oils For Manifesting Love

    • Orange
    • Clary Sage
    • Patchouli
    • Rose
    • Ylang-Ylang
    • Sandalwood
    • Bergamot (Bergamot can help with cultivating more self-love!)

    Essential Oil Blend: Art Of The Root “Come To Me” Oil

    Product: Art of the Root “Come to Me” Oil

    Uses: Love Drawing, Commitment, Relationships, and Dating

    Includes: Jasmine, Ginger, Honeysuckle, Queen Elizabeth Root, Catnip & More Herbs/Oils

    Essential Oil Blend: Art Of The Root “Bound To Me” Oil

    Product: Art of the Root “Bound to Me” Oil

    Uses: Love Binding, Commitment, Fidelity, and Enduring Love

    Includes: Honeysuckle, Periwinkle, Apple Leaves, White Willow Bark, Coriander & More Herbs/Oils

    Essential Oil Blend: Art Of The Root “Goddess Of Love” Oil

    Product: Art of the Root “Goddess of Love” Oil

    Uses: Seduction, Love, Sexuality, Relationships, and Attraction

    Includes: Orange, Marigold, Dandelion, Acacia, Cardamon, and Rose & More Herbs/Oils

    Essential Oils For Manifesting Money

    Single Oils For Manifesting Money

    • Frankincense
    • Wild Orange (Wild Orange is specifically known as the Oil of Abundance.)
    • Clary Sage
    • Ginger
    • Myrhh
    • Patchouli
    • Vetiver
    • Jasmine
    • Arborvitae

    Essential Oil Blend: Art Of The Root “Money Drawing” Oil

    Product: Art of the Root “Money Drawing” Oil

    Uses: Abundance, Money, Wealth, and Prosperity

    Includes: Chamomile, Alfalfa, Cinnamon, Allspice & More Herbs/Oils

    Essential Oil Blend: Art Of The Root “Life Of Luxury” Oil

    Product: Art of the Root “Life of Luxury” Oil

    Uses: Wealth, Riches, New Ventures, Business Growth, and Financial Prosperity

    Includes: Yellow Dock, Sassafras, Vervain, Basil, Meadowsweet, Acorn, Pyrite & More Herbs/Oils

    Essential Oil Blend: Art Of The Root “Super Quick Cash” Oil

    Product: Art of the Root “Super Quick Cash” Oil

    Uses: Money, Abundance, Prosperity, Debt, Bills, and Loans

    Includes: Chicory, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Irish Moss, Basil, Magnetic Sand & More Herbs/Oils

    Essential Oils For Manifesting Success

    Single Oils For Manifesting Success

    • Clary Sage
    • Bergamot
    • Frankincense
    • Wild Orange
    • Lemon (Lemon is great for increasing your creativity and helping you to get into a flow state.)
    • Cedarwood
    • Ginger

    Essential Oil Blend: Art Of The Root “Manifestation” Oil

    Product: Art of the Root “Manifestation” Oil

    Uses: Goals, Dreams, Wishes, and the Law of Attraction

    Includes: Bamboo, Ginger, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Tonka & More Herbs/Oils

    Essential Oil Blend: Art Of The Root “Good Fortune” Oil

    Product: Art of the Root “Good Fortune” Oil

    Uses: Good Fortune, Blessings, Healing, Abundance, and Wishes

    Includes: Rose, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vanilla & More Herbs/Oils

    Essential Oil Blend: Art Of The Root “Wishing Oil”

    Product: Art of the Root “Wishing Oil”

    Uses: Obtaining One’s Desires, Goals, Special Requests, or Wishes

    Includes: Tonka, Bat’s Head, Papaya Leaves, Yarrow, Job’s Tears & More Herbs/Oils

    Have you had success using essential oils for manifesting your dreams and desires? Share your favorites practices and rituals in the comment box below!

    And for positive affirmations, self-love tools, manifestation inspiration, and spiritual resources, be sure to follow me on Pinterest and Instagram.

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