• personal growth journal prompts
    Self Love

    45 Personal Growth Journal Prompts To Be Your Best Self

    In this article, discover 45 personal growth journal prompts to connect with your innermost self and cultivate a deeper connection with the truest, most authentic you.

    45 Personal Growth Journal Prompts to Be Your Best Self
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    Your Journey to Your True Self

    Who is your truest, most authentic self? When you close your eyes and try to picture yourself, who do you see? What qualities would you use to describe yourself? How have past experiences shaped you into the person you are today?

    These are just some of the questions you can begin to ask yourself as you walk forward on your personal growth journey.

    But first, what exactly does that mean? “Your personal growth journey.”

    Personal growth entails getting in touch with your innermost self and looking into who you truly are: beyond appearances, beyond what’s expected of you, beyond even what you expect of yourself.

    When you get past labels and preconceived notions, who is your authentic self?

    It also requires you to ask important questions and respond with complete honesty. What does your heart really want? What limiting beliefs are preventing you from going after your dreams? What’s holding you back from living the life that was truly meant for you?

    And as you ask these questions of yourself, you must then go beyond just asking. You must do.

    What self-care practices will help you to align with your best self? Start those today.

    What positive habits will serve and support your mind, body, and spirit? Start adding them into your daily routine this month.

    What does your soul need? Let it in.

    Below, you’ll find 45 personal growth journal prompts to support you in your journey. As you go through these questions, you might find that some take up pages of writing, while others can be answered quickly. There’s no right or wrong amount of time or space to use for these questions. Just keep digging for the truth.

    And that’s the key, really: truth. Authenticity. Being honest with yourself.

    Don’t simply tell yourself what you want to hear; tell yourself what you need to hear. But do so with love and compassion. If you find yourself judging or criticizing yourself for your answers, step back and gently assert that criticism has no place here.

    Know that you are always, always worthy of kindness and compassion, even when you’re writing about your own perceived imperfections or mistakes you’ve made in the past.

    Know that all experiences have supported your growth and have led you to where you are right now.

    I hope these personal growth journal prompts support you in your journey and help you to align with the person you were always meant to be: the real and true you.

    Personal Growth Journal Prompts

    • Who is my truest, most authentic self?
    • In what ways am I aligned with my most authentic self in my daily life?
    • What causes me to become misaligned with my most authentic self?
    • What simple daily practices can I do to align with my truest self?
    • How have I grown in the past year?
    • How have I grown in the past five years?
    • What hardships have I experienced that have served my growth?
    • Where do I see myself in one year?
    • Where do I see myself in five years?
    • What weaknesses do I perceive in myself? In what ways could these perceived weaknesses actually be strengths?
    • What makes me feel the happiest? How can I incorporate this joy in my daily life?
    • What would I say to the person I was ten years ago?
    • What would I say to the person I will be ten years from now?
    • Am I able to ask for help and lean on others? Can I trust others?
    • Am I resourceful and able to count on myself? Can I trust myself?
    • Do I consider myself intuitive? Do I trust my intuition when making decisions?
    • How much do I use my logic and reason versus how much do I rely on my intuition and heart? Do I believe one is more important than the other? What’s my ideal balance between these sides of me?
    • When I’m feeling overwhelmed, what practices can I do for myself to feel centered, grounded, and stable?
    • What does my soul need in this moment, and how can I give myself what I need?
    • What limiting beliefs do I possess that keep me from going after my dreams?
    • How can I begin to release these limiting beliefs? Is it worth it for me to try to release them?
    • What does success mean to me?
    • If I could do anything with my life, what would it be?
    • What holds me back from living the life I imagine?
    • How can I cultivate more self-confidence and self-belief?
    • What positive habits do I currently practice in my daily life?
    • What positive habits do I want to add to my daily routine? How can I start adding these habits throughout the next month?
    • Are there any emotions I tend to avoid feeling? Why do I avoid feeling these emotions? What would happen if I allow myself to feel these emotions more often?
    • Am I still holding onto any negative energy from past experiences?
    • How can I begin to gently work through any negative energy I’m holding onto?
    • When I’m working on a project, do I get easily distracted? If so, how can I limit distractions that hinder my productivity?
    • What does anxiety feel like physically, mentally, and emotionally for me?
    • In what types of situations do I often experience anxiety?
    • What practices help me to alleviate anxiety? When I’m experiencing anxiety, what do my mind, body, and spirit need the most?
    • What’s the best compliment I’ve ever been given? Why is this compliment so special to me?
    • What compliment do I wish someone would give me? Can I give this compliment to myself, right now?
    • Am I holding onto any grudges from past experiences? What’s stopping me from releasing these grudges?
    • What does forgiveness mean to me? Am I able to forgive easily?
    • Do I criticize myself often? How does it feel when I criticize myself?
    • What does self-compassion mean to me? Do I have a difficult time showing myself compassion?
    • How can I cultivate more self-compassion in my daily life?
    • What does my self-care routine look like? What do I want my self-care routine to look like?
    • How can I make more space for self-care in my daily life?
    • Why am I always, always deserving of unconditional love?
    • What can I do every single day to show myself the love I deserve?

    Do you have a journaling practice? Share your best journaling tips in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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    45 Personal Growth Journal Prompts to Be Your Best Self
    Pin this for later! 45 Personal Growth Journal Prompts to Become Your Best Self
  • how to raise your vibration
    Manifestation,  Self Love

    How To Raise Your Vibration In 30 Seconds (Or Less)

    Below, discover 10 powerful methods to quickly raise your vibration whenever you’re feeling low! Plus get more tips on raising your vibration and learn about Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale.

    How To Raise Your Vibration In 30 Seconds (Or Less)
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    Raising Your Vibration

    To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of the phrase, raise your vibration.

    Don’t get me wrong: I absolutely believe in the spirit of it, and I’ve used the phrase myself many times–even here on this website.

    But I think there’s something missing when we say that we’re raising our vibration.

    It isn’t simply that you’re raising your vibration; you are positive vibrations.

    Here’s what I mean:

    Think about the word love. What is love to you?

    Is love something you find outside yourself, or is love something that starts within you?

    At your purest, most foundational state, you are love. Love is your essence and being. Love is who you are.

    So you’re never trying to raise your vibration to the frequency of love.

    Rather, you’re releasing everything that makes you forget who you are; you’re letting go of all the heaviness that weighs you down and separates you from love.

    And this is true for all positive vibrations. You are joy. You are freedom. You are peace. You are abundance.

    You don’t need to reach outside of yourself to gain access to these states. None of it is ever separate from you.

    So when I use the phrase raise your vibration, know that this doesn’t mean you’re trying to achieve or become something that you’re not. Rather, it means that you’re returning to the very core of who you are.

    Why Raise Your Vibration?

    The phrase raise your vibration is often used in discussions about manifestation, so let’s begin here.

    What is manifestation?

    To manifest something means to visualize your dreams and desires and to vibrate at the frequency of your desires as if they’ve already come true. This belief is rooted in the idea that what we give out, we get back.

    So if you vibrate at the frequency of love, you invite more love to enter your life. If you vibrate at the frequency of abundance, you attract more abundance to you. And if you vibrate at the frequency of joy, you attract more joyful experiences into your reality.

    Now, does this mean you have to force yourself into a state of joy and positivity all of the time? Absolutely not.

    In fact, trying to suppress your emotions in order to manufacture false positivity can be more harmful in the long-run. I discuss this in more detail below in the Emotional Guidance Scale section below.

    Beyond manifestation though, maintaining a high vibration is important because you deserve to live a life that makes you feel truly good and alive. This moment right now is your life, and you deserve to experience true joy each and every day–not just every once in a while.

    Below are 10 practices you can utilize to quickly raise your vibration in 30 seconds or less. You’ll also find some suggestions for longer practices you can incorporate into your daily life to maintain a high vibration and release anything that may be weighing you down.

    manifestation printables learn more

    How To Raise Your Vibration In 30 Seconds (Or Less)


    When it comes to supporting your mind, body, and spirit, there are two vibrations that rank supreme: gratitude and love. (We’ll get to love down below.)

    One of the quickest ways I can get myself back into alignment when I’m feeling off is through choosing gratitude. Often, it’s easy to focus on what’s going wrong, and we lose sight of what’s going right. Gratitude is a gentle nudge to root ourselves to the present moment and focus on the abundance that already exists in our lives.

    A simple yet profound way to raise your vibration when you’re feeling low is to think of three things you’re grateful for in that moment. You might choose to look around the room or space you’re in and find three things in the room that you appreciate. Or you can look within and find three things inside yourself that you feel truly thankful for: your talents, your abilities, your body, your breath.

    You can also look at all the components that make up your beautiful life: your family and friends, your home, your job, and all that you have.

    When your vibrations are low, find things in your life that you can be grateful for right now. Recognize that while everything may not be perfect, there is still so much in the world to appreciate.

    And if you need help, check out this article on 500 things to be grateful for today.

    Present Moment

    Often, when my vibration is low, it’s because I’m worried about the future: bills, deadlines, relationships, and all kinds of uncertainties swirling through my mind.

    And while I have compassion for the part of me that worries and gets anxiety about the future, I also recognize that a constant state of worry puts me at a low frequency, causing me to attract the very experiences that I’m worried about.

    So how do I release my worries and raise my vibration?

    I simply take a deep breath and say, “In this moment, I have everything I need.”

    It seems like such a simple phrase, but it has changed my inner world profoundly. These words remind me that right now, in this present moment, I have all that I need. The future isn’t real. It doesn’t exist yet. Right now is all that exists. And right now, in this moment, I always have more than enough.

    Here are a few other mantras that can help you return to the present moment:

    • “I am exactly where I am meant to be.”
    • “All is well.”
    • “I choose to be here, right now.”
    • “This moment is a miracle.”

    I also recommend connecting with your breath and taking a deep, soulful inhale, then releasing all of the negative energy through your exhale. Root yourself here, in this moment. Let this moment give you everything you need.

    Positive Affirmations

    If you follow me on social media or have read some of my other blog posts, you might already know that I’m all about positive affirmations. They’re an integral part of my daily world, and I believe in them wholeheartedly because of how profoundly they’ve changed my inner world.

    So first, what exactly is a positive affirmation? An affirmation is a positive affirming statement that’s designed to boost your self-belief and support your overall well-being: mind, body, and soul.

    While I have hundreds and likely even thousands of positive affirmations that I’ve repeated throughout my life, I’ve found that some of the most meaningful are often the simplest:

    I am worthy.

    I am whole.

    I am enough.

    If you’re in a low vibration and need a quick way to pick yourself up, recite an empowering affirmation that resonates with you. This might change depending on the experience. For instance, when I’m working out, I’ll affirm that I am strong, capable, and resilient, and if I’m in a situation that requires me to take a risk, I’ll affirm that I am courageous and able to handle anything that comes my way.

    The key with affirmations is to truly feel the positive words in your bones. So when I say that I’m worthy, I truly feel worthy. And when I say that I’m brave and courageous, I feel in my heart that I am those things.

    If you’re looking for inspiration on positive affirmations that you can start using today, check out the blog posts below!

    Vision Board

    A vision board is a collection of words and/or images that represent your highest self living your ideal life. Some common components of a vision board include the following categories: Relationships, Career, Home, Health, Wealth, Spirituality, Fitness, Car, Self-Care, and Hobbies/Fun. Many people like to include positive affirmations on their vision board as well.

    What makes a vision board a powerful tool isn’t simply the existence of the pictures or words on it but the positive feelings they inspire when you look at them.

    To unlock the magic of a vision board, you must allow yourself to feel the positive emotions of the images within yourself. If you put financial prosperity, a loving relationship, and freedom to travel on your board, then visualize what it would be like to have those things now. Imagine how you would feel the day you have it all and feel it in this moment.

    When you’re at a low vibration, allow yourself to step back and look at your vision board for a few seconds. Feel the positive emotions associated with all of your beautiful dreams.

    On the go? No problem! I actually use the VisuApp on my phone for a way to keep my vision board with me at all times! The app allows you to save images and write empowering affirmations with your images if you wish. (I have no connection to VisuApp; I just like using it!)

    If you prefer the DIY version of a mobile vision board, you can also create a folder in your photos called My Future and save images to it that represent your dreams and desires. Anytime you’re feeling down, scan through your photos and breathe in the positive energy from the pictures.

    Need help getting started? Check out this article for some awesome vision board ideas to visualize your ideal future.


    I’ve mentioned before that love and gratitude are the highest vibrations, so if you’re able to lift yourself into a vibration of love, there’s truly no better place to be. (But if you’re not able to? That’s okay! I speak more about this in the Emotional Guidance Scale section below.)

    So how exactly do you do this?

    This might sound cheesy, but one practice that’s really helped me is simply telling myself I love you several times a day. When I’m feeling down, I’ll look into my own reflection and say, “I love you.” And when I’m internally beating myself up because I made a mistake, I’ll again tell myself I love you.

    This is my way of saying that yes, I’m imperfect and make mistakes sometimes, but I am still worthy of unconditional love.

    Another practice is similar to the gratitude practice I mentioned above: find three things in your current environment that represent love to you. It could be a necklace from your mom, a bouquet of flowers from your partner, a drawing from your child, or something else meaningful.

    If there’s nothing in your current environment that symbolizes love for you, simply think about three people, things, or experiences that represent love to you and feel the love you have in your heart for these beautiful parts of your life.

    One final thing – and I fully admit that this isn’t easy and that you may roll your eyes at me – is to silently send a person love, even if they’re the catalyst for your low vibration. Someone cut you off in traffic? It’s okay to react angrily, but don’t hold onto that anger. Feel it, release it, and send them well-wishes. The same could go for a boss who gives you a last-minute task or when you have a frustrating experience at the grocery store.

    You don’t have to like the experience. But you don’t have to hold onto it either.

    Release it and choose love. Be love. See love. The more you choose love, the more unexpected places you’ll find love in your life.

    scripting journal


    If you don’t have time to go on a long nature walk, see if you can step outside for thirty seconds. Stand in the sun. Breathe in the fresh air. Connect with your breath. Connect with the world around you. Remember that like a tree, you are strong, centered, stable, and rooted firmly to the ground.


    This might be the simplest on this list, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an important or meaningful practice. I’ve often found that a warm embrace from someone I love is exactly what I need to lift me out of a low vibration. It reminds me of what’s truly important and helps me to feel love and gratitude for what I have.

    Hug your partner, child, parent, friend, or anyone else who feels like love to you. (This can also be a pet!)

    Breathing Exercises

    A breathing exercise is conscious, purposeful breathing with the intention of calming the mind, relieving stress, improving your lung function, and grounding yourself to the present moment.

    What I love about breathing exercises is that they feel like mini-meditations that you can do practically anytime and anywhere.

    My personal favorite breathing exercise is alternate nostril breathing, which you can read more about here.

    Another simple yet powerful practice is the 4-7-8 breathing technique. In this practice, you inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, pause at the top of your inhale for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat this 4 to 8 times in a session.

    Breathing exercises are known to help calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, relax the body, and improve overall well-being. If you’re feeling particularly anxious and stressed, see if you can pause for a few moments and focus on your breathing.

    Remember what I said in the intro: raising your vibration isn’t so much about becoming something as it is releasing everything you’re not. A breathing exercise allows you to release the heavy energy that comes from the outer world so you can return to the core of who you are in your inner world: peaceful, steady, calm, centered, and strong.

    Highest Self

    Your highest self is your essential self; it’s the eternal part of you that’s untouched by human experiences. This is the truest, most authentic part of you.

    I’ve found that this practice especially helps when my low vibrational state is self-imposed i.e. when I know I’m overreacting or being unreasonable, but the surface-level part of me is doubling down on the negativity.

    In these moments, I ask myself, “What would my highest self do?”

    For me, I know my highest self is gentle, loving, compassionate, and kind, so when I ask myself what my highest self would do, I know that she (I) would embody these qualities in all situations. This is a powerful practice to raise your vibration because it allows you to release negative feelings that aren’t serving you and to align with the energy of love.

    Now, I just want to note that this practice isn’t meant to guilt you into anything. It’s not meant to make you feel guilty for any negativity you may be experiencing. You are a human being who is allowed the grace of imperfection. It’s all a part of the beautiful messiness of the human experience.

    This practice is simply meant to remind you of who you truly are and to release the bad stuff that sometimes gets in the way of that. And when you align with your true self, you’re able to release anything that’s lowering your vibration.


    Years ago, the first time I did a guided meditation, the instructor gently guided me to close my eyes and imagine that a white beam of light was shining down on me. The light entered through my head and slowly spread to fill my entire being. I saw this light filling up my cells and radiating from within, casting a soft glow around my entire body.

    This light was love. It was protection. It was a reminder of my eternal self. And it showed me that I am never alone and that I am always, always loved.

    If it’s safe to do so, you can choose at any moment to close your eyes and feel this light within and all around you. This light is always a part of you. Sometimes, it’s obscured from our vision due to external influences, but we can choose at any moment to connect with it again.

    This light is a reminder that you are something more than this human experience. You are not trying to find high vibrations; you are high vibrations. You’re simply releasing anything that suppresses this truth.

    manifestation workbook guide learn more

    Longer Practices to Raise Your Vibration

    When you have a little more time, here are some longer practices you can do to raise your vibration:

    • Meditation
    • Yoga
    • Time Spent in Nature
    • Exercise
    • Journal
    • Funny YouTube Videos (Celebrity Jeopardy clips and funny cat videos are my personal favorites.)
    • Self-Care Activities
    • Creative Activities (Create not to be productive or good. Simply create for the love of creating.)
    • Quality Time with Someone You Love (Do you have someone in your life who always makes you feel good? Plan a lunch date or movie night!)
    • Reading
    • Funny TV Shows and Movies
    • Game Night
    • Nap (Is the source of your low vibration a lack of sleep?)
    • Eat (Or are you hangry?)
    • Dance
    • Sing
    • Cuddle with a Pet

    Emotional Guidance Scale

    If you’re experiencing a particularly low vibration, you don’t immediately have to force yourself back into a high vibration that doesn’t really feel honest or good to you. In fact, trying to suppress your feelings is one of the worst things you can do, because ultimately, that energy doesn’t really go away. It just becomes stuck inside of you and lingers until you’re ready to deal with it.

    Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale is the best example I’ve seen to explain how you can help yourself in these situations.

    The Emotional Guidance Scale is a scale of emotions that we often feel throughout our lives. These emotions range from Joy, Appreciation, Empowerment, Freedom, and Love to Fear, Grief, Depression, Despair, and Powerlessness.

    In between all of these emotions, though, are a bunch of other commonly felt emotions. For instance, Positive Expectation and Belief may not be at the same level as Joy and Love, but they’re still pretty high up there. On the other hand, emotions like Discouragement or Anger may be perceived as negative emotions, but they’re not as low as Depression or Grief.

    If your emotions are at a level of Depression or Grief, it could actually be detrimental to try to jump straight to feelings of Love and Joy. Why? Because it likely won’t be real.

    Like I said above, trying to suppress your negative emotions and force yourself to feel positive only means you’re holding onto those negative emotions within, allowing that energy to stagnate inside your body. Healing requires feeling and understanding your emotions before you can release them.

    It’s also really, really hard to force yourself to go from a feeling of grief to one of joy. Doing this often forces you into something you’re not ready for, and if you’re unable to reach that state of joy, you’ll likely feel even worse as a result.

    So what can you do? Instead of reaching for a vibration that is far beyond your current state, constantly reach for a slightly better vibration.

    Maybe you can’t jump from Grief to Joy, but you might be able to jump from Grief to Anger, which is actually higher up on the Emotional Guidance Scale. Then maybe you’ll jump from Anger to Blame, and from Blame to Disappointment. Disappointment might turn into Frustration, which turns into Pessimism, then Boredom. And from Boredom, you move to Contentment, then Hopefulness, then Positive Expectation, then Enthusiasm, then Passion, and finally, you reach the levels of Joy and Love.

    (Of course, it’s very rarely as easy as it sounds. Most likely, you’ll continue to jump up and back down again, and that’s okay. Give yourself extra compassion as you go through this process.)

    So when you hear the term raise your vibration, know that this doesn’t mean you have to jump to the highest possible emotions all the time. It means constantly reaching for the better feeling, even if it’s only a little bit at a time.

    Here’s the entirety of Abraham Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale, from highest to lowest. You can also learn more about the scale here.

    • Joy/Appreciation/Empowerment/Freedom/Love
    • Passion
    • Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
    • Positive Expectation/Belief
    • Optimism
    • Hopefulness
    • Contentment
    • Boredom
    • Pessimism
    • Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
    • Overwhelment
    • Disappointment
    • Doubt
    • Worry
    • Blame
    • Discouragement
    • Anger
    • Revenge
    • Hatred/Rage
    • Jealousy
    • Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
    • Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

    And there you have it: 10 ways to raise your vibration in 30 seconds or less, plus a few extra longer methods you can utilize. What practices help you to raise your vibration when you’re feeling low? Share your best tips and favorite practices in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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  • Affirmations,  Self Love

    50 Monday Morning Affirmations To Embrace The New Week

    Are you tired of dreading Mondays? Do you want to change your mindset and embrace the fresh start and new beginning that each Monday has to offer? Check out the 50 Monday morning affirmations below to set a positive tone for the week ahead!

    50 Monday Morning Affirmations To Embrace The New Week
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    A Case of the Mondays

    Monday morning.

    Typically, these two words are met with audible groans and thinly veiled resentment.

    If you’re like me, Monday has been something of a supervillain throughout your life. Growing up, it represents the end of a weekend of freedom and the return to school with all of its structure and rules. And as you get older, well, that doesn’t change very much, but now school has been replaced with a 40+ hour work week and loads of responsibility.

    And the thing about this supervillain? There is no defeating it.

    No matter how hard you may wish, there’s nothing in the universe that can cause Monday to just magically go away.

    But . . . what if there was a way to defeat it?

    No, you can’t make Mondays disappear into oblivion, but what if you could do something even better?

    What if you could make Monday the hero of your story?

    At the end of every year, we strap on our dancing shoes (okay, maybe our fuzzy socks) and change into our best outfits (or favorite pajamas) and celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of a new one. A new year is a blank slate. It represents fresh starts and new beginnings.

    So what if we treated Mondays like this as well?

    Monday is the beginning of a brand new week, and it, too, is a blank slate. You can create anything with a brand new Monday. It’s the ultimate fresh start, and the truly incredible thing is, we get to experience it 52 times a year.

    Monday sets the tone for your entire week, so why not take back your power and embrace it with positivity? Flip the phrase “a case of the Mondays” on its head. Let it be something wondrous and kind of magical.

    You get to choose how you want to greet this new week.

    Choose joy. Choose wonder. Choose delight.

    Choose to view Monday as a miracle. Let that feeling wash over you, and step into Monday with enthusiasm, knowing you are exactly where you’re meant to be, creating the beautiful life of your dreams.

    Monday Morning Affirmations

    Monday Morning Affirmations

    • I wake up today feeling strong, confident, and empowered.
    • As the sun rises, so does my energy.
    • I approach this day with joy and excitement.
    • Today is a gift, and I embrace it with positivity.
    • I’m so incredibly grateful for a fresh start and a brand new week.
    • I am ready and willing to receive all of the miracles and magic coming my way.
    • I courageously walk through every door of opportunity.
    • I am capable and equipped to handle anything that comes my way today.
    • I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
    • I follow my intuition and know that nothing is put before me that I can’t handle.
    • I am confident, courageous, and thriving.
    • I radiate pure love, light, and positivity.
    • I am a powerful force for good in this world.
    • As I move through this day, I pledge to spread my light wherever I go.
    • Today, I choose faith over doubt and courage over fear.
    • I inhale positive energy and exhale my fears.
    • I love and accept myself for exactly the person I am right now.
    • I feel good about the path I’m on and the life I’m creating for myself.
    • This week, I pledge to live a happy, healthy, fulfilling life.
    • I embrace the fresh starts and new beginnings that Monday offers.
    • Today is filled with new opportunities and experiences, and I open my heart to receive them all.
    • Today is a magical gift, and I pledge to be present and live fully in each moment.
    • This day is filled with limitless potential. (And so am I!)
    • I have everything I need within me to create a beautiful day.
    • I release all fear and welcome new beginnings.
    • I trust that everything is always working out for my highest good.
    • I am always headed in the right direction.
    • Good things are happening all around me.
    • I believe in myself, my talents, and my abilities.
    • I have the power to change my story.
    • No matter what happens, I will offer my best self today.
    • I make the best and most of everything that comes my way.
    • I choose to seek the good in every situation.
    • Every experience I have today perfectly supports my growth.
    • Everything I do today leads me to a better tomorrow.
    • Every little step I take makes a big difference.
    • I am extraordinarily capable of achieving everything I dream of and more.
    • Today is an opportunity for a fresh start and a new beginning.
    • Where focus goes, energy flows, so I focus on peace, success, and positivity.
    • This day is filled with immense, boundless treasures for me to explore.
    • My mind is free of resistance and open to all possibilities.
    • I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.
    • I feel peaceful and relaxed knowing I am exactly where I am meant to be.
    • I am a kind, loving, powerful force in the world.
    • I choose to be happy right now.
    • Today is a miracle.
    • Today is a really good day.
    • Today might not be perfect, but it will be beautiful.
    • Today is my day.
    • This day belongs to me.
    Monday morning affirmation that says, "I am ready and willing to receive all of the miracles and magic coming my way."
    Monday morning affirmation that says, "I courageously walk through every door of opportunity."
    Monday morning affirmation that says, "I am confident, courageous, and thriving."
    Monday morning affirmation that says, "I love and accept myself for exactly the person I am right now."
    Monday morning affirmation that says, "Today is a magical gift, and I pledge to be present and live fully in each moment."
    Monday morning affirmation that says, "I am always headed in the right direction."
    Monday morning affirmation that says, "Everything I do today leads me to a better tomorrow."
    Monday morning affirmation that says, "I am a kind, loving, powerful force in the world."

    What’s your favorite way to embrace a positive mindset as you step into Monday? Do you have any favorite Monday morning affirmations you like to repeat? Share your best tips and favorite empowering affirmations in the comment box below!

    And if you want to add uplifting affirmations to your daily routine, be sure to connect with me on Instagram, where I post daily affirmation stories every morning! And don’t forget to check out my Pinterest, where I’m pinning positive affirmations and inspiring quotes every single day.

    50 Monday Morning Affirmations To Embrace The New Week
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  • 65 Positive Affirmations for Success
    Affirmations,  Self Love

    65 Positive Affirmations for Success

    Success is your birthright, and you are absolutely worthy and deserving of experiencing success in every area of your life. In this article, discover 65 positive affirmations for success to inspire you to confidently step forward in the direction of your goals and dreams.

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    Defining Success

    What is success?

    The truth is, I can’t answer that question.

    Not for you, at least.

    One of the most important lessons I’ve learned over the past few years is that we each have the right to define success on our own terms.

    So when you ask the question, “What is success?” the only person who can give you an answer that feels true and authentic for you is you.

    Success may mean meeting or exceeding an income goal. It may mean a promotion or external recognition of your hard work. It might also mean your family is safe and healthy, and your home is filled with joy and love.

    Success may mean that you took the next step toward living the life of your dreams.

    And still, success may mean letting go. Success may mean surrender. Success may mean you didn’t get what you wanted, but you can see how maybe each obstacle and perceived failure is leading you to somewhere better than you had imagined.

    Success may mean you woke up today, and you put one foot on the ground, and then the other, and here you are, still breathing. Still living. Still trying, no matter how heavy the air around you feels.

    And that – that is worth everything.

    So as you read through these positive affirmations for success, give yourself permission to define success on your own terms. Think about what success really means to you.

    Not to your boss. Not to your parents. Not to the world outside yourself.

    But to you.

    And know that whatever your definition of success is, you are worthy of experiencing it fully.

    You are worthy of a life of true joy, freedom, and bliss. You are worthy of the success you’ve been dreaming about, even if it looks different than what someone else would define as “successful.”

    Follow the call of your soul. Listen to your own inner voice. Step forward on the path your heart is leading you on.

    And know that you are always, always worthy of your deepest dreams and desires.

    Positive Affirmations for Success

    These positive affirmations for success are designed to inspire you to continue forward in both the good moments and the bad, no matter how you define success for yourself. And as always, these affirmations are here to remind you of your inherent worthiness–because you are always worthy.

    • I am worthy of success.
    • I am worthy of living the life of my dreams.
    • I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
    • I have what it takes to be successful in all that I do.
    • I have the strength and resourcefulness to handle anything that comes my way.
    • Success is my birthright.
    • Success is my natural state.
    • Success is who I am.
    • There is no limit to what I can achieve.
    • My potential is limitless.
    • I attract success by being my authentic self.
    • I release the storylines holding me back. I can do anything.
    • I can climb this mountain.
    • I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
    • I may make mistakes, but I don’t quit.
    • I have the courage and confidence to accept my dreams as reality.
    • I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
    • Today will lead me to new and exciting paths to success.
    • I confidently welcome new opportunities for success.
    • I have the confidence and power to take big leaps.
    • I am taking bold steps and moving forward with confidence and self-belief.
    • I am clear about what I want and taking inspired action to achieve my dreams.
    • My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless. My potential to succeed is infinite.
    • By listening to my intuition and taking inspired action, my success is inevitable.
    • I am unafraid of what might go wrong. I am excited about what can go right.
    • My inspired actions create prosperity.
    • My strength is greater than any struggle.
    • I use failure as a stepping stone to success.
    • I rise in the face of adversity.
    • I am fearless in the pursuit of what lights up my soul.
    • I am prepared to take risks and step into the unknown.
    • I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.
    • I confidently embrace success because I know I’m always worthy.
    • I have confidence in my abilities; I believe in me.
    • I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.
    • I am ready, willing, and able to have everything I want.
    • Success, prosperity, and abundance exist within me.
    • Success comes naturally to me.
    • My mindset is always geared toward positivity and success.
    • I define success on my own terms.
    • I am the only one who can define what success means to me.
    • I will not settle for less than I deserve.
    • I am unafraid to try and fail. I welcome the growth that comes from these experiences.
    • Success begins with mindset, and I always choose to think positively.
    • I can accomplish anything I focus on.
    • I am unafraid of rejection or failure.
    • Obstacles are the foundation of my success.
    • I am confident, inspired, and thriving.
    • I am committed, consistent, and courageous.
    • I am competent, capable, and strong.
    • I am always headed in the right direction.
    • I possess limitless power.
    • I can do hard things.
    • I can do anything I set my mind to.
    • I can accomplish anything I focus on.
    • I am resilient.
    • I am extraordinary.
    • I am thriving.
    • I am unstoppable.
    • I am more than enough.
    • I can succeed. I will succeed.
    • Today is my day.
    • I dare myself to fail.
    • My time is now.
    • I can and I will.
    Positive affirmation for success that says, "I am worthy of living the life of my dreams."
    Positive affirmation for success that says, "I believe in myself and my ability to succeed."
    Positive affirmation for success that says, "I have what it takes to be successful in all that I do."
    Positive affirmation for success that says, "There is no limit to what I can achieve."
    Positive affirmation for success that says, "I attract success by being my authentic self."
    Positive affirmation for success that says, "I may make mistakes, but I don't quit."
    Positive affirmation for success that says, "My strength is greater than any struggle."
    Positive affirmation for success that says, "I have confidence in my abilities; I believe in me."

    What’s your definition of success? And do you have any favorite positive affirmations to help you cultivate a success mindset? Share your favorites in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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    65 Positive Affirmations for Success
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  • abraham hicks affirmations
    Affirmations,  Manifestation,  Quotes,  Spirituality

    44 Abraham Hicks Affirmations For Joy And Manifestation

    In this post, discover 44 beautiful Abraham Hicks affirmations to step into your worthiness and manifest a life of joy, love, and true abundance.

    44 Abraham Hicks Affirmations for Joy and Manifestation
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    Abraham Hicks

    Abraham Hicks is a powerhouse in the manifestation and Law of Attraction space. Major figures such as Gabby Bernstein often draw inspiration from and credit Abraham Hicks for shaping their thinking and influencing their work.

    And once you start reading the inspiring words and affirmations below, you’ll understand why.

    Without a doubt, all of my most saved quotes–and the words I come back to over and over again–come from Abraham Hicks. I save quotes to my phone and have a whole Pinterest board dedicated solely to Abraham Hicks’ words. When I’m feeling down, misaligned, or off-centered, I always come back to these words to realign with my true self.

    When I read these words, I am reminded that I am a powerful creator who has the ability to easily and effortlessly create anything I want in my life.

    I am reminded that it is my birthright to feel joyful and abundant every single day.

    I am reminded of my inherent strength and power.

    And I am reminded that I am always, always worthy. No matter what.

    Below, I’ve compiled 44 of my favorite Abraham Hicks affirmations to help you step into your power, own your worthiness, and create a joyful and brilliant life. Note that all of the words below come directly from Abraham Hicks, and I have merely compiled them here for you.

    Find the ones that resonate deepest with you and let them be your guiding light. At the end of this post, I’ve created images of some of my favorites that you can save to your phone or tablet or pin to your Pinterest boards.

    I hope these beautiful affirmations bring you as much joy and peace as they’ve brought me.

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    Abraham Hicks Affirmations

    • I have the ability to focus. I have the ability to put my thoughts where they feel best.
    • I always do my best and it’s enough for me to know that.
    • I’ll ask and I’ll expect it to be given, and I’ll watch for the evidence of it.
    • I love me. I am lovable. I am loved.
    • I’m choosing to feel good.
    • I’ve asked, it’s lined up, and I’ll know it when I see it.
    • I am eternal.
    • I like where I am. And I like where I’ve been. And I’m over the moon about where I’m going.
    • What I focus upon causes an attraction of things that match it.
    • Whatever I want can flow to me.
    • My relationship with my Inner Being is my strongest partnership.
    • No matter where I am, I have the ability to focus in a way that is pleasing to me.
    • I’m doing good and it’s getting better.
    • Things are always working out for me, and I can take it a little easier, and I’m going to turn this over to the Universe.
    • I trust that I’m figuring this out.
    • Nothing other than feeling good will do for me.
    • I love being the clear example that I am. I love offering my vibration deliberately and I love watching all the Universal factors lining things up.
    • It is my dominant intention to feel the way I want to feel.
    • I want it and I expect it.
    • Feeling better is the manifestation I am reaching for.
    • I am to live happily ever after.
    • I am the only one responsible for how I feel.
    • I’m enjoying the journey because the destination is certain.
    • Right now, I am going to find the best-feeling thought that I can. I’m going to reach for more relief, more relief, more relief.
    • I’m moving closer to what I want. I’m figuring it out. It’s getting better.
    • Life has helped me to know that I want that, and I’m looking forward to watching the natural unfolding of it, because I’ve asked for it and it’s done.
    • It’s alright. And all is well. And I’m getting there.
    • I know that the Universal Forces are always helping me. I know that the solution is in place.
    • I know I’m good at what I do. I know that I always figure things out. I know that things do work out for me.
    • The happier I am, the better things get.
    • I like knowing that all results I seek are easily achievable.
    • I know it is my destiny to feel good.
    • I’m Source Energy in a human body, and I get what I want.
    • I love knowing that joy is simply a choice.
    • I was destined to a life of fulfillment and never-ending joy.
    • Where I am is constantly changing to something better.
    • In my appreciation, I allow myself to receive wonderful things.
    • I am the creator of my mood, therefore I am the creator of my day.
    • If I want it, I can attract it. Simple.
    • I love knowing that it doesn’t matter what’s going on right now, because I can keep telling a new story.
    • I don’t know how it’s gonna come, I just know it’s gonna come, because it always comes.
    • I’m on the path. The path is unfolding. It will reveal itself to me in its perfect timing, and all is really well.
    • I’m whole, and I’m strong, and I’m happy and I’m sure. And I’m alive and glad to be. And I’m good at what I do. And I’m blessed. I’m tended to. I’m seen. I’m heard. I’m known.
    • All is well. Everything is alright.

    Abraham Hicks Affirmations – Images

    Abraham Hicks affirmation that says "I'll ask and I'll expect it to be given, and I'll watch for the evidence of it."
    Abraham Hicks affirmation that says "I like where I am. And I like where I've been. And I'm over the moon about where I'm going."
    Abraham Hicks affirmation that says "Whatever I want can flow to me."
    Abraham Hicks affirmation that says "I am the only one responsible for how I feel."
    Abraham Hicks affirmation that says "I'm enjoying the journey because the destination is certain."
    Abraham Hicks affirmation that says "I know I'm good at what I do. I know that I always figure things out. I know that things do work out for me."
    Abraham Hicks affirmation that says "I was destined to a life of fulfillment and never-ending joy."
    Abraham Hicks affirmation that says "I am the creator of my mood, therefore I am the creator of my day."

    What are your favorite Abraham Hicks quotes and affirmations? Share your favorites in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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  • new moon rituals
    Manifestation,  Self Love,  Spirituality

    10 New Moon Rituals For Manifestation & Self-Love

    In this article, discover 10 profound new moon rituals for connecting with your innermost self, letting go of what no longer serves you, and planting seeds of abundance in your inner and outer worlds.

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    New Moon Symbolism

    Like the moon, we go through our own cycles and phases. Sometimes, we feel vibrant and energized, shining our light fully. Other times, we need to go inward and get in touch with our innermost selves for a little while.

    The new moon offers an opportunity for just this: a chance to go within, refresh, let go, and start anew.

    You might think of the new moon as a cosmic reset. During this time, you can check in with yourself. Are you aligned with your purpose? Are you holding onto anything you need to let go of? Are there any new habits or rituals you can start incorporating into your daily routine to support your mind, body, and soul? What is your heart telling you about your path?

    The new moon offers a beautiful opportunity for any and all of these practices:

    • Setting intentions for who you want to be, what you want to manifest, and how you want to show up in your daily life
    • Connecting to your deepest dreams and desires
    • Releasing what no longer serves you to make space for new beginnings
    • Cleansing old and stagnant energy
    • Embracing your ability to co-create with the Universe
    • Honoring the light and love that flows to and through you in all moments

    Below, you’ll find 10 profound new moon rituals for connecting to your inner self, letting go of what no longer serves you, and planting seeds for your dreams and desires to take root.

    Every new moon, see if you can incorporate at least two or three of these rituals into your routine.

    Use the magic of the new moon to create something truly beautiful in both your inner and outer worlds.

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    New Moon Rituals

    Plant Seeds Of Intention

    This is one of my personal favorite new moon rituals, as you can complete this practice either through visualization or by actually planting physical seeds where, in time, you can watch them grow.

    In this ritual, you’ll be planting three seeds that represent the intentions you want to set for the next month. I usually complete this as a visualization meditation, but there’s also something special about planting three physical seeds and watching them grow and thrive over time (just like your intentions).

    Take the first seed and imagine yourself gently planting it in the earth in front of you. (Or actually plant it in the soil.) See your intention manifesting in your reality, and feel the positive emotions associated with this dream coming true. Express gratitude to the Universe for supporting you in your dreams.

    Repeat this with the second seed, planting another intention in the earth in front of you. Finally, repeat this process with the third seed.

    Once all your intentions have been planted, release them to the Universe. Feel peace, love, and abundance filing every cell of your being. End this ritual by expressing more sincere gratitude

    Write A New Moon List

    In a sacred space (or somewhere that allows you to truly connect with your inner self), take some time to consider your innermost dreams and desires. What is your heart telling you? What does your soul truly need?

    Here are some topics you might want to include in your list. Consider your list to be a way of communicating with your highest self and the Universe. You might even read your list items aloud under the night sky.

    • Everything you want to manifest in the next month
    • Everything you’re releasing
    • What you’re grateful for
    • The primary feelings you want to embody (joy, peace, abundance, love, etc.)
    • Any other changes you want to make over the next month, such as starting a new morning routine or making more time for self-care.

    Journal Your Innermost Feelings

    The new moon offers the perfect opportunity to get in touch with your highest self, and one of the most profound ways to do this is through journaling. Allow yourself time and space where you won’t be interrupted. Create a space where you feel safe and at peace, whether that’s in your sacred space or outside under the stars. Consider what energies you want to release and what you want to embrace more of over the next month.

    Here are a few sentences you can include in your new moon journal entry:

    • “I am releasing . . .”
    • “I am setting the intention to . . .”
    • “I am manifesting . . .”
    • You can also ask yourself: “What does my soul need?”

    Take A Detox Bath

    A detox bath allows you to detox your total self: mind, body, and soul. This bath is meant for spiritual and energetic cleansing. During this time, put away your phone or any other distractions. Focus solely on your own inner tranquility. Sink into relaxation and self-care. By embracing your inner peace, you release stagnant energy within and make space for new energy to come forth.

    Here are some items you might use in this bath ritual:

    • Essential oils, especially ones that promote relaxation, such as lavender, bergamot, and clary sage
    • Epsom salt
    • Himalayan pink salt
    • Candles
    • Dried flower petals
    • Crystals

    Cleanse Your Space

    Because a new moon represents new beginnings, this is an ideal time to cleanse your space – both physically and energetically.

    Take some time to physically declutter the spaces you spend the most time in. As you go through your items, ask yourself, “Does this represent the person I used to be or the person I want to become?” Get rid of anything that doesn’t align with the person you’re becoming.

    You can also cleanse the energy of the spaces you spend the most time in by burning incense or lighting candles in the room. If possible, open the window so any old, stagnant energy in the room can be released.

    Do A Candle Manifestation Ritual

    Candles can be a profound addition to your new moon ritual, as they promote inner peace, help you to release negative energy, and open your heart and mind to receiving.

    It’s best to do this ritual with a new candle (or one that is specifically used only for this purpose).

    Once you light your candle, start visualizing your dreams and desires coming true. What does your life look like when you have everything you desire? How do you feel? See and feel everything as if it’s happening in this very moment.

    Then, speak your intention aloud to the Universe. Once you’re done, express sincere gratitude and let go, trusting that everything is working out for your highest good.

    To learn more about how to use candles for manifestation, plus the meanings of different candle colors, you can check out my complete guide here.

    Meditate Under The Night Sky

    This one is exactly as it sounds: connect with the energy of the new moon by going outside to meditate. You might do a visualization meditation, such as planting your three seeds of intention. You could also do a walking meditation by taking a nice, moonlight stroll. Your meditation can also be rooted in affirmations for releasing what no longer serves you and embracing new beginnings.

    Your meditation should center around whatever your soul needs most in the moment. If you need to release something that’s been weighing you down, visualize yourself letting go of these feelings, experiences, people, or things.

    If you want to manifest your desires, let your meditation be about visualizing your dreams and setting intentions.

    And if you’re not sure what you need, enter your meditation with the intention of clearing your mind and seeing what comes to you. You might ask the Universe for gentle guidance before you start.

    Communicate With Your Guides

    This can be especially helpful for you if you’re not quite sure what intentions you want to set for this lunar cycle.

    Communicate with your highest self, your guides, or with the Universe itself. (This can be done through meditation or journaling.) Ask for clear, gentle, loving guidance.

    What should you let go of? What should you embrace more of? Where should you focus your energy? See what answers arise, but have patience if the answers don’t come right away. Your highest self may know the path, or you may need to step back and allow the Universe to communicate messages through signs and synchronicities.

    Over the next few days, keep an open heart and an open mind to whatever messages come through.

    Express Gratitude

    Gratitude can be incorporated into all of the practices on this list, and it can also be the center of its own special ritual. Expressing gratitude is a beautiful way to honor the abundance of all that you have in your life.

    You can also express appreciation for all that’s on its way to you right now: your dreams, desires, and manifestations. In your sacred space, write down a list of all that you’re grateful for in your life – for what is, what has been, and what’s coming.

    I’ve found it to be a deeply profound practice to also express gratitude for anything you’re releasing. Maybe these thoughts, beliefs, things, or experiences don’t serve who you are today, but they helped you to grow. Maybe the presence of what you don’t want has taught you what you do want. Even your fears can be teachers. Fears often exist as a way to protect yourself. You can thank your fears for protecting you and let them know you no longer require their service.

    When you can step back and view your life through the lens of appreciation, you invite more beautiful people, experiences, opportunities, and feelings to enter your world.

    Let Go

    Let go has a couple different meanings here, and depending on where you are on your path, you may need one or both to help you move forward.

    First, the new moon offers you the chance to let go of anything that no longer serves and supports your mind, body, and spirit. Let go of limiting beliefs that are weighing you down. Let go of fears that are keeping you small. Let go of the stories you’re telling yourself about why something can’t be done.

    And, if necessary, let go of anything in your physical life that’s no longer meant to be a part of the chapter you’re in right now: people, things, and experiences.

    Letting go also means turning over your intentions and desires to the Universe. If you’ve spoken your innermost dreams to the Universe, allow yourself to let go of control and trust that you are being taken care of and supported in all moments.

    Trust that the Universe is working behind the scenes to make sure everything works out better than you can imagine.

    Trust it all to unfold beautifully, exactly as it’s meant to.

    Don’t focus on the absence of your desires in this moment; focus on the abundance of all that you have and all that’s on its way to you.

    Because when you focus on your abundance, your abundance grows.

    New Moon Rituals – Recap

    • Plant seeds of intention.
    • Write a new moon list.
    • Journal your innermost feelings.
    • Take a detox bath.
    • Cleanse your space.
    • Do a candle manifestation ritual.
    • Meditate under the night sky.
    • Communicate with your guides.
    • Express gratitude.
    • Let go.

    What are your favorite new moon rituals? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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  • how to protect your energy
    Self Love,  Spirituality

    How To Protect Your Energy (7 Essential Practices)

    In this post, learn how to protect your energy with 7 simple yet profound practices. Plus, get positive affirmations for protecting your energy and images you can save for later!

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    Protecting Your Energy

    One of the greatest self-care practices you can do on a daily basis is to protect your energy.

    But what exactly does this mean?

    Protecting your energy means choosing how you think and feel rather than allowing outside forces to dictate your thoughts and emotions.

    It means that no matter what’s happening in the outer world, you’re able to cultivate a beautiful inner world through your own thoughts, beliefs, and choices.

    And it means being true to your authentic self and not hiding or denying a single part of yourself for anything or anyone.

    Finally, it also means holding yourself accountable. For instance, if you’re in a group that’s gossiping about someone you know, you have the choice to engage in the gossip or step away. At all times, you can ask yourself, what action best serves my positive energy?

    Another question I like to ask is, what path feels most like love to me?

    For the example above, if love feels like walking away from gossip, then that’s the best thing you can do in that moment to protect your energy. Because ultimately, the best energy protector is love itself.

    Love might feel like morning meditations. It might feel like a walk in nature. It may feel like spending every Wednesday night alone, practicing self-care.

    In all instances, you can choose the path that feels like love to support and protect your divine energy.

    Below, I’ve listed seven powerful practices you can incorporate into your daily life to protect your energy. These practices range from using crystals and water as an energy purifier to taking social media breaks and setting loving boundaries. I encourage you to find the practices that resonate the most and begin to use them each day to protect your whole self: mind, body, and soul.

    And again, because it can’t be emphasized enough:

    The greatest way to protect your energy is to follow the path that feels like love.

    Love will always protect you. Love will always heal you. Love is your superpower.

    How to Protect Your Energy


    Protecting your energy from external toxicity all starts with your mindset.

    While all of the practices on this list are powerful in helping you to protect your energy, nothing is as powerful as knowing that you are in control of your thoughts and that you’re the only one who gets to choose how you feel.

    That’s why I’m putting affirmations at the top of this list. Using positive affirmations (and truly believing them!) is a powerful way to own your energy and decide how you want to feel in any given moment.

    When I first started using affirmations, I used them all the time: when I woke up, as I got ready in the morning, while I worked out, as I was driving, while I cooked dinner, as I got ready for bed, and anytime the opportunity presented itself to embrace positive thinking.

    Eventually, though, this practice lessened: not because I suddenly forgot about affirmations but because the powerful words had become a part of me.

    I no longer had to constantly affirm that I was worthy because I knew in every cell of my being that I was undeniably and unconditionally worthy, no matter what.

    That’s why affirmations can be so powerful when it comes to protecting your energy. In the beginning, you may need to remind yourself to repeat them, but in time, the powerful, protective words will become a part of you.

    Below, you’ll find a list of affirmations for protecting your energy. You can also find more protection affirmations to guard your energy in this post.

    Affirmations for Protecting Your Energy
    • I am in charge of my own energy. I choose how I feel in every moment.
    • I am the only one who gets to choose how I feel.
    • I am choosing to feel grounded, calm, peaceful, and secure.
    • I am safe and supported, rooted in this present moment.
    • I have the power to rise above negative emotions that do not serve me.
    • Even when the world around me feels chaotic, I remain rooted firmly to the ground.
    • When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I allow myself space to pause and breathe.
    • I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this same energy in return.
    • I am strong, steady, and grounded.
    • I am always supported and protected.
    • I deeply appreciate my ability to remain calm and peaceful in all situations.
    • I am grateful for the abundance of strength that radiates throughout my entire body.
    Affirmations to protect your energy


    Crystals are a powerful resources for protecting your energy and helping you to remain grounded, stable, and secure.

    My personal favorite way to use crystals for energy protection is to wear them as jewelry, as this allows me to remain protected throughout the day, no matter where I go. I also like to keep protective stones in spaces where I know I might encounter some negative external energy, such as in my workspace and in the car. And if you’re doing an energy protection meditation, holding protective gemstones in your hands while meditating can be a powerful way to amplify your intentions.

    To learn more about how to cleanse, program, and use crystals, you can check out my blog post on how to use crystals here.

    Here’s a list of crystals and stones you can wear, carry, or keep in your space to protect you from toxic energy:

    • Hematite
    • Obsidian
    • Onyx
    • Black Tourmaline
    • Shungite

    If you want to learn more about the specific meanings of each stone, I’ve got you covered in this article on grounding crystals for stability and energy protection.


    For centuries, various cultures and religions have used water as a way to cleanse, purify, heal, and help one reach spiritual enlightenment. Don’t underestimate the power of water to cleanse your aura from toxic energy. Just like water can cleanse the energy of a crystal, water can cleanse your own energy both within and outside of you in a profound way.

    Ideally, you’d be able to spend time at the ocean or near a lake or river whenever you need a spiritual reset. But if that isn’t possible, that’s okay! A shower or a bath works just as well in cleansing your energy.

    One of my favorite practices is to meditate in the shower by imagining the water washing away any negativity within or around me. This practice only takes a minute or two but can positively affect your energy throughout your day.

    First, close your eyes. Take a deep, soulful inhale and a rejuvenating exhale. Concentrate on how the water feels on your skin. As the water falls around you, imagine it washing away any negative thoughts and emotions you’re holding onto. The water takes your tension and carries it to the drain. Anything that doesn’t serve your highest good is washed away from your body.

    Feel your body becoming lighter. Your mind is clear. Your heart is open. Anything that doesn’t serve or support your total well-being has been washed away, swirling down the drain, where it will be cleansed by the earth.

    When you’re done, smile and express gratitude. Feel the strength of your body, mind, and spirit.

    You are worthy, powerful, whole, and more than enough. Carry those feelings with you throughout your day.

    For more information on how water can heal and purify, I encourage you to check out this article from Sonima: The Radical Healing Effects of Water.

    6 effective ways to do a shower meditation


    When you feel like you’re surrounded by negative energy, visualization can be a profound way to replace any negativity in your auric field with positivy, protection, and love.

    While you may associate visualization exercises with meditation, you can actually take a moment to practice visualization almost anytime during the day.

    For instance, let’s say that you’re at work, and the energy of your coworkers, employees, and/or customers feels especially negative today. People are stressed and blaming each other for mistakes. The air around you feels tense, and that tension is starting to seep into your body, mind, and spirit.

    Take a moment to step back from the outer world. Close your eyes. Imagine a beautiful light is surrounding your entire body. This light might be white, gold, purple, or any other color that resonates with you. See that light protecting your body from any negative external energy that tries to seep in. Visualize yourself walking through your day, being protected by this light at all times.

    Know that you are always, always being divinely guided and protected. No amount of toxic energy can break through the loving shield of the Universe.

    Breathing Exercises

    A breathing exercise is conscious, purposeful breathing with the intention of calming the mind, relieving stress, improving your lung function, and grounding yourself to the present moment.

    What I love about breathing exercises is that it feels like a mini-meditation that you can do practically anytime and anywhere.

    Breathing exercises can be powerful practices to protect your energy because they allow you to step back from the external world and return to your inner self. And when you return to your inner self, you can release the stress and overwhelm of the outer world and cultivate a sense of calmness, peace, and groundedness within.

    My personal favorite breathing exercise is alternate nostril breathing, which you can read more about here.

    Another simple yet powerful practice is the 4-7-8 breathing technique. In this practice, you inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, pause at the top of your inhale for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat this 4 to 8 times in a session.

    Often, at the end of a breathing exercise, I’ll recite a few grounding affirmations to affirm that I’m in control of my thoughts and emotions. You don’t have to do this, but if you want, you can give it a try and see if this practice resonates with you.

    For more examples of breathing exercises, you can check out this article from Healthline here.

    how to protect your energy

    Social Media Breaks

    I don’t believe social media is universally good or bad; I think it’s all in how we use it and what kind of people/accounts we choose to connect with.

    In my experience, social media can be a beautiful platform for connecting with incredible souls, receiving positive messages, and creating a community based in love, kindness, compassion, and support. I think the use of social media has served my growth in many ways, especially in the past year.

    But there have also been many, many times when I’ve needed to step back and take a break from it all.

    I won’t go too in depth on the dangers of social media here, because I think it’s likely you’ve heard most of the arguments against it: it can be a highlight reel of people’s best moments, causing you to somehow think your life is “less than” because you don’t have everything another person has.

    It’s also easy to get trapped in the belief that likes and follows somehow have any kind of impact on your worthiness (which is 100% not true).

    And even if you only follow positive accounts, you might start to think that you’re supposed to be a positive, upbeat person 100% of the time, which also isn’t true.

    Taking regular social media breaks is necessary for protecting your energy in the long-term. Like I said, I believe there are a lot of really great aspects of social media, and in most cases, I don’t think it’s necessary to delete it entirely.

    But I do recommend scheduling social media breaks into your calendar. Also take non-scheduled breaks when you start to feel like social media is becoming an energy depleter instead of an energy restorer.

    And if there’s an account that makes you feel less than or causes you to feel negative or toxic energy within?


    Choose to consciously curate your social media feed to best support your mind, body, and spirit.

    Set Boundaries


    For most of us, this is likely the hardest practice on this list.

    Whether it’s in your personal or professional life, setting boundaries can be a difficult practice because it often requires having uncomfortable conversations. What helps me in this situation is to ask myself, what’s more uncomfortable? Having a conversation about boundaries, or not setting boundaries and continuing to live in a state of frustration, anger, and/or overwhelm?

    If you’re feeling hurt or resentful about something, then 10 times out of 10, the best thing you can do to heal your energy is to set boundaries.

    However hard it may feel, it is possible to make the practice of setting boundaries a little easier. How do you do this? By stepping forward in the energy of love.

    Often, we imagine conversations about boundaries to be hard, serious, and even negative. However, it is possible to approach this act with love and compassion for everyone involved. I recommend writing down your thoughts before having this conversation and scheduling time when you can have a calm conversation with the person or people you’re setting boundaries with.

    In other words, try to approach this with a sense of clarity and calm rather than letting yourself get consumed by the heat of the moment and potentially saying something you’ll regret later.

    Also remember, boundaries aren’t always about another person. Often, they’re about what you need. For instance, maybe you need one night a week to yourself without any interruptions. This may mean that you need to set a boundary that Wednesday nights are your nights. By dedicating this time to yourself, you’ll actually be able to show up better the rest of the week for the people in your life.

    So remember, boundaries aren’t a negative thing. They’re a way you can show love to yourself, which ultimately will positively affect all aspects or your life.

    Recap: How to Protect Your Energy

    • Recite empowering, grounding affirmations to affirm that you are in control of your thoughts and the only one who gets to decide how you feel.
    • Use protective crystals and gemstones such as Obsidian, Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, and Shungite.
    • Let the power of cleansing water purify your mind, body, and spirit.
    • Visualize a healing light surrounding you and protecting your auric field.
    • Do breathing exercises to calm your mind, let go of stress, and ground yourself to the present moment.
    • Take social media breaks whenever it feels as though social media is depleting or negatively affecting your energy.
    • Set loving boundaries that serve your total well-being.

    In what situations do you feel most in need of energy protection? And what practices have you used to protect your energy? Share your favorite practices in the comment box below!

    And for more empowering self-love tips, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest!

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    how to protect your energy
    Pin this for later! How to Protect Your Energy (7 Essential Practices)
  • positive workout affirmations
    Affirmations,  Self Love

    50 Positive Workout Affirmations To Affirm Your Strength

    Mindset is key when it comes to working out, and these positive workout affirmations are designed to empower and motivate you before, during, and after your workout! Below, discover 50 positive workout affirmations to affirm your undeniable strength, power, and resilience. Plus, learn how to overcome “gymtimidation” so you can step into the gym with courage and confidence.

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    Positive Workout Affirmations

    Want to skip straight to the affirmations? Click here. Or skip ahead to learn about seven powerful ways for overcoming “gymtimidation” here!

    If you’ve ever set out to start a consistent exercise routine, you know that the hardest part of the workout often isn’t physical; it’s your own mental barriers that can hold you back from reaching the success you’re capable of achieving.

    I’ve run one full marathon and four half marathons. I’ve gone on hikes that required me to climb thousands of feet of elevation. I’ve lifted weights I didn’t think I could lift, and I’ve stretched and moved my body in ways I didn’t think was possible.

    And while clearly, my body played an integral role in achieving these feats, I needed more than just my body to get me through the longest miles and toughest climbs; I needed that voice in my mind repeating over and over again, yes I can.

    On the flip side, I’ve also abandoned runs a mile or two in because my brain just couldn’t get into it, even when I felt rested and strong. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stopped in the middle of a set or skipped stretching, just because I didn’t feel like it.

    Know that I’m not judging myself for these moments, because they were all powerful learning experiences. I know that consistency always beats perfection, so it’s okay to be imperfect sometimes as long as I keep growing and showing up for myself as best as I can.

    Mindset is key in all that we do, including working out. If I tell myself that I can’t run one more mile, then that becomes my truth, whether or not my body was actually capable of going farther.

    I’ve found that reciting positive affirmations and empowering mantras to myself has been key in harnessing the power of my mindset when I work out. However, what I say to myself before my workout is different than what I say during my workout, and both are different from what I say after my workout.

    So I’ve divided the affirmations below into pre-workout, during workout, and post-workout affirmations. The pre-workout affirmations are designed to empower you to show up and choose to exercise from a place of self-love and self-respect. The post-workout affirmations are to help you affirm that you absolutely did enough, no matter what, and also to gently remind you to prioritize rest and recovery.

    You’ll notice that the affirmations that are designed for you to recite during your workout are a little shorter, and that’s because I’ve found that when I’m exercising, I tend be more motivated by short and punchy phrases than long sentences. They’re a lot easier to remember, too!

    I encourage you to use these positive workout affirmations from a place of total love for yourself, knowing you are strong, powerful, and more than enough.

    And be sure to stick around after the affirmations to discover seven powerful tips for overcoming “gymtimidation” and hitting the gym with confidence!

    A Quick Note

    Please know that the words above and the affirmations below are not meant to guilt you into working out, ESPECIALLY if your body is tired and needs rest and recovery time. Taking care of your body also means taking days off, getting enough sleep, and sometimes replacing your difficult workout with more gentle movement that feels good to you. Honor your body by listening to it and giving it the care it needs. If you’ve already carved out time to workout but know that you need to rest, I wholeheartedly recommend using the time to do a loving self-care practice that will realign the energy of your mind, body, and spirit.

    positive workout affirmations
    Pin this for later! 50 Positive Workout Affirmations to Affirm Your Undeniable Strength

    Pre-Workout Affirmations

    • I honor my body by moving it in ways that feel good to me.
    • My body craves exercise, and I give it what it wants.
    • I am brimming with abundant energy and infinite vitality.
    • I am worth the energy I dedicate to myself.
    • Everything I put out, I gain back tenfold.
    • I choose to be my own priority.
    • Healthy living is a choice I make for my total wellbeing.
    • I take care of my future by taking care of the present moment.
    • I’m showing up for myself today, no matter what.
    • I don’t have to be perfect; I just have to show up.
    • I exercise because I love my body.
    • I am so grateful for my resilient spirit that keeps going no matter what.
    • I know that when I’m done, I’ll be so glad I started.
    • I love to take care of myself and treat my body with the love it deserves.
    • My body is capable of more than I can even imagine.
    • I am filled with energy, passion, and vitality.
    • Abundant energy flows freely to and through me.

    Workout Affirmations

    • I am strong.
    • I am powerful.
    • I am resilient.
    • I am incredible.
    • I am pure magic.
    • I’ve got this.
    • I can do anything.
    • I can achieve anything I want.
    • I can do anything I put my mind to.
    • There is nothing I can’t achieve.
    • Strong is who I am.
    • I can do hard things.
    • When I show up, magic happens.
    • I am worth it.
    • I’m a powerful being and I can do anything I want.
    • I can succeed. I will succeed.
    • I can and I will.
    • Yes, I can.

    Post-Workout Affirmations

    • Every step I took today made me stronger, tougher, and more resilient.
    • I did enough.
    • Even if it wasn’t perfect, it was enough.
    • I give my body the rest and recovery it needs.
    • I give myself permission to rest.
    • I fuel my body with the healthy nutrients it needs to recover.
    • I feel healthy, strong, and invigorated.
    • Every day, I get stronger.
    • I am strong in mind, body, and spirit.
    • I am so grateful for my healthy body that gets stronger every day.
    • I love this resilient heart of mine.
    • I love my incredible body.
    • I am beautiful. I am incredible. I am whole.
    • I am so grateful that I showed up for myself today.
    • I love myself fully, completely, and unconditionally. Always.

    7 Ways To Boost Your Confidence At The Gym

    Going to the gym can be a vulnerable experience. You might look around and think everyone else knows exactly what they’re doing, while you’re not even sure where to start. Maybe you even worry that other gym-goers are judging you.

    This feeling of fear and anxiety about working out in front of others has been termed “gymtimidation.” If you struggle with this anxiety, you’re not alone. Many of the people you see confidently taking up space in the gym suffered from gymtimidation at one point, and maybe they still do, even if they don’t show it.

    There are several ways to overcome your fears and hit the gym with confidence, which we’ll explore below.

    1. Stick To A Routine

    Rather than going to the gym every once in a while, you’ll want to build trips to the gym into your daily routine. Stick to a schedule that works for you and visit the gym consistently in order to make exercise a healthy habit.

    1. Focus On Yourself

    Oftentimes, anxiety at the gym results from worries about whether other people are judging you. However, it’s important to remember that the people around you are usually 100% focused on their own workouts. Let the fear of judgment melt away and concentrate on your own goals.

    1. Get Advice

    If you don’t know how to perform a certain exercise or use a particular machine, ask a floor manager or a fitness trainer for advice. They’ll be able to give you quick guidance that will help you feel prepared and confident in your gym knowledge.

    1. Build Strength At Home 

    It can sometimes be easier to hit the gym when you’ve already learned the basics and built up strength. Try watching exercise tutorials at home and perfecting your form in the mirror. That way, you’ll feel more ready to hit the gym.

    1. Listen To Music

    According to Scientific American, “Music distracts people from pain and fatigue” and “elevates mood.” Creating an empowering workout playlist can help you feel confident and stay focused when exercising at the gym. You can either choose from the variety of pre-made workout playlists available online or customize your own.

    1. Bring A Friend

    Getting a workout buddy can make trips to the gym feel a lot less intimidating. This is because buddying up gives you a friendly face in an otherwise new and potentially intimidating environment. Your gym buddy can also help you stay accountable and crush your fitness goals.

    1. Find A Gym That Suits You

    Make sure the gym you pick is one you genuinely enjoy. Especially if you’re new to the gym scene, you’ll want to choose a place with a supportive culture and plenty of equipment for a range of experience levels.

    Joining a gym can be scary. However, these tips should help you build the confidence you need to meet your fitness goals.

    Looking for more inspiration to combat gym anxiety? Take a look at the infographic below for a summary of these tips and some additional information on how to crush gymtimidation.

    What are your favorite workout affirmations? Share your tips and experiences in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

    More Affirmations for You

    50 Positive Workout Affirmations To Affirm Your Strength
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  • paulo coelho quotes
    Quotes,  Self Love

    22 Profound Paulo Coelho Quotes (With Images)

    In this post, discover 22 profound Paulo Coelho quotes to inspire you to release fear and suffering and embrace the dreams that have been placed in your heart. Plus, save the quote images below to your phone, tablet, or laptop so you can come back to these inspirational words whenever you need them.

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    Paulo Coelho

    Time and time again, whenever I’m feeling sad, lost, or misaligned, I find myself returning to Paulo Coelho‘s brilliant words, which always feel like a cool drink of water on a hot summer day.

    The first time I heard his quote, “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it,” I felt like the weight of the world was gently lifted off my shoulders. Immediately, I knew in my heart that these words were true: that the universe was always supporting me, even when I couldn’t see it.

    And then there’s his quote, “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.”

    These empowering words helped me to release my worries and anxiety about stepping into the life of my dreams. I realized that I was only suffering by holding myself back, but when I chose to align with the dreams that were placed in my heart, there was no more room for suffering.

    There was only hope. Only passion. Only love.

    And one that I’ve recently been coming back to over and over again is this: “You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.” 

    I love routine and order, and I tend to approach all of my days in the same way. And while there isn’t anything inherently wrong with this, I’ve realized that I can still open my eyes and choose to view each day as a miracle. That there’s always magic to be found if you simply decide to look for it.

    All of these themes and more can be found in Coelho’s novel The Alchemist, a book I continually come back to and immerse myself in like a warm blanket on a cold day, filling me with light and warmth and hope.

    Below, I’ve compiled 22 of my favorite Paulo Coelho quotes for inspiration, joy, hope, and following your dreams. I’ve also created images for each of these quotes, so feel free to choose your favorites and save them to your phone so you can come back to them whenever you need a little light in your day.

    I hope these quotes bring you as much hope and inspiration as they’ve brought me.

    Paulo Coelho Quotes

    paulo coelho quotes
    1. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    2. “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    3. “You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    4. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    5. “The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    6. “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    7. “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    8. “Everybody has a creative potential and from the moment you can express this creative potential, you can start changing the world.” 

    paulo coelho quotes

    9. “The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    10. “If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule – Never lie to yourself.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    11. “People are capable at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.” 

    paulo coelho quotes

    12. “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    13. “You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.” 

    paulo coelho quotes

    14. “You are what you believe yourself to be.” 

    paulo coelho quotes

     15. “You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    16. “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    17. “The two worst strategic mistakes to make are acting prematurely and letting an opportunity slip; to avoid this, the warrior treats each situation as if it were unique and never resorts to formulae, recipes or other people’s opinions.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    18. “We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it’s another to think that yours is the only path.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    19. “No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn’t know it.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    20. “A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.”

    paulo coelho quotes

    21. “The act of discovering who we are will force us to accept that we can go further than we think.”

    paulo coelho quotes

     22. “I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It’s all a question of how I view my life.”

    What quotes inspire you to live your boldest, most authentic life? Share your favorites in the comment box below!

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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    paulo coelho quotes
    Pin this for later! 22 Profound Paulo Coelho Quotes (With Images)
  • mala beads
    Mindfulness,  Spirituality

    What Are Mala Beads? (A How-To Guide)

    What are mala beads and how are they used? In this article, you’ll get the complete guide to using mala beads in meditation, manifestation, gratitude practices, and more. Plus get my recommendations for beautiful mala beads you can purchase today.

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

    mala beads
    Pin this for later! What Are Mala Beads? A Complete How-To Guide

    What Are Mala Beads?

    For centuries, many different religions have been using prayer beads as part of their spiritual practice. My grandpa was Catholic, and growing up, I remember seeing him pray with his rosary set between his fingers at least once a day. At his funeral, there were multiple stories told of my Grandpa Moose and his rosary, and there was also a service in which loved ones honored his memory by reciting the Holy Rosary as they held rosary beads.

    Mala beads have been used as part of a spiritual practice for over 3,000 years, most prominently associated with Hinduism and Buddhism. However, they have gained widespread acceptance among people of various spiritual backgrounds, and in many cultures, they’re used as part of a non-religious affiliated meditation practice.

    So what exactly are mala beads?

    Mala beads are a string of beads used as a meditation and mindfulness aid. Typically, they have 108 beads, and while each necklace or bracelet is unique, they generally all have the same standard components, such as the Guru Bead, the Tassel, Marker Beads, and Spacer Beads. We’ll define the function of these different components below.

    The most common use of mala beads is to recite a mantra during meditation. They’re also often used as a mindful breathing tool, and you can even use them as part of your manifestation practice. Many people who have a difficult time sitting still during meditation find that incorporating mala beads into their practice helps them to relax and cultivate a greater sense of mindfulness as they meditate.

    Below, you’ll learn about the various components of mala beads, how to use them, and how to choose the best mala beads for you.

    In This Article

    Common Components Of Mala Beads

    mala beads components

    As mentioned above, the common components you’ll see in a mala bead necklace are the following:

    • 108 Counting Beads
    • Guru Bead
    • Marker Beads
    • Spacer or Decorative Beads
    • Knots
    • Charm
    • Tassel

    Here’s the function of each of these components:

    108 Counting Beads

    Each mala necklace typically has 108 identical counting or primary beads, though some have less, which is okay. In meditation, it’s typical to hold the mala beads with one hand, draped across your fingers, and touch each counting bead with the thumb and middle finger one at a time, working your way through the entire necklace. You’ll complete one full inhale and exhale with each bead before moving to the next. (More on this practice in the How-To section below.)

    Guru Bead

    The Guru Bead is your starting point. It is typically bigger and has a distinct look from the other beads on the mala necklace or bracelet, though sometimes it’ll be the same type of bead as the marker beads. You’ll usually find this bead attached to the tassel.

    Marker Beads

    You’ll typically find four marker beads on a mala necklace, spaced at every 27th bead. These marker beads are usually slightly bigger than the counting beads and often a different color. The marker beads are a way to help you come back to your meditation if your mind has strayed. When you come across a marker bead, it reminds you to return to the present moment. In essence, this is a beautiful mindfulness tool. (Note that not all malas have marker beads.)

    Spacer/Decorative Beads

    The spacer beads are typically smaller (and often flatter) beads placed between larger beads. Depending on the unique necklace, you may see these in different sections, such as between the Guru bead and counting beads or before and after every marker bead. Note that not all mala necklaces have spacer beads. You do not count the spacer beads during your meditation.


    In a typical mala necklace, you’ll find a small knot between each bead. The knot ensures that if the string breaks, the beads will not be lost. This makes your mala stronger, and the knots can also help with the movement of the mala during your meditation.


    Your mala may or may not have a charm on the end, often in place of the tassel. The charm is typically ornamental, though you may choose one that has special meaning to you, such as a lotus flower or chakra symbol.


    While the tassel may seem at first appearance to be decorative, it’s actually steeped in deep spiritual symbolism. The strings of the mala loop through all of the beads, coming together through the Guru bead and finishing in the tassel. Some view this coming together of the strings to be symbolic of oneness, both with the Universe and each other. It can also be viewed as one’s desire to reach enlightenment. While I didn’t list it here, you can also view the string or thread that the beads are threaded on to be an important component of the mala, as it’s the link that brings everything together.

    Want to create your own mala beads? Check out Alice Peck’s Mindful Beads: 20 Inspiring Ideas for Stringing and Personalizing Your Own Mala Prayer Beads, Plus Their Meanings. This book includes the stories and meanings behind 20 types of beads, plus how to instill your own beads with significance, protection, and promise as you string them.

    How To Choose Mala Beads

    There isn’t a science to choosing your mala, which is a good thing if you’re like me and tend to follow your intuition when making decisions.

    Choosing the right mala beads for you is truly an intuitive practice. As you start searching for the right one for you, you’ll find mala bead necklaces that come in all different colors and often are made of different materials. Some of these materials might include gemstones, pearls, wood, and lotus seeds.

    This is one of the most important questions to ask yourself as you’re searching for mala beads:

    “Do I find it beautiful?”

    It truly is that simple. Find the one that speaks to you. If you’re browsing through mala beads and one nudges your heart, it’s very likely you’ve found the perfect mala necklace for you.

    I know from personal experience, however, that it’s easy to get stuck in your own head when making these types of decisions. I have a history of over-analyzing my shopping choices, from what yearly planner I should purchase to what pint of ice cream I want to buy (and promptly consume). I love to follow my heart, but sometimes my heart wants mint chocolate chip and cookies n’ cream.

    If you’re having trouble choosing, I find it helpful to step back and ask myself, “What are my intentions?” Do I want to use these mala beads to help me cultivate spirituality? Do I want to feel a connection with a higher power? Do I want to improve my meditations? Is this a way for me to feel more calm and relaxation?

    Once you’ve established your intentions, you may have a clearer picture of which mala beads you want to purchase.

    Finally, if you’re in a physical store, it’s always helpful to pick up the mala beads and get a feel for them within your fingers. Since you’re going to be holding these beads for an extended amount of time, you want to make sure you choose ones that feel good to you.

    Benefits of Using Mala Beads

    So why use mala beads? We’ve touched upon this a little bit above, but let’s dive into all the reasons mala beads can be beneficial to you:

    • Promotes Mindfulness: As you take conscious inhales and exhales with each bead before moving onto the next, you’re more likely to remain in the present moment throughout your meditation. And if your thoughts do drift, you’ll eventually reach one of the marker beads, which will gently bring you back to the here and now.
    • Can Improve Your Meditation: This is especially true if you have a hard time sitting still for extended amounts of time. If you find yourself wanting to move around and fidget while meditating, mala beads are the perfect tool for you to incorporate into your practice. It’s, in a sense, mindful fidgeting. (Kind of?)
    • Helps Improve Your Breathwork: I tend to be pretty good at consciously paying attention to my inhales and exhales while meditating . . . at least during the first few minutes. I’ve found that mala beads empower me to be more conscious of my breathing throughout my meditation. And to circle back to the two bulletpoints above, this helps to promote mindfulness and improves my meditation.
    • Connection With a Higher Power: The mala is more than just its individual components; it’s an entire unit brought together by the thread that links together the counting beads with the marker beads with the Guru bead with the tassel. This unity represents our own unity: unity with our higher selves, unity with each other, and unity with a higher power.

    How To Use Mala Beads

    mala beads


    While using mala beads in meditation may seem overwhelming at first, it’s actually an extremely simple and effective way to meditate that requires little to no technical ability.

    Before using mala beads in meditation, I want you to give yourself permission to be imperfect, especially as you’re first learning. It’s okay if you don’t follow all of the steps perfectly when you’re just starting. The most important thing is intention. If your heart is in the right place, and your intentions are positive, this is far more important than perfection.

    Furthermore, you can use your imperfections as a way to practice mindfulness, non-judgmental awareness, and compassion. Were you holding your mala beads with the incorrect fingers? Was your mind so distracted, you missed the marker beads? Notice, accept, and keep going.

    Here’s your step-by-step directions for how to use mala beads in meditation. I’ll discuss some alternative uses below.

    Breathing Meditation
    1. Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. If you already have an ongoing meditation practice, you may already have a time and space that works for you. If you use the full 108 beads, this practice typically takes 30 minutes. If you decide not to use the full 108 beads, that’s okay. You can choose to stop at one of the marker beads instead.
    2. Drape your mala beads over your non-dominant hand. Make sure you feel comfortable and that the beads will be easy to move. With your thumb and middle finger of your dominant hand, gently touch the Guru bead. You typically do not use the index finger in this practice, as the index finger is connected to the Ego.
    3. Touch the first counting bead, and take one full inhale and exhale. Then, move to the second bead. Continue this process, inhaling and exhaling once per bead. You’ll stop when you make your way around back to the Guru bead.
    4. As mentioned above, you can choose to shorten your meditation by stopping at one of the marker beads. Alternatively, if you wish to extend your meditation, you can turn the mala around and start again. Note that it’s common practice not to jump over the Guru bead. So if you’re extending your meditation, rather than jumping over it to start back at the first counting bead, you’d turn the mala around and go in reverse.
    Mantra Meditation

    I was first introduced to using mala beads in meditation through the practice of mantra meditations. A mantra meditation is one in which you repeat a specific mantra throughout the meditation (traditionally, 108 times). This form of meditation is also known as japa meditation.

    Your chosen mantra should be something that resonates with you. It can be a sacred word, affirmation, divine name, or simply a word such as love or peace.

    Here are a few examples of possible mantras you could use:

    • Aum or Om (This has many rich and deep meanings. It is known as the word of God, the sacred sound of the Universe, and the union of the mind, body, and spirit.)
    • Om Shanti Om (Universal Peace)
    • Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (Peace of Mind, Body, and Speech)
    • Love
    • Peace
    • I am love.
    • I am peace.
    • I am worthy.
    • I am enough.
    • Love guides me.

    To perform a mantra meditation using mala beads, you’ll essentially take the same steps you do with the breathing meditation. However, in place of the conscious inhales and exhales, you’ll repeat your chosen mantra as you touch each bead. You can repeat your mantra either internally, at a whisper under your breath, or out loud. Do what makes you feel most comfortable.

    Finally, here’s great 5-minute tutorial on how to hold and use your mala beads.

    Alternative Uses

    While meditation is the most common way to use mala beads, it’s not the only way. Here are a few other practices for using mala beads:

    • Wear Your Beads: Wearing your mala beads is more than just a fashion statement; it’s a profound practice to connect you to your highest self and cultivate mindfulness in your life. When you wear your beads, you can set the intention to remember the same peace and serenity you feel when you’re meditating. The most common ways to wear your beads are as a necklace or wrapped around your wrist as a bracelet.
    • Manifestation: The most powerful way to use mala beads for manifestation is to recite affirmations for manifestation as you touch each bead. To do this, you’d follow the same steps I wrote above for the breathing meditation, but in place of the conscious inhales and exhales, you’d recite a positive affirmation. As you do this, consciously make sure to feel the positive energy of the affirmation flowing through you. It’s up to you whether you’d like to recite different affirmations or repeat the same affirmations throughout. For some ideas of affirmations to use, here are some Law of Attraction affirmations and manifestation affirmations to get you started.
    • Gratitude Practice: This has become one of my personal favorite ways to use mala beads. Again, you’ll follow the same instructions as above for the breathing meditation, but here, you’ll think of one thing you’re grateful for as you touch each bead. I know it may seem like 108 things is a lot, but it actually becomes pretty easy once you get going. For instance, you can think about each individual part of your body, from your eyes to your lips to your lungs, arms, stomach, legs, and feet (and everything in-between). You can also think about individual people, memories, and luxuries we often take for granted, like air conditioning and running water.

    Mala Beads to Purchase

    If you’re looking for beautiful mala beads to incorporate into your meditation practice, check out the links below! Note that most of the selections below have more color and stone options when you click on the link.

    And that’s it! Have you ever used mala beads in your meditation practice? Or do you have questions about how they’re used? Share your tips and questions in the comment box below.

    And for more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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